I thought it was important that Badwolf phrased both of these defensive lines the same way while he was talking up his reads. It's like he was trying to frame them as if they were equally important or valid reads to him. Then there's this EBWOP:
**** that copy past and forgetting to edit
that part should read
Here he reveals that he really did copy and paste this line, which got me thinking on possible BW/Potassium. Then there's this in BW's first post of D1:
#HBC | Gorf
Are you in a neighborhood with KWK?
I can't see anything that would have prompted asking this. So from the start BW makes an association between Gorf and KWK that doesn't make sense in any thread context, and he makes a different soft association at the end. Weird.
But then Marshy bit into it over the Night, and things got
crazy. It turns out that Badwolf's posts are full of comparisons between Gorf and KWK/Potato, and EVERY post he made mentions Potato.
As of that post my thoughts are that if KWK is scum Gorf is cool, but if Gorf is scum I'm down with pushing Frito.
kwkscum means gorftown. gorfscum means fritoscum. both straight-up bull**** and the first is to tie slots together
This is kinda funny IMO, J is calling Gorf town for meta, but then calling KWK scum for using meta? Bad play. Null on J cause earlier posts were goodish.
bwolf forces this comparison to make gorf and kwk equal. and bonus
BadWolf28738: I am not calling KWK scum. Plus I haven't even called Gorf town.
bwolf is whiteknighting kantplay against LITERALLY NOTHING and making **** up to tie kant to obvtown gorf
list that matters to me:
Soup/BD - Towny (but that doesn't really matter)
KWK/Kant - null-meh
Circus - Cool town
J - Null town
Gorf - scummy (I've had points before, I'm not going to dredge them up atm)
bwolfs vote is on kwk here but now kwks
null and gorf is the scumread
I've already hitched to KWK.... although I do agree that's probably not going to happen.
I'd rather not lynch the basically confirmed cop, so let's go with this:
Vote Pawn
talking up his kwk vote and scumread again even though he called him null. and bonus
Vote pawn
im down with this too
kantplay is the next post
Gorf's been better this day. I'm good with calling him a nulltown at this point. Very slight tho.
The reasoning behind the KWK push was that he was:
1. Reaching his *** off. I explained this in my wall.
2. Bad reasoning
3. Subsequent blaming of bad reasoning on "being creative"
4. Wagon crasher
5. Really bad points.
gorf is nulltown now. makes sure to DEFEND his kwk scumread AND THEN
Oh I forgot this,
Vote: Frito
Slot's dead in every way but being dead.... Didn't really care for his D1 at all.
(If you want other reasons look at my D1, I have it spelled out there a couple of times.)
next post he ignores kwk to vote FRITO
Also since this is basically useless where it is.
unvotes TEN POSTS LATER. reason given
Well since you idiots ruined the idea that it wasn't a serious vote, I thought there was no point to leaving it on him. IMO it wasn't worth trying to save the push. Was kinda a afterthought anyway :/
bwolfs literally using the frito vote to drop his kwk read
kantplay votes for badwolf at this point AND THEN
I love you and I hate you. Why pray tell are you voting me?
bwolfs garbageass response to kantplays vote. bwolf makes just this one post and ignores EVERY OTHER PLAYER talking about him
why do love and hate even play into this? what makes you love/hate me?
i already said why im voting you
youre ****ing scum
also good gorf that post was awkward from you
work on sounding more natural when you roll scum
kantplay going for the hard bus to distance from bwolf falling to pieces
so check it. strong possibility kantplay is bwolfs partner. feel out kantplays posts for the other side if you want but i promise this is what NEEDS to happen d3
So I did check out Potato. Surprisingly, Joey shows up as a potential third.
"Yeah! A HYPOCRITE! And he IGNORED me!"
Vote: Raziek
I can't disagree with this guy!
Vote: Raziek
Jumping to KWK's wagon, not too bad in D1.
J I'll stay up for you! <3
I do like KWK so far, and it's partially because they are just hilarious.
More when I'm not on mobile.
Joey lets go of the shared Raz vote, and
On re-reading KWK's Raziek push, I'll say I don't like it, but I'll let Raziek respond to it first.
starts distancing from the wagon, then
I'll take back what I said about liking KWK. Both of their pushes have been very weak, and I don't see a legitimate reason why anyone would be on either of those wagons. They both seem way too opportunistic, and it looks like the KWK slot in general is just going for whatever they can point out at the time.
Vote: KWK
I'll just focus on the Dango one since you're not waiting for a response from him as much.
You call out Raziek for acting like a hypocrite. You do not question him about anything specifically in your post.
