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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak sounds more like a fanboy that an admirer at this point.

#HBC | J #HBC | J

I agree to disagree. If we were getting down to mafia in the most simplistic level right now, he just OMGUSed Glyph while piggybacking your disdain for him. He might be a goofball but I don't think that's enough of a reason to completely like him. Go more in-depth about what you like of him before I decide my vote. I'm trying not to be anxious.
What's OMGUS? I tried looking it up on Mafiascum and didn't find anything.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I mean, I like him because I don't see him being all that scummy. Like at all currently. If you have an inkling as to why you dislike him, that would be more beneficial to discuss. The vibe I am getting from Sparky is not that of a malintent one, but his colors will show by D2 at the very least.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Oh my god u suck
Voting someone because they voted you
I actually voted him because he currently looks the most scummy. I already suspected him because of the whole shooting J situation (which I still don't like his logic from). He then voted for me, so I asked for his reasoning. He then asked others to pressure me on a point I thought was fairly null and accused me of asking about his role (which I didn't know was a bad thing to do). At that point, I cast my vote. I'll unvote if he has a good enough defense, but I don't see why Soup giving me such a hard time over a justified vote.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I skimmed over things once I saw Glyph being super silly.

I don't think he is scum, I just don't understand why he wouldn't wait to use his ability on someone he actually felt was scummy though. He had plenty of time to figure out his reads before his presumed deadline, using the ability on J just because J is hard to read for him isn't pro town.

Irritated if he is Town, confused if he is scum, is my current outlook on the slot. I'm leaning on the former though because I just absolutely do not see scum doing that at this point in time.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
So I reread D1 and for some reason I'm just not comprehending anything. Could someone clarify what the heck happened so far?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
^I understand a lot of us here that have been posting could answer that really simply:

However, let someone else who hasn't generated content yet answer the "What has happened question?" please. Not soup/FML/Glyph/Sparky/Myself should comment on that because we were all here amidst the action so our views are known/would influence others/have already been stated clearly. (If your name isn't here, I don't see an opinion worth noting *Fanny/Maven/Moosy mainly*)

Zaixl Zaixl Who exactly do you want to answer your question that would help you the most?

This game is a behemoth of 15 people and we need to make sure everyone steps up to the mic at least once.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Well they've been sort of inactive so not much preference...
Buuuut I'll say MoosyDoosy MoosyDoosy purely from Meta cause of his focused tunneling last game.
I'm mostly confused about everything to do with Glyphmoney, but I'm interested to hear your take on what's happened in general as well.


Jun 7, 2012
The orbo half is gonna basically be nonexistant during the daytime for the rest of the week due to army shenanigans.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
Well they've been sort of inactive so not much preference...
Buuuut I'll say MoosyDoosy MoosyDoosy purely from Meta cause of his focused tunneling last game.
I'm mostly confused about everything to do with Glyphmoney, but I'm interested to hear your take on what's happened in general as well.
Anything for you Zaixl. :D

DtG basically used a day shot super early in the game that was a 50/50 flip which I find super strange because it was way too early to use it. I understand the reasoning behind it (J is hard to read) but I think that he should have waited to see if he could acquire some reads before using the shot. His reasoning that J is likely town and that he used the shot on J was terrible as well and makes no sense whatsoever. I'm putting him down as null/scum lean because his explanation and usage of his shot was a waste and makes more sense from a scum perspective (using the shot to kill a strong town).

So then J lives the shot and his reaction to it was remarkably townie imo.

Afterwards Spak made a small misunderstanding and changed up his read from nulltown to town lean on J. This caused soup to push and question him to which Spak seemed a bit nervous and goofy. I think the push was townie on soup's part as he was pointing out a change in story but he was open to feedback from J who I also read as town. I'm not sure what this makes Spak but he's a null for me right now. The suspicious thing that came out of this was that DtG popped in, voted for Spak, told people to keep on questioning him then left. It seemed opportunistic.

