* Game Mode and Menu Behavior:
Normal C-Stick Functionality in 1P Mode
-C-Stick functions in 1P modes like it does in VS mode
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x167744 ---- 48000008 -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x08 -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x167D6C ---- 48000008 -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x08 -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x168060 ---- 48000008 -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x08 -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x168A30 ---- 48000008 -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x08 -> nop)
Unlock All Characters & Stages & Random Stage Select
- All characters are available (does not save to memory card)
- All stages are available (does not save to memory card)
- Random stage select is available (does not save to memory card)
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x160CA0 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x160894 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x16F6BC ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
1.01 ------ 0x161280 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x160E74 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x16FE1C ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
1.02 ------ 0x1614A8 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x16109C ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x170160 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
PAL ------- 0x161E78 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x161A6C ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
----------- 0x170B14 ---- A0BF0000 -> 38A007FF ---- (lhz r5,0(r31) -> li r5,2047)
All 51 Event Matches Open but Not Complete
(Completed event matches are read from the memory card, or from the current boot as normal.)
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ----------
1.02 ------ 0x249aa4 ---- 2c1f0005 -> 48000058 ----
----------- 0x15fac8 ---- 4182000c -> 60000000 ----
Disable Automatic Start Screen Transitions
-Game never transitions away from the title screen by itself.
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ----------
1.02 ------ 0x19e838 ---- 800db078 -> 38000000 ----
Boot to Character Select Screen
(Does not skip loading memory card data.)
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1BB794 ---- 887F0004 -> 38600002 ---- (lbz r3,4(r31) -> li r0,2)
1.02 ------ 0x1BC600 ---- 887F0004 -> 38600002 ---- (lbz r3,4(r31) -> li r0,2)
PAL ------- 0x1BE160 ---- 887F0004 -> 38600002 ---- (lbz r3,4(r31) -> li r0,2)
Jump From Opening Movie to CSS
Pressing Start at the opening movie sends you to the CSS instead of the title screen.
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.02 ----- 0x001a7204 ---- 38600000 -> 38600002
Player Hands Default to HMN Button
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.02 ----- 0x00435e5c ---- C1AC0000 -> C0200000
Unlock Stage Select Upon Boot
1.00 ---- 0x15afac ---- 8803186c -> 3800000e
1.02 ---- 0x15ba28 ---- 8803186c -> 3800000e
Players Can Choose the Same Costume Color for the Same Character
[achilles and Starreaver1]
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ----------
1.02 ------ 0x25ce2c ----- 4082000c -> 4800000c ----
----------- 0x25a6f4 ----- 4082000c -> 4800000c ----
----------- 0x25cd5c ----- 4082000c -> 4800000c ----
Unrestricted Pause Camera
Version ---- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.02 ------- 0x221804 ---- C0230040 -> 39E00000 ---- lfs f1,0x40(r3) -> li r15,0
------------ 0x02C190 ---- D03F02F8 -> 91FF02F8 ---- stfs f1,0x2F8(r31) -> stw r15,0x2F8(r31)
------------ 0x221824 ---- C0230048 -> 3DE04700 ---- lfs f1,0x48(r3) -> lis r15,0x4700
------------ 0x02C19C ---- D03F02FC -> 91FF02FC ---- stfs f1,0x2FC(r31) -> stw r15,0x2FC(r31)
------------ 0x22183C ---- EC210032 -> 3DE04700 ---- fmuls f1,f1,f0 -> lis r15,0x4700
------------ 0x02C16C ---- D03F02E8 -> 91FF02E8 ---- stfs f1,0x2E8(r31) -> stw r15,0x2E8(r31)
------------ 0x221854 ---- EC210032 -> 3DE04700 ---- fmuls f1,f1,f0 -> lis r15,0x4700
------------ 0x02C174 ---- D03F02EC -> 91FF02EC ---- stfs f1,0x2EC(r31) -> stw r15,0x2EC(r31)
------------ 0x22186C ---- EC210032 -> 3DE04700 ---- fmuls f1,f1,f0 -> lis r15,0x4700
------------ 0x02C184 ---- D03F02F4 -> 91FF02F4 ---- stfs f1,0x2F4(r31) -> stw r15,0x2F4(r31)
------------ 0x221884 ---- EC210032 -> 3DE04700 ---- fmuls f1,f1,f0 -> lis r15,0x4700
