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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Degu giving me responses like that is why idgaf about a claim. Your detrimental reguardless of alignment pulling for ATE, you're better than that when you are town.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.

Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[1] th3kuzinator: Potassium,
[0] KevinM:
[5] Degausser: Swishy, th3kuzinator, Red Ryu, KevinM, Nabe,
[2] Kary: Acrostic, Rajam,
[0] Nabe:
[0] dabuz:
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[1] Rajam: -Masquerain-,
[0] Acrostic:

[4] Not voting: Degausser, Kary, dabuz, BadWolf28738,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 1]Swishy: Votes Degausser
Degausser: Votes Kary > Unvotes
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser
Acrostic: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser
KevinM: Votes Degausser
Rajam: Votes Kary
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator
-Masquerain-: Votes Rajam
Nabe: Votes Degausser[/collapse]

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Degu giving me responses like that is why idgaf about a claim. Your detrimental reguardless of alignment pulling for ATE, you're better than that when you are town.
ryu if we lynched everyone who was detrimental to town the game would almost be over. who else do you think might be scum?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I can live with this.

Or, actually, I guess I can't. But you know what I mean. Was telling soup yesterday that kuz has shown himself to be a liability this game. If he's town, he's a dangerous combination of stubborn, conceited and attractive. If he's scum, then he's scum, nice shot.
so do you think kuz is scum, or not? why?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ryu if we lynched everyone who was detrimental to town the game would almost be over. who else do you think might be scum?
Not find of you or Kantrip.

But still I'm looking at Kuz or Rajam in case I am wrong, Nabe is 100% town would take to Lylo.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
So both halves have talked it over and agree on the following.

Doc on us. Less importantly, vig hits kuz on a Degausser townflip. If he flips scum, hit Rajam.

Kary, tomorrow kuz will start off the dayphase coming for your jugular if the vig is too much of a ****ing moron to do his job and kill him. So if he's still alive marshy has a hard enough town read on you and Potato to pull the rug out from underneath kuz tomorrow and unleash the hardbody. Potato, I will need your help on this due to SWF Town's general incompetence at lynching scummy people without a ****ing essay handed to them on a silver platter and Kary's nigh unrivaled propensity of getting himself killed.

Nabe, as my sword I'm going to need to talk over Kary with you because we are obviously of different opinions regarding his alignment when I want us to be in sync. Does kuz not disgust the utter **** out of you especially on a Degausser townflip? Feel free to withhold your response until tomorrow.

Degausser, you are a complete ****ing moron for not killing who we would have ordered if your latest shenanigans are legit.

Oh? As I recall you're also on the wagon with me. After Nabe's response I would love an elaboration as to why his town flip would implicate me in any form.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Degu giving me responses like that is why idgaf about a claim. Your detrimental reguardless of alignment pulling for ATE, you're better than that when you are town.
It is not AtE just because we're frustrated. It is justified frustration. That tends to happen when literally nothing you can say will change another person's hastily formed opinion of you. Your post right here is proof of this.
so do you think kuz is scum, or not? why?
Been leaning scum lately. His reads confuse me (and I happen to be aware that he's wrong on at least one of them). A player like kuz, as town, shouldn't be this lazy. Even Marshy, captain hardbody, is giving more due diligence to the lynch than kuz is. It just rings hollow, and like he's just trying to push a lynch through. His push on me is bad and unsubstantiated and the only reason he thinks he can hang on it is because of his clout.

Which is where my only lingering doubt comes from—kuz has earned a reputation, and they could cloud his judgement. He may be so used to being right that he just thinks he can't be wrong and doesn't self-edit anymore. I give kuz a little more credit than this though. But either way, with the way he's playing, it's bad for town.

Oh, look, kuz is scared of my townflip. Now why would that be?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Easy strategy of pursuing inactivity?

vote: Kary

#1 this is a list of people I think I can read scummy.

#2 I hardly consider Kantrip or RR inactive

I have a question for you. What do you think about players (for example, KevinM), saying you should be lynched/vigged?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I like that you've molded a counter attack from my question@ Swishy asking him to elaborate how his situation was different than mine. Your reasoning is bad and your 370 is plain awful and transparant. Your entire argument revolves around meta and the argument that my reads havn't been substantiated, which is completly false if you've ben actually reading the thread.

