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Smash Wii U Quick thought on the upcoming 8-player mode, & why Time is better than Stock casually with friends


Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2014
Upland, California
First thing I do every time when I play with my friends is change time to stock. It’s just what I always have been doing since Smash 64.

For 1v1’s, and other tournaments/competitiveness, Stock mode is without a doubt the best choice.

For more players casually playing, Time mode is becoming an obvious better choice over Stock.

I believe having an affinity towards Stock mode over Time mode has been a heuristic error due to the tangible nature of having stock. Seeing how many stocks you have left resonates well with what “makes sense"; stock mode gives a simple, intuitively clear, accessible goal: don’t lose all your stock.

Time mode on the other hand is uncomfortable because it isn't very definite; you're never quite confident on who is winning by how much and that is a big turn off. Time mode is intrusive, distracting, and always felt like the time is doing nothing more than getting in the way of the real battle.

Turning on “Score Display” not only alleviates the “problems” of Time mode, but also makes it far superior than Stock mode. I will expand on this later.

What happens to the first person who dies in 8-player stock? That player will wait for the other 7 to kill one another, while having the luxury to dwell on the fact he/she is a loser. To make sure it doesn’t happen again, that player will more and more feed the idea of staying away from danger to better protect his stock next time. Do we really want to encourage this mentality? Why should Ness jump into chaos among other players when Ness spamming PK thunder on the bottom right part of Corneria is viable because it’s safe, thus completely fine?

Is playing a game that strongly rewards risk-averse mindsets theoretically more fun?
Isn’t it bull**** when the scoreboard proves you scored the most kills but the win was rewarded to someone else because he rarely received any percentage because he camped all game? Stock mode has become so standard that we forget that not being rewarded for Stock kills is fundamentally unconstructive and a problem, yet it's something we don't even see as a problem and it's just now accepted without question.

In Time mode, all players will continuously play the full match. This really is a big deal and is courteous to players who aren’t good. I have a 9 year old sister (mains villager, consistently can beat Lvl 8) and when I play doubles with her with bots and she dies early, I immediately just end the game and start over. I certainly do not want her to wait for that match to be over; it's not fun. If you want to convince friends who never played before that Smash is the best thing in existence and containing the hype on a daily basis is nearly impossible, it's best if they play as much as possible and never be left out and have them wait.

In Time mode, victory is rewarded to whoever has the least death as well as rewarding kills. So let’s ask this question again: Why should Ness jump into chaos among other players? Because Ness sees among the chaos one of the player has high enough percentage to be killed with a guarantee back throw. Ness finds an opportunity to sneak in and steal a kill to be a risk he must take. PK thundering on the bottom right part of Corneria becomes an obsolete strategy. Risk-taking is rewarded; being active, more aware, involved, and scanning for an opportunity to get an easy kill is encouraged.

Score Display On: This takes care of the main problems with Time mode that made it seem "off". I'm guessing Nintendo felt Time mode without showing score was a better choice because of the "surprise" and "anticipation" factor, but we all know that's precisely what we hate about Time mode. Seeing the +/- points on yourself and other players makes the active status of the game more tangible, and through this better sense of certainty Time mode stops being psychologically discomforting. In fact, it easily becomes extremely clear just how competitive Time mode can be with your friends. Seeing who is the most ahead automatically makes that person a high priority target, especially because of the time limit; Seeing the score display on gives everyone playing a purpose/goal to even out the match while scoring a point for themselves.

For me the default 2 minutes is too short to be fulfilling. There isn’t much potential for comebacks. Personally, I set the time anywhere between 3-5 minutes, really depends on how we feel at that time. There really isn’t an ideal time length. A 1 minute, 4 minute, 5 minute matches all have a different feel and pace. Switch it up!

Additionally, in the end game, if the match turns out to be very close, the last few seconds are very tense yet exciting; if someone is way ahead and there is no way anyone can catch up, everyone starts the hilarious tradition of spamming taunts with acknowledgement. Furthermore, the occasional Sudden Death every now and then is definitely welcomed.

