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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound

Would you be up for putting Gheb down right now as a safety lynch if we don't formulate a strong fos or are unable to get any of our major foses on a bandwagon today?
I;m nit sure on this one.

Gheb while I do not value for town, I;m not sure he is scum. Gheb...generally thinks I am a ****ty player and has said lynching me is win-win in the past if I apply meta.

I've been trying to throw away meta this game but.....uggggg..Gheb just hates me in mafia usually, and idk what I did most of the time.

I would back you up but...not yet, I want to tal to him more before I agree to this, Gheb is being a brick wallbut I wanna get more here and see what he thinks first.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I;m nit sure on this one. Gheb while I do not value for town, I;m not sure he is scum. Gheb...generally thinks I am a ****ty player and has said lynching me is win-win in the past if I apply meta. I've been trying to throw away meta this game but.....uggggg..Gheb just hates me in mafia usually, and idk what I did most of the time. I would back you up but...not yet, I want to tal to him more before I agree to this, Gheb is being a brick wallbut I wanna get more here and see what he thinks first.
Gheb isn't the person I want lynched right now. He is the person I don't mind lynching if it came down to a lynch right now. I'm not asking you to commit to him as a back up lynch today, but if the deadline were tomorrow I was under the impression that he was someone who we could mutually agree on that we would be fine getting rid of if push came to shove.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Why is acro trying to set up back up lynches? Kind of concerned here.
The more expanded response is this, we have three double voters on a 13 man setup. None of these slots currently strike me as obv town and I don't like the influence that these slots to the day phase as individuals. I'm also not thrilled by the idea that with each mislynch, it increases the level of influence these players bring to the game. The town's play today is going to be critical on the situation of the game the following days because this might arguably be the last day that people can lynch the people they actually believe are mafia before this game stagnates into horse ****. I think that your concern is misplaced considering the situation as is. But there you go.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Gheb isn't the person I want lynched right now. He is the person I don't mind lynching if it came down to a lynch right now. I'm not asking you to commit to him as a back up lynch today, but if the deadline were tomorrow I was under the impression that he was someone who we could mutually agree on that we would be fine getting rid of if push came to shove.
og sorry here/

If deadlined, yea I would, but right now I wanna talk to him more.

Gheb is still Kawaii no Ghebsu, but still I know hiw he treats me in mafia. Let's look into him and J more.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014

Marshy > Scary > Acrostic.



in other news jdietz continues to scum it up in every game we play together

fos jdietz
This is after our slot interrogated Jdietz. JD was starting to look bad and this FOS from Nameless is opportunistic. (Jumping on the victim)


oh my GORF

WHY does anyone like this guy? WHY does jd always play like scum cuz hes scum and then ****tards run into the thread whiteknighting him for no reason?

vote jdietz
Here he applies "he plays like scum cuz he's scum" line to a quote of JD voting us. It was something he (JD) was wrong about, and something I also think that irritated him that he brought into play.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

what do you mean at me coming at this setup with your mindset? the only mindset i have is "**** claims and classes" is that what you mean? whats the other half? why are you coming at me in a way that implies youre townreading me when you liked vults ****ty vote on me?
I especially didn't like this from Marshy. I thought to myself that this was a bit too abrasive to respond to someone who usually hydra's with you. I also liked that Nabe (upon re-reading) showed the same reaction. I think the tension between them shows they are not aligned together, in the least. I just think Marshy was forced to be abrasive due to their disagreeing reads. Marshy knows that Nabe wouldn't support his wishes and would have to 'be against' him. That's my take on that.


@ #HBC | J #HBC | J

can you summarize your thoughts on laundry vs gheb?

im about to reread laundry vs gheb again cuz a lot of that went over my head the first time. gheb is scum trying to clear himself and carnage? what?
I find this concerning. At the time Marshy wasn't as present in the thread, and I feel this would make it easier for him to actively lurk and get more involved without really doing the reading himself.

i suggest you stop making assumptions

nabe im seriously not trying to be abrasive with you. im just a blunt dude and this is me picking your brain.
I think his explanation here is bull****, and him trying to excuse his actions by saying "That's just who I am."

