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Gheb's crazy auction mafia | Game over, Mafia wins


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
:/ you're not leaving me with any reason to believe you can actually produce such a quote.

also, I meant why didn't you explain it when you initially called jay out as maf, but i'll be impressed if you can find a quote from any time period in this game that explains your actions (EXCEPT FOR THE ONE JUST NOW)

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
:/ you're not leaving me with any reason to believe you can actually produce such a quote.

also, I meant why didn't you explain it when you initially called jay out as maf, but i'll be impressed if you can find a quote from any time period in this game that explains your actions (EXCEPT FOR THE ONE JUST NOW)
No, I meant "later" as in "I'll do it when I reread". I don't like the feeling that I've lost my perception of the game. I've been so focused on what I equate to "bull****" that I've lost my track on what scum might be doing in this situation. I want to reread and get a full analysis on slots in the background. I'm going to do this because I want to make the right decision in our lynch and I want to leave town with as much useful information as I can.



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
No, I meant "later" as in "I'll do it when I reread". I don't like the feeling that I've lost my perception of the game. I've been so focused on what I equate to "bull****" that I've lost my track on what scum might be doing in this situation. I want to reread and get a full analysis on slots in the background. I'm going to do this because I want to make the right decision in our lynch and I want to leave town with as much useful information as I can.

fair enough

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
EBWOP: To the "called out" point, I missed your quote in the quoting and bull****.

What I meant by that is that if someone wasn't talking whatsoever (about me, yes, a lot of the thread is about me), I tried to get them to talk. Calling you out, making mentions of Jay/Orbo, etc.
And when did you call me out?


Apr 3, 2008

AND DONE! All caught up now and I've got a lot to say, but let me start here:

Vote: Kursed

I'm not sure if it's just the fact that I'm coming into the game with an entirely fresh pair of eyes or what, but how has no one given Kursed ACTUAL **** about his postings and behavior so far? I've seen a lot of slots willing to slap a vote but no one has actually pushed him for longer than 10 seconds at a time, Let me quote them for you in their glory since the bid phase ended:

Because I am mafia trying to lynch the town.
I would love to learn how to get under mafia skin.
If Laundry places the stinkbug on me I'm sure he is mafia
I'm still waiting for gorf to give me some advice
I really haven't done anything outside of laundry because I have been hiding.
Hiding from being lynched.
Yep you better modvote me because I have a vendetta against Laundry
Unvote: Laundry
Vote: Orbo
Because I am butthurt. That is my justification
(when asked why he's behaving like this)
That would ruin the suprise! I can't say though because it would totally ruin my play
I know my plan has a lot of drawbacks but this works IF i don't get lynched
Yeah but If I act like a total Laundry i'll get Nk'd

But what exactly am I Diverging? Doesn't that go against the town? How exactly do people find mafia off of me?
oh i didn't see that.

are you gonna vote me yet
I'm not afraid to be lynched because it gives the town a chance to look at people who are suspicious. I am asking for attention and so far it's driving people away.
I actually want to live until tommorow.
I am literally dumbfounded how so many people are ignoring all these Traitor-tell bait posts/crumbs and just letting Kursed walk around having no other useful posts than putting some slight dissatisfaction of Laundry up at first, only to take it back anyway with no real complications or interaction with Laundry yesterday with:

I actually believe Laundry is town

Zalak actually seems determined and stuff and i dont think he's acting like Jay's mafia

Gorf seems alright he is basically the only one who didn't sheep on me and asked questions I could actually answer.

Maven is unknown

Orbo is idk

Jay is weird I feel like Jay could be traitor

Rosa is unknown.
If this isn't Kursed getting every last mile out of the noob/"so silly" card as Traitor so he can alpha some item tomorrow for great justice before getting out of the real mafia's way then I'll eat all the hats I don't own. It's the only reasonable explanation I see for this play.

@ Kursed Kursed : You said you want to live to tomorrow. I can guarantee I'll do what I can to make that not happen if you keep playing this way. Come clean about what you're trying to do or we'll body you. Who is scum and why?

This is not going to cut it:
Maven is unknown

Orbo is idk

Jay is weird I feel like Jay could be traitor

Rosa is unknown.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Kursed [3] - Maven, Red Ryu, Dietz
Laundry [2] - <MOD>, Nabe
Zalak [1] - <MOD>
Orboknown [2] - Orbo, Kursed
Nabe [2] - Laundry, Zalak
RosalinaSGS [2] - <MOD>, Gorf
Maven89 [1] - <MOD>

Not voting: RosalinaSGS, Jay
With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch;



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
@ Kursed Kursed : You said you want to live to tomorrow. I can guarantee I'll do what I can to make that not happen if you keep playing this way. Come clean about what you're trying to do or we'll body you. Who is scum and why?