That basically sums up what's happening so far. There's nothing to push right now and I'm just waiting for DtG to come back and follow through on his promised push on 3 people.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Have I ever told you I love you, Moosy? Because I don't.
However you are quite likeable and I laughed way too hard at that first line.

On the glyph thing (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought I saw somewhere he said he had to use it D1.

And my specific thoughts so far:
Gheb is always mafia
J is extremely null but my gut is wary of him, probably because he's so null even with this much activity. Null. Gut lean slight scum.
OrboRake is hard to read because half the time I'm puzzling over which one is posting. Null.
Glyph seems to check out so far, but is nonreadable imo. Null. Gut lean very slight town.
Spak is a bit scattered but that says nothing towards alignment.
Zaixl is a mafiacat kill him dead with sporks (or handforks)
Null on the rest cause inactivity

##vote Zaixl

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hihi dgames.

Vote: J

I don't know any of you (except Raziek Raziek ) or how you play on this site, so maybe you can help me fill in the blanks.

The one thing you need to know about dgames is _______.

My favorite player in this game is _______.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, _______ is probably true this game.

Remember when _____ happened last game? That's really going to color my perceptions on _____, ______, and ______ this game.

Doing the ______ strategy is a terrible idea. Even if other mafia playing sites think its good, that's not going to fly around here.
The one thing you need to know about dgames is everyone will want to lynch me at some point because I've been lazier as of late for posting.

My favorite player in this game is depending on how their play progresses, I like individual games players have done not strict favs or not. For an actually players Laundry for best remembered performance, Raziek for more consistent good, J when he knows where his head is at and Orbo/Rake for duo deaded hydra that works well together.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, excepting all of the surprises is probably true this game.

Remember when a day kill happened last game? That's really going to color my perceptions on Raziek, Laundry, and J this game.

Doing the do nothing day 1 and coast strategy is a terrible idea. Even if other mafia playing sites think its good, that's not going to fly around here.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Greetings, fellow players. Apparently I have been mod confirmed, which is quite interesting.
I was hoping one of you find people could help me answer a question: I studied the op, but I cannot seem to find a full list of roles in the game. Is this by design, or am I missing something. I would like to know how many people have night actions.
It is closed set-up.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
FML is correct. The only known roles are you, and anyone who dies.

PS: #HBC | Laundry has informed us he'll be V/LA until Monday
#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry

Work with me this game and lets not waste time with butting heads. I won't want to waste multiple pages on this between you and me again.

Let's start, lynch J day 1 if he doesn't contribute? Same with Raz and others?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I've got a smash tournament today so I don't have quite as much time to write this up as I would have liked. Here comes the abridged version.

-Why use the daykill at all?
I wasn't joking when I said I had to. I have two abilities that have to be used before the end of D2 or else I die. I could have opted to save the daykill for tomorrow, but feel the other one is much more consistent for that stage in the game.

-Why target J?
First and foremost, J is a slot I have historically had a very hard time reading. Any quote unquote meta slot generally throws me for a loop, and beyond that J if any of those were to be likely to pull the wool over my eyes it would probably be him. I also found it a little alarming how many of the new players are already buddy buddy with him, which could lead to them just following his directions instead of pushing to find scum on their own.

Odds are, he is! That's always town's advantage, having the numbers. But a) my daykill is confirmed to not end the dayphase, and b) J is one of the more connected slots in the game already. I was willing to pull the trigger because even if we did get a J town flip, it kicked us out of the bull**** RVS stage so we can actually play mafia as well as the most valuable thing you can receive in this game, which is modconfirmed information.

You guys kick around this post for a while, I need to go do video games. When I get back there's like 3 players I want to touch on, and hopefully they'll do more things while I'm gone too.
I don't want to believe you...but I do right now.

I hate that.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry
Let's start, lynch J day 1 if he doesn't contribute? Same with Raz and others?
Are you of the mindset that J has not contributed so far? Do his posts appear to be - forgive using the common vernacular- "filler"?