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

i dont wanna lynch nabe at the moment. while i think his dsh scumread is as wrong as can be i like that he hates dabunz. its a good independent read and since nabes a little more active this game i wanna see where he goes. i have him as null but i think i can wrangle something meaningful with time
This is his thoughts on Nabe. Keep this in the back of your minds. #621



WHY are people townreading this guy?
This shows Marshy trying to throw **** on JD, trying to lynch those who are playing badly. He talks about quotes here that he didn't even react to in the first place.

Thing is, you should know better, I don't let my town reads die without fighting plus you cannot deny that Scary needs to be ****ed outta here sooner rather than later
Ok, instead you just lurked it out and let the JD wagon be pushed and let the Scary wagon just lose focus. I need you to really bring yourself to the table here. I think it's time you (and others) make up for that. If not ToDay, tomorrow at the latest.


We find dabunz's recent play disgusting. He is simultaneously supporting both major wagons and is currently voting Carnage for...who knows what? This close to deadline? We don't know what he's doing and find him disgusting because we feel he's playing off the wagons in a grimy way. The fact that he's now voting a slot that originally suspected him also worries us.

The marshy half would love to see dabunz vigged should one exist.

FOS: dabuz
This shows Sang wasn't reading the game carefully, and was instead trying to focus on ****ting on Dabuz's play, without even realizing his vote wasn't even a serious one, but a mechanical one.


Sang actually is down for Nabe and part of me wants to say YOLO and push this.
He mentions that Sang is ok with going towards Nabe (while the hydra had Nabe as null), without even saying her suspicions herself. So basically Marshy is putting the responsibility on Sang, while saying "Oh yeah, I'm ok with it I guess."


@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

I just realized our roles pretty much ensure we get to pick the lynch today. Hilarious.

Let's roll.

Vote: Nabe
Here to me, Marshy's scumness shows through voting Nabe because he was unsure but was ok with pushing it due to sang. To me this seems opportunistic, since his JD wagon was falling flat. Remember that Nabe was a full null, and remember how abrasive Marshy was towards him.


DONT talk to disgustingass dabdab about anything. i think we can both agree to give no ****s about his opinion for the lynch.
I didn't like this coming from him, as he was suspecting Dabuz, yet also tells others to disregard his opinion. Here is what Dabuz said:

MC, talk to me about Scary's play before he was pressured.
This is something I also want to see, and I don't see why Mc shouldn't answer this question. I don't like this because he suspects Dabuz, yet tries to restrict Dabuz's efforts to talk about important town matters.


You seriously need to die. ALL of your suspicions revolve around people who hate you (and DSH and J, both of who are terrible ****ing plays) for ******** reasons.
I also don't like this. Marshy out of no where gets this 'scumread', and mentions that Nabe has been omgusing, even though Marshy never said this at first in D1. He said Nabe was wrong on DSH, but didn't say he was scummy for it.

Key points:

- Flings **** on JD
- Was abbrassive towards Nabe, not aligned with Nabe.
- Marshy's case doesn't reflect his initial reaction, proof he is painting JD as scum
- Has nabe as null, yet says Sang wants to push Nabe and he lets it pass. Then he starts to scumread him for things he didn't mention in D1. Opportunistic, and Sang didn't even come in to comment on this herself.
- Suspects Dabuz, but also tries to shut down Dabuz's questions approach (regarding Scary's play)

I find my fourth point is my strongest. I essentially think Hardbody Warrior has been very opportunistic, trying to mislynch whoever he feels is looking bad in the thread, and especially Nabe, who looks bad only because of MC's attempts. I like Nabe's approach to try to feel out Marshy, and I dislike Marshy slapping his hand away simply because Nabe liked Vult's vote on marshy, which does have merit. Again, I think it was very opportunistic of Marshy to say that he's fine with letting a lynch go by on since it was Sang's 'who wanted it', but then he also gets a scumread on Nabe for things he didn't even point out D1. I want him outta here.

Vote: Hardbody Warrior
FoS: Scary



I don't believe I've ever seen a townie type like this. Then again, I also don't believe that I've seen something like this in any game I've played. I won't put my vote down here, until I finish re-reading and I get a complete picture of what is going on this game.
My first vibe I got, was that Acrostic was trying to play intentionally confusing to throw off other's with their reads on him. I also don't like how he renamed most of the cast because I couldn't follow what he was saying, and especially without quotes or links or anything. I managed to find out he didn't like Jdietz and Dabuz.

