Smash Lord
The Construct Quarter
The Construct Quarter houses various nightmarish abominations stitched together from the once-living. A steady stream of toxic slime flows through this wing of Naxxramas; though it doesn’t pose a threat to the undead constructs that shamble about within, the viscous ooze is deadly to those who still enjoy doing things like breathing and having a pulse.

The Construct Quarter houses various nightmarish abominations stitched together from the once-living. A steady stream of toxic slime flows through this wing of Naxxramas; though it doesn’t pose a threat to the undead constructs that shamble about within, the viscous ooze is deadly to those who still enjoy doing things like breathing and having a pulse.
"Patchwerk play!"
"Behold, Patchwerk. When word of his existence first reached the ears of the Brotherhood, none believed the tales of an abomination with such immense speed and strength. Fewer still believed it when he fell the first time…"

"Behold, Patchwerk. When word of his existence first reached the ears of the Brotherhood, none believed the tales of an abomination with such immense speed and strength. Fewer still believed it when he fell the first time…"
Patchwerk is sewn together from adventurers who couldn't defeat Lorewalker Cho.
Patchwerk is one of Kel'Thuzad’s most powerful abominations—his strength and speed come as a shock to those that may face him in combat. Far from a sluggish, mindless undead, Patchwerk uses his immense power to pulverize any tiny meat thing that may face him with a flurry of potent, powerful attacks. He just wants to play!
Patchwerk Statistics
Patchwerk is quite large, the width of Bowser combined with the height of Ganondorf, and has weight right between Donkey Kong and Bowser, making him the embodiment of the large heavyweight. What seperates him is surprising speed for his weight class, travelling at the above average speed of Pit with average traction. Patchwerk's large frame, especially due to the third arm on the top of his body, means that Patchwerk's shield is very easily shieldpoked, and the very tip of his third arm on the top of his back can in fact be shieldpoked from full shield health, so he has some trouble defensively in that regard and is pretty reliant on his massive blubber to keep him alive.
Patchwerk falls like a rock, has bad aerial control and moves through the air very swiftly, so he isn't much of an aerial character outside of maybe shorthops, but the fact both of his jumps go extremely high means he has any recovery prowess at all. Patchwerk can actually wall cling thanks to the hook on his third arm, but he can't really do much of anything aside from that Brawl-wise.
Mechanic: Windfury

Patchwerk has a small "mechanic" in that Patchwerk can attack using both his cleaver and his hook at the same time during their respective lags, animations and whatnot, allowing him to essentially double his attack speed/power and whatnot. Starting lags are unchanged: Ending lags chosen for these moves is the longest ending lag of the two with a 1.25x penalty for using the double attacking feature. Patchwerk cannot use his hook or cleaver attacks during moves which do not utilize them, such as attacks with the chain he holds or his grab. Also, obviously, Patchwerk cannot use another attack if an attack requires both his hook and cleaver nor can he use that move if one is in use, such as his Neutral Special.
Finally, if Patchwerk's hook or cleaver are for some reason stolen via a prop stealing move or somehow broken, its deathrattle will activate and cause Patchwerk to instantly be supplied with a new one. Nifty!
Patchwerk Specials
Neutral Special: Hateful Strike
Patchwerk raises his cleaver high while bringing the hook in, shouting "NO MORE PLAY!" in an angry voice as he slashes and smashes both of them in front of him, a move with shockingly little starting lag considering the fact it deals 26% damage and KOs at 75%, though while it is a disjointed move the range is rather pathetic, though the ending lag is surprisingly not super horrible and is more just somewhat worse than average. This move forms one of the most dangerous parts of Patchwerk's dread arsenal, as he can throw out an incredibly powerful move that functions as damager and KO move all in one with astounding quickness. Ah, yes, this move has another drawback, though...
You see, this move has a 10 second cooldown before you can use it again, meaning that Patchwerk should be very careful when using this: Patchwerk is incredibly dangerous when you have to worry about the possibility of a Hateful Strike, but his offense becomes less strong when the opponent doesn't need to worry about it and can be a signal to them to counterstrike. It also means that you want to use this move with a little finesse, as simply spamming it will lead to little. Since this move uses both your cleaver and hook, you can't double it up with another attack. Oh, by the way, this also deals an excessively large amount of shield damage, so I wouldn't recommend trying to just tank it.
