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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Are you ****ing serious right now? Vig is a powerful claim that people are afraid to lynch? Vig is a claim that almost never makes it through ****ing LyLo! Vig is a claim that gets everyone and their grandmother suspicious of you being an SK! VIG IS NOT A SAFE ****ING CLAIM!

You don't have a ****ing reason to disbelieve me other than that I am going for a 1 for 1 if you're not working the serial killer angle. Good ****ing luck, champ.
thanks bro; knew i could count on you to wish me well

vig is a powerful claim early; like right now for instance; most people would opt to let it live and direct it's shots. this ain't lylo so it doesn't ****in matter that it doesnt live through it right now. however a vig claim might GET you to lylo which is great for scum obv

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Hmm. Gova, talk to me about Murder's play D1 and D2 and compare it to Levi's please. Also tell me why you have a problem with his D1 J push but never stopped to tell him that D1 and liked his Levi push.


Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I agree that the vig role is one that most people are usually afraid to lynch and also I'd prefer lynching murder before levi. But now I'm kinda doubting myself and want to hear from levi first.
What in the hell is Levi POSSIBLY going to say that's different from his current line. He's already flipped me from town to scum on his read list. He'll cross-vote and there we are. I've said everything I can to try and get people to lynch this ****ing slot without claiming and it's fallen on deaf ears. Now I might get lynched, which will be better than getting ignored again. At least you can lynch correctly NEXT day phase. I can go into night phase knowing that Leviathan escape the noose a ****ing third time. If you think I'm scum vote me. If you've changed your mind, vote him, but stop waiting around for public opinion.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
No, I have doubts. There might be a jailer/redirector that can cause this situation. If you are both town it'd immediately lose us the game just from this one Night.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I want to see how he responds. Of course, if there's a jailer/redirector out there I would like for you to claim.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
@ Dramatic Flair Dramatic Flair

I had you as Town as of my most recent lists. You are lying out of desperation to get me lynched, aren't you?

Vote Bunzy with me. He is scum. Stop this nonsense.

JeXs, Werekill, Amidamaru, go back to Bunzy. Stop letting Murderbush muddy this lynch.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
@ Dramatic Flair Dramatic Flair

I had you as Town as of my most recent lists. You are lying out of desperation to get me lynched, aren't you?

Vote Bunzy with me. He is scum. Stop this nonsense.

JeXs, Werekill, Amidamaru, go back to Bunzy. Stop letting Murderbush muddy this lynch.
If he is lying about this to get your lynch, that's anti town in my eyes. Especially if he lied about you being Xonar; you said he is, but you get what I mean. That's two lies if the second one was a lie as well.

A player who constantly lies and, as you said it, muddys up lynches to get his way is acting anti-town.

That's not why I'm voting him, but it's true all the same. I'm voting because of his awful claim.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Leviathan tell me if Werekill's last post does not confirm him as scum to you, then there is no way you're town. Tell me you are ready to vote Werekill.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Ran has finally agreed to support the Werekill lynch, my god.

Murder what the hell dude. Claiming was pointless, counter productive, and just added more weight against the already low possibility of a town win. Jailer hardly ever uses his ability as a doc protect. Since it would roleblock the very person he is trying to protect. Using it specifically as a roleblocker role is the smartest way to play it seeing that even if though you protect the scum in the process of roleblocking him, that is pretty much moot since the scum are you know the ones that are in need of being protected FROM. I don't believe that you actually believe that a jailer would choose to use his role on a townsperson over a scumperson. Jailer on Levi makes complete sense and in my opinion your claim actually adds more weight to his. At least the fact that he was roleblocked. I do not believe that you're coming to the opposite conclusion as this.

Your claim and putting the lynch between you two was really anti-town and I'm really sad about it.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
We will take him out tomorrow then. I still do agree that he is scum. You will more than likely be alive tomorrow to push it. And Were's flip will give your what you need to get it through.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

(3) Leviathan - Murderbush, Bardull, Bunzy,

(2) Bardull - Arcane Inferno,

(1) Bunzy - Leviathan,

(3) Murderbush - Werekill, Gova,Protean (TRS)*

Not voting - Potassium,Jex,Admidamaru,

* = The Restless Spirit

with 10 alive (and 1 at limbo), it takes 6 to lynch
Deadline is July 29, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST
Last edited:

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
We will take him out tomorrow then. I still do agree that he is scum. You will more than likely be alive tomorrow to push it. And Were's flip will give your what you need to get it through.
Do you understand how incredibly ****ing frustrating this game is? Do you understand how we have pointed out 12 ways till Sunday why that slot is scum only to have ABSOLUTELY NO REASONING POSTED FOR WHY SLOTS WON'T LYNCH HIM!? We have gotten responses from ****ing obvscum Werekill, Leviathan saying "no u," and Gova strawmanning me. Everyone else seems okay with ignoring discussing that point with us. I have absolutely zero ability to pursue what I wanted to because the last trick I had was to attempt to take him down in a crossfire.

