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Forum Fight guide/rule-set

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hello and welcome to the Forum Fight (Story forum) Guide and ruleset!

Why is it needed?

The Forum Fight we have going on currently runs in to several issues when people try to Role-Play. If one character assumes something about another, they can make a mistake when RP-ing them and annoy the player behind the character. There are also times when people get mixed up, some stories become obsolete and you have to go back a way to start that section again. Examples like this are why the Story Forum should have a few of it's own rules and a guide-line on how to post. As well as this, the Story Forum currently doesn't fully explain itself in the OP. This means newer players don't know what's going on and there is less of an incentive to join, especially when players have to butt in right in the middle of something to ask so.

What is the aim?

Ideally, have people understand and abide by the rules so everyone remains happy in the Story Forum. That said, these rules shouldn't make anything less fun! They are simply to avoid confusion.

Will it even matter? I mean, this is just a forum game, what does it mean?

A good question. It's like asking why some-one plays video-games or is obsessive about watching every episode in a season of one show or another: It won't matter in the long run but it's fun to do then and there and morals can indeed come out of it. The story forum would benefit from this and it would ensure that people going there to have a good time (which is the point of Forum Games), can do.

Okay, so what are the rules?

1. The global rules apply to these threads:

While the double posting rule is a little more lax in here than most (for certain reasons, important parts of stories not being able to be seen because an edit won't show up in a search and people don't always check it regularly), trolling/spamming, flaming... it's not cool. That said, maintain respect when doing this. Either don't respond or if it's a friend in the wrong, gently let them know. :)

2. Perhaps one of the most important ones - Be extremely careful when RP-ing others:

Most people, when new to RP have a tough time dealing with other people. So they make those people act in certain ways, which may-or-may-not be what their player intended. This encompasses good characters suddenly turning evil for no reason or making a normally smart character do something incredibly stupid without justification. It can annoy the player behind the character when you do something like that and even dialogue should be monitored. If you don't like the way somebody is RP-ing you, let them know what you're like so they can attempt to RP you better.

3. Let people know when you have an issue with something:

If you see something you don't think works in canon or uses mis-guided information, or is slightly inflammatory or troll-like, or get offended by something and so on, let the person know so they can fix it. If they put something in to the story that you don't like but you don't raise the issue with them, that thing or fact will be used in subsequent stories and you may not be enjoying it as much. Let people know when you have an issue with something they've written. If you don't take it up then, your chance may be gone!

4. Don't get too over-powered without a reason/don't make random things occur out of nowhere unless on occasion:

You can decide early on that you want to have the power to do this or do that and you can even occasionally get OP in the middle of something or have a random thing occur in the middle of something. That's okay: The world will allow for it, random stuff does happen. That said, don't go over-board. Don't suddenly bring all your favourite characters in to one place in the space of a paragraph without having a proper reason. Be reasonable with your 'co-incidences'. Try not to give yourself random powers either without a reason. For instance, if you're finding things that give you back your power, be controlling in what powers you get from each item, though occasionally, you can give yourself the power to deal with a situation you're in. As stated, the world will allow for it. Just be careful and keep it in moderation. Probably best to decide what most of your powers are early on so people don't think you suddenly overpowered when you do something unexpected later on. In fact, it might be good to let somebody else know what your powers are so they can keep it in check, unless of course, as stated you have a full on reason for doing so.

5. It's okay to bring in well-known characters:

To clear it up, yes you can bring in Mickey Mouse or Mario or Sonic or a MLP character. Be careful though and if possible, check before-hand what characters you can use and which ones you can't. Some characters might be forever lost or even dead and others might be in hiding. Better yet, if somebody posts an up-date every so often to notify newer Forum Fighters who is being used and who has died and so on, this would help people immensely.

6. Do not take OOC knowledge and suddenly apply it to an IC situation:

OOC (Out of Character) knowledge is called OOC for a reason: it's used to explain info... or it can be used to give the player info without letting their 'character' know. Applying your OOC knowledge to IC (in Character) situations is like cheating. Try not to do it. That said, we are human beings and it's incredibly hard sometimes to separate what we know OOC form the things we know IC. Mistakes do happen. Try to make as few of them as possible though and if you do see something unfair, point it out.

7. Watch out when doing large story-lines or plots:

While having a long-winded plot gives everyone things to do, if you are the sole director of a storyline, the entire effort becomes compromised if you leave for any significant period of time, with players left with nothing to do by themselves save random RP with no point. If you can, alert people to what you want to happen before you go away, or write things up before you go away and post something to keep people entertained for a while or perhaps even make your storyline shorter or postpone it a little. If you do this, the thread can always remain active so long as people have ideas to put in!

