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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Said it would be my last day and today and tomorrow have characters i care about. darn

Chance 40%
Im honestly not that optimistic anymore. I only expect 2 or 3 more characters and it seems like we're running a bit low on space for the space animal.

Want 40%
I dont care for him as much either especially with lucas already in.

Midna (the one i actually care for)

Want 100%
God this character is great. I never even wound up finishing twilight princess but i love this character. And throw in she has a buttload of moveset potential from magic to hand hair and we have ourselves a great potential newcomer.

Yet another case of us never getting hyrule warriors content.

Porky 13.666%
Guile's theme freedom%

Noms. . .
Rerate npc becomes playable 10
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York

So I'll just quote what I said last time - I was pretty well rating her without Link
Chance: 10%
You'll notice I'm only talking about one of the characters - the one who matters. I bet if she went in, they'd bring in a generic shadow wolf the same way they did it in Hyrule Warriors. Or at least I hope that; I'm still not a fan of the same character existing multiple times on the select screen.
So, same problems as before; just check the ratings for playable NPCs. If she did make the jump, they could easily comment out her AT or replace it (with Impa, perhaps?). Her other major problem is that she is a one-hit-wonder. However, that didn't stop her from having legions of fans from her single appearance...she got more fans from one game than Impa's had until Skyward Sword, despite all of her appearances.​
Want: 100%
I LOVED Twilight Princess. Beautiful Zelda game in every way. And Midna just made it incredible with her attitude - she was an uncaring ***** at the beginning, but then you got halfway through and she almost died, and you really felt bad for her. Amazing character development over the game. I'd love to see her make an appearance.​

Still holds up well: Chance 10%, Want: 100%

and the Wolf
Again, from before...
Chance: 85%
Wait, what? Only 85?!
There's a lot going for Wolf. I think he's as close to a lock as anyone could be. Especially since he's pretty much at the top of US polls (and I think he was number 2 in Japan). When Lucas was revealed, everyone pretty much expected Wolf to be right next to that.
And yet, he hasn't been announced...And this new leak doesn't reference wolf at all...?
Now, it's all too perfect that they'd be making Wolf in the background to announce him at E3 with StarFoxU. Frankly I think that's what will end up happening. After all, he is highly requested...
But he was cut, despite being less cloney than Falco - why? And what if they're looking at the ballot right now - is Wolf doing as well as he should? I think the biggest problem with him is the bystander effect - everyone expects him to get in, so nobody votes him. This thread is a great example: look how long it took Wolf to get to the top, despite being in the top three since the beginning. Now Nintendo most likely knows he's really popular, but they've done so many unexpected things before. I prefer to vote on the more conservative side here (and it's still higher than every other character...)
Whatever, he's most likely in, but I've learned not to put money on anything in terms of this game.​
Want: 100%
Yes please. Liked him so much more than Falco since Brawl. Bring on the villains!​
I was really expecting him to be DLC with the stage packs, actually...I still think he's got great chances, but I don't know if anyone's a lock after what they pulled with K.Rool.

New score: Chance 75%, Want 80%

Both predictions: 1.7%

Nom: Offline Tourneys x5

Deleted member

Midna Without Wolf Link

Chance and Want: Double Zeroes

She's already an Assist Trophy.

As for want, while I do like her as a character, her moveset potential is lacking without Wolf Link in my eyes, and if I wanted a wolf in this game, I'd rather have Amaterasu and/or this guy:


Chance: 50%

You read that right. Wolf may be a popular veteran with an already established moveset that can easily be ported over from Brawl (and he is neither owned by flipping Konami nor plagued by technical issues), I'm not entirely certain of his return. In fact, I can't give anyone without any concrete evidence above 50%.

Want: 80%


Guile Theme - 1.5%

Porky - 2%

Nominations: Pichu Rerate x5
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
RTC has been one wild ride...and has been fairly time consuming as well...I might try to step away for a bit after today's ratings...Wolf and Midna being two characters that I want fairly badly seems a more than appropriate way to end off my 100+ days run...

I will probably poke in here and there throwing in a few nominations and some tl;dr ratings as well, but I really need to step back from this game...I mean I really don't think I've even missed a day since we started, it's almost mind-boggling even...but it's definitely been a fun run regardless!


Also let ye be warned there is a lot of text below........................A LOT!


When looking at the current roster, you can't help but think that something's missing...

:wolf:!Rerate: Wolf

Chance: 95%
Previous Chance Rating
Chance: 98.76%
Yes I'm gonna be that guy!:troll:
Wolf is pretty much guaranteed with the return of other veterans being Mewtwo and Lucas and possibly Roy, but that is not the only thing that factors into his return to the fray. The new Star Fox game is coming! E3 is likely going to be some sort of big announcement for the new game showcasing shiny new graphics, gameplay, as well as an official title. Whether or not Wolf will be revealed at E3 remains to be seen, it could be likely he'll be revealed in august so his arrival to DLC is closer to the possible release of the new Star Fox. Did I mention that he is a veteran (see icon), a highly requested one at that, that is one thing that is going heavily in his favour...
So with all that, what's going against Wolf in terms his chances for a DLC return? Well the Ryu/Roy leak is one thing but only for the simple fact that they would possibly take up two slots that Wolf could have, but since we don't know how many characters will be released for DLC that may or may not matter regardless, especially if Wolf is one of the possible pre-planned DLC (which is pretty likely). I mean it is very likely that we'll see plenty of characters coming for the next couple years, since the Smash Ballot is a thing so overall even if Ryu and Roy are coming Wolf will most likely be joining them either before or after...So what else is going against Wolf? Well...That would be Sakutroll Sakurai, I mean this dude likes to throw us a monkey wrench and probably chuckles to himself hysterically at how much the fanbase goes apesh*t...but at the same time he does try to keep within the fan's requests, and they have not only been requesting Wolf, but they're expecting him...There really is no reason for him not to come back, so the only reason I don't give him a perfect 100% is because he hasn't been confirmed....yet
To think that my rating has dropped a bit, you could say that his non-reveal at E3 dropped his chances a bit, but the changes are hardly noticable IMO...not too mention my first rating was kinda trolly, but still pretty much reflected my thoughts on the matter anyways...

