Bandana Brigade Captain
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Dee-L-C Facebook:
Bandana Dee
Welcome my fellow members of the Bandana Brigade! This thread is for all of us who love the Kirby series and love Bandana Dee to come together as a community. Anyone is free to contribute to the thread as long as good netiquette is in place.
Who is Bandana Dee?
What do spears add to the roster anyway?
Spears are possibly the most used weapon in all of history, and for great reason, their cheap to make, have a great reach and are incredibly versatile. Bandana Dee would be unique in that he represents a common style that isn't anywhere in the game, martially speaking. Also, spears generally performed well in battles with multiple people on each side as opposed to just individual battles, since their long reach allows the spear user to attack safely from behind their own ranks, so this could translate to Bandana Dee being a interesting character to use in doubles. To further my point on how a spear would make Bandana Dee unique in combat I'm going to cite an excerpt from the Bandana Ballot website.
Excerpt said:
"Historically, some spears–specifically those made for hunting–are specially designed to keep its victim stuck after the initial penetration, effectively “wedging” prey to make it harder to escape in the scenario that they’re still alive. If we were to treat Bandana Dee’s spear with similar qualities, this “wedging” ability would prove to be a very beneficial quality. Say we were to stab Sonic through the chest. If the hitbox of the spear’s shaft were to be the final piece of damage Sonic receives, this would do well in pulling him towards Bandana Dee at the end of the attack. However, if he were to only strike Sonic with the tip of the spear–as in, the primary spike at the end of the stick–this could inversely do more damage and perform increased knockback away from Bandana Waddle Dee. In having both of these qualities, Bandana Waddle Dee can initiate the start of a combo, being able to space the opponent at his discretion if proficient enough at striking with just the right part of the spear for the situation. Unlike Marth, who merely does increased damage and knockback at his sword’s tip, Bandana Waddle Dee would be a character that focuses on controlling his opponent’s spacing, not merely capitalizing on his own.
But what if we took this a step further? Bandana Waddle Dee’s primary attributes, as described in the previous section, would make him much more grounded than the other Kirby characters. So between being able to control the opponent’s spacing and not faring well in aerial combat, why not focus on pulling characters out of their aerial element instead? Bandana Waddle Dee’s spear could not only bring opponents towards him, but also downwards, which would make him effective at crippling aerial characters due to being able to keep them out of the air. From there, Bandana Dee could best his opponents not from being an amazing ground-fighter in of himself, but rather, by forcing them into the unfavorable position of fighting where their quickest and most powerful moves are much more difficult to utilize. Strategy that takes advantage of this spacing control. In other words, something of an inverted Jigglypuff that forces opponents onto the ground rather than juggling them into the air. Bandana Waddle Dee, the first aerial-character slayer. It has a nice ring to it. "
Frequently Mentioned Objections
1.- Kirby series does not need four characters.
There really is no way to tell since "need" is such a subjective word. If Kirby, Meta knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Dee were all playable in a roster with forty-five characters, that only gives the Kirby series representation of 8.88% for the entire roster. Also, in Smash U and 3DS we have 5 Fire Emblem characters and 3 Kid Icarus characters, and even if you were to combine both series's sales and popularity outside of Smash Bros they wouldn't even come close to scratching Kirby's. Kirby is Nintendo's sixth (or fifth if you don't count wii sports/fit as a series) biggest franchise and while it's debatable whether or not it needs a new character, it certainly wouldn't hurt to add one, and it's one of the more deserving series out there statistically.
Not only that, but with Rosalina being added almost solely for moveset potential, her popularity and important roles in the new Mario games (just like Bandana Dee in the new Kirby games), Bandana Dee seems far more plausible than before.
Also, the whole generic creature argument is very subjective, you wouldn't use it against Yoshi, would you? Yoshi's just another specific creature from a race who had a special skill or event. Bandana Dee is a spear-wielding master, much more powerful than a normal one, whereas Yoshi helped Baby Mario in his games, giving him much more importance than a normal Yoshi. If we were to use this argument against Bandana Dee, it wouldn't be insane anymore to say that Yoshi or Lucario should be cut for the exact same reasons, which, obviously, neither of those two should be cut, probably because the reason's null and void.
Another misinformed argument that some people have used against Bandana Dee is that if Bandana Dee is playable, then Goombario would deserve to be playable too, because some people think Bandana Dee is just a generic enemy with a hat like Goombario.
Goombario is not as important or relevant as Bandana Dee, he has the same abilities of a normal Goomba and his only important role is in Paper Mario (Helper), he has the same importance of Goombella, Koops, Watt or Flurrie (Minor characters in a huge franchise), Bandana Dee is the fourth main Character of an entire Franchise.
And about Bandana Dee's name, his name is Waddle Dee in some games, but his official name in Kirby Triple Deluxe is Bandana Waddle Dee.
In Rainbow Curse it's Waddle Dee again, but that doesn't make his Triple Deluxe name less important, and even if he was just to be named Waddle Dee, it wouldn't matter much, there isn't a Waddle Dee trophy in Smash U so he wouldn't even share a trophy, and even if he shares his name with his species, that doesn't disqualify him in any way, unless you want to D.Q.

too. This generic creature rule and that generic name rule, it can't only apply to Waddle Dee, either it applies to all of these characters or none of them, you can't just make exceptions for no reason to use it as a weapon against Dee exclusively, pick one or the other. And since those characters are in the game, I think we both know that those rules don't really exist.
Sakurai knows about the importance of Bandana Dee.
-Kirby's Dream Collection Intro.
This is a game about Kirby's history, Bandana Dee's important role was pretty recent when this game was released, but he still appears in it with Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight and two Waddle Dees celebrating Kirby's 20th Anniversary.
And also helps Kirby in his adventure.
The Bandana Dee copies were created by Elline.
Also, R.O.B. was an enemy in the Subspace Emissary yet playable. It really wouldn't be 'confusing' anyway since Mario had a Wario costume alt in Brawl and Dark Pit is a newcomer in Smash 4.
Also, it's highly likely that Bandana Dee's bandana was given to him by the developers literally for the purpose of not letting him be mixed up with regular Waddle Dees, the color Blue contrasts with Orange and are complementary colors, they contrast in such a way that the blue on Bandana Dee really "pops", it'd be near impossible to mix up Bandana Dee with a regular Waddle Dee even in the heat of battle because of that.
6.-Sakurai's Modesty.That argument was stronger before Brawl because:
-Sakurai changed his mind and added Dedede and Meta Knight.
-The Kirby characters are the most important characters in the SSE.
-Meta Knight is broken and the strongest Brawl character by quite a few miles.
-Sakurai voiced Dedede.
-Meta Knight has an unique Victory Theme.
Also, Sakurai worked on Kid Icarus: Uprising after all and look at the content it is getting:
-Pit got an overhaul.
-Kid Icarus has nearly 60 trophies this game.
-Numerous weapons from that game are items and a lot of monsters are enemies in Smash Run.
-The game is getting a massive stage on the Wii U version and a stage on the 3DS version.
-Palutena is a newcomer.
-Palutena is the only character except the mii fighters to have fully unique custom moves, which brings her count of specials up to TWELVE.
-Dark Pit is a newcomer.
Along with all that, Mr. Sakurai also admitted to being a big fan of Fire Emblem and that series in particular got 5 representatives this game, so I think it's pretty clear that he doesn't mind giving content to a series he likes a lot.
The fact of the matter is, sometimes ignoring the arguments can do more harm than good. They plant a seed against the campaign, and fool people into thinking something about the character that actually isn't true. (I was actually fooled into believing something about Snake once upon a time.. Another well educated user on this forum corrected my erroneous thought though.) This is ESPECIALLY likely on larger media sites, like youtube for example. (This applies to all campaigns actually, and can be used to prevent false information from spreading around..) Anyway:
- Pay attention to the situation. If they are just saying things like "I just don't think <insert character> will get in" or "I'm not a fan of <character>", there is no need to start a confrontation. What you really need to look for are the strawman arguments and other detractions. That is when you prepare to engage the user.
- Politely, and calmly take on the user's claims. Use the real solid evidence and counter arguments to shoot down the detractions, but not necessarily through cursing (Cursing is NEVER the way to make a point... It just makes you look stupid, and reflects badly on the campaign as well..)
- If the user prepares more arguments, proceed to picking those apart. If they try to continue to hoist their arguments like they are fact, even though you just shot them down, politely bid them farewell, and just leave it be. There is no reason trying to argue with a troll. What matters is that you planted your seed of reason. Most will see that response, and will know better, thanks to your efforts.
-If the former happened, continue to press on until you reach that inevitable checkmate. They will eventually start trying to pull out of it by saying the likes of "There is no point in arguing" or something like that. When they stop giving arguments, its not that they don't want to argue.. it's just they have ran out of ammo to argue with.. You have just shut them down.
-Don't try to detract from other characters, if possible. This is often the sort of thing that will start a flame war. If you start talking trash about another character ( ESPECIALLY in their own thread..), you WILL get negative feed back, and your point will be lost. Instead, keep detractions against competition to a minimum. ONLY engage against that character if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. For example if they are using that character as the back bone for their arguments.. Even then, try to be nice about toasting them. Throw arguments as to why that character wouldn't get in over the character they are detracting. (Again, be polite.. don't necessarily flat out state their character will not join smash, as that too, could start an unnecessary flame war.)
Remember: Your goal is to prevent your character from being dragged down by poor arguments. It is NOT to pick apart other campaigns. In a way, think of it as defusing a bomb. If you go about it hostilely, and negatively, you could end up cutting the wrong wire, and causing the whole thing to blow up. We of course don't want that. Care is key in these situations to prevent campaign wars (and of course attention of moderators...)
On a latter note, not that it isn't impossible to completely shut down a user that is using a character to shamelessly detract another... (I for example shut down a user using Shovel Knight to detract against Shantae several months back. I won't go into detail, but... lets just say I slammed it down.HARD...)
All in all, the most important thing to take out of all this: Be calm, be smart, and be polite. If you shut down the arguments politely, things will be fine.
Dee-L-C Facebook:

Bandana Dee
"Hey, it's everyone's idol! Don't let the cute fool you!
He's a brave warrior who may be small,
but his spear packs a huge wallop!"
-In Game Description, Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
He's a brave warrior who may be small,
but his spear packs a huge wallop!"
-In Game Description, Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
Welcome my fellow members of the Bandana Brigade! This thread is for all of us who love the Kirby series and love Bandana Dee to come together as a community. Anyone is free to contribute to the thread as long as good netiquette is in place.

