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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
It was all in jest. (See the reaction images that followed?) :p But I'll be more civil when someone tells me to be quiet. It was just me telling him that it was pointless for him to have said that. Warning heeded.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Okay, first and foremost, there are FOUR Town reads that we're solid on.

The first is, funny enough, Protean. Our (Raz/Ryker) initial reactions differed and when we consolidated, we had multiple issues with his shoddy reaction. But after sleeping on it, we got together the next day (just prior to the Smash 4 reveal) and decided that the original accusation that was held over him (aiming for Amidaru lynch) was not accurate. It seems much more likely that he was trying to open a dialogue, which is not scummy in and of itself. We think his defense is shoddy because the reasons he used to attempt to OPEN that dialogue were shoddy, as there was not much to go on in the game at that point. We gave him a golden opportunity to change his story, which would be an easy scum out to the massive amount of pressure he was faced with.

Instead, his story didn't change. He remained consistent. Since then, I like his directions and his attempts to bring more to the table. This slot can definitely live.

The next slot is Amidamaru. We have absolutely no qualms with the working relationship we've had with this hydra. They have given us everything we've asked for, I've seen nothing that would cause me to raise an eyebrow, and for the most part, we agree. The few places that we have not agreed, I can certainly see where he's coming from. This is probably our favorite slot in the game right now.

Third: Arcane Inferno. We like this slot. Attempting to bring more discussion to the table, and all-around solid stances. Is doing a good job of letting me know enough of what's going on in his head. Of our 4 big Town reads, this is probably the lightest, but that can be rectified with time. It wouldn't take much more. Most of our potential qualms come with lack of content at this early stage.

Fourth: Bardull. Considering that one of the 3 other Town reads on my list (AI) is currently looking at this slot, and considering the limited content that has been produced by it, it takes some substantiating to explain why this slot is number 3 on our list of Town reads. No, this slot hasn't done ALL that much, and certainly hasn't been leading the charge anywhere, however, I can see him looking to help Town in multiple places. Having played early game (and IRL) with Bardull multiple times, we don't think his play is atypical.

i skipped over a lot of interaction stuff like that earlier raz butt-in and ryker's subsequent attempt to salvage the presumed problem but yea that was kinda interesting but i don't like the idea of lynching them this early on (not a defense of the slot but they're useful for pushing the game forward).
Take this snippet from his 427. Tell me, realistically, what does ScumBardull hope to accomplish with that observation? We had a small discussion on it, because the first reaction we had was 'Well, that's wrong.', but really? What does he get? Some miniscule chance that a Town that, pretty much to a man, liked our slot, was going to re-examine and possibly find us scum, or maybe a fallback so he could push it later, in that same Town?

Meanwhile, he would risk raising red flags from players who liked the slot, as well as immediately inviting scrutiny from our slot. This seems much more likely to be an honest Town observation of something he thought was off. And look at the rest of that post. He doesn't like JeXs. We don't like JeXs, and we would certainly like JeXs even less if he were to ignore a post we directed specifically at him, in favor of commenting on Totoro.

As far as the FoS, the man plays stupidly cautious at the beginning of the game. This isn't abnormal, and if you would have problem with a vote instead of the FoS, then do you have a problem with the rest of the wagon?

Our next post will be aimed at our two leading suspects, which will include your Leviathan summary. Either in that post, or the next one, we'll also include our noteworthy observations on the rest of the cast.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
On lighter news....


Just as the swag duo were blasting their Music, another person walked inside and saw how lively the party is. It made her smile. "Looks like I'm just in time!" She began to jog inside, quickly putting her belongings in a corner. She was about to dance, when she saw Rosalina. "Hey, Rosalina right?" She shouted. "Your party is pretty epic!

Rosalina was hesintant to say something at first, but merely nods with a half smile. "Uh...thank you...!"

It was then Captain Syrup pats Rosalina's back. "Hahaha...and here I thought this 'sleepover' was going to be dull."

After much confusion, Potassium joins the game.

