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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
On BarDuIL:

Well, I don't think this is accurate in the slightest:
Anyone voting Glyph is probably scum.
And while I liked him earlier in the game for his efforts to get us away from Gyph vs J, they haven't been ultimately successful AND he hasn't put much effort forth recently to make them successful. That was also before I looked at his stuff for the Soup thing that Laundry was on about today when I started looking into soup. In light of that, and this:
I'll come back to you on this in a bit, I wouldn't be against the Soup lynch though if it happens.
I think I'm on a slight scum lean atm.


Jun 7, 2012
The way he responded sounds like someone who's genuinely upset that people aren't listening to him, as opposed to feigning that kind of reaction. If it didn't seem legitimate, i'd have him as a scum read.

Yeah, I'm kinda starting to agree with Glyph being scummy... I thought about it a lot during programming and while I think the shot is null (feel free to disagree on that), his play since my first read list has been very cocky and slightly inactive. I'l l fully re-analyze the slot N1 and post my analysis on him early D2, but I still think Zaixl is a good lynch for today; I see little to no townie intent coming from his slot and his posts make very little logical sense.
pot calls the kettle black

I can't fathom Zaixl this game. It's gross as **** but at the same time I can't even fathom that happening from a scum perspective. I can't see him playing this way if he were in a position to be directed. I can't understand his motives whatsoever in the first place, so reading him is a crapshoot to me. Maybe I figure it out in time, maybe I don't, but I think it's still just as likely he flips town as he doesn't.

That push is likely a 2 or 3? I don't get why it seems so grody to you, it reads typical Ruy to me. You call it lazy but he was one of the first people truly pushing Moosy.

Uh, when I asked you this I had already posted about why Ryu changed my mind lol, maybe you missed it in the ocean of posts, but I was actually asking because i had the intent pretty low down too and i wanted to see if someone who didn't really have a care about Ryu's slot felt any different.

Why do you dislike Bardull?

Basically everything you've said is gold but the main bit is that he literally said he had soup as a point of contention yet he literally did jack all with that, like it smelt entirely of bardull bringing up someone you mentioned in order to try and gain ground on Soup and as soon as he saw you weren't into it he just instantly backed off liek somehow soup had become persona non gratus to pursue even though he had just stated he had him there and yet: poof. Plus, how does he at that point decide that literally two of the easiest people to hate and two of the people recieveing hate are suddenly more important than soup. If bardull had any soup interest to begin with i dont think he even floats it out to you, he pursues it. Bardull did the same thing as scum just a game ago: he'd have maybe a read or a general direction but then he'd just throw a name to the wind and see what happened.

And now suddenly he looks like he's back on soup when it's the cool thing to do ? Really grody treatment of soup's slot alone is worth the scum read. i know you see it kind of differently but trying to throw the soup grenade into our pot of soup is 100% something scum bardull does. Plus its so easy to hate soup, like I think Soup is literally the easiest person to hate in a DGame just because of how he might react to something and people just love to eat the souphate for breakfast lunch and dinner

And thus proving FML's point is Moosy.

It hurts the soul a little bit, doesn't it ?

I honestly am not getting this. I'm understanding GLyph's shot is anti-town, I do not see how it being anti-town means that he is town and not scum. I do not comprehend the concept that anti-town can not be done by scum. If you're not town-reading Glyph, then I don't comprehend how people can be so upset that some players are not happy with Glyph's content, and want him to explain gaps in his argument.

The central problem is that we keep saying Glyph's play doesn't line up with his explanation for his shot, but people keep saying the shot alone makes him not-scum, then claim that we're saying the shot alone is why he's scum. It's not the case, we just really don't believe you can clear a person for the shot alone. People did just swallow his explanation because, as it's been stated again and again, he lied in it, and people didn't seem to care. Well I do care and I want him to explain why he lied and I'm not comfortable town-reading him until he explains it and I'm not comfortable letting that **** slide. If you're all so comfortable with it and willing to go as far as to lynch the players who aren't, then goddamn you're just opening yourself up to being played real easily. A player does this you push them hard. For all standards a strong town should slap Glyph and not let him get away with dragging us along on this.

