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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You can still mention it though. Like, gut scum, or gut town? Quote and/or underline something. Anyway you can show it. It has to be something that makes your gut feel that way.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright, back from intermission. Real point is that I wanted people to talk about how they're seeing Bardull/Kat and the possibility of one of them being scum, or perhaps both town? It's something that isn't being talked about and needs to be put into light.

I've read both of their arguments. I like Bardull's wall but I felt he was overcompensating and turning things that aren't scummy and trying to twist it so that it is. To produce and actually make a case was good but I can overlook a wall because trust me if we just took post content and how many words you can type as pro-town then J would win all of his scum games.

For reference, here:

Here's my first qualm with Kataefi; Kataefi will point out that something is "strange" but he will not commit right away as to whether or not it's townie or scummy. This in itself isn't terribly scummy, but it's a little peculiar at first (words that are non-committal when it comes to alignment have the tendency to bug me). What actually drives me though is that the common sentiment at the time this post was made seemed to be that Sword's AtE (admitting to nervousness) was questionable at best since it wasn't necessary for the progression of the game per se (Sword could have just as easily affirmed that he was not nervous since Kary was, at least to me, going on a limb in regards to Sword's nervousness.) Kat calls it strange that Sword does this, but then he goes on to say that he is leaning Town on Sword when questioned by Kuzi in the next post. This action sounds off alarms because there seemed to be an inference from Kataefi that Sword was scummy (Sword was being "strange") but he later goes on to turn around and says something that wouldn't normally be expected.
Strange isn't a very clarified and precise way of pinning someone or trying to determine an alignment. There are many things I have found strange in this game but I certainly haven't felt the need to roll out a case like this. It really does feel like the bulk of this could be shortened down too, because what I get out of it is that Bardull dislikes how Kat treated Swords and responded to kuzi.

as previously mentioned, after Kuzi asks Kataefi what his read on Soup/Sword is, Kataefi responds with this after saying that Sword was "strange." It just feels like a scummy backpedal when things seemed to be looking brighter for Sword.
I'm not sure how you reach this conclusion and I'm not even trying to defend Kat here. I'm not sure how one instance that didn't really go anywhere happened to tip you off so much. I think what you should be looking is not the wording of what Kat said rather why he said it and the current predicament. Your conclusion of all this seems like you skimmed, and I want you to clarify how this seemed scummy and a backpedal on his part. I'm actually going to look at Kat a bit more and see what I think myself.

This is a great way of putting it. Couldn't have said it better myself.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Actually reading into this more I feel like you're being kinda choppy with everything Bardull. Covering a ton of topics and trying to seem like you've got a direction going without the ethic of actually putting it into motion. I recall a lot of snippets and the need to add your opinion into things that are either irrelevant at this point or things that have changed. This includes how I feel about your need to recite reads and disagree with things, yet drop whatever you had going and content with just saying 'I dislike this.'

Have you looked into what's going on currently?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Would Lynch: Rockin, Kuz, Kary, Circus (?)
Would Not Lynch: Swords, Kat, PJB
Compromise: J, Bardull, Nabe

It might seem a shocker for some of you but I'm not buying what Kary is selling as of late. There's a need to be relevant and do things, yet in the end I feel they come up short and even though Kary is voting someone who I dislike, I can't help but feel there would be better things to pursue and now that the game seems to be kicking into gear, Kary still has his vote on Rockin. It really frustrates me to no end for Rockin to shaft me at every chance but this isn't a 'who I think is partners' list it's more of

No need for Pressure
Think about later

I know deadline is coming soon however so that opportunity to pressure some of them is out of the window, and even if Kuzi was scum I feel lynching him would give us nothing, and the inactivity argument isn't **** either considering there is plenty of them. Kary I think would actually be a really good lynch both for me and others and I'd love to see more from him. He's also really susceptible and easier to read when he's pinned. Jerkus I want to like and I want to give him benefit of the doubt. As mentioned before, his kuzi read might not be the same, but it's still the direction that I like. This general agreement makes me less willing than the others. Anyone summarize why Circus is a good lynch again?

Swords really has shined through this game and he seems completely normal to me again. He really showed me up beforehand and I still hold true to how I felt about him earlier. Kat looks good right now to me, and I think he's not just forcing **** and even if his reasoning might not be the clearest and I can't pin what he wants at all times, I've seen him come through with things. This is also more solidified because I liked him more against Bardull, which really Bardull put that on himself. Earlier on I was trying to get a beat on PJB and get him to spill why he was getting Kat. There was a dodge on certain things and I couldn't get him to do what I wanted him to. I feel like PJB is playing standards of people and looking at the player himself instead of the slot. This isn't a meta thing more it's like when someone gets suspicious of the guy talking the most. It needs clarification unless I haven't seen it, which otherwise I'd love to be proved wrong. I wouldn't lynch him today, however.