What do you think of Spak? I have found myself bemused by his posts. I cannot tell what his intentions are, but I don't believe his posts have been informative or helpful at this point. He seemed to spend most of the last 2 pages merely defending himself. I cannot entirely fault him for this, as suspicion was cast upon him. But still, I fail to see any productive posts from him, which brings me to believe he should be under surveillance.

The most productive (as in producing the most conversation, not necessarily the most pro town) player I've observed is DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
The one thing you need to know about dgames is _______.
we're giant meta hounds so we give passes to players for a lot of bull**** that we probably shouldn't. it's bred a lot of less-than-stellar playstyles as a result.

My favorite player in this game is _______.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, _______ is probably true this game.
don't meta the mods

Remember when _____ happened last game? That's really going to color my perceptions on _____, ______, and ______ this game.
honestly don't even meta the players. half of them will give you unreliable information about their own playstyle, either to intentionally lead you astray or because they're simply wrong about it

Doing the ______ strategy is a terrible idea. Even if other mafia playing sites think its good, that's not going to fly around here.
not playing d1 strat


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
game is opening up by answering those questions. completely bypassed rvs but there's so little meat to be had here that it's even more of a waste of time imo


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Oh right!

Bull**** Mixup: J

I literally have to to this, I have my fate and now lets see yours!
Oh no I'm 100% serious with this decision. You've got a daykill coming your way where you've got a 50% chance of picking the wrong answer and if you do, you die. If you get it right you're super dandy though and I'll accept that its fate's will that you not die.
was curious if the destiny **** was going anywhere. still curious about its resolution but i like using it on j early.

@#HBC| J

Glyphs vote if serious looks logical to me, somewhat. You're disengaging him by switching over to that topic of 'destiny' (which didn't seem to be anything but RVS fodder) out of nowhere and got in the middle of his conversation with rake, or even pressure if you want to call it that.

I will say though that despite me understanding why glyph is annoyed with J's actions I necessarily don't agree with his conclusion. People are going to get into the middle of arguments and I think it's better people their neck out instead of just letting events play out.
this is some gross-ass touch-and-go "i see the good sides and the bad sides of this" null-ass non-committal ass lookin ass ****

vote: soup


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'd say it's page three and you're deluded if you think you have something to go on.
it's deluded to think glyph thinks j is outright scum for this.

And I'd say that reading everything as absolutely null early in the game is unwise given that most alignments become more transparent in situations where mafia have less to work with. Glyph isn't making a scum gambit right now as hes putting way too much heat on himself if it were to backfire, which isn'ttheisn't the right move from a scum perspective.
Maveb, is your null read from a lack of commitment or uncertainty? Do you really believe scum would possibly do this?
so after giving me a statement of "yeh this is good and bad" aka one that allows you to make a point without sticking you rneck out you immediately turn around and say "yeh nothing is null"

okay, you think glyph isn't scum for this but you've also thrown this extra point out there about how you think it isn't wise, so in the event it backfires, you've got an out for yourself.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Mfw people always ****ing think it's rake posting
confirmed orbo is a ****poster too

Buddy, if glyph is bsing I'll eat my own my own words and vote him. I am giving him complete benefit of the doubt because targeting J who knows how gambits work and someone who wouldn't fall for it either way is stupid.
so now you flip your coin and actually take a more aggressive stance. i want to flip my read on you for it but i'm not utterly convinced.

Let's hope it's not a flavor question. I'll be screwed and that'll suck to be kicked out of the game so early.

But if this is a gambit, soup is correct. Choosing me is a very poor choice considering my nerves of steel in mafia.
honestly i'd assume it's legit and targeting you is merely a way of bypassing 3 day phases of dealing with your headache-inducing playstyle.

You have my guarantee for a second time if I'm wrong I will ensure to measure the lynching rope to best suit his neck personally. Maybe I'm wrong for being so sure about this, who knows. Ill throw in polishing your shoes and wearing a dunce hat all day for you, maven.
same point as above, still not utterly convinced but i am feeling better about flipping my read. i can't silence the nagging voice in my head that you're spitting all this fire but it could still be to scum's benefit to lynch on a misfire.

