If you want to see the past awards threads, here they are.
(May 31st 2007)
(Sept 17th 2007)
(Dec 22nd 2007)
Hello again, all of my wonderful friends from Michigan. For everyone who doesn't know what the Shibbypod Awards are, you are in for a treat. The S.A.s are a chance for everyone to relax, kick back and have a good laugh at other Michigan (or NEAR Michigan) players expenses. Some could be optimistic and call it constructive criticism, others not so much. The point is, I always have fun making fun of people, and this is just the best opportunity to do so!
I know Mods are more strict these days, but I assure you this is not meant to be a flame thread. This is more of a Mid Michigan tradition that I just want to keep going just one more time.
So as it has been in the past, I choose 10 players with a Michigan residents, and criticize them to no limit just for fun. The order goes from 10th place to 1st place, 1st being the biggest criticism. (In my words, the worst player in Michigan... even though it has no relation to actual skill). Consider it more of an honor than a diss if you make the list, for it only means I have thought of you!
It has been a while since I have competed, my last 2 events before this summer being in Dec 2009 after a 2 year break and Jan 2010, for fun to meet some Wisconsin players. Before I start this, Lets recap back to 2007 and list off past winners of a Shibbypod Awards! There have been 26 handed out, the first and last all in the great year of 2007, my last year of competitive SSBM before the year of 2013.
ItoBandito (2)
Trail (2)
D_B_S (2)
Anther (2)
As Money (2)
Dope (3) (All Time Leader!)
I suppose it it time to begin. These awards were prompted by my comeback to competitive smash, and I am basing them solely on the time I spent playing during this summer from my first tourney back (Body City) up to The Big House 3. So without further a due, lets get this beautiful ceremony underway!
10. So much hype for TBH3, and most members of your crew going to the event, a commitment to play against the old school legendary crew in Midland MI, and yet, you end up being a no show to the biggest tournament ever in MI! MSU could have used you and a couple of your other players in a crew battle and left The Gentleman's Club out of the battle, but no, your absence forced a changed lineup! You are getting to be a lot better as a player, but you suck pretty bad for not showing up to TBH3! This goes to you, Mr. Gam Ero.
9. So many money matches too place this past weekend, and I broke even in money lost to money gained in them. Things could have swayed a little further in my favor if it were not for my teams money match between all the midland players, Formal and Acro vs Game and Myself. Once alcohol is introduced, our teamwork goes to garbage. I should have known not to agree to that teams MM after you dropped 3 straight sets to Trustcarthy, the new Upper Peninsula player! Not to mention, not joining any singles event. Gotta say, new tactics at their finest. Thanks for assisting in the loss of one of my dollars, You're my best friend Bill, have been since high school, but that doesn't make you safe from a Shibbypod Award! It does however keep you safe from the top 5. You told me yourself, you played like azzzz on Saturday!
8. Sometimes when there is a player quite a bit better than me, I have a ton of respect for them. However, during this summer, there is this one guy from Kalamazoo who was already better than me when he was a Sheik main. That must not been enough for him, and he decided to go to the character that approx. 40% or more competitive smashers use as their main character. Luckily, I haven't had to face you in tournament all summer, and only had to take 2 stocks off you in our recent crew battle. Blake, man, why do you have to play fox? Mix that stuff up, and stop blaming your "skill" on fox. Also your orange and white controller looks dumb. Get a haircut! Much love from midland
7. Speaking of that crew battle I keep mentioning, it ended up being Midland & Friends (The old school) vs The Gentlemans Club/MSU (The new school). One of our "Midland Friends" and my oldest SSBM rival, did not make the quota, by 1 stock, and therefore, Midland lost the crew battle. By 1 stock. Why do you play like thet, man? Don't let the UofM game's outcome affect your play! Not the only reason though. I'm a bit salty about losing to you in teams at body city when I could have easily taken that game, being up 2 stock to your 1. When I partner asked to borrow my second stock, I told him no. I said, "It's fcrking Bowyer, man, I got this!" Then I lost swigtly. This one goes to you Jason, thanks a lot for embarrassing me, and we will always remember you hugging Ito's toilet all night at the drunk vs sober crew battle 6 years ago!
