That was a post count up to #120. I'll do my best to keep this updated.
I'm not personally bothered by a few scumreads on me right now. It's early, and the only reads that I can recall are based on the proposed rule system that Xatres and I put together pregame.
I believe that everything we proposed was pro-town, and I explained my rationale in
#66. You are welcome to read that over again if you like.
I'm not surprised to have a little heat on us this early. We anticipated some blowback from our rule proposal, and had no expectation of EVERYONE agreeing. I do think there are both town and scum mixed in with the dissent, but I don't have any hard reads on anyone in particular, with just a slight scum lean for FullMetalLynch.
I think soup vs kary at the beginning was likely TvT.
Colonel Stars seems useless thus far. His dissent on the rules was so non-challenging. It felt like he was going out of his way to be especially kind about it, even though the rules themselves are pro-town. For example:
Xastern it's not going to work. This is somewhat different than past BiM's but fundamentally it's the same. Those rules have never worked and they never will. Debating over it is just going to give scum a chance to feign contribution.
Please skim through this. It's not going to work. Your same rules come up in
Every Single BiM game. In that game above, the biggest advocates for the system were scum themselves along with myself. You're not going to get any tells from someone's view on it.
I like that other people challenged the proposition with specific ideas about how scum could manipulate the system to still follow the rules and come out ahead, particularly weapon pickups and whatnot, which is stuff we had neglected to take into account in our pre-game. I will say that this is a very small scum advantage if it even is one, and is negligible compared to the rest of the entire system.
But with Colonel Stars, it seemed like he was limiting his dissent so that it didn't seem anti town, in case other players supported the ideas. He was an early dissenter compared to most of you, and he left himself the out that The rules haven't worked, but the implication was that he COULD support them, whether he was town or scum, since he claims to have done so specifically.
FOS: Colonel Stars