....I swear to god I've modded games before. I'm not a noob. just RUSTY.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Our next post is both JeXs and Levi.

First is Leviathan, which is where our vote has been sitting since we left the Protean- wagon.

Leviathan has two REAL stances. Look over the rest of the game, and your takeaway will be those two stances. His push on a Protean scumread, and his CONSTANT insinuation that Dabuz must be scum.

Now, we have no real issue with the Protean push. Maybe a little opportunistic, but honestly, no way to verify that without a scumflip, so let's just disregard that. The Protean push is okay. The comment about the timing of Protean's vote is legitimate, and a major part of what swayed Raz when we agreed to push Protean. That said, we still take an issue with his comment about mud-slinging, being a very weak and reachy point. However, that is not the meat of this case.

Our major issue lies with the DABUZ push, and the way the slot insinuates a relationship between Dabuz and Protean that there is absolutely no evidence of. Look at his Dabuz push. Read through the thread. If you can find ONE valid reason for him to be voting there, or constantly re-iterating how the slot needs to die, then please share it with us, because we must have missed it. There is just nothing substantial here. No real reason for him to be there. Except to bring pressure to a slot that has done nothing to deserve it, and to avoid committing to anything meaningful.

Now, look at this quote.

I think Protean is scum. I think if he is green, then Bunzy is most definitely scum. There is almost nothing that will change my mind on this meaning their flip is what I need to progress my reads. Flips require votes.
That set-up is DISGUSTING. It puts Dabuz as both a fall-back AND a follow-up to Protean. If the Protean lynch fizzles out (which it did), he can go BACK to Dabuz (which he did). And if he lynches a Town Protean, he can IMMEDIATELY point back and run to Dabuz. There is absolutely no basis for this "If TownProtean, then ScumDabuz" relationship to exist.

So there you have it. We really don't like his Dabuz push, and the way he associates it with Protean. Maybe I could deal with it if he had given me anything else of value to look at. However, once his push on Protean fizzled out, he simply moved to being inconsequential, rather than pushing like he did (and like I would expect him to continue).

Next is Jexs.

Holy mother of god, this slot is defensive. Look at his most recent AtE. Look at his early game. Look at pretty much ANY phase. He's extremely defensive, or he straight up ignores it. The latter's not a bad strategy, I've employed it before as Town. But, I don't buy that he completely missed the meaning of Bardull's post when he went into the Totoro discussion.

Now, don't get me wrong. This does yell of newscum. But it COULD be newTown. So let's look at what he's DONE with his time. All of his reads are shallow, which doesn't really help us read a new player. But also note WHEN they come. He only responds when prompted, and attempts to garner elaboration result in Jexytron3000 analysis of what happened, not what the situation means.

Past that, I don't like his opening, or his most recent contributions to the game. In the beginning, his reaction as a new player to Zen's nonsensical pressure was a slight town read. That blows my mind. And most recently, while I don't doubt that there is some IRL pressure, he uses AtE to excuse himself from posting more content. That raises red flags. So TL;DR, this player flips most of the newscum switches and probably most telling is that his play is incredibly reactionary. I believe @ #HBC | Amidamaru #HBC | Amidamaru pointed out that his play was missing some active searching from his mini-mafia performance. Neither of us were in there, and would like to see some elaboration from Zen, but from what we gathered, he was not this passive in the previous game.

These are our two leading suspects, and I would absolutely ADORE some discussion on these 6 reads from the 4 players on our Town list.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Murderbush seems pretty cool this game.

From what I have skimmed so far Werekill was setting off a lot of red flags. Are people pushing that slot?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
also holy **** there was a lot of posts
Well then, i wasn't expecting that. Just to add some Jex stuff, he hasn't had any sort of agenda and his constant nulls + unsures and mulling of opinions while finding cases he agrees with and supporting them is indicative of confused townie. Where I feel if he was on a scum team, his actions would look more goal oriented cause at the very least i'd expect experienced players to try and direct him.

