The Thing
Antarctica, 1982
U.S Research Station
It has been one month since you were all deployed here. You are a collection of scientists, pilots,cooks, and everything else needed to run a research base in Antarctica for half of a year.
Everything has been going off without a hitch. No problems, plenty of supplies, and no cabin fever. Your research is going along fine.
However, all of that is about to come crashing down.
During an afternoon, a Russian team flies into your camp, shooting madly at a Husky. You all rush out to try and see what is happening, but they continue to shoot, and hit one of you, John Campbell, in the leg. One of them tries to throw a grenade at the dog, but misses, and instead blows himself up, along with their helicopter. The other Russian is shot in the head by Gary Moffat, the station Leader.
John Campbell is treated, and it’s decided that the Russians simply became Stir crazy. You try to radio the incident in, but an incoming blizzard blocked out all of your communications.
The Husky that was shot at is placed in with your own dogs.
And that’s when things go wrong.
During the night, you all hear a whimpering, and a ferocious howl. Waking all of you up, you head downstairs, where you see a gross, mass of blubbering flesh with tentacles, ripping other dogs apart, and adding them to itself. You all freeze in terror, until Childs comes in with a flame thrower (used to de-thaw the helicopter blades), and burns it. The Thing is burnt to death, although a tentacle escapes into the ceiling unseen.
You are all shocked at what you have seen. You decide to head back, and discuss it in the morning. As you go back to your rooms, you notice that John Campbell is not with you. Childs decides to go tell him what happened. However, when he reaches John’s room, he sees that John is missing, despite his wounded legs. He also notices a blood colored slime trail, leading into the room, around the same shape of the Thing’s tentacles.
Childs goes back to the group, and tells everyone about this. You split up to search for Campbell.
After an hour, Copper Dysart finds Campbell, in the generator room. The generator is sabotaged, almost beyond repair. Realizing that he was caught, Campbell starts to transform into a hideous, tentacled, flesh form, until Childs arrives with his flame thrower, and burns Campbell to death. This uses the last of flamethrower gas.
All of you meet up at the mess hall. After discussing it, it is agreed on that the Thing managed to consume, and reproduce a cell form, similar to Campbell. The infected Campbell would have sounded, acted, and looked the exact same as the real Campbell.
Since you were all separated, there is a good chance that one of you is also infected.
The generator is destroyed, and the back-up generator will only last for a limited time. You have three days to repair it, or else you will all freeze to death.
You know that you have back-up Battery Packs around the base, but they were spread out in order to minimize the damage a fire could bring. The person who was in charge of inventory was John Campbell.
You have three days to repair the generator, and then kill the Thing that is imitating one of you. You have a helicopter to escape with, but it can only hold five people. If one of those people is infected, then the Thing will spread to the world, possibly ending the entire human race. Escape is only a backup plan.
Three days.
Welcome to “The Thing!”, a game that is different from any other game posted here (although it does have a few familiar elements). The game is about adventure and suspicion. One of you is infected, and this person could infect anyone else. One moment, a person could be human, and then you could turn your back, and he would be a Thing without you even knowing. This constant state of fear and suspicion will make your job harder then it already is.
Of the people playing, one of them (or maybe more?) is infected. This person acts like a normal person, until he has a chance to consume a person into carbon copy of it’s victim, who can them consume more people. It is a disease, and although there is only one or two of you that are infected, it can soon spread into the majority.
The generator of your base is broken, and you need to repair it within three days. To repair it, you need to find four battery packs, which are spread and hidden across the base.
Every person will be assigned a role. This role will be public, and will be in the first post, along with abilities that come with the role. However, if there is something secret about the role (Infected, secret knowledge, hidden item), then you will receive it in a PM.
The game plays out like an event from Lost Mafia on crack. If you know how those went, then you (sort of) understand the basics. For the benefit of everyone (and because many core mechanics were changed), I will describe how to play.
Since it might be confusing, I will use an example of a fake game played by Me, Dodongo, Mcfox, Scav, Uncle Meat, and Matt. This game never happened, but it correctly demonstrates several core elements.
In order to understand how to play, I’d suggest reading the rules, the example, and then the rules again.
(Note: While it might seem like there are allot of rules, it is a pretty simple game. Some of it is just information. Don't let the size scare you off)
-In Bold, say where you want to move to, and why you want to move there. If you are in a group, then everyone will have to say they want to go somewhere. If people disagree, then they will split up.
- If you want to escape from a group, send me a PM. Depending on several factors, you might or might not manage to give them the slip.
- If you do NOT have a radio with you/your group, then you must communicated with me BY PMs. Do not post in the thread. This is very important. I will be giving warnings to people that fail to do it.
-If you are moving from one floor to another, you have to move to the stairs with the intention of moving to the next floor.
-If it happens without a hitch, then you will start out doing whatever you said you wanted to do ( the intention that you posted)
-If you have a radio, this will be posted in the thread. If not, then it will be sent in a PM.
-If several people see something in the room (happens when the item is in public view, it’s reflecting, very noticeable, or anything of the sort) then everyone in the room will see it.
-If there is something that is not noticeable, then there is a chance that one person in the room will see it, while no one else does. That person can then point it out to everyone else, or keep it a secret. If it is able to get picked up, this person can then choose to do so secretly. Whether or not it is secret depends on the lighting, why are you over there, and your character
-Sometimes, there are items that are not seen by everyone, and no one sees it individually. These will have to be searched for. Simply say that you want to search around the room, and you might find them.
-If you want to narrow your search, say where in the room you want to search.
-There are a variety of items in the game, all of which have the characteristics of the real life item they portray. Bottles can be broken, Alcohol can be lit, Liquid can be used to make the stairs slippery, glass can be placed on the ground, or anything you can think of.
-Some characters will start out with an item that only they know they have. This can be something useless (such as a bandanna), or something incredibly helpful (weapon, key, nuclear warhead, etc)
-If you have a weapon, and want to use it on someone, then PM me with what you want to do. You can also post it in the thread. The difference is that a PM is treated as being sneaky. If you say in the thread “Shoot Eorlingas”, then your character will noticeably raise his gun and fire. This can be blocked by other people, and has a greater chance to fail. But everyone will know that you did it. In a PM, you would have sneakily raised the gun, and fired.
-Items have realistic weight. While I won’t add an RPG style weight system, you can’t carry around several tables and machine gun.
-The thread is meant as a radio transcript. If you have the radio, then you are allowed to post in the thread. People with radios can talk to each other to their hearts content. People without radios can listen in, but wont be able to talk themselves.
-If you are close to someone, you can whisper them. This means that you can PM, IM, or whatever you want to talk to that person outside of the thread. However, you may only do this if you are close to someone. You HAVE to send me a PM with a transcript of what you are saying, or at least a summery. There is a possibility of you being overheard. If you are close to someone, whisper them, and then they leave, you are not allowed to whisper them until you are close again.
-In order to stay in touch, it is suggested that you move out in groups
-There are several types of groups. Anarchy, Democracy, and Dictatorship.
-Anarchy groups are basically just a group of people moving together. If there are five people in the group, four could leave, while the other could stay behind because he hasn’t posted yet.
-In Democracy groups, it takes a majority for the group to move. This will move everyone. Once you are in a room, you will act individual again. However, you can at any moment leave. You just have to say that you are leaving the group
-Dictatorships are where a group elect one or two people to lead the group. This person (or persons) have complete control on where the group moves. You are still individual inside of a room, and you can leave when you want.
-If your group has a radio, then you must dictate which one of you has it. It is not very important, but you don’t want the radio in the wrong hands.
