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Guide A Guide to Replacing Costumes for 3.5


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
It can be tough to figure out how to replace costumes in Project M with your own custom ones,especially if you are new to hacking or programming in general.
I myself had some problems,and so I have decided to make a guide to aid my fellow users.

First,I've done two guides.One is a full guide for first-timers,and the second is a refresher course or quick guide.
Also,I've recorded the image locations.

The Full Guide:
There are several different images you will need to replace,and they are all located in very separate files.So we'll take it step by step,replacing image with image.

Step 1: Ready your custom images!

If you have not done so,download the custom images and files you want.
Put them somewhere with easy access,like the Desktop.

Step 2: Download BrawlBox & Brawl Costume Manager!

BrawlBox is a Super Smash Bros' Brawl editor.It can edit many things,but we will be using it solely for changing sprites and images.
BrawlBox Download Link

Brawl Costume Manager is a tool for Super Smash Bros' Brawl that let's you look at the model and various images for a costume,and replace them,but we will only use it to look at the costumes.
Brawl Costume Manager Download Link

Step 3: Decide what costume you want to overwrite!
(You can skip this step if you already have)

Boot up Project M and look at the costumes of the character you want to give a new costume to.
Adding new costume slots is outside the scope of this guide,so you'll have to decide which costume you want to replace.

Step 4: Find the costume in Brawl Costume Manager!

Insert the SD card into your computer,then open Brawl Costume Manager.
Click Options in the top area,then click Use Project M 3.0 Mappings in the drop down window.
Click Change Directory in the top left corner.
In the new window that comes up,follow this path:
SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> fighter
Then click OK.

Now,on the top left area of the Brawl Costume Manager,you will see a list of the folders in the fighters folder.Find the one named for your character,and click it.
Now,on the bottom left area, you will see a list of files named like this:
Fit[character name]00.pac
Fit[character name]00.pcs
Fit[character name]01.pac
Fit[character name]01.pcs

...and so on.Click on one,and you will see,in the top right area,various pictures used by the costume in-game,like the victory screen picture or in-battle portrait.
Don't worry if it dosen't show a model.
Each costume uses a set of .pac and .pcs files.That is what the numbers refer to--the costume's number 'set'.
Keep clicking on different sets until you recognize the costume you want to replace through the pictures in the top-right or the model displayed.
Make a note of the number of the 'set'.For example,if the costume shows up from a 01.pac or .pcs,remember the 01.

Step 5: Add the new model!

In the files for your new costume,you should have a Fit[character name][##].pac or Fit[character name][##].pcs,or both.
First,rename the number at the end of the file(s) to the number you remembered earlier('set' of the costume you want to replace.)
Copy the file(s) and paste them here,straight to the SD card(not in Brawl Costume Manager):

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> fighter -> ( folder corresponding to your character )

In here you should see an unnumbered .pac file,and you may or may not see numbered .pac and .pcs files also.
Paste your copied files here.If it warns you you're replacing existing file(s),choose to replace them(you'll be replacing the old costume you don't want.)

Note:If you want,you can now see your costume in-game!Before starting the battle,choose the costume you wanted to replace,then start the fight.
If all went well,you'll see the new model.All pictures,however,will be of the old costume.We'll work on that next!

Step 6: Replacing the Character Select Screen pose!

Well,we have the model working now,but we lack the appropriate pictures to finalize this under-taking,so let's get started!
We'll start with the Character Select Screen pose(I'll refer to it as the CSS from now on.)
Open up BrawlBox for the first time in this guide.Click File in the top left corner,then Open in the drop-down window that appears.Follow this path in the window that opens:

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> system

In here you'll see 5 numbered common.pac files.Click the common5.pac,then click OK to open it in BrawlBox.

You'll see a list of folders and files contained inside this file in the entire left area of BrawlBox.
Click the sc_selcharacter_en folder.The files inside the folder will appear in the drop-down list.
Click the char_bust_tex_lz77 folder.You will find this folder has a bunch of folders named MiscData[0] through MiscData[46].
Now there's a bit of trial and error here.Each MiscData folder contains a Textures(NW4R),which,inside,contains the poses on the CSS for a given character.
For example,MiscData[0] contains the poses for Mario.
You will have to find the MiscData[#] folder which has the poses for your character.

Once you do,find the pose that corresponds to the costume you're replacing.

