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Tiers Explanation:
10: Largely this reflects Warlord and FA's 10s as my personal favourite set. It’s unlikely this will happen and I will give some leeway if the set would be in my top 5.
9: Sets I would consider excellent. Examples include Father Cornello, Vector or Judge Nemo.
8: Great sets that are guaranteed to get a super vote if they are in a high enough position.
7: Very good sets go here, while not polished enough to be considered great.
6: Good sets. Here is where the flawed stuff may start to creep in but there’s enough good to make it overall a solid like.
5: This is between good and bad, basically average or sets I’m not sure I like or dislike.
4: Bad outweighs good and I dislike the set.
3: The problems are bad enough it spoils any good qualities.
2: The sets at this point have so many issues that it's irredeemable.
1: At this level, the set is not only terrible on every level, but is uniquely bad either for the lack of effort or sheer awfulness of the concept or execution.
9: Sets I would consider excellent. Examples include Father Cornello, Vector or Judge Nemo.
8: Great sets that are guaranteed to get a super vote if they are in a high enough position.
7: Very good sets go here, while not polished enough to be considered great.
6: Good sets. Here is where the flawed stuff may start to creep in but there’s enough good to make it overall a solid like.
5: This is between good and bad, basically average or sets I’m not sure I like or dislike.
4: Bad outweighs good and I dislike the set.
3: The problems are bad enough it spoils any good qualities.
2: The sets at this point have so many issues that it's irredeemable.
1: At this level, the set is not only terrible on every level, but is uniquely bad either for the lack of effort or sheer awfulness of the concept or execution.
After a short time has passed I grew to realise this set is one of my favourites that Warlord has created over the recent years because of its great ideas and execution. It’s a reflective set that brings together all kinds of Warlordian concepts: food, terraforming, super speed (in a sense) and I love the hilarious shots taken at the Sonic franchise. There’s almost nothing I can point out that I don’t just love in this set and the closest thing are parts Warlord had to add later.
Old Rankcom: Great expansion on the concept of Pac-Man's Fruit becoming food items, getting a ton of mileage out of them as weapons and as buffs. The characterization is top tier, going for a full mockery of Sonic and glorifying the character, a well of comedy that is too deep to run out. Manages to iron out any balance issues with the terraforming it has while keeping the fun elements and has few moves to nitpick. Great fun to read, and the tier list is a tasty dessert.
This is another set that ages well after considering how low potential and well executed it is in the vacuum of Dark Souls. It’s very creative using what little it has and it’s very impressive how it manages to get such a defined duelist playstyle that fits the character this well. It’s not an easy character or playstyle to construct, and it’s clearly thought out.
Old Rankcom: Fun and imaginative set based on trying to duel the foe by limiting their dodging options. Artorias gets in on it himself by buffing and nerfing himself at the same time to go all in, and rewards the player for this risk, giving it a high skill ceiling. The simple animations don't naturally lend themselves to exciting moves, but the playstyle comes out very well, much greater than the sum of its part. It can be a little dull at times. The set's style doesn't allow for a lot of creativity, but makes up for it in cleverness.
Interesting take on a boss character and the Kinnikuman villains, refreshing when there have been no bosses in a long time. Fun synergy between the various summoned characters and a visceral feeling to how the set is executed, giving very measured spotlight to all the characters without having any that stand out as under or overused. It does have some under-elaborated on concepts in the smash orbs and Black Hole's special and the minion spam is a pretty blunt way to balance a boss.
Experimental projectile manipulation set that has a great base and the right amount of ingenuity choosing what projectiles to use, on the verge of not working due to the sheer scale of these interactions, but kept together by some of Kat's best balancing in recent memory. This has some of Kat’s greatest aerials in recent memory. It’s more than a little chaotic and all, but restrained and milks plenty of fun out of the projectiles.
The set is not the most exciting concept and got put artificially high because of a great execution, but has some balance stuff I don’t approve that highly. The infinite stacking of the bleeding still gets to me after this long as I don’t’ get why it’s there other than to be purposefully obtuse. The aerials aren’t the greatest. The way that blood appears I also always found a bit too whimsical as a floating collectible when the set is so hardcore, creating a slight visual disconnect. Great but not perfect.
Old Rankcom: The best example I can think of for a bleeding effect focus in a set and lots of clever little applications of it throughout the set, as well as getting all potential possible out of a fairly generic character. The quality is very consistent throughout the set and there are no moves that I'd say are flawed. Creates a fun mechanic fighting over the meat and is well balanced. The infinitely stacking buffs would get silly in a very long match, but it's not fair to dock too many points when it's not remotely viable.
A set of two halves: a very dull and perfunctory beginning and a very creative grab and aerials, that don't always mesh together, but when they do it's excellent. Fun balancing concept by limiting the plants that can be summoned, and at least tries to make all the attacks relevant, if not always successful. The grab game raises this set hugely by introducing a bunch of fun concepts to the rest of the plants. A bit questionable if the later sections get too creative, but I still think they're quality moves.
It has been said plenty of times already that the Gluth changes are a massive improvement and I can only echo that praise. The zombies are integrated far more naturally into the playstyle and Gluth’s weirder aspects are reduced, besides some specifics like the Decimate. The new additions to forward smash and the new moves are all very welcome additions to the set.
Old Rankcom:The early concept of the zombie chows is fun and putting them in pits is just as fun, but then the set largely focuses on other aspects that just aren't as interesting, with some wacky logic on moves such as decimate. The slopes are an interesting addition on a smash, and are decent, but this is stuff that's been done many times already and feels a bit wasteful along with the way the chows aren't utilized.
Bold moveset where the character creates a gigantic mountain then focuses the set around that, surprisingly well balanced. Some of the moves feel very desperate to capitalize on the mountain without much regard for their fair amount of redundancy and awkward input placement. While it is very fun, it's probably not as exciting as you'd expect based off the mountain part.
A fresh playstyle idea of using mass multipliers on weaker moves to make them relevant when used in certain situations. This is like a combination of many sets in the past that would focus on one or two of these elements like backstabbing and headshots, which by themselves don't have much potential, but when put together like this create their own playstyle. Some moves are a bit redundant or shallow compared to others, but overall this was a surprisingly fun and original concept.
Hard to see a much better remix of Link after all the criticism was taken into account, every move has a fun concept attached to it, and the melee moves are given a fun double hit mechanic. The set never oversteps its boundaries and is a realistic, if exhaustive set for Link that draws from all the right places, a huge improvement over Ganon 2.0 from last contest, as it all manages to feel cohesive. That said, the set is not very exciting from a conceptual standpoint and the playstyle doesn't achieve anything new for Link.
