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Support Ray for Smash! - Custom Robo Discussion Thread


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2014

Welcome to the Custom Robo Discussion Thread. This thread focuses on the possibility of a Custom Robo (specifically a Ray model) being playable in Smash Bros. However any Custom Robo discussion is welcome.

Project Robovation in progress: An effort to increase Custom Robo knowledge online.
Spearheaded by @The One Who Wrote This. Completed compilations are checked off here.
Check out the videos at Custom Robo Videos.


Brief history of the Custom Robo series:
The Custom Robo series was developed by Noise and published by Nintendo, and has 5 games so far.

Custom Robo Commercials:



Ray Models:

Ray Mk III: The latest Ray model. Introduced in ‘Custom Robo Arena’. Mascot Ray model for ‘Custom Robo Arena’.

Ray 01: Introduced in ‘Custom Robo’ for GameCube. Mascot Ray model for ‘Custom Robo’ for GC. It can also be found in ‘Custom Robo Arena'

Ray Warrior: Considered to be an upgraded variation of Ray 01, introduced in ‘Custom Robo’ for Gamecube.

X-Ray: Introduced in ‘Custom Robo GX’ for Gameboy Advance. Mascot Ray model for ‘Custom Robo GX’. It can also be found in ‘Custom Robo Arena’

Ray Sky: Introduced in ‘Custom Robo GX’ for GameBoy Advance and is a modified X-Ray robo. The only ‘Lightning Sky’ Ray model. It can also be found in ‘Custom Robo Arena’

A.I.R.S.: An upgraded, military grade Ray Sky, introduced in 'Custom Robo GX'. Its name stands for "Anti-Insurgent Ray Sky". It can also be found in 'Custom Robo Arena'.

Ray Sky was also given two extra colour variants in 'Custom Robo Arena'.

Ray Mk II: Introduced in ‘Custom Robo V2’ for N64. Mascot Ray model for ‘Custom Robo V2’. It is also the first Robo received in ‘Custom Robo Arena.’

Ray II Dark: An alternate Illegal version of Ray Mk II. Introduced in ‘Custom Robo V2’ and piloted by a doppelganger.

Ray: The very first Ray model. Mascot Ray model for ‘Custom Robo’ for N64. Introduced in ‘Custom Robo’ for the N64. It can also be found in ‘Custom Robo Arena’.

Ray Legend: An alternate version of the original Ray. Introduced in ‘Custom Robo’ for GameCube.


Custom Robo in the Smash Bros. series:
Custom Robo has been featured in both Melee and Brawl, but is not featured in Smash 4 (yet).

Ray MK II: The Custom Robo games feature combat between small robots averaging about 12 inches (30cm) in height. Ray Mk II is the upgraded descendant of one of the combatants from the original game. It's a well-balanced Jumper model in the Shining Fighter line of robots. Its stable design lets it excel with a minimum of customization. (Custom Robo 2 (Japan only))
Bayonette: Tsurugi and Yaiba, twin brothers who were bewitched by the dark power, combined their beloved robots Spear and Lance to form this illegal robot. The brothers used the Strike Vanisher model as a base, but then added a number of stealth capabilities. This successful power-up is nothing short of a Custom Robo miracle. (Custom Robo 2 (Japan only))
Annie: Annie, a Jumper model in the Stunner line of robots, was the robot used by Nanase, a cadet at the Takuma Academy, a commander training school. At the climax of the story, Nanase fell prey to temptation and stained her hands with the illegal robot Majei. This act ultimately set the stage for her undeniably tragic end. (Custom Robo 2 (Japan only))

Assist Trophy
Ray Mk III, hailing from Custom Robo Arena, appears as an Assist Trophy in Brawl. When summoned, it will fly to the center of the stage and fire either a barrage of energy bullets, or a singular missile. These bullets can be reflected or absorbed. Ray MK III may occasionally fly slightly to the left or right, and fire another attack before returning to his original position. Ray MK III is unlocked as an Assist Trophy after 100 Vs. Matches have been played.

Ray Mk III: The custom robo used by the main character. It's the latest Shining Fighter model in the Ray line of robots, which appears throughout the Custom Robo series. The main character switches from his beloved Ray Mk II to this model after his sister and father develop it. This one has a great balance between built-in abilities and ease and depth of available customization. (Custom Robo: Arena)
Custom Robos: Small robots. Custom robos average about 12 inches (30cm) in height. Battling of custom robos fitted with weapon combos—including guns, bombs, and pods—is a hobby of the future, taking place in a virtual arena called a holosseum. The different customization options allow for many battle strategies. Clearly defined regulations provide for a highly competitive activity. (Custom Robo(GC), Custom Robo: Arena)
Jameson & A.I.R.S.: Highly illegal modified robos. The Jameson is based on the Lightning Sky. It and the A.I.R.S., a high-end Ray machine, can transform into fighter jets. The A.I.R.S. was developed for military use and thus cannot be used by all commanders. Both of these robos were available via DS Download Stations in Japan. (Custom Robo V2 (Japan Only), Custom Robo: Arena)

Annie(Custom Robo V2), Rakansen(Custom Robo(GC)), Ray(Custom Robo), Ray01(Custom Robo(GC)), Ray MkIII(Custom Robo Arena), Robo Cube(Custom Robo(GC)), Seal Head(Custom Robo(GC)).
Brawl Mods of Custom Robo Ray's in action:

