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Violence is on sale today - Anna for DLC! * Waiting for new stock! Bear with us here! *


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
While I don't think Anna's likely to get in over Chrom or Lucina, if Sakurai were to decide to add a third Fire Emblem character, I think Anna has a good chance for that spot. As far as non-lord characters go, she has some of the bigger importance, even if not strictly story importance. Shouzou Kaga made the conscious effort to put Anna in every game (minus Gaiden). As someone mentioned earlier on, it's easy to make another shopkeeper, and I think that speaks to Anna's importance. Anna is a character created by Shouzou Kaga, the creator of the original 6 Fire Emblem games, and he slipped her in every game, with the exception of Fire Emblem Gaiden. Not only did Kaga take Anna after he left Intelligent Systems and put her in a completely different game, but IS continued to use Anna, instead of making a new shopkeeper, localizing their new games, and even now emphasize her importance, making her a playable character in Awakening. I think Anna's importance in the series is now rising even more, and while I don't think she deserves in more than Chrom or Lucina, I would definitely support her as a third representative.
Very good argument.

May I add it to the OP, like FalKoopa suggested?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
So Anna appeared in the Tear Ring Saga games as well?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So Anna appeared in the Tear Ring Saga games as well?
Tear Ring Saga =/= Fire Emblem

Sure, they were created by the same person, but Kaga couldn't have put Anna in TRS, or else he could be accused of copyright infringement. (Even without Anna, Nintendo sued Shouzou Kaga for making a game too similar to FE.)


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
So Anna appeared in the Tear Ring Saga games as well?

Technically, she wasn't named Anna, but it appears that a character in charge of the shops and game suspension had Anna's look, down to her trademark pose. Unfortunately, TearRing Saga is a much less popular game, and pictures are hard to come by at all.

Frost, I'd be honored if it was part of the OP, feel free!


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
Aimee is technically a recurring character, but not nearly to the same degree as Anna, and she's not exactly new. She was made at the same time Anna was, and while she was in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, this serves as a problem because all four of her games either feature Marth or Ike as the protagonist. Now, obviously you aren't suggesting that Aimee be a playable character, you're using her as a comparison, saying they've made other shopkeepers. However, I don't think Aimee and Anna could be compared to each other. Unlike Aimee, Anna has actually had a playable role in Awakening, now, which speaks to her importance to Fire Emblem, and she's been in far more games than Aimee (three times as many, to be exact). This shows Intelligent Systems actually finds an importance for Anna, putting her in every game you can buy stuff in. Since Aimee is from the original two games with shops (not Gaiden), why wasn't she also put in every game from then on? She had as much reason to be kept in as Anna did, but they used different vendors in later games, up until Ike's games, where she was given the role for a small bit. IS has shown they have no fear replacing characters that don't hold importance, case in point almost every Fire Emblem game features a whole new cast of characters, yet Anna is never replaced. No other character can say that.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Bumped the thread because Anna.

You know, Wii Fit Trainer kinda gives me the Anna vibes. I don't know why, probably because she also has this "sweet but deadly" personality like Anna has, though instead of making puns about money, she makes puns about fitness.

I would love to see an Anna vs Wii Fit Trainer battle. xD Too bad that would probably never happen. I'm still holding the small hope that Anna will be playable despite how low her chances are...


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Now, this thread will move by another 14 pages. :awesome:

I'm still holding out hope for Anna if Roy or Lyn don't appear for some reason.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I'm sorry I just really dispise the idea Anna making it or really any fire emblem character making it in front of Chrom, unless its like ephraim or the black knight, I could live with that.
I don't think anyone is saying that they want Anna to get in over Chrom. Of course I agree that Chrom should take priority, after all it's his game that saved the franchise's ass from going under, he deserves to be playable in my opinion for that.

I think the three top priority characters who deserve to be playable the most in my opinion should be Marth, Ike and Chrom.

If Sakurai would allow a 4th or 5th slot, then I'd be happy for any other Fire Emblem characters. (Particularly Lyn, Anna and Roy)

But that's just me really.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I don't think anyone is saying that they want Anna to get in over Chrom. Of course I agree that Chrom should take priority, after all it's his game that saved the franchise's *** from going under, he deserves to be playable in my opinion for that.