Anyway, I do have notes and stuff, but IDK, there just isn't enough content for me to make a wall out of, the game is only 480 posts.
why can't this be an unconfident scum player who doesn't want to take risks? i know what you're saying and i've considered it, but i'm still on the fence about it.

That I have 'neglected' to mention? Is this a joke? If the vote bothered me in any meaningful way I would've said so. Stop overextending.

JeXs is a slight town lean. His thoughts are transparent and I see nothing to get up in arms about. Murderbush is a town read. I see him reading intently and trying to find scum.
how are his thoughts transparent? he hasn't gone in-depth at all about why he thinks the way he thinks, he has only been stating observations of things at surface value.

I'm not going to lash out at everyone voting me. You don't see me calling you or Murderbush scum, do you?

Anyways, I'm out for now. I may be able to post tonight depending on work. Tomorrow night again at the latest.
hmmmmm i feel so disconnected from you this game, watdo?

re werekill: This guy hasn't been on my radar yet. I don't see anything that stands out in his posts. Then again, I don't really know anything about him either so I'm always wary of getting blindsided by people like him because nobody seems to notice him or be bothered by anything he says. Not that he has given us anything to be bothered about but based on my limited experience with him I think he gets a lot of free passes on account of various things. I personally prefer to stay sceptical of slots like him even though I tend to make things unnecessarily complicated at times.
i agree with this part.

I'm not even gonna try to debunk your point here because I actually agree that pushing J is not a bad idea at all. But like I said, I went with Bardull first because his play and early-game sillyness reminded me of monster mafia and I see no reason why I should let off now. I'd be the last to resist against a J-push though [especially since frozen also seems to dislike him], provided I get to hear a good reason for it.
but you never went in depth with this. looking at my monster mafia play, i pretty much over extended too much in rvs which was intentional but i didn't expect people to actually believe that this was a scum slip (i was going for 'townie intentionally trying to start the game' approach). i didn't do that here though. mechanically speaking the play is completely different, albeit the persona i'm exhibiting might be similar (but anyone who has been in dgames can exhibit similar personas as either alignment). soooooo what's got you itching??


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Next is Jexs.

Holy mother of god, this slot is defensive. Look at his most recent AtE. Look at his early game. Look at pretty much ANY phase. He's extremely defensive, or he straight up ignores it. The latter's not a bad strategy, I've employed it before as Town. But, I don't buy that he completely missed the meaning of Bardull's post when he went into the Totoro discussion.

Now, don't get me wrong. This does yell of newscum. But it COULD be newTown. So let's look at what he's DONE with his time. All of his reads are shallow, which doesn't really help us read a new player. But also note WHEN they come. He only responds when prompted, and attempts to garner elaboration result in Jexytron3000 analysis of what happened, not what the situation means.

Past that, I don't like his opening, or his most recent contributions to the game. In the beginning, his reaction as a new player to Zen's nonsensical pressure was a slight town read. That blows my mind. And most recently, while I don't doubt that there is some IRL pressure, he uses AtE to excuse himself from posting more content. That raises red flags. So TL;DR, this player flips most of the newscum switches and probably most telling is that his play is incredibly reactionary. I believe @ #HBC | Amidamaru #HBC | Amidamaru pointed out that his play was missing some active searching from his mini-mafia performance. Neither of us were in there, and would like to see some elaboration from Zen, but from what we gathered, he was not this passive in the previous game.

These are our two leading suspects, and I would absolutely ADORE some discussion on these 6 reads from the 4 players on our Town list.
have you considered the differences is atmosphere as well? newbies are much friendlier compared to normal games; some players can't deal with the aggression; which leads players to retreat into their shell, lash out, or both.

and by aggression; i mean the constant feeling of being suspected; for example, ran might not be being mean but the constant barrage of questions; can get tiring

i'm not disagreeing with your analysis but i have trouble coming to that conclusion since i have been in that position before

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
This post will include a few things we have worth mentioning.

