The Fifth installment in Michigan Smash 4's Premiere Smash 4 Tournament series. Rebirth IV is the current record holder for largest Smash 4 event bringing in all talent from around the state and parts of the Midwest. This time, Pulse plans to one up the previous installment by bringing in new side events as well as offer insane incentives to those who attend the event. Bringing in Brawl, Smash 4 3v3 VIP, and an Amateur bracket there will be plenty to do on top of the Smash 4 main event tournaments. Join us in Ann Arbor, Michigan for a quality event that will be prepping the Midwest for Big House 5.
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/513400715484776/
TrailerBig thanks to @beanthebum for creating this amazing trailer for the tournament.
Pre-Registration Link / Important Dates
• September 18th: Pre-Registration ends @11:59pm
• September 19th: Those who didn't Pre-Register will pay a slightly increased Venue Fee at the door.
Tournament Organizers
Kalle (Ori_bro) | Head TO | @KoolOriBro
Zack (DBP) | Co TO | @PulseDBP
Caleb (Jaxz) | Co TO | @PulseJaxz
Michigan Union: http://i.imgur.com/60OJAMU.jpg
Kuenzel Room: http://i.imgur.com/m7e8CfX.jpg
Michigan Union
530 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Kuenzel Room: http://i.imgur.com/m7e8CfX.jpg
Michigan Union
530 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Parking is available at the Maynard St Parking Structure one block north at $1.20 per hour, or alternatively, at the Liberty Square Parking Structure a few blocks north at $3 for the whole day.
Venue Fee* - $10**
Smash 4 WiiU Doubles - $20 ($10 per player)
Smash 4 WiiU Singles - $10
Smash 4 3v3 VIP - $15 ($5 per player)
Brawl Singles - $5
Amiibo Death Match - $1
Amatuer Bracket - Free***
* Venue Fee can be waived if they bring a full Smash 4 Setup (Monitor/WiiU/Adapter)
** Venue Fee will be increased to $12 if you didn't Pre-Register
*** Players who drown in pools will be added to a free amateur bracket
Smash 4 WiiU Doubles - $20 ($10 per player)
Smash 4 WiiU Singles - $10
Smash 4 3v3 VIP - $15 ($5 per player)
Brawl Singles - $5
Amiibo Death Match - $1
Amatuer Bracket - Free***
* Venue Fee can be waived if they bring a full Smash 4 Setup (Monitor/WiiU/Adapter)
** Venue Fee will be increased to $12 if you didn't Pre-Register
*** Players who drown in pools will be added to a free amateur bracket
Detailed Schedule
All Registration ends 20 Minutes before it's respective event begins.
10:30 - Day of Registration Begins 1v1, 2v2, 3v3
11:00 - 3v3 VIP begins
12:00 - Brawl 1v1 Begins
01:00 - Smash 4 2v2 Begins
03:00 - Smash 4 Pools Wave A Begins
05:00 - Smash 4 Pools Wave B Begins
07:00 - Amiibo Begins
07:30 - Smash 4 Top 32 Begins
08:00 - Amatuer Bracket Begins
11:30 - Events Ends
All Registration ends 20 Minutes before it's respective event begins.
10:30 - Day of Registration Begins 1v1, 2v2, 3v3
11:00 - 3v3 VIP begins
12:00 - Brawl 1v1 Begins
01:00 - Smash 4 2v2 Begins
03:00 - Smash 4 Pools Wave A Begins
05:00 - Smash 4 Pools Wave B Begins
07:00 - Amiibo Begins
07:30 - Smash 4 Top 32 Begins
08:00 - Amatuer Bracket Begins
11:30 - Events Ends
We will be using the SEMI Ruleset that I use at the weekly events. Link to full ruleset can found at the bottom of the rules section.
General Rules
• Game Version: 1.1.0
• Singles: 2 Stock, 6 Minutes
• Doubles: 3 Stock, 8 Minutes
• Customs Fighters are Banned
• Mewtwo is allowed as a character
• Equipment is banned
• Mii Fighters are legal but restricted to 1-1-1-1 specials.