-long ass tirade about a mechanical approach to dayvigs-

So, if you guys aren't willing to change your meta on the drop of a hat after a long wall of words, I understand. I just wanted to make my position on the matter clear.

As far as the specific instance here, for about the same reasons as above, I fail to see how dayviging J is useful in the slightest /right now/. Its not clear that he's a prospective mislynch, we don't have a wagon on him to evaluate for coalignment, and he doesn't have much of a voting history to evaluate for coalignment. Like, if he did die and flip scum, does that tell us anything? Not yet. Why not push a wagon on him first to get that info?

So, instead of staying in RVS any longer, I'm definitely going to move to kill anybody being scum in broad daylight.

Vote: Glyphmoney
Are you a robot? You took one of the most mechanical approachs to set up this entire perspective that I have to ask if you're human or not.

Either way, I think there is a very valid reason to target J specifically (which, again, Glyph looked like he was intent on targeting from the get-go). I'm just curious if Glyfe is aware of it and I have no way of knowing if his answer to that question would be legit or not.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I blocked it! I survive for now!

Screw you Glyph for the heart attack.
Putting on the punctuation pants.

I can't trust this. I'm actually annoyed that all of that build-up came out to something that I physically cannot see. You could be telling the truth--you have a role that, when triggered, sends a question to a player and if they're wrong, they die. But I see nothing, so I can't automatically believe it. There's no data. This could be an elaborate ruse set up by mafia or neighbors or masons. This could be a different kind of targeting role. This could be a giant gambit even. My point is it's inconclusive as of this post and that bothers me. You spent like half a page and got all of these responses out of players and none of their statements can be validated because of it. Mall's giant mechanical post about directing dayvigs? Worthless because we don't know if Glyph's actually a dayvig. Soup talking about the good and bad points but then saying he'd lynch on a misfire or a gambit? Worthless, we don't know if Glyph's a dayvig. Maven calling it all null? Actually correct! It is all null!

I damn well better see something that warrants others to claim Glyfe's mindset is the most townie in this game as of this page.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Not really?

I'm taking the "Town should force all players to act in a manner that is +EV for town and lynch those that refuse" route. If Glyph is being thickheaded, he's doing so in a manner that helps the scumteam win. Therefore, I either want him to start doing protown things, or I want him to die before he can do more proscum things.
What I don't want to let him do is pretend he doesn't know the difference, and use his meta to do blatantly proscum things in broad daylight. If scumteams here win because they can get away with that, I'd be very disapointed.
The entire first point automatically assumes Glyfe is town-aligned and lynching him is purely to prevent him from being a bigger detriment. In general, I'd say ignore these slots but it is hard to ignore a dayvig.

At any rate, would you lynch a dayvig you think is town?

Well..the shot was blocked, and I don't really think Glyph has another one. If he did, then get back to me about this whole Glyph=!Dayvig scenario because all my posts have been talking about it and I want to see him to do more beyond Dayvig shenanigans much like anyone else.

I also want to see more people post because I am

1. Bored
2. Invested into this game and tired of biting my tongue

I've been wanting to discuss Zaixl Zaixl because I think him dodging Glyph's question completely in #113 is odd and furthermore I don't see how he contested my read on Glyph yet didn't offer anything in return besides 'it's null/wifom.' He also backed down after I said that we shouldn't be doing that, which doesn't sit right with me further.

I just realized why I hate Dayvig scenarios because now the game is completely centered on this until something more interesting pops up. Damnit.

Oh yeah, I think you're a bit of a loon right now mallo. Not sure what kind of loon quite yet but I've never see someone dig so deeply into something that doesn't even have a solid explanation in the first place. and instead somehow skipped the hypothesis part in your crackpot science theory on why Glyph would do X instead of Y based on events not determined in this game. Some people in this world might call it reaching.
k i'm convinced. my initial read was whack


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I've got a smash tournament today so I don't have quite as much time to write this up as I would have liked. Here comes the abridged version.