I think the three top priority characters who deserve to be playable the most in my opinion should be Marth, Ike and Chrom.

If Sakurai would allow a 4th or 5th slot, then I'd be happy for any other Fire Emblem characters. (Particularly Lyn, Anna and Roy)

But that's just me really.
Honestly once Chrom gets announced I don't care about the roster much in general... I didn't even like Chrom that much, but I've defended his inclusion so much that he's grown on me a lot.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Honestly once Chrom gets announced I don't care about the roster much in general... I didn't even like Chrom that much, but I've defended his inclusion so much that he's grown on me a lot.

Yeah I understand where you are coming from. Chrom has been getting a lot of undeserved flack from many people so I also felt like defending his inclusion for Smash. Seeing as how his game saved the series from going under. I'd say he does deserve to be playable in smash bros.


Feb 18, 2009
Cold Hard Capital, Ammunition for Anna.​
Most Fire Emblem players recognize Anna quite easily, and her innate hotness, whimsicality, general likeability, love of capital, and fighting ability – all most aptly falling in with Smash's style – is certain to attract those who do not know her or the series at all, she would attract people to Smash Brothers as well as Fire Emblem. Anna, in addition, is incredibly unique, there is no other character in any other game that can be adequately compared to her as per the nature of a Fire Emblem character among other things, making many a combative analogy fall flat on their faces. She is, beyond a doubt, the most reasonable and believable character which can represent many novel features of the Fire Emblem series which her contenders cannot.​
Anna, as a character in Super Smash Brothers, is not bound to one representation like most characters, but rather she is a vast array and fountain of all her sister's acquired knowledge, the greatest progenitor of their accumulated knowledge: “[Their] family keeps a detailed log of everything they've each experienced, made from letters that they've each written about their journey. From a young age, each Anna is required to read the log in order to acquire all the information and knowledge contained.” Therefore, when weighing her against any other potential representatives, if one must weigh them, the sum – not the average – of all Anna's roles is the standard they should be held against. Most certainly they would be hard pressed to match her impressive résumé; She is the face of DLC with many episodes expanding on and showcasing her, she is a recruitable player character of the trickster class, she is the special merchant in every Fire Emblem game outside of Gaiden which did not use shops, she is the host of tutorials, pause screens, general menus, data systems, and all other internet or link interactions such as within the GBA games. There is, then, something to be said for future remuneration, this résumé can only grow in significance as time passes.​
Anna's recurrence as a Fire Emblemier is far more than the simple concept makes it out to be. First, the argument that she can be easily replaced is null against Anna, in fact, it boosts her significance, the mere fact she could have been easily replaced in all of her respects, yet Intelligent Systems chose to keep her, as firm tradition, for those variety of roles, they even expanded her beyond those traditional roles, Intelligent Systems is not looking to replace Anna any time soon, she is, in fact, the least likely character throughout the series to be replaced, while as the series continues, lords will be replaced more frequently. Second, considering the nature of Fire Emblem characters, one name has, in its default presence, a much more weighty and lofty power than characters from other series, both in lesser quantity and higher quality, in personality and utility, in story impact and character interaction, they cannot be compared to Pokemon or any other series fully or easily.​
One cannot think of inclusion solely based upon story impact, such is a major case for any given lord character, nor can one base inclusion of a character upon utility through 'non-essential' roles alone, such is the case for Toad, Mii, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Duck Hunt Dog, Master Hand for crying out loud, Multi Man Melee Wire Frames, and so on and so forth, they have no or little story to speak of, nor should one put story significance over another in any one particular series, they may have clear utility choices who have minor story impact which are very viable and could bring a great number of uniqueness to Smash. Whereupon people speak of a healthy balance of these two, along with the many other things they should consider, Anna's favorability in their rosters should skyrocket, indeed, for her choice is a healthy one.​
