16.78% chance
33.07% want
Ah, the Gematsu leak. I can't wait for E3 primarily to see how the whole charade will play out. Overall, the people who play this game aren't entirely sold on it and don't really want it, but there are definitely people on both sides. I guess the winning side will get to STRIKE A POSE! Sorry, only Rhythm Heaven joke I could think of. I'm out of them already.
Chibi Robo
25.29% chance (was 19.71%)
57.29% want (was 44.47%)
His chances aren't as tiny as his body, and his want certainly is not anywhere near that small; he'll take the tenth slot in our most wanted newcomers list. Not too shabby for such a little robot, huh?
Today we'll be rating Kid Icarus Sma---. Oh? Yes? I see. Got it. Yes, that will work. Yeah, don't worry, I can stall. No, they won't expect a thing. People were actually asking for it! Mhmmm. Right. Cya.
So, where was I? We will actually not be rating the things we were supposed to today. Why? HOENN CONFIRMED! Just yesterday we rated Sceptile, and we all gave him pretty low ratings. Some of us (like that idiotic dude with the pompadour) actually argued that Hoenn games probably wouldn't happen anytime soon; with this new information, I feel an immediate rerate is absolutely essential. Today we'll be rating Sceptile and Blaziken in chance and want. No Swampert because it's freaking Swampert, and I feel sorry for him. I can't watch all of the zeroes. You can still predict "Kid Icarus Smash Taunts" and "Wario Land Wario" (which, I repeat, means an overhauled version of Wario, not a costume change); they'll be rated tomorrow as planned. With that said, cya: I'll be in Fortree City if anyone needs me.