Bandana Dee, aka Waddle Dee, is one of the protagonists in the Kirby's Return to Dreamland game for the Nintendo Wii.
Kirby's Return to Dreamland isn't actually the first time our little bandana friend has made an appearance, he actually goes all the way back to Kirby Super Star, where he competed against Kirby in the Megaton Punch minigame. From there he has appeared in Kirby Super Star Ultra (important role in the story), Kirby Mass Attack (cameo), Kirby's Return to Dreamland (playable character), the Kirby's 20th Anniversary game (cameo), Kirby Triple Deluxe (supporting character) and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (playable character).
Bandana Dee is a character that fits all of those four points. For starters, even though he may not be a character brought up frequently he is relevant enough to not be obscure, while being under the radar just enough to outsiders or people unfamiliar with Kirby to be a surprising addition. While how much a character will make people want to play the game is hard to measure and pretty subjective, with nearly a thousand supporters on just smashboards, I think it's safe to say he qualifies as a character people want to play as. Whether that's because of his playstyle or character, he undeniably has charm, and that without a doubt will make him an attractive character to many people. The character also fits onto Smash bros like a glove, the guy already has a moveset in Kirby's Return to Dreamland that resembles a smash moveset. Not only that, but he has this one ability that brings something completely new in terms of gameplay to the roster. He's a spear-wielder, he fights using a spear. While some fine gentlemen and gentlewomen will bring up characters from Fire Emblem, or try to lump Krystal into the conversation; Bandana Dee is really the only character who has a fleshed out, pre-built, spear moveset that Sakurai can work with and adapt into the game.Kirby's Return to Dreamland isn't actually the first time our little bandana friend has made an appearance, he actually goes all the way back to Kirby Super Star, where he competed against Kirby in the Megaton Punch minigame. From there he has appeared in Kirby Super Star Ultra (important role in the story), Kirby Mass Attack (cameo), Kirby's Return to Dreamland (playable character), the Kirby's 20th Anniversary game (cameo), Kirby Triple Deluxe (supporting character) and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (playable character).

Excerpt said:
"Historically, some spears–specifically those made for hunting–are specially designed to keep its victim stuck after the initial penetration, effectively “wedging” prey to make it harder to escape in the scenario that they’re still alive. If we were to treat Bandana Dee’s spear with similar qualities, this “wedging” ability would prove to be a very beneficial quality. Say we were to stab Sonic through the chest. If the hitbox of the spear’s shaft were to be the final piece of damage Sonic receives, this would do well in pulling him towards Bandana Dee at the end of the attack. However, if he were to only strike Sonic with the tip of the spear–as in, the primary spike at the end of the stick–this could inversely do more damage and perform increased knockback away from Bandana Waddle Dee. In having both of these qualities, Bandana Waddle Dee can initiate the start of a combo, being able to space the opponent at his discretion if proficient enough at striking with just the right part of the spear for the situation. Unlike Marth, who merely does increased damage and knockback at his sword’s tip, Bandana Waddle Dee would be a character that focuses on controlling his opponent’s spacing, not merely capitalizing on his own.
But what if we took this a step further? Bandana Waddle Dee’s primary attributes, as described in the previous section, would make him much more grounded than the other Kirby characters. So between being able to control the opponent’s spacing and not faring well in aerial combat, why not focus on pulling characters out of their aerial element instead? Bandana Waddle Dee’s spear could not only bring opponents towards him, but also downwards, which would make him effective at crippling aerial characters due to being able to keep them out of the air. From there, Bandana Dee could best his opponents not from being an amazing ground-fighter in of himself, but rather, by forcing them into the unfavorable position of fighting where their quickest and most powerful moves are much more difficult to utilize. Strategy that takes advantage of this spacing control. In other words, something of an inverted Jigglypuff that forces opponents onto the ground rather than juggling them into the air. Bandana Waddle Dee, the first aerial-character slayer. It has a nice ring to it. "
There really is no way to tell since "need" is such a subjective word. If Kirby, Meta knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Dee were all playable in a roster with forty-five characters, that only gives the Kirby series representation of 8.88% for the entire roster. Also, in Smash U and 3DS we have 5 Fire Emblem characters and 3 Kid Icarus characters, and even if you were to combine both series's sales and popularity outside of Smash Bros they wouldn't even come close to scratching Kirby's. Kirby is Nintendo's sixth (or fifth if you don't count wii sports/fit as a series) biggest franchise and while it's debatable whether or not it needs a new character, it certainly wouldn't hurt to add one, and it's one of the more deserving series out there statistically.
Not only that, but with Rosalina being added almost solely for moveset potential, her popularity and important roles in the new Mario games (just like Bandana Dee in the new Kirby games), Bandana Dee seems far more plausible than before.

2.- Bandana Dee is just a generic enemy and his name is just Waddle Dee.
No, he is not just a generic enemy, he is now one of the most important characters of the Kirby games, he is more powerful than normal Waddle Dees, is an expert with the spear and is King Dedede's right hand man.Also, the whole generic creature argument is very subjective, you wouldn't use it against Yoshi, would you? Yoshi's just another specific creature from a race who had a special skill or event. Bandana Dee is a spear-wielding master, much more powerful than a normal one, whereas Yoshi helped Baby Mario in his games, giving him much more importance than a normal Yoshi. If we were to use this argument against Bandana Dee, it wouldn't be insane anymore to say that Yoshi or Lucario should be cut for the exact same reasons, which, obviously, neither of those two should be cut, probably because the reason's null and void.
Another misinformed argument that some people have used against Bandana Dee is that if Bandana Dee is playable, then Goombario would deserve to be playable too, because some people think Bandana Dee is just a generic enemy with a hat like Goombario.

And about Bandana Dee's name, his name is Waddle Dee in some games, but his official name in Kirby Triple Deluxe is Bandana Waddle Dee.

3.-Bandana Dee is not as important as King Dedede or Meta Knight.
That may be true, but the reason is because his role as an important character is recent, the advantage the other two have is history, but now, in the recent games, Bandana Dee is as important as Meta Knight or King Dedede.
-Sakurai's Tweet.
That may be true, but the reason is because his role as an important character is recent, the advantage the other two have is history, but now, in the recent games, Bandana Dee is as important as Meta Knight or King Dedede.That may be true, but the reason is because his role as an important character is recent, the advantage the other two have is history, but now, in the recent games, Bandana Dee is as important as Meta Knight or King Dedede.
-Sakurai's Tweet.
Sakurai knows about the importance of Bandana Dee.

This is a game about Kirby's history, Bandana Dee's important role was pretty recent when this game was released, but he still appears in it with Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight and two Waddle Dees celebrating Kirby's 20th Anniversary.

-Bandana Dee's Roles in Kirby Triple Deluxe.

He has two roles in this game, even when Meta Knight only has cameos.
Bandana Dee is in charge of the StreetPass.
Bandana Dee is in charge of the StreetPass.

-Stone Kirby.
One of Stone Kirby's transformations in Triple Deluxe is a statue of King Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee.
One of Stone Kirby's transformations in Triple Deluxe is a statue of King Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandana Dee.

Bandana Dee appears in the secret ending of Kirby Triple Deluxe playing 3DS with Kirby.
Bandana Dee appears in the secret ending of Kirby Triple Deluxe playing 3DS with Kirby.
-StreetPass Mii Plaza Hat.
Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight AND BANDANA DEE are StreetPass Mii Plaza outfits.
Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight AND BANDANA DEE are StreetPass Mii Plaza outfits.

-The Official Club Nintendo Kirby Pin.
It has four characters, not three.
It has four characters, not three.

-Bandana Dee in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.
In this new game Bandana Dee has another important role and also copies of himself with different colours, just like Kirby in the multiplayer Kirby games.
In this new game Bandana Dee has another important role and also copies of himself with different colours, just like Kirby in the multiplayer Kirby games.

Also, King Dedede and Meta Knight don't have important roles in this game.
5.-He is a Smash Run enemy.
He is not the same character as the generic Waddle Dees presented in Smash Run or Dedede's victory screen.IT'S OBVIOUS THAT BANDANA DEE IS ONE OF THE FOUR MAIN CHARACTERS NOW.
5.-He is a Smash Run enemy.
Also, R.O.B. was an enemy in the Subspace Emissary yet playable. It really wouldn't be 'confusing' anyway since Mario had a Wario costume alt in Brawl and Dark Pit is a newcomer in Smash 4.