------------ 0x02C17C ---- D03F02F0 -> 91FF02F0 ---- stfs f1,0x2F0(r31) -> stw r15,0x2F0(r31)
Debug Menu replaces Tournament Mode
- Selecting Tournament Melee in the main menu takes you to the Debug Menu instead
- Selecting Single Button Mode takes you to the Tournament Melee mode instead
[Magus, donny2112, SypherPhoenix] - Concomitant Graphical Mod Here
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x228F20 ---- 3800001B -> 38000006 ---- (li r0,27 -> li r0,6)
----------- 0x227F2C ---- 3800002C -> 3800001B ---- (li r0,44 -> li r0,27)
1.01 ------ 0x229A90 ---- 3800001B -> 38000006 ---- (li r0,27 -> li r0,6)
----------- 0x228A9C ---- 3800002C -> 3800001B ---- (li r0,44 -> li r0,27)
1.02 ------ 0x22A218 ---- 3800001B -> 38000006 ---- (li r0,27 -> li r0,6)
----------- 0x229224 ---- 3800002C -> 3800001B ---- (li r0,44 -> li r0,27)
PAL ------- 0x22C084 ---- 3800001E -> 38000006 ---- (li r0,30 -> li r0,6)
----------- 0x22B08C ---- 3800002F -> 3800001E ---- (li r0,74 -> li r0,30)
* -==-
*Normal C-Stick Functionality in Develop Mode
*- C-Stick additionally provides Master mode functionality while in Develop Mode
*Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
*1.00 ------ 0x067918 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
*1.01 ------ 0x067A28 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
*1.02 ------ 0x067A70 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
*PAL ------- 0x068154 ---- 800D9388 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27768(r13) -> li r0,0)
Normal C-Stick Functionality in Develop Mode [Updated]
- C-Stick additionally provides Master mode functionality while in Develop Mode
- C-Stick no longer also toggles fixed camera mode
[Magus (1st set) and achilles (2nd set)]
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x067918 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
1.00 ------ 0x02CC04 ---- 38000008 -> 38000000 ---- (li r0,8 -> li r0,0)
1.01 ------ 0x067A28 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
1.01 ------ 0x02CC84 ---- 38000008 -> 38000000 ---- (li r0,8 -> li r0,0)
1.02 ------ 0x067A70 ---- 800D9368 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27800(r13) -> li r0,0)
1.02 ------ 0x02CC84 ---- 38000008 -> 38000000 ---- (li r0,8 -> li r0,0)
PAL ------- 0x068154 ---- 800D9388 -> 38000000 ---- (lwz r0,-27768(r13) -> li r0,0)
PAL ------- 0x02D1B0 ---- 38000008 -> 38000000 ---- (li r0,8 -> li r0,0)
Debug Menu Default Language to English
(You can edit the text file in the "Mods" folder to change what language this sets.)
Version -- DOL Offset --- Hex to Replace
1.00 ------ 0x3F53CB ------- 00 -> 01
1.01 ------ 0x3F657B ------- 00 -> 01
1.02 ------ 0x3F725B ------- 00 -> 01
PAL ------- 0x3F8003 ------- 02 -> 01
*00 - Japanese
*01 - US English
*02 - UK English (PAL Only)
*03 - German (PAL Only)
*04 - French (PAL Only)
*05 - Italian (PAL Only)
*06 - Spanish (PAL Only)
* Gameplay Changes:
Taunt Canceling
- Taunting during dash carries momentum
- Taunting can be interrupted by teeter animation
[Dan Salvato]
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x0C6CF4 ---- 40820034 -> 40820058 ---- ()
----------- 0x0DB604 ---- 4BFA5439 -> 4BFA55B5 ---- ()
1.01 ------ 0x0C6E38 ---- 40820034 -> 40820058 ---- ()
----------- 0x0DB7DC ---- 4BFA5349 -> 4BFA54C5 ---- ()
1.02 ------ 0x0C70AC ---- 40820034 -> 40820058 ---- ()
----------- 0x0DBA50 ---- 4BFA5295 -> 4BFA5411 ---- ()
PAL ------- 0x0C7850 ---- 40820034 -> 40820058 ---- ()
----------- 0x0DC204 ---- 4BFA515D -> 4BFA52D9 ---- ()
Every Character Can Wall Jump
- Note: Peach can wall jump out of up-B infinitely (any character with a wall jump and the parasol item can do this, even in vanilla Melee)
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.02 ------ 0x07E2A0 ---- 540007FF -> 60000001 ---- ()
----------- 0x07E2A4 ---- 41820254 -> 981F2224 ---- ()
No Rapid Jabs - All Applicable Characters
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.02 ------ 0xD36CC ------ 480000A1 -> 60000000
* Stage Modifications:
Pokémon Stadium - Disable Stage Transformations
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1CD158 ---- 48002FA5 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0x2FA4 -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x1CDABC ---- 48002FA5 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0x2FA4 -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x1CE128 ---- 48003001 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0x3000 -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x1CFD4C ---- 48003135 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0x3134 -> nop)
