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"Pose for the fans!" "RAAGH!" Wrestler & Reporter Go for a Perfect!

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A triple-threat thread by GoldenYuiitusin, God Robert's Cousin, and Hippopotasauce

The strangest of pairings you may (or may not) have seen, the infamous duo of the aptly-named Wrestler and his spunky sidekick Reporter from the Rhythm Heaven franchise!

"Wubbadubbadub is that true?" "Eh." (Overview)

The Wrestler and Reporter first appeared in Rhythm Heaven Fever, which was released in Japan as Minna no Rhythm Tengoku (Everyone's Rhythm Heaven) on July 11th, 2011. And while they only appear in the latest game in the franchise, they have made a large, noteworthy impact for the series.

They come from the "Ringside" game, which is about having a post-match interview with a champion wrestler while keeping up with the paparazzi.

They make further appearances in the game within the "Remix 4" game (and within the Japanese culture theme of the Remix, are dressed in a ninja outfit (Wrestler) and a kimono (Reporter)), a surprise appearance towards the end of the "Remix 9" game (and within the concert theme of the Remix, have a black/white/red color scheme), an appearance in the "Remix 10" game with the entire cast, and the end credits in the role call with the entire cast. As well as the unlockable reading material for the Ringside game.

Outside of the game itself, Wrestler appears (quite prominently) in the Puzzle Swap puzzle for Rhythm Heaven Fever. By prominent, I mean, he takes a large chunk of the screen compared to the other characters at the end and has a brief segment where he takes up the WHOLE screen.
Wrestler and Reporter also make a brief, credited cameo in 2012's Game & Wario, in the opening cutscene to the "Pirates" game.
Example (0:19-0:21 in front of the clothing shop)-

The pair are also memetic; across the globe, there are over 300 parodies of the "Ringside" game on Youtube and Nico Nico Douga.
Don't take my word for it, look at this as an example:

It's safe to say the pair are rather iconic despite their one-game status in the series.

"WOAH! You go big guy!" *Flexes Bicep* (Credentials)

So, what can they do? Well, in-game, all Wrestler does is nod his head and respond, flexes his bicep, and "pose for the fans". However, this is more than what Captain Falcon had, and he works wonders in Smash.

So, we take a more detailed look. Wrestler is well...a wrestler! He can fight by grappling his opponents and performing over the top slamming techniques! Smash has yet to have a true Grappler archetype character, so in itself, that provides a unique fighting style. He also comes from a game based around rhythm with a wide cast of characters. With this in mind, his fighting style can be made to benefit from keeping a steady beat while attacking and reference various games of the Rhythm Heaven franchise at the same time. With Reporter tagging along, this would add a support system between the two; while duos aren't exactly unique in itself anymore, having a tag-along that doesn't partake in the fighting directly but is close to the heat of the action is also grounds for unique potential.

What about Sakurai's criteria?

1. The character's inclusion must make people want to buy the game.
Given how memetic the pair is, I'd say they would attract people into Smash if they were to be included. And just on the grounds of Wrestler being a masked Luchador, even someone who doesn't know them well would most likely be intrigued.

2. The character must be unique.
Grappler. Heavy rhythm emphasis. Tag-along supporting assistant. 'Nuff said.

3. The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.
This is a more subjective view as it really depends on what Sakurai thinks, but the style brought up above fits Smash from what I see. My co-thread owners would also agree.

4. They must contribute to the game balance.
Another subjective view since it only matters what Sakurai thinks, but having a grappling-based character could possibly be used as a balancing mechanism for characters that are about fighting close-up and being relentless (such as a certain broken knight). I'm not big on balance talk, so someone else will have to come up with a better explanation. :troll:

Bonus Content
[under construction]

Color Palettes (by Hippopotasauce):

Stage Ideas:
Rhythm Remix (by Hippopotasauce)


Rhythm Remix, as a stage, would function very similarly to Flatzone 2 and Castle Siege, but with a twist. There are a load of different level layouts, and there is no set order.
When the stage first begins you always start on Karate Joe's flat level, and functionally it's identical to Final Destination. However, when it comes time to change, two exclamation points will flicker in a corner to the beat of the music, a girl will shout "1, 2, 3, 4", and one of the eight other layouts are chosen entirely at random.