8. Have fun!

While Story Forum can afford the structure, it doesn't come at the cost of fun. Be creative and remember that crazy things can happen sometimes. If the group of friends you're with has no problem RP-ing each other and you don't care how they RP you, you can ignore that rule. It's about the players and keeping it fun. Aside from rules 1 and 3, you can pretty much bring the others down if the group is fine with it. That said, you may find you prefer the rules and go back to them. Indeed, being OP for too long does become a little boring!

Those are the biggest rules. This post will be edited with a rough guide a little later on.

Mods, if this thread could be stickied, that would be amazing!

If you feel there should be something else added or taken away from the rule-set/guide, this thread would be the place to discuss it.

With that said, enjoy Forum Fight and we hope to see you there!

Now for the guide. This should be edited over time to find a form of RP that works perfectly for our community. This isn't as strict as the rules but is simply a way to help you structure your posts easily and get better at RP in general. You have to remember that RP is very varied. It conforms and adapts to the community and vice versa, until a middle road that suits everyone is created. The original version of the guide is a more traditional view over it; however this analysis and guide of RP may change over time.

We'll start with what Forum Fight is basically about.

[COLLAPSE="A description of Forum Fight"]So you want to know just what Forum Fight is? The answer is simple, yet complicated at the same time.

The story forum is a place where characters RP (role-play) a character of their choice in an effort to tell a story, in tandem with other forum posters. It can be a traditional story, with good guys and bad guys, or it can be complicated, a struggle with different viewpoints. A poster can take the role of a hero/villain/anyone, really... and shape that character for a purpose. They then take them through-out the world, trying to fulfill that purpose, while dangers around often alert them to a greater threat. This often causes players to band together and write their stories as friends.

You usually start with a quick post that introduces your character and their basic problem. Feel free to edit this structure and have the problem tied in to the 'greater issue'. In fact, your problem might BE the greater issue! Feel free to play around with the structure but try to introduce your character as clearly as possible so people know who you are if they want to include you in their story segments.

When you start, you can usually give your character certain abilities that will help them as they go through this adventure. They might be extremely fast, have access to high-tech weaponry, command the use of magic or have familiars which attack for them and so on. Perhaps your character is an archer who finds that his bow, whom he was given to by his dying mother, has been stolen and must find it, only to realize that the bow is only one part in a much greater plan and must band together with friends to help get it back and stop the evil threatening to destroy his world. There is no real limit to what you give your character but try not to go over-board: You'll soon find that being ridiculously over-powered becomes stale rather quickly.

The story then continues as objectives are made, plans are carried out, clashes happen with the enemy and new complications are made. Perhaps one of the archer's friends gets kidnapped along the way by a band of wandering thieves and the archer must try to get him back before they can continue. Perhaps the only way to defeat the enemy is to collect the three pieces of the 'sacred' heart-wood which will act as a shield from the powerful rays the enemy uses to incinerate their foes.

The plot can be as long as you want, perhaps for as long as you're interested! ;)

Basically, the Story Forum is about using your imagination and being creative. It's an extremely enjoyable experience and also leads to greater friendship among players in general: You'll find you may really enjoy a friend's company on the boards after you've played a bit of Forum Fight together. Perhaps your thoughts on there were a reflection of something you really agree about in real life, perhaps you really enjoy the other person's values because they are much like your own.

In all, there's no telling what benefits Forum Fight can have. The only advice here is: Try it and see what happens![/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="A guide for posting"]Posting in Forum Fight is no easy matter. It takes an idea, the courage to go along with that idea (and sometimes include plot twists!) and an active imagination. These three things and you have a basic segment in Forum Fight. But what are the specifics, is there anything I should include, what if I want to RP another character? Here's the place to look for advice:

First of all, posts in Forum Fight have to be canon. You want them to be believable and work in tandem with the story. ridiculous things can happen but keep it to a limit. This applies to your first post. That said, you can almost (not quite, but almost) break the fourth wall in this game (for those who don't know, the concept of 'breaking the fourth wall' is one that applies to movies, stories and video-games where a character references the fact they are in a book, movie or game. Basically, making references to the real world). You can make references to video-game characters, comic characters, even cartoon characters. Usually, video-game characters are as far as it goes but My Little Pony has been used and even the Power puff Girls (some might remember from child-hood) have been used!

This applies even to the first post you make. Just be careful when setting out your introductory post.