Supporters Moveset Ideas:
@ Gallowglass Gallowglass
So after playing some Kirby games and Megaman I really like the idea of him using a variety of weapons in Smash. This was mention by Andorok and lobotheduck21 and I like this idea. So here is a quick mock up on Ray's move set.
Standard Attacks will mostly consist of kicks and pistol whipping. Some techniques he'll use weapons like the needle gun or the blade gun as a melee weapon. His dash attack will also be his charge attack which he shoulder checks the person.
B: Gatling Gun: Fires a short burst of rounds on a sideways direction. Does low damages but stuns them while their getting hit.
Up B: Acrobat Bomb: Drops a bomb that explodes underneath him and launches him into the air. Can be used for meteor attacks as well.
Forward B: Satellite Pods: He lays up to three pods that float in place for trapping. They do low damage but when place right can be very annoying. After some time they will explode on their own.
Down B: Standard Bomb: Lobs a bomb in an arch in order to shoot over walls and barriers. Can even be use to hit people on platforms above him.
Catch: Uses Catch Gun similar to Samus Grapple Beam
Holds the enemy with his bomb hand and pistol whips with his gun.
Down Throw: Knocks them to the ground and use Drill Gun
Up Throw: Uses Knuckle Gun to punch them upward
Forward Throw: Plants Burrow Bomb D at his feet and lets it explode knocking him forward.
Back Throw: Pulls them behind him and uses the shotgun to the face.
Final Smash
Idea 1: SoulBoost and Weapon Upgrade
Ray transforms his special moves and turns gold with soulboost. He gets a new moveset.
B: Dragon Gun: Fires and large flaming roaring dragon that chases the nearest target.
Up B: Acrobat Bomb just like before.
Down B: Geo Trap Bomb: fires like a slower standard bomb but creates a large ground level explosion.
Forward B: Wave Pods: Fires a pod forward that when it explodes creates a wave that can go through walls.
While in soulboost he take less damage and can't be stunned or knocked down.
Idea 2: Robo Swarm
A bunch of various Custom Robos come from all sides of the screen and just wreak havoc across the stage. Little raiders running around shooting, lighting sky's flying over head bombing, funky big heads jumping around dropping pods, etc. Just a mass chaos of little robots shooting and blowing up stuff. Also a good assist trophy idea.