-One of you is a murdering, alien creature, with the ability to consume people, and create carbon copies of them, basically infecting them. The person doesn’t have to be fully consumed to be able to be infected. Think of it like Zombie bites, but not the same. A bite of a Thing wont infect you. However, having your head ripped off will. Same with a tentacle impaling you.
-If you get infected, you will be informed of who else is infected. You still play your person.
-If you are infected, you look, act, and sound the exact same. You also have the same memories. If you can “killed” (stabbed, shot, etc), then you can lie in wait, and act like you’re dead. You simply have to send a PM saying that you want to play dead, and then another PM saying when you want to move again.
-If you get “killed”, then you will not appear the same. A simple glance will reveal you as being a Thing. However, this will only happen when you choose to move again. Playing dead will still show you can being a human. Once you move, however, you will forever be different, even if you choose to play dead again
-You do not have to play dead
-Everyone has the possibility of dying in this game, even if you are infected. A Human (non-infected) can die like any other human. Someone that is infected, however, is almost impervious to modern weapons, and is too dangerous to get close enough to stab. And even then, they could probably survive. You know that explosions will kill a thing. Perhaps fire will too?
-If you die, you are out of the game.
-Being infected is not the same as dying. If you are infected, you can still play. You can not infect dead bodies.
-There are three floors. The top floor is where most of you live, the first basement is where storage is, and the second basement is where you keep the generator, along with an assortment of other things
-If the Generator is not powered up by the end of the third day, then everyone will freeze to death.
-You can break windows to escape from the base. This will lead you to the outside.
-The Antarctic weather is too cold for humans to survive. You are currently in a five day blizzard, starting on the day the game begins.
-Because of this, it is very difficult to see in the outside. To combat this, you have several ropes, which you usually tie to each other, making life lines. Life lines connect someone to someone else, but they can be cut.
-If you are not suited up, you will die within a few minutes outside.
-The only way to go outside naturally (not including windows) is to go to one of the two exit stations. There are two of them, both on Floor 1. One is on the right, and the other one is on the left. Because the base is U shaped, the doors face each other. However, you cannot see the other door, because of the blizzard.
-The exit stations have the suits and life lines needed to exit. There are enough suits for everyone in each station.
-Even with the suit on, you can still freeze to death if you spend too long outside. I will post saying that you are getting cold. That means you must immediately run back into a building.
-The only ways off of the base are outside.
-The helicopter is located outside. Staying in one will prolong how long you can stay outside, but you can still freeze to death inside of one, if it is not turned on.
- The helicopter needs fuel. There are four fuel barrels beside it, along with another eight in Basement 2.
-It takes two barrels to make the helicopter able to run, with another two needed to safely take you to the port.
-The helicopter can only hold five people. It is the only sure way off of the base.
-The snow mobile is located outside
-It also needs to gas up, but only requires half of a barrel.
-The snow mobile can only hold two people. There is only a 30% chance that you will make it to the port, and to civilization, alive. It is a backup.
-There are two sides, Human and Things.
-The Things win when everyone is infected. Because the groups change, the last person (or persons, if several people get infected at the same time) are the ones that loose.
-The humans win when all of the Things are destroyed, and the Generator is repaired.
-If the Generator is not repaired, the Thing’s will win, since they will be able to escape on the helicopter.
-If all transportation is destroyed, and the Generator is not repaired, then it is a tie. The Thing’s will be frozen, and alive, but might stay that way forever. No one wins
Black squares means door. Blue means Window. All windows lead outside.
(Since I originally wrote for this to be posted before the Rules, a few things are restated during the example. You can read them if you wish, or could can just skip them. Also, this game does not follow the maps above, as I wrote this before making them.)
Example of moving :
DODONGO: I’ll head to the kitchen, to plunder it of alcohol.
MCFOX: I’ll go to the stairs, to head down to Basement 1
Let’s use Dodongo’s example. He reaches the kitchen, but he’s by himself! That means that no one can see what he is doing.
You start out with 4 radios, to be divided by your own choosing. The radios are very important. The thread itself is basically a radio transcript. If you (or your group) does not have a radio, then you cannot post in the thread. Your adventure will have to be carried out by PMs, until you come in contact with another group/person with a radio, or find a radio of your own. In order to communicate, you are allowed to PM or IM people in your group to your hearts content. However, you can only do this if they are close to you. You are not allowed to talk to people outside of the thread unless you are close to each other. You PM me with what you want to do.
Dodongo’s alone. I PM him with the following.
“You successfully make it to the kitchen, and find a large bottle of Vodka.”
Dodongo then responds to my PM with
“I drink until I’m ****faced.”
And so he does.
The group does not know that Dodongo successfully made it into the Kitchen, that he found Vodka, or that he is getting ****faced. They only know that he headed to the Kitchen.
Now, let’s follow Mcfox, who did have a radio.
I post in the thread with what he did.
“Mcfox makes it to the stairs, and walks down to Basement 1”
However, he found something. I PM him with
“While walking down, you see a revolver on the stairs. You don’t know who’s it is. What do you do?”
He will then respond with “I pick it up, and holster it.”
The group does not know that Mcfox know has a gun. It is up to him if he wants to tell them.
So, at this moment, the group is in the dark about what happened to Dodongo, but know that Mcfox made it to Basement 1. They do not know about the revolver.
Let’s follow this example to show some other mechanics of this game.
Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas decide to head to the Mess Hall to see if they can find any battery packs. They all post in the thread saying they want to head over there, and so they do.
(Note: If you wish, you can designate a group leader, who will make decisions on what your group will do. You could also make 2 leaders, who will have to agree. However, if they decide on doing something, and you haven’t posted yet saying that you don’t want to follow, then you will follow them. Only do this if you are going to be inactive for a little while.)
Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas enter safely, and see a battery pack, a table, and knives. This is posted in the thread, since they all see it, and have a radio. Matt, however, sends me a PM saying he wants to grab a knife secretly. Depending on several things (such as what Matt’s character is, what everyone else’s Character is, the lighting, and several other things), I decide if Matt successfully steals a knife. He does. No one else knows about this.
This group talk to each other in the thread, and decide to grab the battery pack, and then to head down to the generator to place it in. Scav posts, saying that he will carry it, and they all post that they are heading to the stairs, with the intention of moving floors.
Uncle Meat, however, is off by himself, in his room. He sees nothing there, and radios in that there is nothing there. Posted in the thread.
As Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas are walking to the stairs, however, they hear strange noises coming from the Kitchen, and pause. Their journey was interrupted. This is posted.
Talking amongst themselves, they decide that all of them need to check it out. They post that they want to move there. They head in, where they see..nothing. They know that Dodongo went to the Kitchen, but nothing else. They talk to each other in the thread, wondering that he might be infected. Due to the lack of a radio, Dodongo can not discuss this with them. They know nothing about him.
Uncomfortable, Matt posts that he has a knife, and volunteers to head out and search for Dodongo. Eorlingas decides to go with him. Scav gives them the radio, and decides to continue on to the generator.
Mcfox says that he will wait for Scav. Since Mcfox has a radio, he can talk in the thread to the others. Uncle Meat says that he will start looking for Dodongo too.
Scav and Dodongo do not have a radio at this moment, so they are not allowed to post in the thread. They carry out everything from PMs.
Matt and Eorlingas decide to head to Dodongo’s cabin, to see if they can find anything. When they enter, it is posted that they find a half-filled bottle of Vodka. Eorlingas decides to take it publicly. Posted in the thread.
Matt, however, received a PM saying that he notices a revolver under the bed. He posts in the thread, and tells Eorlingas to grab it. Eorlingas then posts, saying that he takes it.
They head to another room, and find nothing. But, while there, they hear footsteps outside their door, which is closed. Eorlingas posts immediately, deciding to shoot through the door.