Dreamland 64 - Disable Wind
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x20CF3C ---- 4800059C -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x59C -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x20D89C ---- 4800059C -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x59C -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x20E024 ---- 4800059C -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x59C -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x20FE8C ---- 4800059C -> 60000000 ---- (b 0x59C -> nop)
Yoshi's Story - Disable Fly Guy Spawns
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1DEE64 ---- 480000D1 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0xD0 -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x1DF7C8 ---- 480000D1 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0xD0 -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x1DFF28 ---- 480000D1 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0xD0 -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x1E1D58 ---- 480000D1 -> 60000000 ---- (bl 0xD0 -> nop)
Corneria - Disable Arwing Spawns
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1D95FC ---- 4BFFF3D5 -> 60000000 ---- ()
1.01 ------ 0x1D9F60 ---- 4BFFF3D5 -> 60000000 ---- ()
1.02 ------ 0x1DA628 ---- 4BFFF3D5 -> 60000000 ---- ()
PAL ------- 0x1DC438 ---- 4BFFF3D5 -> 60000000 ---- ()
Brinstar - Disable Acid
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1D5594 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
1.01 ------ 0x1D5EF8 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
1.02 ------ 0x1D65C0 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
PAL ------- 0x1D83D0 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
Fountain of Dreams - Remove Side Platforms
- Remove (Disable) Side Platforms
- Disable Water Jets
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1C84C4 ---- 801B0014 -> 4800013C ---- (lwz r0,20(r27) -> b 0x13C)
----------- 0x1C84BC ---- EC0007FA -> FC000028 ---- (fmadds f0,f0,f31,f0 -> fsub f0,f0,f0)
1.01 ------ 0x1CDABC ---- 801B0014 -> 4800013C ---- (lwz r0,20(r27) -> b 0x13C)
----------- 0x1C8E20 ---- EC0007FA -> FC000028 ---- (fmadds f0,f0,f31,f0 -> fsub f0,f0,f0)
1.02 ------ 0x1C9494 ---- 801B0014 -> 4800013C ---- (lwz r0,20(r27) -> b 0x13C)
----------- 0x1C948C ---- EC0007FA -> FC000028 ---- (fmadds f0,f0,f31,f0 -> fsub f0,f0,f0)
PAL ------- 0x1CB0B8 ---- 801B0014 -> 4800013C ---- (lwz r0,20(r27) -> b 0x13C)
----------- 0x1CB0B0 ---- EC0007FA -> FC000028 ---- (fmadds f0,f0,f31,f0 -> fsub f0,f0,f0)
Green Greens - Disable Whispy Woods (Wind & Apples)
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x20F538 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
1.01 ------ 0x210068 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
1.02 ------ 0x2107F0 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
PAL ------- 0x1EB0C8 ---- 7C0802A6 -> 4E800020 ---- (mflr r0 -> blr)
Peach's Castle - Disable Switches and Banzai Bills
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x1C94D8 ---- 48001FA1 -> 4800000C ---- (bl 0x1FA0 -> b 0x0C)
1.01 ------ 0x1C9E3C ---- 48001FA1 -> 4800000C ---- (bl 0x1FA0 -> b 0x0C)
1.02 ------ 0x1CA4A8 ---- 48001FA1 -> 4800000C ---- (bl 0x1FA0 -> b 0x0C)
PAL ------- 0x1CC0CC ---- 48001FA1 -> 4800000C ---- (bl 0x1FA0 -> b 0x0C)
* Character Modifications:
Donkey Kong - Giant Punch cannot be lost during Up+B
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x10C18C ---- 9004222C -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8748(r4) -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x10C470 ---- 9004222C -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8748(r4) -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x10C6E4 ---- 9004222C -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8748(r4) -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x10CE98 ---- 9004222C -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8748(r4) -> nop)
Samus - Charge Shot cannot be lost during Up+B
Version -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
1.00 ------ 0x125818 ---- 901F2230 -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8752(r31) -> nop)
1.01 ------ 0x125BC8 ---- 901F2230 -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8752(r31) -> nop)
1.02 ------ 0x125EA4 ---- 901F2230 -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8752(r31) -> nop)
