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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!


Apr 3, 2008
As far as I know I'm being lynched because I suck hard and talk about roles too often, and that's about it. There's nothing to be said besides "Ok" and "yes I did".

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
He was indeed in LM. I believe we NKed him on N2.
Would you say his play here is different than his play in LM (which I believe he was town from what you say?)?

I'd really like it if you did. No comment on other roles needed.

Vote: Scary
Why did you vote Scary after J's case on Scary, and not when you said you'd be fine with offing him for being useless?

Also, if I'm not mistaken. When Nabe tallied up my votes, he had me at L-3. If it takes 8 to lynch, and dabuz is already shown to be a doublevoter, I think you should stop assuming.

Vote: jdietz43
Red underlined, why does this make JD scum for you?

@ Dabuz Dabuz #827

Raz still SUS for being pretty active lurky from early game, and for not contributing at all (This has a slight tinge of meta). It's sad he had to go though, as he left me with blue balls and I can't tell if he was just having a hard time regardless and would have had something. Interested in what @Acrostic will bring to the table. Opinion of wagons reserved until after I get answers from these questions.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Town PR Town PR
Let's not mention that I feel a little upset that it turned out Nabe was a double voter in the end as well. Was kinda head butting everything when I saw the vote count come up.

I decided to vote because of the JD's opportunistic play. It was kinda the cherry on top that at the moment it appeared that he was wrong on game mechanics (at least I thought).

Sometimes it takes long for me to post because I'm doing this either from my phone or my attention wanes thanks to something else. Other times I'm re-reading as I go. Something that often happens, my bad lol.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
I feel betrayed fish! You said L-3 lol!


Apr 3, 2008
Why did you vote Scary after J's case on Scary, and not when you said you'd be fine with offing him for being useless?
Well first off I didn't realize the post was bad until J came in, if you read thoroughly here you'll see I hadn't read it until then.

I've been trying to get in immediately on any wagon that I even half believe in so that I don't have to muck around with getting surprise mod-votes from "takes less to lynch" roles and doublevote shenanigans which would have totally outed that I was Priest early. At this point it doesn't matter though since if anyone is getting hammered there's a good chance it's me and pretty much all the doublevoters are out of the bag to stop accidents.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ Town PR Town PR
I decided to vote because of the JD's opportunistic play. It was kinda the cherry on top
Why didn't you state this originally? If you had, please quote it. I don't see why you wouldn't mention it if it was the cherry on top if you naw'meen.

Well first off I didn't realize the post was bad until J came in, if you read thoroughly here you'll see I hadn't read it until then.
It does matter. Anyways, so you are saying J's post had nothing to do with you deciding to vote then? Is that it?


Apr 3, 2008
It does matter. Anyways, so you are saying J's post had nothing to do with you deciding to vote then? Is that it?
No, I'm saying it had everything to do with my vote.

I didn't fully read the Scary post until then, just cherry-picked the tag @ me and went back to reading earlier posts.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Why didn't you state this originally? If you had, please quote it. I don't see why you wouldn't mention it if it was the cherry on top if you naw'meen.
I know bro. I think you misquoted me. The vote was based on the opportunistic play, but the trigger was because I thought I had caught him wrong on the role mechanic piece about my "not reading" about Nabe holding a double vote coupled with Nabe stating me at L-3. Kinda a mad, "stick it to him" kinda vote honestly. Felt like an *** that it turned up with me being at L-2 and Nabe's double vote coming up but I'm gonna stick with the vote as is due to Jd's play.



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry

****tiest wagon ever.

Ghebby-poo, go into why you don't like the Scary wagon for me.

kay i have a nifty burn on my hand all of a sudden so i'll handle this now
I was waiting for DSH to post, prompted Ryu to post while he was in-thread etc. no response
I don't have any sort of scumread on DSH, I just wanted to give them something pointy to respond to
my apologies dabuz for making you wait slightly, i'm incorrigible

- DSH, I suppose. There's something twigging me with both heads, but where I'm put off of a lynch is that I'm missing the gutscum on Ryu I normally expect. In general, I think he's been trying to change his gameplay, so my confusion could be owed to that.
So you're telling me that the above quote is something "pointy" to respond to? Or is the" pointy" referring to a post before this?