Anna's impact on Fire Emblem can be likened to the Gold Coin in economics, a seemingly far fetched, and strangely appropriate analogy. Money is a medium of exchange, the most marketable good, nothing more, nothing less. The Gold Coin is one such of the many possible examples, it is easily replaceable with other forms of currency, its ever present competitor and often used secondary of a two currency system; Silver Coin, its historical combatant and the original, earliest, and worldwide used example; Cattle, and its current and most powerful replacement, that which allows the greatest movement and flowing of capital and production the world over; Paper Money. Yes, replaceable, yet countless video games, fantasies, worlds upon worlds, use this specific currency, not because it had a deep story impact, as the Gold Coin had in hyperbolic amounts, but because it is a tradition, the quintessential example of the exchange good, though easily replaced and negligible, that is so chosen by the market at hand. The story impact of the Gold Coin bears similarities with Anna's inclusion in the story, being the face of DLC with many stories focused toward her, as well as being a minor Player Character (similar to Tharja, Kellam, Lon'Qu etc.), the specific Gold Coin surely played an important flavoring role, but a dispensable and easily supplanted one nonetheless. In economics where it is concerned, wealth and capital is not a goal, but it is rather wished to satisfy more gratifying and subjective ends.​
Intelligent Systems, under these ends, use Anna for their ends, they create this lovable and personal character that everyone recognizes as a humane (though some would not say so due to her dislike of socialists and labor theory) face of utility. The utility impact Anna has had is small, she is the character of non-essential that becomes only the face of utility, nothing more. However, when utility is excogitated accounting for her story impact and illustration as a powerful tradition as means to Intelligent System's ends, she is no longer the face of utility, rather, all the weight of her utility - as the ubiquitous caricature of mercantile pursuits, as the constant tutorial giver, the menu guide, and at last as the one who connects and guides players to the Outrealm, to other Gameboys, to the internet and all other networks, her novelty, iconic stature, and metastory (fanon and the like) - is thrown behind her weight, every single utilitarian, and other, thing she embodies becomes a sudden necessary as a component of her character and story. It is extremely unlikely she will ever be replaced by Intelligent Systems, she becomes, in fact, the least dispensable and most important and powerful singular character in Fire Emblem, carrying more weight than a singular lord, but perhaps not any lord.​
Anna's position is so unique, there are barely any practical limitations to her moveset. As a combat merchant class unit, Anna wields polearms, lances and spears and the like. As a trickster player character, her magic stat is higher than her strength stat, and she holds blades backhanded, lending most handsomely to her use of a special sword she is often depicted wielding, the Levin Sword. The Levin Sword is an angular and zig-zag bladed, much like a Flambard or Javanese Kris dagger, I guarantee as a practitioner and student of weapon play (the Noble Science or European Martial Arts, Kenjutsu, Kali and other dagger play) that there is much to be had in these things for sword striking alone. Yet there is far more to her possible play, the Levin Sword is used in the game exclusively to deliver magic attacks, in the same exact manner that any magic tome user in the Fire Emblem series would deliver a Thunder, their utility then, must be considered equal, for the Levin Sword can easily be slightly tweaked to deliver all other forms of magic attacks. Perhaps even more interesting is her use of staffs, staffs in the Fire Emblem series carry a variety of roles, such as teleporting others and teammates, healing, healing oneself, mending weapons, and resistance buffing, but since neither her Levin Sword nor Staffs are melee weapons, either could be taken under artistic liberty, as Sakurai-san has done with the Fire Emblem characters numerous times before. Staff play and polearm play is often interchangeable, these things so far lend her much leeway for much of anything, even the heals can be implemented well, all items and weapons in Fire Emblem have durability, after a certain amount of uses it will break, the fact that Anna has no special unique weaponry allows the ability for durability mechanics. In addition to her default Trickster abilities, she has default skills from the the Theif class, and another viable reclass to the Assassin class, which uses bows and also handles swords backwards. Heck, if it would be possible, her ability could be extended to ridiculous extents, to which she can also reclass to the mage class line, leading to sorcerer, combine that with their hexes, and elements from Olivia's dancer class, and the numerous rally abilities and staff play, she can become a pseudo charge character and status effect character, like some weird combination of Blanka or Guile or Dictator and a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei character, all wrapped neatly in Fire Emblem. Undoubtedly there is far more here yet unexplored.​
It is plainly clear, Anna is a good choice for the position as Fire Emblem representative, she has many extensive, unique, and powerful traits that all point toward her viability. There is still more to Anna than is here, much of her character, personality, and potentiality is still unsaid, and I encourage you to check out the series of Fire Emblem, surely there there is even more support waiting for you there, sleeping.​


Feb 18, 2009
Not to be rude or anything, but a TL,DR would be nice.
Anna is probably the most indispensable, important, powerful, unique, flavorful and so on and so forth, character in all of Fire Emblem, she has incredible moveset potential, and she fits right into the style of Smash.