Like, on another level, this **** happens because Dgames refuses to be strong enough to deal with it.
When I played Bingo maf i was the only cop, I didnt wanna get killed so i made myself pretty antitowny, I was helping town the whole time but i did it in a way that wasn't necessarily good guy Rake, and i did it because as the only PR I wanted scum to keep me around cause I was "easy lynch " bait and a easy person to throw hate on for how i had posted

Nothing being said or being done particularly interests me. Laundry's points about Maven are decent, but that's about it. Ryu's wall trade with Moosy read genuine (even if I skimmed it) and I still think he's town. I've been feeling less and less about FML due to the fact they never came back with their Ryu read and have somehow dissappeared in the recent Day(s). He hyped it up so well only for it to never really get anywhere, and I don't think either Rake/Orbo would just drop all pressure like that. I've retracted my town-read and put them down to more a scum lean, because I think I was too quick to just be content with them without actually looking at what they were doing; call it lazy on my part.

Moosy's weird and I don't understand him half of the time, but I still like him in the sense that I think he's relatively harmless. His points about me and Glyph might not be the wisest, but the intention I get out of his most of his posts is that he is trying to be progressive and he is attempting to scumhunt and make sure his reads aren't stagnant.

I don't know where Spak went but I really hope he starts to post more. I would think at the very least he would be chiming in on the Glyph talk going on even if he still has school. My read hasn't changed though, and you could put Mallo in the same category.

Zaixl is still a great lynch in my eyes and that's my second vote or the one I would make during deadline. I don't know why people got soft on him because he self-voted and I see a lot of people just writing him off as Vinyl 2.0 or fodder, but that still doesn't make his actions piss poor and worth lynching for. Badwolf, Vinyl, and all the other 'bad players' have had situations where they were scum and did something scummy, but people just let it go for unknown reasons. I'm not keen on that and I think Zaixl was playing to his strength of being a noobie and I still believe that self-vote was an admission of guilt, and that he was just trying to end all conversation so he didn't have to lead trails to his partners. I haven't thought of Zaixl/J as partners and have been reading them more-so individually, but we'll see. I think Zaixl has a very very high chance of flipping scum still and if he did, I would look at the people who just decided to give him a free pass.

I really didn't make it seem all that big from my perspective, I kept saying it was a gut read reaction to ryu's outright laziness at the time as well as what i knew of his meta. I thought I made those points clear because those were my ammo on him at the time, and at that time i did feel rather strongly but I also knew that to get anyting out of him I was gonna have to do more than ask nicely which is exactly why i voted him, if you saw my reads list before and my response to moosey you'll see I found ryu's back up to his points acceptable although I disagreed with them. And seeing Ryu lately I'm honestly pretty happy I changed my reaad because Ryu looks like he's finally got his fett in the game from so many people prodding the bear.

I also do apologize to the thread for my (Rake) side's inactivity, I know it's no excuse but I'm moving out of my current place and into a newer, bigger apartment with my buddy and its been a mad dash for me to set up times to see the leasing agents, fill out the paperwork, get hydro and everything set up and I've been really swamped with it because with my 6:30 - 3:30 - 4:00 schedule i have to do alot of things in the last half hour of a place being open or during my work day thus dragging my day out. Like today I had to go finalize the leasing papers with my buddy at 8:30, I had to go an hour out of the way from my usual drive and that pushed my entire day back by that full hour so i only got home all of 3 hours ago.

I'm gonna be ramping up activity up until next tues when I move out of my current place completely, then Sat for comicon plus early move in plus move in check up with the landlady, then sunday too to get the couches and all my buddies stuff moved in.

Like i said, its no excuse but I'm trying to be here when i can, it's just busy now

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
We have 3 votes on Zaixl and 3 votes on Glyph currently as the leading lynches but even then, anyone can be made a lynch if we just push what we want.

I appreciate the posts from a few of the more inactive slots, but we still don't have votes being put down. That's the main point I am going to be harping on the next couple hours because we need the votes to start being thrown down now more than ever.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm here and I apologize for my outburst.

So, other people have already gone over this first point, but it bears repeating. As soon as Soup decided to vote J, he started pushing this completely fake J vs Glyph dichotomy with posts like #684, #693, #717, and #720 that simply isn't true. Multiple posters had already said that the J vs Gyph fight could be TvT, but Soup started pretending that they didn't exist to push the poisonous meme that there had to be 1 scum between them, and we needed to lynch one at least for "info". Furthermore, if he could get people to believe in that, it would force the thread to continue focusing on nothing but the dayvig topic for all of Day1. Our generously long D1 that we really could use to look into /at least/ one other thing.
Thank for making this formatted so it's really easy to respond to say the least.

