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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~
Was hoping I wasn't going to have to claim. Also, who knows what J was doing there when I tracked him like I told Ran. Could've been a NK or it could've been something else.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
I'm a non-generic character, Montblanc is who I be.
Thanks, Red Ryu. You've given enough info to make yourself a mafia NKill target but not enough to help town!

Continue the bean spilling please.

@J we're gonna need to hear your side of this


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
So you're telling me you got to be not only a unique TWO TARGET watcher role, but you got to choose your level 1 AND level 2, annnnnd you didn't say vital piece of information. I think I know the level 1 you picked, but it'd be best if you claim both your level 1 and level 2.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Everyone will be receiving a role PM. Some may get a “class” in their role, or part of a class, chosen for them. Those who have a “blank” role PM will be able to choose two classes, a Level 1 and a Level 2. You may choose the same class twice. Those will be your abilities for the game, and these abilities will be privately given to you. Your role will then be named after your roles chosen (e.g., Overswarm, Archer/Samurai) for all intents and purposes, with the first being your level 1 and second being level 2. In case of only one class being chosen, only one may be used.
well this is awkward

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Alrighty, full claim time.

I'm Montblanc. I have the unique ability to choose two people during the night and it allows me to see who they visited during the night. It does not tell me what abilities were used during the visit.

My level 1 is the "Reflect" from the Priest.

My level 2 is the "Counter" of the White Monk.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
The unique ability has the kicker that should I use it, I cannot use either of my role abilities at all for the next two days and I cannot use my tracker ability in consecutive days.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
If J never comes in, please look into him.

Otherwise I would give dabuz some attention since he's been varying in his play. It could just be a part of his play but the willingness to just jump from wagon to wagon is a bit of a concern, and I think his play toDay has been twofold where he'll have solid interactions and play for a bit but then he'll fade into the background afterward. Keep him more active.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
You guys are adorable liking each other's statuses lol. Anyway,

@ ranmaru ranmaru
-Reason I chose my level one was it was more tailored for my play since a lot of roles had restrictions. I'm never the type to hammer and I thought the reflect would be a pretty nifty tool to help out the town if I was felling good on my reads.
-My level 2 is mess with the mafia should I have ended up in their sights during the night. I interpreted it as "if they kill me during the night, then I take something away from them the next day, perhaps even their kill". The fact that it's also a passive ability appealed to me, so that I wouldn't have to chance guessing who my killer is.

@ Dabuz Dabuz
You mean Nabe and J right? Because that was who I picked.

-Nabe because I was leery of his play during the day since he and MC had their lovely interactions and I was more sherry to MC at the time admittedly.
-I chose J because he was more or less the first person to throw me in the spotlight and I just had some curiosity. I feel a bit better about that choice with Acro's case showing up toDay.
-I didn't chose you because I was generally nervous to as I mentioned in my recent reads list. You played well during the first day and it didn't seem like the endless road of questions I've seen before. toDay I would've considered tracking you but I cannot.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lynch J dunno why we are talking about this, Scary is town here.

J is evasive, ignoring inactivity his in thread play is still evasive, he needs to die.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Ah yes, my mistake. Anyway...

I'm ready to end the day now with a Scary lynch, on top of his play, his role claim doesn't make sense.

There's no explanation on why he was even able to use his ability if he was RBed, since the only ways he was able to use his ability were A: Priest level 1 by someone else (meaning the people who RBed him were instead RBed AFTER using their RB) or B: He was hasted. I'm not going to claim neither of these are impossible. It also doesn't make sense for him to be a double tracker with a level 1 and 2 IF the only way he will be able to use those role abilities is by not using the double track 2 Nights in a row. Arguably if he's telling the truth, the role is obviously suited towards picking passive abilities (I personally was expecting him to claim Soldier level 1) but then it seems like a ridiculous role anyway because in theory Scary could be a non-consecutive Night double tracker unable to be RBed or redirected (soldier level 1) with potentially FOUR tracks if he used the Archer level 2, (Just as an example) that's 1 person away from 1/3rd of the player pool...just on N1. Also what Bardull quoted may be implying only blanks (AKA generics) get to choose their level 1 + 2. IIRC in the last FFT game only the blank (AKA generic) roles got to choose their level 1 and 2.

His reasoning for picking J is sketchy since it literally comes down to curiosity. His reason for not picking me seems inconsistent, yesterDay he didn't like how I was threw my vote around and I was pretty high up on his scum list.

