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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@Nabe fair for me to ask you about vinyl's gameplay since I've never seen him play before?

It's about accountability.

As for being hasty? I don't feel like it was all that hasty considering the amount of votes accumulating. I was getting real paranoid someone was about to swoop in and alpha and that would be that: day over, no discussion.
No one really would want to do that just because the implied thought of being first on the lynch line tomorrow is ever present. At least in fairly certain any sort of quick lynch gets you killed the next day. Not too much to worry about.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I love how J cockblocks my Laundry case, only to have Maximum Garbage cockblock my response to J.



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Also if you're a mafia or indy role that requires your vote to have been on someone to use an ability you totally tipped your hand.
Ah, you're right. That would be a bad play under the circumstance of indy or scum who needs to be voting to use an ability.

1600 posts...ew no. I did take a look at all the roles though and while the setup was surely changed for this game, it surprises me just how much the game differed from a standard mafiascum game in general.

With 13 players, 5 were mafia, 2 were indy, leaving only SIX town. From what I could gather, mafia still had a factional nightkill along with their other BS but there were a large amount of ways for the NKs to be rendered inneffective. I also noticed that ONLY 4 players in total (all town) were able to freely pick level 1s and 2s, the other 9 players were given special roles and only a few of them even had access to choosing level 1 or level 2 abilities.

I did. It was 35% **** dabunz an 65% your early game interaction between you dietz and gheb. Read back for further detail.
Ok, just wanted to see if there was more to it.

I think scum lies within the midst of those two.

Yay I'm special :)
Go into this a bit more. Earlier you said you didn't like JD but I can't recall you expressing dislike of Town PR, what's changed that you think one of these two is scum?

@J: A few things:

1: If Nabe is normally someone you can get an easy read from but this game he seems off to you and very different, wouldn't that imply he should be suspicious to you? I'm not expecting you to scum read him but I figure you'd have something more to note on him then his outburst being OoC. What do you think after his responses to you?

2: I'm not following your read on DSH. From what I gathered in your wall, you town read him because in your eyes he is the one player to give a proper reason to scum read Jdietz. However I don't see why that would be more than a null with a slight lean when considering scum wants to pin reasons to scum read other players. Has he done anything else that makes you town read him?

3: You commented on Gheb playing like Gheb normally does and that gives you a town read. Question, apart from meta do you have much to say about how you view the slot? Also, what about the townish meta you presented differs from his scum meta?

4: If you had to lynch someone right now, who would it be?

@Nabe: Go into DSH a bit more, bring up the quotes from the hydra that bug you.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Overswarm in old FFT game said:

The lvl 1 was kind of meh, but being a straight up double voter that coudl basically only vote every other day is an awesome role. I might use this one again. Maybe town, maybe mafia. Who knows.
Hey @marshy @ Nameless Nameless :D

your role for MMU was planned since 2012

@ Raziek Raziek I've been paying attnetion to your play and you aren't as invested in this as you would be if you were a super special role. What do I do with you?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~
I dunno if you addressed it, what's your take on the recent Town PR vs jdietz interaction? Figure I'd ask since it appears you're direction has been blocked as you stated lol.
I haven't made any comments on their interaction because I don't think it's worthwhile. To me it looks like both slots have worked themselves up into a frenzy over what are essentially null-tells. You should be more concerned about the players that have commented on the situation, if not seemingly benefited from the fact that those two players have taken much of the spotlight. It's a good situation for scum to throw in some activity without having to leave the safety zone. What do you think about Lameness in his context for example?


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I love how J cockblocks my Laundry case, only to have Maximum Garbage cockblock my response to J.

Tbh, I wouldn't have dignifed your post with a real response so it's good someone did. Also sure, I posted about your post, but didn't cockblok. Laundry still responded.

@J: A few things:

1: If Nabe is normally someone you can get an easy read from but this game he seems off to you and very different, wouldn't that imply he should be suspicious to you? I'm not expecting you to scum read him but I figure you'd have something more to note on him then his outburst being OoC. What do you think after his responses to you?

2: I'm not following your read on DSH. From what I gathered in your wall, you town read him because in your eyes he is the one player to give a proper reason to scum read Jdietz. However I don't see why that would be more than a null with a slight lean when considering scum wants to pin reasons to scum read other players. Has he done anything else that makes you town read him?