An explanation of the individual stages, from the top left:
Hole in One has you on the island in the background. The only platforms are the leaves of the tree and the island itself, water surrounds both sides
Screwbot Factory is a flat plane with a walk-off edge on the left. The conveyor belt moves toward the left, so you always have to be on the move.
Working Dough is a flat plane with three platforms above, very similar in layout to Mario Circuit. Metal orbs will rush above as well.
Built to Scale is viewed from the side, with you walking on the same pane as the white line. There is a wall on the left but pits on either side. Occasionally a block will pop out from the right as an extra platform
Air Rally has you fighting on the two planes, similar to the Pilotwings level. Sometimes the plane on the right will move into the background, leaving only one to fight on.
Ringside has you fighting on the exterior of the Rhythm Arena, with the ground, awning, and roof as platforms.
Samurai Slice gives you one platform on the left, with a wall of vines on both the left and right. Only vertical KO's are possible.
Karate Man is a flat plane like final destination, with pits on either side as well.
Bossa Nova is a single cloud platform that rises, with branches from the left and right coming down as platforms.

It's pretty much Pokemon Stadium, but with no inbetween phase, and yet another twist.
Depending on the music track selected, the speed that the level transforms at changes. Here are a few of the music choices, and how fast it causes the level to change.

Remix Smash - This track is special in particular because it matches whichever layout is currently active, and smoothly transitions between whichever is coming up next. Each of the songs are fixed to play at the same beat, and the layouts last for 30 seconds each. The exception is the Karate Man layout, which acts as an introductory period and only gets 10 seconds.
Lonely Storm (Japanese)/(English) - These two songs are much more generous in time, and give 42 seconds per level layout, which is familiar to those who have played Castle Siege.
Wish - Can't Wait for You - This track is only slightly different from Remix Smash, in which it gives every layout 30 seconds including the introductory Karate Man level.
Rhythm Title Medley - More hectic matches will result from choosing this one, because each layout will last only 20 seconds each.
Remix 10 - For the particularly daring, this one will test reaction time. The level layout will change every time the music switches between minigames. This will cause some layouts to last longer than others, while others may only get five seconds or less before the level changes.

I believe this is probably the best way to capture the feeling of the Rhythm Heaven games while still making the level playable and easy to understand. I can't really see a character happening, but if a level similar to this gets in, I will be equally satisfied.
Also, there shouldn't be too much worry about this one level taking up a lot of space, considering most of these levels are simple geometric shapes and practically 1x1 textures.​

Support List:
God Robert's Cousin
Diddy Kong
Louie G.
Simon Adebisi
Headcrab Jackalope
Mega Bidoof
Golden Icarus

By Golden Icarus:
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GoldenYuiitusin/God Robert's Cousin/Hippopotasauce (Old version w/o Reporter)

Neutral Attack – Karate Joe Style; Usually does a quick jab when the button is pressed, but if the button is pressed in a one-second interval after a jab, Wrestler will follow with a roundhouse kick. Alternatively, if the button is pressed in a one-second interval after two half-second interval jabs, Wrestler will follow with a cross punch.

Dash Attack – Star Man’s Flying Cross Chop

Side Tilt – Giant Panther’s Iron Claw; Wrestler will throw a “claw” strike that works as a grabbing attack if close to the opponent.

Up Tilt – Double Date Kick; In reference to Rhythm Heaven Fever’s Double Date game, Wrestler does a high kick.