A great mechanic in Duel, fun minions and great characterisation. After the changes, the horse seems fine, but the horse attacks and some of the moves seem superfluous to the playstyle. On the other hand, this set has a great grab game that only further cements the great characterisation with the minions and does a decent job playing into the duels at the same time.
Unique balance that I've not seen much of before, the idea of a character too strong for their own good is not one I've seen before and it's very interesting, the concepts are a fun combination with that playstyle. The animations are all well characterized and fitting, the balancing factor of slowness and awkwardness is also great for both character and balance. There's nothing really holding it together besides these elements, like new concepts, but it's a worthwhile experiment.
Fun take on the idea of teleportation and another duelist in the same vein as Artorias. This set is the best execution I've seen of a MOBA character when it comes to using the buyable items for potential that make sense for the character and has a lot of fun, logical moves making use of the shield's HP. Other moves are not as logical, using up shield HP when other moves in the section don't, just because. You'd have to read up on the character or play him a lot to figure it all out without any visual indicator.
I was overly harsh on this set before as you may notice in my old rankcom, it does have a good purpose with the dual-wielding set and it’s actually kind of clever how it doesn’t go for big changes between the two and instead focuses on smaller differences. The edits to the set have improved it in minor ways to help give ease the flux between the sword styles and added some substance to the rock form
Old Rankcom: This set does a good job of selling the character's unique aspects, putting a focus on two styles, once closer to fencing and one using a massive sword for more power but less speed. This is not a necessary mechanic though as a lot of the moves are pretty similar, and the differences aren't very big between the two at times. The set also gets pretty boring by the end as you have to read two movesets past the specials and would've been better served if it was edited down.
As you said you may ever revisit this set I will address all the specific complaints to best of my memory. The special that creates mist requires too much commitment, meaning you spend most of match charging an infinite charge move, and has an annoying mind game attached to boot when summoning dupes. Should be reworked to have summoned dupe create mist and/or not involve a frustrating mindgame in the core move of the set. The throws have plenty of potential to do interesting stuff but I honestly find it fairly confusing exactly what the point is of most of them, could easily be given more purpose. They read as fairly phoned in like the original Kristoph throws awkwardly making the foe carry a letter bomb, obviously in a different way.
The up special where he surfs on his bat wings isn’t brought up ever again and his aerials are fairly filler. The up smash could easily be a special instead and do more unique interactions of its own. The projectile forward smash is fairly redundant after you had a special dedicated to a projectile already. Considering this character you probably have plenty of ideas to just directly add to the set for new moves and that would be a good idea, just make some space because if you go back and reread a lot of what’s here is not the greatest material.
Old Rankcom: Very fun characterization, and with the new fixes to the specials it works fine. The set goes through the usual motions you'd expect in a projectile manipulation set. Far too many moves exist purely for the sake of being buffed from awkward/underpowered to usable/overpowered, especially in the aerials. Others exist for a shallow reason such as having a sweetspot or being another projectile to manipulate. The early game of this character is a massive chore for the player, just so they can not play a bottom tier character.
The set's as chock full of effects and depth as Zer0 if not more, every section has a gimmick to it to try and make it interesting and relevant. The set is largely good but runs out of steam at the end after going over many, many effects that come into play earlier in the set. Whereas in Zer0 these were a key element of the balance and playstyle, here they aren't as interconnected. Deathtrap also could've been used outside of the specials.
This was improved from the point it was just memetic with the balance, but still comes off as fairly weirdly balanced. Nonetheless, there's a certain risk-reward here that's fun, linking the playstyle together by forcing the player now to use up their motor drive stacks or lose them over time. There are some pretty OP moves still, such as the disjointed back aerial hitbox and the neutral special is still way too powerful at its max, the DK punch is not a move that's UP enough that you can make it 3x as powerful and it's not broken.
A fun little set based around momentum-based water and ice mechanics. The logic of some of the moves is a bit weird with Piplup stomping to make cracks in ice and the ability to use ice attacks on Piplup isn't a perfect fit. Piplup borrows heavily from Pikachu and doesn't have that much of its own identity when you get down to brass tacks. It's a mish-mash of mechanics and playstyle without much of a character, coming off as fairly Pikachu lite due to the aforementioned borrowed animations.
A very simple terraforming set that focuses on ground combat and rushdown, while having some flair with the way sand works as an ammo bank for the smashes. Let down a little bit by the aerials and standards, with a fairly average grab game, but ends up fairly good.
This set in no way is Paper Mario with the way it uses partners, and uses them in a ironically fitting way if you see it as a metaphor for how Paper Mario treats the idea of partners in the new games. I did find some fun in the interactions, even if they aren't too well balanced, and I thought the set was not bad if you viewed it as Sticker Star or Paper Jam Mario instead. The set would probably be better if the partners were outright removed to focus more on what the set does well, the interactions and mechanics.
Archetypal x-spreading playstyle that spreads the different status effect pollens around. The effects themselves are nothing to write home about, but this is one of the best executed of the archetype, detracting little from gameplay as Riki casually moves around the pollen. It's let down by down special and smashes, the former should just be replaced entirely.
Very fun characterisation and concepts of swinging around a tree on a vine. The focus on aerial momentum and mobility off the tree is nice but not as pronounced as it could be in this set. It instead focuses on how the tree can be used to zone or stage control in less exciting ways than Villager's tree. It uproots a massive tree and knocks it into the battle plane with a weak smash that looks about as powerful as Ike's ftilt. The solid/not solid nature of the tree and branches also make no sense.
Decent application of the bazooka and redirecting the bullet bills and minions in a very, very straightforward way. There's some odd stuff in the grab game where Roy just picks up stuff and shoves it into his bazooka that is extremely simplistic, picking up Koopas then firing them out and throwing timer bombs into the mix too. It gets extremely redundant later but is at least self aware of this flaw enough that it's not the worst.
Does all you'd expect on an Excite Biker set, revving up, going fast and doing show off type moves on the bike as attacks. It's not all cohesive however and it doesn't have a particularly strong playstyle. The ideas are obviously not very original either, and Excite Biker is not the most exciting conduit, ending up feeling fairly bland, if not doing anything hugely wrong.
This set's a fun minion set but has an incredibly difficult writing style that is pretty unfortunate, making it a hugely stifling read. The way the dummies work with the projectiles is nothing if not fun for the character at least, and while I'd say Undyne is the superior set, this one's almost a complete opposite for concepts and playstyle which is fun to see. It does get redundant later on and that obviously doesn't help with the reading either.