3: You commented on Gheb playing like Gheb normally does and that gives you a town read. Question, apart from meta do you have much to say about how you view the slot? Also, what about the townish meta you presented differs from his scum meta?

4: If you had to lynch someone right now, who would it be?
1.) Not necessarily. I have specific tells that help me see if he is town and if he is scum. Neither are showing and because he is a different player this game it's confusing me very much. He's not the same Nabe so I have to go about things in a different matter. I'm still thinking about his responses and will go into them in another post so it's not just chunked up in here. Basically to give a better feel on my Nabe read is Nabe is null but with confusing vibes.

2.) Oh, that's not why I am town-reading DSH. I am town-reading them because the intent in their posts are showing me a townJoey. I haven't read much of Ruy's posts but from what I am garnering from Joey is that they are town. I did say a bit that I like him being able to show me, out of everyone, why Ditzy should go (even though I don't agree) because I don't see it as twisting or mal-intent. I see it as a town person who is biting on something they don't like out of a slot and honing in on it. Here's a turn-around question for you: Has he done anything that makes you scum read him? That's a question I can't answer at all because it would just be a flat no, I haven't.

3.) Anything I have to say regarding Gheb's slot besides his alignment/meta are very not nice/choice words, so I'll leave that out of the thread if I may. Basically, let me give you some insight. When I am town and I feel Gheb is, I usually am whiteknighting his *** all game. I have done it on multiple occassions so I just have that feeling this game as well where I have a strong feeling he is town. If I was scum, I'd just ride his ML because it's so easy to lynch him every game. So, it's a weird backwards way of reading which is I am going based off...my own meta. Hahaha that sounds so weird but it's truly what I am meaning to say. If I truly wanted Gheb lynched, he'd be gone. But his incessant whining and terrible play makes that of a TownGheb. He is trying and sadly this is his effort of trying to find scum. I don't think he is malicious, just bad haha. I can't word that any better without coming off as really mean as to what I am actually thinking, so my apologies there.

4.) You had to ask this question. I love asking this question myself because it makes people squirm when I don't know their idea of a lynch and makes them have to take a stance on someone so....I guess Nabe. I would lynch him so I would have a flip on a confusing slot and one that hasn't really brought much up to the table yet. He is the only one I am comfy with letting go based on what everyone has shown thus far and he is the biggest concerning question mark.

My second one if I had to choose someone would be Scary. Reason, I feel he is useless at this point and time and really hasn't done much. As OS said, he's a sheep and I have a little problem with sheep who don't bring their own reasoning to the table and so I would also be fine with a Scary lynch as well as of now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Bro I started working at a children's theatre (ages 12-19 so it's not like really crappy lol) teaching the actors vocals and yo I've never had so much fun making bank. We're getting read to run How to Succeed in Business in two days, so yea I assume from that you can get more of an understanding of why my activity is kinda in the pits :p

I think scum lies within the midst of those two.

Yay I'm special :)
Dude I may message you about the MT stuff. How to Succeed is a hysterical play. But yeah theatre johns are legit. So you want the lynch between Ditzy and Town Pr and ou feel that would be the best course. Okay.

You and Vult are both playing within segments of the full player list. You haven't addressed the whole cast, and you've reached out to certain players more strongly. You always play the social game -- you're about people rather than facts, and every time you make a post, your full attention is on someone. That would be taxing, so it's reasonable that your focus is on less than the full list of players. But you're not really public about that, and that's something I admire in Vult's posts so far -- he doesn't ever give the impression that he's got his eye on everyone. Sometimes, I feel like you're paying a player's name lip service when you're really not thinking of them, but rather, of how you would look if you didn't.

@ "outburst", I was calm when I told OS off. Neither head of that hydra can be allowed to lay grounds for the other to dig in, and that's what will happen unless you're straight with the one trying to cause their version of trouble. But if you're referring to something else, then I haven't understood.

When did we last play together?
To start this off, I actually don't remeber when we last played. The last game I played to completiion was Scott Pilgrim where I was killed N1 by a scumbag. (<3) Before that I didn't play like any games. So I think it's been a long time actually.