Just because im witty enough to enrage you into panic AtEflail mode doesn't mean im pushing your lynch on my bravado alone.

RR's got it right.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I like that you've molded a counter attack from my question@ Swishy asking him to elaborate how his situation was different than mine. Your reasoning is bad and your 370 is plain awful and transparant. Your entire argument revolves around meta and the argument that my reads havn't been substantiated, which is completly false if you've ben actually reading the thread.

Just because im witty enough to enrage you into panic AtEflail mode doesn't mean im pushing your lynch on my bravado alone.

RR's got it right.

What have you done besides bang the drum about me and Kary being scum together? How's that coming along, by the way? You keep throwing out statements to try and discredit us but I'm not sure what legs you think you're still standing on. Are you prepared for when we flip town? And if so, what's your next move then? Meta? No. I don't believe either me of Circus have really made this into a meta argument. You're full of yourself and it doesn't take meta to see it. You haven't even tried to come to conclusions about this wagon and you're more focused about death-tunneling us. You want some meta? I want to believe you're better than this. I want to believe that you wouldn't stoop this low. Circus first thought you were even just blowing smoke and trying to get a reaction out of us, but I guess not. If you truly, 100% believe what you previously said, then you are a complete liability as your own stubborn will be the bane of both town and yourself. Let's not come to that, and how about instead of acting high and mighty, you come off your soapbox and start talking to us. What do you think of the current progression of our wagon? Who's town? Who's scum? These are all things you should be considering. You talk about how your reads are substantiated, and I reply, "what reads?" Your nabe town one? You mean the one you haven't substantiated? Oh wait, maybe it's the Swi- oh wait no you haven't done that either. I know! The Potass- Oh no, dear. You haven't done that either. Just because you throw out a name and a label doesn't mean it's substantiated.

Die young and save yourself.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
What have you done besides bang the drum about me and Kary being scum together? How's that coming along, by the way? You keep throwing out statements to try and discredit us but I'm not sure what legs you think you're still standing on. Are you prepared for when we flip town? And if so, what's your next move then? Meta? No. I don't believe either me of Circus have really made this into a meta argument. You're full of yourself and it doesn't take meta to see it. You haven't even tried to come to conclusions about this wagon and you're more focused about death-tunneling us. You want some meta? I want to believe you're better than this. I want to believe that you wouldn't stoop this low. Circus first thought you were even just blowing smoke and trying to get a reaction out of us, but I guess not. If you truly, 100% believe what you previously said, then you are a complete liability as your own stubborn will be the bane of both town and yourself. Let's not come to that, and how about instead of acting high and mighty, you come off your soapbox and start talking to us. What do you think of the current progression of our wagon? Who's town? Who's scum? These are all things you should be considering. You talk about how your reads are substantiated, and I reply, "what reads?" Your nabe town one? You mean the one you haven't substantiated? Oh wait, maybe it's the Swi- oh wait no you haven't done that either. I know! The Potass- Oh no, dear. You haven't done that either. Just because you throw out a name and a label doesn't mean it's substantiated.

Die young and save yourself.
Got your back, bro.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Degu if you are town prove me wrong right now like your life dependent on it, show me who is scum and why and why I should second guess you.

God I hate day 1.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Kuz is scum. Probably. #369 is a huge red flag to me. But that's the player you've been sheeping so I get why that wouldn't already been painfully apparent to you. I've detailed in multiple posts now (one of which is on this very page) what my issues with kuz are. Shaking your fist at me and telling me to do more when what I've done so far has gone in one ear and out the other isn't very good incentive.

Frankly, I don't care if I have to die first to make ya'll see the light on kuz. I trust Swishy, Kanty, etc. to get the job done in my stead. I'm just annoyed that all the people on my wagon are dusting the dirt off their hands like they've done work and proved something. I'm currently getting lynched on a whim.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You know, posts like that make me say, **** this lynch anyways then see if you were wrong.