That being said, please show consideration that you are willing to acknowledge my arguments and read the whole thing with a deliberating and open mind, I should've tried harder too, maybe put some random interesting quote attention grabbers in there.
Truly, I also promised I'd write this.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Anna is probably the most indispensable, important, powerful, unique, flavorful and so on and so forth, character in all of Fire Emblem, she has incredible moveset potential, and she fits right into the style of Smash.

That being said, please show consideration that you are willing to acknowledge my arguments and read the whole thing with a deliberating and open mind, I should've tried harder too, maybe put some random interesting quote attention grabbers in there.
Truly, I also promised I'd write this.
I'll read the whole thing either later tonite or tommorow and type out an unbiased response. Although I am going to not act I'm a stranger to the series either, because that is certainly not true.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
And by some reason you mean Chrom correct? Because I don't see lyn or Anna for sure, and Roy would have to be in a 4th slot which is gonna be tough.
No, I don't mean Chrom. Roy, Lyn and Anna are the only FE reps I want.


Feb 18, 2009
I think one major roadblock many contend with is the fact that Anna also fills the role for Awakening representative quite well, not that her and (insert other FE:A rep here) couldn't coexist, though unlikely.

Actually, the by far and in large biggest roadblock is for most people to support a character is that they never had a 'game' relationship with them. Often people support and care about a character, with few exceptions, only if they have a 'relationship' with them, as in they've had positive experience with them in the past.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I do wish we'd see Anna, but unfortunately I think it's very unlikely. A shame, too; she would be a nice break from sword-wielding, male Lords of serious demeanor as well as representing FE as a franchise in its entirety.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Cold Hard Capital, Ammunition for Anna.​
Well, MonK4, you made a very nice essay! I'm not exactly familiar with Fire Emblem, and I would prefer if we got all the veterans back, but if I were to chose a fourth character for the franchise, Anna would be my pick.

As for your essay, you did a very good job at it. You raised several nice points (her constant appearances, unique potential, how everything adds up to make her more than the sum of her parts) and certainly made her seem like a good choice.

If I may make a subjection, though, I would say you have too many run-on sentences. You have many sentences that just seem to drag on and on, and I often found myself getting lost or feeling like I'm drowning in information. Throw in some periods to give the reader a mental break, and your essay would be near perfect.


Feb 18, 2009
I do wish we'd see Anna, but unfortunately I think it's very unlikely. A shame, too; she would be a nice break from sword-wielding, male Lords of serious demeanor as well as representing FE as a franchise in its entirety.
Thank you for your support.
If I may make a subjection, though, I would say you have too many run-on sentences. You have many sentences that just seem to drag on and on, and I often found myself getting lost or feeling like I'm drowning in information. Throw in some periods to give the reader a mental break, and your essay would be near perfect.
I tend to do that, sorry, and thanks :3
I fell like there's quite a few other things that I need to fix as well >.>
Still haven't read the essay unfortunately, but personally I think Anna does got a good shot of being an assist trophy at least if that's something.
Please keep in mind what I'm trying to accomplish here, my mission is not to prove Anna's likelihood, no, I have no illusions about that, my mission here is to simply garner support for Anna, and to prove she is a good choice. I am not in the business of speculating, nor is my work, I am in the business of supporting. But, thank you for your speculation as to her assist trophyage! (I didn't know taking out the y would censor that o.o)

Hey Frostwraith, where you at?


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Finally got around to reading the essay, sorry for the delay. So here is my unbiased as possible response:

First of all, I agree that Anna definetly has a staying power. She has been in nearly every single fire emblem, and now is a tradition, so she will always be in fire emblem in some way shape or form, be it as an extremely minor role like in the console versions or a decently important character like in awakening, though I think awakening is gonna be the highlight of her career. She is definetly one of the most steady characters in importance and such. But the thing is, while she has staying power, and not a fluctuating importance like the lords, it is a not strong staying power, about as strong as Mewtwos staying power after the first title in the pokemon series. She may be in every fire emblem game, so if she were to make the roster she would definetly be considered for the next game, but she would be expendable, so she could still easily get cut after one appearance.