6. I don't like to pick on one crew too much… Oh what the heck. MSU crew is getting no love right now from this guy! We have a rising captain falcon player in the state, which is great, and basically running the scene down there at MSU. Doing a great job with that, by the way, but EVERY time you say you are coming to a Shibbyfest, you duck out at the last second. Even HIV and Slayer have made it to at least one! Not doubting your quickly improving skill level, after taking my Doc 7 games to 3 or something like that in friendlies at 3am Saturday night, when it was the other way around just a month earlier on your turf. COME TO MIDLAND and play me on MY turf now! Like you always say you will! I'm talking to you, Elliot!
-General Heinz
5. Every time I go to a smashfest, this guy falls asleep in the most awkward position possible. (Kind of like my only impression of Mew2King) Also, a prime example of someone who obviously thinks tech game is more important than winning. Nice job making bracket at TBH3, but other than that, I don't know you that well, but I think that you can handle a little criticism, right? Keep on keeping on, but quit sleeping at every smashfest I go to and play some matches with me!
-ProfessorChromegay (KJH)
4. You were meant to be the starter for the crew battle this weekend, but WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE STARTED!? We had to sub you for another crew member and you only made it later, when the matchup was a little worse for you. Don't get me wrong, we still lost because of Bowyer. But after saying you'll go first, don't leave to the bar to chase some tail. That being said, fine job against AF in the battle, even though you couldn't take that last stock, you played pretty well during the game. This one is for you, Terry of the Midland Crew.
3. You lead all time in the Shibbypod Awards, Dope, so why would I want to give you one this time? Because you suck, thats why. 7 stocked by PP on stream, challenging me to a money match and then saying you were too drunk to play it… What? HELLO, we were all drunk and neither of us were at a clear dis advantage. You taught me the game, you know you are better than me, so why back out? Also it was impossible to get both you and trail in the room at the same time so we dropped both of you from the crew battle. This one is for you James.
2. Long time "Best in Midland" player is on his way out. He still trades sets with me, but it appears that I am somehow now on top of the scene thanks to some practice on my part, and some poor life decisions like getting married and having a kid on his part. The round robin Midland Tournament we had at the last Shibbyfest, you went undefeated, except for your match against ME! So here is me dethroning your long time Best in Midland title, and at the same time giving you your second Shibbypod Award of your long career. Many tournament victories here in Midland including the Midland Fair (over 150 entrants! ALL newbs!) and a Midnight Gaming Championship regional victory to earn you a trip to the big event in Dallas might be your highlights of your smash career, but here is your lowlight. #2 on the 2013 Shibbypod Awards. Here is to you, Josh. Cheers, and it was a great time teaming with you for your last Melee tournament.
Drumroll…. Lets take this moment to remember how bad Sheepyman was at the game……………………………………………………………
OK Lets announce NUMBER 1!
1. This one is really easy for me to choose. This guy has gotten 2 before, and therefore is the runner-up for the all time Shibbypod Awards leader board champion. There are a number of reasons. First, I lost the picture long ago, but us midland guys always will remember the bad choice hookup you made after your Midland tournament victory way back in the day. This isn't the reason for this one, surprisingly. This one is for the outrageous MM you challenged me to, and then backed out on, stalling it until you had to leave. (The challenge was, my Doc vs his ICs, $5 that I couldn't even take 1 stock…) Come on man, I took 2 off Hungrybox, 1 off PeePee, 1 off M2K, 1 off PewPewU, 2 off SFAT. I was willing to say I could even make it a 2 stock bet, but you just waited it out until you had to go! Not cool man, I think you just got smart and wanted to hold your money, but next time don't make a challenge that you can't get! Sorry, Roy, but this time you get #1. Also, nice green controller.
Thanks for reading all of that, I know it was a lot to read this time, but if you read it all and if you appear, lets talk about it. I love when people defend themselves!