Make a note of the number on the end of the file! You'll need it later.For example:
Rember the entire number.(005 in this case)

Now,right-click on the file that shows a pose of the costume you want to replace.
Choose Replace from the drop-down box.
From your downloaded files,choose an image you want for the CSS pose.
If an image is named MenSelchrFace,you may want to choose that,but you don't have to.
Just keep in mind it's the CSS pose.

Once you have found the image you want,click it and click Open.In the window that comes up(it will show your new image),just click OK.
There,you now have a custom pose on the CSS!
Try it out in-game if you want!Next we'll tackle the in-battle portrait.

Step 7: A new battle portrait!

Follow this path from the SD card,not BrawlBox:

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> info -> portrite

In here you can see a bunch of files named InfFace[###].brres.These all contain a single in-battle portrait for a fighter.
If you're curious,the number arrangement is like this:
Each character has ten portrait slots,starting at 1 and ending at 0 of the next digit in the tens place.For example,001 through 010 is Mario's portraits.
So anyway,your downloaded files should have an InfFace[###].brres.
Rename the number(s) of your file to the costume slot you want to replace,which you found out earlier in BrawlBox
( 005 in the earlier example. )Copy and paste it onto the portrite folder on the SD card.If it warns you of replacing existing files,click yes.(You'll replace the old portrait.)

If you don't have a new InfFace.brres:
If you don't have a new InfFace.brres:you can replace the image in the existing InfFace.brres of the costume you want to overwrite,by opening the
file in BrawlBox,and replacing the image inside with the portrait you want,like you did with the CSS pose:

Open the Textures(NW4R) folder,and right-click on the file inside.
Choose Replace from the drop-down box.
From your files,choose an image you want for the portrait.
If an image is named InfFace,you may want to choose that,but you don't have to.

Once you have found the image you want,click it and click Open.In the window that comes up(it will show your new image),just click OK.

If you don't have a new InfFace.brres,and there is not an existing InfFace.brres for the costume:
Copy an InfFace.brres in the folder,rename the numbers to the costume slot you found out earlier,and paste it into the folder.
Open the file in BrawlBox,and replace the image inside with the new image you want like you did with the CSS pose:

Open the Textures(NW4R) folder,and right-click on the file inside.
Choose Replace from the drop-down box.
From your files,choose an image you want for the portrait.
If an image is named InfFace,you may want to choose that,but you don't have to.

Once you have found the image you want,click it and click Open.In the window that comes up(it will show your new image),just click OK.

Now you should have a custom in-battle portrait!Next we'll try the results screen pose...

Step 8: Victory pose!
Follow this route from the SD Card in BrawlBox:

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> menu -> commmon -> char_bust_tex

In here you'll see a lot of files named MenSelchrFaceB.[###].brres.The organization is a bit different from what you saw in the portrite folder earlier.
Each file is for a character's victory poses.Inside,there's a Textures(NW4R).Inside that is the victory pose pic for every costume of the character.Find the file pack for your character,open it,and right-click the
image inside that corresponds to the costume you want to overwrite.Click Replace in the drop-down,then select the new victory pose you want in the window that opens,and click open.
Then,click OK in the next window,which will show your new image.

There!Now you should have a new victory pose!

Step 9: Stock Icons!
In BrawlBox,follow this path from the SD card:

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> menu -> common

This time,choose to open StockFaceTex.brres. in BrawlBox.
In this file,open the folder named Textures(NW4R).You'll now see a huge list of files named InfStc.[###].
These are all stock icons,and they are grouped by character.Find your character's stocks,and then identify the one belonging to the costume you want to replace.
It will be numbered according to the number you remembered and used earlier.
Right-click it,select Replace in the drop-down,
then choose the new image you want and click Open,then click OK in the new window( which will show the new image ) to confirm.
If you don't have a stock image,you can use the CSS pose,victory pose,or battle portrait image instead.

But,we're not done!There's another file with stock icons.Follow this path in BrawlBox from the SD card:

SD Card -> projectm -> pf -> stage -> melee

In here,find the STGRESULT.pac and open it.
Open the folder named 2.
Open the folder named MiscDate[120],and then the Textures(NW4R) folders within.

Here are the stock icons again,with the same organization you saw earlier.Find the costume you want to replace,right-click it,select Replace in the drop-down,
then choose the new image you want and click Open,then click OK in the new window( which will show the new image ) to confirm.