This set has great characterisation, but the balance makes certain moves pretty much unusable. It's a shame as it has a very fun idea with the spears, but this is one case in this movement where the characterization gets too carried away, making the set not viable. Could be worth a revisit to redo the balance and put more focus on the spears, without limiting it as much.
Good idea focusing on counter-play against projectile users, but ultimately it comes across as more of a hard counter without much else of a focus. Chesnaught comes across pretty unfocused besides that and has an odd focus on punching moves with the lanky body, rather than being defensive, reserving his defensive ire for the projectile characters solely. The set loves to get into the minutia of moves like the punches and I didn't find it particularly interesting or relevant.
Straightforward set based on very simple concept of a super attack and incredibly simple mechanics. The set is so simple but doesn't get all that much out of some of the concepts, like the idea of a save point for the purposes of suicidal gimps or combos would seem obvious. It also could've done with a look at Cloud's set in Smash 4 and how it handles Limit Break, which is a lot more intuitive.
The minions are fun enough, and the way they're controlled is fairly unique, but a set like this that limits the minions mostly to a single special should do more with them besides changing their position slightly. They're more of a trap than a minion, not a whole lot more complex in application than the Mechakoopa, and may actually be more shallow. Honchkrow himself has some tacky moves in the specials and I wasn't a fan of the writing style, though it was a good attempt.
An ambitious set that has tons of effects and spells included, but gets so boring it's intolerable in some inputs, because the differences are so technical and irrelevant to the playstyle. It's got a fun mechanic in the specials with the way the spells can be applied to Melia's defences, and does have some depth there, but it's way too complex by the time it gets to the grab and there's not enough payoff.
The focus on the Rock Cubes is not played out much beyond the neutral special and instead the main concept is some rushdown that doesn't seem particularly cohesive. Big fixes were made to the balance and specials, ultimately it just needs to be more compacted. There are a few good if simple ideas here, they just need to be better executed. Improvements have been made and may ever vote for this set if it grows on me over time.
A set with a lot of interesting ideas, I am not completely opposed to chance mechanics when done in this way, and the balance is kept under control for the most part. The way that the main mechanics work seem very OOC, Togekiss is camping in this wish area, while chucking rocks. When this thing is meant to be elegant or otherworldly, he sure acts like a jerk. The way it interprets Wish, Ancient Power and Serene Grace are too direct, the character should be put before the mechanics.
The set has fun ideas with the way it works, getting less powerful the more damage you take, but that's pretty much the entire set. There's very little actually done with the concept and the last half of the set is very boring. It has some really bad moves later too that should just be redone, such as the up aerial. The mechanic needs the set less than the set needs the mechanic.
Good improvements from the original version, and the way the mechanic works is not as unfun as it was, but still the set lacks in much in the way of fun concepts, mostly resorting to generic bat swings and little else, not focusing much on the sliding or other field actions of a baseball player. The focus on a batter could be better if mixed in with more projectiles, but the baseballs actively disappear sooner. It probably would need to do more projectile counter play for me to like it more.
The time travel in this set is fairly backwards from what it should be, healing the foe and punishing Ekko so that he can basically reset scenarios where he was the big loser, seeming very frustrating to play against and getting into the dumb kinds of risky for the Ekko player. The payoff is basically two Chronospheres, which is very underwhelming. I did like some of what is done later, almost to the point of it being salvaged, but I can't get over how bad the time travel is and the after image combos seem OP.
I can’t be the only one tired of Bionichute’s sets that barely try and recycle the same mechanics of building up the mechanic to buff a move’s power generically without any creativity. This set tries for basically two okay sections then drops off a cliff in quality. The balance issues are only fixed because they took 2 seconds to change the numbers. I assume the other glaring flaws will be left untouched because laziness and chat spam is effortless by comparison. It is long past time for Bio to step up his game.
Old Rankcom: Strong beginning, but it gets into the usual awkwardness of Bio's sets where he goes over the "levels" of each move, and each level generically gets stronger, losing sight of why this is fun or relevant to the playstyle. The beginning of the set really needs images to show what is being talked about when it uses these complex structures. There's also obvious missed potential like combining buckets of lava and water to create steam that jumped out at me when reading, not doing many interactions at all.
A 2v2 focus isn't an awful idea, but in this case Sharla simply doesn't bring enough to the team to not be outclassed by characters who also work in singles play. The overheating mechanic comes off as just an annoyance and bogs down the set when it's already limited to 2v2s. This could easily work in singles matches if you changed some things, but even then there's nothing that stands out to make the set unique.
Specials are packed with pointless mechanics layered on top of other pointless mechanics when the set is basically a ninja doing rushdown and throwing knives or teleporting around the place. Usually these concepts are presented straightforwardly then create echoes throughout the later inputs, instead everything is frontloaded here and a massive headache to read as well as from a design standpoint.
I have a soft spot for the set when it released years ago, but it's hard to deny that it's aged badly, especially the unchanged grab game. It's all so tacky and the requirement to get to the grab game is a bad idea. The start of the set though is just as good as it was then, and I always liked this playground of rolling around the meat and so on. It's held back by the later inputs and honestly, after all this time it probably needed more of a strong playstyle too for it to be up to current standards.
Overpowered and tacky set that doesn’t seem to understand the character, similar problem to previous set by the creator Jack Atlas where Nico Robin just does whatever she potentially could with her power but doesn’t care about input placement or balance. It’s very incompetent. Get no sense for the character and yes, the drowning mechanic is stupid.
This set has a lot of effort put into it but has awful balance issues. The side special that cancels into any move is broken, the traps that can be one of three random traps are also broken and the last input section turns into a bit of a joke. It's a shame as the set has some promise in the early going and certainly has plenty of imagination, but this is one of the most overpowered sets in a while.
This set is just an absolute mess from top to bottom. Geno Power, the down tilt, the terrible and bizarre moves and bare minimum detail of many moves, like the stark opposite to Will & Freedan back in the day where everything was explained too much. This is an improvement over that at least, because its short length makes it approachable, and it's really funny. It's worth reading over some of the mediocre sets this contest because of how humorous it is and I am eager to see if PK-ow delivers another set.
Vorgis runs through all of the stereotypical boss concepts we've seen for years and manages to be one of the most overpowered sets in history for 1v1, without any regard for balance. The minions and their OP balance, with the wacky animations, the ability to store and spit out an insane amount of spiders, it's a quintessential bad set. I do admire the ambition here and I'm glad it was posted. Reminds me a little of good old Jason Voorhees.