Down Special: Frenzy
Patchwerk makes a mix between an angry growl and a gurgle as this move activates, Patchwerk's body appearing to have a red aura around him to signal that he has been drizen into a frenzy! This move has moderate starting and ending lag and no hitbox, but provides a buff as Patchwerk pushes his shambling body to its limits. Patchwerk's movement speed increases by 20%, his jumping height increases by 20%, the starting and ending lag on all of his moves is decreased by 20% and Patchwerk's attacks deal 20% more damage and knockback (IE a 20% attack now deals 24%, not 40%). These combine to a rather potent combination of buffs that are all related to relentless offense, striking for more damage and faster, not to mention the improved movement on your already impressive, given your size/weight, movement speed.
Things aren't all roses and undead bodies, however, as Patchwerk is pushing his body to the limits for this, so after 10 seconds not only does this effect end, but Patchwerk gains debuffs that are the exact opposite of the buffs, IE 20% movement speed debuff and so on. These debuffs last for 10 seconds, so they are a rather intense penalty, which can only be negated with another use of Frenzy...but doing so will simply cause you to return to normal stats for 10 seconds, rather than buffed stats, and will only "pause" the debuff, and once that buffs ends you'll get a double dose of debuff. You could Frenzy again to make it worth only one debuff but, well, you can see where this is going: The only true way to remove the buffs is to wait it out, but multiple Frenzies can give you more time before you have to deal with it in exchange for making the downtime much more severe. YOu can tell if you're tuckered out just by looking at Patchwerk, who will appear visibly strained, as if he is out of breath.
Finally, something to note is the fact that since it increases the height of your jumps, popping a Frenzy while you're recovering can sometimes mean the difference between life and death, even if it means dealing with reduced stats soon. And being debuffed makes you much easier to kill due to lower jumps...
Side Special: Plague Bolt
Patchwerk's body and exposed organs ooze and pulsate, before a vile plague acid shoots out of his stomach about 1.25 Battlefield Platforms like a stream, serving more like an extremely long disjointed attack than a projectile as the move itself ends when ending lag starts. The attack itself does a mere 5% damage and light knockback, which is rather lame given it has fairly long starting lag, but the ending lag is fairly short and thus it can be a bit difficult to punish once it gets going, and since it has weak knockback Patchwerk can even try and rushdown a foe hit by this.
Foes afflicted by a Plague Bolt will also take poison damage at 1% per second for 10 seconds, making this move a much more palatable 15% damaging move: Further Plague Bolts add 10 more seconds and do not refresh. Additionally, some of Patchwerk's later moves can cause the opponent to bleed and while this poison is afflicting a bleeding opponent they suffer even further by being debuffed. They take 20% more damage and knockback from all attacks (20% doing 24%, not 20% doing 40%), they move 20% slower, their attacks have 20% more starting and ending lag and their attacks will deal 20% less damage and knockback, appearing visibly illed from the sickening poison.
So while this move is pretty laggy, it can certainly be well worth it.
Up Special: Chain Link
Patchwerk swings the chain he holds in his hand for a moment, before sending it out one Battlefield Platform diagonally up and forwards like Pikmin Chain, though Patchwerk may aim it in any of the 8 cardinal directions during start-up lag to instead shoot it in that direction. Naturally, this functions as a tether recovery for Patchwerk, albeit one that has a somewhat small distance. Striking an opponent for 8% damage and having the chain wrap around them, tethering them to Patchwerk.
Who leads who in the tether is based around the statistics of weight and movement speed, with the one who has a higher combination of the two being able to push the other one around. Patchwerk has about a 16/20 (10 weight, 6 ground speed), so he can easily push around most of the cast, and he is actually a 17/20 (10 weight, 7 air speed, same as Bowser's) in the air, so Patchwerk should in most cases be able to bully the foe as he pleases. For those times when you need an extra push, though, Patchwerk's movement increase during Frenzy and debuffing the foe with your Plague Bolts will allow you to drag along foes even you normally couldn't! To break this tether, you must deal 30 damage to the chain as it has 30 HP.