-Why use the daykill at all?
I wasn't joking when I said I had to. I have two abilities that have to be used before the end of D2 or else I die. I could have opted to save the daykill for tomorrow, but feel the other one is much more consistent for that stage in the game.

-Why target J?
First and foremost, J is a slot I have historically had a very hard time reading. Any quote unquote meta slot generally throws me for a loop, and beyond that J if any of those were to be likely to pull the wool over my eyes it would probably be him. I also found it a little alarming how many of the new players are already buddy buddy with him, which could lead to them just following his directions instead of pushing to find scum on their own.

Odds are, he is! That's always town's advantage, having the numbers. But a) my daykill is confirmed to not end the dayphase, and b) J is one of the more connected slots in the game already. I was willing to pull the trigger because even if we did get a J town flip, it kicked us out of the bull**** RVS stage so we can actually play mafia as well as the most valuable thing you can receive in this game, which is modconfirmed information.

You guys kick around this post for a while, I need to go do video games. When I get back there's like 3 players I want to touch on, and hopefully they'll do more things while I'm gone too.
Well that answers all the questions I had for Glyfe, except for this one:

What is your read on J as of this point? Did your action have any influence on it? Can we know what the question was?

At any rate, Glyfe, Soup, and Slick are already pretty townie to me (last one by default). Already a good start to the game.

J looks town too.
I don't see any reason to claim this. I think he's starting this game better than he has in previous games but I don't see any reason to call him town yet. He still has yet to do anything of significance.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Vote: spak

the fact glyph shot J basically due to "Coz J" reasoning is pretty Jank though, eventually I'll feel one way or another about it but i always dislike when people just throw things at J for "cause J reasoning, sometimes its right like in J's most recent go through as mafia in whatever game that was but other times it just looks ******** when it comes clear that J's just a regular gy living a regular life being confused for a women online
On the contrary, I agree with that shot completely. Bypasses 3 phases of dealing with the guy should he be scum and bypasses a day phase where he does nothing in the first place regardless of alignment. Also puts a spotlight on him that he can't just WIFOM himself out of. And he didn't even die for it. I'm just curious if Glyfe got anything else out of it beyond that.

My avatar properly describes what I feel right now in regards to you.


Someone with Spak experience tell me how often Spak would confuse himself as either alignment. Is he just this goofy in general?
Seems pretty typical of Spak to me, honestly.

Sparky's fear of me is a tad strange, but adds up to how he has dealt with me in every game so far. I think being a stickler for wording is a tad off for this argument.

Also we should move this RVS away from becoming any more of tihs "Well let's talk about J cuz J scary." because although flattering, it does not help move the game forward to find scum unless you see something in my actions that would cause you to think that me being scary = scummy.

Nah, I like the spotlight on you. You can't shake this one off with "lol i always play this way" and frankly put, babe, you need a little sunshine.

Role fishing like crazy. Comment about hoping good players stay alive sounds more like trying to look town than actually being town. But mostly the first part. Would like to see some more pressure on this from others.


Did you get anything on J from your role?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
So I reread D1 and for some reason I'm just not comprehending anything. Could someone clarify what the heck happened so far?
Absolute cockmongering.

Legitimately, if you simply said "nothing of value", you wouldn't be far off. The shortless RVS ever, a bunch of people answering bogus questions, and then Glyfe pops a dayvig (apparently) on J, there's loads of discussion about it that haven't netted anything of value from my perception, it's just a bunch of nothing. I've gotten 2 good reads out of it and maybe some feels but nothing to put some value on the board.

#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry

Let's start, lynch J day 1 if he doesn't contribute? Same with Raz and others?
I need a legit reason to lynch somebody. You could ***** and moan about J's playstyle (I have and still, apparently, am) but you'll never lynch him for it. Same with Raz. Same with Soup. It's why I agree with Glyfe targeting J, though I disagree with his conclusions and definitely would like to know if he personally got something out of it.

