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Data The Great Fairy Fountain II : Zelda Data & Research Repository


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
The Great Fairy Fountain II : Zelda Research & Data Repository

Recommended: Wait several seconds before attempting to scroll down a lot; the page needs to load a lot of spoilers.

Welcome to the Great Fairy Fountain! This is the place for all things data regarding Zelda. Here you can find just about all of the raw data on any of her hit-boxes, as well as her frame data, and a few bonuses. All displayed in a clean format for your viewing pleasure.
~ Information ~

Zelda's Statistics Table (Run & Fall Speeds, Weight, etc.)
Maximum Jumps|2|--
Wall Jump|NO|--
Wall Cling|NO|--
Walk Speed |0.87|49th
Run Speed |1.3|53rd
Jumpsquat |6 frames|--
Soft Landing|2 frames|--
Hard Landing|4 frames|--
SH Air Time|41 frames|--
FH Air Time|62 frames|--
Weight |85|44th
Air Speed |1.04|26th
Fall Speed |1.35|44th
Fast Fall Speed |2.16|44th
Air Acceleration |0.055|36th
Gravity |0.071|50th

What do each of the terms in the "BnB Data Table" mean?
Term in Question|Description
Move Name |The move's name. The names for just about every move were given back in Nintendo power magazines during Melee's younger years. The names of Phantom Slash and her customs, however, were given with the release of SSB4. The names of her misc. moves are placeholders as they were not given official names previously.
Hit-Frames |The frame window(s) when a hit-box is active.
FAF |First Actionable Frame. This is the first frame upon which you can execute another action.
Damage |The base damage(s) the move deals.
Hit-Angle |The knock-back trajectory of the hit-box. Note the unique trajectory types of the Sakurai Angle , and the Auto-Link Angle .
Clank? |Whether or not the move will "clank" with other moves that can clank. If a move cannot clank it has transcending priority . An asterisk next to "yes" denotes that while the move will interact with other clankable moves, the animation will not be interrupted by the rebounding animation.
KO Potential |A rough number to estimate KO timings around, used by taking Mario's earliest percent on an omega stage at which he was KO'ed by the move even with correct survival DI or Vectoring. The heaviest characters will cap at about 20% higher, while the lightest characters can be KO'ed around 20-30% earlier. I eventually cut off some moves with "N/A" if they couldn't KO by around the mid 200s. Red coloring means 3DS %, aqua coloring means WiiU %.
OoS |The abbreviation for " Out of Shield ". The earliest frame an attack can hit when used as an out of shield option.
Charge Frame (Smash Attacks) |The frame at which the character pauses to charge a smash attack.
AC Window (Aerials) |The Auto-Cancel Window. The frame windows during an aerial in which Zelda will land with normal landing instead of landing lag.
Landing Lag (Aerials) |The duration of time you will be forced to wait until you can act if you land an aerial during the landing lag window.
Invincible / Intangible Frames |A frame of time during a move where Zelda is invincible/intangible, meaning she won't take any damage. If the invincibility only covers part of her, it is denoted by "Partial" on the table label.

What do each of the terms in the "Complex Data Table" mean?
Term in Question|Description
Hit-Frame |The first frame a hit-box is present.
Duration |The total amount of frames a hit-box lasts.
ID |The order of priority if two or more hit-boxes are touching a target's hurt-box at the same time.
GID |Group ID. This signifies whether or not two hit-boxes will both hit if they're both overlapping on a hurt-box. If they are in the same group, only the one with the lowest ID will hit.
Bone |Which or whether the hit-box is connected to a certain bone on Zelda during its duration. If the bone is set to 0 the hit-box is not attached to any bone, but rather floating in a specified (By z/y/x) place.
Damage |The base damage the hit-box deals.
Angle |The knock-back trajectory of the hit-box. Note the unique trajectory types of the Sakurai Angle , (361) and the Auto-Link Angle . (365, 366, or 367)
BKB |Base Knock-back. The set minimum distance a hit-box will launch a target.
WKB |Weight-based Knock-back, also known as Set KB or Weighted KB. A set KB distance calculated using the target's weight that does not scale larger with damage. It is affected by rage, though.
KBG |Knock-back Growth, also known as KB Scaling. This acts as a multiplier that increases the KB distance with damage.
Size |The length of the radius of the hit-bubble. (Hit-boxes in SSB4 are spherical.)
z/y/x |The displacement coordinates of the hit-box relative to any bone it is attached to. If the hit-box is set at Bone 0, then the origin starts exactly at the character's central axis and at the ground. (Note: If a hit-box attached to a bone has an altered y or z coordinate, this likely means it is actually actually displaced horizontally, like an x-axis change, from the bone due to how some bone-connections work.)
Hit-Lag |The "freeze-frames" when a hit-box connects with a target. Aside form increased or decreased multipliers, these freeze frames' length is partially dependent upon the damage of the move.
SDI |Smash Directional Influence. This is the multiplier of how strongly you can Smash Directional Influence the hit.
Clank? |Whether or not the hit-box will "clank" with other hit-boxes that can clank. If a move cannot clank it has transcending priority . An asterisk next to "yes" denotes that while the move will interact with other clankable hit-boxes, the animation will not be interrupted by the rebounding animation.
Shield Damage |How much additional shield damage the hit-box inflicts. 0 means it does no extra shield damage.
Notes |A place to note various other occasionally used quirks in hitboxes, such as angle flippers, rehit rates, stretchy/"extended" hitboxes, and airborne/grounded target modifiers.

What do each of the terms in the "Block Advantage Data Table" mean?
Term in Question|Description
First Frame [Drop] |The advantage if the first hit-frame of the move in question hits the target's shield, and the target decides to shield drop after the hit on their shield.
Last Frame [Drop] |The advantage if the last hit-frame of the move in question hits the target's shield, and the target decides to shield drop after the hit on their shield.
First Frame [OoS] |The advantage if the first hit-frame of the move in question hits the target's shield, and the target decides to use an Out of Shield option in response.
Last Frame [OoS] |The advantage if the last hit-frame of the move in question hits the target's shield, and the target decides to use an Out of Shield option in response.

@KuroganeHammer : Provided a majority of the frame data values, as well as the stat table near the top. Super helpful and supportive overall, and his website provided the statistics for the statistic table.
@Nammy12 : Very helpful in improving the whole aesthetic of this thread and providing, I believe, every GIF found here.
@S.F.L.R_9, @evmaxy54, @Rickster, & @r_greening1 : Pretty much my gorls as far as supporting me <3 All very supportive of me and my work and have helped with legwork data around.

Note: Red KO Potential numbers signify that the number was recorded in the 3DS version. The Aqua colored numbers were recorded in the WiiU version for that same move/hitbox.

~ Grounded Moves ~


Zelda creates a few magical sparks of light from her hand in front of her a small distance.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Short Flash|11, 13, 15|24|3 + 3 + 5 = 11% [1.1.5] |Sakurai Angle (Final hit) |NO|N/A
Complex Data
Pepper Spray

hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Loop hitbox 1|11, 13|1F|0|0|0 [1.1.0] |3.0 [1.1.5] |361|0|40|100|3.2 [1.1.0] |z=0, y=12.5, x=5.5 [1.1.0] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=2
Loop hitbox 2|11, 13|1F|1|0|0 [1.1.0] |3.0 [1.1.5] |140 [1.1.0] |0|40 [1.1.0] |100|3.2 [1.1.0] |z=0, y=12.5, x=9.5 [1.1.0] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=2
Loop hitbox 3|11, 13|1F|2|0|0|3.0 [1.1.5] |140 [1.1.0] |0|30 [1.1.0] |100|4.0|z=0, y=12.5, x=13|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=2
Final hitbox 1|15|1F|0|0|0|5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40 [1.1.5] |0|95 [1.1.5] |6.0|z=0, y=12.5, x=13|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Final hitbox 2|15|1F|1|0|0 [1.1.0] |5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40 [1.1.5] |0|95 [1.1.5] |3.6 [1.1.0] |z=0, y=12.5, x=5.5 [1.1.0] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Final hitbox 3|15|1F|2|0|0 [1.1.0] |5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40 [1.1.5] |0|95 [1.1.5] |3.6 [1.1.0] |z=0, y=12.5, x=9.5 [1.1.0] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Short Flash|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hit 1, 2|-2, 0|-2, 0|-9, -7|-9, -7
hit 3|+3|+3|-4|-4
Patch History
Patch 1.1.0
loop hitboxes
    bone 14/17/0 -> 0/0/0
    damage 2.0 -> 2.5
    angle 361/361/361 -> 361/140/140
    wkb 40/30/7 -> 40/40/30
    z-position 3.0/0.0/0.0 -> 0.0/0.0/0.0
    y-position 0.0/0.0/12.5 -> 12.5/12.5/12.5
    x-position 0.0/0.0/13.0 -> 5.5/9.5/13.0
    size 2.5/3.0/4.0 -> 3.2/3.2/4.0
final hitboxes
    bone 0/17/14 -> 0/0/0
    damage 2.0 -> 3.0
    bkb 24 -> 35
    kbg 150 -> 130
    z-position 0.0/3.0/0.0 -> 0.0/0.0/0.0
    y-position 12.5/0.0/0.0 -> 12.5/12.5/12.5
    x-position 0.0/0.0/13.0 -> 13.0/9.5/5.5
    size 6.0/3.0/2.5 -> 6.0/3.6/3.6
What does it mean? Jab got a damage increase, going from 6% damage, to 8% damage. (2% increase) This means that combos starting with Jab will do 2% more damage. An increase in damage also increases the hit-stun caused by a move, so the hit-stun from the final hit would be very slightly increased.