At the end of the day, there is no logical reason why Wolf won't come back...there really isn't...

He's vastly popular, IMO ranking top 3 in support for the Fighter Ballot currently, along side King K Rool and Isaac, People want him to come back! He's got some of the best taunts in the game 'What's the matter scared?' As well as being just a straight up badass...

He's a veteran, no need to come up with a moveset because that work was already done in Brawl, the only changes that really need to be made is his final smash, but if Lucas is any indication that probably won't happen, either way he's already unique enough compared to his counterparts, despite what a few detractors want to say...Personally I thought he had a better following than both Lucas and Roy, but then again Sakurai does seem to have a preference of the Japanese interests as they are both more popular over there than internationally...

'Muh Relevance, Recency'...He's confirmed within the new Star Fox Zero which is due to be released during the holidays...If Wolf is too be added to DLC this is literally the best time to do it, for the holidays...

No Third Party/Technical Limitations...as much as people don't want to admit Snake and the Ice Climbers are most likely not coming back...(It saddens me too, but that's pretty much how things are looking right now) but Wolf on the other hand was left out of the roster due to time constraints...He was a last minute addition in Brawl (at least I assume based on his minimal role in SSE and his copout Final Smash) and he was intended for melee...Unless Sakurai just straight up doesn't like him anymore (which I doubt) then Wolf will likely come back...


Want: 100%
Previous Want Rating
Want: 95%
Wolf was a fairly fun character to use, save for tha fact that his recovery is only slightly better than Little Mac's, but this is a different game afterall...and people really should not complain about Wolf being a clone as his final smash admittedly was a lazy copy, but his specials only barely resembled fox...He's a semi-clone but is very far removed from his counterpart (I mean Fox doesn't slash the crap outta his opponents does he?) Anyways I liked Wolf as a character (even if he had no significant part in the SSE) It brought us a new villain, plus he looks cool as f@ck!! I'd be happy to see his return as I was very surprised that he was cut in the first place...most likely time constraints but since DLC is a thing then Sakurai can take his time with that, and make a few extra bucks in the process.... In fact Wolf was originally supposed to be in melee as fox's clone but since they are visually similar Sakurai changed it to Falco last minute...Not htat I have anything against that as Falco was my secondary in melee and brawl which is probably why I didn't use Wolf as much...
There is an increase in my want, before I was more interested in getting new characters, and my Want rating was as high as it was simply because I felt he needs to come back...but looking on it now, I want him almost as badly as my Top 4...

Not much else to say so Sakurai, stop beating around the bush and bring back Wolf already...


So...Can we ignore the whole 'third link' shenanigans this time as the whole point was Midna, NOT Wolf Link, to begin with? (her being paired with Wolf Link is just one possibility for Midna as a fighter, the most likely but not the only one)

Either way, this will probably be my last in depth rating, at least for a while...so I think it's fitting ending off on my most wanted character, it was a fun ride!
A little something to set the mood...

!Rerate: Midna

Chance: 5%
Previous Chance Rating (warning lots of text)
Chance: 15%
Well, aren't I optimistic! Here's the thing, (note: I'm mostly referring to Midna's character in the next few paragraghs, I'll touch upon Wolf Link in a bit) There is a very important role within the Zelda series that is missing outside of a measly taunt. Link, the hero; Zelda, damsel/princess/title character; Ganon(dorf), recurring villain... finally, the companion, in their respective games are one of the most important characters behind Link himself. The companion not only accompanies Link on his adventures but provides a voice to a character that never talks...Downside is that the companions do tend to get cycled through fairly often, as none have made a second appearance...however...

Midna has played one of the largest roles out of all the companions within the Zelda series in her respective game (I mean the f*cking game is named after her, something only really Link and Zelda can take credit for in the franchise, unless you want to count Najora's Mask and Minish Cap as well) seeing as she is the driving force behind the story's plot. She, unlike the other companions, actually has a great moveset potential and is viable as a smash fighter...Does this mean she deserves it more than the other companions? Not necessarily, but her role in game has proven her to be more than just a simple guide as is the case for most other companions. She is arguably one of the more iconic companions as well (behind Navi, who's iconic for the wrong reasons 'HEY, LISTEN!!')

What's that? She was only in one game, you say?
Doesn't really mean anything considering Sheik is only here due to her vet status since Transformations were removed...Also, one game that happens to be part of Nintendo's third biggest franchise (one that so far hasn't received a lot of new playable characters since melee)...

What's that? She's not relevant, you say?
Tell that to the King K Rool supporters...plus she's got relevance with her (dual) playability in Hyrule Warriors...either way, if you're not going to count a spinoff appearance for some stupid reason as relevance, then this is another example of popularity vs. relevance...Midna has popularity amoung Zelda fans...

Does Zelda really need any more reps?
Technically no series 'needs' any new reps, as Sakurai and the dev team do no think in terms of reps (If they did we wouldn't have spoken about a possible 5th Fire Emblem character for DLC), but at the same time we're talking about a series that hasn't really received any newcomers since melee, especially since Toon Link was more of a replacement for another character than a newcomer...Midna (and Wolf Link) brings something fresh to the table for the Zelda series...

Now for Wolf Link...'He's a third Link!'...sure...Visually speaking he's far removed from being the same character though he tehcnically is. Wolf Link clearly would have a greatly differing moveset, as well, being y'know a Wolf. Also pairing him with Midna not only makes him more diverse as a character from other Link's, but it also reinforces Midna's companionship with Wolf Link which makes it more symbolic to their respective roles within the game and also within the franchise as well (for most of the game, people would be playing as Wolf Link more often because YOU CAN ACTUALLY RUN FAST!!!!). Adding Wolf Link on his own, first of all doesn't make sense, since in game he's always got Midna riding on his back, second he is a much less prominent figure given the exact same said argument...Paper Mario as a third Mario still has a decent shot at being implemented into Smash, because sure he's Mario but he's unique, Wolf Link is no different, if Sakurai considers the pair to be smash worthy the fact that he shares the same name as two other characters is relatively minor given their potential.