6.-Sakurai's Modesty.
-Sakurai changed his mind and added Dedede and Meta Knight.
-The Kirby characters are the most important characters in the SSE.
-Meta Knight is broken and the strongest Brawl character by quite a few miles.
-Sakurai voiced Dedede.
-Meta Knight has an unique Victory Theme.
Also, Sakurai worked on Kid Icarus: Uprising after all and look at the content it is getting:
-Pit got an overhaul.
-Kid Icarus has nearly 60 trophies this game.
-Numerous weapons from that game are items and a lot of monsters are enemies in Smash Run.
-The game is getting a massive stage on the Wii U version and a stage on the 3DS version.
-Palutena is a newcomer.
-Palutena is the only character except the mii fighters to have fully unique custom moves, which brings her count of specials up to TWELVE.
-Dark Pit is a newcomer.
Along with all that, Mr. Sakurai also admitted to being a big fan of Fire Emblem and that series in particular got 5 representatives this game, so I think it's pretty clear that he doesn't mind giving content to a series he likes a lot.
How to properly support Bandana Dee
How to deal with deetractors without causing too large of a riot.The fact of the matter is, sometimes ignoring the arguments can do more harm than good. They plant a seed against the campaign, and fool people into thinking something about the character that actually isn't true. (I was actually fooled into believing something about Snake once upon a time.. Another well educated user on this forum corrected my erroneous thought though.) This is ESPECIALLY likely on larger media sites, like youtube for example. (This applies to all campaigns actually, and can be used to prevent false information from spreading around..) Anyway:
- Pay attention to the situation. If they are just saying things like "I just don't think <insert character> will get in" or "I'm not a fan of <character>", there is no need to start a confrontation. What you really need to look for are the strawman arguments and other detractions. That is when you prepare to engage the user.
- Politely, and calmly take on the user's claims. Use the real solid evidence and counter arguments to shoot down the detractions, but not necessarily through cursing (Cursing is NEVER the way to make a point... It just makes you look stupid, and reflects badly on the campaign as well..)
- If the user prepares more arguments, proceed to picking those apart. If they try to continue to hoist their arguments like they are fact, even though you just shot them down, politely bid them farewell, and just leave it be. There is no reason trying to argue with a troll. What matters is that you planted your seed of reason. Most will see that response, and will know better, thanks to your efforts.
-If the former happened, continue to press on until you reach that inevitable checkmate. They will eventually start trying to pull out of it by saying the likes of "There is no point in arguing" or something like that. When they stop giving arguments, its not that they don't want to argue.. it's just they have ran out of ammo to argue with.. You have just shut them down.
-Don't try to detract from other characters, if possible. This is often the sort of thing that will start a flame war. If you start talking trash about another character ( ESPECIALLY in their own thread..), you WILL get negative feed back, and your point will be lost. Instead, keep detractions against competition to a minimum. ONLY engage against that character if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. For example if they are using that character as the back bone for their arguments.. Even then, try to be nice about toasting them. Throw arguments as to why that character wouldn't get in over the character they are detracting. (Again, be polite.. don't necessarily flat out state their character will not join smash, as that too, could start an unnecessary flame war.)
Remember: Your goal is to prevent your character from being dragged down by poor arguments. It is NOT to pick apart other campaigns. In a way, think of it as defusing a bomb. If you go about it hostilely, and negatively, you could end up cutting the wrong wire, and causing the whole thing to blow up. We of course don't want that. Care is key in these situations to prevent campaign wars (and of course attention of moderators...)
On a latter note, not that it isn't impossible to completely shut down a user that is using a character to shamelessly detract another... (I for example shut down a user using Shovel Knight to detract against Shantae several months back. I won't go into detail, but... lets just say I slammed it down.HARD...)
All in all, the most important thing to take out of all this: Be calm, be smart, and be polite. If you shut down the arguments politely, things will be fine.

-Jumps: Two.
-Jump Height: Same as Kirby.
-Falling Speed: Same as Mario.
-Weight: Same as Meta Knight.
-Walking Speed: Same as Kirby.
-Dash Speed: Same as Pikachu.
-Ground Attacks.
-Neutral: He jabs with his spear, does another jab, and finishes of with a quick flurry of jabs. First 4%, second 3%, all after 1-2%.
-Forward Tilt: A short poke with his spear. 7%
-Down Tilt: He sweeps across the floor with his spear. This can trip. 6%
-Up Tilt: A long overhead jab with his spear. 8%
-Dash Attack: His classic slow roll. 7%
-Aerial Attacks.
-Neutral: He spins in a circle horizontally with his spear outstretched. Body 2%, handle 4%, and tip 7%
-Forward: He sweeps his spear forward. 14%
-Down: He puts his spear under him, stalling, and falls quickly. 12%
-Up: A short jab with his spear. 12%
-Back: He kicks back. 11%
-Smash Attacks.
-Forward: A powerful thrust of his spear. This can be tilted. Uncharged 15%. Charged 19%.
-Down: He punches the ground, like a megaton punch. Uncharged 12%. Charged 16%.
-Up: He attacks with one single and powerful hit of his parasol. Uncharged 14%. Charged 18%.
-Pummel: A quick headbutt. 2%
-Forward: He grabs the opponent with both hands and throws him forwards a short distance. 6%
-Down: He puts them down and body slams them. 6%
-Back: He quickly turns around and flings the opponent behind him. 7%
-Up: He sets the opponent on his parasol, spins it, and flings them off. 8%
-Other Attacks.
-Fallen: He kicks one leg out, gets up, and kicks the other out. First hit 4%. Last hit 4%.
-Ledge Attack: He gets up and delivers a small poke with the end of his spear. 7%
-Special Attacks.
-Neutral: Spear Throw.
Waddle Dee throws a spear. If you charge this attack long enough he will throw three at once. 8%.
-Side: Nruff Rider.
Based on the Waddle Dees riding Nruffs from Dream Land 3 and Return to Dreamland, Bandana Dee summons a Nruff and tackles opponents, you can jump out of it. 14%
-Down: Waddle Bounce.
He does the classic short hop of the Waddle Dees doing damage to anyone hit, but this move can be canceled into any other move when it hits. 3%
-Up: Spearcopter.
Waddle Dee spins his spear quickly overhead like a helicopter damaging anyone that touches it. This makes him go straight up a small ways and then hover for a short time afterwards, going the direction pointed. This move traps. First hits 1%. Last hit 5%.
-Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank.
The Waddle Dee Tank appears in the middle of the stage and shoot slow but very powerful missiles at Bandana Dee's opponents. Bandana Dee can attack normally during his Final Smash. The Waddle Dee Tank acts like a giant platform/wall.
-Up: He fixes his bandana.
-Side: He jumps beats the end of his spear on the ground.
-Down: He covers his eyes for a moment then uncovers them while shaking as if he is scared.
-Jump Height: Same as Kirby.
-Falling Speed: Same as Mario.
-Weight: Same as Meta Knight.
-Walking Speed: Same as Kirby.
-Dash Speed: Same as Pikachu.
-Ground Attacks.
-Neutral: He jabs with his spear, does another jab, and finishes of with a quick flurry of jabs. First 4%, second 3%, all after 1-2%.
-Forward Tilt: A short poke with his spear. 7%
-Down Tilt: He sweeps across the floor with his spear. This can trip. 6%
-Up Tilt: A long overhead jab with his spear. 8%
-Dash Attack: His classic slow roll. 7%
-Aerial Attacks.
-Neutral: He spins in a circle horizontally with his spear outstretched. Body 2%, handle 4%, and tip 7%
-Forward: He sweeps his spear forward. 14%
-Down: He puts his spear under him, stalling, and falls quickly. 12%
-Up: A short jab with his spear. 12%
-Back: He kicks back. 11%
-Smash Attacks.
-Forward: A powerful thrust of his spear. This can be tilted. Uncharged 15%. Charged 19%.
-Down: He punches the ground, like a megaton punch. Uncharged 12%. Charged 16%.
-Up: He attacks with one single and powerful hit of his parasol. Uncharged 14%. Charged 18%.
-Pummel: A quick headbutt. 2%
-Forward: He grabs the opponent with both hands and throws him forwards a short distance. 6%
-Down: He puts them down and body slams them. 6%
-Back: He quickly turns around and flings the opponent behind him. 7%
-Up: He sets the opponent on his parasol, spins it, and flings them off. 8%
-Other Attacks.
-Fallen: He kicks one leg out, gets up, and kicks the other out. First hit 4%. Last hit 4%.
-Ledge Attack: He gets up and delivers a small poke with the end of his spear. 7%
-Special Attacks.
-Neutral: Spear Throw.

-Side: Nruff Rider.

-Down: Waddle Bounce.

-Up: Spearcopter.

-Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank.

The Waddle Dee Tank appears in the middle of the stage and shoot slow but very powerful missiles at Bandana Dee's opponents. Bandana Dee can attack normally during his Final Smash. The Waddle Dee Tank acts like a giant platform/wall.
-Up: He fixes his bandana.
-Side: He jumps beats the end of his spear on the ground.
-Down: He covers his eyes for a moment then uncovers them while shaking as if he is scared.
Bandana Dee's uniqueness lies within his spear. Without it, he is basically nothing. The spear must be used at a range as the most powerful part of it is at the tip. The tip of the spear will cause maximum damage and knockback, so getting close and personal with your opponent isn't very wise. While his entire moveset revolves around spear attacks, only two of his specials involve the spear.
Neutral Special: Spear Throw
Bandana Dee simply throws his spear at an opponent. Think of the Javelin Throw at the Olympics; the spear will definitely gain a ton of distance, but it may arc over the opponent. It is especially useful for gimping against characters like Luigi and Ness. Before you release the special button, you can angle the spear's arc and direction like Yoshi's Egg Throw. This move can easily be reflected from other reflectors, like Fox's Reflector. Bandana Dee will bring out a new spear when he throws his current one away.
Side Special: Rolling Box
(If it has an official name, I dunno what it is…)
I was conflicted on this one. I wanted to make it something else as I doubt Sakurai will reference Kirby 64 in Bandana Dee's moveset. The alternative was Bandana Dee spinning his spear around and make it act like Pit's old side special, the Angel Ring. But, I decided against it.
Have you played Project M? If so, think of Wario's Shoulder Bash. This attack will send Bandana Dee moving for almost half the distance of Final Destination if you keep tapping the special button. On the ground, you can even jump. If this move connects with someone, they will be overcome by a powerful attack and get fairly launched. Bandana Dee can move even faster with this move if he is on a slope! However, don't use this move to recover. If you do, you will just be sent down like Yoshi's Egg Roll. Colliding with a wall will put Bandana Dee in a helpless state.
Down Special: Megaton Punch
How could I not reference the game where Bandana Dee made his debut?
Bandana Dee will pound the ground with a devastating blow! This blow can easily cause a ton of knockback that will send foes flying! You can mash the special move button for as long as you like, but the attack will reach its maximum after 1 second. The minimum will cover 2 inches past Bandana Dee and have the opponent be slightly launched; this might be ideal if you want to set up a combo. When you reach its maximum, the coverage it has is a quarter of Final Destination and tons of knockback is caused; it's useful in free-for-alls, but risky in 1 vs. 1 battles. You can't use this move in the air.
Up Special: Spear Copter
Yeah, you saw this coming.
On the ground, you can charge it, but it will reach it's maximum in half a second. In the air, it's the same case. Since Bandana Dee cannot puff in the air like Kirby and King Dedede and doesn't have wings like Meta Knight, Bandana Dee has only one double jump. How does he compensate that? With an amazing recovery.
Bandana Dee can easily recover and make it back onto the stage like it's no problem! It's like Pit's Wings of Icarus, except Bandana Dee has protection and coverage thanks to his spear. When using it on the ground, you can move around as you please in the air. Just be careful that Bandana Dee doesn't get hit. He doesn't have any sort of invincibility frames during this move, so edge guarders may be a problem to Bandana Dee; a Fireball from Mario is sure to mess him up.
Final Smash: Spear Barrage
This is the best image I could think of how this Final Smash could work; Pit's Bow Special Attack from KI:U. I bet with Sakurai having KI:U on the mind, he may think of something similar.
Bandana Dee summons numerous spears to come raining down. The spears cause minimum knockback, but so much damage is in the mix. There is the occasional Gordo that comes down from the sky to send opponents to launch into the sky.
Neutral Special: Spear Throw