After a short time has passed I grew to realise this set is one of my favourites that Warlord has created over the recent years because of its great ideas and execution. It’s a reflective set that brings together all kinds of Warlordian concepts: food, terraforming, super speed (in a sense) and I love the hilarious shots taken at the Sonic franchise. There’s almost nothing I can point out that I don’t just love in this set and the closest thing are parts Warlord had to add later.
Old Rankcom: Great expansion on the concept of Pac-Man's Fruit becoming food items, getting a ton of mileage out of them as weapons and as buffs. The characterization is top tier, going for a full mockery of Sonic and glorifying the character, a well of comedy that is too deep to run out. Manages to iron out any balance issues with the terraforming it has while keeping the fun elements and has few moves to nitpick. Great fun to read, and the tier list is a tasty dessert.

This is another set that ages well after considering how low potential and well executed it is in the vacuum of Dark Souls. It’s very creative using what little it has and it’s very impressive how it manages to get such a defined duelist playstyle that fits the character this well. It’s not an easy character or playstyle to construct, and it’s clearly thought out.
Old Rankcom: Fun and imaginative set based on trying to duel the foe by limiting their dodging options. Artorias gets in on it himself by buffing and nerfing himself at the same time to go all in, and rewards the player for this risk, giving it a high skill ceiling. The simple animations don't naturally lend themselves to exciting moves, but the playstyle comes out very well, much greater than the sum of its part. It can be a little dull at times. The set's style doesn't allow for a lot of creativity, but makes up for it in cleverness.