@The One Who Wrote This
Unique Traits:
Hover: Can hover in place momentarily. Same input as Peach's hover. Lasts for as long, but cannot move horizontally when doing the hover. Feather Legs are equipped automatically as an aesthetic change. Normal Legs equipped after hover is done so falling speed isn't changed after hover. Lasts as long as Peach's hover.
Air Dash: Lacks Vertical Movement for air jumps. Air Dashes move Ray 01 FAR though. Long Thrust legs are equipped as an aesthetic change.
Reload: Can't use same projectile move in succession. 2nd use reloads unless if another move is used or player waits for 5 seconds. Physical moves ignore this. Used to encourage multiple types of projectiles.
Size: Taller than Olimar and Mega Man, but slightly shorter than Link and Samus. Normally 12 inches tall in the source material, but Olimar grew by a lot.
Walking Speed: Above Average (slightly faster than Smash 4 Bowser speed). Stabilizer Legs auto-equipped as an aesthetic.
Dashing Speed: Also around Bowser's (slightly faster). Formula Legs are equipped as an aesthetic.
Weight: In a scale of 0-10, he'd be a 4. Gets KO'd easily around 110% by F-Smashes.
Ground Jump Height: Mega Man's. Wide Jump Legs equipped as an aesthetic.
Number of Jumps (including Ground Jump): 3.
2nd and 3rd jump height: Non-existent as Ray 01 air dashes instead. Explained in "Unique Characteristics" section.
Air speed: Amazing like Mega Man's and Puff's (mainly because of Wide Jump legs).
Falling Speed: Mega Man's. Basically decently fast.
Roll: Long distance, but a bit laggy. Think like in the intro cutscene when he dodges the Wyrm Gun fired by Rakansen (check spelling of name for Illegal Strike Vanisher).
Entrance: Robo Cube launches into arena. Picture how it works in the intro cutscene for CR:BR.
Can crawl?: No.
Can Wall Jump?: Yes, but the angle is practically nonexistent (very horizontal). Air dashes into walls in the source material bounce you off the wall if timed right.
Taunts: Beats me.
Victory Poses: CR:BR's and CR:A's victory poses for Ray 01.
Costumes: Ray 01, Ray, Ray MK II, X Ray, Ray MK III, Ray II Dark, Ray Warrior, and Ray Sky (changes into plane for air jumps but is unchanged otherwise). Same stats and charge attack (even though source material states otherwise). Announcer Name changes as well (like Bowser Jr and the Koopalings).
Get Up Attack: Breakdance maneuver with Sword Gun as a Melee weapon for all 3 variations.
Ledge Attack: Marth's ledge attack.
Jab Combo: Basic Gun's 3 shots: Each press does each shot. More powerful than Mega Man's Mega Buster and causes more flinch, but last shot of combo executed (pressing A 1 time or 2 times also does this if no 2nd or 3rd A is pressed, respectively) has more lag because of gun recoil. Travels farther as well. Cannot fire again until shots disappear. 3 shots of 2.6%, 2.6%, and 3.8%. 3rd shot can be cancelled into Jab Combo Ala Illusion Stab or Elwind Rapid Jab.
Rapid Combo: Gattling Gun: 12 shots. Less flinch than Basic Gun. 0.75% each shot. Shots get weaker the farther they go, but are long ranged (3/5ths of FD). Last shot has decent knockback. Part of Basic Gun, so use of Gattling forces reload of Basic.
Dash Attack: Slide Gun: Ray shoots 1 shot while sliding forward. Can aim shot with control stick. Kinda weak, but flinches like Falco's Blaster. Very mobile while doing the move as well. 3.1%
Forward: 3 Way Gun: Fires 9 shots in 3 sets of 3 that all go forward. Each shot is 1.5%.
Down: Burrow Bomb D: Fires a bomb that lodges into the ground in front of Ray 01. Explodes when touched or if nothing happens for a while. Can hurt Ray 01. Think Snake's mines in Brawl. Same power as an uncharged mine in Brawl.
Up: Phoenix Gun: Fires 2 bird shaped rounds simultaneously that travel over the foe's head. 2 hits of 5.5%. Downwards knockback flying down, upwards knockback flying up.
Forward: Charge attack from the games. Powerful and moves forward like Wario Man's F-Smash in Brawl (not as far). Also disappears momentarily like Fox Illusion. Lag is big though. Good at breaking shields and also has Super Armor. 25% Uncharged, 35% fully charged. 60 degree from horizontal for launch angle.
Up: Smash Bomb: Fires a bomb above that explodes immediately after launch. Think Snake's Mortar but it explodes immediately after launch. Very good anti air. About 17% uncharged, 25% fully charged.
Down Smash: Twin Flank H Pods: Pods move in opposite directions. Bounces off walls. Explode after 10 seconds. Low damage and knockback. Mainly used for setting up due to good hitstun. 7% each uncharged, 12% each fully charged.
Nair: Gravity Gun: Immobile projectile is sent out. Decent radius. POWERFUL Meteor Smash. Disappears after 2 seconds. 10%.
Fair: Flare Gun: Fires a shot that bursts into smaller shots. Burst deals 14% during explosion, Smaller shots do 2.5% each. Burst has great knockback, mini shots are Mega Buster knockback.
Bair: Straight Bomb: Fires a bomb backwards. Simple. 9%, but great knockback.
Uair: Satellite Pod: Creates stationary pod. Homes when enemy is closer by. 8%.
Dair: Spider Pod: Creates 1 pod that moves slowly (falls fast) until foe gets close to it. Moves fast for the kill. 8%.
Grab: Catch Gun: Long Range Grab. Slower than Grapple Beam, but homes slightly.
Pummel: Pistol Whip. 1%, quick variant.
FT: Needle Gun: Throws foe forward and shoots 3 way Needle gun. Each needle is 2.4%.
UT: Knuckle Gun: Punches Upwards. 6%. Good combo move at low percentages.
DT: Drill Gun: Drills foe into ground. 10 hits of 0.8%. Knocks foe at low backwards angle.
BT: Shotgun: 3 simultaneous hits. 12%. Good KO move.
Neutral (Signature Guns):
1) Dragon Gun: The treasured Dragon Gun that appeared since CR1. Fires moving Dragon Head of Fire that slightly homes on foes. Pretty powerful knockback, but laggy. 17.5%. Power with low speed.
2) Sniper Gun: Another fan favorite since CR1. Fires a shot that is pretty fast and has semi powerful knockback. No homing at all and has some lag as well. 14%. Speed with low homing.
3) Rayfall Gun: Another series favorite. Fires 4 shots. On ground, they wait before launching at opponent. In air, they fire immediately. Strong homing, but not as powerful. 4 shots of 2.5%. Decent flinch, but little to no knockback. Homing with low power.
Side (Restricting Bombs. Hold B to change aim distance and delay launch):
1) Geo Trap Bomb: Fires an arcing bomb that expands slowly. Causes foe to trip if they are hit (caused instant knockdown in source game). Kinda big blast radius. 7%. Anti Ground.
2) Freeze Bomb: Fires straight bomb that paralyzes on contact (not freeze oddly enough) with its blast. 2% damage, but great for set-ups. Ray 01 can be hurt and stunned by the blast if he touches it. Stunner.
3) Gemini Bomb B: Fires two arcing bombs that are spread out. Used for limiting movement, but cannot hurt foes that are in the middle of the two shots. Each bomb does 3.5% and have fixed knockback. Anti Movement.
Up (Recovery. Helpless frames after 2nd and 3rd):
1) Acrobat Bomb: Fires Acrobat bomb that launches Ray 01 up. Very vertical. No damage when opponent gets hit, but there exists knockback at the start of the move.
2) Robo Cannon: Clone of Rosalina's Launch Star, but with the Robo Cannon. More delay and less distance than Acrobat Bomb, but can angle direction. No damage or knockback.
3) Short Tackle Action Chip: Causes Ray 01 to charge in a direction. Think Mewtwo's Teleport but with a tackle instead of a teleport. Least distance out of the 3 (distance of 2nd Elwind in Gliding Elwind) but can cause 15% damage and great knockback if it hits. Any direction too.
Down (Gunners (variant of Pods in GX that fire bullets instead of blowing up)):
1) Round Gunner: Think the Ouroboras from MvC that Strider Hiryu has. Basically that but lasts for 7 seconds. Recharge of 20 seconds after move is finished. 1% each shot from the 2 orbiting gunners.
2) 4-Way Gunner: A pod that stays stationary and fires multiple times. 1.5% each shot (fires 4 at a time in a fan shape). Fires 1 cluster every 2 seconds and lasts for 8 seconds. 13 second cooldown.
3) Seeker Gunner: Slowly follows opponent and tries to get shots on them. 8 second duration with 17 second cooldown. 1% damage each shot.
Final Smash: Soul Boost + Illegal Upgrade:
Ray 01 activates Soul Boost and changes all of his non-body parts for Illegal parts. Soul Boost increases damage, speed, and defense (each attack done on him only does 1% damage). Super Armor is activated as well. Is all gold as well. Reload counter is ignored as well. Lasts as long as Giga Bowser in Smash 4. Phantom Legs are equipped.
New Moveset:
Jab Combo: Non-existent.
Rapid Jab: ARS-G02 Alpha Shot (Military fusion of Gattling and Eagle Guns from GX that AIRS uses): Fires 6 shots of 3%. Fast and slight homing.
Dash Attack: Cleaver Gun (Illegal Slide Gun from Arena): 3 shots while moving. Quicker and more powerful (5% each shot).
F-Tilt: Gousset Gun (Illegal 3-Way from N64 days): Fires 3 sets of 2. Faster and each bullet does 3.5%.
Up Tilt: Carat Gun (Military Grade version of Phoenix): 3 faster simultaneous rounds of 6.5% each hit. Fly higher.
Down Tilt: Nikaidou Bomb (Illegal Burrow Bomb from GX): Fires 2 bombs in a V shape. Both are as powerful as a fully charged Snake mine in Brawl. Burrow into ground.
F-Smash: Ray Warrior's Charge Attack (Battle Revolution). No lag and does 40-50% damage. Tremendous knockback. 15 degree launch angle from horizontal.
Up Smash: Amun Gun (Illegal Gun from V2 and Arena that Jameson uses [Smash Bomb lacked an illegal version]): Fires split laser above Ray 01. 18% but reaches high.
Down Smash: Cerberus Pod (Illegal Wave Pod from V2 and Arena that evil Doppelganger used [Twin Flank lacked Illegal Variant]): 3 Way Wave pod (Up and sides). 6% with each wave hitting 5 times.
NAIR: Dark Plasma (Illegal Gun that Evil Boss of GX used [the closest I could find to an Illegal Gravity]): Fires 6 shots that do 4.5% each. Slow homing, but lasts for a LONG time. Sadly doesn't Meteor.
FAIR: Rahu III Gun (Illegal Flare Gun from Battle Revolution that Final Boss used): Same as before, but burst shot and spread shots are bigger as well as more damage and homing of smaller shots. 33% burst, 6% individual shots.
BAIR: Hadron Bomb (Illegal Direct Bomb that Evil Boss of Arena used [couldn't find Illegal Version of Straight Bomb and needed to reference Hadron]): Fires 2 bombs. They home at launch like Samus' Missle #3.
UAIR: Kindjal Pod (Illegal Satellite Bomb from Arena): More power and bigger blast.
DAIR: Wolf Spider (Illegal Spider Pod that Sergei uses in Battle Revolution): Faster and Stronger than regular spider.
Grab: Viking Axe (Illegal "variation" of Catch Gun and Energy Dagger from GX): Does damage and forces a stun. Otherwise identical to Catch Gun.
Pummel: 2%.
FT: Boronji Gun (Illegal Needle Bomb from V2): 4 lasers of 4%.
UT: Rouga Gun (Illegal Knuckle Gun from V2. Has a wolf theme to it): More power and range than Knuckle Gun.
BT: Gaiou Gun (Illegal Shotgun from GX): Shotgun, but 4 simultaneous hits. 3.5%, 3.5%, 3.5%, 4.5%.
DT: Crystal Strike Gun (Illegal Meteor Storm Gun from Battle Revolution [lacked Illegal version of Drill Gun]): Fires 8 point blank shots of 2% each.
NB1: Wyrm Gun (Illegal Dragon Gun. Was known as Homura Gun beforehand as Homura used it): Fires 5 fast and homing Wyrm heads on ground (5% each) or 1 large, fast, and homing Wyrm head in air (22%).
NB2: X Laser Gun (Illegal Version of V Laser Gun [Sniper lacked an Illegal variant]): Fires two simultaneous shots that split at launch and cross with each other where the opponent is at. Each laser deals 10.5%.
NB3: Minamo Gun (Illegal Rayfall from N64 days): More power, more speed, and more homing. 6 shots as well.
SB1: Deva Bomb (Illegal Titan Bomb used by Doppelganger in V2 and Arena [there was an Illegal Geo Trap known as I Geo Trap in GX, but that was too similar to the regular version]): Fires an extremely slow arcing bomb. Blast radius is huge and deals 40% with extremely large knockback (almost an OHKO).
NB2: Indigo Bomb (Illegal Freeze Bomb in V2 [Big Bad used it] and Arena [Doppelganger had it for 1st fight]): Bigger Radius, more damage, and longer freeze duration.
NB3: Grand Cross Bomb (Illegal Delta Bomb [lacked Illegal Variation of Gemini that warranted use]): Fires 4 bombs. If not aimed, launches 2 in front and 2 behind Ray 01.
UB1: Higher launch and more horizontal movement. Only legal weapon that remained.
UB2: Farther launch. There lacks an illegal Robo Cannon.
UB3: Rising Slide (Illegal Short Tackle that GX super boss used): More distance and 30% with great knockback.
DB1: Circulation W Gunner (Military Grade Round Gunner in GX that AIRS uses): Great range, firing rate, and only a cooldown of 5 seconds with a duration of 10.
DB2: I 4-Way Gunner (Illegal 4-Way Gunner from GX) : More power, faster firing rate, and aims towards opponents. Cooldown of 3 seconds, duration of 16.
DB3: I Seeker Gunner (Illegal Seeker Gunner from GX): More power and shoots in a V. Cooldown of 3 seconds, duration of 17.