This is not going to cut it:
I support this movement


Apr 3, 2008
Dietz, compare his play to the mini we were just in. Do you understand why I think he may be town here?

I'll look at it when I'm done wrapping up my thoughts here and see, but traitor makes playing to a poor meta a pretty appealing option if they think they can get away with it imo.

As for the rest of the game...

I feel comfortable with Laundry. He's personally made the bed he's going to lie in and he seems to be making the most of it. I like the intent so far a lot (though there's some execution problems on how much leeway I think Rosa and Kursed are getting and the botched approach on Nabe lol). It will sort itself out if I'm wrong; I wont be looking there toDay for sure.

Zalak I'm also comfortable with. At first I had no idea where the amount of "I think he's a jester that's how much I hate Laundry" came from, but everything has been done up to completion super fairly when he laid it all out and got Laundry to respond.

Laundry vs Nabe right now is full ******. Laundry, you called out Nabe and started laying the groundwork to lynch him if he was lurky before he even posted. I applaud the effort to try and get some action from the slot, *affixes gold star to shirt*, but if you expected any result other than Nabe (correctly) seeing you try to line up an avenue for his lynch before he even started and then get suspicious and defensive I'll show you all the people in the room who aren't remotely surprised this is happening now. You set up a self fulfilling prophecy, just like assuming you're going to be gone toMorrow. Notably, this is NOT TvT 100%, but I don't see what's happening now as helpful or a reason to waste your votes on each other and it needs to stop so we can progress for real.

@Laundry: Put the stinkbug on Nabe to make him easier to lynch later if we need to like I know you're gonna and lets move on. You've pushed him into a hole now that we can't read him from because he's right to want to push you back for setting up the groundwork for a lynch early but that doesn't help us read him and personally I don't care what people have to say about your slot anymore (and Ryu is talking himself in circles about it)

@Nabe: Who else are you interested in besides Laundry. That's not happening. You've got a reputation Laundry didn't want to see happen, get over it.

Rosalina needs to step up to the plate and get some opinions out as well. All I know right now is that she's okay with Laundry to live because mafia will shoot him most likely (that's fine). What's not fine is that's all I know.

@RosalinaSGS: Who's scum?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I only have two concerns regarding letting Laundry live toDay.

1. If Laundry is town, what if mafia tries to pull a kill someone else lynch Laundry during the day two birds one stone ultra combo?
2. Laundry has hyped the stinkbug up to be pretty powerful, and if he's mafia, I do NOT want to let him use it.


I'll vote @ Kursed Kursed if he doesn't respond within a few hours. The lack of activity from @ JayTheUnseen JayTheUnseen , @ Orboknown Orboknown , and @RosalinaSGS realllly concerns me, so I'd also be willing to lynch any of them if they don't bring their activity up. I'm also worried about @ Maven89 Maven89 's lack of activity.. but I want to see the others bring their activity up before I vote for him.


Apr 3, 2008
I only have two concerns regarding letting Laundry live toDay.

1. If Laundry is town, what if mafia tries to pull a kill someone else lynch Laundry during the day two birds one stone ultra combo?
2. Laundry has hyped the stinkbug up to be pretty powerful, and if he's mafia, I do NOT want to let him use it.
1. They don't have much incentive to. He has the roleblock otherwise and fmpov just isn't very scummy. You'd be surprised how rare leaving a player like this alive actually is.
2. It's actually not a big deal, because if he puts the bug on someone unexpected without telling us we know he's more likely than not he's mafia and 1 for 1 to get a mafia is almost always good. As town he'd tell us so we don't accidentally alpha a reasonably town player with an offhand vote, he'd use it just to help us lynch hard-to get players.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Re-posting questions from page 5.

Elaborate on the bolded. What about my play in this game so far suggests to you an intention to lurk? [Note: the question should be answered in-context from the point at which your original post was made, since that was when you made the statement.]

Opinion on my line of reasoning re: Laundry? [Current context is fine given that it's ongoing.]
It's solid but i feel like you two are dancing around just not understanding each other(funny enough y'all always get into this argument it seems)

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I only have two concerns regarding letting Laundry live toDay.

1. If Laundry is town, what if mafia tries to pull a kill someone else lynch Laundry during the day two birds one stone ultra combo?

2. Laundry has hyped the stinkbug up to be pretty powerful, and if he's mafia, I do NOT want to let him use it.
whaddya want me to do roleblock myself

Dietz is right that I'm tempted to use it on Nabe, but I've not decided yet where it's going. I have a clue where it's not going though.



