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Rhythm Heaven Fever's Musical Mascot! Marshal (Moveset Added!)

Who do you think is the best Rhythm Heaven rep?

  • Marshal

    Votes: 81 59.1%
  • Wrestler

    Votes: 16 11.7%
  • Karate Joe

    Votes: 16 11.7%
  • Rhythm Monkey

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Red Shirt Girl

    Votes: 20 14.6%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Marshal hails from the popular Rhythm Heaven series. He debuted in the series 3rd and most recent game as a type of mascot in which he appeared in most of the ads and on the front cover as well as the introduction and ending credits. He was also the host that closed the game in the credits. Not to mention he appeared in his own minigame which was a remake of the popular "Night Walk" which appeared in the first Rhythm Heaven game, Rhythm Tengoku.

THE BIG QUESTION, what can Marshal add to the franchise? I think the best thing to do would be to incorporate music and the Rhythm Heaven minigames into his moveset. There are a lot of quirky things they could come up with by using the Rhythm Heaven games in fact. His playstyle could be very unique by one special feature. If you time his attacks in sequence to a certain universal rhythm they could become stronger (each trick would have the same rhythm.) This could make him a very strategic character that would take lots of practice to be used to the best of his ability.

What makes Marshal a better choice than other Rhythm Heaven characters? Well, out of all Rhythm Heaven characters he has a simple design and seems like the easiest to replicate the Rhythm Heaven minigames into his moveset. This being said, it doesn't seem any move taken from a Rhythm Heaven minigame would seem out of place on him. He is also has a character design that feels like it could only be from the Rhythm Heaven games.

Arguments used against Marshal and the Rhythm Heaven series:

1. Marshal has never been seen fighting so how can he be in Smash?

Well, neither were Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer before they were added into Smash. If the character and/or franchise is deserving enough to get into Smash and Sakurai can make a moveset for them they can get in?

2. But then, what makes the Rhythm Heaven series important or deserving?

The Rhythm Heaven series is in fact very popular and has sold more than 3 million worldwide. This already puts it as one of the highest grossing Nintendo series to emerge after Melee especially when you consider it only has 3 games. Rhythm Heaven is also a type of series that Nintendo has little of, the rhythm game. As such, it can be used to draw more fans to the series. This series already has tons of content that could be used for AT's, stages and items.

3. This series is casual though so why should Marshal be picked over characters from actual action games?

Tell that to Wii Fit Trainer and Villager and no I'm not using it to justify his appearance because " other unexpected characters just got in". One of Sakurai's criteria is "The character must make people want to play the game." Don't you think a casual character could do just that? Let me explain. Many people bought Wii Fit so a lot of people know about the WFT. Seeing her in Smash might draw in the type of people who wouldn't usually play Smash just how Villager and even Marshal would do the same.

4. But isn't the series made by the same developers as the Warioware series?

This means absolutely nothing considering Sakurai has never come out and actually said he has penalized a series for being created by the same developers. Also, Rhythm Heaven characters ARE NOT Warioware characters!

5. Rhythm Heaven games aren't really violent now are they?

Actually, while Marshal has not been seen doing any fighting there has in fact been some violence in the games. Even if there wasn't, it seems Sakurai has gone back on his word of AC characters being "too peaceful" for Smash so I don't think it would be much of a problem for a Rhythm Heaven character.

6. Nothing makes Marshal more deserving than Ridley, Shulk, K. Rool and other popular options though?


So feel free to discuss Marshal in the comments section below. Movesets to be added soon!

[collapse="Supporters List"]
1. First Blade
2. Hippopotasauce
4. Glaciacott
5. Keybladeguy
6. smashkirby
7. legendofrob1
8. Yitsul
9. youngsora1
10. Luugyhero12
11. chronomatic
12. Icedragonadam
13. Rie Sonomura
14. Pureownege75
15. Burruni
16. Aguki90
17. GM_3826
18. byperbam [/collapse]​