I don't have comments about J really. I don't feel confident in what he's put out and it's not damning enough to make me want to lynch him either. I'm fine with swinging to bardull if that what needs to happen, and I don't feel like lynching Nabe would give us anything either.

I've been slacking a bit in this game so apologies for that, These are all my thoughts condensed really but I wanna read closer into things (hopefully).


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Bleh, sorry about that folks.

I've been putting forcus on a game I've replaced in due to the day's on D3 and whatnot. I'll try my best to catch up and post right now

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Yeah, I'd still much rather take out J or Rockin. Primarily J due to overall uselessness and not giving any sign of changing from such for D2. I'd rather not be stuck with him for another day.

Soup, from what you say about Kary, wouldn't pushing him toward gallows tomorrow be more preferred? Would give us more of a chance to get more out of him throughout the day, instead of not leaving him any time at all.

The Kat votes need to lay off for toDay and put on someone who actually has a chance of reaching majority.

I'd be willing to ride a circus wagon. Nabe I'm not so sure about. If Bard's gonna die, he's gonna die whether I vote him or not. With our activity problem we're having, I'd much rather see the weeds pulled in that area, but I haven't seen as solid of content as I was expecting from him. Liked his stance against PJB and the points he brought out against him. While I do agree with his comments on Kat, he didn't bring anything new to the table, and I'd rather not see Kat killed off toDay. His wall also felt really repetitive in his accusations, but that could have been mostly due to how many times he threw the word "noncommital" around. Still not who I'd like to see killed today by any means, but I can see the reasoning in those against him.

To state it again, J is still my number one choice for toDay's lynch.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Yeah, I'd still much rather take out J or Rockin. Primarily J due to overall uselessness and not giving any sign of changing from such for D2. I'd rather not be stuck with him for another day.

Soup, from what you say about Kary, wouldn't pushing him toward gallows tomorrow be more preferred? Would give us more of a chance to get more out of him throughout the day, instead of not leaving him any time at all.

The Kat votes need to lay off for toDay and put on someone who actually has a chance of reaching majority.

I'd be willing to ride a circus wagon. Nabe I'm not so sure about. If Bard's gonna die, he's gonna die whether I vote him or not. With our activity problem we're having, I'd much rather see the weeds pulled in that area, but I haven't seen as solid of content as I was expecting from him. Liked his stance against PJB and the points he brought out against him. While I do agree with his comments on Kat, he didn't bring anything new to the table, and I'd rather not see Kat killed off toDay. His wall also felt really repetitive in his accusations, but that could have been mostly due to how many times he threw the word "noncommital" around. Still not who I'd like to see killed today by any means, but I can see the reasoning in those against him.

To state it again, J is still my number one choice for toDay's lynch.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
couple of cats gone missing, and no-one bats an eyelid. what's wrong with this town?

kuz/J slots having posted nothing is really screwing up my reads this game. I really don't want to read the last 5 pages but what the hell here goes. who needs sleep anyways. I have skimmed but nothing is throwing up red flags so I guess i've got to knuckle down


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'd prefer not swinging recklessly at inactives (we have a lot of them), but if we have to take a shot in the dark before day's end, I guess I'm not against it provided it guarantees us information and potentially a scummer.

Otherwise, I'm still up for swinging at Kat. Don't like how people are willing to give him a pass after all that's been said and done.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
still, it's not all bad...

"To produce and actually make a case was good but I can overlook a wall because trust me if we just took post content and how many words you can type as pro-town then J would win all of his scum games." - soup

god i laughed so much


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It really is true though. People going off on a tangent about how X person is active makes them not liable for hardbodying is smoking some seriously largely charlie sheen quantities of cocaine.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It really is true though. People going off on a tangent about how X person is active makes them not liable for hardbodying is smoking some seriously largely charlie sheen quantities of cocaine.

"It really is true though; people that are going off on tangents about how "X person is active which subsequently makes them not a viable hardbodying target" are smoking some seriously large Charlie Sheen quantities of cocaine."

I'm sorry, the grammar in my previous post was so outrageously bad I had to immediately correct it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
there are some hard truths that don't bear overlooking

I'm not interested in discussing whether soup is right, I just thought the reference to J was funny.