Down Tilt - Quick Split (Hippopotasauce)

Forward Smash – Kin Corn Kahn’s Mongolian Chop

He also does a grunt like Samurai Steve/The Wandering Samurai when he does a slice attack in the Samurai Slice game of Rhythm Heaven Fever, as suggested by God Robert's Cousin)

Up Smash – Windmill Kick (God Robert's Cousin); Not sure how to describe this.
Something like 0:31 of this video: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80854827/

Down Smash – Crop Stomp (God Robert's Cousin); In reference to the game from Rhythm Heaven DS, Wrestler stomps the ground, which stuns opponents that are front of him and pops them slightly upward, then he kneels down and throws them over his shoulder with closed fists.

Ledge attack – Flips onto the stage with a headbutt. (Hippopotasauce)

100% ledge attack – Crawls onto the stage and punches the ground, making a shockwave. (Hippopotasauce) Now irrelevant....

Floor attack – Thrusts both his hands into the floor, creating a shockwave and sending him back on his feet. (Hippopotasauce)

Neutral Aerial – Kin Corn Kahn’s Karate Kick

…basically just the typical Smash Bros. sex kick.

Forward Aerial – Rolling Sobat; A twirling kick that packs a punch. Resembles the Hurricane Kick/Tatsumaki from Street Fighter, but Wrestler only spins once.

Back Aerial – Midair Sit-Up (Hippopotasauce)

Up Aerial – Fighter Hayabusa’s Back Brain Kick

Down Aerial – Double Knee Drop; Wrestler will dive downwards knees-first.

Pummel – Headbutts the opponent.

Forward Throw – Star Man’s Somersault Dropkick

Back Throw – Brain Buster; Wrestler will lift the opponent into the air, over his shoulders and fall backwards, slamming them into the ground head-first.

Up Throw – Piledriver; Wrestler will leap into the air, flip the opponent upside down, and crash into the ground, slamming them face-first.

Down Throw – King Slender’s Backbreaker

Standard Special- Chorus Kid Scream; Wrestler will perform a power scream in reference to the Chorus Kids of Rhythm Heaven for the DS, another well known aspect of the franchise.

Side Special- Karate Man Combo; Wrestler will perform the combo attack from Rhythm Heaven Fever’s Karate Man games while moving forward. However, in order for it to work properly, the player needs to use it like in Rhythm Heaven; hold the Special button to keep the combo going and release it at the right time for the uppercut finish.

Up Special- Flying Splash; Wrestler will rise into the air with four somersaults (during this period, he can move left or right freely), then crashes down in an explosive full body-splash position in an attempt to flatten opponents.

Down Special- Power Flex; Wrestler will “pose for the fans”, in which period, he pumps himself so much that he is temporarily immune from knockback as he flexes. However, if he takes on too much damage while flexing, he will start to sweat. While sweating, the move is completely useless as he won’t be able to hold off attacks anymore. After a “cool down” period, he stops sweating.

Final Smash- Ringside Interview; The origin of Wrestler. Reporter will appear next to Wrestler to give him an interview (complete with checkered rectangle behind them). Unfortunately for her, there’s little time to do so. So first, she gives him two questions, then she gives him praise for his feats in combat, and finally a camera crew will ask Wrestler to pose four times.

Both responses given to Reporter’s questions when timed correctly will cause a quick shockwave that draws opponents in nearby (perhaps out of curiosity). The two-buttoned bicep flex in response to her praise causes another shockwave that stuns opponents in place (out of awe). The first three poses for the camera crew causes explosions (of fear :troll:) that don’t budge the stunned opponents while the final one sends them flying (too much for them to take).

Like Konga Beat, this requires timing on the player’s part. If even one beat is slightly missed, the Final Smash loses its potency. Slightly off on the answers, and the shockwaves don’t phase the opponents. Slightly off on the bicep flex, and the opponents don’t freeze in place. Slightly off on the first three poses, and they do little damage. Slightly off on the final pose, and all it does is unfreeze the opponents with minimal knockback.

For visual example, it would be something like this (from 1:30 to 1:43):

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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm a fan!

Pose for me!

(Add me!)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Awesome idea, support fully!

I even thought of a playstyle!