The KB stat changes increase the initial KB of the final hit, and reduce the KB scaling with damage. More base KB can increase the hit-stun of a move, so the base KB increase would yield a very slight hit-stun increase. The growth reduction offsets the increase in damage, as increasing the damage increases the KB growth in its own way.

The numerous changes to size, bone, angle, weighted-KB, and x/y/z-position appear confusing, but yield an important result. First, two of the three hit-boxes on her Jab used to be connected directly to her outstretched arm. Now, these hit-boxes are not attached to her arm, and instead float in place. The x/y/z-position changes make it so that these hitboxes float in almost the same place as where they were attached to her arm, only slightly lower. The sizes of these two inner hit-boxes were increased on all hits.

The result is that now, these hit-boxes are large and low enough to reliably hit and connect on any standing opponent, when originally, these hit-boxes easily whiffed on many short characters, regardless of whether they were crouching or not.

The alterations to the weighted (set) KB and the angles are important in making the move connect correctly, instead of dropping opponents, causing Zelda to deal a minuscule amount of damage and lose a potential combo. The inward-upward angles bring opponents in until the last hit. The weighted KB change pushes the opponent inward/outward more powerfully during the first two hits, but is otherwise not noteworthy.

The new upward angles improve the move's ability for consistent followups. Sakurai angles work oddly in that, on grounded opponents, they can send at straight horizontal angles, but on airborne opponents, they send at 45 degree angles. Originally, grounded targets weren't lifted off the ground by the predominant Sakurai angle hit-boxes, and slid away with each hit. The 45 degree airborne target Sakurai angle is far more conducive to followups for Zelda's Jab, due to keeping them closer. The new upward-inward angles raise opponents off the ground, and are more predominant. So at any non-point-blank range, (Due to the innermost hit-box still being a Sakurai angle) the move received improved combo-ability.

Patch 1.1.5
    loop hitboxes damage 2.5 -> 3.0
final hitboxes
    damage 3.0 -> 5.0
    bkb 35 -> 40
    kbg 130 -> 95
What does it mean? Jab went from doing 8% damage to doing 11% damage. (3% increase) This is a decent damage increase. As a result combos starting with Jab will do 3% more damage. An increase in damage causes an increase in hit-stun, so the final hit should induce slightly more hit-stun. In addition, the damage on the final hit was increased enough to yield one more frame of block-stun, and thus the move is one frame safer on shield, going from -4/+3 (out of shield/shield drop responses) to -3/+4 on block.

Jab [1.1.5] now induces enough block-stun that it is safe versus frame 7+ grabs out of shield should Zelda immediately buffer a spot-dodge.

The changes to the final hit's base KB and KB growth give it slightly higher initial KB, and cause the KB to scale slower with increasing damage. More base KB can increase the amount of hit-stun, so the increase should give the final hit a tiny bit more hit-stun. The decrease in KB growth was likely to counterbalance the damage increase, as increased damage also increases KB growth in its own way.


Zelda pushes forward hands-first and creates a large, but quickly disappearing spark of magic.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Magical Push|6-7, (Early) 8-10 (Late) |40|12% (Sweet-spot) / 9% (Sour-spot) / 6% (Late) |50|NO| 182% / 178% (Sweet-spot)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|6|2F|0|0|0|12.0|50|85|0|70|2.2|z=0, y=10, x=12.8|magic|×1.2|×1|no|0|
Early sour-spot|6|2F|1|0|0|9.0|50|80|0|50|5.0|z=0, y=10, x=7.8 / z=0, y=10, x=13.8|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box
Late sour-spot|8|3F|0|0|0|6.0|50|80|0|50|4.8|z=0, y=10, x=7.8 / z=0, y=10, x=13.8|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box
Magical Push|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History


Zelda does a powerful horizontal arm sweep with magical enhancements making the attack as sharp as a blade.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Mystic Sweep|10 [1.1.5] |38 [1.1.5] |10% (Sour-spot) / 12% (Sweet-spot) |Sakurai Angle|NO| 188% / 177% (Sour-spot) / 158% / 147% (Sweet-spot)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|11 [1.1.5] |2F|0|0|17|12.0|361|50|0|84|4.0|z=3.5, y=0, x=0 [1.1.5] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|frame speed: ×0.8 (0-10) [1.1.5]
Sour-spot 1|11 [1.1.5] |2F|1|0|17|10.0|361|50|0|84|3.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Sour-spot 2|11 [1.1.5] |2F|2|0|16|10.0|361|50|0|84|3.0|z=-1, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Mystic Swipe|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History
Patch 1.1.5
    frame speed multiplier for frames 0-10 x1.0 -> x0.8
    hitframe 12 -> 11
    outermost hitbox z-position 3.0 -> 3.5
What does it mean? A frame speed multiplier modifies the speed of the frames within the specified zone. The lower the multiplier number, the faster the frames are executed. Frames 0-10 of Ftilt have been modified to execute 20% quicker. In addition, the hitbox spawn frame has been moved forward from frame 12 to frame 11. As a result, the move has a total of 3 frames less startup, now hitting on frame 9. The move's first actionable frame is also sooner as well, going from FAF 40 to 38. The move's raw end lag remains unchanged, however.

Duly note that the first hit-frame of Ftilt is too far off the z-axis to hit under regular circumstances, and the move functionally hits only on frame 10.

The slight z-position change to the outermost hitbox affects the move's range. When a hitbox is attached to a character's "bone," any z/y/x-positions are relative to the character's limb instead of the normal z/y/x-axis for smash. The modified hitbox is connected to Zelda's wrist, and z-position changes will affect the attacks horizontal range. The z-axis change from 3.0 to 3.5 results in a slight horizontal range increase.


While crouching, Zelda does a quick low-poke kick in front of her.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Trip|5-11|25|5.5% [1.1.0] |80|YES| 231%
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Hitbox|5|7F|1|0|9|5.5 [1.1.0] |80|20|0|120|3.6|z=6, y=0, x=0 / z=-1, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|stretchy hit-box / 40% trip rate
Trip|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History
Patch 1.1.0
    damage 4.5 -> 5.5
What does it mean? Dtilt got a damage increase from 4.5% to 5.5%. (1% increase) This means that combos involving Dtilt do 1% more damage. In addition, an increase in damage will also increase the hit-stun caused by the attack, as well as the functional KB growth of the move. That means it will induce more hit-stun sooner, and KO slightly sooner as well. (However, it still KOs very late.) The damage increase for Dtilt was large enough to yield one additional frame of block-stun, thus making the move one frame safer on block, going from -14/-7 (out of shield/shield drop responses) to -13/-6 on block.


Zelda does a quick arc with her arm, using a ball of light at her hand to attack in a full arc above and on both sides.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Protective Sweep|7-18|30 [1.1.0] |7.2% [1.0.4] |100|NO| 181% / 171% [1.0.4]
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Hitbox 1|7|12F|0|0|22|7.2 [1.0.4] |100|45|0|110|5.0|z=4, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Hitbox 2|7|12F|1|0|22|7.2 [1.0.4] |100|45|0|110|3.0|z=1, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Hitbox 3|7|12F|2|0|21|7.2 [1.0.4] |100|45|0|110|3.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Protective Sweep|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History
Patch 1.0.4
    damage 6.5 -> 7.2
Patch 1.1.0
    FAF 33 -> 30


Zelda reels back, and then charges her arms forward, creating a vibrant magical blast of light dealing multiple hits.

BnB Data
Move Name|Charge Frame|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Shining Palm|11|16, 18, 20, 22, 24|50|1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 13 = 17%|Sakurai Angle (Final hit) |NO| 123% / 119%
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Inner Loop hitbox|16, 18, 20, 22|1F|0|0|0|1.0|25 [1.0.6] |0|40 [1.0.6] |100|4.2 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=9.1, x=8 [1.0.6] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=4
Outer Loop hitbox|16, 18, 20, 22|1F|1|0|0|1.0|165 [1.0.6] |0|50 [1.0.6] |100|4.5 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=9.1, x=16 [1.0.6] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=4
Inner Final hitbox|24|1F|0|0|0|13.0|361|37|0|110|5.5 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=9.1, x=9.5 [1.0.6] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Outer Final hitbox|24|1F|1|0|0|13.0|361|37|0|110|6.0 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=9.1, x=16 [1.0.6] |magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|
Shining Palm|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hit 1, 2, 3, 4|-24, -22, -20, -18|-24, -22, -20, -18|-31, -29, -27, -25|-31, -29, -27, -25
hit 5|-9|-9|-16|-16
Patch History
Patch 1.0.6
loop hitboxes
    angle 60/160 -> 25/165
    wkb 60/80 -> 40/50
    x-position 10.0/16.0 -> 8.0/16.0
    size 4.3/5.0 -> 4.2/4.5
final hitboxes
    x-position 16.0/11.0 -> 9.5/16.0
    size 6.7/5.7 -> 5.5/6.0


Zelda does a quick 360 spin, sweeping her leg all the way around her to hit on both sides.