Side Special: Rolling Box

I was conflicted on this one. I wanted to make it something else as I doubt Sakurai will reference Kirby 64 in Bandana Dee's moveset. The alternative was Bandana Dee spinning his spear around and make it act like Pit's old side special, the Angel Ring. But, I decided against it.
Have you played Project M? If so, think of Wario's Shoulder Bash. This attack will send Bandana Dee moving for almost half the distance of Final Destination if you keep tapping the special button. On the ground, you can even jump. If this move connects with someone, they will be overcome by a powerful attack and get fairly launched. Bandana Dee can move even faster with this move if he is on a slope! However, don't use this move to recover. If you do, you will just be sent down like Yoshi's Egg Roll. Colliding with a wall will put Bandana Dee in a helpless state.
Down Special: Megaton Punch
Bandana Dee will pound the ground with a devastating blow! This blow can easily cause a ton of knockback that will send foes flying! You can mash the special move button for as long as you like, but the attack will reach its maximum after 1 second. The minimum will cover 2 inches past Bandana Dee and have the opponent be slightly launched; this might be ideal if you want to set up a combo. When you reach its maximum, the coverage it has is a quarter of Final Destination and tons of knockback is caused; it's useful in free-for-alls, but risky in 1 vs. 1 battles. You can't use this move in the air.
Up Special: Spear Copter

On the ground, you can charge it, but it will reach it's maximum in half a second. In the air, it's the same case. Since Bandana Dee cannot puff in the air like Kirby and King Dedede and doesn't have wings like Meta Knight, Bandana Dee has only one double jump. How does he compensate that? With an amazing recovery.
Bandana Dee can easily recover and make it back onto the stage like it's no problem! It's like Pit's Wings of Icarus, except Bandana Dee has protection and coverage thanks to his spear. When using it on the ground, you can move around as you please in the air. Just be careful that Bandana Dee doesn't get hit. He doesn't have any sort of invincibility frames during this move, so edge guarders may be a problem to Bandana Dee; a Fireball from Mario is sure to mess him up.
Final Smash: Spear Barrage

