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Bowser's Revenge 11 Results thread


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas

1: Lunchables ($175)
2: Dakpo ($78.00)
3: Luck ($58)
4: AbstractLogic ($39.00)
5: Denthorn ($20)
5: Shokio ($20)
7: HavikLink
7: Em
9: 2D Fighter
9: Captain Birdman
9: G-Rabbit
9: Calm Animal
13: Zift
13: SMF Aaron
13: Youngblood
13: Elza
17: Scotch
17: bec
17: Cory
17: Wonder
17: Narcic
17: rawDrigo
17: Kuranen
17: Chem
25: Wumbologist
25: Purp
25: Sauv
25: Kale
25: Typo
25: Poke
25: Vewlop
25: Shots
33: NicD
33: J
33: Fez
33: Icurry
33: Bozo
33: CG
33: SuicideBomber

Singles bracket;


1: Lunchables + Dakpo ($66.00)
2: Aerolink + Luck ($34.00)
3: Shokio + CaptainBirdman ($10.00)
4: Em + Elza
5: G-Rabbit + SMF Aaron
5: AbstractLogic + Bec
7: 2D Fighter + Narcic
7: Shots + Vewlop
9: CG + J
9: NicD + JMA3
9: Cory + Scotch

Doubles bracket;
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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Things ran pretty well IMO! Apparently TioPro implodes on itself a little bit if you swap people around in loser's bracket lmao, which slowed things down a little bit, but I managed to work through it. (Seriously, check out that singles bracket, top left side...) Still had time to take it easy and get all of winner's semis on stream though, and be out by 7:10.

My apologies to any of you guys who had to play against friends/crewmates; I tried to shuffle people around so that wouldn't happen, but a lot of you dudes are new to me. Hope you had a good time regardless! Oct 18th for BR12?
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Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Tio sucks use Challonge bro
If you're going to use tio at least use the old tio instead of tiopro. much better.
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Netplay 4 Days
Jul 31, 2013
Dallas/College Station, TX
Tio sucks use Challonge bro
If you're going to use tio at least use the old tio instead of tiopro. much better.
Zac's new program uses Challonge anyway. Might have to copy the tourney over to Challonge, Seth.

But ok, late shout-outs time:

@Captain Birdman - Good stuff in doubles bro. Olimar + Falcon was legit, definitely gotta run it again.
@ EmLeingod EmLeingod You showed signs of breaking out of your old habits. Now you just gotta let your potential out fully. Work on consistency.
@G-Rabbit For an amazing close set in loser's. Great matches as always, it's always great seein my CStat homie :)
@AbstractLogic For thrashing me game 1 in winner's, don't know what happened there lol. Good to see you out of retirement man.
@Lunchables BR11 was actually the first time I actually sat down and saw multiple matches of yours. You make no sense. Nobody should be that good. Please stop.

Great tourney Seth, it was super smooth. The only reason why we had any hiccups was because of Luck and AeroLink disappearing left and right lol. Can't wait for BR11.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2013
First off shout-outs to:

@G-Rabbit for arranging my controller be put back into my hands! Thanks again man.
@Elza~ for being an awesome doubles partner, hope to work with you in the future
@ Shokio Shokio for being a great last set in the tournament (for me)

+ other buddies who I love to see every week/event!

This was such a weird tourney for me.

I feel like I played horribly, but placed the best I've ever placed.

I was pretty apathetic while playing singles (not really sure why). So while maybe it felt like I wasn't playing so well, I also wasn't suffering from tournament jitters/getting nearly as emotional as I normally do in tournament matches. I got pretty salty mid set during our last match in doubles and that's where the apathy kicked in I guess. I kinda defeated my self at this point (and don't get me wrong, they played really well, I'm by no means Johning). I can't let that happen again. I played awful that last game in doubles. Overall I certainly learned a lot, and I think I see the road to improvement just a bit clearer now because of it.

Very well run though, sir sethlon. Love your tournamnets, you are a damn good TO if I do say so my self!

Deleted member

Great tournament, felt really bad for leaving early :(


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
thanks for running the tourney as smoothly as you did, sethlon!

and shoutouts to tloc crew for all their streaming duties! and thanks for letting me commentate, infinity : D hopefully i didn't bring shame upon your stream : O

also, shoutouts to orange shirt kid for the close set and taking me to game 3!
@G-Rabbit thanks for the man cave ganon ditto! maybe one day you'll forget how to beat ganon and i can get the set against your kirby : p
@Scotch98' thanks for the team games! don't get discouraged, every loss we had is something to learn from!

Deleted member

BR11 was actually the first time I actually sat down and saw multiple matches of yours. You make no sense. Nobody should be that good. Please stop.
Thank you! The better your fundamentals, the smarter you look (I think)
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