Emotional Reality
I worded my statement very weirdly but I'll basically sum it up to clear confusion.You don't need to shield to stop momentum of movement on the ground.
Custom equipment are terrible because they are inherently random in balancing out, all of them are which is what Nintendo told us straight up int he tree house how there are borderline countless number of equipment.
Custom Movesets are simple and easy to account for, Equipment are not and create huge issues in how to unlock and balance them out.
The game is fine.
I do agree that custom equipment is bad, I just dislike that whenever someone suggests using it for something like speeding up the characters to make the game feel a tad bit faster a bunch of people start posting "Omg but this isn't Melee, stop that!". No one ever mentioned Melee to begin with, sometimes people don't want to play a sluggish game, although I realize there are people that do.
Anyways, I accept Smash 4 for what it is and will still play it. The reason I'm playing it is because it isn't Melee, even though I love that game to death.
If I came of as hostile in this response I'm sorry, I have no ill-will towards you.
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