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Regarding Online Bans


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2015
Salt Lake City
I've been placed in some kind of low priority queue. I've heard others mention similar experiences, but I would like to share my own. I play Smash4 regularly. I play it competetively, attending local tournies and striving to improve my game by practicing in training mode for hours as well as playing for-glory mode. I didn't realize I was banned right away, I received no notification from nintendo, no message letting me know what happened whatsoever. I simply realzed after about 30 minutes that the reason it was taking 10 minutes to find someone online and the reason I was unable to play in the online tournament mode was because I was in some kind of penalty queue.

Today I called nintendo and asked for assistance regarding my penalty. I explained that I play the game at a competitive level having a for glory winrate around 85% with roughly 6k games played in the 1v1 arena. I never insult people, I almost always say GG, when the opponent plays well, and I only taunt when the other person taunts first or if the person I'm playing against is rude. The response I got from the service person was "I'm sorry, we don't know how long this ban will last and we cant remove it either." So basically nothing is being done or will be done regarding abuse of the report button on for glory, and Nintendo thinks that its ok to reward upset players who spam reports after losing because they are sore losers. I'm sick and tired of being in this penalty queue. From what I've seen many people deserve to be there. People with innapropriate names and people who insult you after a game are here, but I've also encountered a few polite players like myself who simply happen to be very good at this game, but due to how easy it is and how little drawback exists from spamming report, we have been unfairly punished.

TLDR Nintendo's online report system is extremely broken and needs to be readjusted so it is less abusable. There should be a reason for reporting similar to how LOL works. You shouldnt be able to get someone banned because they beat you in an online match, its rediculous.


Smash Ace
May 31, 2015
I would sign up for Smash Ladder if you haven't. For Glory won't get you far if you're trying to be a competitive player and they will always be a**h**** there. On Smash Ladder, there's better players and they're nice.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2015
Salt Lake City
I already have an account on anthers ladder and im silver 1. The point of this thread is to address the broken report system, how did you read my post and think "is he asking for advice on how to be competetive?".


Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2015
Sakurai logic

I was in this hell for 3 full weeks without knowing what I did. Now only playing tournament mode because you can't report others there. The question is if Nintendo is aware of this amateurish system.


Smash Ace
May 31, 2015
I already have an account on anthers ladder and im silver 1. The point of this thread is to address the broken report system, how did you read my post and think "is he asking for advice on how to be competetive?".
Ok. I didn't know that you had an account, there. Plus, I was trying to help you so no need to rude, mister. Also, I can't answer that for you since I don't go for Glory anymore.


Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
Macomb, Michigan
Sakurai logic

I was in this hell for 3 full weeks without knowing what I did. Now only playing tournament mode because you can't report others there. The question is if Nintendo is aware of this amateurish system.
Will probably join you in Tournament mode. Hopefully I'm only banned for a week or something because tomorrow would be a full week.

Fingers crossed.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I am in banland again =(
My 3DS has been searching for probably longer than an hour and still found no 1.


Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
Macomb, Michigan
I am now out of Smash Hell.

I don't know the exact time, but it happened today, Sunday, and it took 8 days since it started last Saturday early morning.

Now, before I go back on, tournament mode is a for sure place where you can't report, right? Because if that's the case, I'm strictly going in tournament mode from now on until either Nintendo fixes their stuff or... I guess until my "reports" go away because I'm assuming they don't stick around forever.

If they do, that's even more silly, but whatever. I'm out and now will do tournaments. See ya guys around and hopefully Nintendo sees this is a problem when suddenly half the Smash Bros community is in it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
Yup. Sounds like Ban land alright. I got the same BS response. We don't know how long it will last and we can't remove it. What a load of BS.
You did the right thing in calling. I'm sure by now they've noticed.
What they'll do about it, who knows.
I get the feeling they don't know what to do.

They probably activated this system because parents were complaining of the inappropriate behavior they would see their kids encountering online.
So Nintendo's response must have been to activate the up-to-this-point (I'm guessing) non-operational Report option.
Because there is no way they can review every single report.

What they need to do is actually sit through the reports and ban those who are reporting for no reason for a week or a month. A long enough time that salty players will stop.
That, and a reason for the report.
If the reason is "they're spamming" (a BS reason), they get banned.

This will cut down on false reports tremendously, leaving only valid reports, which in turn will expose people who actually deserve to be banned.

But apparently Nintendo has no idea how to run an online system and just closed their eyes and left it to the players' decisions; an honor system.


Smash Cadet
Oct 28, 2014
its obvious, that not a single reportabuser was banned till now, even if it was stated before release. because there are no investigators in the first place.

I am for the fifth time in heall during a timespan of 2 months. i did play 2 weeks totally.. Have fun threadmaker, now the fun really begins.
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