Look at the focus in Dango's post. Is he focused on Raziek being a hypocrite? No! He's questioning something different and going after a completely different thing. It's not like he ignored it, either. Dango had no posts between Raziek's pawn vote and your post. You're basically assuming that he wouldn't have questioned Raziek if you wouldn't have called him out. Is this true? I don't know! Neither do you! This is literally the definition of reaching! You're only putting pressure on him because he said the words "Yeah Raziek."
Dango's response to Gordito is another thing you're pressing him for. Really? This is Dango's third post in the game. His first post in the game was showing concern towards Bardull's post (although it got ignored generally). You attack him for not questioning it earlier, but he already showed concern. You're attacking him for not putting his concern into a question until he was asked for thoughts on Bardull's thoughts specifically. I don't see why this action of his is scummy in the slightest, especially when you consider the amount of posts he has between the first time he showed concern and this one.
Last thing, you calling anything that he has done "rolefishing" is really reaching. You're pushing him under a presumed fact that Bardull's post has everything to do with his role. How would Dango know that it has something to do with Bardull's role? None of us do! As a less experienced player, Dango questioning and showing concern for a post like that should be standard, not thrown under the rolefishing category. Making these things seem this severe on top of the "I've never seen this type of play from you" meta stuff that he can't defend against makes it seem like you're just trying to pressure him into a hole that he can't squirm out of.
I have to go. TL;DR: Your Dango push is a bunch of reaching bull**** and it looks like you're trying to make Dango dig himself into a deeper hole. I don't like it.
Joey makes a sudden and violent 180 to vote KWK.
"Alright guys, it's time to get
creative! This means you too, Joey."
"Yeah, J-joey."
"Take a look at my Raziek push! And tell me please, what do you see?"
"It's just a boring old Raziek push!"
"Maybe for you, but not for me! I see a silly joke, some random vote pressure in the early game!"
"That sounds really boring."
"Because you're not thinking creatively! It was RVS!"
"Then WHY didn't we switch our vote to FANNY? I thought Raz was being a HYPOCRITE!"
"Not really. We were reaching our point to justify the vote!"
"That... scummy."
"You need to be creative! All we could have done is generate discussion with such a vote! And we didn't switch to Fanny because we wanted to see what Raziek would say when we asked him if we should switch our vote to Fanny! His answer there could have been really telling if he were actually playing the game instead of milling about by himself!"
"Wait, so RAZIEK isn't SCUM?"
"He might be, but not off our reasoning! We weren't trying to make a case, we were trying to feel him out! He wasn't very cooperative though, so we're still at square one and Joey went and defended him before he could even respond."
"I think he's just boring. Won't let us have any fun."
KWK tapers off of Raz as well, and creates more room between him and Joey.
I don't see any reason for a scum Joey to do an 180 as fast as he did, as he would probably be fearful of being looked at funny for it. I see scum Joey just letting a read be for a bit after vocalizing it, not immediately flipping it around into a mini-case on the player he said he was fine with.
Joey town
KWK very quickly justifies Joey's behaviour, and very strongly holds to the position that Joey is town for doing what he did.
So is this a meta reason for Joey town or legit that you do not see him as scum for pulling a 180? This is a very sticky reason for what seems to be a stronger read on Joey so early.
Not meta related at all, except I guess that if he were a "strong" player who liked to take risks it may be more of a null tell.
Just the fact that I don't see any scum player flipping a stance so fast like that.
Then I will disagree with you on that point. Nothing more to really comment on that from my side, but I do not agree that it gives Joey any more "town" points then it would "scum" points.
Why would a scum player call someone town and then turn around a make a case on them?
Assuming scum players fake their reads, why would they put themselves at risk of being looked at funny for flip-flopping one around so quickly. If anything, they'd wait if they decided they want to pressure the slot they just called town.
I can honestly think of multiple occassions where I have "personally" done this as scum. That's just using my own self-meta and experience. I may just be that type of player though since I am very risky/ballsy as scum.
It may be WIFOM, but it's an action town could take instinctively, while scum would have to do it knowingly. I don't see Joey thinking of doing something like that. Call it WIFOM, but that's how I see it
No, it's still definitely WIFOM. No matter how you see it or call it haha.
Meanwhile Joey is going hard on KWK.
Okay. Explain it to me. I don't get why I should be accusing you of crap like KWK's 121 when you have posted so little about it.
But what does Badwolf think about all of this?
KWK's 95 is bad. He points a finger at Raz for a nonexistent point. Bad play.
Then gets Joey to follow him. Ugh the blind sheeping this game is going to be fun to wade through.