Then there's Midna's role as an Assist Trophy, which would appear to be the nail in the figurative coffin so to speak. BUT there are two loopholes I see...one, 'Midna' is an Assist Trophy, 'NOT' Midna 'AND' Wolf Link, this may seem like a bit of a stretch but remember both Duck Hunt Dog and Toon Link are visually distinct from their NPC counterparts as well. If Midna was paired with Wolf Link it really wouldn't be too much of a big deal if Midna's assist trophy appeared as they both would work differently on the field anyways (also see my NPC thread arguments)...and two...this is a big situational IF btw...

a possible Twilight Princess remake...


Majora's Mask 3D was just released a couple months ago and already people are buzzing with the possibility of a new Zelda remake in the works...even with a leaked image of a Twilight Princess 3D on the 3DS, it seems everything is looking up for the popular title in the future...except...the leaked image was a fake....well then, I guess a remake's not happening...

Or is it?

Aonuma has made two statements reinforcing the possibility for a Twilight Princess remake; first, he has confirmed that he has indeed experimented with Twilight Princess with HD graphics (remember the demo at E3 a few years back?), and two other games being both Wind Waker and Skyward Sword with the intent to find a good graphical style for Zelda Wii U (he liked Wind Waker's HD look so much that it prompted him to release the Wii U HD remake for it)...that said he has already done some work on Twilight Princess when it comes to HD graphics quality; Second, Aonuma has not ruled out the possibility of releasing a Twilight Princess remake in the future, he said there is a distinct possibility of it happening, however he has also stated that he is focusing 100% on Zelda U for the time being...he said he doesn't quite have the necessary 'bandwidth' currently to do both...
So with all that are we going to get a Twilight Princess remake? If you ask me I will say confidently, yes! Zelda is Nintendo's top three franchise, and for the past (I lost count how many) years there has been at least one Zelda game released every year (with a remake of some kind seeimingly every other year), this year we already got Majora's Mask, with A Link Between Worlds being last year's release and with the new Zelda U slated for a 2016 release (after the heart breaking delay announcement :urg:) It is likely that a Twilight Princess remake (the most logical next game in line for a remake) will be a possible 2017 release, and I am quite confident that it is going to happen once Aonuma is finished with Zelda U. Once that is finished and out of the way, he can focus on finalizing whatever work he's already done with Twilight Princess to get it ready for 2017...As a remake for an existing game there is a lot less work involved as it is mainly updating graphics and possibly tweaking some gameplay here and there...

Now that's all fine and dandy but there's another problem that I'm sure several people who are reading this are willing to address, are we still going to get character DLC for Smash in 2017? Well, hard to say for sure, Sakurai did say he was planning a lot of stuff and was hoping DLC would keep the game alive for a few years after it's initial release, so it may very well be likely that we will indeed continue to gain character DLC even in 2017...now with all that said if we are getting a Twilight Princess remake (which I think we will), AND if we are going to still be receiving DLC by the time it is released (which I also think has a fair chance) then Midna (and Wolf Link)'s chances definitely do go up a bit...Does it not make sense to promote this game with one of the most notable features of teh game as a playable character?

Well we don't know if using DLC to promote upcoming games is still a possibility. I mean Twilight Princess as a remake could easily sell itself without any Smash promotion as is the case for other Zelda remakes. Then again the game could be promotional for M&WL DLC as well, having both come out at similar times just makes things very convenient for both in terms of marketing. M&WL will sell if they become DLC especially if a remake is incoming. It is possible that if it's about promoting a game their support in the ballot, or lack thereof, may not matter...


However with ALL that said, we still don't know if Sakurai's going to consider the pair separate enough from Midna's assist trophy (or if it even matters), or if he's going to release a DLC character as promotion for any game's release, or if we will still get smash DLC in 2017, or even if a Twilight Princess remake is indeed going to happen...There's also the factor that they may not get as much ballot support because of people accepting a made up unconfirmed 'rule', which doesn't bode well either...and then there's Impa (and possibly Tetra) being a more likely candidate for a new Zelda representative...But taking everything else I said into consideration, don't be so quick to fully discredit Midna(and Wolf Link)'s chances...
Midna is an Assist Trophy? sure, her support may be behind but no reason why an AT can't be playable as well, as we discussed in the NPC's topic...
Wolf Link is another Link? As I said Sakurai may not care how many of one character is in the game as long as they have something to offer...Wolf Link is much more unique than other characters bearing the same title, and can also bring something new to the table...

Previously I was going to rate their chances a lot lower but then I reminded myself of the possible Twilight Princess remake which, to me at least, improved their chances a fair bit. They still got a reasonably large mountain to climb with all of the previously mentioned 'IFs' (they actually have no problem climbing if you've played the game), but overall it has me feeling a bit more optimistic...If all the variable fall into place they could happen...

...or they could not...
Well you can pretty much ignore a lot of what I previously written since I was basically banking on Sakurai pulling characters that aren't exactly 'Top Ballot Picks'...His statements regarding 'fanservice' are vague, but my impressions has me thinking that he'll simply pick out of a lot of top contenders on the Ballot like King K Rool, Bandana Dee and the Inklings rather than have a second look at the game's AT's...(I was kinda bummed by those statements to be honest)...there was also the fact that I felt the DLC period would've lasted a bit longer than just 2015/16 which is what it seems it'll look like...
I do however still have some hope...Midna is one of the more popular Assist characters out there and easily one of the more popular Zelda characters that are currently Assists (one that is also not as polarizing either), the fans have been asking for a new Zelda character, one that isn't part of the Triforce and if Sakurai listens to these pleas then this only leaves Impa as Midna's top competitor in that regard, Midna does have more popularity over Impa as well as a more easily discernible moveset, but of course...I'm not going to deny that she is still an Assist Trophy...which doesn't bode well for anybody in that position...
There is the chance that she has a silent majority out there casting all kinds of votes on the Ballot without really saying much over the net...remember Twilight Princess is still a highly successful and very well received video game, one that has out sold all other games of the Zelda franchise, including Ocarina of Time, so there is a large fanbase for that game alone and one of the biggest reasons for this game's popularity, why it has done so well compared to every other title, why so many people love this game....is because of Midna!