The most productive (as in producing the most conversation, not necessarily the most pro town) player I've observed is DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney
I misread the last part, I thought you were calling him protown.

vote: mallorean

Honestly I would wait but I don't like any direction this game is going in and this slot is grody.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Things I want to see
Glyph: More info on your role or some other form of further evidence of your ability
J: Worthwhile contribution that pushes debate and more info on your end of Glyph's ability

Also I have to interrupt your regularly scheduled Mafia for a HUGE shout out to my favorite smasher, Liquid|Nairo. Props, man.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'll depart from the thread on this note:

Town: Soup, Glyfe, Slick
Not town but don't hate: FML, J (gasp), Spak
Indifferent: Everyone else
Dislike: Mallorean, mildly Ruy
dayvigbait: Raz, Bardull

I still want more out of Glyfe about his takes on everything that happened as a result of his "dayvig" but I'm inclined enough to believe he's telling the truth about having a targeting role based on a question. The only alternative is he and J having private communiation to set this up which, while possible, doesn't seem as likely based on play as of this moment.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hihi dgames.

Vote: J

I don't know any of you (except Raziek Raziek ) or how you play on this site, so maybe you can help me fill in the blanks.

The one thing you need to know about dgames is _______.

My favorite player in this game is _______.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, _______ is probably true this game.

Remember when _____ happened last game? That's really going to color my perceptions on _____, ______, and ______ this game.

Doing the ______ strategy is a terrible idea. Even if other mafia playing sites think its good, that's not going to fly around here.
It's late at this point, but if you still want me to respond to this, let me know.
I really really like Soup's response to Mal_thug's questions. Very honest and accurate to what I would expect in terms of truthful AND useful answers.

Soup's analysis of Glyph mixup also seems legit.

DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney : You explained why you targeted J, but it seemed somewhat strange to me there that you didn't target FML given his annoying you just beforehand. I am probably overreading this since you said it was just a pet peeve, but that contrasts with the 'what the **** man' aggression you displayed when he did so. Can you clarify on that?

Mal_thug 139 is good mechanical analysis, but does showcase his unfamiliarity with the types of roles D-Games often uses. Mental note to see if mal-thug changes his stance after Glyph comes out on it being a compulsive shot, not voluntary.

I also found it a little alarming how many of the new players are already buddy buddy with him, which could lead to them just following his directions instead of pushing to find scum on their own.
This is a good point that I hadn't considered, actually. Less concerned with the choice now.

soup looks town.
J looks town too.
These reads suck. Literally empty reads.

MoosyDoosy MoosyDoosy : Please explain why you feel the two of them are Town.


DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Oh, well except for subtle things, like being overly salty when you're like that as town, but I've never seen something just thrown away because it's "their meta"

Really? I definitely haven't been around in a while but I doubt something so prevalent would have just gone away (spoiler I've seen people do it for me in the game already about me using my shot). This is an old post but I forgot to respond to it earlier so here it is.

Buddy, if glyph is bsing I'll eat my own my own words and vote him. I am giving him complete benefit of the doubt because targeting J who knows how gambits work and someone who wouldn't fall for it either way is stupid.

You guys will be correct to call me out as noncommital on this, but I feel like I like Soup too much. Most of what I've seen him do is agree with my logic, which is good, but I can't really place anything else he's done off the top of my head, which is bad. Gunna look harder at him as I slam this bad boy out.

FUTURE GLYPHEDIT: Would you look at that there's not a lot other stuff to pick from. He does mention that my shot kind of is dominating the day, which is fair though.

Yeah, I'm seeing this already with the conversation around the possible attempted dayvig in the last page.

So here's my opinion on dayvigs:

[long opinion on how I should have used my power]

This is an awful lot of explaining how a role works and not a lot of whole lot of why it would make me scummy outside of a hypothetical situation where it might have been used better.