Another thing that I most certainly agree on is that the sum of Anna's appearances does all matter. The thing is the sum of Anna's appearances up to awakening is extremely insignificant, it's almost as if she is solely an awakening character, and merely the menu and shop person in all of the other games, not really being a character but being the shop person who says all the shop things, every game has them. Many games don't have the same shop keeper in every game, but that still doesn't mean much. Awakening is the only game that really shows her personality and style, which overall is still basically just random shop keeper words, it's just more ironic and memorable because she isn't selling things most of the time when she says her shop themed sayings.

Her personality is certainly vibrant, but I feel like this doesn't help her chances much since nearly every character in awakening has just as vibrant of a personality. Personally I found her to be annoying and bland since everything she ever did or said was a shopping pun, she never shows any other emotions or personality, besides being an out of place shop keeper.

Her moveset could also be unique, but that is something you could also say for any character in awakening, or most of the fire emblem characters in general. A plethora of weapons can be used on every character, other than the animals, and taking class changes into account can mean even more. If the game wanted Anna's moveset to stick out better, they should take moves that you don't see in game, being serious and stuff, but instead fit her personality. An example is one of her smash moves could be bashing someone over the head with a money bag. Stuff like that. And then her final smash would have to be similar to pits except with the entire extended Anna family, that would be glorious.

I agree with most of the things that you say in this essay, but besides the tradition and the small amount of staying power brought up, most of your arguments are things that could be brought up for any character. Many of fire emblems characters personalities are vibrant, all of them have potential for a unique moveset. Seeing that the sum of her roles before awakening is next to nothing, her importance to the series is less than a good deal of characters, all Anna's combined. Also Anna isn't the only character with staying power. Tiki has been featured in a good deal of fire emblem games, so has say Hardin. Many characters are brought up at later times, such as Marth being chroms ancestor, or Ike being priams.

You have a lot of good reasons, but most of them can be related to other fire emblem characters. This is a good essay to convince people she would be cool in smash, which I guess I can agree with, even though I'd really rather she didn't, but as one to convince people that Anna is deserving over other fire emblem figures and has a good chance to be in smash, I am far from convinced, bias aside. She has the qualities and personality if an assist trophy, similar to waluigi. Or perhaps the shop keeper in smash along with Tom nook if they decide to incorporate something to that regard. That would be okay.

Also I'm sorry if this was at all biased which it probably is...


Feb 18, 2009
Finally got around to reading the essay, sorry for the delay. So here is my unbiased as possible response:

First of all, I agree that Anna definetly has a staying power. She has been in nearly every single fire emblem, and now is a tradition, so she will always be in fire emblem in some way shape or form, be it as an extremely minor role like in the console versions or a decently important character like in awakening, though I think awakening is gonna be the highlight of her career. She is definetly one of the most steady characters in importance and such. But the thing is, while she has staying power, and not a fluctuating importance like the lords, it is a not strong staying power, about as strong as Mewtwos staying power after the first title in the pokemon series. She may be in every fire emblem game, so if she were to make the roster she would definetly be considered for the next game, but she would be expendable, so she could still easily get cut after one appearance.

Another thing that I most certainly agree on is that the sum of Anna's appearances does all matter. The thing is the sum of Anna's appearances up to awakening is extremely insignificant, it's almost as if she is solely an awakening character, and merely the menu and shop person in all of the other games, not really being a character but being the shop person who says all the shop things, every game has them. Many games don't have the same shop keeper in every game, but that still doesn't mean much. Awakening is the only game that really shows her personality and style, which overall is still basically just random shop keeper words, it's just more ironic and memorable because she isn't selling things most of the time when she says her shop themed sayings.

Her personality is certainly vibrant, but I feel like this doesn't help her chances much since nearly every character in awakening has just as vibrant of a personality. Personally I found her to be annoying and bland since everything she ever did or said was a shopping pun, she never shows any other emotions or personality, besides being an out of place shop keeper.

