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[Oct 18, 2014] Smash @ Xanadu October Monthly: MELEE (Baltimore, MD)


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD


Our Xanadu Melee Monthly!

"You never know who's going to show up...literally" Featuring special guests every week!

Previous OoR guests include: Sethlon, D1, K9, DJ Nintendo, Alukard, Lazarond, Rat, ESAM, Mew2King, ZeRo, Xzax, Keitaro, Nakat, and many others!

Location: Xanadu Games (thread has the address info! If Baltimore doesn't work as the city address, try using Halethorpe or Arbutus. This really isn't within "Baltimore" per se.) Should be easy to find. Xanadu is the premiere spot for Smash in MD/VA and always has the hottest livestreams. We are known for the S@X weeklies, and we have a monthly.

Games: Super Smash Bros. Melee


11am Venue Opens/Doubles Signups Open at the front counter
12:30pm Melee Doubles Pools Begins

1:30pm Melee Doubles Bracket Begins
2:30pm Melee Doubles Bracket Completes/Melee Mid Tier Signups Begin
3:00pm Melee Mid Tier Bracket Begins (see below for Mid Tier Roster)
5:00pm Melee Singles Signups Begin
5:30pm Melee Mid Tier Singles Ends, Melee Singles Pools Begin
7:30pm Melee Singles Bracket Begins
8:30pm Melee Singles Amateur Bracket Begins
9:30pm Melee Singles Bracket Completes

Join the S@X group for more info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SmashAtXanadu/

Calendar of games:

10/15- Melee
10/18- Melee Monthly
10/21- PM
10/22- Melee
10/28- PM
10/29- Melee
11/4- PM
11/5- Melee
11/11- PM
11/12- Melee
11/18- PM
11/19- Melee/Tantalus Birthday Party


$10 Venue fee (First 6 console setups will receive $5 venue off)
$5 Per Person Doubles ($10 per team)
$5 Per Person Mid Tier Singles
$10 Melee Singles Entry

Rules: These rules apply to all events, specific events below. If you have any questions about the rules, please ask up front rather than waiting till after a match to ask. It could be too late!

General Gameplay:

- Items are set to "off" and "none"
- If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. If there is a tie, see the tiebreaker section to follow.
- Controller ports will be decided by players. If there is a conflict, we prefer using the G&W Hammer method to determine who gets to choose.
- You may switch controller ports on your counterpick only.
- BYOC (Bring your own controller). I recommend having a spare, just in case. If you don't have one, I might have a few for sale.
- Any controller malfunction mid match is on you. If you need to reset, your opponent will have to agree to a reset as doing so will require you to pause the match. (if pause is on).
- Stalling is banned. You know what this is, ask if you're unsure.
- If you freeze the game on an action initiated by your character, you lose the game. You are expected to know the boundaries of your character. (This rarely, if ever, happens.)
- Pause is recommended to be turned on for quick resets, but players can request it be turned off for the duration of their match.
- If a player pauses the match mid game (accidentally or intentionally), it is a stock loss to the player who pressed it.
- A match ending in simultaneous death does not go to the initiator. If the result is sudden death from this, use the normal tiebreaking rules (to follow) to determine the winner. Otherwise use who the game declared the winner.

- Coaching mid-match is banned. Don't do it.
- You cannot re-select a stage you have won on as a counterpick.
- Any and all infinites (basically, where someone can control the opponent without them being able to do anything about it) must end at 300%, otherwise it becomes stalling. All infinites are entirely legal otherwise.
- For the main singles event, ALL sets are best 2 of 3 games, except the matches in the top 5 (Winners Semis, Loser's Quarters, Loser's Semis and the finals), which are best of 5
- In Doubles, only the finals matches are best of 5
- In Mid Tiers, all matches are best of 3, including the finals
- In the event of a game running to time, the winner is determined first by stocks, then % if the stocks are tied.
- LGL Rule: ALL games have a ledge grab limit of 50. This only comes into play if a match goes to time. If the match goes to time, and one of the players have exceeded the LGL, than the other player automatically wins regardless of the original outcome. If neither player or both players have, then normal tie breaking procedures take precedence.
- Amateur bracket is single elimination.