Bandana Dee summons numerous spears to come raining down. The spears cause minimum knockback, but so much damage is in the mix. There is the occasional Gordo that comes down from the sky to send opponents to launch into the sky.
WEIGHT: 3 - A litte bit heavy than Kirby because his spear adds weight.
SIZE: 2 - About the same size as Kirby.
GROUND SPEED: 3 - Just a tad slower than Kirby.
AIR SPEED: 2 - Definitely slower in the air because of his spear.
FALL SPEED: 7 - The one advantage his weight gives him is a heavier fall speed.
A - Uses one hand to perform a short jab with the end of his spear.
AA - Does a second short jab.
AAA - Unleashes a flurry of stabs with his spear that continues as long as the player continues pressing A.
Dash attack - Bounces into enemies in classic Waddle Dee fashion.
Tilt Up - Grabs spear with both hands and thrusts his spear into the air above him.
Tilt forward - Grabs spear with both hands and thrusts his spear in front of him.
Tilt down - Swipes spear across the ground, potentially tripping opponents.
Smash forward - Grips his spear with one and and puts his body into one large thrust in front of him. The forces causes him to slide forward slightly.
Smash up - Twirls spear in the air, catching opponents and tossing them into the sky. By "catch" think Zelda's Up Smash.
Smash down - Bandana Dee gets on his head, kicks his feet out, and spins on the floor with his spear in hand. Attacks in a pretty large radius.
Neutral Air- Spins in a 360 degree motion with his spear.
Up Air - Gives a powerful thrust of the spear into the air.
Down Air - Grabs spear and drills below him, sudden drop.
Back Air - Kicks opponent with the back of his foot.
Forward Air - Swings spear almost like a bat, swiping forward to hit enemies.
Neutral Special: Spear Lob - Bandana Dee will throw a spear in an arc forward. The longer the B button is held the more powerful the throw, allowing the spear to travel farther and faster. Once held to the max Bandana Dee will toss three spears that will arc in succession to each other.
Side Special: Parasol - Pulls out a parasol and slides forward. Holding the B button and the control stick will keep Bandana Dee rotating his umbrella a little longer in place.
Up Special: Spear Copter - That neat little attack from Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Bandana Dee rotates his spear causing himself to be picked up off the ground. Anyone caught up in the rotation of his spear will be damaged. If not careful the damage will be in succession (ala R.O.B's forward special) unless the enemy can break free.
Down Special: Megaton Punch - A golden oldie reference, Bandana Dee raises his hand above him and slams it into the ground. Any opponent caught around him within a certain proximity will find themselves pushed into the ground. Too close and the enemy will be seeing the end of a Waddle Dee fist.
Grab - Jabs enemy with fist
Forward Throw - Hooks a player to the spear and launches the spear forward, taking the player with it.
Back Throw - Pushes the enemy behind him and swings his spear overhead, launching the player slightly into the air.
Up Throw - Puts character on the top of a parasol and spins them around before releasing them into the air.
Down Throw - Throws enemy below him and uses the blunt of his spear to bash opponent into the ground, the force of which pushes them out the side.
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army - Huh? Isn't this King DDD's Final Smash? Yes it is. It only makes sense for Bandana Dee to command a Waddle Dee Army. For what it's worth, King DDD gets a new Final Smash in turn. Masked DDD.
Taunt 1: Adjusts his bandana, and drops his spear. He nervously picks it back up.
Taunt 2: Lifts his spear above his head in both hands and moves from side to side.
Taunt 3: Plops onto the ground and starts blowing a snot bubble.
SIZE: 2 - About the same size as Kirby.
GROUND SPEED: 3 - Just a tad slower than Kirby.
AIR SPEED: 2 - Definitely slower in the air because of his spear.
FALL SPEED: 7 - The one advantage his weight gives him is a heavier fall speed.
A - Uses one hand to perform a short jab with the end of his spear.
AA - Does a second short jab.
AAA - Unleashes a flurry of stabs with his spear that continues as long as the player continues pressing A.
Dash attack - Bounces into enemies in classic Waddle Dee fashion.
Tilt Up - Grabs spear with both hands and thrusts his spear into the air above him.
Tilt forward - Grabs spear with both hands and thrusts his spear in front of him.
Tilt down - Swipes spear across the ground, potentially tripping opponents.
Smash forward - Grips his spear with one and and puts his body into one large thrust in front of him. The forces causes him to slide forward slightly.
Smash up - Twirls spear in the air, catching opponents and tossing them into the sky. By "catch" think Zelda's Up Smash.
Smash down - Bandana Dee gets on his head, kicks his feet out, and spins on the floor with his spear in hand. Attacks in a pretty large radius.
Neutral Air- Spins in a 360 degree motion with his spear.
Up Air - Gives a powerful thrust of the spear into the air.
Down Air - Grabs spear and drills below him, sudden drop.
Back Air - Kicks opponent with the back of his foot.
Forward Air - Swings spear almost like a bat, swiping forward to hit enemies.
Neutral Special: Spear Lob - Bandana Dee will throw a spear in an arc forward. The longer the B button is held the more powerful the throw, allowing the spear to travel farther and faster. Once held to the max Bandana Dee will toss three spears that will arc in succession to each other.
Side Special: Parasol - Pulls out a parasol and slides forward. Holding the B button and the control stick will keep Bandana Dee rotating his umbrella a little longer in place.
Up Special: Spear Copter - That neat little attack from Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Bandana Dee rotates his spear causing himself to be picked up off the ground. Anyone caught up in the rotation of his spear will be damaged. If not careful the damage will be in succession (ala R.O.B's forward special) unless the enemy can break free.
Down Special: Megaton Punch - A golden oldie reference, Bandana Dee raises his hand above him and slams it into the ground. Any opponent caught around him within a certain proximity will find themselves pushed into the ground. Too close and the enemy will be seeing the end of a Waddle Dee fist.
Grab - Jabs enemy with fist
Forward Throw - Hooks a player to the spear and launches the spear forward, taking the player with it.
Back Throw - Pushes the enemy behind him and swings his spear overhead, launching the player slightly into the air.
Up Throw - Puts character on the top of a parasol and spins them around before releasing them into the air.
Down Throw - Throws enemy below him and uses the blunt of his spear to bash opponent into the ground, the force of which pushes them out the side.
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army - Huh? Isn't this King DDD's Final Smash? Yes it is. It only makes sense for Bandana Dee to command a Waddle Dee Army. For what it's worth, King DDD gets a new Final Smash in turn. Masked DDD.
Taunt 1: Adjusts his bandana, and drops his spear. He nervously picks it back up.
Taunt 2: Lifts his spear above his head in both hands and moves from side to side.
Taunt 3: Plops onto the ground and starts blowing a snot bubble.
Bandana Waddle Dee (or Bandana Dee) will revolve around projectiles and mid-range damage. Similar to Marth, Waddle Dee's attacks will deal more damage and knockback when the tip of the spear is the point of contact.
Ground Attacks:
Neutral A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward.
Neutral A Combo: Bandana Dee repeatedly attacks with his spear dealing damage.
Neutral A Combo Finish: Bandana Dee does a final thrust that knocks the opponent back.
Forward Tilt: Bandana Dee swipes forward with his spear.
Up Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs upwards with his spear.
Down Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs his spear forward close to the ground, potentially tripping the enemy.
Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Bandana Dee takes out a close parasol and opens it with force.
Up Smash: Bandana Dee takes out a parasol and twirls it above his head, hitting the opponent multiple times.
Down Smash: Bandana Dee takes out his parasol again, and drills it into the ground, trapping anyone under it.
Air Attacks:
Neutral Air: Bandana Dee twirls his spear to deal multihitting damage.
Forward Air: Bandana Dee pulls back his spear behind his head, and then slams it forward and does a full flip. This move can meteor smash if it hits the tip.
Back Air: Bandana Dee winds up and then swings behind him.
Up Air: Bandana Dee stabs his spear upwards.
Down Air: Bandana Dee does a small twirl with his spear before plummeting to the ground. If you hit someone with the tip, they will be spiked.
Grab Attacks:
Grab: Bandana Dee tries to lift the opponent up with a parasol. If it connects, they bounce untop of the umbrella.
Pummel: Bandana Dee spins and bounces the enemy.
Forward Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him forward.
Back Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him backwards.
Up Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him upwards.
Bandana Dee: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and then slams him into the ground.
Neutral Special: Spear Throw
Bandana Dee preps his spear to be thrown. The longer you hold it down, the longer he will throw it. However you can move while you are charging, albeit slowly.
Forward Special: Waddle Dee
Bandana Dee pulls a Waddle Dee from his hat to walk around, similar to King Dedede's side special from brawl. These Waddle Dees are move aggressive, moving a bit faster and jumping towards the opponent at any chance they get. You have a 20% chance to pull out a Waddle Doo which works the same. You can only have one out at a time, and they have a "1P" icon to show which Waddle belongs to who.
Up Special: Spear Copter
Charge it up and let yourself fly away. Has really good distance, but it is very slow. Think of it as a mix between Villager's and Diddy Kong's recoveries, but deal move damage.
Down Special: Parasol
When used in air, you instantly take out a Parasol and float with it. It decreases your falling speed tremendously, and it speeds up your horizontal falling speed too. When used on the ground, you open your parasol to hurt and trip the enemy. If you hold it, it will keep spinning in front of you and turn into a shield which reflects projectiles.
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank
A Waddle Dee Tank appears in the foreground and fires homing missiles at the enemies while also blocking their sight. You can still move around freely and attack the enemy while this is going on.
Bandana Waddle Dee (or Bandana Dee) will revolve around projectiles and mid-range damage. Similar to Marth, Waddle Dee's attacks will deal more damage and knockback when the tip of the spear is the point of contact.
Ground Attacks:
Neutral A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward.
Neutral A Combo: Bandana Dee repeatedly attacks with his spear dealing damage.
Neutral A Combo Finish: Bandana Dee does a final thrust that knocks the opponent back.
Forward Tilt: Bandana Dee swipes forward with his spear.
Up Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs upwards with his spear.
Down Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs his spear forward close to the ground, potentially tripping the enemy.
Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Bandana Dee takes out a close parasol and opens it with force.
Up Smash: Bandana Dee takes out a parasol and twirls it above his head, hitting the opponent multiple times.
Down Smash: Bandana Dee takes out his parasol again, and drills it into the ground, trapping anyone under it.
Air Attacks:
Neutral Air: Bandana Dee twirls his spear to deal multihitting damage.
Forward Air: Bandana Dee pulls back his spear behind his head, and then slams it forward and does a full flip. This move can meteor smash if it hits the tip.
Back Air: Bandana Dee winds up and then swings behind him.
Up Air: Bandana Dee stabs his spear upwards.
Down Air: Bandana Dee does a small twirl with his spear before plummeting to the ground. If you hit someone with the tip, they will be spiked.
Grab Attacks:
Grab: Bandana Dee tries to lift the opponent up with a parasol. If it connects, they bounce untop of the umbrella.
Pummel: Bandana Dee spins and bounces the enemy.
Forward Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him forward.
Back Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him backwards.
Up Throw: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and throws him upwards.
Bandana Dee: Bandana Dee shuffles the opponent and then slams him into the ground.
Neutral Special: Spear Throw
Bandana Dee preps his spear to be thrown. The longer you hold it down, the longer he will throw it. However you can move while you are charging, albeit slowly.
Forward Special: Waddle Dee
Bandana Dee pulls a Waddle Dee from his hat to walk around, similar to King Dedede's side special from brawl. These Waddle Dees are move aggressive, moving a bit faster and jumping towards the opponent at any chance they get. You have a 20% chance to pull out a Waddle Doo which works the same. You can only have one out at a time, and they have a "1P" icon to show which Waddle belongs to who.
Up Special: Spear Copter
Charge it up and let yourself fly away. Has really good distance, but it is very slow. Think of it as a mix between Villager's and Diddy Kong's recoveries, but deal move damage.
Down Special: Parasol
When used in air, you instantly take out a Parasol and float with it. It decreases your falling speed tremendously, and it speeds up your horizontal falling speed too. When used on the ground, you open your parasol to hurt and trip the enemy. If you hold it, it will keep spinning in front of you and turn into a shield which reflects projectiles.
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank
A Waddle Dee Tank appears in the foreground and fires homing missiles at the enemies while also blocking their sight. You can still move around freely and attack the enemy while this is going on.
Size: Same as Kirby
Walk Speed: A bit slower than Kirby
Run Speed: A bit Faster than Kirby {strange, isn't it?}
Jump/Jump Height: 3 Jumps (4 if you include Up B)/Same as Meta Knight
Air Control/Speed/Whatever: Wario {that guy moves FAST in the air. And I mean left-and-right.}
Fall Speed: Same as Dedede's {not Dedede's up B fall speed, though. 2fast4me}
Idle: Stands there. :I
Waiting 1: Stretches (like an adorable little boop)
Waiting 2: Adjusts Bandana
-Normal (A) Moves
Jab: Spear Combo from KRTD
F Tilt: Spear Lunge; Slightly moves forward, stabbing ahead of him.)
U Tilt: Headstand; Sorta goes upsidedown, atop the non-sharp end of his tip (sharp-side down) and kicks his legs)
D Tilt: Trip-Stab; Like the Spear Lunge, but doesn't move forward, and while ducking.)
Dash Attack: Pole Vault; Name says it all, Bandana Dee pole-vaults forward into the air.)
-Smash Attacks
F Smash: Spaghetti Twirl; Does a forward stab, then spins it around, like wrapping Spaghetti around a fork.
U Smash: Skyward Strike (pun intended); Stabs Upward.
D Smash: Bandana Quake; Basically does a YOU SHALL NOT PASS! and slams the non-sharp end of his spear into the ground, basically doing what G&W's Down Smash does.
-Aerial Moves
N Air: Bandana Twirl; Does basically what Kirby's Air-Side B from Melee did, but with a Spear.
F Air: Air-Stab; Basically the F Tilt, but in the Air.
U Air: Drill-Kick; Does a Drill Kick, but Upward. Forces Fast-Fall.
D Air: Drill-Stab; The Air Down+Attack from KRTD
B Air: Rocket-Stab; Forcing the Spear forwards at Sonic-Speeds, Bandana Dee force-propels himself Backward, like the Green Missle.
-Special (B) Moves
Neutral B: Spear Toss; Same as the KRTD Version, is also chargeable to throw 2-3 Spears at once.
Side B: Panic; Panicking, Bandana Dee runs forward, flailing his Spear ahead of him. Basically like the Wario Bike, but faster.
Air-Side B: Trip Panic; Trips on Air (because he's cute) and flies forwards in a downwards Arc, has to get up after landing.
Up B: Spear Copter; Same as the KRTD Incarnate, is also chargeable to increase flight-time.
Down B: Stuffed Dee; Bandana Dee goes into a "Stuffed Dee" from KRTD, and uses it as a Shield. Can't move until the Button is pressed again, but can poke his spear out from under the Stuffed Dee for an attack.
Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army; Gee, I wonder what this is. TotallynotDedede'soldFinalSmashnopenopenope. Masked Dedede for FS.
Taunt Up; Waves towards screen with his spear-wielding hand.
Taunt Side; Plants his Spear into the ground, and dances around it.
Taunt Down; Eats a Cookie. Heals 1%. {I'M SORRY I HAD TOO.}
Size: Same as Kirby
Walk Speed: A bit slower than Kirby
Run Speed: A bit Faster than Kirby {strange, isn't it?}
Jump/Jump Height: 3 Jumps (4 if you include Up B)/Same as Meta Knight
Air Control/Speed/Whatever: Wario {that guy moves FAST in the air. And I mean left-and-right.}
Fall Speed: Same as Dedede's {not Dedede's up B fall speed, though. 2fast4me}
Idle: Stands there. :I
Waiting 1: Stretches (like an adorable little boop)
Waiting 2: Adjusts Bandana
-Normal (A) Moves
Jab: Spear Combo from KRTD
F Tilt: Spear Lunge; Slightly moves forward, stabbing ahead of him.)
U Tilt: Headstand; Sorta goes upsidedown, atop the non-sharp end of his tip (sharp-side down) and kicks his legs)
D Tilt: Trip-Stab; Like the Spear Lunge, but doesn't move forward, and while ducking.)
Dash Attack: Pole Vault; Name says it all, Bandana Dee pole-vaults forward into the air.)
-Smash Attacks
F Smash: Spaghetti Twirl; Does a forward stab, then spins it around, like wrapping Spaghetti around a fork.
U Smash: Skyward Strike (pun intended); Stabs Upward.
D Smash: Bandana Quake; Basically does a YOU SHALL NOT PASS! and slams the non-sharp end of his spear into the ground, basically doing what G&W's Down Smash does.
-Aerial Moves
N Air: Bandana Twirl; Does basically what Kirby's Air-Side B from Melee did, but with a Spear.
F Air: Air-Stab; Basically the F Tilt, but in the Air.
U Air: Drill-Kick; Does a Drill Kick, but Upward. Forces Fast-Fall.
D Air: Drill-Stab; The Air Down+Attack from KRTD
B Air: Rocket-Stab; Forcing the Spear forwards at Sonic-Speeds, Bandana Dee force-propels himself Backward, like the Green Missle.
-Special (B) Moves
Neutral B: Spear Toss; Same as the KRTD Version, is also chargeable to throw 2-3 Spears at once.
Side B: Panic; Panicking, Bandana Dee runs forward, flailing his Spear ahead of him. Basically like the Wario Bike, but faster.
Air-Side B: Trip Panic; Trips on Air (because he's cute) and flies forwards in a downwards Arc, has to get up after landing.
Up B: Spear Copter; Same as the KRTD Incarnate, is also chargeable to increase flight-time.
Down B: Stuffed Dee; Bandana Dee goes into a "Stuffed Dee" from KRTD, and uses it as a Shield. Can't move until the Button is pressed again, but can poke his spear out from under the Stuffed Dee for an attack.