[collapse="FirstBlade's moveset"]-
Playstyle: I envision Marshal as a light, combo-ing type character whose moves are completely unpredictable. When I say unpredictable I mean a lot of his moves would have disjointed hitboxes and hit where you wouldn't expect them (in vein similar to WFT). Many moves would also be quite ranged when you take in his small stature. His other gimmick would be timing moves right to do more damage/extend them a la Marth's Dancing Blade per say. Not all his moves however would utilize this since it would practically be impossible to do so. I thought the timing was a better alternative to "hitting on a beat" like in Rhythm Heaven games especially because hitting on a beat would not necessarily be possible in Smash with all the chaos going on. Not to mention the problem with both an out loud and internal beat. The timing still helps emulate the Rhythm Heaven series gameplay in moveset anyways. These gimmicks would give him a harsh learning curve but can be a formidable opponent if played correctly.
Marshal borrows pretty much EVERYTHING from Rhythm Heaven games including things such as his jump and roll. This allows for a fun, quirky moveset that in a sense can be comparable to Game and Watch and Villager.

Size: 6 (In between Mario and Olimar)
Weight: 4 (tied with Meta Knight and Pikachu)
Speed: 6 (Close to average)
Jump: 7 (Good)

Wall Jump? No
Wall Cling? No
Crouch? Yes
Glide? No
Normal Stuff:
Jump: Straight out of "Night Walk" Marshal jumps with one arm up.
Roll: Also from "Night Walk" Marshal does the head roll seen in the minigame.
Footstool Jump: "Rabbit Jump" Marshal jumps off heads just as the rabbit does from this game
Sidestep: The Ditzie Down move from "Space Dance". Seen at 0:31 in video
Crouch: Just like the girls do in "The Dazzles", Marshall ducks down and covers face
Air Dodge: Ditzie Down in air

Normal Attacks:
Neutral Attack: Punch, punch, kick from "Karate Man"
F-Tilt: "Drummer Duel" Marshal takes out two drumsticks from the minigame and drums one forward. Can chain easily and is good for juggling. This move uses the timing gimmick for more damage if used in succession.
U-Tilt: "Space Soccer" Marshall does the big soccer ball kick as seen at 0:17 in the video hitting the soccer ball upwards. Very fast. This move has long reaching capabilities and continues about 1 Olimar height above Marshal. Additionally this move uses the timing gimmick in which a basketball or football from "Double Date" appears if done right in succession. The football flies farther but does less damage and a basketball doesn't fly as far but does more damage. This is unique in that it is a projectile U-Tilt.
D-Tilt: "Crop Stomp" Marshal does the stomp seen in the video. Sends a veggie upwards giving it hitboxes both upwards and downwards. Another projectile tilt.
Dash Attack: "Flipper Flop" Marshal does an extended version of the flipper roll as seen in this minigame.

N-Air: "Big Rock Finish" Does the guitar jump that falls at the end of each song in midair. The guitar sends out a small shockwave around him. Think a very small version of Barbara's blasts that she does for her AT. First seen at 0:22 in video.
F-Air: "Air Rally" Does a forward swing with the badminton racquet just like Baxter the dog. Hits above him at the start and sends players in an upwards diagonal motion (like a shuttlecock).
B-Air: "Shrimp Shuffle" An air version of the backwards that the shrimp do. Seen first at 0:28 in video.
U-Air: "Love Lab" Shakes a flask that shoots anywhere from 2-5 hearts upwards. The number of hearts is completely random.
D-Air: "See Saw" Does the crashdown thing that See and Saw do after being catapulted very high up (First seen at 0:32 in video as well as a lot near the end). Unique about this move is the ability to bounce off players (as if being catapulted back up). Unlike Toon Link's pogo sword move, the move is automatically canceled out of allowing him to do this as many times as you want (if possible obviously). If sweetspotted, this move is a very effective meteor smash (and Marshal still bounces back up!)

S-Smash: "Samurai Slice"- The normal sideways slice as seen in the game. The twist is that this uses he time gimmick to extend the move (and do more damage). This works more like the Dancing Blade as instead of hitting the button again you move the control stick. If the control stick is pushed forward before the first move ends Marshal will get the 2nd upwards hit as seen at 0:41. If pushed a 3rd time it will give you the flurry combo that the samurai does on the green-eyed shadows ending in a final strike with large knockback (first seen at 0:19 in video as well as near the end). The 2nd hit is very fast so timing it right would take a LOT of practice. (This also relays back to how precise you have to be on this certain minigame :)).
U-Smash: "Bossa Nova" Marshal hits a yellow sphere or blue cube upwards like a volleyball just like the titular characters. Flies in a weird curved diagonal direction.
D-Smash: "Built to Scale" Sends out the two widget pieces (the square ones before being rodded together) on either side of him. Moves much more quickly than seen in the video and goes quite far before disappearing. Uses the timing gimmick to put out to fully assembled widgets that do heavier damage. Once again you have to be quick.