To put things in perspective, essentially, Stock mode is a King of the Hill mode. Sure, other multiplayer games, such as Halo and other FPS, may have a King of the Hill mode people play once in awhile. But King of the Hill is never the main popular mode people play. In fact, when you don’t respawn after a bull**** snipe and have nothing to do but wait and observe everyone camp until only one person is left every single time, it becomes clear King of Hill will be too frustrating, and not fun at all to play consistently.

But most importantly of all, in 8 player Smash Stock mode, there will always be the dead last 8th place. In Time mode it isn't uncommon for a lot of people to have the same scores. Everyone will die a couple times and kill a couple times, resulting in a score that doesn't deviate much from 0. There will be a lot of ties, and even if someone happens to be dead last place, they won't be as discouraged because they might have only gotten a lower score by just a few points. They'll want to do better, score higher, and play harder. Not develop a fear of losing stock and become the camp king.

I don’t know how much of this is common sense. It just occurred to me that I never really took time to think about giving Time Mode a chance. I just habitually defaulted Stock and thought it was better and more fun and Time was stupid. After thinking about it, I now am confident Time Mode with Score Display On is the way to go and will provide the most fun for my little sister, friends, and me of various skill levels

EDIT: Okay, I know all of you are big boys and it's no biggie losing, but the primary reason I wrote this post was after I observed my 9 year old sister playing with her friends that age. OF COURSE, I've been playing stock all my life as well, but after couple sessions with my 9 year old sister and her friends her age, I noticed Stock is far from ideal at all. They developed really bad camping habits and focused on not losing rather than focusing on winning. Just want you guys to keep it in mind Time mode can be better psychologically for humans that are sensitive, and/or people who are playing for the first time.
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Dark Dude

Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2007
North America
Yeah, I think that's why Time has always been the default option. But us hardcore players really like us some stock.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2014
Lying about my country.
Nyeh, my friends and I hate time, and we mostly play matches that are casual as ****. (even though we go for hours and hours each time we actually play)

Time is just more boring. Time interrupts fights. Time is a constant pressure to hurry up for no real reason. Time means unfinished business. Time feels like you're just hitting people randomly with no real progress Time leads to an anti-climatic ending in sudden death (which funny enough, is a single stock battle. When time couldn't manage to make the game work, it switched to something closer to stock).

Stock on the other hand? You fight until the very end. No stopping before you can get that last KO, and you can't run away to let the timer decide ****. It's far more exciting, each mistake means you're closer to be taken out. Having more lives feels much more like you're doing well than having more score, as that thing can change outside of what you're doing. The ending results being far more clear than in time is something I see as a positive. Got two friends waiting for their turn? The two players who die first pass on their controllers.

Stock just feels better to play. Time feels like you're given no purpose, whatever, just attack anything that moves. Stock pushes you do do well, or you're gonna get kicked out.

There's only two real problems in Stock. One of them, which is players backing away from fights to survive more easily, has a simple solution; go after them. If someone's running away from fights, everyone in the room will immediately agree that they deserve a beating. (big reason why Smash is better locally!)

The other one is the whole deal about being courteous to players who aren't good, but not only does that not apply when you're playing with people of a similar skill level (which is arguably when multiplayer games based on competition are at their most fun anyway) but it has a solution too, and that's basic communication (Again with the local-play superiority, yay!).

Less skilled players can easily team up with others in the middle of a fight if someone is kicking their ass, and as big as the skill gap is, that is always going to be hard to deal with, so it immediately balances things out. There's also just plainly going to team battles, where you can perfectly pair people depending on their experience so everyone has equal chances (and hey, share stock! Less skilled players get a chance to keep playing if their partner is doing well!). Not to mention that there's items and stage hazard too, which due to their random nature, always keep the skill gaps as close as possible.

And lastly, which is actually something external to the game, but also helps with the "being left out" issue, is simply that you're playing with friends! Once you lose and can't play anymore, it's not like you get kicked out of the room, you're still there hanging out with people you enjoy being with, and that's something far more valuable than playing the game is (okay, ****, I entered cheesy mode, sorry, won't happen again), so in the end, it really wasn't ever a problem. Heck, in my group of friends, there's a lot of "nah, I'll just keep watching, you keep playing" moments when their turn comes simply because they're having fun being there anyway.