(May 31st 2007)
(Sept 17th 2007)
(Dec 22nd 2007)
Hello again, all of my wonderful friends from Michigan. For everyone who doesn't know what the Shibbypod Awards are, you are in for a treat. The S.A.s are a chance for everyone to relax, kick back and have a good laugh at other Michigan (or NEAR Michigan) players expenses. Some could be optimistic and call it constructive criticism, others not so much. The point is, I always have fun making fun of people, and this is just the best opportunity to do so!
I know Mods are more strict these days, but I assure you this is not meant to be a flame thread. This is more of a Mid Michigan tradition that I just want to keep going just one more time.
So as it has been in the past, I choose 10 players with a Michigan residents, and criticize them to no limit just for fun. The order goes from 10th place to 1st place, 1st being the biggest criticism. (In my words, the worst player in Michigan... even though it has no relation to actual skill). Consider it more of an honor than a diss if you make the list, for it only means I have thought of you!
It has been a while since I have competed, my last 2 events before this summer being in Dec 2009 after a 2 year break and Jan 2010, for fun to meet some Wisconsin players. Before I start this, Lets recap back to 2007 and list off past winners of a Shibbypod Awards! There have been 26 handed out, the first and last all in the great year of 2007, my last year of competitive SSBM before the year of 2013.
ItoBandito (2)
Trail (2)
D_B_S (2)
Anther (2)
As Money (2)
Dope (3) (All Time Leader!)
I suppose it it time to begin. These awards were prompted by my comeback to competitive smash, and I am basing them solely on the time I spent playing during this summer from my first tourney back (Body City) up to The Big House 3. So without further a due, lets get this beautiful ceremony underway!
10. So much hype for TBH3, and most members of your crew going to the event, a commitment to play against the old school legendary crew in Midland MI, and yet, you end up being a no show to the biggest tournament ever in MI! MSU could have used you and a couple of your other players in a crew battle and left The Gentleman's Club out of the battle, but no, your absence forced a changed lineup! You are getting to be a lot better as a player, but you suck pretty bad for not showing up to TBH3! This goes to you, Mr. Gam Ero.
9. So many money matches too place this past weekend, and I broke even in money lost to money gained in them. Things could have swayed a little further in my favor if it were not for my teams money match between all the midland players, Formal and Acro vs Game and Myself. Once alcohol is introduced, our teamwork goes to garbage. I should have known not to agree to that teams MM after you dropped 3 straight sets to Trustcarthy, the new Upper Peninsula player! Not to mention, not joining any singles event. Gotta say, new tactics at their finest. Thanks for assisting in the loss of one of my dollars, You're my best friend Bill, have been since high school, but that doesn't make you safe from a Shibbypod Award! It does however keep you safe from the top 5. You told me yourself, you played like azzzz on Saturday!
8. Sometimes when there is a player quite a bit better than me, I have a ton of respect for them. However, during this summer, there is this one guy from Kalamazoo who was already better than me when he was a Sheik main. That must not been enough for him, and he decided to go to the character that approx. 40% or more competitive smashers use as their main character. Luckily, I haven't had to face you in tournament all summer, and only had to take 2 stocks off you in our recent crew battle. Blake, man, why do you have to play fox? Mix that stuff up, and stop blaming your "skill" on fox. Also your orange and white controller looks dumb. Get a haircut! Much love from midland
7. Speaking of that crew battle I keep mentioning, it ended up being Midland & Friends (The old school) vs The Gentlemans Club/MSU (The new school). One of our "Midland Friends" and my oldest SSBM rival, did not make the quota, by 1 stock, and therefore, Midland lost the crew battle. By 1 stock. Why do you play like thet, man? Don't let the UofM game's outcome affect your play! Not the only reason though. I'm a bit salty about losing to you in teams at body city when I could have easily taken that game, being up 2 stock to your 1. When I partner asked to borrow my second stock, I told him no. I said, "It's fcrking Bowyer, man, I got this!" Then I lost swigtly. This one goes to you Jason, thanks a lot for embarrassing me, and we will always remember you hugging Ito's toilet all night at the drunk vs sober crew battle 6 years ago!