Despite me disliking this slot with Wlay in it, I get a somewhat town vibe from how he tried to catch up with the game by portioning off what he could, although I don't agree with his methods of extracting reads and using wagon justification in order to determine his reads. I only bring this up because I'm curious if using gut judgment and wagon rationale has any past meta in other games to make or break the slot open for readability.
He gives a wishy washy read on WL, and yet states the red to justify stating all this.


Admitting that you have an interest in experimenting with a new game play style to keep yourself alive (#878) and that he didn't have a though process going into his vote for the duration of the period it applied (#937) really begs us to state it out loud, but do we really think that this slot is really so ******** as a player that they have been approaching this game in a manner that is conducive to simply posting without any real rationalization behind their actions aside from being concerned by basic primal behaviors like OMGUS'ing and what not. I think it should be addressed that his contradictions are stupid, his rationalizations for his actions are stupid, and the idea that he's confessing that he wishes he had a thought process should needs to be an addressed with an answer that won't lead to an assumption that we have a slot that is playing this game with no underlying rationale reasoning aside from a standpoint of self-preservation.

If there isn't any drastic changes in this slot within 24 hours I beg, beg, beg someone to please vig this slot.
This I dislike. I find Acrostic trying very hard to defend Scary's slot by calling him ********, and instead of agreeing to push the slot via lynch, just asks the slot to be slated to a vig shot. (A cop out) I also dislike that Acrostic asked why I would even question Scary, as if Scary is some VI. (He isn't)

Out of curiosity, why are posting such an adamant statement when you appear to not have a high level of investment in this game.
Good question, but I wonder if he has given a read on Vult? (This seems like something that could concern Acro but I have yet to see a post about Vult and any conclusions about this)

I don't really know who Acrostic is trying to push, and I agree with J that he is fluffing up, and has no real direction. He seemed to try to be confusing as a slot which I find concerning. He also responds to J about WL, trying to mention he got some scum vibes and some town vibes, nothing that was really solid at all. I dug up Acrostic's quotes and I don't get a good feel from him. I also dislike that he asks Vult a question but doesn't ever come to a conclusion about it. I'm fine with his lynch ToDay, as his predecessor concerned me and Acro doesn't relieve my concerns. He also responds to my interrogation of Scary, by stating that he thinks I have no reason to do so because Scary doesn't have the brain to even think outside of his survival. I find this to be a very hard defense/cop out.

I dislike Acrostic, but I feel Marshy/Scary are better directions for now as my reads on them are stronger, and I have less solid reads on Acrostic because Acro has little content to really read from.


My second strongest scumread, I'll simply regurgitate the read as I feel it is solid:

"To sum up, I feel you never cared to address JD's vote on you. It took you a long time to vote JD, and you asked J and Dabuz about JD before voting. You never cared to address J's call out on you, you were too afraid of your own hide to talk about it. You lie about your vote having the 'opportunistic' base in your vote on him, to strengthen your vote on JD, which is merely a wagon hop on the weakest player you can find (since at your level, it is hard to find someone to battle). If you truly did think about it, you would have mentioned it either before voting (as you mentioned JD TWICE at least), or during voting. I don't think you even mentioned JD's actions AFTER. You lurked. If you didn't, quote what you stated about JD after voting JD."

Also notice that Scary has dipped and has been less present due to the pressure he has already had during D1. I want him lynched if not Marshy.

Origin: #856

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound : Ok. Let's not misunderstand each other again, as we did in Fire Emblem. Forget I posted the meta of Scary. Tell me what you think of what I posted of him BEFORE that.

@ Swiss Swiss : I'll work with you. I also suggest you try to get caught up to see more of my content (Near end of D1).

DSH and HBW have pretended to be pushing a Dietz lynch all Day but never actually made any effort to convince people and their cases are weak too. The argument about whiteknighting and cockblocking has been completely blown out of proportion by both slots as an excuse to not push their agenda harder. Take into account how certain both players have been that Dietz is scum - there wasn't even the slightest glimpse of doubt to them that it can only be that way and no other. And yet J's and Town PR's lack of support supposedly is enough to sabotage the lynch of a slot both are 100% sure *must* be scum. That's so ridiculously fishy, I can't be the only one who has a huge issue with how easily they get away with that bull**** play.

I like this quote from Gheb. I put this out there to the people who say "Gheb isn't of value for this town" when I care to disagree. I like him because the things he says make sense (Underlined), and I like that he sees scum in Hardbody warrior.