Beginning paragraph, actually I've given fair opinion on the whole cast and yeah I usually reach out to certain players. What you are saying is true which is why I don't play larges, I can't remember the last large I played since I stick to smalls. However I have a problem with your last line, because it insinuates that I am faking what I am saying to certain people to keep up airs and that's not true at all. I try and give people my full attention when I am talking to them and also when I am adressing them because that's what people deserve when being talked to. Go more into this please and talk to me about what you feel is "catering" I guess would be the way to put what you are saying.

@ "outburst" again, Your tone wasn't calm when reading it. You may have been calm when posting irl, but the explosive dialogue you had was not calm but far from it.

Nabe said:
- DSH, I suppose. There's something twigging me with both heads, but where I'm put off of a lynch is that I'm missing the gutscum on Ryu I normally expect. In general, I think he's been trying to change his gameplay, so my confusion could be owed to that. dabuz is another scumread; dabuz' play has been similar to Scary (read below) but I recall more of an agenda. As it was related to me, I wasn't impressed.
- Thus far this is shaping up to be a very level-headed game. Likely recipients of the cut are Town PR/me/Gheb, in that order, but I don't think anyone else is too far behind, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a last-minute turn on any player, save Laundry and maybe Gorf.
- Regarding MC/Scary as separate players, I assume. Scary is a flat null who is either not posting enough, or not interacting with enough people (some Vinyl vibes). OS is a very pointed null -- give me Ryker and I can generally make something of him. I've listed the motivation for both factions in what that slot is doing, but in recent posts my read of those motivations has shifted, as I wouldn't have expected either faction to put me forth as a lynch as they've done. But again, there's the null: OS always changes his play when he's being talked about. There's nothing to be made of it in a Day phase.
I'm going to hinge off Dabuz and ask for more on DSH. Especially because I am town-reading that slot and there is nothing really but vibes here. Do you have something in mind that would present why you are having these feelings? Then Dabuz as well. Scary I can see.

Question: Why did you leave Ditzy out of the running for lynch when he has as many votes as Town PR if I recall correctly?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Well what you say is that it's a good place for scum to throw activity without leaving the safety zone. What you're not saying is whether or not you yourself are reading any of those players period. Sorry that I'm 5 years old but I wanna know what you get out of it instead of just saying it exists. You're not shining a light on something new by saying that lol

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
What do you think about Lameness in his context for example?

Lemme get back to you on that man, I'm gonna be out at the casino tonight. Will try to get a little more involved tomorrow.

Getting sadder as I see myself becoming a back up lynch as a sheep. Gonna try to work on that one as well.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
The head that got two stocked by jigglypuff is here.

Nabe why you hating on me this game :(

Can you show me where?

@J where where your questions I didn't answer I think Joey didn't answer then.

Why do people dislike town PR?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated

1.) Not necessarily. I have specific tells that help me see if he is town and if he is scum. Neither are showing and because he is a different player this game it's confusing me very much. He's not the same Nabe so I have to go about things in a different matter. I'm still thinking about his responses and will go into them in another post so it's not just chunked up in here. Basically to give a better feel on my Nabe read is Nabe is null but with confusing vibes.

Ok, that makes sense. You haven't played any games here for a while, perhaps Nabe's playstyle has changed which means you're gonna have to try reading him mostly on play and not specific tells you are accustomed to.

2.) Oh, that's not why I am town-reading DSH. I am town-reading them because the intent in their posts are showing me a townJoey. I haven't read much of Ruy's posts but from what I am garnering from Joey is that they are town. I did say a bit that I like him being able to show me, out of everyone, why Ditzy should go (even though I don't agree) because I don't see it as twisting or mal-intent. I see it as a town person who is biting on something they don't like out of a slot and honing in on it. Here's a turn-around question for you: Has he done anything that makes you scum read him? That's a question I can't answer at all because it would just be a flat no, I haven't.
The heads are acting very different this game so I think it's best to discuss each head. The Joey head is good, it has some small pushes and has lots of clear cut reasons to his opinions, looking back at my notes I don't find anything about that head which bothers me, conversely the things that do stand out to me are small, if the hydra were just Joey i'd put it as a town lean. The Ryu head not so much, I want the Ryu head to answer my questions toward him (post 463) before I can make a solid opinion.

