I'm going to save these old posts of mine from now on....
On Plusle & Minun:
"pra_mai" cannot be Plusle and Minun for a variety of reasons:
a. Single file. Plusle and Minun, being two characters, would have separate files like Popo and Nana do.
b. Naming issue. The file name would either be "prasleminun" as is the filename for their trophy, or something along the lines of "pra_mi" or "pra_min". Their names in Japan are "Prasle" and "Minun".
c. Positioning of the file. It comes before Jigglypuff, the start of the "post-SSE bonus characters"/"include if there's time to include them" characters. Unless Plusle and Minun were supposed to have Sonic's role of weakening Tabuu, they would be at some point after Dr. Mario, as this list goes by order of veterans to newcomers.
d. Abundance of Pokémon characters. With Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, and Lucario in the "main" section, as well as Jigglypuff and Mewtwo in the "bonus" section, it's a hard pill to swallow to believe Plusle and Minun were also planned for the "main" section on top of that.
On Random Box:
-The file is under character effects. The "random box" isn't a character.
-If it WAS the random box by some stretch of logic, the file would not be "pra_mai", it would be "random" or "omakase", the kanji on the random selection in the Japanese version of the game.
-"pra_mai" literally CANNOT translate to "each player" as some claim. Does anyone know what "player" is in Japanese? "Purēyā". That cannot be abbreviated as "pra". It would be "pre" or "prei".