B: Guns: One short range, one mid range, and one long range. They aim like in thegame.
• Mega Burst Gun: Long lasting rounds for trapping.
• Gatling Gun: High fire rate for screen control.
• Dragon Gun: Good homing for pressure.
Side B: Bombs: can move the cursor up, down, left, and right. He can hurt himself.
• Standard Bomb: medium speed, average arc, medium damage.
• Submarine Bomb: slow, no arc, big damage.
• Tomahawk Bomb: quick, high arc, comparatively less damage.
Down B: Pods: used for trapping and screen control and in the rare case recovery, Samus and Link style. He can hurt himself with them.
• Spider Pod: homes in on nearby opponents on ground only. Three charges.
• Satellite Pod: homes in on nearby opponents in the air only. Three charges.
• Acrobat Pod: Simply for easy recovery in exchange for no screen control. One charge.
Up B: Air Dashes/Legs: depending on the leg you choose, your air dash Up B will be different. Gets 2 air dashes under normal circumstances.
• Long Thrust: Longer air dashes.
• Quick Thrust: Quicker air dashes.
• Plus One Legs: gets an extra, normal air dash.
As for why Charges aren't a special, I'd make the normal Ray charge a forward smash, an anti air charge the up smash, and an in-place charge for down smash, They'd maybe have invincibility frames like in the games, but that might be OP.