PAL ------- 0x126648 ---- 901F2230 -> 60000000 ---- (stw r0,8752(r31) -> nop)
Mr. Game & Watch - N/B/U-Aerials L-Cancelable, w/ U-Air Lag Bug Fix
Attack -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
* N-Air
1.00 ----- 0x147F98 ---- 3880015E -> 38800041 ---- (li r4,350 --> li r4,65)
---------- 0x147FA4 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x147FA8 ---- C02501F8 -> C0230258 ---- (lfs f1,504(r5) --> lfs f1,600(r3))
---------- 0x147FAC ---- 4BF42095 -> 4BF41F89 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* B-Air
---------- 0x148028 ---- 3880015F -> 38800043 ---- (li r4,351 --> li r4,67)
---------- 0x148034 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x148038 ---- C0250200 -> C0230260 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,608(r3))
---------- 0x14803C ---- 4BF42005 -> 4BF41EF9 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* U-Air
---------- 0x1480B8 ---- 38800160 -> 38800044 ---- (li r4,352 --> li r4,68)
---------- 0x1480C4 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1480C8 ---- C0250200 -> C0230264 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,612(r3))
---------- 0x1480CC ---- 4BF41F75 -> 4BF41E69 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
Attack -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
* N-Air
1.01 ----- 0x1483E8 ---- 3880015E -> 38800041 ---- (li r4,350 --> li r4,65)
---------- 0x1483F4 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1483F8 ---- C02501F8 -> C0230258 ---- (lfs f1,504(r5) --> lfs f1,600(r3))
---------- 0x1473FC ---- 4BF41D2D -> 4BF41C21 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* B-Air
---------- 0x1484D0 ---- 3880015F -> 38800043 ---- (li r4,351 --> li r4,67)
---------- 0x1484DC ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1484E0 ---- C0250200 -> C0230260 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,608(r3))
---------- 0x1484E4 ---- 4BF41C45 -> 4BF41B39 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* U-Air
---------- 0x1485B8 ---- 38800160 -> 38800044 ---- (li r4,352 --> li r4,68)
---------- 0x1485C4 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1485C8 ---- C0250200 -> C0230264 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,612(r3))
---------- 0x1485CC ---- 4BF41B5D -> 4BF41A51 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
Attack -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
* N-Air
1.02 ----- 0x1486DC ---- 3880015E -> 38800041 ---- (li r4,350 --> li r4,65)
---------- 0x1486E8 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1486EC ---- C02501F8 -> C0230258 ---- (lfs f1,504(r5) --> lfs f1,600(r3))
---------- 0x1486F0 ---- 4BF41BF9 -> 4BF41AED ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* B-Air
---------- 0x1487C4 ---- 3880015F -> 38800043 ---- (li r4,351 --> li r4,67)
---------- 0x1487D0 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1487D4 ---- C0250200 -> C0230260 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,608(r3))
---------- 0x1487D8 ---- 4BF41B11 -> 4BF41A05 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* U-Air
---------- 0x1488AC ---- 38800160 -> 38800044 ---- (li r4,352 --> li r4,68)
---------- 0x1488B8 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x1488BC ---- C0250200 -> C0230264 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,612(r3))
---------- 0x1488C0 ---- 4BF41A29 -> 4BF4191D ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
Attack -- DOL Offset ------ Hex to Replace ---------- ASM Code
* N-Air
PAL ------ 0x148E80 ---- 3880015E -> 38800041 ---- (li r4,350 --> li r4,65)
---------- 0x148E8C ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x148E90 ---- C02501F8 -> C0230258 ---- (lfs f1,504(r5) --> lfs f1,600(r3))
---------- 0x148E94 ---- 4BF41B0D -> 4BF41A01 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* B-Air
---------- 0x148F68 ---- 3880015F -> 38800043 ---- (li r4,351 --> li r4,67)
---------- 0x148F74 ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x148F78 ---- C0250200 -> C0230260 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,608(r3))
---------- 0x148F7C ---- 4BF41A25 -> 4BF41919 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)
* U-Air
---------- 0x149050 ---- 38800160 -> 38800044 ---- (li r4,352 --> li r4,68)
---------- 0x14905C ---- 80A3002C -> 90830070 ---- (lwz r5,44(r3) --> stw r4,112(r3))
---------- 0x149060 ---- C0250200 -> C0230264 ---- (lfs f1,512(r5) --> lfs f1,612(r3))
---------- 0x149064 ---- 4BF4193D -> 4BF41831 ---- (bl 0x8008d460 --> bl 0x8008D354)