He does so, and hears a man groan. Both Eor and Matt post to head outside. There, they see a wounded Uncle Meat, shot in the leg and the shoulder. Matt yells at Eorlingas, Eorlingas yells at Matt, and Uncle Meat yells from them to take him to the doctor (which is Mcfox’s character). Eor and Matt post that they grab Uncle Meat, and head out to Mcfox, “radioing” in that Meat is wounded.
However, I post that they only hear static. Something happened to Mcfox’s radio.
(Note: In this example, Uncle Meat sent a PM saying that he wanted to head back to the kitchen, secretly. Since Eor and Matt where in a room besides the hallway, they heard his footsteps)
They head to the stairs, and into the first basement. I post that they see nothing, and so they decide to head to the generator, where Scav was headed. Uncle Meat is loosing blood fast.
I post that they hear footsteps in a storage room, so they post that they slam open the door to find…Dodongo.
Eor posts saying that he wants to shoot Dodongo, but Matt also posts, saying that he slaps the gun away. The shot fires, but misses Dodongo, and narrowly misses a Kerosene barrel.
Dodongo now posts in the thread, saying that he will charge his way though them, which he does. Eor fires again, but misses, and Dodongo is lost in the basement. Matt says that they don’t know Dodongo is one of them, but Eor yells at him, saying that they can’t take any chances. If they are wrong, they’re wrong.
While they are bickering, however, Uncle Meat passes out due to loss of blood. Because of Uncle Meat’s wound, he can not choose to head out by himself. Matt and Eorlingas post that they want to head to the stairs, but too late. Uncle Meat dies from blood loss.
Matt sends me a PM, saying that he wants to try and kill Eorlingas secretly. However, Eor’s character used to be a security guard, while Matt’s was a wedding designer. Matt tries to stab Eor, but Eor knocks it out of his hand. This is not decided by them, and is posted in the thread.
Eorlingas decides to kill Matt, thinking that he must be infected. He posts that he shoots Matt. But Scav and Mcfox (using PMs, since they have no radio) headed to where they heard a gunshot (the information was sent to them in a PM). They walked in, right when Eorlingas has his gun pointed at Matt. Because of the distraction, it is posted that Eorlingas pauses and he now has to post, saying whether he will pull the trigger, or back down. Eorlingas decides to back down.
The group, now that they are in one area, talk using the thread. After debating, Matt posts saying that he will try and take Eorlingas’s revolver away. Eorlingas resists him, and Scav and Mcfox post saying they will pull them apart. Eorlingas voluntarily gives up his revolver to Mcfox, who know has two (although the group thinks he only has one).
Things calm down, even though Eorlingas claims that Matt is infected. They decide that they can’t risk killing each other, and so they all head down to deliver the battery pack into the generator. They head to the stairs, go down, and then head to the Generator.
Afterwards, they decide to head back to the main room, where they hid another radio, incase one of theirs became broken. Scav and Mcfox say that Mcfox slipped on Kerosene in a storage room, and fell on the radio.
They head back up fine, although they are wondering where Dodongo is. Dodongo is currently playing the game through PMs, and they don’t know where he is, or what he is doing. They all decide that he must be infected, and so they decide to kill him as soon as they can.
They get the other radio, and split into two groups. Mcfox and Eorlingas, and Scav and Matt.
Both groups find a battery back, and both deliver them to the generator. The day ends with no further incidents. Dodongo is nowhere to be seen.
Day two starts.
(About night: During the night, no one can post, or do anything. It will probably last a day or two. It’s mainly just a breathing period, for people to relax. However, if someone is infected, they can move, since they don’t need sleep. It’s up to them if they want to move or not. They can move more then they can during the day.
Ex: Let’s say Dodongo is infected. He decides to move to the generator at night, and sabotage the battery packs. He sends me PMs to dictate what he does. However, while moving down, he wakes up Eorlingas. Eorlingas gets a PM saying that he hears movement, that wakes him up. He decides to ignore it, and goes back to sleep. However, if he didn’t ignore it, he could have decided to sneak out, and check up on what was happening. He is not allowed to wake people up. As he does this (using PMs), and sneaks to the Generator, Dodongo sees him, and absorbs Eorlignas, infecting him. Eorlingas heads back upstairs, and goes back to “bed”. No one else knows this happened, unless Eorlingas decides to tell them.
This is just an Example inside of an Example, and didn’t happen.)
Eorlingas and Scav head out to look for the last battery pack, while Mcfox and Matt look for Dodongo.
After a while, Eorlingas and Scav find the battery pack. They pick it up, and decide to bring it down to the generator. However, Scav sends me a PM saying that he wants to infect Eorlingas. Scav is a Thing!
Since Scav is the one holding the radio, he turn it off (this does not need to be posted), and starts to transform into a Thing. From now on, this encounter is held out by PMs, since the radio is off. Since Eorlingas is an ex-security guard, he notices the transformation through a PM. He sends one back, saying that he will scream. However, no one is nearby to hear this. Eor pulls out the Bottle of Vodka he had earlier, and breaks it on a table, to try and stab Scav. However, this fails, and Eorlingas is consumed, and turned into a Thing. Scav turns the radio back on, and Eorlingas whispers to Scav (using PMs) that they should bring the battery pack down anyways. They post in the thread that they will do this. No one else knows what happened.
Mcfox and Matt are busy searching down on Basement 2, when Matt starts to get wary of Mcfox. Matt sends me a PM, saying he wants to give Mcfox the slip. While Mcfox is looking in a room, Matt runs off. In the thread I post that Matt is suddenly missing.
Using PMs, Matt decides to run back to where they first saw Dodongo. While walking there, he notices that Uncle Meat’s body is gone. This is all done by PMs.
Mcfox and Scav radio up, and decide that they are going to meet up at the generator. They wonder what Matt is up to.
They go to the generator, and plug the last battery pack in. The generator starts up, and power is returned. However, some of them are still infected. Since no one knows who is infected and who is not, they decide to hunt down Dodongo. (If they post in the thread that they are infected, then Matt will know for certain. Mcfox is infected as well)
Matt, however, is nearby, hiding. He sent a PM, saying that he wants to head to the Generator. He did this before the group headed down. He received a PM saying that he hears footsteps heading in, so he sent a PM saying that he hides. The group does not find him. He fears that they are all infected, and so he decides to blow up the base in order to kill them all, and then to escape in the helicopter. He goes back to where Dodongo was, grabs the Kerosene, and heads back down to the Generator. However, once he places the kerosene by the Generator, Dodongo shows up. Matt is panicked, but Dodongo talks to him (through a PM), and tells him that he is not infected. This is all done by PMs. Mcfox, Eor, and Scav don’t know that this has happened.
Dodongo states that, while in the Kitchen, Uncle Meat walked in, and tried to infect him. Dodongo only just managed to escape, and ran away. He decides to head to the storage rooms, to see if he could arm himself. However, on the way down, he sees Uncle Meat attack an individual Scav, and infect him. Uncle Meat then walked away, and Scav moved down and infected an alone Mcfox. Dodongo ran to the storage room, where he managed to grab himself a pistol. However, Eor, Matt, and Uncle Meat popped up. Knowing that he couldn’t kill all of them, and thinking that Uncle Meat probably infected them, Dodongo ran away. He then hid around the base, trying to find a time to pick them off one by one. However, realizing that he couldn’t do it alone, he decides that he needs Matt, whether he is infected or not.
Matt is wary of Dodongo’s account, and Dodongo is not sure Matt is truly human. However, they both decide to work together to blow up the base.
No one else knows that this happened. All of this is done in PMs.