Patchwerk only has one chain, so Patchwerk can't cast this move out again if he has tethered a foe. Using the Up Special again instead causes Patchwerk to yank hard on the chain, causing it to come back to him and tripping the opponent, or forcing them to tumble for a Ganondorf if in the air, unless this attack is dodged, with this having somewhat quick starting lag, though someone paying attention will see Patchwerk grab the chain for the starting lag and be able to react, and low ending lag. The actual tethering part of this attack has average start-up lag and it has very low ending lag on hit, but it has very high ending lag if you miss as Patchwerk drags the chain back to him. As for uses? Well, naturally, keeping the foe very close to you is useful when you are an extremely melee oriented character who lacks a projectile, and Patchwerk can also use it to combo a foe by hitting them to the edge of the chain...and having the ability to suddenly trip a foe by using the Up Special again can be a huge boon for Patchwerk, who can punish the foe easily.
Patchwerk Standards
Jab: Swift Smash
Patchwerk takes both his cleaver and hook and makes a sweeping combination of a slash and a smash in front of him, a decently ranged, single hit jab that deals 9% and impressive knockback for a jab that KOs at 190%, especially when combined with the fact this move has very quick start-up for a jab. On the flipside, the ending lag is very poor for a jab and this move is notable for the base knockback meaning foes usually get sent quite a bit away, so it doesn't really help you start an offensive, serving more as a panic button or as a quick way to get foes away when you need it, especially during Frenzy downtimes. Offensively, though, it gets much better if you have chained a foe, as that can help keep foes nice and close for more agony. Remember that since this uses both hook and cleaver, it cannot be used with a second Windfury attack.
Down Tilt: By Hook or By Crook
Patchwerk swings downwards with his hook and hook arm, which ends up going about one Battlefield Platform in front of him, before he drags it back to him with the loud sound of metal scraping on stage, the initial hit dealing 5% damage and no knockback, allowing it to true combo with the second hit of this move, the dragging which deals 3 hits of 2% damage and drags the foe right in front of Patchwerk without knockback, Patchwerk ending up with a slight frame advantage. However, once you've got the hook, you can use the crook, and by crook I mean cleaver, using the second Windfury attack to strike at enemies being dragged closer to Patchwerk, likely sending them away with this 1-2 combo regardless of what cleaver move you use. This forms one of the important cruxes of Patchwerk's moveset, as this is a very high damage move when you combine it with Windfury.
If this is used near a ledge or over a platform, thus that the hook will not be dragged back and just enter neutral position since there is no ground to drag on, the swiftly ending lag on the end of this move will usually allow you to smack the foe, so this can also be a way to hook in people recovering or trying to aerially dominate Patchwerk via platforms.
Of course, it has downsides too. While the ending lag on this is actually very short, the starting lag on this is actually very long, so it requires prescision to hit with and combined with the fact it has a very long duration as he drags the hook back means it is actually quite punishable if you don't hit with it or if you use it at poor times. Finally, as damage %s get higher the dragging gets easier to get out of, so it will get less effective as the match goes on.
Forward Tilt: Cleaving Your Face
Patchwerk horizontally swings his cleaver in front of him, causing Wolf F-Tilt levels of freeze frames for both participants upon striking a foe as he digs into the foe's flesh to open them up and make them bleed, dealing a total of 8% damage along with a "bleed" effect for 6 seconds that causes 1% "poison" damage for 6 seconds. This damage stacks with your Plague Bolt's poison. Knockback is surprisingly minor and will not KO until 220%. Starting lag on this is about average for a Forward tilt, but the ending lag is fairly severe: It is probably your bread and butter combination move with Down Tilt, dealing sizable damage and applying bleed while allowing you to hit with it more consistantly and thus avoid punishment. It also helps because despite being disjointed, the swing is extremely close to Patchwerk and thus has very poor range, while your Down Tilt has amazing range.