Interesting take on a boss character and the Kinnikuman villains, refreshing when there have been no bosses in a long time. Fun synergy between the various summoned characters and a visceral feeling to how the set is executed, giving very measured spotlight to all the characters without having any that stand out as under or overused. It does have some under-elaborated on concepts in the smash orbs and Black Hole's special and the minion spam is a pretty blunt way to balance a boss.

Experimental projectile manipulation set that has a great base and the right amount of ingenuity choosing what projectiles to use, on the verge of not working due to the sheer scale of these interactions, but kept together by some of Kat's best balancing in recent memory. This has some of Kat’s greatest aerials in recent memory. It’s more than a little chaotic and all, but restrained and milks plenty of fun out of the projectiles.

The set is not the most exciting concept and got put artificially high because of a great execution, but has some balance stuff I don’t approve that highly. The infinite stacking of the bleeding still gets to me after this long as I don’t’ get why it’s there other than to be purposefully obtuse. The aerials aren’t the greatest. The way that blood appears I also always found a bit too whimsical as a floating collectible when the set is so hardcore, creating a slight visual disconnect. Great but not perfect.
Old Rankcom: The best example I can think of for a bleeding effect focus in a set and lots of clever little applications of it throughout the set, as well as getting all potential possible out of a fairly generic character. The quality is very consistent throughout the set and there are no moves that I'd say are flawed. Creates a fun mechanic fighting over the meat and is well balanced. The infinitely stacking buffs would get silly in a very long match, but it's not fair to dock too many points when it's not remotely viable.

A set of two halves: a very dull and perfunctory beginning and a very creative grab and aerials, that don't always mesh together, but when they do it's excellent. Fun balancing concept by limiting the plants that can be summoned, and at least tries to make all the attacks relevant, if not always successful. The grab game raises this set hugely by introducing a bunch of fun concepts to the rest of the plants. A bit questionable if the later sections get too creative, but I still think they're quality moves.

It has been said plenty of times already that the Gluth changes are a massive improvement and I can only echo that praise. The zombies are integrated far more naturally into the playstyle and Gluth’s weirder aspects are reduced, besides some specifics like the Decimate. The new additions to forward smash and the new moves are all very welcome additions to the set.
Old Rankcom:The early concept of the zombie chows is fun and putting them in pits is just as fun, but then the set largely focuses on other aspects that just aren't as interesting, with some wacky logic on moves such as decimate. The slopes are an interesting addition on a smash, and are decent, but this is stuff that's been done many times already and feels a bit wasteful along with the way the chows aren't utilized.