First, the comment made by Arcane Inferno saying that both ProteanvLevi and ProteanvGova were not SvS, we wholeheartedly agree with. I would not let that observation sink under the radar in later phases.

J isn't REALLY playing the game. He's got very little that we can really read him off of. I don't want his lynch right now. My two leading suspects are Levi/Jexs, and if I were to see a lynch on someone other than them based on the information we have at hand, I would be very disappointed. What I want to note with J is how little he's contributed this phase. That does not need to be forgotten moving forward with this game. If later in the game, he comes out and starts to emerge as a leading force for Town, be VERY AWARE that he could easily be scum having waited until the herd was thinned out and there wasn't people like us around to challenge his content. I'm not necessarily saying he's scum in that scenario, but I AM saying that he did not play a very Town Day 1, and that any Townie left alive should re-examine their stance carefully before following him on anything important.

Werekill is extremely shallow and I would really like to see some further elaboration on the stances from that slot. Not just the reads, but how they were developed. Specifics. Etc.

Now, I don't have a particular read on Dabunz right now. However, I am fairly certain that given a little bit of time, Dabuz will leave a paper trail that either condemns him or saves him. I wouldn't waste my investigations here.

Kantrip we don;t have a comment on, as he actually playing the game as we speak, and for completion's sake, we'll say Gova needs to do more actually playing the game.

And there you have it, this has been the Murderbush commentary hour feat. Ryker and Raziek.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
For one, I think I'd rather lynch Jex over Levi. I have recently been wavering on Levi. I played with Levi in the mini, and can see similarities to it. For one thing, he likes to focus on his scum picks, and solely his scumpicks. So I was re-evaluating why he would actually do those as scum/town. Scum, he would be trying to emulate his town play, which he has. Town, he is confident in his stances. Of course, he has found scum in J in the last mini.

On WL/gorf, I'd need more flips to be able to pin them. I won't drop the point that they reacted to our opening play simply to defend Jex. So essentially a Jex flip could help clear that up. It'd help me clear up Levi, Gorf/WL, and Dabooze.

Dabooze has posted some analysis. Levi hasn't focused on Dabooze as much as Protein, which is partly why I had a problem with him. I would also love for him to elaborate. It's disgusting to me when people try to attack Dabooze for his questions, but if Dabooze is lacking, I'd have to reconsider. Anyways, the only thing Dabooze has done was react to the Protein wagon, via laughing at it. (And asking some things of levi/gova/j. He seems to be appeasing to my slot wrt Jex. I don't see as much probing as I'd like from his slot. It's not as bad as scummy dabooze in FireEmblemAwakening, but it's not anything that would make me want to defend him to the death.

I'm most confident lynching Jex today, simply because he hasn't been trying to do work, has been wishy washy, and his AtE has been forced when he hasn't even been pressured. He also can't provide an 'honest' reason for why he is being so passive. If I knew if that I were being passive and were being honest about it, I think I would be able to have some thought as to why I might be. But instead I get 'lol dunno'.

Vote: JexS


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Nothing was dodged. Frozen can't comment on my thought process yet and I don't even know what you want from me in 427.
427 i wanted elaboration on why you felt ami/jexs/someone elses play was 'typical' when i feel this claim isn't well substantiated up to this point.

mfw murderbush wall

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
have you considered the differences is atmosphere as well? newbies are much friendlier compared to normal games; some players can't deal with the aggression; which leads players to retreat into their shell, lash out, or both.

and by aggression; i mean the constant feeling of being suspected; for example, ran might not be being mean but the constant barrage of questions; can get tiring

i'm not disagreeing with your analysis but i have trouble coming to that conclusion since i have been in that position before
I'm legitimately looking for things like this to decide which way to go. What's your read on him at the moment so I have it?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
pre-emptively posted. agreed with second post of murderbush wall and love the consideration of newtown vs. newscum. also agree with third post. also agree with first post. really want to see some responses from jexs/levi.