Taunt Up; Waves towards screen with his spear-wielding hand.
Taunt Side; Plants his Spear into the ground, and dances around it.
Taunt Down; Eats a Cookie. Heals 1%. {I'M SORRY I HAD TOO.}
Jumps: 2. (Same animation as KRtD)•Jump Height: Same as Samus.
Height: Same as Kirby.
Falling Speed: Same as Mario.
Weight: A bit more than Kirby.
Walking Speed: Same as Kirby.
Dash Speed: Same as Toon Link.
All moves using his spear have sweet spots on the spear point.
Neutral Special (Spear Throw): Bandana Dee hurls a spear in an arc a distance that is half of Final Destination. This can be spammed to an extent, and gives the Dee a hover effect in the air. He can shuffle forward slowly while on the ground. This is based off of Triple Deluxe. (5% each)
Custom #1: Return to Dreamland style. Dee charges up his attack to throw 1,2, or 3 spears and cannot shuffle. (3%, 6%, 9%)
Custom #2: A combination of each! Bandana Dee can shuffle forward and can hover, but he can only throw 2 spears for less damage! (2%, 6%)
Side Special (Waddle Dee Leap): Dee jumps the same way as Waddle Dees do to damage opponents. This attack has lots of knockback but is very laggy. (16%)
Custom #1: Bandana Waddle Dee can charge up his leap to jump farther. (5-11%)
Custom #2: Bandana Dee spins his spear and charges forward without jumping. (9%)
Up Special (Spear Copter): Bandana Dee immediately spins his spear above him in this multi-hit attack that can deal up to 12% before hitting opponents away. This goes the height of Kirby’s Final Cutter and stays airborne with its hitbox even after the KO hit as Bandana Waddle Dee floats downwards. He can cancel the last part in favor of helpless state to fall faster.
Custom #1: Bandana Dee can deal up to 15% and more knockback, but the effect of his recovery isn't instant, as he must charge it up.
Custom #2: Bandana Dee gets recovery that is comparable to Olimar's Brawl Up Special without Pikmin, but he floats downward, able to change where is spear is so he can damage opponents from all sides, not just above him for up to 18%
Down Special (Star Shot): Bandana Dee raises his spear, and the same star used to damage enemies if you have no copy ability from the Kirby series appears. Referencing Bandana Dee being a boss as the star is a staple weapon that bosses create, he fires it forward by pointing his spear forward. The size of the star is the same as is if you swallowed a Waddle Dee. (8%)
Custom #1: Bandana Dee fires off a smaller star, akin to ones created by a bosses' weaker attacks. This variation can be spammed more affectively due to being fired faster. (4%)
Custom #2: Bandana Dee fires a huge star projectile, one Kirby can use only if he swallows multiple things or a big enemy. The projectile has a slower travel speed than the other projectiles. (15%)
Mechanic (Assist Star): Bandana Dee has a blue star icon above his portrait, where Little Mac's KO meter is shown. It generates food like this: the more damage/KOs Bandana Dee has under his belt he gets more food charged up, but it "powers down" the more he gets hit/gets KOed. It goes from from Ice Cream (5% heal; easy to get) to the Pep Brew you get before bosses (20% heal; hard to get) to a Maxim Tomato that he gives Dedede (50% heal like Maxim Tomatos; extremely hard to get)
Final Smash (Waddle Dee Hype Train): Taken from Triple Deluxe, Bandana Dee runs into a cave that appeared in the background while the fight stops, and emerges driving a huge Waddle Dee Train across newly built railroad tracks that Screen KOs everything in an area that is around the same height and width of 4 Bowsers forming a square around Bandana Dee when he unleashes his Final Smash. (30%)
Forward Smash: Bandana Dee employs his spear for a quick thrust forward like the spear ability's first jab. (20-27%)
Up Smash: Dee uses the Skyward Strike from the Spear ability’s repertoire; he moves his spear from one hand into both and strikes upward quickly. (18-25%)
Down Smash: Bandana Dee leaps onto the 2 stone blocks (summoned from hammerspace; they double his height) that he stands on during the Megaton Punch minigame while charging. Then he strikes down at the blocks which shatter into pebbles that deal damage. The sweetspot is Dee’s fist, but the hitbox encompasses a tad above him and around him due to the pebbles and shockwaves. If an opponent is next to Bandana Waddle Dee when he starts charging they are trapped next to him, resulting in the sweetspot. The charge animation is unique, as the megaton punch mini-game plays out next to him/above him, shrunk down, of course. (5-10% pebbles; 19-28% Megaton Punch)
Forward Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs his spear like in his Forward Smash, except he keeps it closer to himself so he can angle it up or down. (11%)
Up Tilt: Dee poses the same way as he does in the Kirby Triple Deluxe artwork. (6%)
Down Tilt: Bandana Dee pokes his spear ahead of him. (7%)
Jab Combo: A- Bandana Dee uses a weaker version of his Forward Tilt. (3%) AA- Bandana Dee uses the repeated version of the Spear ability’s jab. (1% each) Finisher- Dee uses the last hit of Spear’s jab, an extended thrust forward. (5%)
Dash Attack: Bandana Dee performs the slide from the Kirby games. (4%)
Ledge Attack: Bandana Waddle Dee thrusts his spear above the ground in front of him before getting up. (6%)
Get Up Attack: Dee pokes his spear on each side of him while getting up. (7% each)
Neutral Aerial: Bandana Dee spins quickly while his spear is still outstretched, resulting in the sweetspot being farther away from Bandana Dee, making the attack primed for offense rather then defense. (13%)
Forward Aerial: Bandana Waddle Dee kicks once using both feet (10%)
Up Aerial: Bandana Dee uses his Up Smash, but in the air. (14%)
Down Aerial: Bandana Dee uses the Moon Drop from the Spear ability, spiraling downward and initial hitbox included. The second part of the attack has a strong meteor effect on the spear tip. Enemies hit by the first hit are trapped and get hit with the full force of the attack; they are not trapped if they get hit at any other time (like in Kirby Triple Deluxe). (12% first hit; 15% meteor)
Back Aerial: Bandana Dee bashes the butt of his spear behind him. (10%)
Grab: Bandana Dee reaches in front of him.
Pummel: Dee punches the opponent with his free hand.
Forward Throw: Bandana Waddle Dee punts his victim. (8%)
Up Throw: Bandana Dee performs a deadly headbutt. (7%)
Down Throw: Bandana Dee uses Meta Knight and Kirby's Down Throw, but sends opponents behind him. (10%)
Back Throw: Bandana Waddle Dee hurls his enemy backwards before pivoting and hitting them with his spear point. (9%)
Forward Taunt: Dee fixes his Bandana’s placement.•Up Taunt: Dee makes the same gestures he does in Triple Deluxe after giving Kirby food.
Down Taunt: Bandana Dee does his version (shortened) of the Kirby Dance from Return to Dreamland.
Entry Animation: Bandana Dee crashes into the ground on a Warpstar. He is on the same bottom right part of the star as he is in the RtD intro.
Jumps: 2. (Same animation as KRtD)•Jump Height: Same as Samus.
Height: Same as Kirby.
Falling Speed: Same as Mario.
Weight: A bit more than Kirby.
Walking Speed: Same as Kirby.
Dash Speed: Same as Toon Link.
All moves using his spear have sweet spots on the spear point.
Neutral Special (Spear Throw): Bandana Dee hurls a spear in an arc a distance that is half of Final Destination. This can be spammed to an extent, and gives the Dee a hover effect in the air. He can shuffle forward slowly while on the ground. This is based off of Triple Deluxe. (5% each)
Custom #1: Return to Dreamland style. Dee charges up his attack to throw 1,2, or 3 spears and cannot shuffle. (3%, 6%, 9%)
Custom #2: A combination of each! Bandana Dee can shuffle forward and can hover, but he can only throw 2 spears for less damage! (2%, 6%)
Side Special (Waddle Dee Leap): Dee jumps the same way as Waddle Dees do to damage opponents. This attack has lots of knockback but is very laggy. (16%)
Custom #1: Bandana Waddle Dee can charge up his leap to jump farther. (5-11%)
Custom #2: Bandana Dee spins his spear and charges forward without jumping. (9%)
Up Special (Spear Copter): Bandana Dee immediately spins his spear above him in this multi-hit attack that can deal up to 12% before hitting opponents away. This goes the height of Kirby’s Final Cutter and stays airborne with its hitbox even after the KO hit as Bandana Waddle Dee floats downwards. He can cancel the last part in favor of helpless state to fall faster.
Custom #1: Bandana Dee can deal up to 15% and more knockback, but the effect of his recovery isn't instant, as he must charge it up.
Custom #2: Bandana Dee gets recovery that is comparable to Olimar's Brawl Up Special without Pikmin, but he floats downward, able to change where is spear is so he can damage opponents from all sides, not just above him for up to 18%
Down Special (Star Shot): Bandana Dee raises his spear, and the same star used to damage enemies if you have no copy ability from the Kirby series appears. Referencing Bandana Dee being a boss as the star is a staple weapon that bosses create, he fires it forward by pointing his spear forward. The size of the star is the same as is if you swallowed a Waddle Dee. (8%)
Custom #1: Bandana Dee fires off a smaller star, akin to ones created by a bosses' weaker attacks. This variation can be spammed more affectively due to being fired faster. (4%)
Custom #2: Bandana Dee fires a huge star projectile, one Kirby can use only if he swallows multiple things or a big enemy. The projectile has a slower travel speed than the other projectiles. (15%)
Mechanic (Assist Star): Bandana Dee has a blue star icon above his portrait, where Little Mac's KO meter is shown. It generates food like this: the more damage/KOs Bandana Dee has under his belt he gets more food charged up, but it "powers down" the more he gets hit/gets KOed. It goes from from Ice Cream (5% heal; easy to get) to the Pep Brew you get before bosses (20% heal; hard to get) to a Maxim Tomato that he gives Dedede (50% heal like Maxim Tomatos; extremely hard to get)
Final Smash (Waddle Dee Hype Train): Taken from Triple Deluxe, Bandana Dee runs into a cave that appeared in the background while the fight stops, and emerges driving a huge Waddle Dee Train across newly built railroad tracks that Screen KOs everything in an area that is around the same height and width of 4 Bowsers forming a square around Bandana Dee when he unleashes his Final Smash. (30%)
Forward Smash: Bandana Dee employs his spear for a quick thrust forward like the spear ability's first jab. (20-27%)
Up Smash: Dee uses the Skyward Strike from the Spear ability’s repertoire; he moves his spear from one hand into both and strikes upward quickly. (18-25%)
Down Smash: Bandana Dee leaps onto the 2 stone blocks (summoned from hammerspace; they double his height) that he stands on during the Megaton Punch minigame while charging. Then he strikes down at the blocks which shatter into pebbles that deal damage. The sweetspot is Dee’s fist, but the hitbox encompasses a tad above him and around him due to the pebbles and shockwaves. If an opponent is next to Bandana Waddle Dee when he starts charging they are trapped next to him, resulting in the sweetspot. The charge animation is unique, as the megaton punch mini-game plays out next to him/above him, shrunk down, of course. (5-10% pebbles; 19-28% Megaton Punch)
Forward Tilt: Bandana Dee stabs his spear like in his Forward Smash, except he keeps it closer to himself so he can angle it up or down. (11%)
Up Tilt: Dee poses the same way as he does in the Kirby Triple Deluxe artwork. (6%)
Down Tilt: Bandana Dee pokes his spear ahead of him. (7%)
Jab Combo: A- Bandana Dee uses a weaker version of his Forward Tilt. (3%) AA- Bandana Dee uses the repeated version of the Spear ability’s jab. (1% each) Finisher- Dee uses the last hit of Spear’s jab, an extended thrust forward. (5%)