It involves cheering of the crowd. If the crowd cheers for The Wrestler, be becomes incredibly powerful! He can gain favor by the audience taunting, as well as preforming moves and movement on the 'beat' of the music on the stage. He'd be an amazingly fun to play character like this, gaining reward for taunting your foes and the audience cheering for you. Once the audience goes 'YOU GO BIG GUY' - the big guy actually goes! He doesn't like projectile spam however, which is his major weakness. Jumping is also below average, and he's not exactly speedy, but raw power makes up for it.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Yes pls.
I starting to think that a rhythm heaven character is very possible, maybe even over starfy, saki and isaac.

Deleted member

Actually Diddy, your idea inspired some ideas of my own that I'm currently working into the moveset I've been making. However, I had to change a bit because (as discussed with my co-owners) it would encourage a camping style of forcing the audience to cheer, then go on the offensive when he gets the boost. So instead, I have him able to get a boost in strength and defense when he "poses for the fans" whenever they start cheering. It lasts as long as the cheer, and if in a mirror match with another Wrestler & Reporter pair or more, they too can get the boost.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I don't want to like this.

But I do. Support.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
You can add this stage concept of mine to the bonus content if you'd like.

[collapse=Stage Idea]
Rhythm Remix, as a stage, would function very similarly to Flatzone 2 and Castle Siege, but with a twist. There are a load of different level layouts, and there is no set order.
When the stage first begins you always start on Karate Joe's flat level, and functionally it's identical to Final Destination. However, when it comes time to change, two exclamation points will flicker in a corner to the beat of the music, a girl will shout "1, 2, 3, 4", and one of the eight other layouts are chosen entirely at random.

An explanation of the individual stages, from the top left:
Hole in One has you on the island in the background. The only platforms are the leaves of the tree and the island itself, water surrounds both sides
Screwbot Factory is a flat plane with a walk-off edge on the left. The conveyor belt moves toward the left, so you always have to be on the move.
Working Dough is a flat plane with three platforms above, very similar in layout to Mario Circuit. Metal orbs will rush above as well.
Built to Scale is viewed from the side, with you walking on the same pane as the white line. There is a wall on the left but pits on either side. Occasionally a block will pop out from the right as an extra platform
Air Rally has you fighting on the two planes, similar to the Pilotwings level. Sometimes the plane on the right will move into the background, leaving only one to fight on.
Ringside has you fighting on the exterior of the Rhythm Arena, with the ground, awning, and roof as platforms.
Samurai Slice gives you one platform on the left, with a wall of vines on both the left and right. Only vertical KO's are possible.
Karate Man is a flat plane like final destination, with pits on either side as well.
Bossa Nova is a single cloud platform that rises, with branches from the left and right coming down as platforms.

It's pretty much Pokemon Stadium, but with no inbetween phase, and yet another twist.
Depending on the music track selected, the speed that the level transforms at changes. Here are a few of the music choices, and how fast it causes the level to change.

Remix Smash - This track is special in particular because it matches whichever layout is currently active, and smoothly transitions between whichever is coming up next. Each of the songs are fixed to play at the same beat, and the layouts last for 30 seconds each. The exception is the Karate Man layout, which acts as an introductory period and only gets 10 seconds.
Lonely Storm (Japanese)/(English) - These two songs are much more generous in time, and give 42 seconds per level layout, which is familiar to those who have played Castle Siege.
Wish - Can't Wait for You - This track is only slightly different from Remix Smash, in which it gives every layout 30 seconds including the introductory Karate Man level.
Rhythm Title Medley - More hectic matches will result from choosing this one, because each layout will last only 20 seconds each.
Remix 10 - For the particularly daring, this one will test reaction time. The level layout will change every time the music switches between minigames. This will cause some layouts to last longer than others, while others may only get five seconds or less before the level changes.

I believe this is probably the best way to capture the feeling of the Rhythm Heaven games while still making the level playable and easy to understand.
Also, there shouldn't be too much worry about this one level taking up a lot of space, considering most of these levels are simple geometric shapes and practically 1x1 textures.
Another thing you might be concerned over is the fact that the level may change and send you over a pit. However, Castle Siege dealt with this problem by giving you both of your jumps when it occurred, so I can see this running under the same principle.[/collapse]

Deleted member

Stage added.