6. I don't like to pick on one crew too much… Oh what the heck. MSU crew is getting no love right now from this guy! We have a rising captain falcon player in the state, which is great, and basically running the scene down there at MSU. Doing a great job with that, by the way, but EVERY time you say you are coming to a Shibbyfest, you duck out at the last second. Even HIV and Slayer have made it to at least one! Not doubting your quickly improving skill level, after taking my Doc 7 games to 3 or something like that in friendlies at 3am Saturday night, when it was the other way around just a month earlier on your turf. COME TO MIDLAND and play me on MY turf now! Like you always say you will! I'm talking to you, Elliot!
-General Heinz
5. Every time I go to a smashfest, this guy falls asleep in the most awkward position possible. (Kind of like my only impression of Mew2King) Also, a prime example of someone who obviously thinks tech game is more important than winning. Nice job making bracket at TBH3, but other than that, I don't know you that well, but I think that you can handle a little criticism, right? Keep on keeping on, but quit sleeping at every smashfest I go to and play some matches with me!
-ProfessorChromegay (KJH)
4. You were meant to be the starter for the crew battle this weekend, but WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE STARTED!? We had to sub you for another crew member and you only made it later, when the matchup was a little worse for you. Don't get me wrong, we still lost because of Bowyer. But after saying you'll go first, don't leave to the bar to chase some tail. That being said, fine job against AF in the battle, even though you couldn't take that last stock, you played pretty well during the game. This one is for you, Terry of the Midland Crew.
3. You lead all time in the Shibbypod Awards, Dope, so why would I want to give you one this time? Because you suck, thats why. 7 stocked by PP on stream, challenging me to a money match and then saying you were too drunk to play it… What? HELLO, we were all drunk and neither of us were at a clear dis advantage. You taught me the game, you know you are better than me, so why back out? Also it was impossible to get both you and trail in the room at the same time so we dropped both of you from the crew battle. This one is for you James.
2. Long time "Best in Midland" player is on his way out. He still trades sets with me, but it appears that I am somehow now on top of the scene thanks to some practice on my part, and some poor life decisions like getting married and having a kid on his part. The round robin Midland Tournament we had at the last Shibbyfest, you went undefeated, except for your match against ME! So here is me dethroning your long time Best in Midland title, and at the same time giving you your second Shibbypod Award of your long career. Many tournament victories here in Midland including the Midland Fair (over 150 entrants! ALL newbs!) and a Midnight Gaming Championship regional victory to earn you a trip to the big event in Dallas might be your highlights of your smash career, but here is your lowlight. #2 on the 2013 Shibbypod Awards. Here is to you, Josh. Cheers, and it was a great time teaming with you for your last Melee tournament.
Drumroll…. Lets take this moment to remember how bad Sheepyman was at the game……………………………………………………………
OK Lets announce NUMBER 1!
1. This one is really easy for me to choose. This guy has gotten 2 before, and therefore is the runner-up for the all time Shibbypod Awards leader board champion. There are a number of reasons. First, I lost the picture long ago, but us midland guys always will remember the bad choice hookup you made after your Midland tournament victory way back in the day. This isn't the reason for this one, surprisingly. This one is for the outrageous MM you challenged me to, and then backed out on, stalling it until you had to leave. (The challenge was, my Doc vs his ICs, $5 that I couldn't even take 1 stock…) Come on man, I took 2 off Hungrybox, 1 off PeePee, 1 off M2K, 1 off PewPewU, 2 off SFAT. I was willing to say I could even make it a 2 stock bet, but you just waited it out until you had to go! Not cool man, I think you just got smart and wanted to hold your money, but next time don't make a challenge that you can't get! Sorry, Roy, but this time you get #1. Also, nice green controller.
Thanks for reading all of that, I know it was a lot to read this time, but if you read it all and if you appear, lets talk about it. I love when people defend themselves!