There!You are now 100% done!Congrats!Hope everything works ;)

Quick Guide/Refresher course:
Step 1: Put your files on an easy-access spot,like the Desktop,and download BrawlBox and Brawl Costume Manager.
Step 2: Open Costume Manager.Enable Project M 3.0 Mappings under options.Open the fighters folder.Select your characters folder.Find the number of the costume you're replacing.
Step 3: Rename your new pcs./pacs. to the number of the costume.Paste them into the folder of the character,replacing the old ones,if they exist.
Step 4: Open BrawlBox.Open pf -> system -> common5.pac.Open sc_selcharacter_en folder -> char_bust_tex_lz77,then the character's MiscData.Find the costume pose you want to replace.Replace the image.Remember the number on the end of the file.
Step 5: Open pf -> info -> portrite on the SD card.Rename your new InfFace.brres to the number you found in BrawlBox.Paste it into the folder,replacing the old one,if it exists.
*If you lack a new one,copy an existing one,rename it,paste it,and replace the image inside with the one you want.
Step 6: Open pf -> menu -> common -> char_bust_tex in BrawlBox.Open the correct MenSelchrFaceB and replace the correct pose inside with your new image.
Step 7: Open pf -> menu -> common -> StockFaceTex.brres in BrawlBox.Using the number you've been using,find the stock of the costume you want to replace,and replace it.
Open pf -> stage -> melee -> STGRESULT.pac in BrawlBox.Open 2,then MiscDate[120],and then the Textures(NW4R).Replace the stock image corresponding to your costume.

You're done.

File Locations:
Models: -projectm -> pf -> fighter -> [character name]- as Fit[Character name][##].pac and Fit[Character name][##].pcs
Select Screen Poses: (Open in BrawlBox) -projectm -> pf -> system -> common5.pac -> sc_selcharacter_en -> char_bust_tex_lz77 -> MiscData[0-46] -> Textures(NW4R)-
as MenSelchrFaceB.[###]
Battle Portraits: -projectm -> pf -> info -> portrite- as InfFace[###].brres *(has single image inside)*
Victory Poses: (Open in BrawlBox) -projectm -> pf -> menu -> common -> char_bust_tex -> Textures(NW4R)- as MenSelchrFaceB[###].brres
Stock 1: (Open in BrawlBox) -projectm -> pf -> menu -> common -> StockFaceTex.brres -> Textures(NW4R)- as InfStc.[###]
Stock 2: (Open in BrawlBox) -projectm -> pf -> stage -> melee -> STGRESULT.pac -> 2 -> MiscDate[120] -> Textures(NW4R)- as InfStc.[###]

-Not finished-
Character Data
These are the numbers for each character's set of costumes.These numbers are not applicable to the pcs. and pac. files,only the portrait,CSS pose,victory pose,and stock icons.

A character's costumes are numbered 21 - 30 (for example.)
If a file/folder contains all the costume files for a character,it will be numbered 20 (in the above example) even though the costume numbered 20 does not belong to the character.

In the common5.pac,a character's costumes are contained in a folder numbered after the leftmost 2 digits of the character's first costume.If the leftmost digit is 0,only the middle digit will be used.
Example::dk2:'s folder is named MiscData[1].

Thanks to @ jemuelv906 jemuelv906 for this sheet:

Please tell me of any criticisms,problems,mistakes or thoughts.Thank you for reading.
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TSM Khodalyr

Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2014
Paris, France
Hey I'm trying to do this but I can't find the sc_selcharacter_en folder. In Brawlbox, when I open the common5.pac there's only sc_selmap_en but not selcharacter. Please help


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
That's odd.sc_selcharacter_en is the 2nd folder on the file list when you open it.Is sc_selmap_en really the only file visible?

TSM Khodalyr

Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2014
Paris, France
I just read another thread where someone had the same problem as me. It seems that you can only see it if you don't use an old version of brawlbox. 0.70 is the one I'm currently using. I'll download 0.73b and see

Edit : yep that was it, I can see the folder now !
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Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Oops,I thought I had the newest version in the link.

OK,now the link is v 0.73
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TSM Khodalyr

Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2014
Paris, France
I didn't use your link to download brawlbox as I already used brawlbox for creating BRSTMs, so it's all good man !