Let me knock this out really quickly. To anyone who thinks I used my shot poorly, consider this. Even if I had sat on it and really waited for the perfect moment, it only had a 50% chance of doing anything. If it failed, we would literally be in the exact same position except my shot would be gone. Shooting early not only gave this game a huge shot in the arm (look at how many people actually have reads posted now), but had the potential to give us a full day to work with modconfirmed information at worst. At best J could have flipped scum and given us a massive advantage, but he blocked it so none of you babies can complain about that.

That being said, I do not think Mallo would be so bold as scum as to go for the low hanging fruit that is the guy who pulled a dayvig shot D1.

"Other one"? Are you gonna tell us what that means, or is it gonna be a surprise to most parties involved?

If anything, I'm more cautious of J than anyone else. He seems to have a way with getting all of the newbies to town read him (he played me pretty good in Revival of DGames, but I knew to look for it in games after that), and can assume complete thread control by endgame if you aren't careful (the recent Gheb's Jungle Republic comes to mind where he had everyone speaking out against him in some way or another (Zalak, RR and I) lynched/NK'd because people had him for a strong town lean). The late-game could be a concern if there are only easily-played noobies (such as myself) and J, but I sincerely hope additional experienced players stay in until the end.

But if we waited until the end of the day, we would have more interactions to go off of and we could have content to go off of. Doing it this early in the day, while getting us out of RVS, could have prevented us from getting a lot of valuable information based on J's flip.

I see the getting out of RVS argument, but killing someone you think will be slightly harder to read than the average DGamer to get out of RVS is a bad move in my opinion.

Post I've already touched on before, but I'm going to reiterate how messed up it is that he's pushing me for role information. It was not an accident for me to phrase my semi-claim post in a way that sets me up to be a threat tomorrow and tomorrow alone because I knew it would be a HUGE gigantic flaming red flag for scum. I'll admit, it -could- be just inexperience at play here but I'm not inclined to let that slide so easy at this point.

Right now, I have J as a VEEERY slight town/null read; I'm always a bit careful reading J D1, because I've noticed in all 3 games I've had with J that he seems enjoy playing (and puts himself out there more) after someone dies. I'm going to re-read him N1 to see how he acts through the rest of the day, but he seemed pretty townie so far. Soup said the interrupt seemed a but scummy (with the destiny thing), but Glyph stated that he wanted to say more on the subject later, so I can see J bringing it back up.

Care to explain?

What the **** is that read. A read can't be made up of half null! Saying he has a 'VEEERY slight town' read in the first place is a pretty weak stance to put out there, but then you throw the '/null' in and why even say it in the first place? The only reason I can see fitting this is, trying to look like you're doing things without actually doing them. I can handle maybe one swing from the inexperienced reasoning, but two like this is making you feel like a liability already.

Sparky's fear of me is a tad strange, but adds up to how he has dealt with me in every game so far. I think being a stickler for wording is a tad off for this argument.

Also we should move this RVS away from becoming any more of tihs "Well let's talk about J cuz J scary." because although flattering, it does not help move the game forward to find scum unless you see something in my actions that would cause you to think that me being scary = scummy.


Lol 'hey please stop discussing my slot'. Willing to lynch J today.

You did literally semi-role claim and tried to shoot me. I'm just saying, calling someone out on role-fishing on you is not really fair with the position your slot has point us in when the entire discussion is revolving around that.

And yet you don't ask the same thing, nor did any other slot. Why defend the player, but not support his line of questioning? This feels super grimy to me.

I don't unnecessarily wall especially on D1. Plus we are only on pg. 5.

I would lean more towards liking Sparky over not liking Sparky. I don't really like Glyph's vote on him for the reasonings he has explained.

Parallels between these two slots are becoming so obvious it hurts. Willing to bet at least one is scum and piggybacking off the opportunity to frame a town slot/benefit from their town flip. Doubt both are scum, seems too on the nose for J's slot from what I can remember.