Her moveset could also be unique, but that is something you could also say for any character in awakening, or most of the fire emblem characters in general. A plethora of weapons can be used on every character, other than the animals, and taking class changes into account can mean even more. If the game wanted Anna's moveset to stick out better, they should take moves that you don't see in game, being serious and stuff, but instead fit her personality. An example is one of her smash moves could be bashing someone over the head with a money bag. Stuff like that. And then her final smash would have to be similar to pits except with the entire extended Anna family, that would be glorious.

I agree with most of the things that you say in this essay, but besides the tradition and the small amount of staying power brought up, most of your arguments are things that could be brought up for any character. Many of fire emblems characters personalities are vibrant, all of them have potential for a unique moveset. Seeing that the sum of her roles before awakening is next to nothing, her importance to the series is less than a good deal of characters, all Anna's combined. Also Anna isn't the only character with staying power. Tiki has been featured in a good deal of fire emblem games, so has say Hardin. Many characters are brought up at later times, such as Marth being chroms ancestor, or Ike being priams.

You have a lot of good reasons, but most of them can be related to other fire emblem characters. This is a good essay to convince people she would be cool in smash, which I guess I can agree with, even though I'd really rather she didn't, but as one to convince people that Anna is deserving over other fire emblem figures and has a good chance to be in smash, I am far from convinced, bias aside. She has the qualities and personality if an assist trophy, similar to waluigi. Or perhaps the shop keeper in smash along with Tom nook if they decide to incorporate something to that regard. That would be okay.

Also I'm sorry if this was at all biased which it probably is...
Yes, yes, of course, thank you, it is certainly difficult to escape bias, often I don't even try, but really the only remedy is attempting as many points of view as possible, deliberating with an open mind.
I will take what you say with a grain of salt, take also what I say then in the same way, we should then take ourselves with grains of salt. Mmm, sodium.

I think at this point it's best if we agree to disagree, as, we've spoken before, now we're getting solidly in the realm of opinion, and not much new can be changed or brought up from here on out.
Of course, in my essay, I am overplaying Anna's importance, as anyone who writes argumentatively should.

I liked all the other characters just fine, Brady, Rukina, Chrom, but Anna struck me as far more novel, especially with all the other things going on about her, there is no other like her, and there is a patent guarantee that there will be no other! Come on, ironic rather than memorable? Not for me! Psh, you know it's cheesing it up, that's inevitable! All characters have great levels of cheese if you want to take that approach! I could say the same darn thing for Chrom, he's just one flavor and shade of noble, nothing more! Stahl is just one shade of niceness, Tiki is just one shade of sleeping dragon, Lon'Qu is just one shade of stoic and afraid of women and so on and so forth, boring! Bruh, did you even get S support or see the Tiki support? Not to mention all her other appearances, not just the trickster class player character. Being the good-hearted capitalist I am, Anna is A.O.K. and perfectly fine character wise in my book. Solidly in the realm and certainly FAR under the sway of opinion, for both our parts! Yes, I know you knew all that already, I'm poking fun at your opinion now, muahahaha.

Then also we talk about her moveset potential, in some practical way Sakurai is limited on the amount of artistic license he gets to pull, my whole argument there is that Anna has far more, believable, practical, and even ridiculous levels, leeway than other characters, in every real sense, when talking about uniqueness. Really, these combine to my point that her staying power does not matter, you seem to be slipping into thinking, with that staying power talk, of averages instead of sums, as if her future situations being lowly would hinder her capability, clearly contradicting what you say later. But, here at last we find another one of my givens; Anna's sum, in my opinion, is far greater than, for example, Tiki's or Hardin's. Her sum is weighty, and unmatched. As I was playing Awakening, I found that I really liked her, and this is probably why a lot of people support certain characters. But, I petition, as my opinion, that those roles are not so greatly insignificant as to warrant her being left out in favor of another. I also think, for the sake of this argument, that it, ultimately, does not matter in the slightest whether she is 'expendable' in relation to Smash repping or not, I wave it away and lift my head haughtily, sir.