still kinda feeling out the situation between jex/levi but i AM ok with going in either direction, currently leaning towards jexs

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Ok, and Dabooze joined the Levi wagon and was talking to me about Jex. Another reason why a Jex flip would help me with my dabooze read.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
For one, I think I'd rather lynch Jex over Levi. I have recently been wavering on Levi. I played with Levi in the mini, and can see similarities to it. For one thing, he likes to focus on his scum picks, and solely his scumpicks. So I was re-evaluating why he would actually do those as scum/town. Scum, he would be trying to emulate his town play, which he has. Town, he is confident in his stances. Of course, he has found scum in J in the last mini.

On WL/gorf, I'd need more flips to be able to pin them. I won't drop the point that they reacted to our opening play simply to defend Jex. So essentially a Jex flip could help clear that up. It'd help me clear up Levi, Gorf/WL, and Dabooze.

Dabooze has posted some analysis. Levi hasn't focused on Dabooze as much as Protein, which is partly why I had a problem with him. I would also love for him to elaborate. It's disgusting to me when people try to attack Dabooze for his questions, but if Dabooze is lacking, I'd have to reconsider. Anyways, the only thing Dabooze has done was react to the Protein wagon, via laughing at it. (And asking some things of levi/gova/j. He seems to be appeasing to my slot wrt Jex. I don't see as much probing as I'd like from his slot. It's not as bad as scummy dabooze in FireEmblemAwakening, but it's not anything that would make me want to defend him to the death.

I'm most confident lynching Jex today, simply because he hasn't been trying to do work, has been wishy washy, and his AtE has been forced when he hasn't even been pressured. He also can't provide an 'honest' reason for why he is being so passive. If I knew if that I were being passive and were being honest about it, I think I would be able to have some thought as to why I might be. But instead I get 'lol dunno'.

Vote: JexS
First, is this both of you? If not, which one and can I get thoughts from the other?

Second, I find the possibility for error higher with Jexs, but the payout on a townflip higher as well. At this juncture, I think Leviathan is more likely to flip scum, but that on a town flip I get less. It is also worth noting that I think he is more likely to slip away than Jexs.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
This is Ran, has been the whole time. Zen has yet to catch up and might not for a while. The last thing I told him was that I was wavering on Levi, but he's busy at work.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I'm legitimately looking for things like this to decide which way to go. What's your read on him at the moment so I have it?
thats like half of why i asked you if you had considered it so i could get a better read lol

having grown out of it and realizing why it's bad to be like that; i'm okay with lynching him even though i'm null on him

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
This is Ran, has been the whole time. Zen has yet to catch up and might not for a while. The last thing I told him was that I was wavering on Levi, but he's busy at work.
That's fine and what I expected.

Really want to hear @ Arcane Inferno Arcane Inferno 's thoughts. Looking forward to them the most now that I have something from Amidamaru. Again, if it's just one of you, can you tell me which so I know if I'm waiting for further thoughts.

@ #HBC | Leviathan #HBC | Leviathan Would really like your analysis of my Jexs post.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I must be in my own world over here but I'm gonna say no on the Jexy lynch. Not seeing him as scum and the reasoning behind pushing him seems really...null. Plus based on his emotions ringing true over that of caught scum who doesnt know what to do, I dont want him out.

Anyways i torrented (didnt know what this was till early hours of the morning) so im playing some japan only games and will more than likely post tonight after my work out.

Felt i should update my thoughts though. Im becoming wary of the fact that i feel the two main wagons Levi/Jexy are two i dont care for not lynching and are reads i hold as not scum currently but town-leans.

Current thought: Town pushing a bunch of town and scum sidelining/not doing much.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I must be in my own world over here but I'm gonna say no on the Jexy lynch. Not seeing him as scum and the reasoning behind pushing him seems really...null. Plus based on his emotions ringing true over that of caught scum who doesnt know what to do, I dont want him out.

Anyways i torrented (didnt know what this was till early hours of the morning) so im playing some japan only games and will more than likely post tonight after my work out.