Grab: Claps player between hands
Pummel: Holds opponent below him and headbutts. Based off of the peck from "Blue Birds".
U-Throw: "Toss Boys"- Hits opponent upwards just like the characters do to the ball in the minigame.
D-Throw: "Tap Troupe" Does an extremely fast tap dance on top of opponent (that is the tap from this minigame.) Think in vein to Kirby's down throw.
F-Throw: "Ringside" Makes opponent strike the muscle flex pose before kicking them away
B-Throw: "Ringside" Makes the opponent strike the "hand behind back pose" before kicking them away.

B: Glee Club: A chargeable move. Opens his mouth and releases a musical blast like the Choir Boys. The musical blast resembles a traveling circular shockwave (think Barbara again) of music notes. There are 3 stages of power to this move and I'll list them from weakest to strongest. The first requires no charge just a quick tap and it appears as a small red circle with sporadic white music notes. Can not travel very far. Disappears on contact with an opponent. The 2nd requires some charging and appears as 2 circles (one red and one blue) with black music notes. It travels much farther and does more damage. Disappears after hitting 2 opponents or after short amount of time is up. The 3rd stage appears as 3 circles (1 red, 1 blue and 1 green) with rainbow music (green note, purple note, etc.) notes. It requires full charge and has the biggest range as well as being able to travel farther. Does not disappear on contact with opponent. Disappears after short amount of time.
Side B: Airboarder: A chargeable move similar to Green Missile and Skull Bash but that is where the similarities end. The direction of the airboard can be controlled by tilting before it takes off. There are a couple things that make this move different from some other similar ones. One, the airboard does not stop when hitting an opponent (goes right through them). Two, you can JUMP while on the airboard (no double jump). Three, you can cancel out of it (the board moves so quite fast so this would take some practice). The more you charge it the farther the airboard goes! When it stops, Marshal is put into a helpless state if in the air.
Up B: Toran and Porin (Tram and Poline): A trampoline spawns under Marshal sending him flying upwards followed by a star trail. The trampoline stays where it is and if you hit the A button the second he hits the trampoline again his second jump will be higher than his first. Can be angled at the PEAK of his jump. And obviously Marshal is not put into helpless state after this move.
Down B: Screwbot Factory: Marshal places a Screwbot down on the ground that will automatically start walking forward on its own. The screwbot is bigger than how it appears in the game (they are half of Marshal's size) and they emit electrical soundwaves (that do electric damage) and yellow music notes. Opponents can also gain very small damage from being walked into by the bots. Marshal can have up to 3 on screen at a time and they don't have to be placed in the same direction. They disappear after walking off the stage edges or after a short amount of time. This is a tactical move. For example, they could be used for edgeguarding (because they walk off edges), distraction (opponent dodges it only to be hit by one of Marshal's other attacks) and combo'ing (you can easily hit an opponent into them). Those are just a couple examples. Screwbots also can not be destroyed!
Final Smash: Night Walk: Marshal appears on a blue pedestal as seen in the minigame and begins to perform a shortened 45 second version of Night Walk. This actually uses a beat and the challenge is to jump along with the beat on the blue pedestal. The opponents will receive the same damage no matter where they are on the screen. How much damage though depends on the player! The better you are at hitting A on the beat the faster the damage will rise. The move ends with a large musical shockwave that sends opponents soaring (or not).