• Battlefield• Dreamland 64
• Final Destination
• Smashville• Town & City
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Duck Hunt
• Halberd
• Lylat Cruise
• Omega Stages
Link to Full Ruleset
General Rules
• Game Version: 1.1.0
• Singles: 2 Stock, 6 Minutes
• Doubles: 3 Stock, 8 Minutes
• Customs Fighters are Banned
• Mewtwo is allowed as a character
• Equipment is banned
• Mii Fighters are legal but restricted to 1-1-1-1 specials.
• Battlefield• Dreamland 64
• Final Destination
• Smashville• Town & City
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Duck Hunt
• Halberd
• Lylat Cruise
• Omega Stages
Link to Full Ruleset
Players who do not make it into the Championship Bracket (Top 32) are entered into this event for free.
Follows the same rules as 1v1
Single Elimination
All matches are Best of 3, including finals.
• Battlefield
• Dreamland 64
• Final Destination
• Smashville
• Town & City
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Duck Hunt
• Halberd
• Lylat Cruise
• Omega Stages
Follows the same rules as 1v1
Single Elimination
All matches are Best of 3, including finals.
• Battlefield
• Dreamland 64
• Final Destination
• Smashville
• Town & City
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Duck Hunt
• Halberd
• Lylat Cruise
• Omega Stages
• $1 entry
• Only 1 Amiibo per player
• 16 entrant cap, may be raised to 24
• FD, BF, SV only
• Best of 1, Single Elimination (It's like a real death match)
• Customs are allowed
• Equipment is banned
• Winner Takes All
• Grand Finals will be streamed with Commentary
• Only 1 Amiibo per player
• 16 entrant cap, may be raised to 24
• FD, BF, SV only
• Best of 1, Single Elimination (It's like a real death match)
• Customs are allowed
• Equipment is banned
• Winner Takes All
• Grand Finals will be streamed with Commentary
• 3 stock 8 minutes
• Single elimination
• One player on each team must be tagged as VIP in the game
• Once a VIP has lost all 3 stocks, the other team automatically wins.
• No stock sharing allowed otherwise that will result in loss of stock.
• All Sets before Grand Finals are 2/3, Grand Finals will be 3/5.
• Top 2 Payout (70% First, 30% Second)
• Battlefield/Miiverse
• Norfair
• Omega Gaur Plains**
• Pokémon Stadium 2
• Pyrosphere
Counterpick Stages
• Big Battlefield
• Castle Siege
• Duck Hunt
• Kongo Jungle
• Windy Hill Zone
• Omega Variants**
• Single elimination
• One player on each team must be tagged as VIP in the game
• Once a VIP has lost all 3 stocks, the other team automatically wins.
• No stock sharing allowed otherwise that will result in loss of stock.
• All Sets before Grand Finals are 2/3, Grand Finals will be 3/5.
• Top 2 Payout (70% First, 30% Second)
• Battlefield/Miiverse
• Norfair
• Omega Gaur Plains**
• Pokémon Stadium 2
• Pyrosphere
Counterpick Stages
• Big Battlefield
• Castle Siege
• Duck Hunt
• Kongo Jungle
• Windy Hill Zone
• Omega Variants**
• 3 stock 8 minutes
• Double Elimination
• Items set to Off/None
• RPS to determine Stage Strike start.
• Stage Strike from Neutrals for the first match of the set:
__ First player strikes one stage.
__ Second player strikes the next two stages.
__ First player strikes one stage.
• Battlefield
• Final Destination
• Lylat Cruise
• Smashville
• Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Halberd
• Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
After each game:
Winner announces 1 stage ban
Loser chooses counterpick stage
Winner chooses their character
Loser chooses their character
• Meta Knight’s infinite dimensional cape tactic is banned.
• The ledge grab limit (LGL) is 35 for all characters. If there is no LGL violation, the winner will be declared by what the game says in all situations except when there is a sudden death.