So you tell me this. How the **** do I get him with a Werekill flip? Half your slot doesn't buy it. Frozenflame implied it isn't possible. I doubt Gova will move. Gheb has a hard-on for Bardull. Protean won't be around to vote anymore. Jexs isn't willing to go against the crowd, Werekill will be dead, you will likely be dead, that leaves me with 4 votes max.

You tell me how I get that slot. You arrange for me to have that slot and I will do whatever you ****ing want. Don't give me an empty promise.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
wait so you are a one-shot vig and you decided not to mention that part?

or the part where you mentioned shooting someone toNight was a lie because you can't shoot anymore?

i dont understand why you are lying to get this lynch, but you should admit to it

Vote: Murderbush

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
Knee-jerking a murderbush lynch over his claim is just as stupid as knee-jerking a levi wagon over him supposedly being Xonar had been earlier. Not that the claim is doing him any favors but it's definitely not as damning as some of you people make it out to be. Although I don't agree with his approach, I can kinda see where he's coming from. He's just as sold on Levi being scum as I am on Bardull being scum so he tries whatever he can to get him lynched. And we know Ryker's the kind of player who will do whatever he thinks it takes. Not a very classy move and definitely enough to question his motives but definitely not a reason to lynch him for it.

Bardull / Dabuz are definitely better lynches than murder / Levi. Not sure where to place Gova and Werekill but somebody asked me how I feel about them and I think they're both pretty null overall.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
@ Arcane Inferno Arcane Inferno Can you make a list from most to least desire to lynch out of Bardull, Bunzy, Levi, and Werekill? Also are you suspicious of Murder and/or Ami?
Bardull > dabuz for me. Bardull > Levi for frozen. Werekill's null to me, I consider murder suspicious now though not necessarily scummy. Ami may actually be scummier than I think he is but he's not a priority to me. Null, slightly leaning scum on him. No idea what frozen thinks about ami though.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
@ #HBC | Amidamaru #HBC | Amidamaru

You asked me to look at your analysis on Werekill but I don't actually know where it is. Care to link it for me? I'd love to see something substantial posted about him because I just can't read him for ****. For what it's worth though, he has provided some content recently and I've had no issues with his play so far. Plus he supports a dabuz lynch so it's pretty damn unlikely that you can convince me of him being a play anytime soon.

@#HBC | Laundry @Protean-

Were you just annoyed by ami when you voted him [as your gif seems to imply] or do you actually think he is scum? Move your vote to ami again if you think he's scum, move it somewhere else if you were just annoyed by him, please.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
Not really townreading anybody right now fwiw. Jexs, Kantrip and Werekill are the slots that are furthest away from a lynch to me though but none of them are actually straight-up town for me. Gonna discuss things with frozen whenever he shows up next but as things stand, a flip will probably help us more than anything else. Feels like this Day has been going on for ages already.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
This is Raz.

Gheb, I have literally no idea how you can read through the entire thread and come up with your biggest scumread on BARDULL and have WEREKILL as a Town read.

And how can you honestly look at me with a straight face and tell me we're suspicious? We have been literally the Towniest slot in the entire game since Day 1 (aside from Ran side of Amidamaru), and suddenly because we went to great lengths to get this Town to ****ing listen, we're 'suspicious'?

You're as bad as Kantrip, who literally went the ENTIRETY OF THE PHASE leading up to this point arguing with Gova about how there's no possible way our actions make sense as scum. He spent the ENTIRE TIME saying that going to these lengths for a 1 for 1 is totally ridiculous, but then the SECOND he has an excuse to throw his vote on
wait so you are a one-shot vig and you decided not to mention that part?

or the part where you mentioned shooting someone toNight was a lie because you can't shoot anymore?

i dont understand why you are lying to get this lynch, but you should admit to it

Vote: Murderbush
We're suddenly scum because we're 1-shot.

Are you ****ing KIDDING me?! Look at the reasons people are finding to hop on this wagon!

Werekill's on it practically just because he thinks Ryker's a MEANIEHEAD and wants to go cry about it into the arms of his scummate Leviathan. Any reason he can find to justify a vote.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
or you know; maybe it's that you lied/are lying about being a vig

yeah it's probably that

and how convenient it is to later mention you're a 1-shot; if you were actually a vig you would have mentioned that in the post you claimed in
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