BnB Data
Move Name|Charge Frame|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Compass Spin|2|5-6, 13-14|38 [1.1.5] |12% (Front) / 10% (Back) |20 (Sweet-spot) / Sakurai Angle (Sour-spot) |YES| 161% / 150% (Front sweet-spot) / 170% / 160% (Back sweet-spot)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Front sweet-spot|5|2F|0|0|0|12.0|20|20|0|86|4.2|z=0,y=3, x=12.5|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|40% trip rate
Front sour-spot|5|2F|1|0|0|12.0|361|20|0|86|3.0|z=0, y=5, x=7 / z=0, y=3, x=11|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|stretchy hit-box / 40% trip rate
Back sweet-spot|13|2F|0|0|0|10.0|160|20|0|96|4.2|z=0,y=3, x=-11|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|40% trip rate
Back sour-spot|13|2F|1|0|0|10.0|361|20|0|96|3.0|z=0, y=7, x=-4.5 / z=0, y=3, x=-9|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|stretchy hit-box / 40% trip rate
Compass Spin|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
front hit|-17|-16|-24|-23
back hit|-10|-9|-17|-16
Patch History
Patch 1.1.5
    FAF 41 -> 38


Zelda sweeps a ball of light back and forth above her dealing many hits, finishing with a strong magical blow.

BnB Data
Move Name|Charge Frame|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Power Sweep|4|9, 12, 15, 18, 25, 28, 31, 34|10|64|2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0.8 + 0.8 + 0.8 + 5 = 15.4%|88 (Final hit) |NO (Multi-hits) / YES* (Final hit) | 103% / 98% [1.0.8]
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Bottom Loop 1 hitbox|9, 12, 15, 18|1F|0|0|0|2.0|90|0|40|105|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=11, z=0|magic|×0.5|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=4
Top Loop 1 hitbox|9, 12, 15, 18|1F|3|0|0|2.0|366|0|40 [1.0.8] |105|4.2 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=18, z=0|magic|×0.5|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=4
Back Loop 1 hitbox|9, 12, 15, 18|1F|1|0|0|2.0|200|0|40 [1.0.8] |105|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=17, z=-5|magic|×0.5|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=4
Front Loop 1 hitbox|9, 12, 15, 18|1F|2|0|0|2.0|200|0|40 [1.0.8] |105|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=17, z=5|magic|×0.5|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=4
Bottom Loop 2 hitbox|25, 28, 31|1F|0|0|0|0.8|90|0|40|100|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=11, z=0|magic|×1.0|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=3
Top Loop 2 hitbox|25, 28, 31|1F|3|0|0|0.8|366|0|40 [1.0.8] |100|4.2 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=18, z=0|magic|×1.0|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=3
Back Loop 2 hitbox|25, 28, 31|1F|1|0|0|0.8|200|0|40 [1.0.8] |100|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=17, z=-5|magic|×1.0|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=3
Front Loop 2 hitbox|25, 28, 31|1F|2|0|0|0.8|200|0|40 [1.0.8] |100|3.5 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=17, z=5|magic|×1.0|×0.5 [1.0.8] |no|0|SetLoop=3
Top Final hitbox|34|1F|0|0|0|5.0|88|24|0|214 [1.0.8] |7.0|z=0, y=21, x=0|magic|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|0|only hits grounded targets
Back Final hitbox|34|1F|1|0|0|5.0|88|24|0|214 [1.0.8] |7.5|z=0, y=18, x=-6|magic|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|0|
Front Final hitbox|34|1F|2|0|0|5.0|88|24|0|214 [1.0.8] |7.5|z=0, y=18, x=6|magic|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|0|
Bottom Final hitbox|34|1F|3|0|0|5.0|88|24|0|214 [1.0.8] |8.0|z=0, y=15, x=0|magic|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|0|
Power Sweep|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hit 1, 2, 3, 4|-44, -41, -38, -35|-44, -41, -38, -35|-51, -48, -45, -42|-51, -48, -45, -42
hit 5, 6, 7|-29, -26, -23|-29, -26, -23|-36, -33, -30|-36, -33, -30
hit 8|-18|-18|-25|-25
Patch History
Patch 1.0.8
loop hitboxes
    wkb 40/50/60/60 -> 40/40/40/40
    size 3.0/3.8/3.0/3.0 -> 3.5/4.2/3.5/3.5
    sdi x1.0 -> x0.5
    final hitboxes kbg 190 -> 214

~ Aerial Moves ~


Zelda spins around in midair with two balls of light at her hands dealing multiple hits.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|AC Window|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Magical Spin|6-7, 10-11, 14-15, 18-19, 22-23|12|51|1-3, 38>|19F [1.0.8] |2.5/1.5 + 2.5/1.5 + 2.5/1.5 + 2.5/1.5 + 5 = 11-15% (front/back) [1.1.5] |Sakurai Angle (Final hit) |NO| 219% (Final hit, hands)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Front Loop hitbox|6, 10, 14, 18|2F|0 [1.0.8] |0|0|2.5 [1.1.5] |366|0|75|100|4.7 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=11, x=7.6|none|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|SetLoop=4
Back Loop hitbox|6, 10, 14, 18|2F|1 [1.0.8] |0|0|1.5 [1.1.5] |366|0|75|100|4.7 [1.0.8] |z=0, y=12, x=-6|none|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|SetLoop=4
Back Final hitbox|22|2F|0|0|0|5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40|0|130 [1.1.5] |4.0|z=0, y=12, x=-6|magic|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|
Front Final hitbox|22|2F|1|0|0|5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40|0|130 [1.1.5] |4.0|z=0, y=11, x=7.6|magic|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|
Bottom Final hitbox|22|2F|2|0|3|5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40|0|110 [1.1.5] |6.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|
Top Final hitbox|22|2F|3|0|19|5.0 [1.1.5] |361|40|0|110 [1.1.5] |6.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×0.0|no|0|
Magical Spin|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
loop hit; LL(F)|-9|-12|-16|-19
hit 5; FAF|-17|-16|-24|-23
hit 5; LL(F)|-8|-8|-15|-15
hit 5; LL(L)|-23|-22|-30|-29
hit 5; SHAC|-5|-4|-12|-11
Important Falling NAir & Rage Data
As many Zelda mains know, a fast falling NAir where you land before getting the final hit will allow you to drag an opponent to the ground with enough hitstun to followup with some of Zelda's quicker ground attacks, the most infamous and useful option beeing FW Elevator at kill percents, working as a useful kill setup.

The multihits of NAir use weight-based knock-back, and thus will knock with the same power regardless of the opponent's percent. HOWEVER, Zelda's own rage levels can cause problems for the setup. If the multihit KB increases due to rage, the KB can be high enough where the target won't be dragged to the ground, but instead forced to it with a small ground-bounce animation. This animation can be interrupted far sooner, allowing opponents with quick aerial options to counterattack before most if not all of Zelda's falling NAir followups.

With this in mind, knowing what rage level this occurs at is important so that you don't try and fail to falling NAir > Elevator someone, only for the Elevator to miss or stopped by the opponent, both of which are bad.

This table details at what percents Zelda's NAir multihits will induce this forceful hitstun that causes falling NAir combos to fail.

Credit to @evmaxy54 for taking the time to compile the data! Here's the original spreadsheet.
Patch History
Patch 1.0.8
    landing lag 22F -> 19F
loop hitboxes
    IDs 1/0 -> 0/1 (swapped)
    damage 1/2 -> 2/1 (swapped)
    size 3.0 -> 4.7
Patch 1.1.5
    loop hitboxes damage 2/1 -> 2.5/1.5
final hitboxes
    damage 3 -> 5
    kbg 160/140 -> 130/110


Zelda quickly spins into a midair judo kick with powerful magic centered at the ball of her foot.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|AC Window|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Lightning Kick|9, (Sweet-spot) 9-13 (Sour-spot) |15|53|1-3, 50>|23F|4% (Sour-spot) / 20% (Sweet-spot) |Sakurai Angle|NO (Sweet-spot) / YES (Sour-spot) | 95% / 90% (Sweet-spot)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|9|1F|0|0|7|20.0|361|24|0|95|1.9|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.5|×0.0|no|0|
Sour-spot 1|9|5F|1|0|5|4.0|361|5|0|80|4.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Sour-spot 2|9|5F|2|0|3|4.0|361|5|0|80|4.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Sour-spot 3|9|5F|3|0|7|4.0|361|5|0|96|5.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Lightning Kick|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
sweet-spot; FAF|-23|-23|-30|-30
sweet-spot; LL(F)|-3|-3|-10|-10
sweet-spot; LL(L)|-39|-39|-46|-46
sour-spot; FAF|-32|-28|-39|-35
sour-spot; LL(F)|-12|-12|-19|-19
sour-spot; LL(L)|-52|-48|-59|-55
Patch History


Zelda quickly does a powerful midair kick behind her with very strong magic centered at the ball of her foot.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|AC Window|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Reverse Lightning Kick|6, (Sweet-spot) 6-9 (Sour-spot) |12|53|1-2, 52>|25F|4% (Sour-spot) / 20% (Sweet-spot) |Sakurai Angle|NO (Sweet-spot) / YES (Sour-spot) | 92% / 85% (Sweet-spot)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|6|1F|0|0|11|20.0|361|28|0|96|1.9|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.5|×0.0|no|0|only hits opposite the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot 1|6|4F|1|0|9|4.0|361|5|0|80|4.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|only hits opposite the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot 2|6|4F|2|0|3|4.0|361|5|0|80|4.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|only hits opposite the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot 3|6|4F|3|0|11|4.0|361|5|0|96|5.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|only hits opposite the direction Zelda is facing
Reverse Lightning Kick|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
sweet-spot; FAF|-26|-26|-33|-33
sweet-spot; LL(F)|-5|-5|-12|-12
sweet-spot; LL(L)|-46|-46|-53|-53
sour-spot; FAF|-35|-32|-42|-39
sour-spot; LL(F)|-14|-14|-21|-21
sour-spot; LL(L)|-59|-56|-66|-63
Ledge Trump > BAir
If you are very quick after trumping an opponent on the ledge, you can follow up with a sweet-spotted BAir. The difficulty of execution varies between characters. The percents were taken at FD, no rage, no resisting inputs. Eventually I plan on improving this with correct Vector percents. Currently I have not done the Miis, and can't do the DLC characters, due to not owning them yet.
Character|Percent [3DS] ||Character|Percent [3DS]
Patch History