Also thanks for the guide it has worked out for me :D

Nezha the Scout

Sep 4, 2012
Puerto Rico
Why don't you include a guide to replace stages as well? Is a bit easier, and I can even share my guides that I made while answering questions. I can even share you the tutorial on how to export snapshots from brawl if you wish.


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Why don't you include a guide to replace stages as well? Is a bit easier, and I can even share my guides that I made while answering questions. I can even share you the tutorial on how to export snapshots from brawl if you wish.
Hmmm...I don't even know how to replace stages,haha.I've moved away a bit from replacing stuff,because I share the SD card with someone and we either have to agree on what to replace,or change builds every time( which is REALLY slow. )

I would like to know how to export snapshots from Brawl.All I got when I tried was a BIN text file.

❤ Nikodemus05

Zero Skill Spamus
Jan 22, 2015
Is this for version 3.0? I have 3.5 and common5.pac doesn't seem to have the sc_selcharacter_en folder...

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Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2012
North California
Is there a cBliss working with 3.5 yet? If not could you add a tutorial on expanding the costume slots manually?


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Is there a cBliss working with 3.5 yet? If not could you add a tutorial on expanding the costume slots manually?
I'm honestly not sure;but I don't think I'll be expanding on this guide in the future,I'm afraid.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2015
How restrictive is Project M with customization? Am I stuck with textures or can I, say, replace ROB with Megaman X? Me and my friends really like this mod, but there are some characters we never use and I want to replace them (I don't care if they're balanced or not, we just want to mess around with them)


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
You'll need to contact someone with more knowledge on replacing characters entirely. It is possible but I don't know how to do it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2015
Oh, I see... I'm still waiting for my new brawl disc, I'll try importing costumes at first and look for help on characters later. Thanks for the guide btw, it's a lot easier than I thought!


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
I thought Marth costumes were supposed to work over Roy? I tried to replace Roy with Trueblade Mia. I replaced the .pac and .pcs files and nothing else, and my console froze when I tried to select Roy and made a buzzing noise. I was using the Wo Dao version if that matters

Sorry, I'm not sure. I've never heard anything about that, and I actually don't really know much about modding. You'll have to ask someone else.

T-skjorte Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2006
Right behind you.
I'm having trouble with replacing Battle Pictures of certain characters.
Mainly, the ones that doens't exists in the folder.

I tried copying a different one, and renaming it to the one I wanted for, but that just froze the game, apparently.

Examples are black tunic Melee Link, and Brawl Snake number 4.

It was really easy,I just asked a mod and it was done.Makes me wonder how hard it is have one stickied.
But then again, it's probably the most popular topic of Project M, so it's convinient.


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
I'm having trouble with replacing Battle Pictures of certain characters.
Mainly, the ones that doens't exists in the folder.

I tried copying a different one, and renaming it to the one I wanted for, but that just froze the game, apparently.

Examples are black tunic Melee Link, and Brawl Snake number 4.

But then again, it's probably the most popular topic of Project M, so it's convinient.
What you're wanting to do is add costume slots. For this, you need to look into a program called cBliss.
I myself am not experienced with it, so I won't be able to help you any further than that, but I believe there are detailed videos on using it.

❤ Nikodemus05

Zero Skill Spamus
Jan 22, 2015
I'm having trouble with replacing Battle Pictures of certain characters.
Mainly, the ones that doens't exists in the folder.

I tried copying a different one, and renaming it to the one I wanted for, but that just froze the game, apparently.

Examples are black tunic Melee Link, and Brawl Snake number 4.

But then again, it's probably the most popular topic of Project M, so it's convinient.
Check to make sure your BP's are 48 x 56 px in resolution. Me sizing them wrong for custom BP's was always the problem with crashes.

T-skjorte Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2006
Right behind you.
Now that could be something. Perfectly getting exact pixel value on Paint was so annoying, I just went with smaller size. :v

T-skjorte Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2006
Right behind you.
I am here to report that you do indeed need the exact dimension of the image for the CP and CSPs to work. No more, no less.
That's crucial information, I say.

In case other people would ahve the same problem as me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2015
Can anyone suggest any good skins/a link to a a list?

EDIT: Nevermind on the first part. Where would I find a picture for the selection screen/what resolution does it need to be?
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
This may be an inappropriate place to ask, but some times using dolphin replacing a costume errors and crashes. Does any one know any info on this error?


Smash Rookie
May 30, 2015
(nub here) Having a tough time actually saving the file.. Any suggestions? I don't see a save button or anything.
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