So we wanted to give all users a chance to share their thoughts, ideas, or positive suggestions they have to improve the site. And rather than do it suggestion box style where you just passively submit something and hope the right person reads it and does something about it. We thought we would make it senate sponsored with our goal to have all of the smashboard's senate spending some time in this topic. Listening to your suggestion and going through and addressing them.
As part of this we are kinda of expecting people to mature about their ideas or suggestions. If its something where you have an issue with something that has happened you should be using forum support. This is not the place for that. Likewise, if you have feedback but its something there is already a topic about (like our new tournament system ) it is best to at least try to use that topic first before brining up here.
Also, wanted to note we have a special project ongoing so somethings might not be able to be addressed just yet
Heres hoping we can get some great feedback and make things better.
As part of this we are kinda of expecting people to mature about their ideas or suggestions. If its something where you have an issue with something that has happened you should be using forum support. This is not the place for that. Likewise, if you have feedback but its something there is already a topic about (like our new tournament system ) it is best to at least try to use that topic first before brining up here.
Also, wanted to note we have a special project ongoing so somethings might not be able to be addressed just yet
Heres hoping we can get some great feedback and make things better.
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