Sorry Town PR, dealing with destructo dad. It's really bad so may not be back tonight.

Didn't like formation of the DSH wagon. Need to know info that we'd gain but otherwise do not like.

JD wagon I was on. I dunno if that's hammer but this was the one I was on and remained due to earlier.

Dabuz wagon looks like a rerun of HBC except this time it's more due to his more recent play and hopping from wagon to wagon i think. Would be ok with.
Nabe wagon is creation on MC. I'm ok with Nabe living to day 2 to see what kind of further interaction he has with MC.

Dunno how this got left out.
(Posts 1328 + 1329)

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I dunno if you're getting me with my abilities.

If I use my roles, I cannot use my tracking power. I could then use the tracking power in the next night phase.

If I use my tracking power, I sacrifice my roles for that night AND the next night phase and I cannot use my tracking in consecutive nights. I'm a sitting duck toNight.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I agree. I'm down to lynch Scary on his play alone. Also agree with the fact the claim he has presented contradicts what bardull quoted. I feel him picking counter is useless, the reflect is a semi-roleblock, so sorta helpful.

I also wonder why you didn't claim earlier. When DSH mentioned that he had protecteed HBW, to whom you tracked J ... it didn't ring *any* alarm bells? That you might have caught a mafioso with his pants down? Had you have not been pushed to claim you might have taken this crucial piece of information into the grave.
My only gripes that are role related. Scary never thought to out him, instead he said "Oh yeah J could have helped hbw or nk'd em, I just didn't wanna claim...". My problem is why he didn't think WHAT IF [j was scum]?!? This is also supported by his wishy washy stance on j quoted below: [That Scary didn't care to give more information to town when it would have been helpful, and that Scary isn't being genuine about his read on J and instead was trying to frame him as scum before even finding material to scumread J {meaning he was leading into a J scumread before even doing so} and that these two behaviors make sense together, along with him using weak reasoning to fake a read on J]

Regarding his recent push on J, I liked it. He essentially picked apart the "fake" part that I really disliked when I first saw it after J originally came at me. I didn't see value in that, so agreeing with Acro's attack on that. In J's counter argument though, I see that some of Acro's points are as J mentioned them, opinions of how he would've came at me instead of how J did. It's hard to fault J for coming at me because even I thought I was playing poorly and I should also be aware that drunken musings will be a bad idea 8/10 times lol.
Scary is wishy washy here. He wants to dislike J but also like him, to keep his options open. I felt his read on J was leading to a scumread on J even before he came to the conclusion. I was hoping he'd see my side of the argument, which was Acro forcing his own opinion onto what J should have done, which was reachy. Again, he's being wishy washy but prefers to dislike J regardless.

Really, he's only disliking J because his 'original' push left a bad taste in his mouth. (omgus) That's it. This reasoning is very weak to dislike J for, and adding the extra green doesn't do anything to justify his agreement with me (below). It isn't enough for him to garner genuine concern for J, therefore he is trying to fake his read on J with very weak reasoning.

That's a good point about J and standard of play. This really doesn't feel like a game where you can hold a regular someone to their normal standards.
I don't understand why he would say this and still come to the conclusion "Yeah, J is fake." It feels more like he was just agreeing to appease me rather than actually using that to further his own understanding of his reads. (Which leads to why I think his reads aren't genuine)

That's it. Besides that, is the same reasoning I have given (of Scary) in my post voting Marshy. %90 play, %10 role (the wtf why didn't you claim when dsh claimed to doc him thing)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I say that Scary 'wanted to like him and dislike him at the same time', but he prefers to dislike J as a priority. Those two together don't make sense (along with his reasoning for liking Acro's argument and J's counter argument), and it is telling that even though he is wishy washy he comes to the conclusion of disliking J entirely.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Ah, that was a much needed break from mafia. I am going to re-read this game with a clear head and hopefully find new things. Pardonnez-mei.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Sadly, the thing was that I thought both Acro and J made solid arguments in their interaction with each other. I thought it would be fair to show all my reasoning, qualifying with why I thought J primarily came after me. My seat only got hot after those drunken musings and even you have to admit that.

Wouldn't you at least say that when I qualified with J's argument that it showed my understanding of what you were trying to show with your argument about Acro?

