Hey, I'm relatively new to Alabama. Just moved here from Florida a few months ago last year. Anyways I may be going to some events some time this spring break and summer, I'm a Link main who has played against high ranking players/Link mains being Dumbfire, Catpuke, ect (whom are arguably better than Izaw). I play a lot of online these days to get better (screw FG though) since I can't find the time to compete, but it seems to suffice. I'll try anything to get better, really, and I'm aiming to get a top player status with Link some day (which is one reason why I'm moving up to NJ after I graduate high school next year). Hopefully I can level up here a bit though. I don't have my Wii U atm though and I probably won't be getting it back soon, but if you're curious to see what it's like against a good Link then it wouldn't hurt to add me especially since we're in the same state. Nice to meet you guys.