Want: INFINITE% 100%
Previous Want Rating (warning lots of text)
Want: 10,000% 100%
Can I make it anymore obvious? Now first off...let me get this out of the way...people might start pointing fingers and ask 'didn't you not want Paper Mario for being a third Mario? Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite for wanting a third Link? Or do you have a bigger bias towards having a third Link over a third mario?'

Let me be very blunt with you...I couldn't give two sh*ts about Wolf Link...

Don't get me wrong, he's a wolf (one of my favourite animals), and he's Link (arguably one of my favourite video game characters of all time), and he's awesome (he is...); but on his own he definitely, DEFINITELY, should not be in Smash as a stand alone character..."Midna" is the real focus here...I don't care if she's working solo, or if she's paired with Wolf Link, or if she's going to be fighting in her gorgeous true form :love:... I just want Midna as a playable character in Smash, when she was announced as an Assist I felt like someone gutted me, ripped out my heart stuffed it down my throat made me choke on my own blood as I died a slow and painful death (sorry recently watched some Mortal Combat Gameplay on YouTube, still fresh in my mind)...BUT...with the fighter ballot came a glimmer of hope...

If I had to choose between the three mentioned possibilities for Midna's inclusion into Smash, I would have her paired with Wolf Link for the simple fact that, A) it's more unique (sure we got Duck Hunt but M&WL's play style will be a lot different to DH's campy projectile game)...and B) it better represents their given roles within Twilight Princess, and better emphasises the companion's bond that is shared with Link as a character within the series...
If anything I want her even more now, but I apparently can't rate higher than my initial 100% (Wynaut?)...but I still have to deal with the whole 'NPC's won't become playable' bologna whenever I mention Midna (or Dark Samus)...though I still want to believe it is still possible...Some of these characters have more popularity and more merit than a lot of the top contenders on the ballot, heck some of them, including Midna, has more to offer in terms of a viable and unique moveset...

Let me propose a scenario to you people...just hear me out...

...we received a DLC bundle of promoted Assist Trophy characters? Perhaps as a way for Sakurai to say, 'I haven't forgotten about these characters'...Waluigi and Takamaru may seem like no-brainers given their above average support despite being Assists (IMO Midna could very well be an easy third pick given her popularity and the call for a Zelda newcomer)...Are you thinking about it? Just forget about the chances, forget the numbers, forget their 'roles' already in game, just open your minds and picture the scenario (doesn't have to be those three characters specifically either, perhaps Stage Boss Ridley, or Blaziken or Chrom or whoever...) and imagine how the community would react...just think on it for a bit...

Just the thought of it...and what Sakurai is capable of...Why should being an Assist Torphy (or stage boss) be a death sentence?

Why is it a big deal for them to be in the game as both a playable character and an NPC? I mean ROB did it just fine in Brawl, people keep brinig up that it's be weird for a character to summon themselves but no one seemed to care that ROB could be the crap out of other ROB's in the SSE (mind you people disliked him for other reasons back then) and an Assist Trophy is no different except they only appear for a few seconds until they disappear again...Heck there are other characters that have multiple roles in game, sure some of them aren't playable such as the Ghosts and Rikki, and now Chrom (though he kinda is playable now I guess?) If Dedede and Toon Link can be coded out while said character is in play then why not an Assist Trophy? I would think it'd be even easier to code out, heck why even bother so what if a Character summons themselves?...

Either way...Midna remains my most wanted character and probably will most likely stay that way until she actually makes the roster, and with the possibility that we 'may' not get another Smash game, I feel like it is now or never for Midna!
And the whole Wolf Link thing, why does a Wolf named Link have to really do with anything...He doesn't use a sword, or a shield, or arrows, bombs, boomerang, grapple hooks, doesn't wear a tunic, or scream 'HIYAHH!!'...so why does this matter?...perhaps if Toon Link wasn't a thing people might not care as much and they'd have more support overall...(as if I didn't need another reason to dislike Toon Link being in the game)...but anyways if Midna; Imp form, True Form, riding on some form of a Wolf, whichever, makes it into Smash...words cannot describe how ecstatic I'd be...I'd probably cry...........er....manly tears...of course...


Predictions 4 teh lulz:
Porky: 2.34%

Guile's Theme: 8.75%


Concept: SSB4 is the last SSB x2
Concept: Pirate Ship x2
Concept: New Mii Fighter Archetype x1


I told you there was a lot of text, but noooo, you didn't listen...:p
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Chance: 70%
Want: 100%

Chance/Want: 0%

Porky 2%
Guiles Theme 11%

Nominate Baby Mario x3
Offline Tourney x2


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
Chance 75%
Want 80%

Solo Minda:
Chance: 1% AT
Want: 10%

Porky - 12%
Guile's Theme - 10%

Nomination - Tamagon x 10
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Let me propose a scenario to you people...just hear me out...

...we received a DLC bundle of promoted Assist Trophy characters? Perhaps as a way for Sakurai to say, 'I haven't forgotten about these characters'...Waluigi and Takamaru may seem like no-brainers given their above average support despite being Assists (IMO Midna could very well be an easy third pick given her popularity and the call for a Zelda newcomer)...Are you thinking about it? Just forget about the chances, forget the numbers, forget their 'roles' already in game, just open your minds and picture the scenario (doesn't have to be those three characters specifically either, perhaps Stage Boss Ridley, or Blaziken or Chrom or whoever...) and imagine how the community would react...just think on it for a bit...

Just the thought of it...and what Sakurai is capable of...Why should being an Assist Torphy (or stage boss) be a death sentence?
I want this so bad. Ridley, Midna, and Ghirahim together would be beyond perfect.

Deleted member

Im going to take a risk:
The Only thing i see against him is that Sakurai uses the Ballot exclusively for Newcomers.
Aside from that, not beign in the game yet is my only concern.

He should have never been cut. That's all im going to say.

Abstaining on Midna.

Guile's theme:2.34
Such a missed opportunity.
7+ DLC Characters Rerate X5


Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
Chance: 90% This has to happen. It will happen. With how important Sakurai obviously considers veterans, and Wolf confirmed for Star Fox Zero, I have no clue why it won't happen.