RR answered your next question for me at least for the moment, the difference is that you've been outright with everything you've done and pushed. You've played with nothing to hide at all. I felt J was withholding stuff with some of his play and it garnered a track from me. Granted he kept his vote on me throughout the day yesterDay but if he wanted me dead to the degree that you do, wouldn't he have been pushing as hard instead of simply saying "my play was bad so you should die"? You've thrown all your evidence at me and I feel a kitchen sink coming. J, granted he was on a short sabbatical for toDay, called me un-genuine and made his short case based off my flailing during D1 and that is it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
RR, stop trying to act tough haha.

I visited Sang/Marshy last night. So I will confirm what Scary saw.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe :

That link you posted with the Apollo Justice video, I couldn't see due to phone stuff but now I am listening. Ty for the mafia music of gods.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Not asking J with that last question btw.

More so at Ran and Dabuz.

PRs matter with how people play, I don't agree with **** claims on that note because intent is readable from actions.

Scary could be lying but the main issue is that Scary got his action off when Gheb pulled a mass roleblock.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ah yes, my mistake. Anyway...

I'm ready to end the day now with a Scary lynch, on top of his play, his role claim doesn't make sense.

There's no explanation on why he was even able to use his ability if he was RBed, since the only ways he was able to use his ability were A: Priest level 1 by someone else (meaning the people who RBed him were instead RBed AFTER using their RB) or B: He was hasted. I'm not going to claim neither of these are impossible. It also doesn't make sense for him to be a double tracker with a level 1 and 2 IF the only way he will be able to use those role abilities is by not using the double track 2 Nights in a row. Arguably if he's telling the truth, the role is obviously suited towards picking passive abilities (I personally was expecting him to claim Soldier level 1) but then it seems like a ridiculous role anyway because in theory Scary could be a non-consecutive Night double tracker unable to be RBed or redirected (soldier level 1) with potentially FOUR tracks if he used the Archer level 2, (Just as an example) that's 1 person away from 1/3rd of the player pool...just on N1. Also what Bardull quoted may be implying only blanks (AKA generics) get to choose their level 1 + 2. IIRC in the last FFT game only the blank (AKA generic) roles got to choose their level 1 and 2.

His reasoning for picking J is sketchy since it literally comes down to curiosity. His reason for not picking me seems inconsistent, yesterDay he didn't like how I was threw my vote around and I was pretty high up on his scum list.

(Posts 1328 + 1329)
Dunno why Ran liked this when 3/4is speculation on info not fully explored.

I'll give you the play part but the role part is garbage.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Kreative Whiz Kids replace Swiss!

1. Bardull ()
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids (4) MOD, MOD, Bardul, Bardul
5. Detective Sherlock Hound ()
6. J (1) Acrostic
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz ()
9. LBScary59 (3) Gheb, Ranmaru, J
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (3) MOD, MOD, MOD
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - KWK, Gorf, Scary, NAbe, MC, DSH, dabuz, Vult

With 13 playing, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is March 3rd at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Breaking up my next couple of posts into a series of posts that way it would be easier to digest in it's entirety. As of this post I am on page 23 of this game which is near the end of D1 so these are my new thoughts and views on quite a few pieces of information and where I feel my mind is looking at things.

Throughout my re-read, I put a couple of people on ignore so I could read the game without much clutter and distractions. (Gheb/Ditzy/Myself) and continued to read things in a much clearer avenue and pressed forward going over posts with a fine comb. I realized through my read that I had a glaring error in my posts and I would like to apologize to that and that would be that Acro replaced Raz rather than him replacing WL like I had originally thought. WL was replaced by Swiss. Getting these replacements mixed up is something I am going to stop doing and going to make sure I have a comprehensive list of who is who now.

New replacement #1 = Acro = Raz
New Replacement #2 = Swiss = WL
Ranmaru = Town PR
Bardull = HBW = Nameless

There's a list for people if you every get confused on things later down the road.

Moving on, let's bring up things that are more relevant to the game. I meant to go on into why me mixing up Acro/WL is a big deal because it makes me look at things through a new window of who is who. I have a feeling that my reads are beginning to transpire into a bigger picture of who I feel is town and who is scum and I am going to make them hard reads now and make sure I am sticking to them for quite a bit. I'll also hope to explain why I have been withholding some reads on certain people at this point.