Felt i should update my thoughts though. Im becoming wary of the fact that i feel the two main wagons Levi/Jexy are two i dont care for not lynching and are reads i hold as not scum currently but town-leans.

Current thought: Town pushing a bunch of town and scum sidelining/not doing much.

You're gonna have to do a little more legwork to convince me of anything here, champ.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Second, I find the possibility for error higher with Jexs, but the payout on a townflip higher as well. At this juncture, I think Leviathan is more likely to flip scum, but that on a town flip I get less. It is also worth noting that I think he is more likely to slip away than Jexs.
I think we get alot more from Jex regardless of flip. Levi I'm uncertain on. I'd definitely like to see him elaborate on Dabooze. Once he does I'll go more into it and your reasoning. (Of which I can understand why you see it the way you do)

This is Ran btw.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
soooooo what's got you itching??
he persona i'm exhibiting might be similar
You answered your own question there.

427 i wanted elaboration on why you felt ami/jexs/someone elses play was 'typical' when i feel this claim isn't well substantiated up to this point.
I don't see what has you question it though? What kind of substantiation do you actually ask for?

Really want to hear @ Arcane Inferno Arcane Inferno 's thoughts. Looking forward to them the most now that I have something from Amidamaru. Again, if it's just one of you, can you tell me which so I know if I'm waiting for further thoughts.
I'll get back to you in more detail once I've talked about it with frozen. Generally I think your town reads are better than your scumreads with the exception of Bardull. I've never seen Bardull play over cautious at all, on the contrary and as Bardull has admitted himself he's exhibiting some kind of persona that seems everything EXCEPT cautious. The FoS on Levi still makes no sense to me at all with this in mind.

Not sure what to make of Levi. I know I'm flip-flopping hard here but I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand I can see where you're coming from, on the other hand I'd rather hear him share some more detailed thoughts on Protean / dabuz first. If he has legitimate points to offer on one of them slots then I'm willing to actually take his side in the argument though not necessarily agreeing with him.
Not seeing the Jexs push either. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm able to read him all that well but I'm pretty sure what you all read him as emotional or uncooperative or whatever for is simply him not having adjusted to dGames standards yet. At the very least, I think he does deserve a bit more time.
Both of your scumreads are pretty much null to me [although in different ways] and I think frozen is thinking in similar terms about them. I can live with your townreads of ami and Protean though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm not trying to convince you of anything at the moment haha. I'm merely phone posting so I don't drown and become inactive.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
You answered your own question there.

I don't see what has you question it though? What kind of substantiation do you actually ask for?

I'll get back to you in more detail once I've talked about it with frozen. Generally I think your town reads are better than your scumreads with the exception of Bardull. I've never seen Bardull play over cautious at all, on the contrary and as Bardull has admitted himself he's exhibiting some kind of persona that seems everything EXCEPT cautious. The FoS on Levi still makes no sense to me at all with this in mind.

Not sure what to make of Levi. I know I'm flip-flopping hard here but I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand I can see where you're coming from, on the other hand I'd rather hear him share some more detailed thoughts on Protean / dabuz first. If he has legitimate points to offer on one of them slots then I'm willing to actually take his side in the argument though not necessarily agreeing with him.
Not seeing the Jexs push either. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm able to read him all that well but I'm pretty sure what you all read him as emotional or uncooperative or whatever for is simply him not having adjusted to dGames standards yet. At the very least, I think he does deserve a bit more time.
Both of your scumreads are pretty much null to me [although in different ways] and I think frozen is thinking in similar terms about them. I can live with your townreads of ami and Protean though.
i feel like you're trying to dance around my questioning. even if i exhibit a similar persona then doesn't that mean you should be looking at ryker and like 60% of the slots here in a perplexed manner????? like so many people here are exhibiting similar personas (like ran) but you're not looking to lynch them are you? i think you're looking at my slot because historically i've been easy to lynch for doing hilarious **** lel but you're actually getting caught with your pants down by saying my persona is the problem.

the substantiation i want is for you to actually explain a jexs/ami/murderbush town read at that stage in the game

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Don't have a strong scum-candidate, just a lot of slots that can simple be purged. Sidelining can quite literally make up everyone in the game who isn't you/murder/Levi.
Ok. Just so you know, you can use your vote however you'd like. Would like some idea of who you may be thinking of, though. Even if it's weak.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
and i have no clue why he is saying jexs/ami/murderbush was playing their typical shtick (implying i presume that they are town). how did he confidently come to these conclusions so early on???