3.) Anything I have to say regarding Gheb's slot besides his alignment/meta are very not nice/choice words, so I'll leave that out of the thread if I may. Basically, let me give you some insight. When I am town and I feel Gheb is, I usually am whiteknighting his *** all game. I have done it on multiple occassions so I just have that feeling this game as well where I have a strong feeling he is town. If I was scum, I'd just ride his ML because it's so easy to lynch him every game. So, it's a weird backwards way of reading which is I am going based off...my own meta. Hahaha that sounds so weird but it's truly what I am meaning to say. If I truly wanted Gheb lynched, he'd be gone. But his incessant whining and terrible play makes that of a TownGheb. He is trying and sadly this is his effort of trying to find scum. I don't think he is malicious, just bad haha. I can't word that any better without coming off as really mean as to what I am actually thinking, so my apologies there. [/quote[

Ok, that makes perfect sense. However you have to promise me not to give him a pass by saying he is "trying" if you feel like he's still playing badly later into the game. I'm not pushing for his lynch and personally I have him as null but sometimes bad play is just scummy play

4.) You had to ask this question. I love asking this question myself because it makes people squirm when I don't know their idea of a lynch and makes them have to take a stance on someone so....I guess Nabe. I would lynch him so I would have a flip on a confusing slot and one that hasn't really brought much up to the table yet. He is the only one I am comfy with letting go based on what everyone has shown thus far and he is the biggest concerning question mark.
*Thumbs up*

My second one if I had to choose someone would be Scary. Reason, I feel he is useless at this point and time and really hasn't done much. As OS said, he's a sheep and I have a little problem with sheep who don't bring their own reasoning to the table and so I would also be fine with a Scary lynch as well as of now.
*Thumbs up* I would really like to see @ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary do something this game as well, as it stands he has the least content this game by a large margin and we are only 12 pages into the game.

J, I like it when you're town, you bring lots of solid analysis to the table and make your opinions tangible. My gut says your town because what you're saying is logical and you aren't twisting other players words or intentions, but realistically I can't gauge your intent through actions yet. You just got into the game and started questioning Nabe so I hope you stay active and make yourself easy to read.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Ryu, you didn't miss J questions. Dabuz and someone else I can't recall asked questions directed towards your head specifically. Read Dabuz' latest post for post number and such.


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
Cool it's not just me. Marshy just to ensure we're on the same vibe you've already taken into account that Dietz unnecessarily ****s on players regardless of alignment correct? I felt the grime but I can't really seem to describe it the way that I'm seeing it.
not really. the only times ive played with jd town is when i was scum so i barely know **** about how he plays as town. hes still my play tho


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
I've been putting off a thorough read because there's a lot of **** that just looks like Gheb being a hobgoblin and JDietz trying to break his record on how far he can shove his foot down his own throat.
what do you mean by gheb being a hobgoblin? is jds "shoving his foot down his own throat" scummy or dumb?


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
I was hoping I could get him to say something about it. Remember we just came off a game where he just gave the :thumbsdown: with no reasoning specifically so that no one would look at him after killing me. It's pretty impossible to discuss it with him if he's not going to say why he thinks what he thinks, so I was hoping if I could get him to we could at least take it somewhere. As it is: I can only assume things. I don't like being in that position.



Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

i dont wanna lynch nabe at the moment. while i think his dsh scumread is as wrong as can be i like that he hates dabunz. its a good independent read and since nabes a little more active this game i wanna see where he goes. i have him as null but i think i can wrangle something meaningful with time


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
i have a new hydra partner! in the works right now. i really need someones help with this game and i actually think this is gonna be an unexpected yet surprisingly ballin combination. cant wait


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
@ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf

i wish you had a vote bro. remember luigis mansion when we hated dabuz but no one gave a **** cuz swftown likes to townread people for no ****ing reason? i feel like the same is happening here with jd

wuddya think of laundry vs gheb?

man i CANT WAIT for this new hydra

oh btw @maximumcarnage thats awesome regarding my mmu role having a predecessor like that

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf

i wish you had a vote bro. remember luigis mansion when we hated dabuz but no one gave a **** cuz swftown likes to townread people for no ****ing reason? i feel like the same is happening here with jd

wuddya think of laundry vs gheb?

man i CANT WAIT for this new hydra

oh btw @maximumcarnage thats awesome regarding my mmu role having a predecessor like that
Trust me, I know. People are dumb, what can you do about it ya feel me?