Maximum Carnage, this read is one I have made a note of not saying anything about and I feel it is time for me to speak up regarding it. Originally, I made a post saying that I was tapping my foot at a couple of slots and things and MC was one of them because I could see both the scum and town intent in his posts. I also have been connecting his slot to a similar slot based on their play and how they were playing and was waiting to see whether I feel their slot would lean one or the other. I was believing at the time, that MC and Nameless/HBW held one scum between them and after re-reading OS' walls and certain posts made by Nameless/HBW, I have come to the conclusion that MC is town. Reason I was also holding back is that I know OS has a good way of manipulating people who have him as town and also, personally, a player I respect among others based on his play in countless games. I was just protecting myself here around OS. Ryker I don't think has made many posts besides the one I pointed out, but nothing makes me shrink away from my ruling that OS's slot is town and I will probably stay with this feeling until concrete proof suggests they are town.

Which also leads into that I feel Nameless/HBW are scummy to me. I will be going into this more based on posts I bring up (mainly Sang's read post) and also Nameless' pushes towards Ditzy. I was reminded a bit of Marshy's play and how he plays as scum along with Sang's inconsistencies that does not line up with her careful play. Regardless of meta aside (which will be shown later), I have harder evidence towards why I find this slot scummy. Their push against Ditzy was completely unsubstantiated besides overblown hatred towards certain posts saying "LOOK AT HOW SCUMMY THIS IS." which makes me ponder. Marshy always has a reason for wanting to lynch people plus him challenging me to let him just run do his thing. Marshy was more concentrated on lynching someone, not finding scum. That's a huge part of this. His play isn't scumhunting, just looking at who the nearest able lynch was and who he could get away with pushing without much response or question. I would also like to bring up his constant buddying of me/Gorf and others but not questioning things besides "shut up and listen" which doesn't hold much of anything at all. Before people even bring up the notion of "lol that's just marshy.", you are correct in saying that this is "just marshy" but this is the marshy from Scott Pilgrim and DeadPool mafia. Look at the reasoning behind his push besides just lynching Ditzy to lynch him because he was "easy" and not because he actually found him scummy. He never even considered other sides of the argument when posts were brought up and continued on his tunnel-vision towards slots. I would care to also bring up his satiating of MC so that MC would not be looking at him, for at least a couple days, because MC would not lynch people he feels he could manipulate into getting what he wants. (hence case, D1 his feel on Scary would be an easy example)

What I want people to get out of this and question towards this slot is: Look at his methods and look at what is Marshy's end-goal towards the Ditzy lynch.

"Do you understand?"

FoS: Bardull

I need to evaluate Bardull's posts again and gather whether it either increases my suspicions or quells them.

I will go into why I visited Marshy/Sang N1, another time, if my claim is ever needed but that's not the focus here.

Dabuz is still my strongest town-read at this point in the game. However, I am not being blinded by the fact that there is a possibility of him being scum. I am just saying I choose to disagree with this theory until I see further proof of this happening. The proof I would need would be that DSH flips scum. If DSH flips scum, Dabuz is most likely his partner at the very least. Here is why I feel this. Their early game interactions reek of fakeness and trying to through suspicion off of each other with playful jokes but as soon as the first opportunity arises, DSH goes onto dabuz and says they are scum like a raving rabbit. That has continued through even D2. Dabuz and DSH have a weird thing of keeping each other at a distance but acknowledging their existence with non-sequential pushing of the slots in question (DSH on Dabuz. Dabuz' opinion on DSH seems to be null due to "hydra confusion). However, this is the vision I am seeing, I think Dabuz is town and I also feel DSH also leans town even if a bit misguided. What I feel is DSH (Ruy side) is completely misguided in his reads and is reading others incorrectly which I was informed before the game started from Marshy(basically he caught me up on some DGames history before I joined) and said that Ryu has exact opposite reads as town and reads scum as town and town as scum. That's what I am seeing in the case of Dabuz and his most recent suspicion on me, more so, because I know with 100% certainty that he is wrong on me. Dabuz has had a very clear and consistent train of thought and continues to ask question, I find, relevant to discussion. He is looking at different avenues but at the same time being considerate to many different approaches. I have a very hard time seeing scum-intent from Dabuz besides a connection case to DSH otherwise I like him as a town-read. I also have a bit of meta reasoning, but I cannot discuss it due to an on-going game. Once it ends, I will gladly go into this more.