List of Supporters:
· @tomic
· 1983parrothead
· AceZTeller
· Aguki90
· Andorok
· Azure Warrior
· Banjo-Kazooie
· BluePikmin11
· Bradli Wartooth
· camarosquid
· CardStealer1
· ChainArmour712
· Cobalsh
· dangeraaron10
· DarkSouls
· DeltaLord85
· deuxhero
· DragonSniperNintendo
· DriveSober
· Dub24M
· DukeNapoleon
· DustyPumpkin
· Edlocke
· Ekul
· FalKoopa
· FasdfGfaha
· Ferio_Kun
· FirstBlade
· fogbadge
· gameb0ybryan
· Golden Sun
· Groose
· Guybrush20X6
· HeroG
· Hong
· HugoBoss
· Hukster
· Jeronado
· Jerry Applesauce
· kaliskonig
· Kamikazek
· Keeshu
· Leafeon523
· LEGOfan12
· lobotheduck21
· M52B28
· MandoBardanJusik
· Master Rapier
· MasterMushroom
· Megadoomer
· Mirron
· Mishudo
· MustDash <NeDave>
· NATGamer
· Oasis_S
· OblivionWolf
· Oracle_Summon
· Phaazoid
· Psionic EquinØx
· Ray Robo
· Ricky Winterborn
· Ridles the Space Pirate
· Serell
· ShaDoW4408
· shaggypatriot12
· Sigran101
· Skyblade12
· slambros
· smashingDoug
· smashkirby
· SmashShadow
· SmilingMad
· Solbliminal
· Spluni
· Storm Eagle
· StrangeTamer
· SuperBrawler
· TehEpicRyuga
· TempahRelapse
· The One Who Wrote This
· TheSmasher916
· This is a Sentence
· ToastyPyre
· tomvoxx
· ToothiestAura
· UniversalGuardian
· VictoryIsMudkipz
· volbound1700
· willy410
· WonderSmash
· Zach777
· Zoljinx
· Zzuxon
· 鉄腕アトム

Signature Support Icons:
Last edited:

Deleted member

I think Ray deserves a lot more support than he has right now, because like Saki, Ray oozes Smash material in his fighting style. Ray was a very popular request during pre-Brawl and Sakurai will look at pre-Brawl stuff, so if he is highly requested then, maybe he'll consider adding Ray in Smash. Yeah it's not a likely addition, but it's something I would be all for.

As for scale, I think he should be among the smallest characters in the game, around Kirby's size. He'd work as a fast, lightweight character.

Also Mod, there is another thread with Ray. Could you merge that?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2012
Disney World
MK III definitely needs to be featured in one of these games, he's been an honorable mention in the franchise for so long & don't know why he's more than qualified to be in the game

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Ray would be another small and deadly character to join the fray and would totally have better speed and attack than Diddy and Olimar. He at least needs an alternate costume based on that Golden Ray model from the most recent game.

Deleted member

Here's something that Custom Robo fans are going to like: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-wii-u/62901142

Noise apparently wants to make another Custom Robo game. Granted, this doesn't help Ray's odds, but it is something nice to notice. Maybe if it gets announced before SSB4's release that it will help revive the fan base it once has and make him a much stronger contender for SSB5.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012

Ray is from an unrepresented series with several popular games, he has tons of moveset potential (Because, you know, he has a giant freakin' arsenal), and he looks awesome. He'd even fit an unfulfilled character type by being a tiny projectile spammer, in contrast to the bigger ones like Samus and ROB.