Bleeding, in addition to what is mentioned and the aforementioned interaction with Plague Bolt poisoning, has a secondary effect in that it in fact makes all your subsequent bleeding moves better as they dig into and further rend the already wounded flesh, causing the attack to deal 1.25x its normal damage/knockback and re-apply the bleeding for whatever the maximum bleeding time is (IE if you hit with a 6 second bleed from this move, a 1 second bleed move will reset it to 6) and turning it into "Heavy Bleeding", which makes it 2% per second...and another bleeding move will make it 1.50x and 3% per second and so on and so forth. Because of that, opponents will have to be very weary about Patchwerk if they've been opened up, because it can quickly spiral out of control for them. One of the great things about The Patchwerk Offensive is his ability to leave more and more damage even when the foe is not close to him.
Up Tilt: Hookswing
Patchwerk takes his hook and swings it in front and above him, dealing 11% damage and mild upwards knockback that KOs at 200%. This move has a nice little sweetspot at the edge of the hook, which will cause 14% damage and a strong downwards spike. Over the edge, this is naturally a fairly good gimp, but this move is also notable for being great to snag people out of the ground and throw them to the ground because you can combine it with a second ground move to catch them as they fall and it can also be useful to catch people who like to sit around on platforms. The normal hit can be used to start an aerial combo/assault with Patchwerk's first jump and it is a solid damage dealer. Lag is pretty average on both ends.
Dash Attack: Rib Razing
Patchwerk leaps forward belly first, striking anyone who crosses his path with his portruding ribcabe for a potent 16% damage that KOs at 110%, with quite solid range and only average starting lag, though the ending lag is pretty bad and it cannot be combo'd with Windfury since it does not use the hook or cleaver, though you can still cancel your Up Smash with it just fine. It is largely noticable for the fact that it gains distance from Frenzy due to the increase in movement speed, along with the fact it is fairly fast for the power that it wields.
Patchwerk Grab
Grab: Chain
Patchwerk throws his chain forward one Battlefield Platform, ensnaring foes and bringing them to Patchwerk as per a normal tether grab, having around average starting lag and the usual bad tether lag on miss. If Patchwerk has tethered a foe to himself, then he will be unable to cast the chain out since it is being used as a tether, but will instead grab the chain and yank it towards him, allowing him to grab the person he has tethered.
This has noticably more starting lag than using the Up Special trip function, but like any grab it'll go through shields, and of course it allows you to use your variety of throws on the foe. Grabbing a tethered foe like this also means you can grab an enemy in the air, which is nice. Still has high ending lag if you miss: The tether is removed regardless of if you successfully grab the foe or not upon attempting this grab. Patchwerk can only throw and can't use other moves during his throws.
Pummel: Plaything
Patchwerk has two pummels, based on if he hits A or the grab button, which both allow pummels in Brawl. A is a large, slow whack with his cleaver that deals 3% with normal 3% pummel speed, while grab is a very quick slice with his hook that deals 1% as a quick pummel. Combining the two allows you to get in little extra 1-2% damages in throws that characters with only one of the pummels would miss, allowing him to maximize his damage.
Down Throw: Break Toy
Patchwerk takes his hook and cleaver and pierces the foe's torso with them, ripping them in opposite directions for 11% damage and weak forwards knockback that can send them into prone as they fall backwards from the attack, suffering one second of bleed from this...which serves primarily to enhance and rip open new parts of old wounds given how bleeding works. While the foe is put into prone, it functions more like Mr. Game & Watch's Down Throw than Snake's in that this can be teched, which is important since otherwise Patchwerk is in a very advantageous position with the foe in prone and frame neutral when he is a potent close range character. This move does not gain the damage or knockback boost from being a bleeding move, however.
If the opponent has been poisoned, though, the foul acid will noticably spill out from the foe as their flesh is rended, forming a pool of sickly green and blood red under them which has a total width of Bowser. This pool will last an amount of time equal to the amount of time left on the Plague Bolt's poison + the amount of bleed time on the foe, which thanks to this move refreshing bleed will be whatever the highest bleed on the foe is (with a minimum of 1 second since it bleeds for 1 second). This pool lowers the traction of foes on it some, but most noticably messes with dodges and sidesteps, as it will instead cause characters (Including Patchwerk!) to trip when they perform these actions on a pool, though it should be noted characters who roll will still go that distance in their tripped state as they slide along the way.
