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Lucario Matchup Discussion: vs. Rosalina


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Lucario Matchup Discussion: vs. Rosalina

Welcome to the Lucario vs. Rosalina matchup thread/export. As you might have guessed this thread is for discussing the ins and outs of the Lucario vs. Rosalina matchup and who wins/loses. As always please keep discussion on topic and civil. Refer to this thread for all other matchups.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2014
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
I'm going to recycle some posts which were once posted in the Rosalina MU thread (They're redoing it, so maybe we'll see them soon)

Well, mentioning first the cons we have against Rosalina:
  • If we don't know how to approach correctly, we'll be having a hard time receiving a lot of hits.
  • Luma can be an annoying obstacle.
  • Rosa's aerials are long-reaching and disjoint (If I'm correctly), and you will prioritize and win trades most of the time.
  • Down B can "deny" our spacing.
  • At low %, Luma mostly win jab trades.
  • Luma can KO us pretty early if we don't respect him/her (or whatever it is).
  • And maybe more I'm missing.
  • If Rosa don't have luma, Lucario has overall advantage.
  • We can easily get rid of Luma at close or long ranged offensive, we can even try using Aura Sphere to Rosa's star shield on purpose, only to get rid of him.
  • If we manage to read when to shield/dodge & bait, we can deal a lot of damage before Luma gets back.
  • At high percents, We can KO you since you're too lightweight, a smash attack can KO around 50% if timed correctly.
  • We can Down B to Luma, and reach Rosalina (and vice-versa) if spaced correctly.
Overall, when you have Luma, we can be in neutral MU, but when you don't, we have the offensive.
In conclusion and being honest, I guess we have the advantage, maybe a +1 if we manage to approach correctly.

And some feedback from them.

First and foremost, Lucario's up throw sends Luma horizontally, facing away from Lucario. Aside from being a Luma killer akin to a Mario back throw, it puts Rosa in a position where Lucario can followup without fear of a Luma counterattack. As such, I'd highly suggest playing untethered for the majority of the match. When separated, keep in mind Lucario has enough disjoint to challenge Luma directly, so be ready to charge in to defend it at a moment's notice.

Lucario's counter is disgustingly good, and demands to be played around. The move seems to scale solely on Lucario's aura, rather than the attack being countered, so even countering something as simple as a jab can be extremely lethal. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to cheese the counter by double hitting him, and even a single jab or tilt by Rosa puts her in enough lag that she won't be able to shield in time.

As one might expect, letting Lucario reach higher percents each stock is his win condition and will almost always cost you the game. Knowing this, the Rosalina playing this matchup needs to be on point with their offstage game. Lucario can stall an extreme amount of time offstage, much moreso on any stage with a flat wall, so avoid jumping preemptively and giving Lucario a free pass back to the stage. Be patient, but also go as deep as necessary if you think it has a chance to score you an early kill. He has a fair startup on his up+B, and if it becomes his only option, there's little he can do against a Rosa chasing him to the blastzone.

As Lucario's damage scales up, the way his moves trade with yours changes. Even though trading with a high percent Lucario might seem like a bad idea regardless, keep in mind things that worked earlier in the stock might not work near the end.

It's a fun matchup where both sides have this really unique mechanic that they need to fully utilize in order to win. It definitely feels disadvantageous to Rosalina though. Lucario just has so many incredibly deadly 50-50 mixups that he can use, that losing stocks at 50-70% is the average ( If you're too obvious you get countered, if you air dodge you get backaired, and if you shield too often you get force palmed ).

Going to rate it +1, Lucario's favor. At the highest level of play, Lucario seems like he would be favored.

This have been recycled, last time I played the same guy, he learned some new gimmicks and it was a bit harder (though I'm confident I learned some new things, too!).
A personal tip for this match up is: DO NOT IGNORE LUMA! Everytime he is open for attacks, go and hunt him down! We'll have a lot of problems or dodge a lot of gimmicks if you don't do so!
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2014
Posted some advice in the social thread, so I'll just paste it here for you guys.

One tool Lucario has that's a pain in the MU is Force Palm. Force Palm is a good spacing tool and can stun/seperate/launch Luma even if Rosa shields it (unless it's a powershield). Rosalina can't actually GP the flame, so she doesn't really have much options other than to approach since you can deal chip damage or launch Luma with it. One thing you could do is hit her at a distance with Aura Spheres to bait a GP so you can punish with Force Palm. Force Palm definitely punishes her hard in the neutral if your Aura has it powerful enough to kill Luma.

Other things you should look out for are her universal weaknesses. If you can bait a spotdodge, you can hit Luma with a F-Smash or Bair and the hitbox will extend so you'll still be able hit Rosa once her invincibility frames are over. If Rosalina is hanging out on the ledge, you can still drop down and kill Luma with something because he doesn't get ledge invincibility. Count when Luma is going to respawn and you can setup some cheap spawn kills right when he reappears. Most of the time, you want to go after Luma instead of Rosa. Be very aggressive on him and force your opponent to play it safe.

Some other things to know:

Practice combos on Luma and look for infinite combos you can pull out and your best Luma kill options. I know ASC is a good option to stun Luma infinitely.

If you want to kill Rosa with an Aura Sphere; aim for her head so Luma can't meatshield it. It doesn't need much presicion because she's pretty tall.

Double Team can be used to safely destroy Luma without the fear of being punished. Extreme Speed is also pretty good to destroy Luma when you end up landing it.

Anyway, that's all the advice I can think of atm. The rest of the strategy is pretty much self-explanatory. I hope that this was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'm willing to expose her secrets if it'll help Lucario succeed.
As a Rosa main who trains against a Lucario almost everyday, I can tell you that FP is probably your most useful tool in the neutral. Rosa can't deny your AS spacing with GP safely because she can easily be punished with FP, so please abuse the living hell out of it in the MU.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
To all Lucarios out there, the Rosalina sub-forum has a match-up discussion thread all set up to analyze Rosalina's match-up against Lucario. Got anything to share for the Rosalina vs. Lucario match-up? Then head to the following thread link...


In terms of the rules, be sure to go to the directory thread.



Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
First and foremost, Lucario's up throw sends Luma horizontally, facing away from Lucario.
here's a video of ONI Day doing this, in case anybody wanted to see this in action:
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