Set Procedure:

1. Character selection
2. Stage strike 1-2-1

3. Play Game 1
4. Winning player announces ban stage (3 bans for PM) for the set
5. Loser of previous match announces next match's stage
6. Winner of previous match chooses characters
7. Loser of previous match chooses characters
8. Play next game
9. Rinse and repeat 4-8 if set goes to a third game.

Tie Breaking:

Note: Tiebreaking is only initiated if the game started a sudden death round upon completion. Otherwise, the game declared winner is the winner of the match.

1. Winner is determined by highest stock count then lowest percent.
2. Verify neither player violated the LGL rule (if the match went to time)
3. 1 stock, 3 minute match is played as a tiebreaker match. The winner of this match wins the game. If there is a tie in this match, proceed to step 4. The LGL is modified for this match to 20.
4. A second 1 stock, no time limit match is played. If a simultaneous death is initiated (such as swallocide) in this match, the initiator loses the match. There is no tie for this match, it is play until you win.

Conduct Rules:

- 4 stock
- 8 minute timer
- No intrusive Cosmetic hacks permitted (no altering characters to look like master chief, no reversing the ice climbers colors, etc.)
- Drugs/Alcohol are banned from Xanadu. Don't let me see any, smell any, etc. We'll send you home packing.
- Intentionally disrupting someone mid-match intentionally or accidentally is not acceptable. Please do your best to make sure you are not disrupting a match. This can result in a penalty at T.O.'s discretion.
- Don't lose anything you're bringing to the event please, we are not liable for lost/stolen etc.
- TTL Rule: You must register for the event in person, on-time. Once the registration deadline is closed, no further entries will be permitted. Do not try to call me in advance to hold the bracket.
- Collusion of any kind (asking, intentionally throwing matches yourself, "agreeing to split", etc.) is subject to instant disqualification from all events, forfeiture of all prizes, banning of said players from stream matches and a potential 1 event suspension at the T.O's discretion.

Mid Tier Characters:
Young Link
Donkey Kong
Game & Watch

Stage rules:

- 1 stage ban in bo3 matches
- no stage bans in bo5 matches

- Starter Stages:

Yoshi's Story
Fountain of Dreams
Final Destination
Dream Land 64

- Counterpick stages

Pokemon Stadium

- Doubles Stage Changes
Fountain of Dreams is banned
Pokemon Stadium is a Starter Stage
No Counter pick stages

Prize Payouts:

Singles Payouts:
1st: 48%
2nd: 22%
3rd: 14%
4th: 8%
5th: 4%
5th: 4%

Doubles Payouts:
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%

3rd: 10%

Mid Tier Payouts:
1st: 55%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%
4th: 5%

Food Nearby:

All within close proximity is Chick-fil-A, McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's. There is also a pizza place that delivers that everyone is extremely fond off, as well as Chinese take out. We have the chinese and pizza place order list right there at the counter if you want something.

Dominos also delivers:
Phone: (410) 242-3030

Livestream/Media: www.twitch.tv/vgbootcamp

www.twitter.com/xanadugames -Our store's twitter
www.twitter.com/thetantalus -ask me if you have any questions about the event
www.twitter.com/vgbootcamp -Our twitter
www.twitter.com/tkbreezy - VGBC's Lead commentator and the voice of Project M

www.twitter.com/ThePhenomenalEE - our other lead commentator
https://www.facebook.com/groups/SmashAtXanadu/ - Local facebook group for S@X
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Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Added amateur bracket to the event list. This event gives you MUCH more opportunity to compete than the average event, and is a unique experience for any player. We hope to see you out!


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2014
Alexandria, Virginia
Added amateur bracket to the event list. This event gives you MUCH more opportunity to compete than the average event, and is a unique experience for any player. We hope to see you out!
Sweet! I'm new to melee but I'm really enjoying the game so I think I'll enter this. When's the registration time?
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