Dash Attack: Bandana Dee performs the slide from the Kirby games. (4%)
Ledge Attack: Bandana Waddle Dee thrusts his spear above the ground in front of him before getting up. (6%)
Get Up Attack: Dee pokes his spear on each side of him while getting up. (7% each)
Neutral Aerial: Bandana Dee spins quickly while his spear is still outstretched, resulting in the sweetspot being farther away from Bandana Dee, making the attack primed for offense rather then defense. (13%)
Forward Aerial: Bandana Waddle Dee kicks once using both feet (10%)
Up Aerial: Bandana Dee uses his Up Smash, but in the air. (14%)
Down Aerial: Bandana Dee uses the Moon Drop from the Spear ability, spiraling downward and initial hitbox included. The second part of the attack has a strong meteor effect on the spear tip. Enemies hit by the first hit are trapped and get hit with the full force of the attack; they are not trapped if they get hit at any other time (like in Kirby Triple Deluxe). (12% first hit; 15% meteor)
Back Aerial: Bandana Dee bashes the butt of his spear behind him. (10%)
Grab: Bandana Dee reaches in front of him.
Pummel: Dee punches the opponent with his free hand.
Forward Throw: Bandana Waddle Dee punts his victim. (8%)
Up Throw: Bandana Dee performs a deadly headbutt. (7%)
Down Throw: Bandana Dee uses Meta Knight and Kirby's Down Throw, but sends opponents behind him. (10%)
Back Throw: Bandana Waddle Dee hurls his enemy backwards before pivoting and hitting them with his spear point. (9%)
Forward Taunt: Dee fixes his Bandana’s placement.•Up Taunt: Dee makes the same gestures he does in Triple Deluxe after giving Kirby food.
Down Taunt: Bandana Dee does his version (shortened) of the Kirby Dance from Return to Dreamland.
Entry Animation: Bandana Dee crashes into the ground on a Warpstar. He is on the same bottom right part of the star as he is in the RtD intro.
Strengths: Strong spear attacks, great recovery.
Weaknesses: Easy to KO, not that fast.
Speed: A tad faster than King Dedede.
Jump numbers/height: Same as Metaknight.
Entrance: Flies onto stage with spear copter.
Neutral Attack: Rapid spear lunge
Dash Attack: Running spear lunge
Side Tilt: Single spear lunge
Up Tilt: Spear overhead swing
Down Tilt: Sliding spear point
Side Smash: Spear throw
Up Smash: Up spear point
Down Smash: Down spear point
Neutral Aerial: Aerial spear throw
Up Aerial: Up air spear lunge
Forward Aerial: Air rapid spear lunge
Back Aerial: Air single spear lunge
Down Aerial: Downward spear point (Acts like Link's down aerial)
Neutral Special: Cannon (Works as a 5 step process. Press B once, Bandana Dee puts the cannon on his head. Press it again, it'll shoot a cannon ball. Press it again, it'll shoot another cannon ball. Press it another time, it'll shoot another. Press it again, and he'll throw the cannon.)
Side Special: Rainbow Line (Acts like PAC-Man's Side B)
Up Special: Spear copter (Acts like Link's Up B, except goes up faster and easier to move side to side.)
Down Special: Umbrella shield (Acts like Pit's Down B, except lasts shorter.)
Grab: Rope grab
Up Throw: Throws rope up.
Side Throw: Throws rope forward.
Back Throw: Throws rope back.
Down Throw: Like Metaknight's except with a spear.
Final Smash: Megaton Punch: Bandana Dee lunges his spear a short distance. Anyone who gets hit by it will fly into the air and land on the block from Megaton Punch. Bandana Dee will fly down punching, sending the opponents he caught into the air.
Taunt 1: Steps back a bit, and brings his spear back a bit.
Taunt 2: Twirls his spear then winks.
Taunt 3: Eats a cookie.
Weaknesses: Easy to KO, not that fast.
Speed: A tad faster than King Dedede.
Jump numbers/height: Same as Metaknight.
Entrance: Flies onto stage with spear copter.
Neutral Attack: Rapid spear lunge
Dash Attack: Running spear lunge
Side Tilt: Single spear lunge
Up Tilt: Spear overhead swing
Down Tilt: Sliding spear point
Side Smash: Spear throw
Up Smash: Up spear point
Down Smash: Down spear point
Neutral Aerial: Aerial spear throw
Up Aerial: Up air spear lunge
Forward Aerial: Air rapid spear lunge
Back Aerial: Air single spear lunge
Down Aerial: Downward spear point (Acts like Link's down aerial)
Neutral Special: Cannon (Works as a 5 step process. Press B once, Bandana Dee puts the cannon on his head. Press it again, it'll shoot a cannon ball. Press it again, it'll shoot another cannon ball. Press it another time, it'll shoot another. Press it again, and he'll throw the cannon.)
Side Special: Rainbow Line (Acts like PAC-Man's Side B)
Up Special: Spear copter (Acts like Link's Up B, except goes up faster and easier to move side to side.)
Down Special: Umbrella shield (Acts like Pit's Down B, except lasts shorter.)
Grab: Rope grab
Up Throw: Throws rope up.
Side Throw: Throws rope forward.
Back Throw: Throws rope back.
Down Throw: Like Metaknight's except with a spear.
Final Smash: Megaton Punch: Bandana Dee lunges his spear a short distance. Anyone who gets hit by it will fly into the air and land on the block from Megaton Punch. Bandana Dee will fly down punching, sending the opponents he caught into the air.
Taunt 1: Steps back a bit, and brings his spear back a bit.
Taunt 2: Twirls his spear then winks.
Taunt 3: Eats a cookie.
Tip of spear is a sweetspot.
A bit heavier than Kirby.
Dash Speed of Meta Knight.
Fall Speed of Luigi.
Walk Speed of Pikachu.
Spear Thrust - A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward. (5%)
Spear Throw - side A: Bandana Dee throws his spear forward. (4%)
Spear Slam - down A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear in the ground creating a small shockwave. (3%)
Up Cut - Up A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear up. (5%)
Air Thrust - A in Air: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward. (5%)
Spear Barrage - Side A in Air: Bandana Dee throws up to 7 low damaging spears. (1% per spear) (Low knockback)
Spearcopter - Up A in Air: Bandana Dee spins his spear to fly for 4 seconds. (Captures opponents) (5%)
Moon Drop - Down A in Air: Bandana Dee points his spear downwards and runs it into the ground, increasing his fall speed. (7%)
Jab Barrage - Spam A: Bandana Dee jabs forward 4 times ending with a simple thrust. (6%) End jab. (5%)
Air Barrage - Spam A in Air: Bandana Dee jabs forward 4 times ending with a simple thrust. (6%) End jab. (5%)
Reach Jab - Side Smash: Bandana Dee jabs his spear as far as he can. (15%) (High knockback)
Megaton Punch - Down Smash: Bandana Dee slams the ground with his fist creating a big shockwave. (10% shockwave) (20% punch)
Waddle Jump - Up A: Waddle Dee jumps up and slams the ground. (10 - 15%)
Parasol Block - B: Bandana Dee spins his parasol in front of him, also reflects projectiles. (6%)
Waddle Jump 2 - Side B: Waddle Dee jumps forward forming a medium shield afterwards lag. (10%)
Spear Uppercut - Up B: Waddle Dee jumps up while holding his spear in front of him. (8%)
Parasol Spin - Down B: Waddle points his parasol on the ground and spins it. (6%)
Parasol Glide - B in Air: waddle dee holds up his parasol gliding to the ground. (No damage)
Spear Swing - Side B in Air: Bandana Dee swings his spear around him. (8%)
Parasol Drill - Down B in Air: Bandana Dee points his parasol downwards while spinning it, increases falling speed. (6%)
Spear Slam - Up B in Air: Bandana Dee smashes the back of his spear in the ground. (7%)
Medium Strength.
Punch - A: Bandana Dee punches his enemy (2%)
Spear Drill - Down: Bandana Dee put his opponent under him and drills him/her with his spear. (6%)
Parasol Spin - Forward: Bandana Dee throws his enemy forward spinning him/her on his parasol. (7%)
Back Throw - Backwards: Waddle Dee throws his opponent behind him. (6%)
Spear Fishin' - Up: Waddle Dee throws his opponents up and stabs him/her with his spear.
FINAL SMASH: Spear Reign - Bandana Dee throws a glowing spear in the air which splits into 20 spears which come raining down on the stage. (10% per spear)
1 - Bandana Dee fixes his bandana.
2 - Bandana Dee fixes the tie on his spear.
3 - Bandana Dee does a short version of the Kirby Dance.
Kirby Hat - Kirby gets his bandana and his spear.
Intro - Bandana Dee floats down on his parasol and readies his spear.
Pallete Swaps - Rainbow Curse Colours, Meta Knight colour and Sailor Dee Skin
Possible Snake Codec:
Snake: Another generic minion, this should be easy.
Otacon: Not really, Snake.
Snake: What do you mean?
Otacon: Bandana Waddle Dee, or Bandana Dee for short is King Dedede's right hand man! he is a master weilder of the spear and has extreme strength.
Snake: Strength from what?
Otacon: You think Dedede likes walking?
Tip of spear is a sweetspot.
A bit heavier than Kirby.
Dash Speed of Meta Knight.
Fall Speed of Luigi.
Walk Speed of Pikachu.
Spear Thrust - A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward. (5%)
Spear Throw - side A: Bandana Dee throws his spear forward. (4%)
Spear Slam - down A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear in the ground creating a small shockwave. (3%)
Up Cut - Up A: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear up. (5%)
Air Thrust - A in Air: Bandana Dee thrusts his spear forward. (5%)
Spear Barrage - Side A in Air: Bandana Dee throws up to 7 low damaging spears. (1% per spear) (Low knockback)
Spearcopter - Up A in Air: Bandana Dee spins his spear to fly for 4 seconds. (Captures opponents) (5%)
Moon Drop - Down A in Air: Bandana Dee points his spear downwards and runs it into the ground, increasing his fall speed. (7%)
Jab Barrage - Spam A: Bandana Dee jabs forward 4 times ending with a simple thrust. (6%) End jab. (5%)
Air Barrage - Spam A in Air: Bandana Dee jabs forward 4 times ending with a simple thrust. (6%) End jab. (5%)
Reach Jab - Side Smash: Bandana Dee jabs his spear as far as he can. (15%) (High knockback)
Megaton Punch - Down Smash: Bandana Dee slams the ground with his fist creating a big shockwave. (10% shockwave) (20% punch)
Waddle Jump - Up A: Waddle Dee jumps up and slams the ground. (10 - 15%)
Parasol Block - B: Bandana Dee spins his parasol in front of him, also reflects projectiles. (6%)
Waddle Jump 2 - Side B: Waddle Dee jumps forward forming a medium shield afterwards lag. (10%)
Spear Uppercut - Up B: Waddle Dee jumps up while holding his spear in front of him. (8%)
Parasol Spin - Down B: Waddle points his parasol on the ground and spins it. (6%)
Parasol Glide - B in Air: waddle dee holds up his parasol gliding to the ground. (No damage)
Spear Swing - Side B in Air: Bandana Dee swings his spear around him. (8%)
Parasol Drill - Down B in Air: Bandana Dee points his parasol downwards while spinning it, increases falling speed. (6%)
Spear Slam - Up B in Air: Bandana Dee smashes the back of his spear in the ground. (7%)
Medium Strength.
Punch - A: Bandana Dee punches his enemy (2%)
Spear Drill - Down: Bandana Dee put his opponent under him and drills him/her with his spear. (6%)
Parasol Spin - Forward: Bandana Dee throws his enemy forward spinning him/her on his parasol. (7%)
Back Throw - Backwards: Waddle Dee throws his opponent behind him. (6%)
Spear Fishin' - Up: Waddle Dee throws his opponents up and stabs him/her with his spear.
FINAL SMASH: Spear Reign - Bandana Dee throws a glowing spear in the air which splits into 20 spears which come raining down on the stage. (10% per spear)
1 - Bandana Dee fixes his bandana.
2 - Bandana Dee fixes the tie on his spear.
3 - Bandana Dee does a short version of the Kirby Dance.
Kirby Hat - Kirby gets his bandana and his spear.
Intro - Bandana Dee floats down on his parasol and readies his spear.
Pallete Swaps - Rainbow Curse Colours, Meta Knight colour and Sailor Dee Skin
Possible Snake Codec:
Snake: Another generic minion, this should be easy.
Otacon: Not really, Snake.
Snake: What do you mean?
Otacon: Bandana Waddle Dee, or Bandana Dee for short is King Dedede's right hand man! he is a master weilder of the spear and has extreme strength.
Snake: Strength from what?
Otacon: You think Dedede likes walking?