After explaining two town-reads, another scum-read: Acro/Raz. Raz' input in this game was bare and incredibly lacking. His biggest post that held anything was a post about flavour because OS/Ryker asked for it. Plus most of his posts revolved around flavour or "time to derail the ****ty dabunz wagon?" or posts against Gheb's saltiness. Then Acro comes into the game and creates a bunch of fluffy posts that hold very little content and continue to not do much until his post on me. His post on me and his pseudo-defense on Scary make me feel they are more likely a scum-pair. Acro never directly comes out and says it but he has been actively defending Scary by taking away pressure from my push on him and trying to discredit it but always coming short in reasoning since most of it is based on how "I am doing things wrong" or my "meta of ferocity" which isn't even true in the slightest. I have not been as ferocious as I have come to be known to be on my lynches. I would like to point out a meta flaw on Acro's statement on FFIX mafia as well and that would be, my push on Acro stemmed from his claim of being a town voteblocker and lynching him because his role was "anti-town" rather than dealing with his play. I also find it very odd that he chose to bring up his own meta in order to defend Scary in my push against him. It seemed like he was trying to make his push more relatable by mentioning he had "personal experience with this type of J" which isn't true in the slightest. I have been very lax this game in my point of view and not being adamant about a lot besides the Ditzy lynch. Acro is a scum-read of mine because his reasoning against me is bull, his defense of Scary, without trying to make it look like a defense, and his fluff walls that make it seem like he is generating content but not doing much at all. That is where I feel he is different as well. Unlike Joey who posts walls, his posts generate nothing besides towards posting to post. Then when we get into Acro's reads, he only has one/two that I can recall off the top of my head and that would be his scum-read on me and his present town-read on Scary. He has a similar thing that I disliked Marshy for when re-reading and that would be honing in on one thing and one thing only without trying to look for anything else. Has Acro brought up who I may be scum with? Has Acro brought up what he would care to look at if I flip town? Has Acro done anything to consider about my slot besides lynching me? The answer is No to all of the above. If Scary flips scum, I am deadset on going into Acro with having HBW on my watchlist while if Scary flips town, I still feel I have a case against Acro that doesn't deal with connections.

Separating Scary from the post above, I will have to admit, I am beginning to feel that I may be wrong on Scary, but I am not feeling that I am wrong enough to stop the lynch and look at a different push. Reason I would say this is because his posts as of late seem genuine rather than squirming scum. His claim does not make sense, however, with the information presented base on knowledge, Nabe/Gheb have divulged. I still feel from D1, his posts were reading incredibly fake and not truly what he was feeling. One thing that set up another red flag on him was his vote on Ditzy. His vote on Ditzy was incredibly opportunistic on getting people off of him and drawing attention to the opposing wagon who (maybe his scum-partner, marshy/sang) was pushing for and that would be Ditzy. Scary presented no reason whatsoever for his vote on Ditzy and just said he was voting him due to vibes if I am recalling this correctly. His reasoning towards his reads also come up to people who like him and people who dislike him. That would be presented towards his reads as of current. He dislikes me because I am pushing him, he likes Acro because he is defending him. He dislikes Dabuz because he is with me in lynching him(Scary). Then his final scum-read was on Gheb which he does not even explain. The rest of his reads are the rest of town besides the inactives which are obviously null. His reads have not changed in explanations from yesterDay and he still finds Gheb/Dabuz scummy BUT he has not pushed/questioned/looked at them as why they might be scum. Let's go into this though, on his most recent read-list he says "Dabuz = blarg while J/Gheb = scumbros". How did Dabuz go to being a scum-lean and who he would like to look at if I "never came in" plus what happened to his Gheb "scum-bro" read? Why did that come off the table and not even being brought up as a possible avenue if Scary does die?When talking about his scum-read on me, he just defers to Acro and says "yeah that" and does not question me or try to look into me further. I cannot fathom how a towny can be so vapid in their responses towards people and which is a major reason why I am seeing him as scum. The reason I stated at the beginning of this paragraph about Scary starting to falter his that there is a ring of genuineness in his posts, but that's the only thing that could make me falter is the reasoning that Scary is just really really really bad at explaining things and that he needs to clarify things better or that he is legitimately scum.

I think that covers Scary and Acro for the time being without going into some quotes I will go into later on and responding to Acro's case on me.