Entrance: Flies in on Night Walk balloons

Up Taunt: "Lockstep" Pulls off 3 Linestep moves in quick succession
Side Taunt: Pulls out a sign that says "Try Again!"
Down Taunt: Spins around in place and strikes a pose yelling "Keep your rhythm up!" [/collapse]
[collapse="PixelPasta's moveset"]
Here is my moveset idea:
Neutral Special - Glee Club: A chargeable move: Marshall opens his yap and emits a blast of pure vocal energy. The circular sound wave steadily grows and will damage any nearby players. It also meteor smashes nearby players in the air.
Side Special - BuilttoScale: Marshal rolls out a square widget piece, which slowly rolls along in the background until it falls off of the stage. The widget itself cannot damage opponents - to complete the attack, Marshall must use perfect timing. When the widget rolls behind an opponent, the player must press the attack button again, which will launch a red widget rod from the foreground! This rod hits directly where the square widget currently is positioned. This rod deals large amounts of damage, but is hard to execute because of the slow-moving widget and tricky timing.
Up Special - NightWalk: Marshall leaps vertically into the air as a pink heart launches above his head. Connecting Marshall with an opponent does a little bit of damage - but the heart above is a deadly but hard to connect sweet-spot. This move is quick and can lift Marshall pretty high, but it has virtually no horizontal control.
Down Special - Screwbot Factory: Marshall snaps his fingers and points beside him: suddenly a large claw descends from above him, out of nowhere! Touching the rod part of the claw does pretty much nothing (it has no hitbox), but if an opponent is hit by the claw itself - they will be caught in its grasp and vigorously spun around, for up to 3 seconds when the attack button is held the full length! This will leave them dizzy and vulnerable.
Final Smash - KarateMan: Suddenly, Karate Joe appears next to Marshall and delivers a flurry of punches! Connecting with his fists is instant death. But... Karate Joe doesn't move, so this attack is very easy to avoid, right? Wrong - because he also punches a plethora of pots, barrels, light bulbs and bombs that fly across the screen, hitting all the opponents in its path! [/collapse]
[collapse="BluePikmin11's moveset"]
Chorus Mens' Playstyle: The playstyle of the RH character is timing. I mean natural timing, there are different types of rhythm for each set of attacks with different combos. Keep in mind that I'm not a RH fanatic, so all my attacks may not be based on one of the games. I'm going to use Marshall for example in the most visual-like way possible:
>>>>> = long phase
>>> = medium phase
>= short phase

For every successive beat you hit, it becomes much more powerful with better range, in the case of Chorus Men. For multihitting attacks like the Jab, the front Marshal attacks first, the middle Marshal attacks second, and the third hits last.

Normal Attacks:
Jab: Does an straightforward punch with his knee on the ground. Then after a while, if timed right, you can attack with two more short straight punches.
A >>> A > A > A

F-Tilt: Does a quick spin kick. If used along with Jab, the final hit will be much more powerful. However it's much slower to execute than his Jab.
A-> > A >>> A > A > A

U-Tilt: Hits the with a soft upper-punch. If timed with Jab and the final hit is instead U-Tilt, A powerful punch will occur and send the opponent straight up from the sky.
A >>> A > A > A^

D-Tilt: quick sweep kick from Marshall. If done multiple times in rhythm, it can meteor smash the opponent and stun for short time so you can combo the opponent.
Av > Av > Av > Av > Av > Av > Av

Dash: Marshall does a quick roll to the opponent. If done multiple times in rhythm, the range of the attack will increase.
A > A > A

Air Attacks:

Neutral-Air: Does a quick cymbal collision that if done in rhythm for a long time, can create a (DK-FS in it's weakest state) sound barrier attack. Can also combo with other air attacks and make them more powerful in strength and range.
A > A > A...

D-Air: Does a quick soft punch. If timed right, you get a devastating, straight meteor smash, long-ranged attack.
A > (Keep Mashing A at rhythm until) > Av

B-Air: Does a quick soft punch in the back. If timed right, you get a devastating, straight long-ranged attack.
A > (Keep Mashing A at rhythm until) > A-Back

F-Air: Also Does a quick soft punch in the back. If timed right, you get a devastating, straight long-ranged attack.

U-Air: Does a stun kick that can lead to dangerous combos. If timed right, you can lead this to a cymbal attack (Which also would carry Marshall up in the air) to D-Air, B-Air, or F-Air.
A^ > A > A > A > Av

Throws in general are weak, and can stun the opponent in the air for a while with either of the four throws.

Smash Attacks:
These Smash Attacks work a bit differently, as the highest (In which it KOs the opponent) and medium peaks (In which it also stuns the opponent) of the attacks are at the maximum power.

F-Smash: does a quick powerful punch. Can stop to hit at medium for stunning or high phase for max damage.

D-Smash: does a large both sided spin kick. Can stop to hit at medium for stunning or high phase for max damage.