For your Signature:
Special Thanks

For creating the Bandana Dee thread.
For making me the new owner of the Bandana Dee thread.
-Ionekonwolf, XenoBrawler610, Liberation, Toxicroaker and God Robert's Cousin, MarioMeteor, Tortilla Noggin and Zero Soul.
For being dedicated Bandana Dee supporters.
-Toxicroaker, Starphoenix, XenoBrawler610, GamerGuy09, SmashRiver64, RaccoonBL, Sailor Waddle Dee, Pikablu Pikachu, SS-bros14, Enderman1021 and ender_idk.
For making movesets for Bandana Dee.
-SmashRiver64, GamerGuy09, splat, FireTheWFT, TheDarkMetaKnight and Thelimomon.
For making colours for Bandana Dee.
-Dr. Canadian Bacon, SmashRiver64, N3ON, BlueZard and MiniFox5
For making gifs and signature icons for Bandana Dee.
-Manic Rykker.
For creating the "How to deal with deetractors" section.
For making the All Character Support Group.
-SuperSegaSonicSS, AndreaAC and Tortilla Noggin.
For making awesome Kirby art.
-People who voted YES in the poll of this thread
For supporting Bandana Dee for Smash 4.
-People who voted for Bandana Dee in the Smash Ballot.
For supporting Bandana Dee for Smash 4.
For creating the Bandana Dee thread.
For making me the new owner of the Bandana Dee thread.
-Ionekonwolf, XenoBrawler610, Liberation, Toxicroaker and God Robert's Cousin, MarioMeteor, Tortilla Noggin and Zero Soul.
For being dedicated Bandana Dee supporters.
-Toxicroaker, Starphoenix, XenoBrawler610, GamerGuy09, SmashRiver64, RaccoonBL, Sailor Waddle Dee, Pikablu Pikachu, SS-bros14, Enderman1021 and ender_idk.
For making movesets for Bandana Dee.
-SmashRiver64, GamerGuy09, splat, FireTheWFT, TheDarkMetaKnight and Thelimomon.
For making colours for Bandana Dee.
-Dr. Canadian Bacon, SmashRiver64, N3ON, BlueZard and MiniFox5
For making gifs and signature icons for Bandana Dee.
-Manic Rykker.
For creating the "How to deal with deetractors" section.
For making the All Character Support Group.
-SuperSegaSonicSS, AndreaAC and Tortilla Noggin.
For making awesome Kirby art.
-People who voted YES in the poll of this thread
For supporting Bandana Dee for Smash 4.
-People who voted for Bandana Dee in the Smash Ballot.
For supporting Bandana Dee for Smash 4.
Also, you need to remember that if you don't support Bandana Dee...

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