In regards to #684, I was just exaggerating for comedic effect, which I even highlighted in #746. It really did seem like there was two sides to the ordeal, and I was leaning on the other. It was around that time I was also trying to push J yet again and it fell flat on my ****ing face, again. I sometimes incorporate tongue-in cheek humor to keep my spirits up so I was acting boisterous chuckling off the fact I wasn't really getting anywhere regardless. Bolded: Who besides laundry maybe or raziek? I have not really seen that anywhere and I would like for you to point it out to me. I actually didn't want to focus on the dayvig topic and I'm not sure why you and everyone else is getting that impression. My read on J was not related to the Glyph topic and this type of misinterpretation is what riles me up. I was never on J because of Glyph. I was on J because of J. How did people get this mixed up?

After J responds to Soup's vote, Soup decided to make his case in #801 and #816 on J entirely about the thing between him and J. Sure, J wasn't really engaging Soup on certain points, but all Soup got out of that was a self-conscious "What about Me, Me, Me?". This always strikes me as scummy, because it means that Soup doesn't actually care about what J thinks about other posters in the game. Which is just crazy to me from a town perspective. If I was as sure as Soup seems to be that J was scum, I'd really want to make him give concrete opinions on the posters that I /don't/ already know the alignment of. I don't really care if my target thinks I'm town or not, because I /know/ I'm town. I want to find his scummates, or find the people that the scumteam feels the need to buddy. This is even worse, because Soup uses this to escalate the entire thing into the stratosphere, letting him conveniently ignore the rest of the things in the thread.
I wanted him to be more proactive in general. I figured aggressing him would get him to do so and yes, I had a self-centered mindset about it. I did want J to respond to me. Why would I not to? I had all the reason in my head to think J was scum and (I've said this before) he never bothered to even respond to me therefore I had no reason to think otherwise, and it really just fueled me more due to various reasons that I've said. I'm not you though so this seems down to a matter of playstyle.

And then you have his new readwall in #877, #879, and #880. Who does he even give scumreads on? He wants to kill Zaixl, and he says he hates J. He gives null reads on all the less active players (Spak, me, Fanny, Bard, Raziek), but then also throws some shade on that group as a whole, rather than really picking out any single one. But then just concludes with wanting togive up on J, and kill Zaixl or Maven, despite barely saying anything about Maven. Even calling the case on Maven "decent, but that's about it" This is really the dealbreaker for me. He gives out a bunch of town and null reads, keeps his options open on his nulls for later, and then wants to pursue the easy lynches and give up his earlier pressure.
I don't understand your problem here, or anyone who says I have too many town-reads and this is somehow bad. You say that I'm trying to keep my options open by putting people as Null, but you'd be surprised to hear that I'm constantly trying to update them, and how now just recently Fanny has put himself out a bit more to consider. I also feel that sometimes I'm trying too hard to read the whole game and that's when I start to ""spam""" the thread because I really do just want to be proactive and make sure my opinions are being heard. I want to help town and I want to push what I believe in or perceive as right. You've come off as analytical thus far but you are reading solely based on interpretation and not intention. You did not consider why I have these slots read as town or frankly why I don't have other slots read as scum. If you disagree with them you are by all means willing to shove it in my face, but instead you looked at it in face value. I put my reads out so they can be contested much like anyone else and you're both cutting me short and disappointing me by not doing so. The case on maven was decent. I have no extremely strong feeling but I think it's warranted in it's own right. Is there a problem with this?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
On Fandangox:

He can say all he wants about mechanical stuff being filler, I /hate/ when people don't speak with their votes. Its way easier to walk back positions and reads that aren't reflected in the votals, and he's voted literally once all game, and it wasn't until very late in the thread. If I can manage to find more time for the game next week, I'm going to be more obnoxious about this topic, rather than less.

That said, his point early on me was valid. Focusing on that stuff before getting any real scumhunting in is null at best. That said, pushing that as your earliest strongest read is also convenient, because if your target shows up and ends up not being the easy mislynch you expected, its really easy to back off as "Hey, his stuff now totally excuses the stuff I said about him before"

I don't like his position on Glyph, but there's quite a few of those right now. The big thing I still have on Fanny is how little attention he's getting on that topic relative to Moosy and Maven. But, part of that is how he's not super overextending and doubling down on the topic, just presenting a clear opinion of the matter. idk? I'd really like to hear other player's thoughts on this part of Fanny's activity.