So yeah, even in casual environments with chaos everywhere, I find stock the better mode, it simply makes the game far more enjoyable, exciting and even consistent, every problem the mode has kind of has easy solutions, so in the end it's perfect for any moment.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut of course, there's also the deal with subjectivity and ****. Stock works better for me and my friends, but it might suck for you and yours. Every circle works in different ways, so it's no wonder that different game modes would be more successful than others with different people. But when it comes to my friends, stock is just superior in every way to time, and I can't imagine changing that.

TL;DR: Stock masterrace yes yes but preference
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
You can implement a time limit for stock matches as well, but I guess choosing between Time, Stock, or Coin battles all comes down to preference.


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2014
i'm with Khao here. i mean, even the "less skilled" people i know prefer stock when given the choice, haha. i definitely agree with timed 8 player smash, though. i can't imagine being the first one out for that in a stock match, and i'll always make sure to make 8 player games timed if i can


Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2014
Upland, California
i'm with Khao here. i mean, even the "less skilled" people i know prefer stock when given the choice, haha. i definitely agree with timed 8 player smash, though. i can't imagine being the first one out for that in a stock match, and i'll always make sure to make 8 player games timed if i can
Yeah I've been playing stock all my life but after couple sessions with my 9 year old sister and her friends her age, I noticed Stock is far from ideal at all. They developed really bad camping habits and focused on not losing rather than focusing on winning.
I think the "less skilled" people prefer stock when given the choice because, as I explained in my post, stock is easier to understand due to its tangible nature compared to this abstract fight against time. I agree with all of you that time has never felt right. Overall, I just wanted to shine some insight on how "Show Score" can really improve the Time mode experience. Try turning it on everytime you try Time mode!

Just some thoughts/considerations/perspectives letting everyone know some positives about Time mode. And I guess I'm challenging to question whether the risk-averse nature of Stock battle is honestly better and more fun than a game that rewards risk.
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Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2014
Thanks for this, considering this I'll probably have the 8-Player games during my Smashathon be like 5-8 minute Time matches as opposed to Stock.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Yeah I've been playing stock all my life but after couple sessions with my 9 year old sister and her friends her age, I noticed Stock is far from ideal at all. They developed really bad camping habits and focused on not losing rather than focusing on winning.
That's...a really good point. I never thought of it that way before. Now that I think of it, a lot of novices play like that in Stock.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
Not quite sure why this deserves a thread. Stock has always been better for competitive play, while time is better for casual play.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2014
Shepard's Favourite Store
Yeah I've been playing stock all my life but after couple sessions with my 9 year old sister and her friends her age, I noticed Stock is far from ideal at all. They developed really bad camping habits and focused on not losing rather than focusing on winning.
That's...a really good point. I never thought of it that way before. Now that I think of it, a lot of novices play like that in Stock.
That's really the main (and probably only) reason to pick Time over Stock, even casually. Sure, it might be unbalanced in favour of characters with strong kill moves such as Bowser, as opposed to more combo-based or defensive ones like Meta Knight or Shulk (who admittedly can somewhat alleviate this with Smash, Back Slash, and surprise attacks in FFA) but as a training tool, it encourages you to play more aggressively with characters who need aggression to succeed, as opposed to FFA Stock, where defence is the best offense unless it draws the ire of 7 people or something.

On the other hand, if you're worried about "having to sit out" - there are two solutions. One, Share Stock. Which is a must in Team Battle anyway, because two is better than one. Two, Stock mode, 99 stocks, time limit. Like a time match, but without the K/D focus.

Share Stock needs yet more mentioning - as you stated that whenever your sister wiped in Doubles, you auto-quit, rather than encouraging Share Stock. You should encourage it, and do it for the AI, too. I don't know if it works in Sm4sh, but in past titles, pressing the Share Stock button on the controller number of a dead AI would cause them to Share Stock.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2004
Vancouver, BC
I noticed Stock is far from ideal at all. They developed really bad camping habits and focused on not losing rather than focusing on winning.
I came to this realization independently pretty much as soon as 8p smash was revealed, because I have been in many a casual Smash FFA where everyone is doing nothing but running around Hyrule Temple so that they don't die. I haven't had a chance to test it yet (I tend to play 1v1 when on my own online, and locally I've only been able to get one other person at a time to play against so far), but I'll be pushing it if I ever play an FFA with my friends.
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