He's one of my favorite choices for Smash 4, and I haven't even played a Custom Robo game.:bee:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
I made a Custom Robo universe icon (based on a robocube)

Personally I'm the least proud of it of the 4 I did (for the simplicity of the shape, it should NOT have taken as long as it did. Isn't really THAT evocative of the series), but it should work


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2012
Bay Area, CA
Yeee Custom Robo, I never thought about the guys at nintendo adding ray in the series although its just a rumor id like to see Ray Mk3 in it but that also gives the possibility of introducing Rakansen in the next games of SSB or possibly 4... SICK!!!


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
Hey these are great responses. The reason I listed the multiple versions of Ray was I didn't know how Sakurai would think.

Ray 01: The original which he may favor like Marth. I personally like him the best just because he looks cool and I like his stats. He's also featured in many Custom Robo games as a special character.

Ray MK II: Being the beginning robo for arena he was also featured in Melee (I think that was him).

Ray MK III: The latest incarnation and obviously the most known. He was an AT in Brawl and trophy. If Sakurai goes with the Link trend he will probably choose him.

That's why I didn't choose one and I feel each have its own merit.

@enlong: The problem with Custom Robo is that Ray doesn't have a weapon more iconic to him (or at least none that I know of). The whole point of Custom Robo is to create a robo with different guns, bombs, pods, boots to overcome different enemies. In the AT he just had the standard weapons which you use for like two matches in the game and never again.

@duexhero: Very nice Icon. I agree the Robo cube should be Ray's symbol in Smash.

Deleted member

IIRC, Isn't "Ray" the original, while "Ray 01" was a different model?

Deleted member

That's correct. It's the one that was featured in the N64 version anyway.

Thought in the slim chance Ray gets in, I don't really care which variation. Similar to how I feel about an incarnation of Mega Man making it in (as long as it's not the Star Force kind. I would even take Bad Box Mega Man over that).


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I made a Custom Robo universe icon (based on a robocube)

Personally I'm the least proud of it of the 4 I did (for the simplicity of the shape, it should NOT have taken as long as it did. Isn't really THAT evocative of the series), but it should work
That looks really nice! I've seen your work in the Shulk thread as well, and I'm impressed.

Off-topic, but do you take requests? I'm sure many of the Support threads for characters in unrepresented series would love one.

Either way, Ray would be pretty nice to see. I could live with the fact that he may not be in, however. He could potentially fill the Glass Cannon role pretty well, being Speedy and strong, but at the same time small and light.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I've only played the games released in America (Custom Robo for GC and Arena for DS). Those were the only normal Ray models that was featured.

I think Ray's specials will be easy to figure out (as long as they can choose which weapons to give him) but what about his standard attacks? It looks like it will be mostly kicking and pistol whipping. Possibly some Gun Kata like in the movie Equilibrium.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Apparently, there was a duplicate thread before this thread was made, so I'll display the on-topic posts from the old thread (which is now locked) for posterity purposes.

aba1 said:
I was just playing Custom Robo for the cube with a few buddies the other night and I was thinking how awesome it would be if Ray got the upgrade from assistant trophy to playable character anybody else think it might happen or is it just really unlikely?

I know his move set would not be hard to make I mean give him some punches kicks and he has his gun, bomb, pod and dash as moves already straight from the game seems like a really easy and awesome addition.
Barbasol said:
I'd love nothing more than to see Ray join smash bros and give Custom Robo a second wind. The GC game was one of my all-time favourites!

I'm not too sure what happened though, NOISE was bought by SONY i think... Don't know who holds the IP, but it seems now like the series is dormant.
Zzuxon said:
I REALLY want Ray. i love Custom Robo on the Gamecube.
fogbadge said:
he'd be a great fighter and the moves from custom robo translate well into smash

b: gun
b side: bomb
b up: jet
b down: pod
final smash: soul boost


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
I've only played the games released in America (Custom Robo for GC and Arena for DS). Those were the only normal Ray models that was featured.

There are a few abnormal Ray models as well.

Ray Legend is an extremely unbalanced glass cannon in the GCN game.


There is also Ray Warrior, which is unlocked after beating everything in the GCN game


Arena has an "X Ray" (apprently it appeared in GX before that) on top of that, which is a slightly less exterme glass cannon.


Ray II Dark is balanced, but speedy.


Off-topic, but do you take requests? I'm sure many of the Support threads for characters in unrepresented series would love one.
I'm open to suggestions, but I'm currently trying to clear my back log.


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
B Eagle Gun: On the ground Ray shoots an eagle pellet that travels forward fox gun distance. In the air Ray shoots and the pellet stops and turns into eagle that homes in at medium speed on the closest opponent, the homing lasts for 8 seconds. 5% for pellet, 12% for eagle

Side B Charge Attack: Ray turns red, then goes forward fox illusion distance and hits opponents dealing small damage, but great knock back. 7%

Up B Winder Bomb: (Hold to charge) Ray charges then ,when the b button is released, throws the bombs that travel faster and more far apart, the bombs explode on impact either with characters, walls, or floor. Characters that land in the explosion takes less damage. The explosion is bowser sized and lasts three seconds. 5-45% damage depending if a character lands in one explosion or is caught in multiple.