Chance: 10% I truthfully don't believe in AT's returning. I can imagine her being the first if this were to happen.
Want: She's not Lana/ abstain.
Sorry. The only Zelda characters I've ever wanted were Tetra and Lana. I never thought of Midna as a fighter, as such i'll just abstain.

Nomination: Genei Ibun Roku #FE rep x5.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 92% - Just docking half a percent off, due to not getting him yet and the fact that we're running out of time and/or slots.

Want - 100% - Why not?

Midna w/o Link

Chance - 0% - Assist Trophy.

Want - 20% - Sure, limit her even more...


Porkey - 6.34%- Can't imagine him doing well...

Guile's theme - 2.56% - Ship has sailed...

Non-playable representation for Ballot Runners-up X5


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Bear in mind, people, that as per Hyrule Warriors, this is still technically Midna by herself:

Even without Wolf Link she still has Shadow Wolf. That's what I nominated, it should be just "Midna".
The main reason we did this was to accommodate the people who said "we don't Wolf Link cuz third Link".


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep
Chance 92%
Again, like I've said, I don't see his chance changed at all. Pre ballot is over, so what? And who said that anyway? A translator. Sakurai never claimed that being true, and even if so that would've been contradicting with the K Rool Mii costume. If there's ever a change in chance, I blame the bandwagon starters. Etika and PushDustIn.

Want 1,000,000,000%... I mean 100% (duh)
As said before, I only ever care about Wolf from now on. I've even gone as far as halving my wants on other characters, so it's obvious I want Wolf back. There's no reason for him to be cut, and there's no reason he cannot come back.

Chance 0%
Yes there is a slight chance she can promote from AT, but chances are extremely low.

Want 0%
See above 2 paragraphs.

Abstain on Predictions.

Rerate K Rool x4
Rerate Slippy x1

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Double Zeros

I'd rather have Lana or Mask Salesman. She's an AT

95% Chance 100% Want
I don't see why it won't happen, and I love Wolf so yeah..

Porky 3%
Guile Theme: 15%

Idolm@ster Mii Costume x 5


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina

Chances: 70% Don't get me wrong, I think he's still the most likely, but I severely doubt that he's guaranteed, while he's got a ton of things going for him, I feel like many people underestimate his competition, who could very well run him out of his slot.

Wantys: 90% It's a shame he was ever cut. Only reason this is not 100% is that he'd probably still be in the next game if he misses this one.

Solo Midna:

Chances: 2% Assist Trophy with some support, and mediocre potential.
Want: 0% I happen to heavily dislike Midna's character, plus I don't really see much potential in her, and I feel there's some much more deserving potential Zelda newcomers, namely Vaati, Impa, Tingle, and Ganon, and I can think of ones I'd like more namely Groose, Vaati, Impa, Tingle, Ganon, and Linebeck. Most of it's due to my dislike though. I can't possibly be the only one who found her even more annoying than Navi, right?

Also, I'm kind of confused, she can use a wolf but still be classified as solo, but only solo when the wolf isn't named Link? I don't think I get it?

Predictions: Guile's theme: 6%
Porky: 15% Kind of surprised he wasn't rated yet.
Nominations: Rerate!Bandana Dee x 5
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida

Chance: 70%
Want: 50%

I'm not entirely convinced that Wolf's chances are the best. Massively popular veteran and all, but he's skipped two rounds of DLC characters, and two other veterans were included over him. I won't be surprised if he manages to skip a third round before the ballot is counted, if it even happens. I honestly don't care for Wolf, but not to the level of, say, Young Link. Wouldn't complain if he returned, every cut character's fanbase deserves to be happy.


Double zeroes.

Assist Trophy. Different form or not, the character herself is already established in an interactive role and it ain't changing.


Guile theme: 5%
Porky: 3%

Nominate: Rundas x5
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Also, I'm kind of confused, she can use a wolf but still be classified as solo, but only solo when the wolf isn't named Link? I don't think I get it?
It's literally how she works in Hyrule Warriors where she merely summons a Shadow Wolf instead of always riding on Wolf Link the entire time...the summon would possibly work similarly to Wario's bike or Zelda's Down B, where the Wolf would disappear after a short time...


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014

Chance: 99%
He's looking good and has everything going for him, but is not confirmed yet.

Want: 100%


Chance: 0%

Want: 1%

Predictions: Porky 2%

Predictions: Guile's theme 4%

Nominations: Pious X5.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013

Chance: 90%
Want: 50%

I think it's likely that Sakurai will give us one last veteran, and this will be it. I don't care that much either way, but I think it's very likely.

Lone Midna:

Chance: 1%
Want: 10%

I'm not crazy about Midna. Already being an Assist doesn't help her chances either.

And I nominate:


Yeah she's unlikely but I'm interested in seeing how much people want her. Also I gotta spread the Barbara love.


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
Returning for a bit for the Wolf rerate

Chance: 99%

My thoughts on Wolf haven't changed one bit. He's an extremely popular veteran, easily on the same level as Roy and Lucas, who are already in the game. He could easily be used to help promote Star Fox Zero, and Star Fox Zero isn't near release yet. If Wolf isn't released by the time Star Fox Zero comes out THEN people can start to panic, but literally nothing has changed about his chances, and yet people are dropping their scores.

Want: 100%

It's Wolf!


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
The sky grows dark. Rain pours down in sheets, blown across the world by howling winds. Lightning splits the sky, chased by monstrous cracks of thunder. Somewhere through there lies salvation...but is it too late?


Rerate: Wolf

Chance: 80% -> 70%

What strange circumstances we find ourselves in. Four characters into DLC, and Wolf has yet to show up. There're still a couple placeholders unaccounted for, and there's still the Smash Ballot to hold things over for however long, so it's not as if he's dead in the water...sky...empty vacuum of space?

What there is, now...is some lingering doubt. After all the fanfare of the Lucas and Roy reveals, the whole focus on them being returning veterans, has some wondering if they're all the remaining veterans we'll see. The end of the Smash Ballot draws ever nearer, and some wonder if Wolf has been nominated too little because of how many people expected him to not need it.