- I (very weakly) lean scum on Scary but for different reasons now. Before it had to do with his awkwardness of getting his reads straight which I now chalk up now as more flailing but I'm now mildly concerned about his passiveness/agreeableness (e.g. pg 22) that doesn't sit well with me even though I can't pinpoint anything particularly scummy about it.
- I'm starting to see that Nabe is completely justified in pointing out MC questionably pointing out his inactivity (ref: #1003; salient to me because I was also a victim of this to some extent)
On Scary, I know what you saw. He was saying things along the lines of "Hey, you misquoted me..." (I didn't explain to see what he'd do, nothing came of it). You are seeing him trying to make slightly opportunistic advances. "Oh hey, I think you are looking for a very specific answer from me... hmmm" He's trying to imply something insidious, but I then explain that I was questioning him for a reason. Again, nothing comes from it. I can't really pin much off it myself either, but that's what I think you saw.

Why didn't you mention this D1? (Regarding Nabe being attacked for his inactivity so early in D1, when Nabe was within the 3 days prod range?)

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary

Hey Scary, could you do me a favor and be my double voter ability today. I know it's a brash thing to ask, but keep in mind that I'm only asking now because I hate trying to build up a lynch at the very last minute of the day and if you agreed it would make it so much easier for me to effectively lynch someone I think is mafia. If you have a strong preference on wanting someone lynched at the very moment, then I understand that. However, I would be interested to know who it is or who you would be against lynching and your reasoning for denying my proposition.
That is a tad brash to ask but I'll at least bite for the moment, who are you looking for to push or is this to try and level the sway that the other doublevoter's presence have?

I need to reread badly; forced into helping my niece with HS projects and being eaten up by another game. Sorry guys!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryu, stop trying to make it look as if there were some sort of personal issue between you and me. It's annoying and it's wrong. Nowhere in this game did I say anything about you playing bad - that is something that you keep accusing me of for no reason. The more often you repeat it, the more I'm inclined to think that you don't actually have an argument against my points though. So far you have offered none. And you know, that would be quite a pity because whenever I argued for your lynch in this game the idea that you could just be "bad" or "stupid" didn't even cross my mind. I push for you lynch because I think you're scum. That's it. I'm actually giving you credit here because I totally don't think that you've been playing bad or stupid. That's why I can only conclude that you are scum.

Humor me though, what was the last game I've actively read you as scum in and pushed for your lynch? Are you aware that I've never pushed for your lynch for the reasons you have stated? Hasn't it always been the case that whenever the question arose whether you are scum or dumb, I went with the latter option? And was correct with it? Believe it or not, I can read you and right now I am giving you much more credit than you give me. If anything you seem to think that I am stupid or bad.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Acrostic isn't fluffing "a tad". He isn't fluffing at all. There is literally no nonsense or superfluous sentence in any of his posts - all of them are directly related to why he reads player X in the way he does. But you know, unless you make the same noise that the #hbc does you're always posting fluff. And if you don't post exactly the things that people want to hear you're bing "unproductive" and "thickheaded".

I will say though, that I'm not a fan of Acrostic's play regardless. His reasoning seems to go into such detail that I can't help but feel he's reaching in a number of instances.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic

The more expanded response is this, we have three double voters on a 13 man setup. None of these slots currently strike me as obv town and I don't like the influence that these slots to the day phase as individuals. I'm also not thrilled by the idea that with each mislynch, it increases the level of influence these players bring to the game. The town's play today is going to be critical on the situation of the game the following days because this might arguably be the last day that people can lynch the people they actually believe are mafia before this game stagnates into horse ****. I think that your concern is misplaced considering the situation as is. But there you go.
While I completely agree with this line of thinking, it leaves me wondering why you've discussed the option of using me as a back-up lynch. I am not scummy, I am not anti-town and I'm not a doublevoter. What I remember though, is that you've made a quite thorough analysis on why you think dabuz is scummy. Is he still your #1 push now? If that's the case you should get yourself ready to move on because we'll lynch a doublevoter toDay. I love the idea and we can meet halfway and lynch HBW toDay. I think he's scum and he's a doublevoter. No way am I going to be alright with him making it to Day 3.

Unvote Vote Hardbody Warrior

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound

Make yourself useful and support this wagon please?