Bold moveset where the character creates a gigantic mountain then focuses the set around that, surprisingly well balanced. Some of the moves feel very desperate to capitalize on the mountain without much regard for their fair amount of redundancy and awkward input placement. While it is very fun, it's probably not as exciting as you'd expect based off the mountain part.

A fresh playstyle idea of using mass multipliers on weaker moves to make them relevant when used in certain situations. This is like a combination of many sets in the past that would focus on one or two of these elements like backstabbing and headshots, which by themselves don't have much potential, but when put together like this create their own playstyle. Some moves are a bit redundant or shallow compared to others, but overall this was a surprisingly fun and original concept.

Hard to see a much better remix of Link after all the criticism was taken into account, every move has a fun concept attached to it, and the melee moves are given a fun double hit mechanic. The set never oversteps its boundaries and is a realistic, if exhaustive set for Link that draws from all the right places, a huge improvement over Ganon 2.0 from last contest, as it all manages to feel cohesive. That said, the set is not very exciting from a conceptual standpoint and the playstyle doesn't achieve anything new for Link.

A great mechanic in Duel, fun minions and great characterisation. After the changes, the horse seems fine, but the horse attacks and some of the moves seem superfluous to the playstyle. On the other hand, this set has a great grab game that only further cements the great characterisation with the minions and does a decent job playing into the duels at the same time.

Unique balance that I've not seen much of before, the idea of a character too strong for their own good is not one I've seen before and it's very interesting, the concepts are a fun combination with that playstyle. The animations are all well characterized and fitting, the balancing factor of slowness and awkwardness is also great for both character and balance. There's nothing really holding it together besides these elements, like new concepts, but it's a worthwhile experiment.

Fun take on the idea of teleportation and another duelist in the same vein as Artorias. This set is the best execution I've seen of a MOBA character when it comes to using the buyable items for potential that make sense for the character and has a lot of fun, logical moves making use of the shield's HP. Other moves are not as logical, using up shield HP when other moves in the section don't, just because. You'd have to read up on the character or play him a lot to figure it all out without any visual indicator.

I was overly harsh on this set before as you may notice in my old rankcom, it does have a good purpose with the dual-wielding set and it’s actually kind of clever how it doesn’t go for big changes between the two and instead focuses on smaller differences. The edits to the set have improved it in minor ways to help give ease the flux between the sword styles and added some substance to the rock form
Old Rankcom: This set does a good job of selling the character's unique aspects, putting a focus on two styles, once closer to fencing and one using a massive sword for more power but less speed. This is not a necessary mechanic though as a lot of the moves are pretty similar, and the differences aren't very big between the two at times. The set also gets pretty boring by the end as you have to read two movesets past the specials and would've been better served if it was edited down.

As you said you may ever revisit this set I will address all the specific complaints to best of my memory. The special that creates mist requires too much commitment, meaning you spend most of match charging an infinite charge move, and has an annoying mind game attached to boot when summoning dupes. Should be reworked to have summoned dupe create mist and/or not involve a frustrating mindgame in the core move of the set. The throws have plenty of potential to do interesting stuff but I honestly find it fairly confusing exactly what the point is of most of them, could easily be given more purpose. They read as fairly phoned in like the original Kristoph throws awkwardly making the foe carry a letter bomb, obviously in a different way.
The up special where he surfs on his bat wings isn’t brought up ever again and his aerials are fairly filler. The up smash could easily be a special instead and do more unique interactions of its own. The projectile forward smash is fairly redundant after you had a special dedicated to a projectile already. Considering this character you probably have plenty of ideas to just directly add to the set for new moves and that would be a good idea, just make some space because if you go back and reread a lot of what’s here is not the greatest material.
Old Rankcom: Very fun characterization, and with the new fixes to the specials it works fine. The set goes through the usual motions you'd expect in a projectile manipulation set. Far too many moves exist purely for the sake of being buffed from awkward/underpowered to usable/overpowered, especially in the aerials. Others exist for a shallow reason such as having a sweetspot or being another projectile to manipulate. The early game of this character is a massive chore for the player, just so they can not play a bottom tier character.

The set's as chock full of effects and depth as Zer0 if not more, every section has a gimmick to it to try and make it interesting and relevant. The set is largely good but runs out of steam at the end after going over many, many effects that come into play earlier in the set. Whereas in Zer0 these were a key element of the balance and playstyle, here they aren't as interconnected. Deathtrap also could've been used outside of the specials.

This was improved from the point it was just memetic with the balance, but still comes off as fairly weirdly balanced. Nonetheless, there's a certain risk-reward here that's fun, linking the playstyle together by forcing the player now to use up their motor drive stacks or lose them over time. There are some pretty OP moves still, such as the disjointed back aerial hitbox and the neutral special is still way too powerful at its max, the DK punch is not a move that's UP enough that you can make it 3x as powerful and it's not broken.