He calls Joey a sheep, but
I'm good with this actually. I've not been happy with either of them, but I really don't like KWK's posting style and his reaches are just wayyyyy out of hand sometimes.
he doesn't acknowledge the 180, focusing on KWK.
Pre-claim with no explanation:
Post-claim with "explanation":
god ****ing dammit you weren't supposed to claim
my vote was useless sitting on my rvs target and I've liked fanny recently more and I haven't been keeping up too well so I thought "hey I'll just help the pressure, I mean he is grimier than Gorf as far as their interaction goes and he tends to flail and reveal his alignment in times like this"
He sure is
upset about this claim. But then this:
I'm pretty sure he's town
(anyone feel free to CC)
Bardull was bad town, soup is good town, slot is town town. Whoever is still questioning the slot should back off, we're not lynching our cop.
Joey still town
Right, because you're going to shoot him.
little thing @ the bolded: that he's the cop, if that is indeed the case, is irrelevant at this point. Scum is either going to kill him toNight or roleblock him into oblivion. No one should care whether or not we're lynching out cop at this point. We should just care about whether or not we're lynching a townie.
it's not irrelevant to the fact that him being our cop contributes to why we're not lynching him
sure he won't get to use his cop powers, but we're still not lynching our cop
"He's the cop! I'm not letting you bloodthirsty people lynch our cop!"
only insofar as him being our cop would also mean he's town. Saying "we're not lynching our cop" implies that we have a vested interest in saving the role for its ability. "We're not lynching bardull's slot because I think he told the truth about being the cop and is therefor town" would be the real argument for keeping him.
you're reading farther into it than I intended to convey with my message
I just meant we're not lynching our cop as in Bardull is our cop, and we're not lynching him. Not "we're not lynching him BECAUSE he's our cop."
we're not lynching him because he's town
he also happens to be our cop
ergo, we're not lynching our cop
anyways this is irrelevant so i shall stop
Potassium the townie drawing a hard line in the sand. "He IS the cop but what I actually mean is that I have a townread not that I know he's the cop because I'm scum or anything and I'm certainly not avoiding the lynch now since I know I'll shoot him tonight and can score a different ML without making myself visible!"
The only thing I disliked about Kantrip's slot was the Fanny push. After Kantrip went into it again when he replaced KWK, the scum read I had on the slot went away pretty much. Soup's 312 and 313 actually contributed a lot to my read on Kantrip as well. I read over those two posts and I pretty much agreed with Soup at that point. Feeling more townie about the slot as a whole now.
Joey's scumread on KVK vanished into the ether, and this post contains reads on every player except for Badwolf. Joey then goes on in many posts following to argue a lot about Raz being town with his scumread Gorf.
from what ive seen fanny has gotten better
bwolf confuses me and his sentence where he justifies his case on me and then goes all "why you agreeing with bad points kantrip" is grimy
can someone give me the low-down on why frito? is he playing bad or have people caught him in lies? people who are saying that when i had to prod him to say if he bought into his case or not is a point against him, it's not.
Vote: Badwolf
Here's where Potato starts the bus on Badwolf -- this is after the post where Badwolf was defending his KWK scumread and the vote/unvote on Frito.
and by badwolf confuses me i mean badwolf is ****ing scum
Best to leave no room for doubt.
i'll honestly truly try to read the thread this weekend if i find time but i'll be doing a lot of drinking
brewtassium incoming
Hops out of the thread with an excuse to sit on Badwolf while making occasional posts from the sidelines.
"but before I go guys I really want to make sure you
notice that I want badwolf dead"
I love you and I hate you. Why pray tell are you voting me?
why do love and hate even play into this? what makes you love/hate me?
i already said why im voting you
youre ****ing scum
also good gorf that post was awkward from you
work on sounding more natural when you roll scum
"please die stop talking please die
hey I have a surprising amount of time to talk about badwolf after all"
Blindfolded Philosophers
dost thou seest badwolf for the scoundrel he is?
Methinks thou hast gotten me mixed up with the Un-Hetero then
No more stalling, elaborate on those reads. It's important because you haven't said jack **** yet Today and now you're putting a vote down on one over the other, in the direction I don't agree with, is that clear?
its cuz dat statue is so sexy i think its just a statue of no hetero
thoust hot
ill elaborate later im going out
maybe brewtassium will grace the thread later
Going for the town points. DENIED.
wow J y u white knight brah
bwolf scummeh still
but its sexy that he likes my personality
sorry bro but im taken
sorry bro but its hardbus time
yep we defs got a bwolf lynch
so you were scum right badscum?
notice me town, notice me
Vote: Potassium
Answers to other people tonight.