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Palutena Rage Research Thread


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
All testing was done on Diddy kong in Vs mode so the results can be slightly different from character to character. Percents listed is when a attack would kill diddy kong with no DI. Uair was tested on Battlefield side platform while Final destination was used for everything else. If you want a move I didn't test then simply request it.

| Uair | Bair | Fsmash | Dsmash | Usmash | bthrow | Dthrow
Palutena 0% | 127% | 95% | 54% | 81% | 93% | 110% | 807%
Palutena 100% | 108% | 83% | 45% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 685%
Difference | 19 | 12 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 20 | 122

So what that all said just look at dthrow, dthrow has SUPER CRAZY rage effect on it which explains why such a good combo move isn't that good.

Bonus info:

I also tested grab pummeling a bit against level 9 cpus as Palutena here were my results

25% 1 hit into dthrow works
70% 2 hit into dthrow works
125% 3 hits into dthrow works
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2014
Upland, California
Great Information! Could you do it for D-tilt and all moves at 150%? Rage caps at 150%


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Very nice, I was hoping someone would do this. Where on the stage did you test these? It seems kind of weird that B-Air killed that much earlier than U-Air, and that F-Smash killed so much earlier than U-Smash. And B-throw seemed kind of early as well. Did you use all those moves near the ledge? If so can I get a kill percentage near ledge and at midstage, and MAYBE one at the opposite end of the stage if you feel like going through all the trouble lol

...and could I also request U-tilt and Dash Attack? :u

P.S. was the D-Smash a sweetspot or sourspot?

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills

Very nice, I was hoping someone would do this. Where on the stage did you test these? It seems kind of weird that B-Air killed that much earlier than U-Air, and that F-Smash killed so much earlier than U-Smash. And B-throw seemed kind of early as well. Did you use all those moves near the ledge? If so can I get a kill percentage near ledge and at midstage, and MAYBE one at the opposite end of the stage if you feel like going through all the trouble lol

...and could I also request U-tilt and Dash Attack? :u

P.S. was the D-Smash a sweetspot or sourspot?
I was confused by this too but... it seems to be at the edge of the stage. It would be useful to know though how OP determined the distance and %. Did you go towards the end of the stage and then bump it up until Diddy dies? Or did you set a percent and then keep going until it's close enough for Diddy to die?
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Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
I did some testing.

These were all on FD in training mode, with Palu and Diddy. I tested with Palutena at 0% rage and 100% rage. I beat up Diddy to get him to the desired percent [U-smashes/Autoreticles, used some jabs/throws/f-airs etc to get exact percents], used the c-stick on Palutena's controller to attack while using Diddy's controller to DI / move, rinse, repeat. (this is painstaking @_@) The listed numbers are the percent at which I felt it was a guaranteed KO. (My results might not have been perfect, hence don't take these as fact but I think they're pretty close)

F-Smash (Uncharged):

(These are all with Diddy standing directly next to Palutena. The KB trajectory is different if you hit with it farther from her?? so I tried to hit with it up close for all of these) They were all uncharged f-smashes

__________PD (Close end of the stage)

0: 72%
100: 68%
*DI doesn't make much of a difference at this position

_____PD_____ (Mid)

0: 99% (no DI / wrong DI) - 113% (Optimal DI)
100: 97% - 116% (? higher than w/ 0% rage for some reason? someone can test this)

PD__________ (Far end of the stage)

0: 105% (Wrong DI) - 110% (No DI) - 146% (Optimal DI)
100: 105% - 110% - 149%
*I'm... honestly not sure about this one. Maybe someone can confirm, but rage actually lets the opponent live slightly longer when they're sent a further distance????
*Also I was... kind of hesitant about posting these, lol. If Diddys learned that they could live 30% longer on our F-smashes... there's no telling...

F-smash sends the opponent right and up at a little bit of an angle. Hitting them near the edge of the stage is most likely an earlier kill than U-Smash, and hitting them around midstage has about the same effect as an U-Smash, and hitting them to the opposite end of the stage kills a little bit later (Much later*, if they DI it right, but you have to DI immediately, so if they get surprised by the hit or don't know the correct way to DI for F-smash, you're probably safe)


__________PD (Close)

0: 107% (no DI)

_____PD_____ (Mid)

0: 147% (no DI)

PD__________ (Far)

0: ~178% (no DI) - ~190-200% (Optimal DI)

B-Air's KB has p much a horizontal trajectory... its kill potential is very very dependent on how far from the blast zone you hit them.

Some of the kill % numbers with 100% rage are higher than they are with 0% rage; from what I can gather this is due to a few factors: 1. Diddy has rage, which will decrease the knockback he takes, 2. Palutena's Fsmash may simply not benefit a ton from rage, and 3. spacing; F-smash seems to have more knockback the closer you are to Palutena, so it's possible I had Palutena and Diddy at slightly different distances away from eachother (though I tried not to)

I'm planning to do more testing, but I figured I'd dump what I got for now.
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