I feel like there's two things i'm seeing an unusual amount of this game:
#1 PlayerX is Y because activity
#2 PlayerX is Y because normally they're Z
broadly, arguments on the lines of activity/meta

Idk what's up but it's like people are hesitant to respond to one another or actually get their hands dirty.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
looking into replacing j. kuz stays due to declared vla but ill replace him if it runs too long. deadline will be extended by 24 hours MAXIMUM on js replacement fair warning

votecount 1.11
kuz (1) - circus
rockin (1) - kary
ranmaru (2) - j kuz
kary (1) - rockin
kataefi (2) - pjb bardull
bardull (1) - kataefi
j (1) - hilt
circus (3) - sworddancer. ranmaru nabe
not voting (1) - soup

voting log
soup -> j -> none
pjb -> soup -> none -> kataefi
rockin -> sworddancer. -> kary
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin -> sworddancer. -> kuz -> nabe -> circus
circus -> kuz
sworddancer. -> j -> none -> ranmaru -> none -> bardull -> circus
nabe -> circus -> bardull -> circus
kuz -> j -> soup -> ranmaru
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru -> bardull
hilt -> bardull -> kataefi -> j
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz -> ranmaru -> kataefi

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
accusations fly

Hilt, I don't feel like you're being very practical in your choices right now; do you think J/Rockin are viable lynches right now?

Soup, @ your #566,what would you prefer for me to be pursuing?

For the record, EST deadlines are a ***** for me.

I strongly dislike Kata at the moment because he seems to constantly be on the defensive. Some of the other criticism he's received (for instance, his pushes being a bit suspect) is reasonable, but there's this like defensive/paranoid undercurrent to it all. This post I really dislike. Half of it is saying his scumreads are scum because... they don't like his push against them? - but there's no evidence of Kata looking at their intentions. Then the other half looks like he's defending his own playstyle just generally... and not by explaining what he's doing, just pointing to other games. ewwww

There are points in his favour. my head says he wouldn't be posting so much, scrapping with so many people if he was scum. Disliking a slot =/= scum; to be honest if he was scum this would be too easy. But I wanted to bring this point up before the sun went down.

Rockin has done nothing to redeem himself. Hell, he's almost done nothing.

But in practical terms (talking who might actually get lynched) I'm fine with Bardull/Circus. I think Circus is much more a shot in the dark, and I'm suspicious of where the push comes from (not least because lurkNabe is involved), but he can go. Bardull I straight up am suspicious of, I don't think there's enough content to his pushes, and I feel like he's a bit safer than I would expect in his approach. It's too early to be sure (backdoor!) but it's Day1 and I could do much worse in a lynch.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
stand up and fight, pray with all your might, it's all dark and dirty, hope we live through the night.

bardull, be town

trim the fat

Vote: Circus

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Something more relevant. Unless you can somehow get everyone on Rockin. Think more realistically, it pisses me off we're in this situation.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
RED RUY HAS ENTERED THE HARDBODY AS JS REPLACEMENT (:smirk:). deadline extended by 24 hours only one im granting today

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
sleep tight

Something more relevant. Unless you can somehow get everyone on Rockin. Think more realistically, it pisses me off we're in this situation.
I'll rephrase. who do you want me to pursue- suggest an alternative.
otherwise you're calling me out for being irrelevant or whatever without showing there is anything relevant
Good ninja.
Why Circus over Kat?
#1 I'm trying to be relevant
#2 Kat has some redeeming features

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
accusations fly

Hilt, I don't feel like you're being very practical in your choices right now; do you think J/Rockin are viable lynches right now?
You may be right. I've been struggling to be able to read and post lately, so I'm probably not posting up to what I should be. Been juggling work, preparing for this weekend, and other minors things, so I haven't been able to look into as many players as I've wanted to. But anyways.

Ruy replacing J defeats the reason for my wanting him gone. I still think that Rockin is a viable lynch, and I'd like to hear more from those that think otherwise. Convince me.

Your Kat points I can get behind, but I'm not fully understanding your last paragraph on him. Mind clarifying? Your opening sentence of the last paragraph of your wall implies that you don't feel Kat (or Rockin?) have a reasonable chance of getting off'd today, correct?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
As I referenced in the first paragraph of my last post, I'm going to have almost zero free time to get on here this weekend. It's going to depend on how much I can keep my phone in order to check up on things. Going to be at a comic con meeting three of the original power rangers, lord zedd, etc.

Vote: Rockin


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Reading. Smashboards is being maddeningly buggy for me right now, so bare with me.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, I may pause to find/make a bigger avatar first, because that looks stupid-dumb.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
sleep tight

I'll rephrase. who do you want me to pursue- suggest an alternative.
otherwise you're calling me out for being irrelevant or whatever without showing there is anything relevant

#1 I'm trying to be relevant
#2 Kat has some redeeming features
Specifics? IIRC, You heavily dislike Kat.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Since we got a nice deadline extension, I'm going to try to ISO the people that have been on my to do list tonight.

Also, I know that I haven't been responding to a couple of you (BarDull mainly). I just don't want to get distracted right now.