I don't read laundry easily by choice (regardless of his alignment I always find myself townreading him -.-), but he's raised no red flags for me. I do like Gheb though, his reasoning is silly at best but from his POV the scum read isn't unjustified in any way. It looked like he was actually trying to come to come to a conclusive read when he made it, didn't feel unwarranted at the time. Checks out a okay for me.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
vote: J

I was liking Sherlock's flurry of posts until Ditzy vote. Do not get, do not want. I get from his PoV but I am town-reading Ditzy a bit thus far and that is where my Town PR distaste stems from is that I am not getting the Ditzy hate. I'm also going back and forth on Town PR's 414 because I like it and I don't like it but I don't know which side is leaning the choice for me. I feel like a metronome.

For now, I am comfy with my vote not being anywhere because I see no one who really needs pressure from myself. Gheb wagon I disagree with and will only vote him out to stop a NL at this point and the dabuz wagon is laughable still. I want to see more Town PR vs. Ditzy because I feel that holds something so I may have questions regarding that in a bit.
Pointing this out because my wording is god awful, but, I support the investigation of Town PR for discussion but I am still not comfortable with my vote going on him quite yet. I feel I am mis-reading something in his debate with Ditzy.
I know this is **** I already read but gogdamn, I do not like this. I get that same grody feeling I was getting with Soup in Luigi's Mansion for this same sidelining behavior laced with comments such as these. This halfhearted "i agree with this direction but i don't want to vote here" or "i disagree with this" type of thing just reeks of that same type of "I don't want to get my hands dirty" type of behavior.


Apr 3, 2008
I'm not even sure if I really want to see Town PR lynched to be honest after getting some time away from thread... Gorf might be right that my actions are just reflecting back off him in a bad way that's polarizing everything he replied to me with


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Rereading Town PR vs JD in how it started...

I don't hate Town PR from the initial onset. This looks like something Glyfe would do (and I assume it's Glyfe as it certainly doesn't read like Ran) as town--come out of nowhere and latch onto something regardless of what he's posted before because he wants to know. Fwiw I don't see how JD is bad either because he hasn't heard much from Glyfe and wanted to drag content out of him on a similar situation because Town PR hasn't posted a lot of content before this point. I vaguely remember one post that wasn't a one-liner from that slot. That said,

Again, this game is less than 24 hours in. I've been at work since about an hour ago.

I'm asking these questions because your motives and assertions don't make sense to me. You claim Laundry is voting based off your pressure, but I see no evidence that he's basing ANYTHING off of that. In fact his post leads me to believe he's pushing off of something else entirely. But you didn't even consider that, you just tack him onto your ideas and roll with it.

Answer my questions, you've very clearly demonstrated you CAN'T justify not answering them from a town mentality as you've conveniently not noticed it the two times I've asked now. I will be happy to weigh in (and spoiler, maybe even justify my reads!) after you decide to play the game here.
this is not at all a bad post and what had me initially agreeing with him. The thing is, JD's #315 kinda shows the groundwork for the obvious problem here and thus leaves me with not really caring much about either direction. Town PR wants to dig at him for something he think isn't well-supported and JD thinks it's not cool for previous enigma Town PR to suddenly show up and start calling him out.

Thus I see it as TvT at this point.

Jumping forward to page 12 doesn't really change my mind on this. If anything it gets dumber. JD voting Town PR for having an odd interaction with Gheb and then point-blank asking him if he'd lynch Gheb when Town PR blatantly says he has no real stance on Gheb is idiotic, for example.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
oh i know why this is a headache to read, they're so ****ing vague in what they're talking about that i start to lose my understanding of what the **** they're even talking about


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
At the moment, no, I'm not willing to lynch Gheb. My only gripe against Gheb is something that doesn't mean ANYTHING on its own, other than being something that will help create a bigger picture as the game goes on.
like this **** this is about as vague as it ****ing gets

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
- Should DSH get a pass on their ***-backwards play thus far? This is referring to their play being stances without action.
Can you talk to me about this? I don't see it but then I usually tend to townread Ruy sometimes for no reason.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge

That? In response to me.