U-Smash: does a powerful upper punch. Can stop to hit at medium for stunning or high phase for max damage.

Special Moves:
Neutral Special: Scream: Marshall's most known move, screams a ranged shield that reflects projectiles and stuns opponents. If timed right, the shield grows a platform distance.
B >>>>> B >>>>>> B

Side Special: Wrestler: Marshall turns into Wrestler to pose for his fans. If timed right, the KO power is tremendous, but the hitbox is low.
B >>> B

Down Special: Karate Joe: Marshall turns into Karate Joe to do a combo of attacks, similar to Marth's dancing blade. Although it has a short hit-box.
List of combos:
B v B v B v B^
B v B v B v B>
B v B v B v Bv

Up Special: Toran and Porin: Transforms into a wolf creature to jumps a medium vertical distance. Is a weak attack and can combo to certain specials. But once the combo is over, the player falls helplessly.
B^ > B > B > Bv (The final attack does good KO potential)
B^ > Bv Bv Bv B^ (Sends the opponent flying up)
B^ > Bv > Bv > Bv > B> (Sends the opponent flying straight)
B^ > Bv > Bv > Bv > Bv (Sends the opponent flying down)
B^ >>> B> B> (Causes fastfalling and has high KO potential)

In general, time these attacks right, and it can lead to very interesting combos. [/collapse]
Music Section:
Title Theme (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
Remix 10 (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
Dreams of Our Generation
Dreams of Our Generation (Japanese)
Struck by the Rain
Struck by the Rain (Japanese)
Love Lab
See Saw

Courtesy of Hippopotasuace-
[collapse="Marshal Alts"]-
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Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Very good thread so far, add me to the supporters if you ever make a list.

One thing that concerns me is a rhythm-based moveset, which is something I've never thought fondly of. If you mean that his moves require good timing, like Marth's Dancing Blade, that's perfectly fine, which I do think you were referring to.. However, if you're talking about timing your hits to the music, that's something I don't think could work in the context of Smash Bros. Plus if there's online, there's no way you could make it work well. But that's just my opinion.

Over all I think he has just as much a chance as any other Rhythm Heaven character, and I'm surprised that he's not as popular as the others.
By the way, that brings the total Rhythm Heaven character suggestion count up to 4 (5 if you count this one.)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
@ Hippopotasauce Hippopotasauce , yeah, I meant good timing kind of like Dancing Blade but you're not penalized for missing the "beat". In fact, I think his moves damage should increase when you time it well. Maybe I should have made it more clear in the introduction. But yeah, I'll add you to the supporters list, I'll probably post one tomorrow.

Hammer B

Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2011
Isn't Marshal the same character who appears in the "Glee Club" minigame from the DS game?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
@ Hammer B Hammer B , supposedly it isn't but it is thought that Marshal's design was based on the Choir Trio from Glee Club


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
I never knew of Rythm Heaven until recently. And I must say I love it so far.
Yeah, if they keep up for more games of the franchise, I can see the game getting a representer, easy.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Supporters list added! Moveset to come soon.
Question: If there were to be a Rhythm Heaven stage what would you want it to be?


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Love the thread. Also love I'm the only one voting Monkey. Woo!! I support.

As for stage, I would like to see Rhythm Heaven itself. You know, that island in the sky made of gold with those smiley face buildings. Can't find any images of it online.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
I posted this concept for a stage a while back.


Rhythm Remix, as a stage, would function very similarly to Flatzone 2 and Castle Siege, but with a twist. There are a load of different level layouts, and there is no set order.
When the stage first begins you always start on Karate Joe's flat level, and functionally it's identical to Final Destination. However, when it comes time to change, the perfect sign will flicker in the top right, and one of the eight other layouts are chosen entirely at random.

Layout Explanations
From the top left:
Hole in One has you on the island in the background. The only platforms are the leaves of the tree and the island itself, water surrounds both sides
Screwbot Factory is a flat plane with a walk-off edge on the left. The conveyor belt moves toward the left, so you always have to be on the move.
Working Dough is a flat plane with three platforms above, very similar in layout to Mario Circuit. Metal orbs will rush above as well.
Built to Scale is viewed from the side, with you walking on the same pane as the white line. There is a wall on the left but pits on either side. Occasionally a block will pop out from the right as an extra platform
Air Rally has you fighting on the two planes, similar to the Pilotwings level. Sometimes the plane on the right will move into the background, leaving only one to fight on.
Ringside has you fighting on the exterior of the Rhythm Arena, with the ground, awning, and roof as platforms.
Samurai Slice gives you one platform on the left, with a wall of vines on both the left and right. Only vertical KO's are possible.
Karate Man is a flat plane like final destination, with pits on either side as well.
Bossa Nova is a single cloud platform that rises, with branches from the left and right coming down as platforms.