That said, despite disagreeing with some of the content, he's coming off as very genuine to me. Like, I'm not thinking "**** yeah Fanny" when I read his posts, I'm thinking "Ok, you're wrong, but you're wrong in a way that seems to come from a clear place"

I think after writing all that out, that puts him either at null, or maybe even a slight town lean. I'll definitely revisit the topic D2, but I think that the imminent deadline makes this less of a priority.


Jun 7, 2012
Also, the fact Maven is voting soup or wants to see him dead is reason enough for me to keep Soup alive.
#just sayin


Jun 7, 2012
I mean I really like you, I honestly couldn't care less aboout you being emotional or reacting because its what the games about but everytime I see you in a game its like this weird gravitational effect that happens where something happens, then suddenly people just hate you and want to lynch you. They might have been indifferent before or even liked you but suddenly its like : WE MUST PUSH SOUP NOAW

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Maven or Glyph are both good lynches in my book because it would clear up some scheisse that would leave a lot of connections. I like the people on Glyph more than the Maven wagon though because the Maven wagon has Raziek/RR. (I'm still unsure on RR and Raziek has given me no reason to believe he is town) The only one I like is Laundry on that wagon whereas with Glyph there is Moosy/Fanny/Sparky who I all think are okay for toDay in my book. Both Glyph/Maven are in my odd pile so it clears up question marks for me.

Vote: DtJ Glyph

I'll leave my vote here for now, but I am malleable at this stage to acquire a lynch.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
We have 3 votes on Zaixl and 3 votes on Glyph currently as the leading lynches but even then, anyone can be made a lynch if we just push what we want.
*Maven has 3, Zaixl has 1. My apologies on that one.
Still wrong. It's:

J (1): DtJGlyphmoney (#296)
Soup (1): mallorean_thug (#911)
Zaixl (2): SlickWylde (#561), Soup (#909)
DtJGlyphmoney (3): MoosyDoosy (#552), Fandangox (#892), Spak (#896)
Maven (3): Raziek (#754), Laundry (#853), RedRyu (#870)

Abstaining (5): Zaixl, Maven, BarDuIL, FullMetalLynch, J

And I really can't believe that you're talking about other people abstaining while you're doing so yourself. Nobody's close to being hammered, please just vote and you can change it later if you really need to. I want that wagon analysis for tomorrow.

That said, I really am out of time. I'll be back about an hour before deadline, and will consolidate then if the Soup wagon still hasn't gone anywhere.


Jun 7, 2012
Like look at how this games gone, you were doing your own thing, getting in some fisticuffs with J, fghting the good fight, its kept on, you're both throwing hte daggers and exchanging points and now it seems people agree more with J and maybe feel like you got dat vendetta on his ass ala what laundry said and now suddenly your a lynch candidate which is janky as **** to me

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Am I really that hateable?
You truly truly aren't. I think you put your heart into games a lot and I really respect that of you. I understand game tensions get high, but when you bite at people it really makes them less likely to help you and the like. I don't know, I feel talking this out later after game would be more beneficial to you.


Jun 7, 2012
Also I didn't find your reaction to J or lack thereof to whatever point J was making scummy and i lrgely ignore taking emotions at face value on here and rather just read the intent of your reaction


Jun 7, 2012
Vote: Maven

Like I just said I'm not doing this soup thing today and Maven was already in my pool. I'm not gonna get bardull with this crowd or with the fact my arguement can be handwaved as wifom by even the laziest of the laze.


Jun 7, 2012
Soup, orbo loves you too, just so you know, he also said he meant it full homo just like in yu-gi-oh abriged

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Hihi Soup!

If you're actually town and I'm completely mistaken, could you please answer me a few questions?

In your own words, why should I lynch Maven instead of you today? If you're really willing to go for that lynch, I want something way better than sheeping Laundry before you move your vote over there in self-defense while you still have the time to type something substantive up.
I have nothing substantial about the Maven slot because it is not my priority nor somebody who I have fully looked into. I am 100% sheeping laundry's opinion because it feel it holds weight.