Dodongo and Matt grab another barrel of Kerosene, and place it by the generator. They then use a lighter that Dodongo had on him since the game began (secret item that only Dodongo knew about), they light the Kerosene (they made a small trail, so it doesn’t all blow up at once). All done by PMs again.
After Scav whispered to Mcfox, all three of them realized that they were all infected. However, since Matt or Dodongo could view the thread, they had to act like they were all human. They do not know that Matt and Dodongo are together, and already suspect them of being infected. They continued looking around, and Eorlingas, in order to look like he was human, gave them the slip to look by himself. This is done in the thread. The slip was done by PM, but it was posted that Eorlingas ran away.
Matt and Dodongo head back up, and meet an alone Eorlingas. After telling Eorlingas their story, Eorlingas decides to “trust” them. Matt and Dodongo don’t know that he is infected. This is all done by PMs. None of them have a radio yet.
Around this time, the Kerosene finally exploded, blowing up the generator. The entire Basement 2 is instantly incinerated. Basement 1 is on fire, and only Floor 1 is completely safe. But the fire is spreading, as are the explosions. In a few minutes, the entire base will explode.
Matt, Dodongo, and Eorlingas run to one of the few rooms that lead to the outside. Suiting up, they exit the building. Because the outside is so cold, they only have a few minutes (turns) to get to the helicopter, or back into the base. They head to the Helicopter, and get in. All done by PMs.
Mcfox and Scav, however, also decide to head to the helicopter. They realize the base is going to explode, and so they will have to escape. Done by the thread.
They all meet up.
Dodongo posts in the thread that he shoots Mcfox in the head, while Scav transforms into a Thing. Dodongo gives Matt his pistol (done by post), and runs to grab the revolvers off of Mcfox’s dead body (same post). But when Dodongo gets close, Mcfox turns into a Thing, and rips off Dodongo’s head (done automatically). Dodongo is dead, but is now infected.
Matt uses his pistol to shoot to shoot Scav, but nothing happens. Scav finishes turning into a thing, and heads after Matt. Eorlingas turns into a thing too, and Matt realizes he is alone. Matt runs into the helicopter.
This is all done by thread.
Eorlingas, Scav, Mcfox, and Dodongo are all banging on the glass, trying to get in at Matt. Matt tries to start the Helicopter, but he forgot to fuel up!
Matt knows now that he is going to die. Looking around, he sees the Fuel barrels right besides the helicopter. He shoots threw the glass, hitting them.
Dodongo breaks through, and stabs Matt in the chest with one of his tentacles. However, before Matt is infected, the gas explodes, killing all of them.
The entire team is dead, but Matt managed to kill all of the Things, along with their transportation. The human race is saved.
Matt won, while everyone else lost.
Now, some questions about what happened in the above example.
Uncle Meat was the original Thing. Since, when I post, I am basically saying what Uncle Meat would have radioed in, Meat sent me a PM saying that he wanted to lie about where he was. Everything I radioed about Uncle Meat was false. If someone had chosen to walk to where Uncle Meat was, and Meat didn’t manage to get there in time, that person would have realized this.
When Uncle Meat “died”, he actually lived on. He sent a PM saying that he wanted to wait until night, before moving. He did so. At night, he got up, and hid in the Kitchen. He then spent the rest of the time walking around, trying to find Dodongo. He never did, and died when the Base exploded.
If Matt had not run into the Helicopter, and instead simply blew it up and then get infected, then the all would have frozen to death, waiting to be un-thawed. It would have been a tie.
That might have been a little long, but it was the best way to show how to play this game, without confusing all of you. If you are still confused, I suggest going back and re-reading the rules.
There are 12 slots open. However, the game only requires 8 at a minimum.
5. Deathreaver780
6. Sheepyman
7. MarthMaster92
8. Commonyoshi
9. <3
10. Sheepyman
11. Frozenflame751
12. Chill
1. Evil Eye
2. Scav
3. Tetaway
4. Seeds of Sorrow
5. Drab Emordnilap
R.J. MacReady (Helicopter Pilot)- MacReady is a loner and an alcoholic, who requested to his quarters away from the rest of the team members. However, he still keeps a room inside. He is the best pilot in the team, and is a quick thinker. He is 35 years old. Played byChill
Childs (Chief Mechanic)- Childs is a very strong man, and the Chief mechanic. He is pretty hot headed, and is not seen as a leader. He is able to fix almost anything mechanical. He is 33 years old. Played by<3
Nauls (Cook) – Nauls is the Cook of the team, and spends most of his time in the kitchen. He likes to roller blade through the halls of the base, and listens to rock n’ roll music. His favorite dish to prepare is “Mystery Meat of the Day”. He is bright, but also irreverent. He is 22 years old. Played byDuke
Palmer (Assistant Mechanic) – Palmer is the Assistant Mechanic behind Childs, and is able to fix most mechanical things. However, he does have his troubles with certain things, mainly computers and vehicles. He is the second pilot, but is not as skilled as MacReady. He is 35. Played byDeathreaver780
Blair (Senior Biologist)- Blair is the senior Biologist, as is the oldest member of the team. He is very edgy and overworked. His computer in the computer lab contains an advanced program for analyzing organic life forms. He is 50 years old, and has glasses. Played byLigolski
Copper (Doctor)- Copper is the Doctor, and is very skilled at combat injuries, as he served as a medic during Vietnam. However, he is also skilled at frostbite, and most problems that can arise in an Antarctic Base. He is rather weird, and is 45.Played by Sheepyman
Norris (Geologist)- Norris is the Geologist, and the Second command at the outpost. He is overweight, and has a heart problem. He is 44. Played byCommonyoshi
Bennings (Meteorologist)- Bennings is the Meteorologist, and is a very professional person. He is also very intelligent. He is 38. Played byMarthMaster92
Clark (Dog Handler)- Clark is the dog handler, and greatly loves his animals. His job consisted of feeding and training the huskies. He is a very strong person. Played byCamo-Man
Garry (Station Manager) – Garry is the leader of the outpost, and is capable of dealing with normal problems. He use to serve in the military. He is 46. Played byRonike
Fuchs (Assistant Biologist) – Fuchs is the Assistant Biologist, and, like Blair, has a computer with a program that gathers information on organic material. However, his is not as advanced, and is slightly different in other ways as well. He is 24, and has glasses. Played by Smashman90
Windows (Radio Operator) - Windows is the Radio Operator, and is fluent in several languages besides English, including Russian. He is pretty lousy as his job. He is the youngest team member, at 21 years old. Played by Frozenflame751
The Russians
Dmitri Vevski (Security Guard) - Dmitri Vevski is a bear with a human face. Tall and strong, this herculean man is steadfast not only in his love for his brother and homeland, but also for his desire to survive at all costs. Not considered too bright, but he has never let that slow him down before. He joined the Russian team with his brother, Clint, as a security guard last year, and managed to be one of the only two survivors of the alien attack, after fending them off for days, helped by the military combat he received in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Now, in this American Base, he is ready to finish the job. Played by Evil Eye
Clint Vevski (Research Officer and Medical Staff)Clint Vevski, brother of Dmitri, is a striking Russian man in his mid forties. Named because of his “fazzer love for the hollywood movies”, he grew up resent by the other Soviet children for his capitalistic name. Dmitri’s fists helped solved the matter, but the ridicule had their effects, and turned the soft metal into steel. Notably brilliant, he fully embraces the USSR as the only free country on earth, the only land where everyone is equal. He workes in research to help his glorious country, and was shipped out to Antarctica with his brother a year ago. He has had some medical training from his years in the military, serving in the oppression of the rebels in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. He used those skills again when he had to defend the base against the Thing attack, leaving only him and his brother alive. The Thing retreated across the Antarctic desert, and the brothers followed. Played by Scav
Antarctica, 1982
U.S Research Station
It has been one month since you were all deployed here. You are a collection of scientists, pilots,cooks, and everything else needed to run a research base in Antarctica for half of a year.