Combined with the fact this can put the foe in prone and that is a pretty dangerous position, since their rolls will be trip-rolls and can limit their actions to getup attacks or just getting up...of course, if they expect Patchwerk to consider that, they can still roll away and foil him with simple movement. Patchwerk must also consider the fact that this will reduce his own defensive options as well, which is rather a bother when he already has a pretty poor shield and not terribly good defensive game. And, naturally, the fact the opponent has been drained of their poison means they'll no longer be taking poison damage or anything from it, so there is a trade off there.
Forward Throw: Patchwerk Play!
Patchwerk groans excitedly as he slashes the foe with his cleaver, followed by a quick slash with his hook and finally using his chain to slam the foe down in front of him, dealing 4%, 4% and 6% damage respectively and ending with the foe roughly one Battlefield Platform in front of Patchwerk and, notably, still tethered to Patchwerk, allowing Patchwerk a way to "cheat" his grab and keep the foe tethered, while dealing very solid knockback. Technically, the first two hits send the enemy forward and up, while the last hit is a weak spike, so Patchwerk being hit out of this after the first two hits but before the third will deal forwards knockback that KOs at 210% and over al edge it can work as a very weak offstage spike or way to start an offstage game.
But still, it is mostly notable for dealing lots of damage and keeping the foe tethered to Patchwerk, allowing the chance to potentially regrab the foe, though note that Patchwerk has a lot of ending lag on this throw and thus the enemy is given time to react and so it cannot chaingrab, despite his grab being a chain. It also refreshes three moves worth of stale move negation, which is nice.
Up Throw: Upsy-Daisy
Patchwerk takes the foe and tosses them to the air quite strongly, dealing 10% in a move with low base knockback but very high knockback growth, allowing it to KO at an impressive 140%. At low damage percentages, this move sets the foe right around the sweetspot of your Up Tilt and at a decent height for shorthops, while at medium damage percentages it sends the opponent into the sweetspot range for you to use a full jump and try to go after them, and at high damage percents it serves as a KO throw, making it a multi-use throw that is dynamically changing throughout the match, though it relies on Patchwerk's more difficult air game. It is also an extremely quick throw, as a note: It won't come up often, but since Patchwerk's other three throws are generally a bit longer than average it can ocassionally be useful just to get off a foe.
Back Throw: Ring Around The Patchwerk
Patchwerk takes the foe and uses his chain to swirl them around in a manner much like Mario's Back Throw, but with the foe away from Patchwerk as they are swung by his chain, dealing 3%, then 3%, then 6% damage with high base knockback and low knockback growth. Because of the high base knockback and the range before the foe is tossed, this makes a good way to try and steal an early kill via edgeguarding a foe at low %s, though this is dangerous due to Patchwerk's poor recovery. The opponent is also a hitbox that deals 10% damage with light knockback during this time, allowing Patchwerk to batter foes with this.
During a Frenzy, Patchwerk will swing the foe an extra time for 3% more damage, along with increasing the knockback growth of the move, while a Frenzy debuff loses you a 3% swing (The 6% swing always happens) and reduces the base knockback. This move can KO at 180% during a Frenzy, but it can do more near an edge due to the fact the chain makes it ranged.
Patchwerk Smashes
Down Smash: Whirlwind
Patchwerk bellows out as he begins performing a horizontal spinning slash with his his cleaver, think like Link's Up Special, dealing 21%-28% damage to anyone who stands in his path and KOing at 105%-80% while doing so. Patchwerk can actually move around during this move's fairly long duration by tilting left and right, with Patchwerk being able to move roughly half a Battlefield Platform in either direction if he keeps going that way before suffering this move's quite long ending lag, though fortunately the starting lag is only a touch longer than normal, and this move has pretty excellent range even before factoring in the ability to move around during it.
The lower traction of Patchwerk's puddles from Down Throw allow Patchwerk to move better during this move, giving him the ability to travel one Battlefield Platform in either direction and going a bit faster. In addition, Patchwerk will splash out the putrid combination as he whirls around, allowing him to splash a hitbox that extends further than his cleaver with it that deals 4% and no knockback but very light hitstun, which can mean the difference between a successful dodge and being sliced and diced. This also spreads the pool around, allowing Patchwerk to expand the size of his pool, especially if he travels around with this move since it will mean he's travelling over the freshly relocated pools to make more pools.