Ugg Will think about this til tomarrow.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Though it is not just because of pushing a mislynch, as I'm sure he would like the argument to be framed if such is the case.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Also for people name dropping: Joey, dabuz, and Rajam these slots have always been effectively dead lurker slots that creep their way into lylo adding to the insidiousness of the entire experience. Why do I have this entire sense of apathy in trying to read them? A feeling as if I'm some beggar throwing my hands out at passerby begging them for scraps. And when I get the scraps I sift through them and render everything I've sifted through to be mostly meaningless. Nothing telling. So I thrust out my hands again. Begging for some more scraps. And throughout this entire process I'm asking myself why am I doing this. What if they are mafia and what if they win. Do I really feel like I've lost? Shamed? Outplayed even?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
As for the whole Badwolf opening sequence, do you really think Badwolf as someone capable of doing something so entirely **** as coming into the opening of a game and roughly saying, "**** **** balls I'm town **** my life" as a mafia gambit? Oh sure, there are plenty of die hard people who might pursue such a gambit. I admit that in the back of my head I could potentially see Badwolf guffawing behind his computer monitor at the brilliant genius he has in playing his own irrational weakness as an early card and turning it into a strength. Then I weigh the possibilities, it's not likely. It's certainly possible, but from what I remember of Badwolf's play it's weak because it's not committed and if it is true that it has been awhile since he has gotten scum shoed as scum, my mental image of Badwolf would be for his play to side more conservative rather than gambiting ****. I know the pretense that Badwolf is a relatively anti-town player. But surely that doesn't necessarily follow that he would imitate such bald-faced play as mafia. Then again there is a game where he was mafia right? And if there was an act where he did something so ninny as mafia then this entire paragraph is rendered moot and I'm back to mindlessly rewriting twelve names on my A4 scrap paper with absolutely no rhyme or reason.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'll tell you what. I am voting Kary. And you know what, no I don't know if she is mafia. But does that matter? I'm frankly watching him play twenty questions, but there's no resolution or development. To me, it looks like he's shooting questions but he's getting nowhere in terms of reads. God, really the questions might as well be about the weather. I don't see an organic or a genuine process in them. Is he simply lost? Am I just not seeing the human element of a townie repeatedly doing inconsequential acts of nothingness. Or has he secretly been keeping all his findings stashed in some .txt file and has already managed to uncover all the hidden relationships the game has to offer and I'm here just being a giant bugger on him when I have nothing and I'm simply gaping at my screen in disinterest as I watch this Degausser wagon and find it very stagnating. Or maybe that's the point. Maybe if we continue to push on Degausser enough, even I will lose enough interest to vote him although voting him seems like a giant mystery. As if soup and th3kuzinator share a sacred mafia psychic link that's been honed over their relationship and instantaneously the connection has been severed resulting one of the party to be the aggressor and the other to cower as he is helplessly beaten repeatedly with a salgo of votes resulting in emotional anguish at being misunderstood by the masses.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
RedRyu is town? Is RedRyu town? He's certainly different. Different as in pro-town. Pro-town as in town? Wait is joining a bandwagon considered a pro-town element? I suppose it is if the majority of active townies are on it. His retort was certainly edgy when he cut down Degausser on questioning dabuz's intent to join the emotional pain parade without a case. It is right that he didn't call out Swishy or other members of the more veteran pain brigade, but really I would find it premature to just merely ask Swiss/marshy as to why they are voting me. Then again he read Swishy as town. Although I still don't understand how you would attribute a town tell to Swishy three songs into the game.

The only explanation that I noticed on a look backsy is that different people have different tells and apparently he is one of the few who has the secret recipe that makes Swishy town tellishy delicious. Actually this whole Swishy reading thing is what disturbs me the most. Swishy is supposed to be the equivalent of God in this game, Kuz is jesus, and KevinM is the holy spirit. To be candid the holy trinity is the last people who I would expect to peg in any game of mafia due to the nature of 1/4 divine, 1/4 dead weight zombies, and 1/2 middle class American. Why would anyone profess to possessing a solid list of tells on these slots when in truth most of the game play so far has been slow and predictable. Perhaps there is a difference in what I consider constitutes a tell and what other people are eager to willing to share is something that they feel is a tell. For sure there is a major discrepancy between me and God given out clashing views on how to interpret the Kary.
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