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Ryu, stop trying to make it look as if there were some sort of personal issue between you and me. It's annoying and it's wrong. Nowhere in this game did I say anything about you playing bad - that is something that you keep accusing me of for no reason. The more often you repeat it, the more I'm inclined to think that you don't actually have an argument against my points though. So far you have offered none. And you know, that would be quite a pity because whenever I argued for your lynch in this game the idea that you could just be "bad" or "stupid" didn't even cross my mind. I push for you lynch because I think you're scum. That's it. I'm actually giving you credit here because I totally don't think that you've been playing bad or stupid. That's why I can only conclude that you are scum.

Humor me though, what was the last game I've actively read you as scum in and pushed for your lynch? Are you aware that I've never pushed for your lynch for the reasons you have stated? Hasn't it always been the case that whenever the question arose whether you are scum or dumb, I went with the latter option? And was correct with it? Believe it or not, I can read you and right now I am giving you much more credit than you give me. If anything you seem to think that I am stupid or bad.

You lack the ability to propose a convincing counter-argument against my approach so please don't waste your time trying.
I'm skimming through before I head back to wgi stuff, and I find this.

You've heavily implied that we're bad multiple times throughout the game, and the fact that you're trying to use this fact against us is pretty silly.

I need to do an actual read through when I actually have time, but I've kinda taken a V/LA the past few days for personal reasons. Expect me back on the train when my V/LA is done around 5-6 pm today.

Also stop wasting time trying to shut down our responses in one way or another. We'll say what we want regardless of you being a prick, so get over it.

Ryu quote this pls I gotta go. ;_;

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You've heavily implied that we're bad multiple times throughout the game, and the fact that you're trying to use this fact against us is pretty silly.
I haven't called you bad at any point of the game and I haven't used any such argument against you. Shut the **** up with this crap already.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic

While I completely agree with this line of thinking, it leaves me wondering why you've discussed the option of using me as a back-up lynch. I am not scummy, I am not anti-town and I'm not a doublevoter. What I remember though, is that you've made a quite thorough analysis on why you think dabuz is scummy. Is he still your #1 push now? If that's the case you should get yourself ready to move on because we'll lynch a doublevoter toDay. I love the idea and we can meet halfway and lynch HBW toDay. I think he's scum and he's a doublevoter. No way am I going to be alright with him making it to Day 3.

Unvote Vote Hardbody Warrior

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound

Make yourself useful and support this wagon please?

I said you could be a back-up lynch because you're not someone I town read and I didn't agree that the two posts you gave substantiating your position on DSH scum were sufficient, especially when I looked over the context that both comments were in and personally took some portions of your statements to be reaching if not a skeleton FOS and not something to insult town over in terms of not getting on a bandwagon on the slot. I want to work on the lynch pool today as a generally growing collaboration rather than one that gets thrown together hastily in the last 24 hours of the game allowing scum to influence it because town can't get their **** together.

Dabuz is currently not my #1 push today because even though I wrote the analysis on his single post, I remember that I personally felt lost on D1 with the direction of the game and when I looked at who was the wagon I remembered that this wasn't my play style. There were plenty of elements in the post I quoted that went between contradictions I found in his surface level logic play and an alignment oriented thought process. Also what people called his style of questions also struck me as being mafia shooting questions to blend. However, for a player type like Dabuz, it's still a question or whether his play stinks, he stinks, or if there is really a mafia motive to extract from it. And when you throw around questions like this in your head, you're wasting time.

@J never came up on my radar until I was reading over Washed Laundry/@Swiss and I realized that @J didn't have any presence this game. Consider @J's strengths of being the glue for town to work together, it seems like @J this game is not contributing much to the collective thought pool in terms of reads or in bringing town to a common front. From what I recall, I can't really recall @J and for me that is a direction I want to move in now although I haven't gotten to ISO'ing the slot, but plan to do it within the next 24 hours.

I understand that a double voter lynch should be the most rational course of action today and will try to give you feedback on HBW asap.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
Request replacement


I'll get you on another game.


I'd appreciate you taking over for me. I think you'd do a good job.

Apologies to Gova. Unforeseen circumstances will hamper my activity and I'm frankly not enjoying this game as much as I thought I would so I'd just end up halfassing it. Final thoughts.