During a Frenzy, Patchwerk notably gains cancel frames very early into his ending lag that allows him to cancel this move into yet another whirlwind, almost entirely cutting off the ending lag and cutting the starting lag in half, meaning that Patchwerk can really put the grind on foes during a Frenzy by coming at foes with this move and putting their defenses to the test, especially since you can chase foes in this. However, using the cancel frames will cause Patchwerk to take 2.5x as much ending lag as the already high normal ending lag, essentially leaving Patchwerk vulnearable to any move and taking a lot of time off of your Frenzy.
Since this move involves only your cleaver, you can combine it with your hook naturally, but it is especially notable here due to the fact this move allows you to move while doing so, the wide coverage of this move and the fact it has a long duration. Particularly useful as Patchwerk's Up Tilt and Up Smash due to the fact they cover above Patchwerk nicely while the normal move has no upwards coverage at all. Since Patchwerk is constantly spinning during this move, so too will Patchwerk's hook, which can be used to give hook attacks more 360 coverage or to suddenly surprise a foe trying to escape above you.
Forward Smash: Cleaver Crack
Patchwerk raises his cleaver up high and brings it down with a loud crash, visibly cracking the ground it lands on while dealing 26%-35% damage to foes it slams into with enough strength to KO at 85%-65%, which is certainly no slouch when you consider this move is only slightly laggier than average at the start, though it has rather horrendous ending lag. Next to Hateful Strike this is your next best KO move, but it comes out noticably slower and has a lot worse ending lag to it. It has somewhat better range than Hateful Strike, though it is no Marth Forward Smash.
As mentioned, this move leaves a crack on the ground, which lasts for 7 seconds and is boosted to 12 seconds if it is made during a Frenzy. Cracks don't really do much of anything on their own, but various attacks can trigger them by hitting the crack, which causes a shockwave to rumble forwards from the crack based on the damage of the move, though moves which deal less than 12% damage won't even register on the crack as they are not potent enough to create a shockwave. Shockwaves deal 2%-8% damage and trip enemies that they hit and because they travel along the ground have a tendancy to shieldpoke most opponents. Note that foes can make shockwaves as well as Patchwerk, so this isn't all upside. They travel half a Battlefield Platform to a full Battlefield Platform. In addition, this move is notably special because it will create 10% damage shockwaves that travel 1.33 Battlefield Platforms. Must be because it was strong enough to crack the ground in the first place!
This move also deals particularly potent shield damage and will in fact cause shields to crack under the intense strength of Patchwerk's axe, visibly somewhat shattered when being taken out for 8 seconds. Cracked shields take 30% more damage from any attack, making them much easier to break and able to generally be used less defensively, but this effect becomes even more potent under Frenzy, because Frenzy will cause shields to shatter more severely (which can be seen on the shield, compared to normal shattering) and make it so shields fail to even prevent all of the damage taken instead, only blocking 50% of the damage, knockback, hitstun and so on of moves that smash into it, though shielding will still prevent all special effects like bleeding and poison. Because of this, Patchwerk's Forward Smash is generally best avoided with a sidestep or a roll if you can't just move out of the way...unless Patchwerk's got pools ready, which drastically reduces options. You can still do a jump + air dodge, I suppose, though that makes it somewhat harder to punish Patchwerk for this laggy move...
Up Smash: Hook Fury
Patchwerk furiously swings his hook upwards three times, dealing 10%-13% over multiple hits and thus making a total of 30%-39%, making it Patchwerk's most damaging move, though like many multihit moves one must beware the ability to escape it and it doesn't have all that much KO power, the first hits not really doing much knockback and the last KOing at 165%-140%. This move has significantly long starting lag, but the ending lag is over fairly quickly so it isn't as punishable. This is also particularly nice during a Down Smash, since it also has decently long duration and it'll be turning back and forth as Patchwerk spins.
While this move is already a fairly nice anti-air move, during Frenzy the furious slashing of the hook is actually strong enough to create a fairly strong suction effect that will drag opponents above you or caught in the move down a fair deal, making it much harder to escape. A nice and strong little buff to make sure this damages a lot.