It's pretty much Pokemon Stadium, but with no inbetween phase, and yet another twist.
Depending on the music track selected, the speed that the level transforms at changes. Here are a few of the music choices, and how fast it causes the level to change.

Remix Smash - This track is special in particular because it matches whichever layout is currently active, and smoothly transitions between whichever is coming up next. Each of the songs are fixed to play at the same beat, and the layouts last for 30 seconds each. The exception is the Karate Man layout, which acts as an introductory period and only gets 10 seconds.
Lonely Storm (Japanese)/(English) - These two songs are much more generous in time, and give 42 seconds per level layout, which is familiar to those who have played Castle Siege.
Wish - Can't Wait for You - This track is only slightly different from Remix Smash, in which it gives every layout 30 seconds including the introductory Karate Man level.
Rhythm Title Medley - More hectic matches will result from choosing this one, because each layout will last only 20 seconds each.
Remix 10 - For the particularly daring, this one will test reaction time. The level layout will change every time the music switches between minigames. This will cause some layouts to last longer than others, while others may only get five seconds or less before the level changes.

I believe this is probably the best way to capture the feeling of the Rhythm Heaven games while still making the level playable and easy to understand. I can't really see a character happening, but if a level similar to this gets in, I will be equally satisfied.
Also, there shouldn't be too much worry about this one level taking up a lot of space, considering most of these levels are simple geometric shapes and practically 1x1 textures.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
Love the thread. Also love I'm the only one voting Monkey. Woo!! I support.

As for stage, I would like to see Rhythm Heaven itself. You know, that island in the sky made of gold with those smiley face buildings. Can't find any images of it online.

(It is actually from an older post of yours haha)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
I added a moveset to the OP! Let me know your thoughts about it. There may be a couple things I want to change. Links to the videos will come soon!


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
I am sorry I did not see this earlier, but my god.
Every Rhythm Heaven character moveset seems to take the concept one step further and so far yours takes the cake. I hope more people see it because it looks like you put a lot of time and thought into it.

One thing I'm not sure about it the Screwbots. Seems like they would be a very exploitable thing, especially with them not being about to be destroyed. If you allowed only 1 at a time and gave them an invisible, 20% health bar, I'd be more Ok with it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
I am sorry I did not see this earlier, but my god.
Every Rhythm Heaven character moveset seems to take the concept one step further and so far yours takes the cake. I hope more people see it because it looks like you put a lot of time and thought into it.

One thing I'm not sure about it the Screwbots. Seems like they would be a very exploitable thing, especially with them not being about to be destroyed. If you allowed only 1 at a time and gave them an invisible, 20% health bar, I'd be more Ok with it.
You make a very good point. Now that I think about it the move does seem a little bit overpowered. They probably should be able to be destroyed so the health bar thing is a good idea. I might still keep the 3 limit because I feel it is one of the things that makes the move unique. Maybe the bots should be slow moving? It wouldn't stop constant spamming but maybe since they would be easier to dodge it would make the move more predictable to discourage constant use.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Hey, I made some funky little alts if you choose to use them
Last edited:


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
I personally prefer the girl with the red dress, but as long as a Rhythm Heaven rep makes it as a playable character, I would be happy!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Hey, I made some funky little alts if you choose to use them

Those are all really good but I'm going to be honest and tell you I don't how to add them to the OP (with spoiler tag) :urg:. I have a question for the supporters though. Would any of you be opposed to Marshal having headphones as default? I don't why but the other day I just had the idea and I thought it looked good in my head. Think Marshal looks fine without them I just thought it would be a little interesting.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Here they are but smaller.

And since you were asking how to do a spoiler tag, it's {collapse="title"}{/collapse}, but with brackets.
As for headphones, I could see those working. Marshall has pretty bland a head as far as those go. Could go either way as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
Here they are but smaller.

