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I don't know if I should continue playing this game competitively because of finger joint issues.


Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
I have lousy finger joints. It's a huge annoyance and it holds me back badly in this game. My neutral game in general is lacking because I find it physically pain to do mid-jump buffered aerials consistently. I do most of my jumping with the L button on the Pro Controller and find it extremely difficult to do mid-jumps with a shoulder button because it's so painful for my finger to do that. When I try doing mid jumps with the B button on the Pro Controller, I can do it more consistently, but to go from the B button to the right stick super fast hurts my thumb because I am not quick my fingers. It hurt my hands to attempt to be that quick. I don't know anyone else who has this problem and I feel like I'll never be great at the game because of this issue.

It's worth mentioning I have been doing finger exercises as of late to help with this issue and I practiced much of these exercises yesterday while at a tournament. Despite doing that and not doing mid jumps much throughout the whole tournament, my fingers hurt really badly by the time I got home. If I were to quit this game competitively because of my hand issues, I'll feel like much of my efforts to continuously improve at this game at an obsessive level was a waste. What also sucks is that if I quit this game competitively, my social life in NorCal will go to hell because I just moved up here earlier this year and playing Smash with people has pretty much been my entire social life up here.

I wish the game gave players the option to adjust the sensitivity for jumps to where performing mid-jumps didn't require holding down the jump button for such a short period of time. Alternatively, it would be nice if the game allowed players to configure mid-jumps to a button where that button would only do mid-jumps. Either would be nice options for players with finger joint issues such as myself. I made a post about this on Miiverse, but it didn't get much attention. [LINK]


Smash Cadet
Apr 1, 2015
Ålsø, Arhus, Denmark
Well, I don't have any experience on competetive smash, but it sure does sound like a bummer. I would suggest seing a doctor and/or laying off excesive smash for some time, so that your joints can get some kind of rest. I'm not a doctor tho, that's why I suggest that you get advice from one ;-)

Just out of curiosity, is it tabu to use the analog stick for jumping? Me and my brother, who always have and always will be casual players, always use the analog to do it. I knew that you could jump with X or Y, but it never seemed natural to me.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2014
I think you should use a control scheme that minimizes thumb movement.

I use X to jump, A to attack, Y for special, and B for grab. This allows me to do pivot my thumb on the jump button from attack to special without much movement. You can use the base of the thumb to reach grab on B, which is the ideal place for grab imo. This setup isn't exactly possible with a gamecube controller, but works well with cross-layout buttons.

I also have a jump on L, but never use it in a match because the left hand should only be concerned with the control stick.

If the jump button is closer to the C-stick than you've been doing, it should cause less stress on your hands.

When I first got the 3DS game, I developed some kind of tendinitis in my right forearm, but with the control scheme change and good posture, I no longer ache from playing for hours on end.


Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
Well, I don't have any experience on competetive smash, but it sure does sound like a bummer. I would suggest seing a doctor and/or laying off excesive smash for some time, so that your joints can get some kind of rest. I'm not a doctor tho, that's why I suggest that you get advice from one ;-)

Just out of curiosity, is it tabu to use the analog stick for jumping? Me and my brother, who always have and always will be casual players, always use the analog to do it. I knew that you could jump with X or Y, but it never seemed natural to me.
I absolutely hate tap jump. I like being able to jump with a physical button. Regarding the idea of seeing a doctor, I'm currently trying to sort out medical stuff.

I think you should use a control scheme that minimizes thumb movement.

I use X to jump, A to attack, Y for special, and B for grab. This allows me to do pivot my thumb on the jump button from attack to special without much movement. You can use the base of the thumb to reach grab on B, which is the ideal place for grab imo. This setup isn't exactly possible with a gamecube controller, but works well with cross-layout buttons.
I basicially have that control scheme, except with jump and grabs reversed on a Pro Controller.

I also have a jump on L, but never use it in a match because the left hand should only be concerned with the control stick.
I use L for most of my jumping and ZL for most of my grabbing. If it weren't for mid-jumps, this configuration wouldn't be a major problem at all.