4. Swiss
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (Joey/Red Ruy)
6. J
7. Gorf
9. LBScary59

These people are town. Don't lynch them. Laundry's play was protown and reflective of a townie thinking independently. DSH is blatantly town and anyone who wanted to wagon him is either a ****** or scum. J, while lacking synergy with me to the degree that I'd expect, is still putting in work and coming up with his own suspicions that distinguishes him from his scum play. Gorf I know like the back of my hand and he's a townbro. Scary is just noobtown caught in the headlights.

2. Acrostic
3. Maximum Carnage
12. Gheb_01
10. Town PR (Glyph/Ranmaru)

Acro I need to see commit to places; I don't remember the last time he voted someone. Carnage and Gheb I feel I could get with time. That said, hold Carnage accountable to his NA analysis and don't let Gheb **** on blatant townies like he has been doing with DSH. He's now coming for my slot for similarly incompetent and wrong reasons but thankfully someone else can take the brunt of that ****push. Speaking of ****pushes, don't let Town PR spearhead anything.

8. Dabuz
13. Nabe
14. Vult Redux

Dabdab is scum; Nabe probably is as well. We thiiiiink Vult's scum, need more flips.

Iight peace thread.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary : How are you reading HBW currently (at the top of your head). Would you be willing to vote for him ToDay?

@marshy: Sorry to see you go. Hope things get better for you.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
I'm skimming through before I head back to wgi stuff, and I find this.

You've heavily implied that we're bad multiple times throughout the game, and the fact that you're trying to use this fact against us is pretty silly.

I need to do an actual read through when I actually have time, but I've kinda taken a V/LA the past few days for personal reasons. Expect me back on the train when my V/LA is done around 5-6 pm today.

Also stop wasting time trying to shut down our responses in one way or another. We'll say what we want regardless of you being a prick, so get over it.

Ryu quote this pls I gotta go. ;_;

Joey literally quotes and bolds it and this isn't not you thinking we are bad?

I was joking about putting you on ignore but Jesus, this is pure stupid coming from you.

The fact you can't understand that it was close to deadline fir me not voting Dietz when people make posts like, "As your defense attorney be quiet"

But no because I'm trying to get a flip on day 1 and even didn't care if it was my own.

Otherwise your ****ty case has no merit, at least Dabuz has something worthwhile, you just have nothing.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Town PR Town PR
I didn't have too much of an issue with the HBW slot but keep in mind that I want to do another reread and it looks like the slot is replacing. I hope to get to that after helping my niece finish up this project. I'm also waiting to see what Acrostic wanted to do with his play today since he also wanted me to vote alongside him as well. What did you think of the departing HBW's final read list?

Getting pulled around toDay it looks like.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary : Nothing jumps out at me. You tell me what you think of it. Also did anything jump out at you in my post where I vote HWB?

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I was a little shocked that Vult fell in the scum pile. I have him as a null because I really wasn't sure where to place him.

As far as the post when you voted him. I saw the points you made and I can agree with them. When I reread, I will certainly look to highlight HBW's play WRT to what you've said. Your fourth point I can agree with but perhaps there was some disagreements within the hydra itself. I do think the case is solid though.

How do you feel about Acrostic's play and him organizing a lynch pool early? I do like it to an extent since I'm in the hope that it'll hopefully aid some organization and it brings in another voice vying for some thread control that isn't MC or the departing HBW. He's also open with his reasoning and doesn't really try to hide anything. I wanna see where it leads to.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
LOL I still haven't read jack **** and won't be able to get to it AT LEAST till tonight! I hope you guys aren't too fed up yet but don't worry I'll be read up when the time calls I ain't one of these skimp ass mofos.

Awe marshy replaced out how gay.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Your fourth point I can agree with but perhaps there was some disagreements within the hydra itself. I do think the case is solid though.

How do you feel about Acrostic's play and him organizing a lynch pool early?
Underlined-blue, I don't see how you got that from that point. Humor me, what makes you think it was a disagreement between them?

I feel it is out of place, he has no real direction, nor vote. Yet he is already talking about mechanics and safety lynches while being without a strong stance. He has said he'd look into J before but hasn't done that yet. I don't see why you should wait for him to vote, and I wonder why you agree to voting with him instead of voting your own suspicions? Instead, you should vote HBW since you say you agree with my points on him. I do like his point about the double voters, but it is only mechanics and doesn't give me an alignment read. It's only something helpful coming from his slot without having yet given a direction that can help me read him. His reasoning for looking at J is weak, because he's holding J at a high expectation yet doesn't consider that most people are playing somewhat differently because this is a role madness game. Simply because J isn't 'the glue' this time doesn't mean anything, and to me is a weak justification to look into J since he has no real leads.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Never really agreed to saying I was gonna vote with him. More along the lines of see where you're going if your play and if I really wanna get behind it. That's a good point about J and standard of play. This really doesn't feel like a game where you can hold a regular someone to their normal standards.