And since you were asking how to do a spoiler tag, it's {collapse="title"}{/collapse}, but with brackets.
As for headphones, I could see those working. Marshall has pretty bland a head as far as those go. Could go either way as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe if they were rhythm girl's or the Barista dog's headphones I could see it, but it seems pretty arbitrarily thought of.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Maybe if they were rhythm girl's or the Barista dog's headphones I could see it, but it seems pretty arbitrarily thought of.
I was actually thinking more along the lines of plain black headphones or ones similar to the Yellow DJ's in DJ School seen below

However, the Barista Dog's red ones would also be cool. Regarding Rhythm Girl's though I'm not so sure about white headphones on a white head.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
I was actually thinking more along the lines of plain black headphones or ones similar to the Yellow DJ's in DJ School seen below

However, the Barista Dog's red ones would also be cool. Regarding Rhythm Girl's though I'm not so sure about white headphones on a white head.
Then again no non-retro characters have had such a drastic change in design. I mean G&W/WFT are kind of plain but their moves/emotions/gimmicks are interesting enough.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Then again no non-retro characters have had such a drastic change in design. I mean G&W/WFT are kind of plain but their moves/emotions/gimmicks are interesting enough.
I think he looks fine with or without them, I was just putting it out there.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Update: Added a music section to the OP. What are your thoughts on it? Are there any songs you think I'm missing?

EDIT: Songs were chosen on the basis of popularity, importance and for some of the songs if they fit in Smash (See Saw).

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
If anyone ever knew about it, Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven GBA) had received a fan translation quite a while ago, title Rhythm Heaven Silver. I loved playing this game years ago after finding about Rhythm Heaven on DS, so this was a neat time to jump back to it.

Can I say I fully support inclusion of Marshall here ? Seeing how I dig rhythm games and how Sakurai had made Rosalina like, I'm really eager on how he takes on Rhythm Heaven-franchise, especially if we get a playable rep. Marshall could spot a rhythm-like gameplay to me (maybe timing-based, which could also be emphasized by the apparent graphical touches characters get in their attack moves, like the direction lines or hitbox effects and so on).

Some music suggestions I wanted to dig which I believe are memorable or stapleish themes in the series character-appearance or music-wise:

Frog Hop (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Space Dance (Rhythm Tengoku)

Honey Sweet Love Angel (Rhythm Tengoku)

Munchy Monk 2 (Ska)

Flock Step (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

Remix 4 (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Blue Birds (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Ringside (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

I might dig up more if some catch my ear. (durp)
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
If anyone ever knew about it, Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven GBA) had received a fan translation quite a while ago, title Rhythm Heaven Silver. I loved playing this game years ago after finding about Rhythm Heaven on DS, so this was a neat time to jump back to it.

Can I say I fully support inclusion of Marshall here ? Seeing how I dig rhythm games and how Sakurai had made Rosalina like, I'm really eager on how he takes on Rhythm Heaven-franchise, especially if we get a playable rep. Marshall could spot a rhythm-like gameplay to me (maybe timing-based, which could also be emphasized by the apparent graphical touches characters get in their attack moves, like the direction lines or hitbox effects and so on).

Some music suggestions I wanted to dig which I believe are memorable or stapleish themes in the series character-appearance or music-wise:

Frog Hop (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Space Dance (Rhythm Tengoku)

Honey Sweet Love Angel (Rhythm Tengoku)

Munchy Monk 2 (Ska)

Flock Step (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

Remix 4 (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Blue Birds (Rhythm Heaven DS)

Ringside (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

I might dig up more if some catch my ear. (durp)
I'll add them into the OP a little later. Thanks for the suggestions!


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
this guy I support, I don't think it came across from my earlier post, but I believe this guy has a severely underrated chance.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Been watching TASs of the RH games, it was little stale on the first title, but I think it really improved upon itself in Fever, I'm beginning to appreciate the series alot more now. I'm really hoping for an AT or playable now.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest



Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
In light of the Greninja announcement, I'd say a Rhythm Heaven character is as good as confirmed!



Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Ugh, but I don't want it to be the Chorus Men! Bittersweet just like the Direct. On another note, if this true it is nice to see RH getting some love for once and it would certainly be better than no representation at all.
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