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
i feel like you're trying to dance around my questioning. even if i exhibit a similar persona then doesn't that mean you should be looking at ryker and like 60% of the slots here in a perplexed manner????? like so many people here are exhibiting similar personas (like ran) but you're not looking to lynch them are you? i think you're looking at my slot because historically i've been easy to lynch for doing hilarious **** lel but you're actually getting caught with your pants down by saying my persona is the problem.
No, I'm looking at you because - among other things - you have exhibited pretty much exactly the same persona you have in the last game you were scum. That and your inactivity are why I initially voted you. Then you started doing whack ass **** like throwing out FoS and now you try to twist the argument as if I were the one 'caught with my pants down' just because you refuse to accept my point as legitimate. I'm not even saying 'your persona is the problem', I'm saying that your initial behavior made me suspect you and most of what you said so far has confirmed my suspicions now. Don't try to downplay this as if it were just a case of me 'disliking' your play because that's exactly where your argument is heading. There is more to my push.

the substantiation i want is for you to actually explain a jexs/ami/murderbush town read at that stage in the game
I haven't called any of these slots town wtf

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
1.] My reasoning for wanting Bunzy to be lynched is simple. I have not seen one instance of him biting into anything like I expect townies generally to do. He asks a lot of questions, but I have not seen anything fruitful come of them. His contribution to the game is a few questions early on towards JeXs which he then says afterwards that he sees no scum motivation from what he is doing and then saying that the Protean- wagon was poorly founded (which is fine, I don't find that opinion worrisome), then hopping my wagon when I tell him that I'm not going to respond to him in the manner that he would like, then votes me because "You are scum if you don't do what I say." That is it. His scumhunting consists of throwing away an accusation towards JeXs and voting me for whatever reasons. So, he thinks he's wrong on JeXs and I know he's wrong on me. I didn't like him asking me about J "latching onto what I say" because why wouldn't he just ask J himself why he was doing so and get an answer out of him if it bothered him? I do not get the vibe that Bunzy truly cares about what he is pursuing at a given time; I do not know what he is trying to accomplish other than fit in with the waves that Town goes through.

2.] I don't want to lynch Protean- anymore for reasons I stated earlier. I do have a question though. Protean-, specifically the Gorf half, earlier you had called me Town around a time when I was actually attacking your slot. Now I'm scum for attacking your slot. Can you walk me through the progression here? What is "pushing way too hard" and why is it scummy?

3.] I say JeXs has been transparent because I get the sense that he is not putting much thought into his responses and posts. For example, this morning when Amidamaru was asking questions to both him and myself, he would respond within literally a minute. He did this earlier with his initial clash with the same slot. JeXs is not planning his posts ahead of time. What do you mean by feeling disconnected from me?

4.] mUrDErBUSh, here's a question for you in an effort to get you to look at things from my perspective. If you could have me and JeXs lynched in a fairly quick manner, would you? That's assuming you're confident in your scum reads. There does not have to be a direct correlation between 2 slots (not that I'm accusing you of doing so. I can already tell that you're trying to set me up to be a partner for JeXs ahead of time) to want them both dead. If I find both individually scummy, then yes, I will switch between them whenever I can if I see one can't get gone. My analysis of your JeXs post is that I think it's wrong. I wouldn't fight the lynch, but my vote's where it needs to be. Also, are you lying about your town read on Arcane Inferno? That'd be pretty clever.
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