Patchwerk Aerials
Neutral Aerial: Cleave
Patchwerk spins in the air with his cleaver out, pulling off a 360 that deals 10% damage and solid knockback to anyone that is cut by the cleaver, but 7% and much weaker knockback if you just get hit by Patchwerk's body. Most notably is the fact that you can combine a nice hook aerial with this and have it go basically anywhere by timing it to specifically come out when Patchwerk is circled in that direction: Fittingly, Patchwerk spins rather slowly with this move, making this more feasible. This move also causes 3 seconds of bleeding, making it a nice way to bridge your bleeding as it goes along.
This move also comes out quite quickly and has fairly nice ending lag, so it is one of your best moves to slot in as a shorthopped attack, especially due to the all around coverage. This is helped by the fact that this move has no landing lag during a Frenzy, allowing it to be chained much better or followed up upon. Beware, however, that this move has significantly more landing lag during the Frenzy debuff time!
Up Aerial: Hookshot
Patchwerk's hook arm lurches upwards, taking a swing above it that deals 10% and okay knockback to those it hits, not enough to juggle yet only KOing at 180% but with great reach to it. Starting lag is slightly long, ending lag isn't too bad, and it has a nice little benefit in that the end of the hook will serve as a ledge sweetspot during this move, allowing Patchwerk to gain a little "boost" to grab the ledge. In addition, grabbing the ledge this way cancels the ending lag of this move since you're now grabbing a ledge, meaning that utilizing this move near ledges can make a very quick air game and that it is a good tool for edgeguarding.
Forward Aerial: Hookslam
Patchwerk's hook suddenly swings down in front of him, a quick starting move that deals 14% damage and is a strong spike, about as 1.2x as strong as a Donkey Kong FAir spike. Particular uses of this move tend to stem from moves like Up Smash and Up Throw that put the opponent in the air at a medium range, as this can be very helpful to force them back to the ground and not into an aerial escape, and naturally you can combine this with stuff like Back Throw or Forward Throw to send an opponent hurtling off stage. Ending lag is fairly long on this move.
Back Aerial: Swift Strike
Patchwerk's hook swings rather suddenly behind him, dealing 15% damage and strong knockback that KOs at 110%, which given the quick starting lag is pretty sweet, moreso when your Neutral Aerial can suddenly have it come from anywhere. The ending lag on this is rather severe, but during a Frenzy it is reduced massively and thus this becomes a move you can really spam, perhaps the placement of the hook arm helps in this regard? Your prime aerial KO move.
Down Aerial: Abominable Plunge
Patchwerk's large girth plunges down to the ground, powerbombing down to the stage and spiking anyone in his way for 12% damage with decent strength leading into a ground hitbox that deals 16% and upwards knockback that KOs at 130%. Starting lag on this is decently swift, but in natural stall than fall fashion the ending lag is rather large, Patchwerk falls quite quick with this move though and that makes it difficult to dodge during his descent.
When falling down onto a crack, this move has slightly special shockwave properties, sending two 8% damage shockwaves out instead of one, sending one out to both sides and each one only going half a Battlefield Platform of distance, creating more all around coverage and allowing Patchwerk to use his crack to hit to both sides of him. This gets even stronger during a Frenzy, increasing to 12% damage and 3/4ths of a Battlefield Platform of range, so a shorthop DAir over a crack is especially useful during a Frenzy.
Final Patchwerk: No More Play?
For Patchwerk's Final Smash, he first slashes his cleaver in front of him to signal catching foes inside of his Final Smash much like Great Aether, the foe crumpling to the ground if they are hit as a short cinematic plays where Patchwerk looks at the downed foe, exclaiming "Patchwerk want to play!" loudly before a brief cutaway, where only the sounds of crunching and cracking bones and rended squishy flesh and organs playing, before returning to the field of play, the enemy a broken and battered bleeding mess in prone. This move deals 40% damage, leaves the enemy in prone and adds a full four stacks of bleeding for 10 seconds. He only want to play...
Patchwerk Playstyle: Play Time Is Over!
I should have sewn him together from better players...
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