What I'm saying is that everything that most other characters have that you can compare, in addition to her other benefits, Anna has in spades.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
It is plainly clear, Anna is a good choice for the position as Fire Emblem representative, she has many extensive, unique, and powerful traits that all point toward her viability. There is still more to Anna than is here, much of her character, personality, and potentiality is still unsaid, and I encourage you to check out the series of Fire Emblem, surely there there is even more support waiting for you there, sleeping.​
Great essay. She's quirky enough to matter to Fire Emblem fans but has enough of working moveset to have her own moves. I wouldn't put in her before an Awakening character, but in addition to. I still want Lucina to be the first new Fire Emblem character, but Anna would also be great.

my moveset (I would stick to her in awakening):
Neutral: lockpick - Anna punches the opponent, but really she is pick pocketing. If the opponent has an item, Anna can steal it. If not, she steals money from their respective game (Rupee for Zelda, Coin for Mario, etc). She can throw this money with her next attack.
Forward: Levin Sword. Uses the Levin Sword to deliver a sword beam.
Up: Warp. She hits the opponent with a staff, and then warps what ever location the player points too (like zelda)
Down: Counter.

Final Smash:
Five-Anna Firefight: Multiple iterations of Anna appear around the stage, while Risen appear around them. Risen attack the opponents as well as the Annas. For every other Anna who isn't killed, the player receive 20 health. So the player can choose to save an Anna or two or go after the opponents.


Feb 18, 2009
Great essay. She's quirky enough to matter to Fire Emblem fans but has enough of working moveset to have her own moves. I wouldn't put in her before an Awakening character, but in addition to. I still want Lucina to be the first new Fire Emblem character, but Anna would also be great.

my moveset (I would stick to her in awakening):
Neutral: lockpick - Anna punches the opponent, but really she is pick pocketing. If the opponent has an item, Anna can steal it. If not, she steals money from their respective game (Rupee for Zelda, Coin for Mario, etc). She can throw this money with her next attack.
Forward: Levin Sword. Uses the Levin Sword to deliver a sword beam.
Up: Warp. She hits the opponent with a staff, and then warps what ever location the player points too (like zelda)
Down: Counter.

Final Smash:
Five-Anna Firefight: Multiple iterations of Anna appear around the stage, while Risen appear around them. Risen attack the opponents as well as the Annas. For every other Anna who isn't killed, the player receive 20 health. So the player can choose to save an Anna or two or go after the opponents.
Edit: thank you :)

Oh, great ideas! You've inspired me to finally think up a full moveset.
I'd rather the lockpick moved to her grab, pummel, or throws in some form.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I had never thought of using lockpicks in her moveset. That's a great idea.


Feb 18, 2009
Locktouch Open doors and chests without the need of keys - Thief 1

LockTOUCH, hmm :3 (taken from Serenes Forest)
Lucky Seven Hit rate and Avoid +20 up to the 7th Turn - Trickster 5

I'm still trying to think of a clever way to work this in, being the base skill of the Trickster class.
A lot of her traits seem movement based, lending her to a fast, elusive play. (Lolololol Google's Dictionary doesn't know 'traversable'.)
Acrobat All traversable terrain costs 1 movement point to cross - Trickster 15
Movement +1 Movement +1 - Thief 10
Pass User can pass through tiles occupied by enemy units - Assassin 15

And lastly, certainly not least, the ultimate Assassin move. (Lolololol Google's Dictionary doesn't know 'lethality'.)
Lethality Instantly defeats the enemy Skill/4% Assassin 5

All her other possible, less believable/likely reclass skills:
Skill +2 Skill +2 - Archer 1
Prescience Hit rate and Avoid +15 during the user's Turn - Archer 10
Hit Rate +20 Hit rate +20 - Sniper 5
Bowfaire Strength +5 when equipped with a bow - Sniper 15
Rally Skill Skill +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Rally command is used Command Bow Knight 5
Bowbreaker Hit rate and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a bow - Bow Knight 15
Magic +2 Magic +2 - Mage 1
Focus Critical +10 when no allies within a 3 tile radius - Mage 10
Rally Magic Magic +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Rally command is used Command Sage 5
Tomefaire Magic +5 when equipped with a Tome - Sage 15
Slow Burn Hit rate and Avoid increases by 1 each Turn, up to the 15th Turn - Dark Knight 5
Lifetaker User recovers 50% HP after they defeat an enemy during the user's Turn - Dark Knight 15

With all the RPG elements, I really hope none of the Fire Emblem characters become RNG characters, but we all know Anna is the RNG goddess, and could do something like Marth's final smash where he crits every single time regardless of RNG.