How about this: I can tell you right now my lvl 2 is Priest, because that's provable and doesn't hurt us here in any way. I'll leave the other half open to speculation.
If your lynch is not the one that goes through toDay, I want you to try and hammer in order to prove this. Anyone have objections?

Would you say his play here is different than his play in LM (which I believe he was town from what you say?)?

@ Dabuz Dabuz #827

Raz still SUS for being pretty active lurky from early game, and for not contributing at all (This has a slight tinge of meta). It's sad he had to go though, as he left me with blue balls and I can't tell if he was just having a hard time regardless and would have had something. Interested in what @Acrostic will bring to the table. Opinion of wagons reserved until after I get answers from these questions.
Scary's overall style of not posting much and having small posts hasn't changed from his first game of mafiascum. Compared to Luigi's mansion though, I feel like his stances here are weak, if you look at LM he does have better explained stances and can back them up, if albeit for surface level reasoning. Here though, I don't see that.

Ok, gonna wait on those answers.

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage I presume you think Hardbody warrior is town, why do you think this?

Vote: Maximum Carnage

We don't have many days left in Day 1 and I would really appreciate if you responded to my rebuttal to your wall.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
@ Town PR Town PR
Let's not mention that I feel a little upset that it turned out Nabe was a double voter in the end as well. Was kinda head butting everything when I saw the vote count come up.

I decided to vote because of the JD's opportunistic play. It was kinda the cherry on top that at the moment it appeared that he was wrong on game mechanics (at least I thought).

Sometimes it takes long for me to post because I'm doing this either from my phone or my attention wanes thanks to something else. Other times I'm re-reading as I go. Something that often happens, my bad lol.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
I feel betrayed fish! You said L-3 lol!
Stop using my words to explain your own actions >:[

dabuz said:
@@Maximum Carnage I presume you think Hardbody warrior is town, why do you think this?
No comment on that slot. Not even touching it toDay.

dabuz said:
We don't have many days left in Day 1 and I would really appreciate if you responded to my rebuttal to your wall.
What rebuttal? You just said "nuh uh" and I don't care what you think. I think you're asking "road to nowhere" questions, Gorf apparently thinks its part of your meta, and Vult asked for examples. I gave 'em. You can argue until you are blue in the face that they are or aren't "road to nowhere" questions but I couldn't care less what you think. It's your job to convince me that your questioning is worth something, not the other way around.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Actually, there were quite a few questions thrown right back at you in that rebuttal. You need to justify a lot of stuff in there, especially since flat out were wrong in a few parts of it.

Also, WRT Hardbody, i'm not letting you ignore it after this.

Vote: JDietz

This is a sign of good faith in you, Marshy.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
If you guys keep making the walls up I'mma send out my Kyu-B and let you deal with it. You better have a Sylveon.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No but for real, sorry about the temporary departure, had a lot of work to do and couldn't really dedicate time to playing yesterday. I'm here now though.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
The vote was based on the opportunistic play, but the trigger was because I thought I had caught him wrong on the role mechanic piece about my "not reading" about Nabe holding a double vote coupled with Nabe stating me at L-3.
I don't see how that relates to his vote on you. To me the trigger seems to be the basis of your vote, not the opportunistic vote from JD. If it was, you would have mentioned it somewhere. For example, 'stop assuming. Also, I feel your vote was opportunistic." BAM. That's what I'm looking for, but I don't see it. To me it seems like you only mentioned it here to strengthen your vote against JD when you don't have much. Although I would love to see you expand on the 'not reading' reasoning, and why that makes him scum seperate from the vote.