You all know me to be a skeptic...and in this case, it helps a character for once. I can still see us getting a couple more characters before the Smash Ballot closes, or if anything, revealed later on to bridge the gap before the first of the Ballot candidates are finished. Wolf is still highly requested, still less of a clone than returners Lucas and Roy, and his series' lack of relevance will no longer be an issue in just a couple months.

Want: 40% -> 40%
I have mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he's less of a clone than Falco is, and I can see the appeal in how he fights. He has the kind of brutal, visceral attacks that feel really satisfying to use. On the other, I'm still a bigger fan of unique characters than even fringe clones, and there's a certain other Star Fox character I'm more invested in.

Just saying, though...there's nothing stopping them both from getting in.


Chance: 3.5%
So people weren't too hot on the idea of Midna and Wolf Link teaming up. There was a lot of focus on a "third Link" despite not feeling anything like the two we have. Perhaps Midna by herself might be better received?

Problem is, it likely won't matter. Midna is still an Assist Trophy, and we still haven't seen any sign of summons being re-written into playable roles. With or without a shapeshifting hero to accompany her, Midna is hard pressed to get anything going in her current state.

And it's not as if there aren't any other Zelda characters getting people's interest, either...

Want: 42.5%
You could say I'm intrigued, at least. Another spellcaster with a unique type of magic? Even if her moveset potential alone wouldn't be as high as if Wolf Link was with her, she'd still be interesting.

Porky Prediction: 3.37%
Is anyone even asking for this one any more? It seems he's drifted off to nowhere...

Guile's Theme Music Prediction: 12.75%
And awesome theme that might not have a chance unless we get more music in future updates.

Nominations: Rundas x5
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Chance: 95%
No character has a better chance than Wolf right now. He's insanely popular worldwide and (if all those people telling me why so many veterans are coming back are correct) being a veteran in Brawl should make him easy to bring over. The only reason he has 5% against him is because, for some reason, he was cut. Maybe Sakurai really doesn't like him.:awesome:

Want: 100%
I've always loved Wolf. If Ice Climber didn't get cut as well, I'd be supporting him.

(solo) Midna
Chance: 6%
The chance of Midna getting in is probably small enough already, but without Wolf Link? Good luck.

Want: 50%
I loved Midna, and as I've said before, I'd love for some LoZ rep that doesn't involve the same 3 damn characters over and over again. Impa would be my top choice, but Midna's a close second.

Porky 2.5%
Guile's Theme 65% Everyone's favorite theme from a game that recently got representation? I'm willing to bet it's likely.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007

Chance: 90%
He's been here before. That counts for something. Wolf has no apparent flaws. Still in view with Zero set to release this Fall, Sakurai liked him, the most different of all spacies in Brawl, no technical restrictions, and enough fans. The way I see it, he is the most likely veteran coming up. Out of everyone getting thrown around on these boards, Wolf is the only one I would be shocked that did not make it if worst comes to worst.

Want: Abstain


Chance: 0%
Sigh. As much as I'd like this character, she's impossible to me at this point. Having a defined role already without the precedence of a character breaking out of that to become playable doesn't look good for her chances. Midna is incredible even without a wolf companion. The furthest thing from a gimmick reliant Zelda character and it's a shame she was placed in the spot she was.

Want: 100%


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015

Chance: 80%

Still the most likeable character... But everything starts hurt a little bit his chances.

Want: 60%

Wolf is a cool character, and a lot of people would be happy with his return.


Chance: 1%

Assist Trophy

Want: 50%

I don't care about her.


Porky: 3.5%
Guile's tiene: 15%


Rerate! Pichu x3
Idolm@ster Mii Costume x2

Idolm@ster Mii Costume x 5
Note: I must nominate this... Is actually a idea that I think before.
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Smash Cadet
May 8, 2015

Chance: 98%
I'm almost positive he'll get in. and the 98 is only because I'm all but certain.

Want: 100%
I mained Wolf in Brawl for the entirety of owning the game. That's a long time.
I'm curious as to why people are even ambivalent when it comes to whether they want him in. I see it as only fair that the Wolf fans and Wolf mains get their character back in the game after Lucas, Roy and Mewtwo fans have. Villain reps are always great to have, and Star Fox only has 2 so far (I know, a newcomer would be nice, but let's save that spot for Slippy).


Chance: gosh I dunno, 30%?
she's pretty darn iconic, but she's not a veteran and newcomers are so high in number that there's no way to hedge bets on anyone that isn't K Rool or Isaac.

Want: 80%
She'd definitely be a cool addition to the roster, and I loved Twilight Princess.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train

Chance: 1%.
Want: 1000000000000%.

She's an Assist Trophy with what appears to be very low support. That alone is pretty damning. No more need be said.

And that's a shame too. In my incredibly valuable AND humble opinion, Midna is one of the few true Nintendo All-Stars not yet in Smash. There's no staple Zelda characters not already in Smash, so any newcomer from the series comes down to the one with the biggest influence, and I strongly belief this is that character.

I was there when Twilight Princess launched and everyone henceforth put her on their list of top ten most wanted Smash Bros. newcomers, so I can't be convinced otherwise.
I personally prefer her with Wolf Link because of what she represents in the Zelda games, but she can work with a Twili Wolf as well. I don't mind. Anything to get her in Smash.

Poor Midna, in the right place at the wrong time for two games in a row - in Brawl, your massive fan following came a year after Brawl's roster was decided, and in Smash 4 you made your return in Hyrule Warriors months after it was too late.
I support this character in hopes to reverse this travesty!

Oh, and Wolf too, I guess.

Chance: 90%.
Want: 70%.

I think he's really likely at this point, still.
As much as I like the veterans coming back to Smash, I really am getting sick of people freaking out that Wolf's not in yet.
So that's where some of my want comes from. So I never have to hear his name again.
Nightmare x5


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Two or more DLC characters from the same series did get a lower score in chances than Squirtle and Ivysaur?







*rant over*

Abstaining for Midna.