With the HBW part, it was thinking aloud when you brought up the part that Sang didn't come in to comment on the Nabe push.

Mmmmm, Steak sammich!!!

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey

Marshy > Scary > Acrostic.



This is after our slot interrogated Jdietz. JD was starting to look bad and this FOS from Nameless is opportunistic. (Jumping on the victim)


Here he applies "he plays like scum cuz he's scum" line to a quote of JD voting us. It was something he (JD) was wrong about, and something I also think that irritated him that he brought into play.


I especially didn't like this from Marshy. I thought to myself that this was a bit too abrasive to respond to someone who usually hydra's with you. I also liked that Nabe (upon re-reading) showed the same reaction. I think the tension between them shows they are not aligned together, in the least. I just think Marshy was forced to be abrasive due to their disagreeing reads. Marshy knows that Nabe wouldn't support his wishes and would have to 'be against' him. That's my take on that.


I find this concerning. At the time Marshy wasn't as present in the thread, and I feel this would make it easier for him to actively lurk and get more involved without really doing the reading himself.


I think his explanation here is bull****, and him trying to excuse his actions by saying "That's just who I am."


This is his thoughts on Nabe. Keep this in the back of your minds. #621


This shows Marshy trying to throw **** on JD, trying to lynch those who are playing badly. He talks about quotes here that he didn't even react to in the first place.

Ok, instead you just lurked it out and let the JD wagon be pushed and let the Scary wagon just lose focus. I need you to really bring yourself to the table here. I think it's time you (and others) make up for that. If not ToDay, tomorrow at the latest.


This shows Sang wasn't reading the game carefully, and was instead trying to focus on ****ting on Dabuz's play, without even realizing his vote wasn't even a serious one, but a mechanical one.


He mentions that Sang is ok with going towards Nabe (while the hydra had Nabe as null), without even saying her suspicions herself. So basically Marshy is putting the responsibility on Sang, while saying "Oh yeah, I'm ok with it I guess."


Here to me, Marshy's scumness shows through voting Nabe because he was unsure but was ok with pushing it due to sang. To me this seems opportunistic, since his JD wagon was falling flat. Remember that Nabe was a full null, and remember how abrasive Marshy was towards him.


I didn't like this coming from him, as he was suspecting Dabuz, yet also tells others to disregard his opinion. Here is what Dabuz said:

This is something I also want to see, and I don't see why Mc shouldn't answer this question. I don't like this because he suspects Dabuz, yet tries to restrict Dabuz's efforts to talk about important town matters.


I also don't like this. Marshy out of no where gets this 'scumread', and mentions that Nabe has been omgusing, even though Marshy never said this at first in D1. He said Nabe was wrong on DSH, but didn't say he was scummy for it.

Key points:

- Flings **** on JD
- Was abbrassive towards Nabe, not aligned with Nabe.
- Marshy's case doesn't reflect his initial reaction, proof he is painting JD as scum
- Has nabe as null, yet says Sang wants to push Nabe and he lets it pass. Then he starts to scumread him for things he didn't mention in D1. Opportunistic, and Sang didn't even come in to comment on this herself.
- Suspects Dabuz, but also tries to shut down Dabuz's questions approach (regarding Scary's play)

I find my fourth point is my strongest. I essentially think Hardbody Warrior has been very opportunistic, trying to mislynch whoever he feels is looking bad in the thread, and especially Nabe, who looks bad only because of MC's attempts. I like Nabe's approach to try to feel out Marshy, and I dislike Marshy slapping his hand away simply because Nabe liked Vult's vote on marshy, which does have merit. Again, I think it was very opportunistic of Marshy to say that he's fine with letting a lynch go by on since it was Sang's 'who wanted it', but then he also gets a scumread on Nabe for things he didn't even point out D1. I want him outta here.

