You can do it!
Welcome to the Rosalina & Luma Directory Thread! This thread's desire is to compile the available resources we have for Rosalina & Luma for ease of access. It will serve as a sort of Table of Contents.
General Rules
- If you have any questions, ask them at the Q&A Thread before deciding on whether or not the question should have its own thread.
- Be sure to use the search function to know whether or not a certain topic already has its own thread.
- Be civilized towards all users at the sub-forum.
- Try not to bump very old threads.
- No sexual topics! Such topics are beyond borderline at the SmashBoards, especially at Rosalina's sub-forum. If you catch any sexual topics at any of the threads here, please report them to the moderators. Users who do not follow this rule will be penalized with warnings and/or potential infractions.
1 | Mario & Sonic Guy | Rosalina Complete Coverage Thread
2 | Mario & Sonic Guy | The Rosalina General/Social Thread: 2nd Edition
3 | Mario & Sonic Guy | Rosalina Match-Up Analysis R2 - Directory Thread
4 | Mario & Sonic Guy | Rosalina Q&A Thread
5 | Marie <3 | Dabuz's Rosalina Guide
6 | Mario & Sonic Guy | Rosalina Video Thread
7 | ParanoidDrone | Rosalina Custom Sets
8 | BelChydru | The Stellar Waltzing Duo: Rosalina & Luma
9 | AlMoStLeGeNdArY | Situational Rosalina Combos
10 | sonicbrawler182 | Rosalina Sparring Thread
11 | Rosalina & Luma | Rosalina Skype Thread
12 |

13 | DisidisiD | RosaLuma AT thread
14 | Macchiato | Queen of Space - Rosalina Tournament Results
15 | Marie <3 | Rosalina and Luma communication group take 2!
16 | Underhill | Rosalina's Stages
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