His other posts? In response to the push on Gheb early on and just being a mimcry fence-sitting. "I don't like his posts, but not scummy".

He defended JDietz after Sherlock's "flurry".... but followed it up with "I'd like to see more between JDietz and Town PR, I think we can get more info from that".

And that's coming from the person who said this:

Plus I asked him about Bravely Default and he didn't respond which means he's not reading carefully. He might be busy, but it leaves him a total blank slate to me.
So since you see it too, join me.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
To be honest, I just watched JDietz play as an indie. He wouldn't get caught with his pants down if that was his goal, but he was playing with his head in the clouds.

So with "Town PR isn't a genius catching JDietz on a bad day", one of a few scenarios could occur here:

Town PR is solo scum and pushing JDietz...
because despite JDietz being at L-2 he doesn't actually have any pressure on him. Anyone who hammered him at this point would be auto-lynched the next day, no questions asked. Vig would be preferrable if it exists. If scum were pushing the wagon hard, they'd make it scarier then just plop a vote and leave it.

Town PR is scum with Nabe and pushing JDietz...
Nabe leaving the vote on could be scum with Town PR, that's a possibility. Not a likely one, but a really obvious one. Nabe visibly posted "I'm gonna leave my vote on JDietz and put him in hammer range", so he's either saying "lynch me tomorrow" or not thinking clearly as scum.

Town PR is town and pushing scum JDietz who is receiving no help despite it being stupid easy to de-rail anything at this point. I mean seriously, there's no way JDietz scum would be lynched D1 on purpose by town with how we're playing. Scum could very, very easily move off of this.

Town PR is town and pushing town JDietz, which would explain why neither have any backup and both are playing like ****heads. One is grimy and the other is defeatist.
Which do you think it is? Town PR (judging by the fact your vote is still on him)? Because that last situation looks like it's the one that's most likely to me and the other ones seem to be riddled with a lot of "I doubt it".


Apr 3, 2008
Pulling my car into realtalk city here:

I would be down to kill Scary for doing nothing this game, but not really Nabe. Nabe played like he barely had a pulse when he replaced into Tranquility as town and that's kind of what I'm seeing here. Scary didn't even change his RVS vote until I was 5 votes deep and specifically asked him to, and that's kind of what his thread presence has been like this whole time.

I'd be ok with Dabuz going too simply for being a flighty presence. He sorta helped me on Town PR and then... has had hollow interactions with J *shrug*.

Wait until I do my thorough read-through toMorrow I guess?
I'm counting on this to be a good one.

I wouldn't put it past J to be the only one sticking up for me for fake town credit, but I also don't want to **** over a town slot who actually read me right the first time through. (Still that chart from waaay back has never been wrong before just sayin :p)

If all else fails I wouldn't cry if Gheb went for his silly early gambit. Anyone besides that and it'd probably be better I just left while it's still D1. Still super 4 srs brothers on people not checking out on Marshy just doing the "idk how he towns" if we do though.

I'd throw Gorf on this list, but he's kawaii desu.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry , talk to me a little bit about Jdietz. I want less about his interactions with my slot and more about his eagerness to make something happen. Though by all means don't let me stop you from commenting on the former as well.
between the two of you i liked him less. honestly i don't fault him for slapping a pressure vote on gheb because my vote was ultimately attempting to do the same (albeit for different reasons) but his halfhearted slap just seemed bad. that said, his "eagerness to make something happen" wasn't wholly apparent to me beforehand and i'm still struggling to see it now. he put a vote on you for reasons i can see and then slapped a weak vote on gheb for pressure. what are you trying to say here?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ Raziek Raziek , where are you??? Same question as above applies to you as well. Ran finds it highly suspect that you've only shown up to talk about flavor and mechanics, as well as to quote unquote derail the ****ty Dabuz wagon. I'm actually completely in agreement with him in that I want to know WHY that wagon needed derailing. Pls clarify, and also play at all.
also raz does this as town. the rest of your **** is completely fair but his tendency to derail rvs wagons as town is real (see: mmu)
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