Wolf Link chances: 98.6%
Okay I'll take a larger safety margin than 0.03% chances of not happening from my last rating because no one is guaranteed, but I still believe Wolf is coming. People were assuming he'd be pre-ballot, but apparently "pre-ballot" is over... but that doesn't mean he wasn't planned. Instead, my theory is that we was planned pre-ballot, but to release alongside the other ballot characters... I mean maybe he was supposed to be released alongside the other returning veterans but was replaced by Ryu in order to add some fantasy to the first batch of four DLC characters instead of only returning characters from the previous games. And besides he's still one of the most popular requests anyway, if not the most popular. The only thing he has really going against him is the fact he was low priority for Brawl, but then so did Roy in both Melee and Brawl, so that's not saying much. We shouldn't exclude the possibility of Wolf being also excluded for unlikely reasons we can't guess, too.

Wolf want: 88%
I used to not care that much about him considering the fact I used to think he was a near absolute lock and the fact I wasn't a huge fan of him in Brawl, but over the time I've come to think that Wolf being permanently excluded from SSB4 would feel wrong. He's a high-tier famous Nintendo villain and he has a very cool design. Super Smash Bros. could for sure use more playable villains, there are several high-tier famous Nintendo villains who are viable for Smash, and Wolf is for sure one of them.


Porky prediction: 4.04%
Not that much of a popular suggestion it seems.

Guile's theme prediction: 3.30%
I doubtful that we're getting more musics for already existing stages.

Returning stage: Meta Crystal x5


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Chance: 75% - It's hard to say either way. I mean I don't see any reason why Wolf shouldn't make a return as a DLC fighter especially with Star Fox Zero coming out.
Want: 100% - He was one of my mains in Brawl so of course I would love to see him back. It was a total letdown that he didn't make the cut in Sm4sh. I would drop Falco just to be one of my mains again.

Chance: 0% - She's already in the game as an Assist Trophy character. There's nothing else to say about that.
Want: 25% - Nothing really interesting about her being a fighter but that's just me.
Apr 19, 2015
Wolf without Midna
Chance: 90%
Want: 100%

Midna without Wolf
Chance: 1% (AT)
Want: 0% (If Midna somehow gets in, I want her to have either Wolf Link or Shadow Wolf with her, she would be more interesting fighter that way)

Porky prediction: 4%
Guile's Theme: 3%

Nominations: King Boo 5x
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Smash Cadet
May 8, 2015
As much as I like the veterans coming back to Smash, I really am getting sick of people freaking out that Wolf's not in yet.
So that's where some of my want comes from. So I never have to hear his name again.
I feel like if your main was cut from the game, and then every other likely veteran candidate (the list including your main of course) gets back into the game, you would be singing a different song.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I feel like if your main was cut from the game, and then every other likely veteran candidate (the list including your main of course) gets back into the game, you would be singing a different song.
I bet if your main wasn't cut and mine was, and I constantly complained about him not being in the game, you'd be singing a different song.
Don't get defensive.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Wolf is still highly requested, still less of a clone than returners Lucas and Roy
And Mewtwo.

What? He IS a clone.

Of Mew.


What a weird happenstance; Midna (solo) gets rated the same day as Wolf. This can't be accidental.

Chance: 85%
I honestly don't know how Wolf's exactly doing ballot wise, but I know he's the most popular of the remaining missing Veterans.

Want: 51%
We're gonna have fun with this thing.

Honestly though, the idea of another returning veteran bores me at this point. Wolf may be my favourite of the Starfox fighters, but I'd rather see some new faces alongside Ryu's rather than a DLC collection made up of this:

:4mewtwo::4lucas::4feroy::wolf::ivysaur::squirtle::popo:(solo):snake::pichumelee::younglinkmelee: and one newcomer in :4ryu:.


Fortunately for Wolf he's probably the only other veteran aside from the doomed Pokemon characters of Squirtle and Ivysaur I have even a smidgen of interest in seeing.

I'd still take nearly any newcomer over him though just for something new and exciting.

Additionally Wolf's technically only been missing for under a year, it's hard for me to get too worked up over his absence from a single game when Mewtwo, Roy and Doc missed a game too and returned later due to fan demand.

Chance: 0%
Assist Trophy. Nothing else to it. I'm in the camp where an AT or Pokeball summon kills your chances dead. Which is a pain since I adore Samurai Goroh, Dillon, Ghirahim, Waluigi and quite like Tingle, Saki and...

Want: 50%
...this girl. I absolutely hated Twilight Princess, and honestly think it's one of my least favourite Zelda titles. Midna however was the one redeeming feature(and the Twilight areas at least looked cool) of that game. Hyrule Warriors helped out a bit more.

Skipping predictions and nominations.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015


Chances: 30%
Want: 40%

I liked to use him a lot in Brawl but now I've moved on to other characters so I don't really miss him.

Solo Midna

Chances: 0%
Want: 0%

She's already in the game as an Assist Trophy and after playing as Zant and Lana in Hyrule Warriors, I'd prefer those two. In the case I want to actually play as Midna or Twili Midna, I can always play Hyrule Warriors.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2015
New Mexico
:wolf: Rerate
Chance: 80%
The fact he hasn't been revealed yet (or why he was cut in the first place) really annoys me. He's popular, easy to port from Brawl, and would definitely sell well. They would be stupid to not take a chance on him. Especially with Zero coming out soon, they'll want somebody to promote it. Though even with all this going for him he's STILL being neglected as of now.

Want: 100%
PLEEAASSE bring Wolf back! He's my second favorite smash bros character of all time, my main in Brawl, and my favorite video game antihero. His moves are original and his quotes are memorable, and his exclusion in Smash saddens me. If they can bring back a character from a Japan exclusive dead series, they can bring back Wolf, and if they don't I want a damn good reason.

0.01% chance and want
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Deleted member

Wolf Re-Rate

Chances : 87%

Want : 100

Wolf is really a awesome character. I think that Krystal should join the roster and the rest of Wolf's team and make it a dream Star Fox vs. Star Wolf kinda deal, but i suppose thats a little too much.

Midna Solo

Chances : 2

Want : 64

Not sure what to say on this one, but i honestly wouldnt mind this character.