Everything has been going off without a hitch. No problems, plenty of supplies, and no cabin fever. Your research is going along fine.
However, all of that is about to come crashing down.
During an afternoon, a Russian team flies into your camp, shooting madly at a Husky. You all rush out to try and see what is happening, but they continue to shoot, and hit one of you, John Campbell, in the leg. One of them tries to throw a grenade at the dog, but misses, and instead blows himself up, along with their helicopter. The other Russian is shot in the head by Gary Moffat, the station Leader.
John Campbell is treated, and it’s decided that the Russians simply became Stir crazy. You try to radio the incident in, but an incoming blizzard blocked out all of your communications.
The Husky that was shot at is placed in with your own dogs.
And that’s when things go wrong.
During the night, you all hear a whimpering, and a ferocious howl. Waking all of you up, you head downstairs, where you see a gross, mass of blubbering flesh with tentacles, ripping other dogs apart, and adding them to itself. You all freeze in terror, until Childs comes in with a flame thrower (used to de-thaw the helicopter blades), and burns it. The Thing is burnt to death, although a tentacle escapes into the ceiling unseen.
You are all shocked at what you have seen. You decide to head back, and discuss it in the morning. As you go back to your rooms, you notice that John Campbell is not with you. Childs decides to go tell him what happened. However, when he reaches John’s room, he sees that John is missing, despite his wounded legs. He also notices a blood colored slime trail, leading into the room, around the same shape of the Thing’s tentacles.
Childs goes back to the group, and tells everyone about this. You split up to search for Campbell.
After an hour, Copper Dysart finds Campbell, in the generator room. The generator is sabotaged, almost beyond repair. Realizing that he was caught, Campbell starts to transform into a hideous, tentacled, flesh form, until Childs arrives with his flame thrower, and burns Campbell to death. This uses the last of flamethrower gas.
All of you meet up at the mess hall. After discussing it, it is agreed on that the Thing managed to consume, and reproduce a cell form, similar to Campbell. The infected Campbell would have sounded, acted, and looked the exact same as the real Campbell.
Since you were all separated, there is a good chance that one of you is also infected.
The generator is destroyed, and the back-up generator will only last for a limited time. You have three days to repair it, or else you will all freeze to death.
You know that you have back-up Battery Packs around the base, but they were spread out in order to minimize the damage a fire could bring. The person who was in charge of inventory was John Campbell.
You have three days to repair the generator, and then kill the Thing that is imitating one of you. You have a helicopter to escape with, but it can only hold five people. If one of those people is infected, then the Thing will spread to the world, possibly ending the entire human race. Escape is only a backup plan.
Three days.
Welcome to “The Thing!”, a game that is different from any other game posted here (although it does have a few familiar elements). The game is about adventure and suspicion. One of you is infected, and this person could infect anyone else. One moment, a person could be human, and then you could turn your back, and he would be a Thing without you even knowing. This constant state of fear and suspicion will make your job harder then it already is.
Of the people playing, one of them (or maybe more?) is infected. This person acts like a normal person, until he has a chance to consume a person into carbon copy of it’s victim, who can them consume more people. It is a disease, and although there is only one or two of you that are infected, it can soon spread into the majority.
The generator of your base is broken, and you need to repair it within three days. To repair it, you need to find four battery packs, which are spread and hidden across the base.
Every person will be assigned a role. This role will be public, and will be in the first post, along with abilities that come with the role. However, if there is something secret about the role (Infected, secret knowledge, hidden item), then you will receive it in a PM.
The game plays out like an event from Lost Mafia on crack. If you know how those went, then you (sort of) understand the basics. For the benefit of everyone (and because many core mechanics were changed), I will describe how to play.
Since it might be confusing, I will use an example of a fake game played by Me, Dodongo, Mcfox, Scav, Uncle Meat, and Matt. This game never happened, but it correctly demonstrates several core elements.
In order to understand how to play, I’d suggest reading the rules, the example, and then the rules again.
(Note: While it might seem like there are allot of rules, it is a pretty simple game. Some of it is just information. Don't let the size scare you off)
-In Bold, say where you want to move to, and why you want to move there. If you are in a group, then everyone will have to say they want to go somewhere. If people disagree, then they will split up.
- If you want to escape from a group, send me a PM. Depending on several factors, you might or might not manage to give them the slip.
- If you do NOT have a radio with you/your group, then you must communicated with me BY PMs. Do not post in the thread. This is very important. I will be giving warnings to people that fail to do it.
-If you are moving from one floor to another, you have to move to the stairs with the intention of moving to the next floor.
-If it happens without a hitch, then you will start out doing whatever you said you wanted to do ( the intention that you posted)
-If you have a radio, this will be posted in the thread. If not, then it will be sent in a PM.
-If several people see something in the room (happens when the item is in public view, it’s reflecting, very noticeable, or anything of the sort) then everyone in the room will see it.
-If there is something that is not noticeable, then there is a chance that one person in the room will see it, while no one else does. That person can then point it out to everyone else, or keep it a secret. If it is able to get picked up, this person can then choose to do so secretly. Whether or not it is secret depends on the lighting, why are you over there, and your character
-Sometimes, there are items that are not seen by everyone, and no one sees it individually. These will have to be searched for. Simply say that you want to search around the room, and you might find them.
-If you want to narrow your search, say where in the room you want to search.
-There are a variety of items in the game, all of which have the characteristics of the real life item they portray. Bottles can be broken, Alcohol can be lit, Liquid can be used to make the stairs slippery, glass can be placed on the ground, or anything you can think of.
-Some characters will start out with an item that only they know they have. This can be something useless (such as a bandanna), or something incredibly helpful (weapon, key, nuclear warhead, etc)
-If you have a weapon, and want to use it on someone, then PM me with what you want to do. You can also post it in the thread. The difference is that a PM is treated as being sneaky. If you say in the thread “Shoot Eorlingas”, then your character will noticeably raise his gun and fire. This can be blocked by other people, and has a greater chance to fail. But everyone will know that you did it. In a PM, you would have sneakily raised the gun, and fired.
-Items have realistic weight. While I won’t add an RPG style weight system, you can’t carry around several tables and machine gun.
-The thread is meant as a radio transcript. If you have the radio, then you are allowed to post in the thread. People with radios can talk to each other to their hearts content. People without radios can listen in, but wont be able to talk themselves.
-If you are close to someone, you can whisper them. This means that you can PM, IM, or whatever you want to talk to that person outside of the thread. However, you may only do this if you are close to someone. You HAVE to send me a PM with a transcript of what you are saying, or at least a summery. There is a possibility of you being overheard. If you are close to someone, whisper them, and then they leave, you are not allowed to whisper them until you are close again.
-In order to stay in touch, it is suggested that you move out in groups
-There are several types of groups. Anarchy, Democracy, and Dictatorship.
-Anarchy groups are basically just a group of people moving together. If there are five people in the group, four could leave, while the other could stay behind because he hasn’t posted yet.
-In Democracy groups, it takes a majority for the group to move. This will move everyone. Once you are in a room, you will act individual again. However, you can at any moment leave. You just have to say that you are leaving the group
-Dictatorships are where a group elect one or two people to lead the group. This person (or persons) have complete control on where the group moves. You are still individual inside of a room, and you can leave when you want.
-If your group has a radio, then you must dictate which one of you has it. It is not very important, but you don’t want the radio in the wrong hands.
