Akko is my dear daughter!
Before you start reading my rating, please take a listen to these two songs:
Now in English!
Jibanyan Chance:
Jibanyan is a Fire-Attribute Yo-kai of the Charming tribe who is the icon of a extremely popular franchise in Japan. (From the creators of Professor Layton)
Yo-kai are supernatural spirits who roam around the town haunting and causing mischief to people, ranging from Yo-kai that can make a person suddenly want to pee to one that can force you buy unnecessary things when you're out shopping. The premise itself is different from Pokemon as the player's goal revolves around searching the town of Springdale with the use
of a special device called the Yo-kai Watch to search, battle, and befriend Yo-kai to stop their bad deeds.
The gameplay of Yo-kai Watch is vastly different from Pokemon too. The only elements they share is that they involve a large amount of creatures to collect. After that, that is where the similarities between the two end. Unlike the usual RPG turn-based battle system, Yo-Kai Watch's battles takes place in real-time. Your party auto-fights opponents, and as they do, you use their special abilities to aid you in battle.
Since the first game's debut, Yo-kai Watch has become a massive phenomenon in Japan with exploding with manga, anime, spinoffs, mobile games, and merchandise across every street of Japan, selling in at over 7 million copies of the franchise's games total.
(Combining Yo-kai Watch Busters' sales, it goes up to over 8 billion)
(Another fact: The second YW game outsold Pokemon Omega Ruby/Sapphire in sales).
I'll be listing EVERYTHING that made Yokai Watch extremely popular in Japan:
It doesn't end there... there's still more Yo-kai Watch to come, this spawned more than just the ones I listed!
It's already has its name ingrained in restaurants, stores, trains, and even a Japanese singing group.
Yo-kai Watch advertisement in a Japanese theme park.
I also have to mention the music especially!
This very music video spawned a large collection of catchy songs that reigned over Japan as one of the top songs in Japan, with over 100,000,000+ views total. Various parodies were made for the song as well.
Ranging from the very catchy Gera Gera Po (Yo-kai Watch's anime opening song):
to the Dan Dan Zombie Zubah:
to the "Idol wa Ooh-Nya-Nya no Ken"
to the catchy Uchu Dance:
These music reigned so high, that a Just Dance version was created to show its high popularity:
Watched by thousands of people when a concert comes.
People worldwide and in Japan as a whole already know the songs and dances:
This as a whole represents Youkai Watch's popularity as a franchise. With YW having so many accomplishments done with its raging success in the east and high amount of requests in Japan, he's already an immediate candidate for the ballot.
The only issues Jibanyan has to deal with is his Japan status as it may really hurt his chances in the long run, potential competition with Layton, and the fact his franchise may also be considered too new to Sakurai since it's only been two years since the franchise started. Right now, the situation could change after the game releases in America and Europe. It's already get a ****load of advertisement right now with the anime (which recently aired in Disney XD), manga (recently released in stores now), and large amount of promotion Nintendo is aiding with:
According to the English Writer for the Yo-kai Watch anime, promotion for the game will hit like a tidal wave:
Given with booming Pokemon-like success with Yokai Watch in Japan, Sakurai may give Jibanyan a shot at being playable even the game hasn't been localized yet to make up for the fact his franchise is too new and Japan only for now with its large promotion coming in the West and Europe.
Summing things up, these are the reasons why I consider Jibanyan's chances better than some people think.
Jibanyan Want:
I'll be honest, when I first collaborated with @PoopFeast420 and @BandannaWaddleDee , I didn't think I would like the franchise at all.
Then I watched the anime, and kept watching it as the show kept amusing me and kept me laughing with Keita's slice of life with various different Yo-kai. (You should watch it for yourself, there's a load of meme worthy material in it) Sooner or later, I began to hum the songs Japan was raving about and did a lot of research of how popular Yo-kai Watch is in Japan, and holy **** there was a lot to know, it's amazing to see what Yo-kai Watch has accomplished in the span of 2 years.
I'm incredibly hyped for this game, and my avatars of Katie/Fumi show immediate proof of that. I already got imported YW merchandise staying next to my desk in my room and took the liberty to buy Disney XD, solely for the Yo-kai Watch english dub (and Gravity Falls).
If Jibanyan got inya~, I'd scream "MONGEE!" and be really damn hyped for his WON-DA-FUL! inclusionya~, so hyped that it would make Jinmenken piss in a pole somewhere that would make him go to jail yet again.
In my top 3 in character wants now.
If you're interested, feel free to take a look at the support thread if you're interested in learning more about the franchise.
Jibanyan Chance:

Jibanyan is a Fire-Attribute Yo-kai of the Charming tribe who is the icon of a extremely popular franchise in Japan. (From the creators of Professor Layton)
Yo-kai are supernatural spirits who roam around the town haunting and causing mischief to people, ranging from Yo-kai that can make a person suddenly want to pee to one that can force you buy unnecessary things when you're out shopping. The premise itself is different from Pokemon as the player's goal revolves around searching the town of Springdale with the use
of a special device called the Yo-kai Watch to search, battle, and befriend Yo-kai to stop their bad deeds.