Looks like we got our work cut out for us, but there's absolutely nothing limiting here, it's been done with other Fire Emblem characters that have less to work off of.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
What do you think will be Anna's line if she appears? (referring to"Villager comes to town!" or "Wii Fit Trainer weighs in!")


Feb 18, 2009
Anna. . . Anna scams Mario for his plumbing services?

I can actually imagine the cause for her inclusion story.

Similar to the image where Anna is chasing Kapitel, shooting at him with the Levin Sword.

Anna has her cute little stand of goods and stuff set up in the Smash courtyard or something similar, many smashers enjoy her wares thoroughly, business is good. Suddenly, in a tussle, numerous smasher crash into the beloved merchant's peddling place, destroying it completely!
Oh the loss of Capital and Wealth! How hard she had worked for those wares, all the 'bargaining' she had to do! Wario, Kirby, and Marth were amongst (I'm running out of words it doesn't know) the wreckage, the first stealing various goods amidst (Google Dictionary fails again) the confusion, the second stuffing his face with the food Anna was selling! The third, Marth, stands up and steadies himself, shaking his head. He looks at Anna, whose lips are pursed in anger, a fire burning in her eyes, she slowly removes her finger from its trademark position. He quickly takes a step back, holding out his hands, a helpless plea for patience, it is too late, Anna joins the fray, the other three run as she rushes after them, casting bolts of lightning!

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
For her introduction video I thought something along the lines of Mario, Link and Chrom (or any other Fire Emblem character) walking into her shop looking to buy something and as Anna comes in to offer them a sale, they show that they ran out of Coins, Rupees and Bullions. She will then look a bit disappointed, but then have a little evil smile and say: "Don't worry, merchandise isn't the only thing on sale today.... So is Violence!"

She then pushes the table aside and takes her sword out and starts attacking Mario, Link and Chrom. The next ten to twenty seconds will be her beating the crap out of everyone while showing her moveset and then in the end she puts her large bag of money on the ground and sits on it with her sword rammed to the ground as she gives the same pose in this image and goes "Che-Ching!"

The screen will then zoom to her face with a message of "Anna is selling KO's today!"

Boy would that be awesome... = v =


Feb 18, 2009
I just got done talking with one of my older sisters. I swear I've never talked to her about this before.

Here we were talking about what little she's seen of Smash, and how she didn't know Wii Fit Trainer would be in.
"I'm arguing with a lot on the internet recently about who should I think should be the next Fire Emblem representative for Smash Bros."
"Let me guess. . . . . ."
"She's been in every Fire Emblem except Gaiden."
"Is it. . . Sumia?" She looked puzzled for a moment.
I shake my head, "no, she's only in Awakening."
I shake my head again, "Well, no, Marth is inevitable (gasp!), there's no way they're gonna remove him."
"Yeah, duh, uhm. . ."
"Oh! Yeah, that makes sense, I like her."
"Mmhmm, some people were trying to say Marth is the mascot (I think it's mostly based on the fact that our first exposition to FE was him and very little else, while the Japanese tradition of FE is much more), but he's not."
Cross talk with my sister assenting to Anna's mascothood and expanding on that while I tell about Serenes Forest and other people and groups who think similar.
"Right, exactly, but I would like Cordelia, she's my favorite, she's just so awesome. Though I can see why she isn't really possible. But yeah, Anna sounds like a good character to put in."
We then talked about the popularity poll and what people think of certain characters the world over and other things about Anna before I went to the bathroom and we returned to our natural states of staying in our rooms and using our electronics, I with some delicious home-made mostacholi (darn this dictionary not knowing mostacholi, I love this dish).

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Oh gosh I STILL haven't drawn Anna yet. I feel like a terrible Anna fan. D: She really deserves some more fan art. I wonder when I will be able to do it. Hopefully sometime soon.... ^^;


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2013
Omicron Persei 8
I didn't even know about this character (not being a huge Fire Emblem enthousiast), but you guys convinced me they should put her in :p


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I didn't even know about this character (not being a huge Fire Emblem enthousiast), but you guys convinced me they should put her in :p
It's a great time to become a Fire Emblem enthusiast. Fire Emblem Awakening is a superb game. It's very accessible, very fun, and full of great characters.
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