Zelda does a midair stomp with powerful meteor smashing magic centered at her heel.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|AC Window|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Meteor Heel|14, (Sweet-spot) 15-24 (Sour-spot) |20|45|1-3, 40>|18F [1.0.8] |16% (Sweet-spot) / 5% (Upper sour-spot) / 4% (Lower sour-spot) |275 (Sour-spot) / 270 (Sweet-spot) |YES (Sweet-spot) / NO (Sour-spot) | 225% / 216% (Sweet-spot, grounded target)
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|14|1F|0|0|7|16.0|270|30|0|65|4.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|magic|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Upper sour-spot|15|9F|0|0|5|5.0|275|5|0|90|6.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Lower sour-spot|15|9F|1|0|7|4.0|275|0|0|70|6.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×1.0|×1.0|yes|0|
Meteor Heel|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
sweet-spot; FAF|-12|-12|-19|-19
sweet-spot; LL(F)|-1|-1|-8|-8
sweet-spot; LL(L)|-26|-26|-33|-33
sweet-spot; SHAC|-8|-8|-15|-15
sour-spot; FAF|-18|-9|-25|-16
sour-spot; LL(F)|-7|-7|-14|-14
sour-spot; LL(L)|-31|-22|-38|-29
sour-spot; SHAC|-13|-4|-20|-11
Patch History
Patch 1.0.8
    landing lag 21F -> 18F


Zelda gently raises her hand and points above herself to create a large, powerful explosion above her in the air.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|AC Window|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Condensed Blast (Official Name) / "Finger Bang" (Brawl Days Nickname) |14-16|20|55|1-4, 56>|19F [1.0.8] |17% [1.1.5] |90|NO| 120%* / 111% [1.1.5]
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Hitbox|14|3F|0|0|0|17.0 [1.1.5] |90|30|0|84 [1.1.5] |8.0 [1.1.5] |z=0, y=23, x=0.5|fire|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|indirectly attached hit-box
Condensed Blast|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hitbox; FAF|-22|-20|-29|-27
hitbox; LL(F)|-1|-1|-8|-8
hitbox; LL(L)|-42|-40|-49|-47
Patch History
Patch 1.0.8
    landing lag 22F -> 19F
Patch 1.1.5
    damage 15 -> 17
    kbg 90 -> 84
    size 7.0 -> 8.0

~ Miscellaneous Moves ~


After being knocked down, Zelda sweeps her legs around her before getting up, hitting on both sides.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Invincible Frames|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Retaliation Sweep|17-18, (Front) 21-22 (Back) |46|1-22|7% (Per hit) |48|NO|N/A
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Front hitbox|17|2F|0|0|0|7.0|48|80|0|48|5.0|z=0, y=5, x=13 / z=0, y=5, x=4|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+8 [1.1.1] |stretchy hit-box
Back hitbox|21|2F|0|0|0|7.0|48|80|0|48|5.0|z=0, y=5, x=-13 / z=0, y=5, x=-4|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+8 [1.1.1] |stretchy hit-box
Getup Attack|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
front hit|-15|-14|-22|-21
back hit|-11|-10|-18|-17
Patch History
Patch ?
    all hitboxes shield damage 10 -> 8
Both knocked down getup attacks (On stomach and on back.) surprisingly have identical hit-box data.


After having tripped, Zelda sweeps her legs around her before getting up, hitting on both sides.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Invincible Frames|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Retaliation Sweep|19-20, (Back) 27-28 (Front) |50|1-7|5% (Per hit) |Sakurai Angle|NO|N/A
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Back hitbox|19|2F|0|0|0|5.0|361|60|0|50|4.5|z=0, y=4.5, x=-12 / z=0, y=4.5, x=-4.5|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+8 [1.1.1] |stretchy hit-box
Front hitbox|27|2F|0|0|0|5.0|361|60|0|50|4.5|z=0, y=4.5, x=13 / z=0, y=4.5, x=4|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+8 [1.1.1] |stretchy hit-box
Tripped Attack|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
front hit|-19|-18|-26|-25
back hit|-11|-10|-18|-17
Patch History
Patch ?
    all hitboxes shield damage 10 -> 8


After heaving herself up from the ledge, Zelda sweeps her legs across the ground at the ledge before rising up fully.

BnB Data
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Invincible Frames|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Ledge Attack|24-26|56|1-21|7%|45|NO|N/A
Complex Data
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Hitbox|24|3F|0|0|0|7.0|45|90|0|20|4.5|z=0, y=4.5, x=9 / z=0, y=4.5, x=-2.5|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+1|stretchy hit-box / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Ledge Attack|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History
Last edited:


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
~ Special Moves ~


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Nayru to create a temporary crystalline barrier around her that can reflect incoming projectile attacks and inflict damage to anyone in range of the storm of sharp crystals.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit-Frames|OoS|FAF|Intangible Frames|Reflect Frames|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Laggy Diamond Twirl|13-24, 28 (Loop hit-box re-hit rate: 4F) |19 (Intangible frame 11) |60|5-15 [1.1.5] |5-43 (Damage multiplier: ×1.25) |2/1 + 2/1 + 2/1 + 5/4 = 8-11% (2/5 = inner hits, 1/4 = outer hits) |Sakurai Angle (Final hit) |NO|N/A
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Inner Loop hitbox|13|13F|0|0|0|2.0|160|12|0|40|6.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F
Outer Loop hitbox|13|13F|1|0|0|1.0|160|12|0|40|4.0|z=0, y=8, x=-10 / z=0, y=8, x=10|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box / only hits grounded targets / re-hit rate: 4F
Inner Final hitbox|28|1F|0|0|0|5.0|361|50|0|100|7.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box
Outer Final hitbox|28|1F|1|0|0|4.0|361|40|0|100|5.0|z=0, y=8, x=-11 / z=0, y=8, x=11|slash|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box
Block Advantage Data Table
Nayru's Love|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hit 1, 2, 3; (2%)|-36, -32, -28|-33, -29, -25|-43, -39, -35|-40, -36, -32
hit 1, 2, 3; (1%)|-37, -33, -29|-34, -30, -26|-44, -40, -36|-41, -37, -33
hit 4|-20|-20|-27|-27
Patch History
Patch 1.1.5
    intangibility frames 5-12 -> 5-15


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Din to cast a small, harmless wisp that she can move at her will and then set it off to create a large explosion. As the wisp travels further, the explosion will become larger and stronger.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Din's Fire|16-17 (Upon release) / 47-48 (Min distance) |40 (Release animation) / 71 (Min distance) |21F|3.5-7% (Sour-spot) / 7-14% (Sweet-spot) |65 (Sour-spot) / 52 (Sweet-spot) |YES*| 140% / 134% (Sweet-spot, max distance)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|16|2F|0|0|0|2.0|52|50|0|97|2.1 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 7.0 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot|16|2F|1|0|0|1.0|65|55|0|40|4.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 3.5 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Block Advantage Data Table
Din's Fire|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History
Patch 1.0.6
    sweet-spot size 2.7 -> 2.1


Zelda strikes a familiar pose and creates a purple vortex in front of her. From this vortex Zelda release's a large suit of Phantom Armor which will attack and then shield her for a short period of time. If power is channeled into the vortex, the Phantom Armor will attack with stronger attacks and shield Zelda longer.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Phantom Health|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Phantom Slash|31 (Min charge) / Upon Release: 11 (Min charge) / 13-14 (Med charge) / 18-19, 24-27 (Max charge) |47 [1.1.0] (Release animation) / 67 [1.1.0] (Min charge) |6-8% (Min charge) / 11-15% (Med charge) / 11.4 + 13.4 = 24.8% (Max charge) |13% (Regeneration timer: 10 seconds) [1.0.6] |Sakurai Angle (Min & Med charge) / 50 (Max charge, 2nd hit) |YES*| 207% / 176% (Med charge) / 139% / 127% (Max charge, both hits)
Complex Data Table
charge level|hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Minimum, horizontal slash|Windbox|2|9F|0|0|0|0.0|0|0|40 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |6.0|z=0, y=10, x=5|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Phantom slash|11|1F|0|0|0|6.0|361|30|0|100|5.0|z=0, y=10, x=10 / z=0, y=10, x=20 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box
Medium, overhead slash|Windbox 1|2|13F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|55 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=7|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|2|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|40 [1.1.0] |100|5.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 / z=0, y=8, x=9 [1.1.0] |none|×1|×1|no|0|stretchy hitbox / only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|2|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|30 [1.1.0] |100|7.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 / z=0, y=8, x=9 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hitbox / only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Phantom slash|13|2F|0|0|0|8.0|361|30|0|80|7.5|z=0, y=10, x=12 / z=0, y=10, x=23 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 11.0
Maximum, uppercut slash|Windbox 1|2|22F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|60 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=10|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|6|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|60 [1.1.0] |100|5.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 / z=0, y=8, x=9 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hitbox / only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|6|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|50 [1.1.0] |100|8.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 / z=0, y=8, x=9 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hitbox / only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Hit 1 hitbox|18|2F|0|0|2000|3.0|62|90|0|10|4.0|z=1, y=0, x=-4 / z=1, y=0, x=15 [1.1.0] |slash|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 11.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 1|24|4F|0|0|2000|5.0|50|32|0|100|4.0|z=1, y=0, x=2|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 13.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 2|24|4F|1|0|2000|5.0|50|32|0|100|4.5|z=1, y=0, x=8|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 13.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 3|24|4F|2|0|2000|5.0|50|32|0|100|5.5|z=1, y=0, x=15|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 13.4
Block Advantage Data Table
Phantom Slash|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
uncharged slash; (6%)|-24|-24|-31|-31
uncharged slash; (8%)|-23|-23|-30|-30
med charge slash; (11%)|-19|-18|-26|-25
med charge slash; (15%)|-17|-16|-24|-23
max charge; hit 1|-14|-13|-21|-20
max charge; hit 2|-7|-4|-14|-11
Patch History