Since the question was redirected at me, I'll give my reason and you can choose to believe it or not. It's not so much the fact that he chose shooting J (it makes sense to shoot the one who is, in his opinion, the hardest to read), but it's the timing. We would have gotten very little out of the flip if J got killed so early in the day, and he himself said himself that J was likely town. In addition, if J is town, he would be a HUGE asset.

I know you're busy at the moment, but telling other people to pressure someone for you doesn't sit quite right with me.

Vote: Glyph

Legend has it that J is hardest to read Prince of DGamesia that ever roamed the lands. He has fought wars, been through much turmoil, and if he gained experience for every game he won, he'd be over level 9000. He fights for the good of DGamesia everywhere he rides on his valiant steed named "Wall O'Text". Every once in a while, the Mafia Masters of #HBC take over his mind and skew his senses of good and evil. He thinks NKs are justified and that the village is filled with Mafia, so being the valiant prince that he is, he must purify the village. After his work is done, he realizes what he did, morns the passing of innocents that he unknowingly slaughtered, and rides off into the sunset. But you can't blame him, because every rose has its thorn.

tl;dr - He's good at this game.

More of the same. OMGUS. J still can die but I would highly prefer to see Spak toDay.

So then J lives the shot and his reaction to it was remarkably townie imo.

Elaborate on this. Go into extreme detail.

Hello there, who do you recognize in this game and whom do you have experience with?

Did you role scum?

Are you sure?

What is your mafia experience?

Freaking RR with the RVS'est of posts, come on hombre things have happened I want your head in the game not way behind it.

Have I ever told you I love you, Moosy? Because I don't.

However you are quite likeable and I laughed way too hard at that first line.

On the glyph thing (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought I saw somewhere he said he had to use it D1.

And my specific thoughts so far:

Gheb is always mafia

J is extremely null but my gut is wary of him, probably because he's so null even with this much activity. Null. Gut lean slight scum.

OrboRake is hard to read because half the time I'm puzzling over which one is posting. Null.

Glyph seems to check out so far, but is nonreadable imo. Null. Gut lean very slight town.

Spak is a bit scattered but that says nothing towards alignment.

Zaixl is a mafiacat kill him dead with sporks (or handforks)

Null on the rest cause inactivity

##vote Zaixl

I started to make a post about how nice it was to see reads coming out in this manner but this is all just null, jokes, and two super soft reads. Since you've put the thought in my head, I want you to give me your number one scum read right now and what makes you feel that way. I don't want to hear 'my gut says so', I guarantee there's something that caused your gut to do that and want to know what it was.

Putting on the punctuation pants.

I can't trust this. I'm actually annoyed that all of that build-up came out to something that I physically cannot see. You could be telling the truth--you have a role that, when triggered, sends a question to a player and if they're wrong, they die. But I see nothing, so I can't automatically believe it. There's no data. This could be an elaborate ruse set up by mafia or neighbors or masons. This could be a different kind of targeting role. This could be a giant gambit even. My point is it's inconclusive as of this post and that bothers me. You spent like half a page and got all of these responses out of players and none of their statements can be validated because of it. Mall's giant mechanical post about directing dayvigs? Worthless because we don't know if Glyph's actually a dayvig. Soup talking about the good and bad points but then saying he'd lynch on a misfire or a gambit? Worthless, we don't know if Glyph's a dayvig. Maven calling it all null? Actually correct! It is all null!

I damn well better see something that warrants others to claim Glyfe's mindset is the most townie in this game as of this page.

I'll give you a bonus tidbit that might help with this. I didn't have to submit my action in thread, I only chose to post that at the same time I PM'd the mod to make it as clear as possible that I was the one taking the action. I can confirm this toMorrow, as my other ability functions in a similar fashion.

This took a lot longer than I had hoped. Like Laundry, Soup, and Mallo in that order.

Want to see Spak and J dead, in that order.
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