Forum Fight has traditionally used skits to tell a story - that is, character dialogue for the most part with what's happening around in brackets. Recently, the fight has begun to develop a story-book approach, whereby characters give a far more accurate description of scenery and include emotions as well as words. Both ways are fine to use (on a personal note, I prefer to use the story-book method as it allows imagery to be clearer and emotion to be explained in far more detail, but that's just me) and don't feel like you're 'cheating' just because you only did a 20-line post and somebody else did a 100-line post! It's simply different ways of exploring and explaining the situation.

When it comes to actual post structure, most anything goes. You can do it general story-style (orientation or beginning, complication, climax, resolution), you can try Game of Thrones-style (Orientation/beginning, complication, climax, resolution, lull (where the story settles down for a small while), cliff-hanger), you can start off with a hook (climax or cliff-hanger, Orientation, complication, another climax, resolution/cliff-hanger) or anything else you want! Toy around with it a little, see what works best for you and feel free to vary your structure a bit as you go along, if you want to keep things fresh.

While following the rules above, this isn't to say you cannot RP another character. it just takes practice and skill and I recommend that if you're starting out, check your story with the person(/s) you are RP-ing to make sure they agree with it. Change it if necessary and re-submit. When it comes to RP, you have to remember: That person is not your character and may not think the same things as you nor act the same way, so though it may feel a little odd at first, try to make their personality what you've already seen of them, even if it's not quite what you'd normally write (Once you're good at this, you can include your style of writing whilst making them their own character. Why? Because by this time you've learnt how to vary your RP enough so that most styles feel at least some-what natural). Getting used to a certain player's character can also be individual and even if you're bad at varying view-points and dialogue, you'll likely become proficient with at least the people you fight with. ;) General skill at RP comes later, so no need to worry!

Oh, one other thing. It's not exactly a rule and it's only for people who've gotten in to the story for a bit, but lets say the thread goes inactive for a few days and your memory begins to fog up on a few details. Yes, it's fine to ask but it'll probably save more time if you just go back a few posts and read what's in them. Indeed, you may find writing out what's going on or at least writing out your company/your powers in FF can really help keep you up to date.

The rest comes with learning. Remember, if you're confused about an issue, you can always ask your fellow peers, they will (or should be!) happy to help. Enjoy your time on Forum Fight and with any luck, you'll take away from this a fun, enjoyable way of writing your story segments and proper role playing experience!

Good luck![/COLLAPSE]



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
This is why I attempt to write my character, Frostwraith, as most realistically as possible. He can't just open portals all the time (it would tire him by draining his magic energy, rendering him unable to fight in emergency situations), he can't use his reality warping moves at all times (because it would disrupt the balance of the multiverse, something Frostwraith seeks to protect and he wouldn't join Muhti's team because they killed their parents and so on... that's why I choose to give him as much characterization and backstory as possible.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Not just you, other people need a slap as well. :smirk: :troll:

It became a priority for me because I wanted to out-line what is generally considered ok in RP and what isn't. :p

But we've all broken a couple of these rules. It's for all of us, even if it feels like it's all directed at you. Trust me Muhti, you're a good RPer, really. Your only large flaw is sometimes going overboard (OP, RP-ing characters in a drastic way) to get your means. It shouldn't take an awful lot of fixing up, just takes time to know what is and isn't fine. ;)

Even I have stuff to work on. That said, I need a better RP-er than myself to truly outline what it is. Might just be age.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
A few surprise abilites are fine but we have to trust you to be honest when you originally say to a person 'I have an ability that I want to keep secret for now', to already have the idea in mind and not make it up on the spot.

And sure! Though, haven't you already put them up in the thread? :p


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
theres a rule set on the firt page of forum fight story forum

but this is cool to


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
Man, I remember when the point of Forum Fight was that it was disgustingly unorganized and lawless.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
theres a rule set on the firt page of forum fight story forum

but this is cool to
Yes, I just feel as though it's a little incomplete. Even reading that, I was incredibly confused when first going in to Forum Fight. Hopefully this helps new players who want to get in to it by making understanding the game a little easier. =)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
I never thought it last this long!!

Now its like im dedicated to it.

Been posting there since day 1


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Just bringing this back up for potential new RPers.

Basically, Forum Fight is great but it has an incredibly small community which it relies upon to keep going. As in, there's like 6 of us keeping it going atm. If it wants to really thrive, I believe it should grow a little more because even now the thread does sometimes go a little inactive and people forget what recently happened.

I don't know why I enjoy this game so much, especially as it's only a FG and not a DG. The people in it have begun to get serious with their posting and i'm enjoying what's in that thread more than a lot of games on this site currently (not to say I don't like them though!)