The gameplay of Yo-kai Watch is vastly different from Pokemon too. The only elements they share is that they involve a large amount of creatures to collect. After that, that is where the similarities between the two end. Unlike the usual RPG turn-based battle system, Yo-Kai Watch's battles takes place in real-time. Your party auto-fights opponents, and as they do, you use their special abilities to aid you in battle.
Since the first game's debut, Yo-kai Watch has become a massive phenomenon in Japan with exploding with manga, anime, spinoffs, mobile games, and merchandise across every street of Japan, selling in at over 7 million copies of the franchise's games total.
(Combining Yo-kai Watch Busters' sales, it goes up to over 8 billion)
(Another fact: The second YW game outsold Pokemon Omega Ruby/Sapphire in sales).
I'll be listing EVERYTHING that made Yokai Watch extremely popular in Japan:
Japanese promotional poster for the anime. Currently claimed as one of the top 10 children anime of Japan.
The Yokai Watch movie promotional poster. The movie made $55 million (¥6.5 billion in yen) since its hit debut, also making the biggest grossing opening of any Japanese movie since 2000.
Merchandise of this franchise in Japan has been selling like hotcakes, as The toys Namco Bandai has been making for Yokai Watch have been selling over 10 billion yen ($93 billion in U.S.) to show its staggering success. Many Japanese stores has Yo-kai Watch merchandise ready to buy! The medals are also compatible with the arcade machines YW has, which is also extremely popular with kids.
It doesn't end there... there's still more Yo-kai Watch to come, this spawned more than just the ones I listed!
An upcoming attraction for Universal Studios Japan, YW has gotten so popular to warrant its own attraction.
It's already has its name ingrained in restaurants, stores, trains, and even a Japanese singing group.
mogmog burgers, YW's parody of Mcdonalds, this Mcdonalds recently just transformed into its parody counterpart.
NyaKB, YW's parody of the popular AKB48 band, whom AKB48 actually partnered with Level-5 with to do concerts for them.
One of the many trains you can find in Japan now.
Cars for the iconic Komasan and Komajiro characters of YW. Expanding from merchandise to cars is crazy!?!?!?!?!
The first official YW store called "Yorozumart" coming in Tokyo this October. Shows how much the franchise has gained.
I also have to mention the music especially!
Ranging from the very catchy Gera Gera Po (Yo-kai Watch's anime opening song):
to the Dan Dan Zombie Zubah:
to the "Idol wa Ooh-Nya-Nya no Ken"
to the catchy Uchu Dance:
These music reigned so high, that a Just Dance version was created to show its high popularity:
The songs expanded into concerts and live shows in most of the Asian countries like Taiwan and Singapore:
People worldwide and in Japan as a whole already know the songs and dances:
This as a whole represents Youkai Watch's popularity as a franchise. With YW having so many accomplishments done with its raging success in the east and high amount of requests in Japan, he's already an immediate candidate for the ballot.
The only issues Jibanyan has to deal with is his Japan status as it may really hurt his chances in the long run, potential competition with Layton, and the fact his franchise may also be considered too new to Sakurai since it's only been two years since the franchise started. Right now, the situation could change after the game releases in America and Europe. It's already get a ****load of advertisement right now with the anime (which recently aired in Disney XD), manga (recently released in stores now), and large amount of promotion Nintendo is aiding with:
Yo-kai are taking over #NYCC! Come to our booth (1C03) starting 10/8 for all the #YOKAIWATCH activities!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 5, 2015
Look out NYC! Whisper and Jibanyan are taking over Times Square!
— YO-KAI WATCH (@YokaiWatchNews) October 5, 2015
According to the English Writer for the Yo-kai Watch anime, promotion for the game will hit like a tidal wave:

Given with booming Pokemon-like success with Yokai Watch in Japan, Sakurai may give Jibanyan a shot at being playable even the game hasn't been localized yet to make up for the fact his franchise is too new and Japan only for now with its large promotion coming in the West and Europe.
Summing things up, these are the reasons why I consider Jibanyan's chances better than some people think.
Jibanyan Want:
I'll be honest, when I first collaborated with @PoopFeast420 and @BandannaWaddleDee , I didn't think I would like the franchise at all.
Then I watched the anime, and kept watching it as the show kept amusing me and kept me laughing with Keita's slice of life with various different Yo-kai. (You should watch it for yourself, there's a load of meme worthy material in it) Sooner or later, I began to hum the songs Japan was raving about and did a lot of research of how popular Yo-kai Watch is in Japan, and holy **** there was a lot to know, it's amazing to see what Yo-kai Watch has accomplished in the span of 2 years.
I'm incredibly hyped for this game, and my avatars of Katie/Fumi show immediate proof of that. I already got imported YW merchandise staying next to my desk in my room and took the liberty to buy Disney XD, solely for the Yo-kai Watch english dub (and Gravity Falls).
If Jibanyan got inya~, I'd scream "MONGEE!" and be really damn hyped for his WON-DA-FUL! inclusionya~, so hyped that it would make Jinmenken piss in a pole somewhere that would make him go to jail yet again.
In my top 3 in character wants now.
If you're interested, feel free to take a look at the support thread if you're interested in learning more about the franchise.