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Farore to teleport a great distance in the direction of her choosing. Zelda can inflict a devastating blow on any foe too close to her when she disappears or reappears.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|Intangible Frames|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Farore's Wind|7-8 (Disappear) / 41-42 (Reappear) |8|42 (Grounded reappear) / 81 (Full move, ground) |23-39|30F|6% (Disappear) / 10% / 7% (Grounded reappear, sweet-spot/sour-spot) / 12% / 8% (Airborne reappear, sweet-spot/sour-spot) |91 (Grounded disappear) / Sakurai Angle (Grounded reappear) / 80 (Airborne disappear) / 55 (Airborne reappear) |YES*| 132% / 120% (Grounded reappear, sweet-spot) / 202% / 196% (Airborne disappear) / 122% / 116% (Airborne reappear, sweet-spot) / 109% / 97% (Elevator)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Ground disappear|11|2F|0|0|0|6.0|91|118|0|30|8.0|z=0, y=6, x=-4 / z=0, y=6, x=4|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box / frame speed: ×0.6
Ground reappear sweet-spot|1|2F|0|0|2|10.0|361|90|0|90|10.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.5|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×1.2
Ground reappear sour-spot|1|2F|1|0|2|7.0|361|70|0|90|15.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×1.2
Aerial disappear|11|2F|0|0|2|6.0|80|60|0|100|10.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×0.6
Aerial reappear sweet-spot|1|2F|0|0|2|12.0|55|90|0|90|11.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.5|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×1.2
Aerial reappear sour-spot|1|2F|1|0|2|8.0|55|90|0|90|16.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×1.2
Block Advantage Data Table
Farore's Wind|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
reappear; sweet-spot|-25|-24|-32|-31
reappear; sour-spot|-26|-25|-33|-32
Farore's Wind Elevator
How this works: there are 8 bars for each character. Each being an elevator KO percent with different circumstances in mind. Each percent is the earliest percent at whic the character was KO'ed off the top (And there was the red lightning effect.) on FD in the 3DS. Keep each of these in mind! Sometimes you may be able to net an earlier KO if you're close to the side blastzone and/or if you are using the WiiU version, as blastzones are a little closer in the WiiU version. Inversely you may need to go up around 5% to KO on stages with slightly higher top blastzones like BF.

No DI, 0% Rage : The target did NOT do any sort of DI of the second hit, and Zelda had no damage herself.

No DI, 50% / 100% / 150% Rage : All once again these are tested with no DI on the target's part on hit 2, but this time tested at three different levels of rage boosts for Zelda. 150% is the cap so no need to test any higher.

No DI percents are purely a gamble to go for against anyone off of FG. If your opponent knows how to correctly DI hit 2, you should stick to "Good DI"

Good DI : These follow the same design as far as rage as the "No DI" but in these tests the target correctly survival DI'ed to live as long as possible. These are the earliest percents at which, when used, the opponent was KO'ed off the top. You can take good DI percents as a more "true guarantee" of when a character will be KO'ed by elevator. Yes, they're a little higher percent numbers, but you can feel more confident in their success.

Orange numbers : These are significant as some characters can actually undershhot the second hit of FW at a small percent range. The numbers shown in the chart are the earliest numbers where it will comfortably work. Below the chart are the lowest numbers the character was KO'ed at. These percents will only work if FW1 is used at point-blank.
3DS |No DI 0% Rage |No DI 50% Rage |No DI 100% Rage |No DI 150% Rage |Good DI 0% Rage |Good DI 50% Rage |Good DI 100% Rage |Good DI 150% Rage
:4bowserjr:| 80% |71%|55%|41%|116%|108%|89%|71%
:4littlemac:| 81% | 71% |53%|40%|107%|100%|83%|69%
:4fox:| 70% | 59% |44%| 32% |99%|96%|77%|62%
:4falcon:| 86% |77%|59%|45%|120%|113%|92%|74%
:4megaman:| 103% | 85% |58%|44%|122%|116%|94%|77%
:4bowserjr: 77%
:4littlemac: 73% / 68%
:4fox: 69% / 58% / 31%
:4falcon: 81%
:4megaman: 97% / 81%
Patch History

~ Custom Special Moves ~

sometimes called Nayru's Reject. :^)
Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Nayru to create a very brief crystalline barrier around her that can reflect incoming projectile attacks, and will turn away any opponent caught by the crystals.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit-Frames|FAF|Intangible Frames|Reflect Frames|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Nayru's Rejection|18-25, 26 (Loop hit-box re-hit rate: 4F) |58|7-17?|18-29 (Damage multiplier: ×1.25) |1 + 1 + 5 = 7%|110 (Final hit) |NO|N/A
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Loop hitbox|12|16F|0|0|0|1.0|160|12|0|40|10.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|slash|×0.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F / frame speed: ×1.5 (1-11) / frame speed: ×0.5 (12-27)
Final hitbox|28|5F|0|0|0|5.0|110|0|0|0|10.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|Turning|×1.0|×1.0|no|+4|stretchy hit-box / 30% trip rate
Windbox|29|4F|0|1|0|0.0|361|0|40|100|10.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|+4|stretchy hit-box / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 3F
Block Advantage Data Table
Nayru's Reject|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
hit 1, 2|-30, -26|-27, -23|-37, -33|-34, -30
hit 3|-17|-17|-24|-24
Patch History


Zelda channels the passion of the triforce goddess Nayru to create a vortex of wind that pulls targets in, and then unleash a fiery explosion to knock anyone dragged in back away.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit-Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Nayru's Passion|11-19, [1.1.1] (Wind-box) 22-24 [1.1.1] (Explosion) |55 [1.1.1] |15%|Sakurai Angle|NO| 165% / 167%
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Windbox|13|13F|0|0|0|0.0|367|0|40|100|13.0|z=0, y=8, x=-12 / z=0, y=8, x=12 [1.1.1] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box / re-hit rate: 6F / frame speed: ×0.8 (1-25) [1.1.1]
Explosion|27|3F|0|0|0|15.0|361|50|0|65|11.0|z=0, y=8, x=-4 / z=0, y=8, x=4|fire|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|stretchy hit-box
Block Advantage Data Table
Nayru's Passion|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Din to cast a very small wisp that cannot be controlled very well, but moves very quickly and can travel very far. When released it creates a concentrated, but powerful explosion. The explosion is equally powerful at any distance.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Din's Flare|16-17 (Upon release) |40 (Release animation) |21F|7% (Sour-spot) / 14% (Sweet-spot) |65 (Sour-spot) / 52 (Sweet-spot) |YES*| 140% / 134% (Sweet-spot)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|16|2F|0|0|0|2.0|52|50|0|97|2.1 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 14.0 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot|16|2F|1|0|0|1.0|65|55|0|40|4.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 7.0 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Block Advantage Data Table
Din's Flare|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Din to cast a large wisp that can be controlled very well, but moves slowly. When released it will create a large explosion after a small delay. The explosion's size and power scale greatly with distance.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Din's Blaze|51-52 (Upon release) / 82-83 (Min distance) |50 (Release animation) / 81 (Min distance) |21F|3.5-9% (Sour-spot) / 7-18% (Sweet-spot) |65 (Sour-spot) / 52 (Sweet-spot) |YES*| 107% / 101% (Sweet-spot, max distance)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Sweet-spot|51|2F|0|0|0|2.0|52|50|0|97|2.1 [1.0.6] |z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 7.0 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Sour-spot|51|2F|1|0|0|1.0|65|55|0|40|4.5|z=0, y=0, x=0|fire|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|base damage: 3.5 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Block Advantage Data Table
Din's Blaze|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History