Another question. Why did it take you so long to vote JD? You had plenty of chances to vote JD, and/or mention his vote was opportunistic. Instead, you were asking your voters (besides JD) their thoughts of JD before you did anything with him.

@J Can you explain your Jdietz town read for me?
J most likely never saw it, but you never cared to follow up with it again.

@ Dabuz Dabuz
Tell me how you feel about how you feel about Jdietz?
You also ask Dabuz, and he mentions JD's posts as awkward and weird. You don't respond to him, but your next post AFTER that, you vote JD. You never really cared to have a back and forth with Dabuz, you only cared to see his opinion of JD so you could vote JD. This makes sense because you never cared to ask J for his opinion on JD, since you got what you wanted already.

The final nail of the coffin:

Scary, you didn't even mention you were scum-reading Ditzy or even leaning that way and now you are actually voting him? I am going to continue reading, but I haven't seen where your switch has gone from null to scum, so help you baby Jesus.
J mentions you here, and you never respond to this. Seeing that you have voted him, and you must find him scum by now, I would think you would mention JD's vote on you, but you don't care to address it. You are too scared to do so because you'd get heat for it.

Unvote Vote: Scary

To sum up, I feel you never cared to address JD's vote on you. It took you a long time to vote JD, and you asked J and Dabuz about JD before voting. You never cared to address J's call out on you, you were too afraid of your own hide to talk about it. You lie about your vote having the 'opportunistic' base in your vote on him, to strengthen your vote on JD, which is merely a wagon hop on the weakest player you can find (since at your level, it is hard to find someone to battle). If you truly did think about it, you would have mentioned it either before voting (as you mentioned JD TWICE at least), or during voting. I don't think you even mentioned JD's actions AFTER. You lurked. If you didn't, quote what you stated about JD after voting JD.

@ Dabuz Dabuz

There is one opinion. The opinion on the other is dumb-town for JD. I can see him trying to use 'gambits' to try to gain reads as he was a new player that was influenced by Swiss heavily. I find his vote to be concerning considering he didn't vote Scary when he said he was fine with Scary going, but I find Scary's play to be grimier. His reasoning stating he didn't read it (yet) makes sense as he posted 3 minutes after Scary's big reads post, which J then made a post about.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry :

Let's talk. The problem you have with me is not something uncommon because I've dealt with in past games. I don't have strong reads on D1, like ever. It's very rare I do because I am a very connection based person and drive my reads based on emotions/paper trails of people regarding those who have been lynched/NK'd. However, you are incorrect in saying I don't have strong reads because I do have quite strong town reads, but I just don't have scum-reads. You said so yourself that this game has a lot of question marks (I.e. MC/Nabe/Raz/You/Vult/Hardbody/Scary/Gorf) and I am not going to have strong reads on them till more posts come. Plus, I'm also in the very same boat as you which makes me scratch my head where you find me scummy. You have a lot of nulls and you now say you have a scum-read on me for not having any hard scum-reads. I also share and have stated before you that I feel Ditzy vs. Town PR is TvT and still hold that opinion. I am just having a hard time piecing together why you find my scummy. I mean "J doesn't have strong scum-reads early into D1...!" and I am just waiting for more because what you have pointed out isn't strong enough to have me bat, truly, a second thought.

There is also a big urging part of me in the back of my mind where you and I have talked about this very exact thing on a call sometime ago which is why it's bugging me more than it probably should. So I guess my question to you regarding your vote towards me: Do you have anything else that you need me to adresse/talk about regarding how I'm scummy to you?
It's not necessarily the strength of your reads. I don't care as much about that. It's the two things I quoted in my post where I voted you. I just got out of a game where I saw scumSoup do the same type of play where he would condone or advise against a lynch and yet he'd either not join it in the case of the former or approve the direction without ever being on it in the case of the latter. It looks like you're trying to manipulate the game from the shadows without getting your hands dirty. Your lack of direction doesn't help your situation but it's that type of behavior in specific that I don't like.