Down B Wave Pod: Ray launches a pod that travels in the direction he is facing that can go through walls and obstacles but does little knockback 10% damage. Only one pod at a time

Final Smash Soulboost: Ray turns gold, increasing his stats, last for 15%

A: Jab
AA: Left-Right Jab
AAA: Left-Right Jab followed by kick
Running A: Ray runs forward then punches someone

Up Tilt: Ray does an upper cut
Side Tilt: Ray does a knee jab
Down Tilt: Ray does a low kick

Neutral Air: Spins hitting with his arms
Up Air: Does a 180 then uses the fire in his boots to do damage the turns back
Forward Air: Punches Forward
Back Air: Brings his fist over his head and brings it behind him
Down Air: Brings fists together and smashes his opponent doing a meteor smash

Up Smash: Backflip kicks with his boots using the fire
Side Smash: Does a 360 Round House kick
Down Smash: Goes Low to the ground then punches in both directions[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
I place full support for this charcter getting in. I've wanted to play as him since I saw him as a trophy in Melee.


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2012
The idea of Custom Robo is to customize for every situation, so I think that should be his "gimmick"
Normal Special: Gun (Gatling, perhaps?)
Side Special: Bomb (I'm think something along the lines of a Direct Bomb, since the aiming has less purpose in a 2.5D game)
Down Special: Pod Deployment (Satellite Pod maybe, for the sake of trapping strategies?)
Up Special: This needs to be a recovery move of some sort, but I don't know how it would be done, since normal jumping would be used with Air Dashes for 3 jumps like Pit's Wings.
Side Smash: Magnum Shot, or maybe Knuckle Gun
Down Smash: Probably another kind of pod, probably stationary like the Spider Pod. The large but weak Titan Pod could also be used
Up Smash: Charge Bomb


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
If there is a supporter list you can add me to it!

I've always loved Ray. I was sad when he didn't make it to Brawl and am hoping things change this time around.


Smash Rookie
Dec 27, 2012
Ray should have been playable in brawl still like the assit trophies but Ray's just one of the ones who should have been playable



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
So after playing some Kirby games and Megaman I really like the idea of him using a variety of weapons in Smash. This was mention by Andorok and lobotheduck21 and I like this idea. So here is a quick mock up on Ray's move set.

Standard Attacks will mostly consist of kicks and pistol whipping. Some techniques he'll use weapons like the needle gun or the blade gun as a melee weapon. His dash attack will also be his charge attack which he shoulder checks the person.

B: Gatling Gun: Fires a short burst of rounds on a sideways direction. Does low damages but stuns them while their getting hit.
Up B: Acrobat Bomb: Drops a bomb that explodes underneath him and launches him into the air. Can be used for meteor attacks as well.
Forward B: Satellite Pods: He lays up to three pods that float in place for trapping. They do low damage but when place right can be very annoying. After some time they will explode on their own.
Down B: Standard Bomb: Lobs a bomb in an arch in order to shoot over walls and barriers. Can even be use to hit people on platforms above him.

Catch: Uses Catch Gun similar to Samus Grapple Beam
Holds the enemy with his bomb hand and pistol whips with his gun.
Down Throw: Knocks them to the ground and use Drill Gun
Up Throw: Uses Knuckle Gun to punch them upward
Forward Throw: Plants Burrow Bomb D at his feet and lets it explode knocking him forward.
Back Throw: Pulls them behind him and uses the shotgun to the face.

Final Smash
Idea 1: SoulBoost and Weapon Upgrade
Ray transforms his special moves and turns gold with soulboost. He gets a new moveset.
B: Dragon Gun: Fires and large flaming roaring dragon that chases the nearest target.
Up B: Acrobat Bomb just like before.
Down B: Geo Trap Bomb: fires like a slower standard bomb but creates a large ground level explosion.
Forward B: Wave Pods: Fires a pod forward that when it explodes creates a wave that can go through walls.
While in soulboost he take less damage and can't be stunned or knocked down.

Idea 2: Robo Swarm
A bunch of various Custom Robos come from all sides of the screen and just wreak havoc across the stage. Little raiders running around shooting, lighting sky's flying over head bombing, funky big heads jumping around dropping pods, etc. Just a mass chaos of little robots shooting and blowing up stuff. Also a good assist trophy idea
Dec 29, 2012
Ray MkIII should get in, he is in the same category as Isa Jo, Shulk, Matthew, Mii, Aeron, Zael, Andy, and Little Mac for me


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I think... Ray would probably be the best Surprise addition for me. It's really a bummer how little he comes up nowadays. Really missed the boat for Brawl. It's a shame. Such a good character for Smash.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I definitely think he has a shot since he was an AT. People haven't talked about him on here very much but I wouldn't be surprised if he made an appearance. Just like in Melee with trophies, I think AT and Trophies are a great area to look at when considering reps in the next game.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I don't know his chances persay. I didn't know about him until I saw his trophy in melee (which did inspire me to buy the games). I've only played the Gamecube game and Arena for the DS and really liked them. I know Custom Robo isn't huge in the US but I've heard its pretty popular in Japan. From a game play and style point of view I believe Ray (whatever model) would be a fun addition to Smash Bros. I mean he even has a weapon called a Smash Bomb (which should be his up smash attack).