Vote: Hardbody Warrior
FoS: Scary



My first vibe I got, was that Acrostic was trying to play intentionally confusing to throw off other's with their reads on him. I also don't like how he renamed most of the cast because I couldn't follow what he was saying, and especially without quotes or links or anything. I managed to find out he didn't like Jdietz and Dabuz.


He gives a wishy washy read on WL, and yet states the red to justify stating all this.


This I dislike. I find Acrostic trying very hard to defend Scary's slot by calling him ********, and instead of agreeing to push the slot via lynch, just asks the slot to be slated to a vig shot. (A cop out) I also dislike that Acrostic asked why I would even question Scary, as if Scary is some VI. (He isn't)

Good question, but I wonder if he has given a read on Vult? (This seems like something that could concern Acro but I have yet to see a post about Vult and any conclusions about this)

I don't really know who Acrostic is trying to push, and I agree with J that he is fluffing up, and has no real direction. He seemed to try to be confusing as a slot which I find concerning. He also responds to J about WL, trying to mention he got some scum vibes and some town vibes, nothing that was really solid at all. I dug up Acrostic's quotes and I don't get a good feel from him. I also dislike that he asks Vult a question but doesn't ever come to a conclusion about it. I'm fine with his lynch ToDay, as his predecessor concerned me and Acro doesn't relieve my concerns. He also responds to my interrogation of Scary, by stating that he thinks I have no reason to do so because Scary doesn't have the brain to even think outside of his survival. I find this to be a very hard defense/cop out.

I dislike Acrostic, but I feel Marshy/Scary are better directions for now as my reads on them are stronger, and I have less solid reads on Acrostic because Acro has little content to really read from.


My second strongest scumread, I'll simply regurgitate the read as I feel it is solid:

"To sum up, I feel you never cared to address JD's vote on you. It took you a long time to vote JD, and you asked J and Dabuz about JD before voting. You never cared to address J's call out on you, you were too afraid of your own hide to talk about it. You lie about your vote having the 'opportunistic' base in your vote on him, to strengthen your vote on JD, which is merely a wagon hop on the weakest player you can find (since at your level, it is hard to find someone to battle). If you truly did think about it, you would have mentioned it either before voting (as you mentioned JD TWICE at least), or during voting. I don't think you even mentioned JD's actions AFTER. You lurked. If you didn't, quote what you stated about JD after voting JD."

Also notice that Scary has dipped and has been less present due to the pressure he has already had during D1. I want him lynched if not Marshy.

Origin: #856
It's like you want to support everything I don't.

Except Scary I'm thinking about that one.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary : Does that change your read on Acrostic? (Since you say my point is good)

I asked about the disagreement because Marshyhead was the one to state Sang was for it initially. I don't see how there can be a disagreement when she 'was open to it' and he was 'YOLO' about it. It's more like he agreed with it (not strongly), and her not coming in doesn't really seem like a disagreement. If she did disagree, she wouldn't have been open to it in the first place. It would make sense if she then came in to explain her NEW disagreement, but this never happened, and is why I think his reasoning is bull****. This to me, seems you are trying to excuse them without really seeing a disagreement at all.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
It's like you want to support everything I don't.

Except Scary I'm thinking about that one.
I brought the evidence, it's up to you to convince me I'm wrong. Don't just say "I am not for this." That's not good enough.

Also on Scary, tell me what is on your mind. Again, go back and look at my pressure towards him, and my reasoning for suspecting him.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Well sucks cause I'm not voting Hardbody.

That wasn't what I was asking for. I am asking for the 'Why not'. Otherwise I don't see the point in you bringing up my post saying "It's like you oppose everything I'm supporting." without even talking more in depth about it.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Key points:

- Flings **** on JD
For legitimate reasons, cause he was playing scummy.

- Was abbrassive towards Nabe, not aligned with Nabe.
Only thing I thing leads to something I don't like about him.

- Marshy's case doesn't reflect his initial reaction, proof he is painting JD as scum
No it clearly does.

- Has nabe as null, yet says Sang wants to push Nabe and he lets it pass. Then he starts to scumread him for things he didn't mention in D1. Opportunistic, and Sang didn't even come in to comment on this herself.
Again what I said about the Nabe stuff above, it's the only thing I find myself going, "huh?" because I thought when D2 started Dabuz was going to be his vote.

- Suspects Dabuz, but also tries to shut down Dabuz's questions approach (regarding Scary's play)
Don't remember.
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