As for your meta, sorry, I'm not very solid on it, the last time we played in a game to my knowledge was when you were my hydra partner and that game was 6 months ago. I don't remember the last time we played in a game as separate slots.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
It's more than just odd. I think I can see where you're coming from with voting J but I also think that this voting scenario is definitely scummed up.

Explain a bit then? I'd like to get something of a stance out of you sometime soon. Throwing a random vote at HBC means little to me.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'm glad someone liked it, literally everyone else **** on me for even attempting to check potential scum intent in Nabe
Yeh but it went nowhere as Nabe ultimately threw down the vote and proved he either was or wasn't (haven't seen result yet) so that went nowhere. Whatever, I guess?


Apr 3, 2008
Can you clarify that first part, it's pretty convoluted.

Look back a page or two to where I post my tinfoil hat theory, I point out why we would be led to believe that at this point.

Also what does that say about his play from your point of view then. Are you giving it a pass, or condemning it?
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary

I just realized you dodged answering this one on a re-skim WRT Nabe. Is him playing like LM condemning for you or were you giving him the okay for it.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Seriously, someone's gotta convince me that Nabe isn't the play for toDay. He's had one post where he's laid out his thoughts other than saying he's fine with lynching JDietz.

Dislike Gheb's play as well.

Dislike some others, but they're at least pretending to be helpful which I can do more with down the road than Nabe/Gheb's masturbation.

Gheb, since you're here, go ahead and lay a vote down on someone.
I've got my waffle out and I'm tempted to eat it but before I do, I want to say I'm simply not sure. You're pushing Nabe and Gheb both for being intentional question marks at this point. The thing is, I can't think of a game where Nabe makes himself readable this early and if he does, it's only in the event where he has an idea of what he wants to do. I promise you he will be readable but until he makes some type of an action he'll probably be a coinflip. I can agree with you on Gheb, however, simply because I don't remember the last time he played like this as town.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: That's not saying I'm not open to the idea of Nabe being scum, simply that I don't see how he's anything other than a null because him being a nebulous ****twat is within normal character for him and so I don't think it really leans one way or another. I want you to sell me on something other than him dragging his feet in the dirt. Nabigigas has Slow Start after all.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
**** dabunz said:
What's the oddity you're seeing?
See the crosswagon? That **** never happens without scum partially fueling it. The fact that it's so mirrored is also disturbing as well--both sides have a doublevoter that's part of a voting block, both sides have another member of the voting block, and starting it off is the two heads against one another. It's like a perfect image of one another and it's not what I expect when you see Team Carnage asking #HBC to go push in another direction in the meantime.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
We find dabunz's recent play disgusting. He is simultaneously supporting both major wagons and is currently voting Carnage for...who knows what? This close to deadline? We don't know what he's doing and find him disgusting because we feel he's playing off the wagons in a grimy way. The fact that he's now voting a slot that originally suspected him also worries us.

The marshy half would love to see dabunz vigged should one exist.

FOS: dabuz

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
Not one. Do you get those vibes? Because I always understood where both heads were coming from in Throne, even when they were spouting what I knew was bull****. And it was a Ryker-driven hydra, whereas here I haven't felt his influence.
I see Ryker ready to bite into someone. S'bout time. Hold this thought.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry

How's your J read coming along? What's your take on his recent input? You've been quiet and I kinda started to like your reads. You down to lynch HBW?
Why would I be down to lynch him when he's finally starting to do something. He might be playing his hand here. It's best to at least see his results first.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I don't see how that relates to his vote on you. To me the trigger seems to be the basis of your vote, not the opportunistic vote from JD. If it was, you would have mentioned it somewhere. For example, 'stop assuming. Also, I feel your vote was opportunistic." BAM. That's what I'm looking for, but I don't see it. To me it seems like you only mentioned it here to strengthen your vote against JD when you don't have much. Although I would love to see you expand on the 'not reading' reasoning, and why that makes him scum seperate from the vote.