Apr 3, 2008
I'll vote @ Kursed Kursed if he doesn't respond within a few hours. The lack of activity from @ JayTheUnseen JayTheUnseen , @ Orboknown Orboknown , and @RosalinaSGS realllly concerns me, so I'd also be willing to lynch any of them if they don't bring their activity up. I'm also worried about @ Maven89 Maven89 's lack of activity.. but I want to see the others bring their activity up before I vote for him.
There's no rush btw. We have until April 3rd so we've got some time to spare and let this play out.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'll look at it when I'm done wrapping up my thoughts here and see, but traitor makes playing to a poor meta a pretty appealing option if they think they can get away with it imo.
Do you actually believe that he's skilled enough to recognize that play or are you simply just saying this because he looks scummy?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
It's solid but i feel like you two are dancing around just not understanding each other(funny enough y'all always get into this argument it seems)
I give you a gun with two bullets in it. Who do you shoot?
I give you two tickets for a free pass to LyLo. Who, besides yourself, do you give it to?



Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
@Nabe to answer your earlier question:
More then anything, I suppose it was said based on the fact I had no reason to think what Laundry had said about your intended play was untrue, and was uncomfortable with it playing out as he said it would ( which seemed quite probable, then as now. ) Your defensive reaction and lack of posts up till Laundry shoved you into the open seemed like proof enough he was correct.

Also @JDietz nailed my thoughts between Laundry vs Nabe. I think you have to admit you understand Laundry's point Nabe, and it's honestly anti town to say you don't and also to not comply.


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014

AND DONE! All caught up now and I've got a lot to say, but let me start here:

Vote: Kursed

I'm not sure if it's just the fact that I'm coming into the game with an entirely fresh pair of eyes or what, but how has no one given Kursed ACTUAL **** about his postings and behavior so far? I've seen a lot of slots willing to slap a vote but no one has actually pushed him for longer than 10 seconds at a time, Let me quote them for you in their glory since the bid phase ended:

(when asked why he's behaving like this)

I am literally dumbfounded how so many people are ignoring all these Traitor-tell bait posts/crumbs and just letting Kursed walk around having no other useful posts than putting some slight dissatisfaction of Laundry up at first, only to take it back anyway with no real complications or interaction with Laundry yesterday with:

If this isn't Kursed getting every last mile out of the noob/"so silly" card as Traitor so he can alpha some item tomorrow for great justice before getting out of the real mafia's way then I'll eat all the hats I don't own. It's the only reasonable explanation I see for this play.

@ Kursed Kursed : You said you want to live to tomorrow. I can guarantee I'll do what I can to make that not happen if you keep playing this way. Come clean about what you're trying to do or we'll body you. Who is scum and why?

This is not going to cut it:


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014

AND DONE! All caught up now and I've got a lot to say, but let me start here:

Vote: Kursed

I'm not sure if it's just the fact that I'm coming into the game with an entirely fresh pair of eyes or what, but how has no one given Kursed ACTUAL **** about his postings and behavior so far? I've seen a lot of slots willing to slap a vote but no one has actually pushed him for longer than 10 seconds at a time, Let me quote them for you in their glory since the bid phase ended:

(when asked why he's behaving like this)

I am literally dumbfounded how so many people are ignoring all these Traitor-tell bait posts/crumbs and just letting Kursed walk around having no other useful posts than putting some slight dissatisfaction of Laundry up at first, only to take it back anyway with no real complications or interaction with Laundry yesterday with:

If this isn't Kursed getting every last mile out of the noob/"so silly" card as Traitor so he can alpha some item tomorrow for great justice before getting out of the real mafia's way then I'll eat all the hats I don't own. It's the only reasonable explanation I see for this play.

@ Kursed Kursed : You said you want to live to tomorrow. I can guarantee I'll do what I can to make that not happen if you keep playing this way. Come clean about what you're trying to do or we'll body you. Who is scum and why?

This is not going to cut it:
I at least haven't paid much attention to Kursed because even as town traitor ( which I find it hard to believe he would be so transparent, ) I didn't see harm in letting him live. However I hadn't thought about the next bidding phase.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I rofld XD
Bro you voted yourself with a typo like 4 pages ago
goddamnit quote tag shenanigans
laundry and you are town, dietz and ryu are leantown, rosa is underwhelming, as is nabe. Maven is nonexistant. Gorf is lookin like an outside option today and I'm game for kursed to die
I give you a gun with two bullets in it. Who do you shoot?
I give you two tickets for a free pass to LyLo. Who, besides yourself, do you give it to?

right now? Kursed and gorf maybe rosa. You and zalak can go to lylo atm


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Honestly I'm almost ready to lynch Kursed myself due to the points Dietz brought up.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I just want to hear Kursed defend himself first. Maybe state his current reads?
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