Ah, yet another part to the guide needs to be added.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
There used to be 4 (sorry Mars but you did some random crap back there XD) and there used to be 8-10 posts a day.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The thread became a lot less active when everyone switched away from pure Dialogue.

Seems only Mars and Richard use it now.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I started to use dialogue form before this story (but switched back since it was easier) then I switched BACK to dialogue form and then y'all started to steal my form -.-


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
The thread became a lot less active when everyone switched away from pure Dialogue.

Seems only Mars and Richard use it now.
I'm still waiiitiing.

But I might as well tell you since it's been long enough.

I asked Smashfan and Mari to come back to Forum Fight. Mari hasn't responded yet but smashfan told me he'd think about it.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Wether or not I make up my mind, you might want to ask MPH Deku and Segastorm if they want to join up again, since they used to post in the thread too.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I actually like dialogue heavier stories, because I think it fleshes out the characters better. Although I use more descriptive segments whenever necessary.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Wether or not I make up my mind, you might want to ask MPH Deku and Segastorm if they want to join up again, since they used to post in the thread too.
Oh, i don't know these two, can you direct me to their pages? ^^

@Frost: Personally I feel dialogue-heavy segments are more about what's happening and speed the pace of things up. They allow an insight in to characters but it's easier to fix mistakes in it as dialogue generally doesn't give hints to fore-coming stories.

Story-book is good for slowing the pace down at times and can also give insight in to characters. I find it fleshes people out better than dialogue, however if you get a person wrong, you've messed it up as usually you have to change more than one post.

tl;dr IMO it's risk vs. reward. Dialogue is easier to do and fix, whereas story-book allows for better insight but is darn hard to make and fix if you get it wrong.

A good example would be how you only had to remove a couple lines when I told you that the power gems dissolved rather than staying there, and you only had to fix up two or three lines. Xiroey had a full on segment planned but got ninja'd or maybe even mis-understood something and had to erase the whole thing (or rather, put it in collapse tags with the saying 'this didn't happen' on it! :p)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Are there any actual role-playing stories going on here? I've clicked and briefly looked at the threads that mention forum fight and it seems like snippets of pure nonsense.

I used to role-play and my friends told stories and wrote long descriptive paragraphs and dialogues. Suppose this place isn't the real deal. Not a surprise though, this is a Smash forum after all and not a RP forum.

If it was otherwise, I'd consider participating.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
Oh, i don't know these two, can you direct me to their pages? ^^
sure, you should be able to get to them from any of their posts by clicking their username and selecting "View Public Profile". i think you can also reach their userpages from their listings on any social groups they happen to be in, such as the FFTSF fanbase group. but since i've never made conversation-starting PMs, you're on your own on contacting :\


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Are there any actual role-playing stories going on here? I've clicked and briefly looked at the threads that mention forum fight and it seems like snippets of pure nonsense.

I used to role-play and my friends told stories and wrote long descriptive paragraphs and dialogues. Suppose this place isn't the real deal. Not a surprise though, this is a Smash forum after all and not a RP forum.

If it was otherwise, I'd consider participating.
Yes, 'Forum Fight: The story Forum' is legitimate, though recently we've had a bit of a lull and sorting out what's going on. For anyone that sees it, go back a couple pages if you want to see the RP there.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Are there any actual role-playing stories going on here? I've clicked and briefly looked at the threads that mention forum fight and it seems like snippets of pure nonsense.

I used to role-play and my friends told stories and wrote long descriptive paragraphs and dialogues. Suppose this place isn't the real deal. Not a surprise though, this is a Smash forum after all and not a RP forum.

If it was otherwise, I'd consider participating.

There are good RPers on this forum if you know where to look. Luco and Smashfan in particular come to mind. If you would like to start a serious RP, why not make a thread for it? I do not know how writers are "picked" under normal circumstances, but I'm sure you could work things out.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
I would honestly love to be in the Forum Fight thing, but I don't really think I have what it takes to be a good writer during an RP.

If I did decide to join in, though, I'm guessing I would just do so, without any sign-up, right?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I would honestly love to be in the Forum Fight thing, but I don't really think I have what it takes to be a good writer during an RP.

If I did decide to join in, though, I'm guessing I would just do so, without any sign-up, right?
Forum Fight is more casual, so if you want to enter the story just do it. But, be sure to know what's going on, or it could wreck the story.

Hey, if you want to talk more about it, why don't you go to the private convo I made? I can invite you if you want.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia


Anyway, I suppose this thread is due to be bumped. It's useful and I put work into it so bleuu... :3 :p


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Updated OP. ^_^

Sorry for the double, I figure it's ok to post the update tho so uh....

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