Another question. Why did it take you so long to vote JD? You had plenty of chances to vote JD, and/or mention his vote was opportunistic. Instead, you were asking your voters (besides JD) their thoughts of JD before you did anything with him.

J most likely never saw it, but you never cared to follow up with it again.

You also ask Dabuz, and he mentions JD's posts as awkward and weird. You don't respond to him, but your next post AFTER that, you vote JD. You never really cared to have a back and forth with Dabuz, you only cared to see his opinion of JD so you could vote JD. This makes sense because you never cared to ask J for his opinion on JD, since you got what you wanted already.

The final nail of the coffin:

J mentions you here, and you never respond to this. Seeing that you have voted him, and you must find him scum by now, I would think you would mention JD's vote on you, but you don't care to address it. You are too scared to do so because you'd get heat for it.

Unvote Vote: Scary

To sum up, I feel you never cared to address JD's vote on you. It took you a long time to vote JD, and you asked J and Dabuz about JD before voting. You never cared to address J's call out on you, you were too afraid of your own hide to talk about it. You lie about your vote having the 'opportunistic' base in your vote on him, to strengthen your vote on JD, which is merely a wagon hop on the weakest player you can find (since at your level, it is hard to find someone to battle). If you truly did think about it, you would have mentioned it either before voting (as you mentioned JD TWICE at least), or during voting. I don't think you even mentioned JD's actions AFTER. You lurked. If you didn't, quote what you stated about JD after voting JD.

@ Dabuz Dabuz

There is one opinion. The opinion on the other is dumb-town for JD. I can see him trying to use 'gambits' to try to gain reads as he was a new player that was influenced by Swiss heavily. I find his vote to be concerning considering he didn't vote Scary when he said he was fine with Scary going, but I find Scary's play to be grimier. His reasoning stating he didn't read it (yet) makes sense as he posted 3 minutes after Scary's big reads post, which J then made a post about.
How does one answer this and not flounder? This is rough lol. I feel like this is attacking my play because I do not pursue a vote the same way that you would. Also, I was trying something new as far as the vote onto JD just because of past happenings. Anytime I voted onto someone that had voted me, I got blown up for OMGUS so I took my time and waited until I thought it was a good moment to vote. This post tells me that I didn't do a really good job with it.

I was waiting for J and I felt like I should ask dabuz as well. What was so wrong with waiting and asking others?

Where am I lying about how I felt about JD's play? It was exactly how I felt and was why I went towards that wagon with my vote. Gorf's #695 pushed me in the direction to begin with and I began to use it as the pressure came towards me as I had to explain my Gorf read. I held off to avoid throwing down a shabby OMGUS and was really triggered on the assumptions.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Totally didn't see Laundry's slinkin' on J.

Laundry, we're interested in your opinion on these two wagons.
dood **** j tho tell me you don't see what i'm seeing especially since this nagged at me all of LM and i didn't call soup on it once

Really, I don't like the scary wagon at all. I don't like J and I still can't shake vibes of the same exact **** that Soup pulled here, down to the Scary push. Remember how during D2 of that game, we had the Frito vs FroMar wagon for the entire day and Soup opted to sit his ass on Soup instead of dealing with it? It reminds me of that. Not necessarily because this is Soup, but because it was effectively subtle enough that he could get away with keeping his hands clean. I don't like the Scary wagon as a result because of that, and the people it consists of is Dabunz/JDietz/Nabe. I didn't like a single ****ing one of their votes. Dabunz and Nabe just hopped on freely and Gorf/Marshy's push on JDietz for his reasons for voting is pretty accurate--those two posts in tandem just don't look good together.

I am down for the JD wagon as a result, simply because of this.
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