Smashboards is effing up again and giving two Collapse bars with one being blank.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You even used my gameplay ideas? We've truely come to a new age of awakening here at Smashboards!

pose 2 da fans YEAH.png

Looking forward for that roster!

This idea has my full support!


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I don't really support a playable character but I would love a "wubbadubbadub is that true" remix included in the game. It's oddly entrancing.

I could see it playing on a warioware stage.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
How could you not like the awesome trio that would be The Wrestler, Little Mac and Wii Fit Trainer?


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Add me to the support list! I would love for the Wrestler and Reporter to be in the game! I want characters with personality. They would definitely add some to the roster!

Although I do have a question: how exactly are you thinking the Reporter would work as a tag-along?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Am personally expecting no reporter girl. Just Wrestler alone.

Also, in his victory screen he should be fully covered in sweat.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
In what way though?
Here's how I imagine it.
Rhythm Heaven Wrestler is obviously the star of the show, the reporter would lead into his attacks sort if.
For example, the reporter could go "Wow, you go big guy!" Then the Wrestler does a pose that can do some sort of damage. Maybe an uppercut referencing his pose.
And when he runs, the reporter could run after him as some sort of paparazzi, stretching the
microphone towards RHW's mouth. Just a funny touch that I thought up.
I do prefer him alone though.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
How could you not like the awesome trio that would be The Wrestler, Little Mac and Wii Fit Trainer?

It's pretty easy for somebody who hasn't played a game from any of those three series.

I don't dislike the wrestler, I just feel neutral about him.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Guess what, I didn't play any of those games either.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Can't be excited about the Wrestler when he's so minor in the greater context of Rhythm Heaven. He even only got one game in Fever, whereas other characters got second games (Karate Joe, Samurai, Monkey, Figure Fighter, etc ... )

Sure, I love the wrestler and the game he's in, but for a series I love so much I'd want a character that can actually represent the series as a whole, so I'd rather they do the series justice with Rhythm girl, Monkey, Marshall or even Karate Joe.

Deleted member

If you want someone who would "do the series justice", Marshall and Karate Joe are horrible examples.
Marshall only appears in one title like Wrestler, and is barely in said title; just in the Rhythm Test and in the Credits' Night Walk game as well as Remix 10.

Karate Joe would only "represent" the Karate Man games rather than the series as a whole, and quite frankly, appearing more doesn't mean diddly if the character in question is still a nobody. More people would recognize Wrestler and find him interesting than a generic MS Paint karate guy. Has Rosalina not shown already that interesting and unique > recurring when it comes to new guys? I mean, She was picked over the likes of a Toad or Bowser Jr., which have existed longer.

You didn't bring him up as such, but Samurai Steve/Wandering Samurai is well, a samurai. We've got at least 3 other samurai pining for a Smash role that have more chances than he.

"Rhythm Girl" and Rhythm Monkey are more along the lines of what you'd be looking for, but at the same time, it's rather hard to see them being worked in and not give off the same kind of vibes that Wii Fit Trainer already gives off.
EDIT: Unless "Rhythm Girl" was a Yugi-styled summoner that "played as" other characters in-battle to reference the fact she's the unofficial player avatar. Then I could see her outshine Wrestler.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
I can kind of see how this would play out. And I like the idea! I also would love to see the Reporter follow after Wrestler like a dialogue-driven Nana.

Now, I'm far from a Rhythm Heaven fan, having played none of the games. The most I know about that series is that there are colorful characters in it, and that said characters adorn my 2012 Club Nintendo calendar (strangely enough, one of those characters is the Wrestler!). I might go out and buy it, though, if not just to hear "Wubbadubbadub, is that true?" in all its glory and in person.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I like the japanese version of this minigame better, but the english one is also fine.

but anyways I'd like it, add me to the supporters.

Also I laughed at this probably way harder than I should have:
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