A fun little set based around momentum-based water and ice mechanics. The logic of some of the moves is a bit weird with Piplup stomping to make cracks in ice and the ability to use ice attacks on Piplup isn't a perfect fit. Piplup borrows heavily from Pikachu and doesn't have that much of its own identity when you get down to brass tacks. It's a mish-mash of mechanics and playstyle without much of a character, coming off as fairly Pikachu lite due to the aforementioned borrowed animations.

A very simple terraforming set that focuses on ground combat and rushdown, while having some flair with the way sand works as an ammo bank for the smashes. Let down a little bit by the aerials and standards, with a fairly average grab game, but ends up fairly good.

This set in no way is Paper Mario with the way it uses partners, and uses them in a ironically fitting way if you see it as a metaphor for how Paper Mario treats the idea of partners in the new games. I did find some fun in the interactions, even if they aren't too well balanced, and I thought the set was not bad if you viewed it as Sticker Star or Paper Jam Mario instead. The set would probably be better if the partners were outright removed to focus more on what the set does well, the interactions and mechanics.

Archetypal x-spreading playstyle that spreads the different status effect pollens around. The effects themselves are nothing to write home about, but this is one of the best executed of the archetype, detracting little from gameplay as Riki casually moves around the pollen. It's let down by down special and smashes, the former should just be replaced entirely.

Very fun characterisation and concepts of swinging around a tree on a vine. The focus on aerial momentum and mobility off the tree is nice but not as pronounced as it could be in this set. It instead focuses on how the tree can be used to zone or stage control in less exciting ways than Villager's tree. It uproots a massive tree and knocks it into the battle plane with a weak smash that looks about as powerful as Ike's ftilt. The solid/not solid nature of the tree and branches also make no sense.

Decent application of the bazooka and redirecting the bullet bills and minions in a very, very straightforward way. There's some odd stuff in the grab game where Roy just picks up stuff and shoves it into his bazooka that is extremely simplistic, picking up Koopas then firing them out and throwing timer bombs into the mix too. It gets extremely redundant later but is at least self aware of this flaw enough that it's not the worst.

Does all you'd expect on an Excite Biker set, revving up, going fast and doing show off type moves on the bike as attacks. It's not all cohesive however and it doesn't have a particularly strong playstyle. The ideas are obviously not very original either, and Excite Biker is not the most exciting conduit, ending up feeling fairly bland, if not doing anything hugely wrong.

This set's a fun minion set but has an incredibly difficult writing style that is pretty unfortunate, making it a hugely stifling read. The way the dummies work with the projectiles is nothing if not fun for the character at least, and while I'd say Undyne is the superior set, this one's almost a complete opposite for concepts and playstyle which is fun to see. It does get redundant later on and that obviously doesn't help with the reading either.

This set has great characterisation, but the balance makes certain moves pretty much unusable. It's a shame as it has a very fun idea with the spears, but this is one case in this movement where the characterization gets too carried away, making the set not viable. Could be worth a revisit to redo the balance and put more focus on the spears, without limiting it as much.

Good idea focusing on counter-play against projectile users, but ultimately it comes across as more of a hard counter without much else of a focus. Chesnaught comes across pretty unfocused besides that and has an odd focus on punching moves with the lanky body, rather than being defensive, reserving his defensive ire for the projectile characters solely. The set loves to get into the minutia of moves like the punches and I didn't find it particularly interesting or relevant.

Straightforward set based on very simple concept of a super attack and incredibly simple mechanics. The set is so simple but doesn't get all that much out of some of the concepts, like the idea of a save point for the purposes of suicidal gimps or combos would seem obvious. It also could've done with a look at Cloud's set in Smash 4 and how it handles Limit Break, which is a lot more intuitive.

The minions are fun enough, and the way they're controlled is fairly unique, but a set like this that limits the minions mostly to a single special should do more with them besides changing their position slightly. They're more of a trap than a minion, not a whole lot more complex in application than the Mechakoopa, and may actually be more shallow. Honchkrow himself has some tacky moves in the specials and I wasn't a fan of the writing style, though it was a good attempt.

An ambitious set that has tons of effects and spells included, but gets so boring it's intolerable in some inputs, because the differences are so technical and irrelevant to the playstyle. It's got a fun mechanic in the specials with the way the spells can be applied to Melia's defences, and does have some depth there, but it's way too complex by the time it gets to the grab and there's not enough payoff.

