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Midwest S.L.A.S.T XIII - $200 in Pot Bonuses... (Wic

S.L.A.S.T XIII - $200 in Pot Bonuses... (Wic
Posted by Crome
Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes
Saturday, February 27, 2016 - 11:00 AM
Until: Saturday, February 27, 2016 - 11:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/Chicago)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/Chicago

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Apr 27, 2014
Wichita, Kansas
Switch FC
SW 7896 6401 6209
Wichita Fighting Games Association and Wichita Melee present the 14th installment of SLAST: Smells Like a Smash Tournament

10$ Venue Fee (See Preregistration Information for Discounts)
10$ Entry Fee
10$ Per Team for Melee Doubles ($5 Per Person)
$100 pot bonus for Melee singles, Smash 4 Singles and Street Fighter V singles

Project M: Singles start at 12:30
Street Fighter V Singles start at 12:30
Smash Wii U Pools start at 1:30
Melee 2 v 2 Bracket starts at 2:30
Melee Singles Round Robin Pools start at 5:00


No age limit. If you can hold a controller, press buttons and use the bathroom, you can participate.

Noteworthy Facebook links to check out are listed immediately below.
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/WFGA
Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/621661117972770/
Wichita Melee: https://www.facebook.com/groups/124366774346574/
Wichita Fighting Games Association: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WichitaFGA/
Super Smash Brothers 4 Wichita: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SmashWichita/
Wichita Power Rankings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SmashWichita/permalink/544139519074172/
Mr. Doom's Doom Mod: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/6e5ml623lye6n/DOOM
MPTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mariopartytv/


Save $5 by pre-registering! You can completely waive the venue fee if you pre-register and bring equipment to help the tourney run smoothly.


Pre-regisration closes Thursday, February 25th at 11:59 P.M.

[Bayonetta and Corrin will be legal]
Super Smash Brothers 4 Wii U Rules

General Rules

  • Absolutely NO CUSSING in the venue, or we can throw you out.

  • 2 Stock. (3-stock for doubles)

  • 6 minute timer. (8-minute timer for doubles)

  • Items are set to "Off" and "None"

  • Team attack is set to "On"

  • Matches are best of 3. Winners/Losers/Grand Finals are best of 5.

  • Controller port disputes will be resolved by Rock-Paper-Scissors or higher number with G&W's SideB.

  • First round stage will be determined by stage strike system, or a particular stage if agreed upon by both parties (Smashville is a popular game one stage).

  • No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.

  • In teams matches one team will get ports 1 and 4, while the other team gets ports 2 and 3.

  • Make sure you fix your controller and your tag before you start playing. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.

  • Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action.

  • [Time Limit] If the timer runs out, the winner of the game will be determined by the following criteria in this order: Stock and Percentage. If Stock is used to determine a winner, the highest number will win. If Percentage is used to determine a winner, the lowest number will win. If both Stock and Percentage are tied, Sudden Death won’t be used and a Tiebreaker Round will be played instead. In a Tiebreaker Round, stock will be set to 1, the timer will be set to 4 Minutes, and the same stage and characters must be used.

Specific Rules

  • Custom Specials are not legal. Miis are not legal. Custom equipment is not legal.

  • No pausing a game without the other player's permission.

  • No use of an action that freezes a game, or otherwise disrupts standard gameplay.

  • Players may not intentionally manipulate a button, trigger, bumper, D-Pad, and/or joystick on a teammate’s controller while a game is in progress. Breaking this rule will result in a forfeit of the game.

  • [Stage Striking] 1. Players may request a blind pick of characters for the first game. Essentially, you tell a person/judge (without telling your opponent, lol) which character you're going to play as. After all players tell the judge their character, the judge will then have the players pick their characters simultaneously. If you can't remember, judge, then just write it down, lol.

For Melee, we use Big House rules - http://www.umsmash.com/rules/

< 10
1st - 70%
2nd - 30%
< 20
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
< 30
1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 15%
4th - 5%
< 40
1st - 45%
2nd - 24%
3rd - 14%
4th - 9%
5th - 5%
6th - 3% (or money back, whichever is greater)
< 50
1st - 42%
2nd - 22%
3rd - 12%
4th - 9%
5th - 7%
6th - 4%
7th - 2% (or money back, whichever is greater)
50 +
1st - 41%
2nd - 20%
3rd - 12%
4th - 9%
5th - 7%
6th - 5%
7th - 4%
8th - 2%

Payout is subject to change.

Venue Rules:
* No Outside Food or Drink
* Participants are encourage to order from the bar. They offer a full menu with soft drinks and alcohol.
* Take care of venue furniture and be sure to leave drinks off the pool tables.
Other Rules:
1. No yelling or making abrupt noises at your opponent. This applies to EVERYONE, players and spectators. Simply talking to the players are exempt.
2. You cannot refuse to be recorded if you pay money to enter an event.
3. Spectators may NOT coach/give advice to the players while they are playing a tournament game. In between games of a set is ok.
4. If you use a wireless controller and it interrupts a match you will be DQ'd. Zero Tolerance Policy.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2016

Some friends and I are interested in this, but we have a possible scheduling conflict. Do you have any idea how late the wii u singles/doubles would last? Also, are there likely to be scheduling changes in terms of when either one of those pools would start? Finally, what is the best way to stay up to date and contact you/whoever is running the tournament if there are any changes?

Thanks in advance.
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