Zelda creates a purple vortex and summons a suit of Phantom Armor that will always attack at a set distance in front of Zelda, no matter what channeling is done. Its attacks do less damage on hit, but wear away shields very quickly. Channeling more power will cause it to be even more fatal to shields.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Phantom Health|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Phantom Breaker|31 (Min charge) / Upon Release: 11 (Min charge) / 13 (Med charge) / 18-19, 24-27 (Max charge) |50 [1.1.0] (Release animation) / 70 [1.1.0] (Min charge) |5-7% (Min charge) / 9-13% (Med charge) / 9 + 11 = 20% (Max charge) |13% (Regeneration timer: 10 seconds) [1.0.6] |Sakurai Angle (Min & Med charge) / 50 (Max charge, 2nd hit) |YES*| 175% / 171% (Max charge, both hits)
Complex Data Table
charge level|hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Minimum, horizontal slash|Windbox|2|9F|0|0|0|0.0|0|0|40 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |6.0|z=0, y=10, x=5|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Phantom slash|11|1F|0|0|0|5.0|361|30|0|100|5.0|z=0, y=10, x=10 / z=0, y=10, x=20 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|+10|stretchy hit-box
Medium, overhead slash|Windbox 1|2|12F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|55 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=7|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|2|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|40 [1.1.0] |100|5.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|2|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|30 [1.1.0] |100|7.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Phantom slash|13|1F|0|0|0|7.0|361|30|0|80|7.5|z=0, y=10, x=12 / z=0, y=10, x=23 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|+15|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 9.0
Maximum, uppercut slash|Windbox 1|2|22F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|60 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=10|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|6|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|60 [1.1.0] |100|5.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|6|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|50 [1.1.0] |100|8.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Hit 1 hitbox|18|2F|0|0|2000|2.0|62|90|0|10|4.0|z=1, y=0, x=-4 / z=1, y=0, x=15 [1.1.0] |slash|×2.0|×1.0|yes*|+10|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 9.0
|Hit 2 hitbox 1|24|4F|0|0|2000|4.0|50|32|0|100|4.0|z=1, y=0, x=2|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|+20|base damage: 11.0
|Hit 2 hitbox 2|24|4F|1|0|2000|4.0|50|32|0|100|4.5|z=1, y=0, x=8|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|+20|base damage: 11.0
|Hit 2 hitbox 3|24|4F|2|0|2000|4.0|50|32|0|100|5.5|z=1, y=0, x=15|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes*|+20|base damage: 11.0
Block Advantage Data Table
Phantom Breaker|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
uncharged slash; (5%)|-22|-22|-29|-29
uncharged slash; (7%)|-21|-21|-28|-28
med charge slash; (9%)|-15|-15|-22|-22
med charge slash; (13%)|-13|-13|-20|-20
max charge; hit 1|-13|-12|-20|-19
max charge; hit 2|0|+3|-7|-4
Patch History


Zelda creates a purple vortex and summons a suit of Phantom Armor that will only attack right in front of her instead of going out. Its sword is slightly larger, and deals more damage, but but it cannot outright KO an opponent. It takes significantly less channeling time for the Phantom to reach maximum power.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Phantom Health|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Phantom Strike|31 (Min charge) / Upon Release: 11 (Min charge) / 13 (Med charge) / 18-19, 24-27 (Max charge) |50 [1.1.0] (Release animation) / 70 [1.1.0] (Min charge) |8-10% (Min charge) / 13-17% (Med charge) / 13.4 + 15.4 = 28.8% (Max charge) |13% (Regeneration timer: 10 seconds) [1.0.6] |0 (Min charge) / 20 (Med charge) / 30 (Max charge, 2nd hit) |YES*|N/A
Complex Data Table
charge level|hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Minimum, horizontal slash|Windbox|2|9F|0|0|0|0.0|0|0|40 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |6.0|z=0, y=10, x=5|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Phantom slash|11|1F|0|0|0|8.0|0|0|90|100|8.0|z=0, y=10, x=10 / z=0, y=10, x=20 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box
Medium, overhead slash|Windbox 1|2|12F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|55 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=7|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|2|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|40|100|5.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|2|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|15|100|7.0|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 5F / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Phantom slash|13|1F|0|0|0|10.0|20|0|120|80|9.8|z=0, y=10, x=12 / z=0, y=10, x=23 [1.1.0] |slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 13.0
Maximum, uppercut slash|Windbox 1|2|22F|5|1|0|0.0|0|0|60 [1.1.0] |100 [1.1.0] |7.0|z=0, y=10, x=10|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|indirectly attached hit-box
|Windbox 2|6|10F|0|0|0|0.0|361|0|60|100|5.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits grounded targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Windbox 3|6|10F|1|0|0|0.0|361|0|10|100|8.5|z=0, y=8, x=14 [1.1.0] |none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits airborne targets / indirectly attached hit-box / re-hit rate: 4F [1.1.0] / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
|Hit 1 hitbox|18|2F|0|0|2000|5.0|80|90|0|10|5.0|z=1, y=0, x=-4 / z=1, y=0, x=15 [1.1.0] |slash|×2.0|×1.0|yes|0|stretchy hit-box / base damage: 13.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 1|24|4F|0|0|2000|7.0|30|0|130|100|5.0|z=1, y=0, x=2|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes|0|base damage: 15.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 2|24|4F|1|0|2000|7.0|30|0|130|100|6.0|z=1, y=0, x=8|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes|0|base damage: 15.4
|Hit 2 hitbox 3|24|4F|2|0|2000|7.0|30|0|130|100|7.0|z=1, y=0, x=15|slash|×1.2|×1.0|yes|0|base damage: 15.4
Block Advantage Data Table
Phantom Strike|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
uncharged slash; (8%)|-26|-26|-23|-23
uncharged slash; (10%)|-25|-25|-22|-22
med charge slash; (13%)|-21|-21|-28|-28
med charge slash; (17%)|-19|-19|-26|-26
max charge; hit 1|-16|-15|-23|-22
max charge; hit 2|-9|-6|-16|-13
Patch History


Zelda channels the power of the triforce goddess Farore to create a large disturbance of wind and teleport in a direction of her choosing. While teleporting, a squall will follow her movement and blow around opponents in range. Zelda reappears a short time after, a very great distance in the direction chosen.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|FAF|Intangible Frames|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Farore's Squall|1-43, (Disappear) 44-62, (Moving) 63-64 [1.1.1] (Reappear) |2 (Wind-box) |29 [1.1.1] (Grounded reappear) / 90 [1.1.1] (Full move, ground) |44-61|30F|0% (All hit-Boxes) |Sakurai Angle (Disappear & Moving) / 90 (Reappear) |NO|N/A
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Disappear Windbox|1|33F|0|0|0|0.0|361|50|0|100|10.0|z=0, y=6, x=0|none|×0.0|×0.0|no|0|frame speed: ×1.3
Travelling Windbox|34|19F|0|0|0|0.0|361|90|0|100|12.0|z=0, y=6, x=-4|none|×0.0|×0.0|no|0|
Reappear hitbox|1|2F [1.1.1] |1|1|2|0.0|90|90|0|100|15.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|none|×0.0|×0.0|no|0|frame speed: ×0.8 (3-38) [1.1.1]
Block Advantage Data Table
Farore's Squall|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History


Zelda uses the power of the triforce goddess Farore to quickly teleport straight up. Zelda will force anyone in range to be quickly launched up, and then hurled back down and away by the strong wind, fatally meteor smashing them.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|OoS|Intangible Frames|Landing Lag|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Farore's Windfall|14-15, (Disappear) 25-26 (Reappear) |15|15-23|30F|4% (Disappear) / 7% (Reappear) |90 (Disappear) / 300 (Reappear) |YES*| 153% / 141% (Disappear only) / 96% / 91% (Elevator)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Disappear|31|3F|0|0|2|4.0|90|110|0|100|10.0|z=0, y=0, x=0|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|frame speed: ×0.4
Reappear|1|2F|0|0|0|7.0|300|50|0|100|10.0|z=0, y=0, x=0 / z=0, y=4, x=0|slash|×1.0|×1.0|yes*|0|stretchy hit-box / frame speed: ×1.0 (1-2)
Block Advantage Data Table
Farore's Windfall|first frame [drop]|last frame [drop]|first frame [OoS]|last frame [OoS]
Patch History

~ Grabs & Throws ~


Zelda reaches out with magically charged hands to catch her opponent. Any one opponent within reach will be caught by Zelda and temporarily immobilized; they can then be thrown.

Grab Data Table
Standing grab "Magical Hold"|10|2F|38|3.8|z=0, y=9, x=4 / z=0, y=9, x=11.5 [1.1.5] |stretchy hit-box / frame 10 OoS
Dash grab|11|2F|47|3.0|z=0, y=9, x=4 / z=0, y=9, x=14.5 [1.1.5] |stretchy hit-box
Pivot grab|11|2F|45|3.8|z=0, y=9, x=-4 / z=0, y=9, x=-16.7 [1.1.5] |stretchy hit-box
Patch History
Patch 1.0.4
Pivot Grab
    x-stretch -18.700001 -> -15.7
Patch 1.1.5
Standing Grab
    x-stretch 10.5 -> 11.5
Dash Grab
    x-stretch 13.5 -> 14.5
Pivot Grab
    x-stretch -15.7 -> -16.7


Zelda puts a hex on the opponent in her grasp, dealing a small amount of damage.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Hit Angle|Clank|KO Potential
Hex|7|26|3%|Sakurai Angle|NO|N/A
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Hitbox|7|1F|0|0|0|3.0|361|0|30|100|5.0|z=0, y=11, x=8|magic|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Patch History
Relatively standard pummel. Does on the higher side of damage, and is somewhat slow. Don't expect to get more than two pummels at higher percent.