If the jump button is closer to the C-stick than you've been doing, it should cause less stress on your hands.
I tried jumping with X and it sucked because basically I'm forced to lift my thumb in the air, then reach for the right stick. With it set to B, I can at the very least slide my thumb to the right stick. The only way I could see that not being the case is if I replaced the right stick with something lousy like the GCN c-stick and I honestly hate that analog stick.

When I first got the 3DS game, I developed some kind of tendinitis in my right forearm, but with the control scheme change and good posture, I no longer ache from playing for hours on end.
I find 3DS games uncomfortable no matter what because of the way they design their systems. It's part of why I don't play handheld gaming very often. Grips help at the very least, but all of them have huge problems.

Dream Cancel

It's just good business
May 10, 2015
Switch FC
I think you should keep playing, however I would take a break from playing competitively for a bit. You need to heal up and rest is by far your best option.

I don't know much about different control schemes (I play default on a GC controller with tap jump off or with a pro controller with ZL and ZR being grab, R and L being shield, and the rest being default with tap jump off) however, you need to take a break and focus on your health for the time being. I know you're getting this sorted out with a doctor, but you can't go wrong with a reasonably healthy diet and a decent amount of exercise.

I find anything that helps me relax or loosen up will improve my play as well, like messaging your arms & shoulders, listening to music, etc.


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2014
Dublin Ireland
Maybe try out other characters that don't have to jump so much and or more ground based. I'd say short hop aerials are used less by Sonic in the neutral and combo game when you compare him to Diddy.

One of your problems seems to be using the c stick/right analog stick. Maybe you should do your aerials with the attack button instead. It puts you at a slight disadvantage but it should be manageable. I'm pretty sure PPMD only uses the c stick for up airs.

This may sound crazy but have you considered using the wiimote and nunchuck controller. I believe a competitive player called Tearbear uses the wiichuck controller. You could use the c button on the nunchuck to jump (this might be easier than using the trigger on the pro controller) and the d pad for aerials (although you might have trouble moving your thumb to the d pad).

Hope you find a way to solve your problems and continue playing.


Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
I think you should keep playing, however I would take a break from playing competitively for a bit. You need to heal up and rest is by far your best option.

I don't know much about different control schemes (I play default on a GC controller with tap jump off or with a pro controller with ZL and ZR being grab, R and L being shield, and the rest being default with tap jump off) however, you need to take a break and focus on your health for the time being. I know you're getting this sorted out with a doctor, but you can't go wrong with a reasonably healthy diet and a decent amount of exercise.

I find anything that helps me relax or loosen up will improve my play as well, like messaging your arms & shoulders, listening to music, etc.
Taking a break from playing the game competitively would suck.

Maybe try out other characters that don't have to jump so much and or more ground based. I'd say short hop aerials are used less by Sonic in the neutral and combo game when you compare him to Diddy.
I find aerial based characters way more fun than ground based characters, hence why Meta Knight is one of my mains.

One of your problems seems to be using the c stick/right analog stick. Maybe you should do your aerials with the attack button instead. It puts you at a slight disadvantage but it should be manageable. I'm pretty sure PPMD only uses the c stick for up airs
My aerial game is considerably better using the right analog stick. Never going back.

This may sound crazy but have you considered using the wiimote and nunchuck controller. I believe a competitive player called Tearbear uses the wiichuck controller. You could use the c button on the nunchuck to jump (this might be easier than using the trigger on the pro controller) and the d pad for aerials (although you might have trouble moving your thumb to the d pad).

Hope you find a way to solve your problems and continue playing.
I don't like playing this game with a Wiimote and Nunchuck. The button interface for that control is considerably more limited than ideal and I do not liked the analog stick.

Dream Cancel

It's just good business
May 10, 2015
Switch FC
Taking a break from playing the game competitively would suck.
Option 1) Continue to play while your performance and health continue to suffer.
Option 2) Take a break and get your hands healthy again, then take your game to new heights for an even longer time.

The choice is yours.
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