The focus on the Rock Cubes is not played out much beyond the neutral special and instead the main concept is some rushdown that doesn't seem particularly cohesive. Big fixes were made to the balance and specials, ultimately it just needs to be more compacted. There are a few good if simple ideas here, they just need to be better executed. Improvements have been made and may ever vote for this set if it grows on me over time.

A set with a lot of interesting ideas, I am not completely opposed to chance mechanics when done in this way, and the balance is kept under control for the most part. The way that the main mechanics work seem very OOC, Togekiss is camping in this wish area, while chucking rocks. When this thing is meant to be elegant or otherworldly, he sure acts like a jerk. The way it interprets Wish, Ancient Power and Serene Grace are too direct, the character should be put before the mechanics.

The set has fun ideas with the way it works, getting less powerful the more damage you take, but that's pretty much the entire set. There's very little actually done with the concept and the last half of the set is very boring. It has some really bad moves later too that should just be redone, such as the up aerial. The mechanic needs the set less than the set needs the mechanic.

Good improvements from the original version, and the way the mechanic works is not as unfun as it was, but still the set lacks in much in the way of fun concepts, mostly resorting to generic bat swings and little else, not focusing much on the sliding or other field actions of a baseball player. The focus on a batter could be better if mixed in with more projectiles, but the baseballs actively disappear sooner. It probably would need to do more projectile counter play for me to like it more.

The time travel in this set is fairly backwards from what it should be, healing the foe and punishing Ekko so that he can basically reset scenarios where he was the big loser, seeming very frustrating to play against and getting into the dumb kinds of risky for the Ekko player. The payoff is basically two Chronospheres, which is very underwhelming. I did like some of what is done later, almost to the point of it being salvaged, but I can't get over how bad the time travel is and the after image combos seem OP.

I can’t be the only one tired of Bionichute’s sets that barely try and recycle the same mechanics of building up the mechanic to buff a move’s power generically without any creativity. This set tries for basically two okay sections then drops off a cliff in quality. The balance issues are only fixed because they took 2 seconds to change the numbers. I assume the other glaring flaws will be left untouched because laziness and chat spam is effortless by comparison. It is long past time for Bio to step up his game.
Old Rankcom: Strong beginning, but it gets into the usual awkwardness of Bio's sets where he goes over the "levels" of each move, and each level generically gets stronger, losing sight of why this is fun or relevant to the playstyle. The beginning of the set really needs images to show what is being talked about when it uses these complex structures. There's also obvious missed potential like combining buckets of lava and water to create steam that jumped out at me when reading, not doing many interactions at all.

A 2v2 focus isn't an awful idea, but in this case Sharla simply doesn't bring enough to the team to not be outclassed by characters who also work in singles play. The overheating mechanic comes off as just an annoyance and bogs down the set when it's already limited to 2v2s. This could easily work in singles matches if you changed some things, but even then there's nothing that stands out to make the set unique.

Specials are packed with pointless mechanics layered on top of other pointless mechanics when the set is basically a ninja doing rushdown and throwing knives or teleporting around the place. Usually these concepts are presented straightforwardly then create echoes throughout the later inputs, instead everything is frontloaded here and a massive headache to read as well as from a design standpoint.

I have a soft spot for the set when it released years ago, but it's hard to deny that it's aged badly, especially the unchanged grab game. It's all so tacky and the requirement to get to the grab game is a bad idea. The start of the set though is just as good as it was then, and I always liked this playground of rolling around the meat and so on. It's held back by the later inputs and honestly, after all this time it probably needed more of a strong playstyle too for it to be up to current standards.

Overpowered and tacky set that doesn’t seem to understand the character, similar problem to previous set by the creator Jack Atlas where Nico Robin just does whatever she potentially could with her power but doesn’t care about input placement or balance. It’s very incompetent. Get no sense for the character and yes, the drowning mechanic is stupid.

This set has a lot of effort put into it but has awful balance issues. The side special that cancels into any move is broken, the traps that can be one of three random traps are also broken and the last input section turns into a bit of a joke. It's a shame as the set has some promise in the early going and certainly has plenty of imagination, but this is one of the most overpowered sets in a while.

This set is just an absolute mess from top to bottom. Geno Power, the down tilt, the terrible and bizarre moves and bare minimum detail of many moves, like the stark opposite to Will & Freedan back in the day where everything was explained too much. This is an improvement over that at least, because its short length makes it approachable, and it's really funny. It's worth reading over some of the mediocre sets this contest because of how humorous it is and I am eager to see if PK-ow delivers another set.

Vorgis runs through all of the stereotypical boss concepts we've seen for years and manages to be one of the most overpowered sets in history for 1v1, without any regard for balance. The minions and their OP balance, with the wacky animations, the ability to store and spit out an insane amount of spiders, it's a quintessential bad set. I do admire the ambition here and I'm glad it was posted. Reminds me a little of good old Jason Voorhees.
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