Zelda uses levitation to disorientate her opponent before launching them forward.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Weight Dependent?|Hit Angle|KO Potential
Levitation|30|50|12%|YES|45| 191% / 170% (At the edge)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|ID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Throw|30|0|0|12.0|45|70|0|50|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|weight-based speed modifier
Grab release|--|1|0|3.0|361|40|0|100|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|damage from mid-throw release
Patch History


Zelda uses levitation to bring her opponent around behind her, and then launch them backwards.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Weight Dependent?|Hit Angle|KO Potential
Reverse Levitation|27|50|11%|YES|135| 152% / 131% (At the edge)
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|ID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Throw|27|0|0|11.0|45|80|0|60|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|weight-based speed modifier
Grab release|--|1|0|3.0|361|40|0|100|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|damage from mid-throw release
Patch History


Zelda magically holds her opponent down, levitates above them, and unleashes plasma waves onto their back.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Weight Dependent?|Hit Angle|KO Potential
Plasma Beat|25-26, 31-32, 37-38, 43-44, 51|70 [1.0.4] |1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6%|NO|100|N/A
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|duration|ID|GID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|size|z/y/x|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Loop hitbox|25, 31, 37, 43|2F|0|0|0|1.0|40|0|25|100|7.2|z=0, y=2, x=0|magic|×0.5|×1.0|no|0|SetLoop=4 / only hits the direction Zelda is facing
Grab release|--|--|1|--|0|3.0|361|40|0|100|--|--|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|damage from mid-throw release
Patch History
    FAF 79 -> 70


Zelda uses levitation to bring her opponent above her and then launch them upwards.

BnB Data Table
Move Name|Hit Frames|FAF|Damage|Weight Dependent?|Hit Angle|KO Potential
Levitation Launch|30|50|11%|YES|88| 216% / 205%
Complex Data Table
hit-box|hit-frame|ID|bone|damage|angle|BKB|WKB|KBG|element|hit-lag|SDI|clank?|shield damage|notes
Throw|30|0|0|11.0|88|50|0|60|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|weight-based speed modifier
Grab release|--|1|0|3.0|361|40|0|100|none|×1.0|×1.0|no|0|damage from mid-throw release
Patch History
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards

Version Update History :4zelda:

[1.0.4] 17 November 2014
    all hitboxes
        damage 6.5 -> 7.2
Pivot Grab
        z-stretch -18.700001 -> -15.7

[1.0.5] 9 February 2015
Pivot Grab
        visual fix correcting the issue of opponents appearing behind Zelda for a split second when grabbed

[1.0.6] 15 April 2015
    looping hitbox 0
        x 10.0 -> 8.0
    all looping hitboxes
        angle 60/160 -> 25/165
        wkb 60/80 -> 40/50
        size 4.3/5.0 -> 4.2/4.5
    all final hitboxes
        sizes 6.7/5.7 -> 5.5/6.0
        x 16.0/11.0  -> 9.5/16.0
Din's Fire/Flare/Blaze
        sweetspot size 2.7 > 2.1
Phantom Slash
        release animation FAF 54 -> 51
        uncharged animation speed 0.5x for frames 60-70 (10 frames slower)
        middle charge animation speed 0.5x for frames 90-100 (10 frames slower)
        full charge animation speed 0.5x for frames 135-145 (10 frames slower)
        destroyed phantom regeneration timer 6 seconds -> 10 seconds

[1.0.8] 14 June 2015
    all looping hitboxes
        wkb 40/50/60/60 -> all 40
        sizes increased by 0.5
        sdi x1.0 -> x0.5
    all final hitboxes
        kbg 190 -> 214
        landing lag 22 -> 19
    all looping hitboxes
        hit-box 1 and 0 IDs and damages (1.0/2.0) swapped
        sizes increased 3.0 -> 4.7
        landing lag 22 -> 19
        landing lag 21 -> 18

[1.1.0] 30 July 2015
    all looping hitboxes
        bone 14/17/0 –> all 0
        damage 2.0 –> 2.5
        angle 361/361/80 –> 361/140/140
        wkb 40/30/7 –> 40/40/30
        size 2.5/3.0/4.0 –> 3.2/3.2/4.0
        z 3.0/0.0/0.0 –> all 0.0
        y 0.0/0.0/12.5 –> all 12.5
        x 0.0/0.0/0.0 –> 5.5/9.5/13.0
    all final hitboxes
        bone 0/17/14 –> all 0
        damage 2.0 –> 3.0
        bkb 24 –> 35
        kbg 150 –> 130
        size 6.0/3.0/2.5 –> 6.0/3.6/3.6
        z 0.0/0.0/3.0 –> all 0.0
        y 12.5/0.0/0.0 –> all 12.5
        x 0.0/0.0/0.0 –> 13.0/5.5/9.5
        damage 4.5 –> 5.5
        FAF 33 –> 30
Phantom Slash
Minimum charge
        wkb 0 -> 40
        kbg 0 -> 100
        x 14.0 - 20.0 -> 10.0 - 20.0
Medium charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 55
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        wkb 20/9 -> 40/30
        x both 10.0 -> both 9.0 - 14.0 (stretchy hitbox)
        x 16.0 - 23.0 -> 12.0 - 23.0
Maximum charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 60
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        wkb 25/12 -> 60/50
        x both 10.0 -> both 9.0 - 14.0 (stretchy hitbox)
        re-hit rate 5F -> 4F
    hit 1 hitbox
        x 2.0 - 15.0 -> -4.0 - 15.0
Phantom Breaker
Minimum charge
        wkb 0 -> 40
        kbg 0 -> 100
        x 14.0 - 20.0 -> 10.0 - 20.0
Medium charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 55
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        wkb 20/9 -> 40/30
        x both 10.0 -> both 14.0
        x 16.0 - 23.0 -> 12.0 - 23.0
Maximum charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 60
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        wkb 25/12 -> 60/50
        x both 10.0 -> both 14.0
        re-hit rate 5F -> 4F
    hit 1 hitbox
        x 2.0 - 15.0 -> -4.0 - 15.0
Phantom Strike
Minimum charge
        wkb 0 -> 40
        kbg 0 -> 100
        x 14.0 - 20.0 -> 10.0 - 20.0
Medium charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 55
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        x both 10.0 -> both 14.0
        x 16.0 - 23.0 -> 12.0 - 23.0
Maximum charge
    windbox 1
        wkb 0 -> 60
        kbg 0 -> 100
    windbox 2/3
        x both 10.0 -> both 14.0
        re-hit rate 5F -> 4F
    hit 1 hitbox
        x 2.0 - 15.0 -> -4.0 - 15.0

[1.1.1] 30 September 2015
Nayru's Passion
        frames 1-25, frame speed multiplier 1.0 -> 0.8
        FAF 60 -> 55 (frame speed multiplier)
        hit frame 13 -> 11 (frame speed multiplier)
        x -10.0 - 10.0 -> -12.0 - 12.0
        hit frame 27 -> 22 (frame speed multiplier)
Farore's Squall
        FAF 35 -> 34
        frames 3-34, frame speed multiplier 1.0 -> 0.8
        FAF 34 -> 29 (frame speed multiplier)
        hit duration 1F -> 2F

[1.1.5] 16 March 2016
    all looping hitboxes
        damage 2.5 -> 3.0
    all final hitboxes
        damage 3.0 -> 5.0
        bkb 35 -> 40
        kbg 130 -> 95
        hit frame 12 -> 11
        frames 0-10, frame speed multiplier 1.0 -> 0.8
        hit frame 11 -> 9 (frame speed multiplier)
    hitbox 0
        z 3.0 -> 3.5
        FAF 41 -> 38
    all loop hitboxes
        damage 2/1 -> 2.5/1.5 (front/back)
    all final hitboxes
        damage 3 -> 5
        kbg 160/140 -> 130/110 (outer/inner)
        damage 15.0 -> 17.0
        kbg 90 -> 84
        size 7.0 -> 8.0
        x-stretch 10.5 -> 11.5
Dash Grab
        x-stretch 13.5 -> 14.5
Pivot Grab
        x-stretch -15.7 -> -16.7
Nayru's Love
        intangibility F5-12 -> F5-15
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Oh! So it was you who stickied this for me. Thank you! ^ ^ You happened to do it just after I requested a sticky from a different mod, so I had assumed it was them.
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Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2014
This'll be interesting to see when it's complete. If I had a copy I'd help gather the data, but unfortunately.. Not for another two days, lol.

Either way, thanks for taking the time out to compile the data and adding it to the table in the future. Looking forward to the finished table~


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Someone HALP. The coding has gone MESS. I can'T seem to get it to get rid of these stupid [COLOR] things without adding like 10 more. :cry:

EDIT: Okay... It finally seems to have quieted itself down after many attempts. MESS
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
I made the post color white. I thought it'd be better than my purple post color. After a while though, it was acting weird, and adding like, a hundred extra [COLOR] tags. I eventually fixed the bulk of the problem by just, I guess "overriding" the whole post with another white recoloring. I realized that there was still one under Nayru's Love, but I was fed up so I thought I'd tackle that one later... >,>

Edit : oh yeah I also have to like, re-add a bunch of spaces between moves whenever I edit it. IDK WHY... But it's nbd tbh...
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It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
well, i removed the white colour tag, i have custom colours off so...

Edit: Seems like it dislikes tables and colour tags together
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Added move descriptions for Specials and throws, and added (Herp derp) HIT ANGLES to the stat tables.

Only after doing it all, and then accidentally cancelling my edit firsT... ; w ;

Uncertain Title

Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2014
Added move descriptions for Specials and throws, and added (Herp derp) HIT ANGLES to the stat tables.

Only after doing it all, and then accidentally cancelling my edit firsT... ; w ;
Lol that stinks. Thanks for the post btw, can't wait to see this grow ^ ^


♥Smash Beauty♥
Aug 6, 2012
Wish I could contribute, but I will be buying the Wii U version first, so I need to wait to help...