Anyways, wish me luck.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
accusations fly

Hilt, I don't feel like you're being very practical in your choices right now; do you think J/Rockin are viable lynches right now?

Soup, @ your #566,what would you prefer for me to be pursuing?

For the record, EST deadlines are a ***** for me.

I strongly dislike Kata at the moment because he seems to constantly be on the defensive. Some of the other criticism he's received (for instance, his pushes being a bit suspect) is reasonable, but there's this like defensive/paranoid undercurrent to it all. This post I really dislike. Half of it is saying his scumreads are scum because... they don't like his push against them? - but there's no evidence of Kata looking at their intentions. Then the other half looks like he's defending his own playstyle just generally... and not by explaining what he's doing, just pointing to other games. ewwww

There are points in his favour. my head says he wouldn't be posting so much, scrapping with so many people if he was scum. Disliking a slot =/= scum; to be honest if he was scum this would be too easy. But I wanted to bring this point up before the sun went down.

Rockin has done nothing to redeem himself. Hell, he's almost done nothing.

But in practical terms (talking who might actually get lynched) I'm fine with Bardull/Circus. I think Circus is much more a shot in the dark, and I'm suspicious of where the push comes from (not least because lurkNabe is involved), but he can go. Bardull I straight up am suspicious of, I don't think there's enough content to his pushes, and I feel like he's a bit safer than I would expect in his approach. It's too early to be sure (backdoor!) but it's Day1 and I could do much worse in a lynch.
First thing tomorrow Kary, I'll like you to talk to you about Kat's attitude in general. What you noticed about his method of defending himself I noticed to, but I didn't know how to interpret it. Is he being too defensive? If so, what does that really mean? Why is being "paranoid" scummy? I know that things like these seem like they should be obvious, but assume nothing.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Whew, that was painful. It honestly feels like half of the time I just spent trying to read what I missed was spent waiting for the page to load so I could read what I missed.

Circus: Didn't I call you out once on behaving in the same way towards me that you're calling Kat on? I might be mistaken.
Maybe? If you're thinking of that time you called me out for giving you a free pass for not buddying me in G3S2 Tokyo Drift or whatever that game was, then yeah, I guess I'm pretty much calling Kata out for that. Am I wrong to do so?

Are you appealing to Kata because he specifically mentioned it? I ask because if you feel so strongly, I'd expect you to take it thread-wide rather than narrow-band.
You've lost me. How have I appealed to Kata in any way? Specifically mentioned what? "Thread-wide" vs. "narrow-band?" You don't have to answer all of these individual questions; I'm just trying to illustrate how much I utterly do not understand what you're saying here. I assume you probably won't respond to this at all.

looking into replacing j. kuz stays due to declared vla but ill replace him if it runs too long.
Cool that Kuz basically got a free pass through D1 by being loud for the first few days and then vanishing.

trim the fat

Vote: Circus
This whole game is fat. The two players that gave me the most red flags at the beginning of the game vanished completely and basically made themselves unlynchable as a result, because no one, not even me, is very excited to lynch someone who hasn't posted for the majority of the game. I realize your vote on me came at a time when we were staring deadline in the face and I was closest to a majority, which I can't fault you for, but I think it's worth noting that neither you nor the three previous voters gave a single explanation with their votes other than activity. (and again, this whole game is fat).

I do apologize for my activity and I can't promise it will be getting any better in the near future, but I'm hardly the worst offender here, and you're going to have to deal with the activity I'm capable of providing.

I realize it goes against typical mafia code of coolness to even acknowledge that one has been voted, but if Marshy hadn't extended the deadline, I could have gotten hardbodied at the last minute because three people decided to form a wagon on me with no support behind it whatsoever. This is especially alarming when I consider the fact that I am one of the less active players in this game right now, and said wagoners may have anticipated me not being around to defend myself anyway. **** is mad shady, yo.

So yeah, since we got an extra day, I expect those people to give me some good, solid reasons why I became Undersirable No. 1 in the blink of an eye. That means Nabe, Swords, and Ran. (Swords, I saw you had a paragraph on me earlier, but it read as mostly gut that I can't very well do anything about. So, continue on, I guess. Or, better yet, think harder please).

Yeah, yeah, yeah, this whole post was about me, it probably looks defensive, blah blah blah. Sorry, but smashboards sucked my will to try out of tonight, so this is all you're getting. I'll try to give you something more productive tomorrow. It doesn't help that the only slots I want to lynch aren't here, so nothing I could give in the way of scum suspects would be relevant to who people would actually be willing to lynch. If people like Ran/Soup/etc. are still willing to look at a Kuz lynch, I might feel some incentive to put together a coherent case on him. Other than that, I'm not feeling especially excited about anyone, so it would be tough for me to put in any work on a case against them.

I'm hittin' the hay. Night, no one.
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