I do think he would be a great rep to add to Smash 4 since Sakurai said that this Smash will have some sort of customization feature to it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2007
a transdimentional Trash Can
Ray would be fantastic. An excellent final smash would be to turn him into Ray Warrior and deck him out in illegal parts like the Wyrm or the Crystal Strike.

His Up-B should be a lunge that has a large hitstun. That much is obvious. His neutral B could be any number of guns, gatling, sniper or something similar seems logical. Forward B ought to be an arcing missile with some aiming potential and down B can be a spider pod or something.

For his smashes: smash forward is the shotgun. Smash down is one of the close-ranged pods or missiles. Up Smash is a pod like the umbrella, that hovers for a second, and continues to persist shortly after Ray regains control.

I'm thinking stungun and knuckle could be ftilt and jab. Utilt could be a lighter hovering pod, and dtilt could be, I don't know, an attack with his feet thrusters?

Aerials... I'm thinking that they ought to be similar. Dair could be the dragon gun. Bair and Uair could also be pods of some sort, although I played light with pods, so I don't have any specific examples. Nair could also be stun, Fair is a feint rocket, perhaps?

So about the implementation- should he be about the size of Kirby or should he be bigger? Canonically, he's about Kirby's canonical size, but seeing as Kirby's about the size of Samus's foot, he obviously can't be that small. I think it would be fairly creative to have him be a small ranged heavyweight, at the expense of being somewhat slow and with slightly below average killing power.

Ray Robo

Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2010
I agree with many aspects of these ideas including any of the Ray's in Smash 4. To go along with the customizable future would work wonders with Ray, changeable weapons, feet, armor, head, pods to adjust speed, attacks, directionality and all the other movesets.

Of course it's a long shot due to Ray's low popularity compared to rising candidates for the next Smash 4 such as Ridley, Shulk, and Chrom. I think Ray would make a great addition and fit it nicely with the rest of the smash brothers.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
I can't believe there's less than two pages of Ray! He's way near the top of my most wanted list. He has a ton of move-set potential, quite a lot of games a couple of which had western releases, was an assist trophy in brawl and was one of the more obscure trophys to make it into melee, so I don't think his chances are all that terrible, though he doesn't get talked about a lot these days. :(

If he does become playable I'd like to see him unscaled to human size, though I could also see how having him tiny would be unique.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I think one of the defining features for a Custom Robo character is the double jump should be replaced with a directional dash or two. If you make them into a projectile-oriented character, it could make for new and interesting gameplay.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I like his size as an AT in Brawl - it gave his functionality a boost. He could work well as a floaty character with great mobility that is sent flying easily. But a size change if he were playable is certainly possible, but I feel less likely since he already appeared that size along with the Brawl Smash cast.

I'm also surprised that there isn't a Mech playable in this game - I mean Japan's all about Mechs. (Gundam styled ones anyway - Samus is a Mech, I suppose).


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
I think one of the defining features for a Custom Robo character is the double jump should be replaced with a directional dash or two. If you make them into a projectile-oriented character, it could make for new and interesting gameplay.
That's a really good point. It's been a long time since I last played custom Robo, but if I recall correctly the defining (non customizable) feature of each model type was it's aerial maneuver, and basic models like the Ray had the air dash I think? So I definitely think Ray would be a good first smash character to have a proper air dodge since it's so important to his character(and he's damn near the only Nintendo character that actually HAS an air dodge in his own game), and I know a lot of people have been wanting some sort of air dodging in smash. There are lots of ways it could be implemented, it could be it's own unique thing with it's own imput like crawling(double tap forward in the air, of course), it could replace his double jump like you said, or he could have a really high(rocket propelled) double jump and the up B could be an air dash.

I don't know much about fighting game tactics mumbo jumbo, but I'm pretty sure an air dash could make him good at approaching, then give him a lot of projectiles and a few handicaps to balance things out like being light if they keep him tiny or making him really sluggish on the ground or whatever else and like you said, he could be a really unique character.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2009
Most likely he will stay an AT, but I would much rather he be playable. I'm a fan of Custom Robo and he'd be a really fun character to play.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
Most likely he will stay an AT, but I would much rather he be playable. I'm a fan of Custom Robo and he'd be a really fun character to play.
I feel ya. Custom Robo really hasn't gotten much love in a while. He is one of those characters I want but don't expect. Anyways, I imagine Ray as one of those light, jumpy characters that is capable of putting a hurting on you if you underestimate him. He should defenitely be projectile based. Maybe he could be the sort of keepaway character Smash doesn't have yet, that would certainly make him unique (this meaning he would have strength in ranged attacks that push away other characters, but be pretty weak up close making him more strategic like Custom Robo.)


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Even if we don't get a Custom Robo character, it would be a real shame if a holosseum isn't a stage. They could offer a visual style different from everything else.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
Even if we don't get a Custom Robo character, it would be a real shame if a holosseum isn't a stage. They could offer a visual style different from everything else.
A Holosseum would be cool, but what sort of holosseum would you like to see? I could see it as a morphing stage that shifts through the various types of holosseum stages you see in the games, like the Fire Emblem level, but with a cool VR/digital style transitioning effect. Or the generic boxes in a grid holosseum but that would hard to make interesting in a 2d game. The final boss stage from any given game could work well too. Or, you know...anything else. There's a lot of possibilities.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Don't know why this guy hasn't even gotten more than a page of discussion going. He'd be the perfect half-expected character.
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