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Okay, just FINALLY finished recording a crap-ton of data on Zelda > All her moves' damage, Approx KO %, and angle. Adding it now~

EDIT : So... I never realized this was a feature until I was in the practice area. YOU CAN PRACTICALLY DO FRAME-BY-FRAME WORK! This is so cool IMO. I definitely plan on adding data sections in the future that have hit-frame and IASA 'ranges'.
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Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
~look at all our kill moves be nerfed~
It's funny you mention that because I really struggled with KO-ing as Zelda. Maybe the Zelda metagame IS to spam Farore's... killed Duck Hunt at 100% centre stage.


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
^ Mind you two, these friggin' GIANT blast zones make every move from brawl look weaker. Most moves of Zelda's should still have the same KB stats.

But yeah, then there's all those newcomers' BS moves that kill at 80%... So yeah. Zelda appears to once again be very neglected.

Like, SERIOUSLY. "Apparently we should add about 20 more lag frames to FAir and BAir, and remove the auto-cancel frames, AND not reduce the landing lag. In return we'll make the sweetspot 1mm bigger."

Also, there's DEFINITELY more landing lag on NAir.


Oh, and the new forced full distance FW mechanic pisses me off. I keep killing myself...LOL


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
It's funny you mention that because I really struggled with KO-ing as Zelda. Maybe the Zelda metagame IS to spam Farore's... killed Duck Hunt at 100% centre stage.
I have to agree on this one myself.

A lot of Farore Wind kills, with the occassional surprise f/bair or dair spike.

I've been KO'ing a lot with her Fsmash surprisingly while using it as the main spacer tool as well. Dsmash kinda gets neglected with no cstick for me, ergh.

Definitely kinda missing the KO utilt.

Uair is the only one that bothers me. Is there a sweetspot on it or something? I swear I've killed earlier than usual with it sometimes.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2009
I think there might be a sweetpot on uair too. I'm not sure. You know when you land an attack and it's like.. it does that animation. That splitting screen thing that means you landed it good? Yeah uair has that, and it's wicked. Not sure though.

I'm just so happy, Zelda just works sooo much better in this game. With Brawl, it's nearly always a state of awkwardness or even panic because literally nothing felt safe.

And she survives soo long this time, a lot of the time I don't get KO'd once in Glory FFAs.

Really try to understand the hitboxes and mechanics of this game, guys. Dins and Phantom have been excellent for me because I figured out when they hit best.

Play around with FW too. Once I was at the ledge and a Sonic used a ledge attack. I used FW, avaided his attack, and landed in the same spot killing him instantly. Zelda's ledge game is REAL. Phantom is amazing for this.

sorry, im fangirling.
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Finally added the rest of the simple boxed data. Will now be working on the notes sections below.


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Now sis I thought we voted that the naming of Zelda's up air was changed to "Finger Bang"?

Im too tired to find the thread where we voted but that name is better TBH
So like, I forgot that name, and at the time I just wanted to get it filled out.

Compromised to appease the crowds...

Also, sis... "Fuughin"

Seriously? Make a better alt next time.
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Thanks for posting this Aero, I did want to eventually add her "physical" stats somewhere.

No surprise she is still as slow as sonic's walk speed.

Even if her run speed WAS increased, (Which I'm beginning to believe it wasn't even AT ALL.) she'd likely still be slower than Link/Luigi/Peach.

Yeah, back during the April direct, I was pretty sure she'd had slightly faster run speed. (Ghetto tested via Brawl.) perhaps she does, but everyone else around her is slightly faster too?


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2012
Lightning Kicks have ridiculous amounts of lag now for some reason.
I debate whether or not I should even punish with them any more due to the amount of time it takes to get into a good position after landing one.

I'm happy that N-air and D-air aren't nearly as bad, but they changed her N-air properties at the wrong time for Zelda to benefit from it. If we still had Brawl N-air, we would undoubtedly have some really good combos off of it.

Zelda still lacks a decent aerial approach anyway. I REALLY wish they had changed one of her F-air/B-air into a good approach tool.


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
So, gorls, I want real frame data.

The thread, where I got those abysmal Landing frames, I want their receipts. I'm not sure these numbers are legit.

I TRIED using the "Hold L" (Tapping L) slow mo 1/4 speed in training to get some frame data estimates, (Read: EMTIMATES. It's obvi really hard to get perfect frame-by-frame tapping L as quickly and lightly as possible to get frame totals, so, yeah. Estimates.) And I decided to do her aerials' landing lags, for fun, and I got numbers that were a few frames better than the abysmal numbers.

Now, I could be the true wrong one here, but I think Zelda's aerials may not have as much landing lag as we thought! I'll definitely have to get on even more thorough testing.

I'm also gonna be adding an area for my approximate frame stuffs already done, so, keep an eye out.
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It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the only accurate way to get frame data is through capture cards, not that 1/4 speed garbage


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the only accurate way to get frame data is through capture cards, not that 1/4 speed garbage
Yeah, thought so. That's why I was trying to make it clear that they were estimates. In 90% of cases, I was pretty sure that there were more frames.

...I want a capture card. HNNNGGG.

I will say though, it at least was able to get pretty close estimates. Most of the time, I was able to count up totals that were the same as their Brawl counterparts. There were some unusual things I will add: It appeared that Dsmash and Usmash both hit 1 frame later than they used to.
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Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2013
Raleigh, NC
My two sense on Zelda (maining her along with several others) take it for what you will:
-If this is posted in the wrong thread/section I apologize

Naryu's love is REALLY good, buffed from Brawl.

Down b, phantom whatever, is good for those trying to dash attack or quickly approach, even if they block the attack, it can stop their counterattack because of its defensive properties and give you an opportunity to punish. Especially if the opponent doesn't know how it works, which many seem not to. Get creative with this.

Farore's Wind (up b) is a great kill move but don't be predictable with it! Also beware of the circle pad input error!

Ftilt is really strong as a spacing tool, can potentially kill at high percents

Dash attack is good especially in Smash 4 where ground game is key


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Just thought I'd throw this out there especially now that Farore is a kill move: that thing from brawl where you Farore toward the ledge from a specific distance and then be free to do whatever you want is still in, whatever it's called. Could be useful since invincibility doesn't come back after numerous ledge grabs without landing. Can only seem to do specials and nair after Farore ends though which means no bair sweetspot unless I'm just doing it wrong. This also means Farore > Din is out of the question since it puts Zelda in helpless but at least nair, Nayru, Phantom and another Farore can be used...it's something '-'


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Just thought I'd throw this out there especially now that Farore is a kill move: that thing from brawl where you Farore toward the ledge from a specific distance and then be free to do whatever you want is still in, whatever it's called. Could be useful since invincibility doesn't come back after numerous ledge grabs without landing. Can only seem to do specials and nair after Farore ends though which means no bair sweetspot unless I'm just doing it wrong. This also means Farore > Din is out of the question since it puts Zelda in helpless but at least nair, Nayru, Phantom and another Farore can be used...it's something '-'
Yes, Farore's ledge cancelling is still in. (Of course, an aerial one is now a bit harder to do.) I guess I hadn't mentioned it in the notes area. My B. ^ ^ I'll add that when I update some of the notes areas.
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*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I haven't looked this up elsewhere on the site so not quite sure if it's about... but occasionally when I run back and do a pivot ftilt, I sometimes get this notably larger slide and do a pivot Fsmash instead. On the times I've used it accidentally, it's been really useful against aerial approaches and sometimes to mess up the spacing of rushdown characters who run at me.

The only problem is I have no idea how to do it consistently... I don't know what inputs to use! Wondering if anyone can help if they use this or have found something like this?????

Uncertain Title

Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2014
I haven't looked this up elsewhere on the site so not quite sure if it's about... but occasionally when I run back and do a pivot ftilt, I sometimes get this notably larger slide and do a pivot Fsmash instead. On the times I've used it accidentally, it's been really useful against aerial approaches and sometimes to mess up the spacing of rushdown characters who run at me.

The only problem is I have no idea how to do it consistently... I don't know what inputs to use! Wondering if anyone can help if they use this or have found something like this?????
That's...O.o No I have never found/heard of this before. I mean, it is possible that the game reads you flicking the analog and pressing 'a' as inputing a pivot fsmash but...I don't know how you would be getting a slide from that. Huh, im gonna have to try this out :D
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*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah! Everyone try it out! Just do loads of pivot ftilts with different timings. You'll get a retreating slide into fsmash which is... lovely! It comes out randomly tho, but then I don't know what the specific input is.

I'll see if I can recreate this and then try and record if someone doesn't do it before me.


Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship
I haven't looked this up elsewhere on the site so not quite sure if it's about... but occasionally when I run back and do a pivot ftilt, I sometimes get this notably larger slide and do a pivot Fsmash instead. On the times I've used it accidentally, it's been really useful against aerial approaches and sometimes to mess up the spacing of rushdown characters who run at me.

The only problem is I have no idea how to do it consistently... I don't know what inputs to use! Wondering if anyone can help if they use this or have found something like this?????
you must be hitting the controls too hard I'm getting mostly Ftilts and having a hard time with getting Fsmashes lol. it's with every character though i noticed it in the demo..
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Road Death Wheel

Smash Champion
Jan 28, 2014
other than the un professional complaints about the developers this is quite useful. Zelda seems quite awesome this time around.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
oh my god i'm so sorry for the quality >__>

You can see me do a pivot ftilt first, and then you can see the pivot fsmash after. Looking at it the leanback from fsmash is what's causing the slide motion (imo). I've found this has come in really handy against approaches in the air and also if someone runs at you from the ground...

I've been getting it more consistently now, but I still don't know what I'm doing... I'm just doing a pivot ftilt!
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