Porky 2.34 ( Boss battle in Brawl, demoted to mere trophy in SSB4. Don't see it very likely )
Guile's Theme 1.23 ( Guile himself first )


Full Ken Alt for Ryu x3
Reyn ( Xenoblade ) x2

Also @ CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica on your nominations list can you include the "cool-off list" ( wait till you can nominate this character/concept )? Would be helpful
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Saint of Swords
Sep 24, 2014
Want: 100%
Chance: 100%

Wolf has always been top 3 among popularity and currently the most likely to return in chance. He currently is the combined overall most likely and popular character compared to other characters within top 3 of both lists. Snake is unlikely due to Konami and K.Rool's chances aren't as high as people think they are confusing that with popularity (Smash Ballot is not a popularity contest or vote).

He is a veteran from the previous game, so far DLC has heavily been in favour of Veterans, due to the fact they already have some assets (Animations, Art, Sounds etc.) already existing he would have an incredibly quick turnaround time for development.

Wolf represents for the Star Fox series what Fox and Falco do not, an Anti-Hero, a Villian and a Rival.

The most likely reason that he was cut, was that he actually wasn't cut just that others got higher development priority and to not spoil the new look early to coincide with the new game. With the upcoming Star Fox Zer game being a reimagining of the Original 64 game, Wolf would most likely be based off his look in that game instead of his Assault/GameCube Era Skin (Although that could be a alternative skin for him. You could argue Fox looks the same in Brawl as he does in Smash 4 so why would things be different for Wolf? If you actually had played any of the Star Fox games you would notice that Fox in Brawl and Smash4 look nothing like any of the games he has actually been in. It's very coincidental that his representation in the last 2 smash games actually resemble the upcoming new Star Fox Zero game the most given he looks nothing like the other SF games he has been in.

The new Star Fox Zero also gives a good opportunity to cross promote. A possible pre-order SFZ and get Wolf in Smash DLC for free and early similar to Mewtwo would be a opportunity for Nintendo not only to introduce the Star Fox series to a new generation but also boost sales of both games.

The "He is a clone" is nonsense argument for why he was cut and is based on complete ignorance from a casual observer. The developers have stated which characters are Clones and Wolf is not on that list. When you compared his moveset and properties they are also completely different (http://www.ssbwiki.com/User:Toomai/Cloneosity).

At the moment we are likely to get 4 more DLC characters. The chance of Wolf not having one of the slots is completely ludicrous beyond belief.

Chance 40%
Im honestly not that optimistic anymore. I only expect 2 or 3 more characters and it seems like we're running a bit low on space for the space animal.
If Wolf is 40%, what is everyone else like 5%? Wolf is pretty much the top pick to return I don't see how there would be no space for him considering we are getting at the minimum 2 to 4 more DLC characters.


Chance: 50%

You read that right. Wolf may be a popular veteran with an already established moveset that can easily be ported over from Brawl (and he is neither owned by flipping Konami nor plagued by technical issues), I'm not entirely certain of his return. In fact, I can't give anyone without any concrete evidence above 50%.
I can appreciate the fact you at least give a baseline for your 50%.


Chances: 30%
Want: 40%

I liked to use him a lot in Brawl but now I've moved on to other characters so I don't really miss him.
What is this chance % based off? A random number out of 100? Seems like it without any explanation.

I'm not entirely convinced that Wolf's chances are the best. Massively popular veteran and all, but he's skipped two rounds of DLC characters, and two other veterans were included over him. I won't be surprised if he manages to skip a third round before the ballot is counted, if it even happens. I honestly don't care for Wolf, but not to the level of, say, Young Link. Wouldn't complain if he returned, every cut character's fanbase deserves to be happy.
They can't exactly drop all of the DLC at once, I don't think order is necessarily indicative of popularity. Do consider SFZ drops later in the year and revealing him any early would be a possible spoiler for his new look.

Nominations: Boo
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Deleted member

The Directory has been updated.

Solo Midna

Assist Trophy
Want: 25%
I think Midna is all right, but I don't have much of a connection with her. I played Twilight Princess and I did like it and I do like Midna more than Fi and the fairies, but I am not all for her getting in Smash. If she does attack with a wolf on all four legs, then I rather have Amaterasu.
Speaking of wolves...


A bit lower than what I gave him before, which was a 70%.
I can't confirm the source, but I heard that the pre-ballot fighters were done, meaning the last pre-ballot characters were Roy and Ryu. If that's the case, then it's not good that he wasn't planned at all.
Still, he is one of the most demanded characters and one of the least divisive veterans. I think that out of all the characters, he has the best chance.
Want: 100%
I was devastated when Wolf was cut. I liked playing as him more than Fox and Falco and I do like Wolf as a character. It also really sucks that Fox literally has a move called "Wolf Flash."
He needs to come back.

Porky Prediction: 3.50%
He was demoted.
Guile's Theme Prediction: 1.48%
With the precedent with the music so far, I doubt we will see this song unless we get another SF stage.

Nice 10 nominations!

Nominations: Fourside 10x
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2014
I can't let you see that!
Ah, now it's the turn.

:wolf: Wolf
Chance: 90%
Want: 100%
-TOP most chanced veteran.
-1st/2nd most wanted veteran.

Chance: 5%
Want: 50%
-I see Impa over her, but Midna has alot of support too.
-Want if she had Wolf Link.

Nominations: Wolf x5
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Saint of Swords
Sep 24, 2014
Chance: 50%

A bit lower than what I gave him before, which was a 70%.
I can't confirm the source, but I heard that the pre-ballot fighters were done, meaning the last pre-ballot characters were Roy and Ryu. If that's the case, then it's not good that he wasn't planned at all.
Still, he is one of the most demanded characters and one of the least divisive veterans. I think that out of all the characters, he has the best chance.
Want: 100%
I was devastated when Wolf was cut. I liked playing as him more than Fox and Falco and I do like Wolf as a character. It also really sucks that Fox literally has a move called "Wolf Flash."
He needs to come back.
I didn't think too much of Fox's custom. Ness has all of Lucas' Customs so theres that. If We hold Sakurai to what he has said then Roy and Lucas weren't planned either but came into play sometime after launch but before ballot. I think SFZ also plays a role, his Brawl model was Assault and SFZ is a 64 reimagining so they'd most likely use that model as the base. We've barely had any info on the game itself so it wouldn't be too far fetched to think that his inclusion pre or post ballot will be closer to SFZ.
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