Continuing on, I like Nabe and Gorf. Gorf is more based on his D1 play because I feel he is looking for scum rather than trying to "look like he's looking for scum". And his play reads genuine and that he is playing by himself rather than working for a team. I don't have much to back up my feelings on Gorf besides I really highly doubt that he is scum based on gut. Nabe on the other hand has finally come to fruition like a flower. YesterDay his play was shocking and which is why I was okay with him dying because he was confusing and putting up a very different front from the Nabe I had been used to. However, toDay is a much more recognizable Nabe. I, particularly, like the fact that he, himself, is trying to generate discussion and getting people to answer his questions and pursuing avenues he finds fruitful. I think what kicked Nabe into gear was the Doom thing, so in a funny way, I'd like to thank whoever did that because I feel it truly brought Nabe into the game as a character and a force for town. I doubt he is scum because there is too much going for him to be town rather than not. By that, I mean, his intent is screaming town and not scum. If he was scum, he would just fade into the background and not care at all because he was doomed to die. Unless this is an elaborate plan for him to win the game before he dies or he hide his scum-buddies, I doubt this is the case by a very marginal number. In the end, Nabe is a pretty strong town-read while Gorf is a gut town-lean.

Swiss+WL+Whoever replaces/Gheb are easy so I will try to keep it short. Gheb is a town lean at the moment, Swiss is probably my only null besides Ranmaru. WL's attack on me is very poor and holds no weight, but I will go into that when I bring up quotes and then Swiss has yet to do much and won't ever now that he replaced out. I can see both town and scum intent from these two but the reason I chose to conciously group them with Gheb is because Gheb is in the same boat. I can see both the scum/town intent from either side and they are more null lean then Gheb being a town-lean and Gheb is a town-lean due to meta mainly (which is weak, but nothing much of Gheb's I can really dig into).

Vult is a slot I have no idea how I feel regarding his slot. I would have to say that Vult is in the same boat as Ranmaru/Swiss/Gheb where he could float between either being scum or town. I dislike that he doesn't have much in terms of content and his content is somewhat contradictory. He wants Scary lynched, but he has me as a back-up lynch. This does not seem consistent with his play even though he had me as a back-up lynch yesterDay when talking to WL. Plus the angles he chooses to push are...odd. Two points that I have saved for my quotes post would be that his push on Nameless based on one vote and then his push on me needing to answer something about meta regarding Gheb. Other than that, he's someone I just have my eye on more than Ranmaru/Swiss/Gheb.

IGMEOU: Vult_Redux

Moving on to the final slot, Ranmaru, is my strongest null. His play is so off than what I remember. I am with Nabe that Ranmaru is never one to swear and never one to become abrasive with people even when he finds them as scum. Obnoxious to a degree of stubborness, yes. Abrasive and rude, no. Town PR was a slot I was reading as a town-read but the more I try think of Town PR as town, it never comes as a full thought because I can't substantiate it well enough as compared to my other reads. Ranmaru is just an odd duck this game and I feel with connections, I will be able to tell his true intentions towards other players in the game. However, Ranmaru is not really taking a stand and making his own choices and decisions unlike he did D1 with the Ditzy push which is already a strike against him in the end. (I haven't read the part where I feel I am remembering he traded his vote to the Scary wagon but I am not certain so I will not comment on that). Ranmaru needs to do more but more of his own independent work.

Those are my views on all the slots in the game so in the end, I am still okay with the Scary lynch, I would also lynch Acro/Bardull at this time. I would investigate/shoot Vult and any of my nulls. I do not recall how long we have until deadline, but I will be trying to get another post up sooner rather than later which have quotes to help me back up some of what I am saying and also shed some light onto certain points in the game, I feel, need to be talked about more. (mainly regarding HBW)

I am out for the night, don't really know how long this post is, but it is my most up-to-date thoughts on things in the game. I still need to fine-comb read the most recent stuff since my break on mafia and will get into more recent debates with those posts. Have a good night!

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage (no one else should be responding to this)
A social experiment:
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (4) Gheb, TPR, dabuz, dabuz
9. LBScary59 (1) J
13. Nabe (1) WL
Not voting - Acrostic, Gorf

A lynch has been reached!
If we knew the scumteam to be within these 7 playerslots, which one(s) get a pass?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Absolutely none of them.

@Kreative Whiz Kids You visited me last Night. Who else did you visit, and what did you do?

I have a wedding shower but I'm pretty sure we can verify every claim here as truth or a lie by Days end. I just need a bit more time. I'm trying to avoid commenting on play too much right now as I don't want things to get distracted, but I'll be coming back to that as well.

Need Swiss 2.0's claim.
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