-One of you is a murdering, alien creature, with the ability to consume people, and create carbon copies of them, basically infecting them. The person doesn’t have to be fully consumed to be able to be infected. Think of it like Zombie bites, but not the same. A bite of a Thing wont infect you. However, having your head ripped off will. Same with a tentacle impaling you.
-If you get infected, you will be informed of who else is infected. You still play your person.
-If you are infected, you look, act, and sound the exact same. You also have the same memories. If you can “killed” (stabbed, shot, etc), then you can lie in wait, and act like you’re dead. You simply have to send a PM saying that you want to play dead, and then another PM saying when you want to move again.
-If you get “killed”, then you will not appear the same. A simple glance will reveal you as being a Thing. However, this will only happen when you choose to move again. Playing dead will still show you can being a human. Once you move, however, you will forever be different, even if you choose to play dead again
-You do not have to play dead
-Everyone has the possibility of dying in this game, even if you are infected. A Human (non-infected) can die like any other human. Someone that is infected, however, is almost impervious to modern weapons, and is too dangerous to get close enough to stab. And even then, they could probably survive. You know that explosions will kill a thing. Perhaps fire will too?
-If you die, you are out of the game.
-Being infected is not the same as dying. If you are infected, you can still play. You can not infect dead bodies.
-There are three floors. The top floor is where most of you live, the first basement is where storage is, and the second basement is where you keep the generator, along with an assortment of other things
-If the Generator is not powered up by the end of the third day, then everyone will freeze to death.
-You can break windows to escape from the base. This will lead you to the outside.
-The Antarctic weather is too cold for humans to survive. You are currently in a five day blizzard, starting on the day the game begins.
-Because of this, it is very difficult to see in the outside. To combat this, you have several ropes, which you usually tie to each other, making life lines. Life lines connect someone to someone else, but they can be cut.
-If you are not suited up, you will die within a few minutes outside.
-The only way to go outside naturally (not including windows) is to go to one of the two exit stations. There are two of them, both on Floor 1. One is on the right, and the other one is on the left. Because the base is U shaped, the doors face each other. However, you cannot see the other door, because of the blizzard.
-The exit stations have the suits and life lines needed to exit. There are enough suits for everyone in each station.
-Even with the suit on, you can still freeze to death if you spend too long outside. I will post saying that you are getting cold. That means you must immediately run back into a building.
-The only ways off of the base are outside.
-The helicopter is located outside. Staying in one will prolong how long you can stay outside, but you can still freeze to death inside of one, if it is not turned on.
- The helicopter needs fuel. There are four fuel barrels beside it, along with another eight in Basement 2.
-It takes two barrels to make the helicopter able to run, with another two needed to safely take you to the port.
-The helicopter can only hold five people. It is the only sure way off of the base.
-The snow mobile is located outside
-It also needs to gas up, but only requires half of a barrel.
-The snow mobile can only hold two people. There is only a 30% chance that you will make it to the port, and to civilization, alive. It is a backup.
-There are two sides, Human and Things.
-The Things win when everyone is infected. Because the groups change, the last person (or persons, if several people get infected at the same time) are the ones that loose.
-The humans win when all of the Things are destroyed, and the Generator is repaired.
-If the Generator is not repaired, the Thing’s will win, since they will be able to escape on the helicopter.
-If all transportation is destroyed, and the Generator is not repaired, then it is a tie. The Thing’s will be frozen, and alive, but might stay that way forever. No one wins
Black squares means door. Blue means Window. All windows lead outside.
(Since I originally wrote for this to be posted before the Rules, a few things are restated during the example. You can read them if you wish, or could can just skip them. Also, this game does not follow the maps above, as I wrote this before making them.)
Example of moving :
DODONGO: I’ll head to the kitchen, to plunder it of alcohol.
MCFOX: I’ll go to the stairs, to head down to Basement 1
Let’s use Dodongo’s example. He reaches the kitchen, but he’s by himself! That means that no one can see what he is doing.
You start out with 4 radios, to be divided by your own choosing. The radios are very important. The thread itself is basically a radio transcript. If you (or your group) does not have a radio, then you cannot post in the thread. Your adventure will have to be carried out by PMs, until you come in contact with another group/person with a radio, or find a radio of your own. In order to communicate, you are allowed to PM or IM people in your group to your hearts content. However, you can only do this if they are close to you. You are not allowed to talk to people outside of the thread unless you are close to each other. You PM me with what you want to do.
Dodongo’s alone. I PM him with the following.
“You successfully make it to the kitchen, and find a large bottle of Vodka.”
Dodongo then responds to my PM with
“I drink until I’m ****faced.”
And so he does.
The group does not know that Dodongo successfully made it into the Kitchen, that he found Vodka, or that he is getting ****faced. They only know that he headed to the Kitchen.
Now, let’s follow Mcfox, who did have a radio.
I post in the thread with what he did.
“Mcfox makes it to the stairs, and walks down to Basement 1”
However, he found something. I PM him with
“While walking down, you see a revolver on the stairs. You don’t know who’s it is. What do you do?”
He will then respond with “I pick it up, and holster it.”
The group does not know that Mcfox know has a gun. It is up to him if he wants to tell them.
So, at this moment, the group is in the dark about what happened to Dodongo, but know that Mcfox made it to Basement 1. They do not know about the revolver.
Let’s follow this example to show some other mechanics of this game.
Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas decide to head to the Mess Hall to see if they can find any battery packs. They all post in the thread saying they want to head over there, and so they do.
(Note: If you wish, you can designate a group leader, who will make decisions on what your group will do. You could also make 2 leaders, who will have to agree. However, if they decide on doing something, and you haven’t posted yet saying that you don’t want to follow, then you will follow them. Only do this if you are going to be inactive for a little while.)
Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas enter safely, and see a battery pack, a table, and knives. This is posted in the thread, since they all see it, and have a radio. Matt, however, sends me a PM saying he wants to grab a knife secretly. Depending on several things (such as what Matt’s character is, what everyone else’s Character is, the lighting, and several other things), I decide if Matt successfully steals a knife. He does. No one else knows about this.
This group talk to each other in the thread, and decide to grab the battery pack, and then to head down to the generator to place it in. Scav posts, saying that he will carry it, and they all post that they are heading to the stairs, with the intention of moving floors.
Uncle Meat, however, is off by himself, in his room. He sees nothing there, and radios in that there is nothing there. Posted in the thread.
As Scav, Matt, and Eorlingas are walking to the stairs, however, they hear strange noises coming from the Kitchen, and pause. Their journey was interrupted. This is posted.
Talking amongst themselves, they decide that all of them need to check it out. They post that they want to move there. They head in, where they see..nothing. They know that Dodongo went to the Kitchen, but nothing else. They talk to each other in the thread, wondering that he might be infected. Due to the lack of a radio, Dodongo can not discuss this with them. They know nothing about him.
Uncomfortable, Matt posts that he has a knife, and volunteers to head out and search for Dodongo. Eorlingas decides to go with him. Scav gives them the radio, and decides to continue on to the generator.
Mcfox says that he will wait for Scav. Since Mcfox has a radio, he can talk in the thread to the others. Uncle Meat says that he will start looking for Dodongo too.
Scav and Dodongo do not have a radio at this moment, so they are not allowed to post in the thread. They carry out everything from PMs.
Matt and Eorlingas decide to head to Dodongo’s cabin, to see if they can find anything. When they enter, it is posted that they find a half-filled bottle of Vodka. Eorlingas decides to take it publicly. Posted in the thread.
Matt, however, received a PM saying that he notices a revolver under the bed. He posts in the thread, and tells Eorlingas to grab it. Eorlingas then posts, saying that he takes it.
They head to another room, and find nothing. But, while there, they hear footsteps outside their door, which is closed. Eorlingas posts immediately, deciding to shoot through the door.