You were pretty adamant about the towniness of Glyph earlier in the game. How does that match your current thoughts? What do you think about the people that have voted him at some point this game? (Note, J has never voted Glyph, so he isn't a valid topic for this answer)
This is all answered in my reads post but I have not looked at it that way, because I haven't been considered partner connections at all. The only reason I would consider why someone would vote X or Y is if I felt they had a reason to. If I sat and spent all my time analyzing votes like that, I wouldn't get anywhere, especially on D1. I don't read people always based on what they say, if that makes sense? I'm more of an intention type of person who tries to decipher the meaning behind their posts instead of the content itself. That doesn't mean I'm not looking at the content, it just means I'm considering the meaning behind it more. This is why I rely on meta and the emotional vibes I get from people instead of just how many walls they can write. This is why I don't like when people ignore me because it feels like they're trying to avoid having a conversation with me which is absolutely my best way to read someone. Does this make sense?

Which player do you want to hear from again the most before the end of D1? Ask that player some questions for whenever they get to the thread.
Possibly maven to see how he feels about the ensuing wagon or Zaixl because I still want to lynch him.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'll vote Maven if needed, but I'm not voting for Glyph. People on Glyph need to look elsewhere and get over his anti-town play.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I really didn't make it seem all that big from my perspective, I kept saying it was a gut read reaction to ryu's outright laziness at the time as well as what i knew of his meta. I thought I made those points clear because those were my ammo on him at the time, and at that time i did feel rather strongly but I also knew that to get anyting out of him I was gonna have to do more than ask nicely which is exactly why i voted him, if you saw my reads list before and my response to moosey you'll see I found ryu's back up to his points acceptable although I disagreed with them. And seeing Ryu lately I'm honestly pretty happy I changed my reaad because Ryu looks like he's finally got his fett in the game from so many people prodding the bear.

I also do apologize to the thread for my (Rake) side's inactivity, I know it's no excuse but I'm moving out of my current place and into a newer, bigger apartment with my buddy and its been a mad dash for me to set up times to see the leasing agents, fill out the paperwork, get hydro and everything set up and I've been really swamped with it because with my 6:30 - 3:30 - 4:00 schedule i have to do alot of things in the last half hour of a place being open or during my work day thus dragging my day out. Like today I had to go finalize the leasing papers with my buddy at 8:30, I had to go an hour out of the way from my usual drive and that pushed my entire day back by that full hour so i only got home all of 3 hours ago.

I'm gonna be ramping up activity up until next tues when I move out of my current place completely, then Sat for comicon plus early move in plus move in check up with the landlady, then sunday too to get the couches and all my buddies stuff moved in.

Like i said, its no excuse but I'm trying to be here when i can, it's just busy now
I agree with your read and I can't find much to be nitpicky about here. I feel I can read you easier because you understand my mindset going into things, and I think we're in sync this game. I didn't like you dropping out of the thread with nothing but it's a moot point by now.


Jun 7, 2012
Bardull sounds like a broken record
And not like a pink Floyd record
Like a screetchy george harrison dolo album

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I still don't know why Zaixl is still getting a free card out of all people and it bothers me a little. Do people really half of the **** he's been spewing at all? I highlighted what I don't like about Zaixl still in my readspost and I'd like if people read it.


Jun 7, 2012
I mean, i still think zaixs a crock of ****. But people aint buying that enough right now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I mean, i still think zaixs a crock of ****. But people aint buying that enough right now.
This is weak. Am I the only one who thinks you guys have been sidelining? I also don't get what seems to be griping you about my slot, and you never answered Laundry either.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I won't vote Glyph either unless it was absolutely to hammer fwiw


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013

Vote: Maven

Not 100% confident on that, but I think a 0% chance of killing scum (If we don't lynch anybody) is worse than a 50% chance of killing town, because at least we'll get information.

I really want to see what happens tomorrow.

FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch I don't understand why you quoted me. "Pot calling the kettle black"?? I literally have 0 clue what you're talking about lol.


Jun 7, 2012
This is weak. Am I the only one who thinks you guys have been sidelining? I also don't get what seems to be griping you about my slot, and you never answered Laundry either.
you realize we just answered him on this page right? Rakes bigger post.


Vote: Maven

Not 100% confident on that, but I think a 0% chance of killing scum (If we don't lynch anybody) is worse than a 50% chance of killing town, because at least we'll get information.

I really want to see what happens tomorrow.

FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch I don't understand why you quoted me. "Pot calling the kettle black"?? I literally have 0 clue what you're talking about lol.
hang on I'm bugging rake about it real quick


Jun 7, 2012
Please, if you had a shot youd have cc'd glyph early in this day phase or come out with it by now to try and push his lynch.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
For the record, is there anyone AGAINST a Maven lynch right now? It's not impossible to swap to Zaixl. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
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