Chance: 10%
Meowth is easily one of the most iconic Pokemon out there. It's largely thanks to his role in the anime he is a Pokemon that many people are familiar with. He had that much fame and glory that he was supposed to be included in Smash Bros 64 as a playable fighter, but was unfortunately cut and used as a Pokeball Pokemon instead. Despite these odds, he is still a popular and famous Pokemon to this day that he still has some decent support for a Smash Bros inclusion.
However, there are two major problems that are holding him back from joining the roster. First off, he has the same issues as Gengar is facing right now on the potential Smash roster scene. He is a generation 1 Pokemon, and although generation 1 is a fan favorite and the most nostalgic for many, we already have 4 generation 1 representatives on the Smash 4 roster: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charizard, and Mewtwo. At this point, many Smashers would be more interested in seeing a Pokemon outside of generation 1 to join the roster, and adding another Kanto-originated Pokemon would be a bit much. Second, and perhaps the biggest setback, he already is a Pokeball Pokemon in the game. Sure he could get the "Toon Link on the Spirit Tracks stage" treatment where Pokeball Meowth wouldn't appear at all if fighter Meowth was partaking in a battle, but even then it would be rather complicated to handle this kind of treatment.
This reason would arguably make his chances around 5% or less, but the reason why I gave him a 10% rating is because of his very strong icon status and the fact he was once considered as a potential fighter in a past Smash Bros game.
Want: 20%
I think the Team Rocket Meowth would be an interesting addition to the Smash Bros roster. We are yet to see a real feline fighter, so I can understand why people want to see him join in similar to Jibanyan. He's also a memorable villain too, and considering that many fans want more villains on the roster, it too makes sense for his inclusion. However, like I stated back when I rated Gengar's chances, I am one of those people that thinks we already have another generation 1 representation on the Smash 4 and thus prefer a representative that didn't debut in Red/Green at this point.
I should also stress again that the title for my most wanted Pokemon to join the Smash Bros roster as DLC at this point is Gallade. Though he debuted in Generation 4, he comes from a generation 3 evolution line and has unique fighting style for a Pokemon. My strong desire for Gallade's inclusion is another reason why I gave Meowth the want rating you are seeing. If I had to pick between Meowth and Gengar, however, I'd be fine with either/or, hence why I gave him the same want rating as Gengar.
Owain (Fire Emblem): 2.39%
Shin Megami Tensei representative: 5.43%
5 extra nominations? Wow, this is a first for me!
Jean Descole (Professor Layton): x10
Surprised I'm not nominating Gallade today? Well, I decided I'll give him a little break for now in terms of nominations. For today's occasion, it makes sense to give Descole another added mile until his rating day arrives!