He does so, and hears a man groan. Both Eor and Matt post to head outside. There, they see a wounded Uncle Meat, shot in the leg and the shoulder. Matt yells at Eorlingas, Eorlingas yells at Matt, and Uncle Meat yells from them to take him to the doctor (which is Mcfox’s character). Eor and Matt post that they grab Uncle Meat, and head out to Mcfox, “radioing” in that Meat is wounded.
However, I post that they only hear static. Something happened to Mcfox’s radio.
(Note: In this example, Uncle Meat sent a PM saying that he wanted to head back to the kitchen, secretly. Since Eor and Matt where in a room besides the hallway, they heard his footsteps)
They head to the stairs, and into the first basement. I post that they see nothing, and so they decide to head to the generator, where Scav was headed. Uncle Meat is loosing blood fast.
I post that they hear footsteps in a storage room, so they post that they slam open the door to find…Dodongo.
Eor posts saying that he wants to shoot Dodongo, but Matt also posts, saying that he slaps the gun away. The shot fires, but misses Dodongo, and narrowly misses a Kerosene barrel.
Dodongo now posts in the thread, saying that he will charge his way though them, which he does. Eor fires again, but misses, and Dodongo is lost in the basement. Matt says that they don’t know Dodongo is one of them, but Eor yells at him, saying that they can’t take any chances. If they are wrong, they’re wrong.
While they are bickering, however, Uncle Meat passes out due to loss of blood. Because of Uncle Meat’s wound, he can not choose to head out by himself. Matt and Eorlingas post that they want to head to the stairs, but too late. Uncle Meat dies from blood loss.
Matt sends me a PM, saying that he wants to try and kill Eorlingas secretly. However, Eor’s character used to be a security guard, while Matt’s was a wedding designer. Matt tries to stab Eor, but Eor knocks it out of his hand. This is not decided by them, and is posted in the thread.
Eorlingas decides to kill Matt, thinking that he must be infected. He posts that he shoots Matt. But Scav and Mcfox (using PMs, since they have no radio) headed to where they heard a gunshot (the information was sent to them in a PM). They walked in, right when Eorlingas has his gun pointed at Matt. Because of the distraction, it is posted that Eorlingas pauses and he now has to post, saying whether he will pull the trigger, or back down. Eorlingas decides to back down.
The group, now that they are in one area, talk using the thread. After debating, Matt posts saying that he will try and take Eorlingas’s revolver away. Eorlingas resists him, and Scav and Mcfox post saying they will pull them apart. Eorlingas voluntarily gives up his revolver to Mcfox, who know has two (although the group thinks he only has one).
Things calm down, even though Eorlingas claims that Matt is infected. They decide that they can’t risk killing each other, and so they all head down to deliver the battery pack into the generator. They head to the stairs, go down, and then head to the Generator.
Afterwards, they decide to head back to the main room, where they hid another radio, incase one of theirs became broken. Scav and Mcfox say that Mcfox slipped on Kerosene in a storage room, and fell on the radio.
They head back up fine, although they are wondering where Dodongo is. Dodongo is currently playing the game through PMs, and they don’t know where he is, or what he is doing. They all decide that he must be infected, and so they decide to kill him as soon as they can.
They get the other radio, and split into two groups. Mcfox and Eorlingas, and Scav and Matt.
Both groups find a battery back, and both deliver them to the generator. The day ends with no further incidents. Dodongo is nowhere to be seen.
Day two starts.
(About night: During the night, no one can post, or do anything. It will probably last a day or two. It’s mainly just a breathing period, for people to relax. However, if someone is infected, they can move, since they don’t need sleep. It’s up to them if they want to move or not. They can move more then they can during the day.
Ex: Let’s say Dodongo is infected. He decides to move to the generator at night, and sabotage the battery packs. He sends me PMs to dictate what he does. However, while moving down, he wakes up Eorlingas. Eorlingas gets a PM saying that he hears movement, that wakes him up. He decides to ignore it, and goes back to sleep. However, if he didn’t ignore it, he could have decided to sneak out, and check up on what was happening. He is not allowed to wake people up. As he does this (using PMs), and sneaks to the Generator, Dodongo sees him, and absorbs Eorlignas, infecting him. Eorlingas heads back upstairs, and goes back to “bed”. No one else knows this happened, unless Eorlingas decides to tell them.
This is just an Example inside of an Example, and didn’t happen.)
Eorlingas and Scav head out to look for the last battery pack, while Mcfox and Matt look for Dodongo.
After a while, Eorlingas and Scav find the battery pack. They pick it up, and decide to bring it down to the generator. However, Scav sends me a PM saying that he wants to infect Eorlingas. Scav is a Thing!
Since Scav is the one holding the radio, he turn it off (this does not need to be posted), and starts to transform into a Thing. From now on, this encounter is held out by PMs, since the radio is off. Since Eorlingas is an ex-security guard, he notices the transformation through a PM. He sends one back, saying that he will scream. However, no one is nearby to hear this. Eor pulls out the Bottle of Vodka he had earlier, and breaks it on a table, to try and stab Scav. However, this fails, and Eorlingas is consumed, and turned into a Thing. Scav turns the radio back on, and Eorlingas whispers to Scav (using PMs) that they should bring the battery pack down anyways. They post in the thread that they will do this. No one else knows what happened.
Mcfox and Matt are busy searching down on Basement 2, when Matt starts to get wary of Mcfox. Matt sends me a PM, saying he wants to give Mcfox the slip. While Mcfox is looking in a room, Matt runs off. In the thread I post that Matt is suddenly missing.
Using PMs, Matt decides to run back to where they first saw Dodongo. While walking there, he notices that Uncle Meat’s body is gone. This is all done by PMs.
Mcfox and Scav radio up, and decide that they are going to meet up at the generator. They wonder what Matt is up to.
They go to the generator, and plug the last battery pack in. The generator starts up, and power is returned. However, some of them are still infected. Since no one knows who is infected and who is not, they decide to hunt down Dodongo. (If they post in the thread that they are infected, then Matt will know for certain. Mcfox is infected as well)
Matt, however, is nearby, hiding. He sent a PM, saying that he wants to head to the Generator. He did this before the group headed down. He received a PM saying that he hears footsteps heading in, so he sent a PM saying that he hides. The group does not find him. He fears that they are all infected, and so he decides to blow up the base in order to kill them all, and then to escape in the helicopter. He goes back to where Dodongo was, grabs the Kerosene, and heads back down to the Generator. However, once he places the kerosene by the Generator, Dodongo shows up. Matt is panicked, but Dodongo talks to him (through a PM), and tells him that he is not infected. This is all done by PMs. Mcfox, Eor, and Scav don’t know that this has happened.
Dodongo states that, while in the Kitchen, Uncle Meat walked in, and tried to infect him. Dodongo only just managed to escape, and ran away. He decides to head to the storage rooms, to see if he could arm himself. However, on the way down, he sees Uncle Meat attack an individual Scav, and infect him. Uncle Meat then walked away, and Scav moved down and infected an alone Mcfox. Dodongo ran to the storage room, where he managed to grab himself a pistol. However, Eor, Matt, and Uncle Meat popped up. Knowing that he couldn’t kill all of them, and thinking that Uncle Meat probably infected them, Dodongo ran away. He then hid around the base, trying to find a time to pick them off one by one. However, realizing that he couldn’t do it alone, he decides that he needs Matt, whether he is infected or not.
Matt is wary of Dodongo’s account, and Dodongo is not sure Matt is truly human. However, they both decide to work together to blow up the base.
No one else knows that this happened. All of this is done in PMs.
