Alright I will. Is there a way to move the new PM Fire Emblem neutral stage to another ASL slot? I really don't want to lose that stage...
You're going to have to port it, I believe I already mentioned this, but Castle Siege is set up really weirdly. If you have Brawlbox, you'll have to export the modeldata, texturedata and scenedata from STGEMBLEM_00.pac, and the colldata[0], ef_StgEmblem, first stage parameters file, and the stageposition in (I believe) modeldata[30] from STGEMBLEM.pac. Then move them all over to say final destination, battlefield, skyworld, or, most easily,
EDIT: Also, forgot to mention, you will never be able to have both transforming Castle Siege and transforming Arena Ferox in your build, the method I was talking about earlier will make the transforming alt for Castle Seige really broken