• If a game goes to time with a LGL violation, the offending player loses the game. If both players violate the LGL in singles, then disregard. If one or more players on both teams violates the LGL in doubles, then disregard.
• If a game goes to time without a LGL violation, and both teams have an equal number of combined stocks, the team with a lower combined percent is the winner.
• If a 1 stock 3:00 minute tiebreaker match occurs, the new LGL is 15.
• Scrooging more than once per game is banned. This is defined as dropping off the ledge on one side of the stage and reaching the height of the original ledge on the other side of the stage. If a player is attacked by the other and takes damage, disregard.
• Double Elimination
• Items set to Off/None
• RPS to determine Stage Strike start.
• Stage Strike from Neutrals for the first match of the set:
__ First player strikes one stage.
__ Second player strikes the next two stages.
__ First player strikes one stage.
• Battlefield
• Final Destination
• Lylat Cruise
• Smashville
• Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
• Castle Siege
• Delfino Plaza
• Halberd
• Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
After each game:
Winner announces 1 stage ban
Loser chooses counterpick stage
Winner chooses their character
Loser chooses their character
• Meta Knight’s infinite dimensional cape tactic is banned.
• The ledge grab limit (LGL) is 35 for all characters. If there is no LGL violation, the winner will be declared by what the game says in all situations except when there is a sudden death.
• If a game goes to time with a LGL violation, the offending player loses the game. If both players violate the LGL in singles, then disregard. If one or more players on both teams violates the LGL in doubles, then disregard.
• If a game goes to time without a LGL violation, and both teams have an equal number of combined stocks, the team with a lower combined percent is the winner.
• If a 1 stock 3:00 minute tiebreaker match occurs, the new LGL is 15.
• Scrooging more than once per game is banned. This is defined as dropping off the ledge on one side of the stage and reaching the height of the original ledge on the other side of the stage. If a player is attacked by the other and takes damage, disregard.
Under 29
1: 60%
2: 30%
3: 10%
30 - 39
1: 55%
2: 30%
3: 10%
4: 5%
40 - 75
1: 48%
2: 22%
3: 15%
4: 10%
5: 2.5% (both 5th places)
Above 76
1: 40%
2: 20%
3: 15%
4: 10%
5: 5% (both 5th places)
7: 2.5% (both 7th places)
1: 60%
2: 30%
3: 10%
30 - 39
1: 55%
2: 30%
3: 10%
4: 5%
40 - 75
1: 48%
2: 22%
3: 15%
4: 10%
5: 2.5% (both 5th places)
Above 76
1: 40%
2: 20%
3: 15%
4: 10%
5: 5% (both 5th places)
7: 2.5% (both 7th places)
• Pre-Reg Incentive: Entered into a Controller/GCA Raffle
• Break the Record 1: If Rebirth breaks 115 entrants, $100 Pot Bonus
• Break the Record 2: If Rebirth breaks 128 entrants, $150 Pot Bonus
• Break the Record 3: If Rebirth breaks 150 entrants, $200 Pot Bonus
• Raffle 1: Anyone who brings a Smash 4 Setup entered into a raffle, winner gets Big House 5 Venue Fee Reimbursed
• Raffle 2: Anyone who enters Smash 4 Singles entered into a raffle, winner gets Big House 5 Singles Entry Fee Reimbursed
• Raffle 3: Anyone who attends entered into raffle, winner gets their next SFW for free (Venue + Entry)
• Break the Record 1: If Rebirth breaks 115 entrants, $100 Pot Bonus
• Break the Record 2: If Rebirth breaks 128 entrants, $150 Pot Bonus
• Break the Record 3: If Rebirth breaks 150 entrants, $200 Pot Bonus
• Raffle 1: Anyone who brings a Smash 4 Setup entered into a raffle, winner gets Big House 5 Venue Fee Reimbursed
• Raffle 2: Anyone who enters Smash 4 Singles entered into a raffle, winner gets Big House 5 Singles Entry Fee Reimbursed
• Raffle 3: Anyone who attends entered into raffle, winner gets their next SFW for free (Venue + Entry)
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