Dodongo and Matt grab another barrel of Kerosene, and place it by the generator. They then use a lighter that Dodongo had on him since the game began (secret item that only Dodongo knew about), they light the Kerosene (they made a small trail, so it doesn’t all blow up at once). All done by PMs again.
After Scav whispered to Mcfox, all three of them realized that they were all infected. However, since Matt or Dodongo could view the thread, they had to act like they were all human. They do not know that Matt and Dodongo are together, and already suspect them of being infected. They continued looking around, and Eorlingas, in order to look like he was human, gave them the slip to look by himself. This is done in the thread. The slip was done by PM, but it was posted that Eorlingas ran away.
Matt and Dodongo head back up, and meet an alone Eorlingas. After telling Eorlingas their story, Eorlingas decides to “trust” them. Matt and Dodongo don’t know that he is infected. This is all done by PMs. None of them have a radio yet.
Around this time, the Kerosene finally exploded, blowing up the generator. The entire Basement 2 is instantly incinerated. Basement 1 is on fire, and only Floor 1 is completely safe. But the fire is spreading, as are the explosions. In a few minutes, the entire base will explode.
Matt, Dodongo, and Eorlingas run to one of the few rooms that lead to the outside. Suiting up, they exit the building. Because the outside is so cold, they only have a few minutes (turns) to get to the helicopter, or back into the base. They head to the Helicopter, and get in. All done by PMs.
Mcfox and Scav, however, also decide to head to the helicopter. They realize the base is going to explode, and so they will have to escape. Done by the thread.
They all meet up.
Dodongo posts in the thread that he shoots Mcfox in the head, while Scav transforms into a Thing. Dodongo gives Matt his pistol (done by post), and runs to grab the revolvers off of Mcfox’s dead body (same post). But when Dodongo gets close, Mcfox turns into a Thing, and rips off Dodongo’s head (done automatically). Dodongo is dead, but is now infected.
Matt uses his pistol to shoot to shoot Scav, but nothing happens. Scav finishes turning into a thing, and heads after Matt. Eorlingas turns into a thing too, and Matt realizes he is alone. Matt runs into the helicopter.
This is all done by thread.
Eorlingas, Scav, Mcfox, and Dodongo are all banging on the glass, trying to get in at Matt. Matt tries to start the Helicopter, but he forgot to fuel up!
Matt knows now that he is going to die. Looking around, he sees the Fuel barrels right besides the helicopter. He shoots threw the glass, hitting them.
Dodongo breaks through, and stabs Matt in the chest with one of his tentacles. However, before Matt is infected, the gas explodes, killing all of them.
The entire team is dead, but Matt managed to kill all of the Things, along with their transportation. The human race is saved.
Matt won, while everyone else lost.
Now, some questions about what happened in the above example.
Uncle Meat was the original Thing. Since, when I post, I am basically saying what Uncle Meat would have radioed in, Meat sent me a PM saying that he wanted to lie about where he was. Everything I radioed about Uncle Meat was false. If someone had chosen to walk to where Uncle Meat was, and Meat didn’t manage to get there in time, that person would have realized this.
When Uncle Meat “died”, he actually lived on. He sent a PM saying that he wanted to wait until night, before moving. He did so. At night, he got up, and hid in the Kitchen. He then spent the rest of the time walking around, trying to find Dodongo. He never did, and died when the Base exploded.
If Matt had not run into the Helicopter, and instead simply blew it up and then get infected, then the all would have frozen to death, waiting to be un-thawed. It would have been a tie.
That might have been a little long, but it was the best way to show how to play this game, without confusing all of you. If you are still confused, I suggest going back and re-reading the rules.
There are 12 slots open. However, the game only requires 8 at a minimum.
5. Deathreaver780
6. Sheepyman
7. MarthMaster92
8. Commonyoshi
9. <3
10. Sheepyman
11. Frozenflame751
12. Chill
1. Evil Eye
2. Scav
3. Tetaway
4. Seeds of Sorrow
5. Drab Emordnilap
R.J. MacReady (Helicopter Pilot)- MacReady is a loner and an alcoholic, who requested to his quarters away from the rest of the team members. However, he still keeps a room inside. He is the best pilot in the team, and is a quick thinker. He is 35 years old. Played byChill
Childs (Chief Mechanic)- Childs is a very strong man, and the Chief mechanic. He is pretty hot headed, and is not seen as a leader. He is able to fix almost anything mechanical. He is 33 years old. Played by<3
Nauls (Cook) – Nauls is the Cook of the team, and spends most of his time in the kitchen. He likes to roller blade through the halls of the base, and listens to rock n’ roll music. His favorite dish to prepare is “Mystery Meat of the Day”. He is bright, but also irreverent. He is 22 years old. Played byDuke
Palmer (Assistant Mechanic) – Palmer is the Assistant Mechanic behind Childs, and is able to fix most mechanical things. However, he does have his troubles with certain things, mainly computers and vehicles. He is the second pilot, but is not as skilled as MacReady. He is 35. Played byDeathreaver780
Blair (Senior Biologist)- Blair is the senior Biologist, as is the oldest member of the team. He is very edgy and overworked. His computer in the computer lab contains an advanced program for analyzing organic life forms. He is 50 years old, and has glasses. Played byLigolski
Copper (Doctor)- Copper is the Doctor, and is very skilled at combat injuries, as he served as a medic during Vietnam. However, he is also skilled at frostbite, and most problems that can arise in an Antarctic Base. He is rather weird, and is 45.Played by Sheepyman
Norris (Geologist)- Norris is the Geologist, and the Second command at the outpost. He is overweight, and has a heart problem. He is 44. Played byCommonyoshi
Bennings (Meteorologist)- Bennings is the Meteorologist, and is a very professional person. He is also very intelligent. He is 38. Played byMarthMaster92
Clark (Dog Handler)- Clark is the dog handler, and greatly loves his animals. His job consisted of feeding and training the huskies. He is a very strong person. Played byCamo-Man
Garry (Station Manager) – Garry is the leader of the outpost, and is capable of dealing with normal problems. He use to serve in the military. He is 46. Played byRonike
Fuchs (Assistant Biologist) – Fuchs is the Assistant Biologist, and, like Blair, has a computer with a program that gathers information on organic material. However, his is not as advanced, and is slightly different in other ways as well. He is 24, and has glasses. Played by Smashman90
Windows (Radio Operator) - Windows is the Radio Operator, and is fluent in several languages besides English, including Russian. He is pretty lousy as his job. He is the youngest team member, at 21 years old. Played by Frozenflame751
The Russians
Dmitri Vevski (Security Guard) - Dmitri Vevski is a bear with a human face. Tall and strong, this herculean man is steadfast not only in his love for his brother and homeland, but also for his desire to survive at all costs. Not considered too bright, but he has never let that slow him down before. He joined the Russian team with his brother, Clint, as a security guard last year, and managed to be one of the only two survivors of the alien attack, after fending them off for days, helped by the military combat he received in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Now, in this American Base, he is ready to finish the job. Played by Evil Eye
Clint Vevski (Research Officer and Medical Staff)Clint Vevski, brother of Dmitri, is a striking Russian man in his mid forties. Named because of his “fazzer love for the hollywood movies”, he grew up resent by the other Soviet children for his capitalistic name. Dmitri’s fists helped solved the matter, but the ridicule had their effects, and turned the soft metal into steel. Notably brilliant, he fully embraces the USSR as the only free country on earth, the only land where everyone is equal. He workes in research to help his glorious country, and was shipped out to Antarctica with his brother a year ago. He has had some medical training from his years in the military, serving in the oppression of the rebels in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. He used those skills again when he had to defend the base against the Thing attack, leaving only him and his brother alive. The Thing retreated across the Antarctic desert, and the brothers followed. Played by Scav