These are my notes so far from D1; I think all the "X isn't scum with Y" are still worth to take into account:
BadWolf28738 (Nail Man, Town Nail Doc)
#106: Question and answer seems legit. Not scum with Rake the Lawndry.
#136: Response in first quote to PrivateJoker-Brown seems legit upset. Not scum with him.
#136: Wording for liking Raziek seems honest. Not scum with him. Sum also #138.
#144 - #145: Again, not scum with Raziek.
#225: Not scum with Rake the Lawndry. Sum #229.
#261: Not scum with Red Ryu.
Circus (Jet Man, Mafia Bus Driver)
#90: Plus #89, not scum with Rake the Lawndry.
#95: Plus #92 & #94, not scum with YOLOSWAG.
#125: Cool question. Not scum with Raziek. #133 reafirms.
#140: Aggressive posture regarding an issue in which scum would’ve most likely remained silent for a while at least. Gorf townie. Same in #151.
#154: Revaluation look townie, and not scum with Raziek.
#320: With no more directions other than Potassium and PJB at that moment, votes and is one of the first against PJB. Not scum with PrivateJoker-Brown.
#80: Explains his vote restriction.
#358: Mechanical-wise, probably isn’t aligned with YOLOSWAG.
#378: Thinking JDietz and PJB are NOT both scum. Before this post, JDietz came in and started to go against Kantrip in the Kantrip-PJB exchange. It's important to know that at this point, Kantrip vs. PJB was the only thing going in the thread. After pressuring Kantrip and discussing with him, if JDietz is scum with PJB, JD could've just abandoned the thread for a while to gauge reactions in the issue, but in #378 he immediatly shifted his vote to PJB, without giving time to others to think about the pressure he put on Kantrip. This leads me to believe JDietz =/= PJB.
Nicholas1024 (Hammer Man, Hammering Townie)
#74: Explains his vote restriction.
Potassium (Rainbow Man, Loud Townie)
#141: Don’t like. Whole Raziek-Potassium exchange strongly hints at Raziek being town, regardless of Potassium alignment, and this guy just seems to attempt to throw mud at that obvious conclusion.
#146: This post doesn’t align well with #141. In #141, tries to cast as much doubt as possible regarding Raziek, but in #146 is not making any effort to “attract” more people to this thought.
#508: Lol. Not scum with Red Ryu.
Rake the Lawndry (Trinitro Man, Town Bomb)
#103: Claims.
#209: Willing to believe his push on Ryu for breaking his “restriction”. Not scum with Red Ryu.
#72: With Potassium’s town flip confirmed, Raziek’s reaction to #70 reads incredibly genuine. Town.
Red Ryu
#347, #349: Like with Gorf, when the direction was either Potassium or PJB without much other routes, Ryu pushes PJB and also promotes it by liking Gorf’s vote on PJB. Not scum with PrivateJoker-Brown.
Xatres > ѕoup
#88: Explains his vote restriction.
To these notes I should add:
- Because of the fight YOLO - Ryu had in page #38 (in which Ryu asked to be replacd), Ryu =/= YOLO
- Ryu =/= soup because of how the exchange they had when this Day Phase started
- soup =/= PJB because of the push soup had on PJB yesterDay and how they're pushing each other toDay. I think #1725 seals the deal for me
- There's one Gorf mentioned toDay about Raziek =/= someone which I agree but I forgot who's the player. Gonna search for that one