Okay, sorry about the delay. I said Sunday(Its obviously Sunday).
Anyways, the MU analysis
Basic Information
First of all, do not treat Lucas as another Ness. They are, and play completely different. If you try to play Lucas as Ness, you will fail miserably. Or trying to play Lucas as it is another freebie Ness, prepare to lose.
Like I did with the Ness part, I will happily Link @
Neos and @
Gadiel_VaStar to overcheck things as they play me constantly and they are amazing Rosalinas <3(And makes me get salty everytime I lose to them).

Boy From Nowhere
+Reliable ways to get rid of Luma in PK Fire, PK Freeze, Dash Attack, Nair, DSmash, FSmash, and Fair unlike his PK Friend.
+PK Freeze is actually usable in this MU and can't be Gravitational Pulled.
+Much harder to edgeguard thanks to the Mr. Snake and his long recovery unlike his PK CounterPart.
+Down Throw Combos work well without Luma interrupting it(Atleast I haven't had Luma interrupt me if I act out fast enough...)
+Down Throw can mean get rid of Luma or Combo Rosa.
+Zair is annoying for Rosa to deal with because it interrupts Luma.
+Can Easily combo Rosalina with Nairs and Dairs.
+Lucas can edgeguard Rosalina pretty well as her recovery is telegraphed to a certain extent(Either grab the edge or overshoot) Both can be punished by Down Smash or Bair and Up Smash respectively.

The Star Fortress
+Dair edgeguards Lucas pretty well assuming Lucas doesn't overshoot past the edge and opts to not use Rope Snake to Recover
---+Even then, Lucas has tons of endlag with PKT2, so that should be a free Up Smash or FSmash or whatever you feel like doing.
+Lucas is kind of floaty as well, and Rosalina can deny landing options. Lucas can really only mix it up with PSI Magnet and Wavebounce PK Fire.
+Although the gimps are not as easy as Ness, Lucas can be edgeguarded with 50/50s.
+Luma makes it extremely difficult for Lucas to approach
+Lucas lacks approach options.
+Lucas lacks kill moves before 110% on you except Smash Attacks, so you should be able to live fairly long if you don't get grabbed
+With Luma, you are immune to the Down Throw Footstool 0% to Death.
+You give no ****s about Lucas's Up Smash invincibility frames. He should only land that to catch landings.
Anyways, lets go to it!
Neutral Game

Lucas PoV
Basically, you have two Options
A. Zone with PK Fire, PK Freeze, and Zair
This is a great options to give a feeling of the match and get in Rosalina's head(They usually do that to me first lololol). Although PK Fire can be Gravitational Pulled, it does not do too much for Rosalina unless you are at the edge. PK Fire is really annoying to punish if she does Gravitational Pull it. She can punish PK Fire((I am going to assume you are wavebouncing PK Fire because if you are not, you are not using Lucas to his full extent, so set that C-Stick to Specials) if you are close to her and she shields it with Dash Attack or Dair. Its pretty much safe if you are out of a certain range. Also PK Fire hits the Luma and it will eventually knock away Luma.
PK Freeze is also a great option to use in this Match Up. Probably one of the few times that PK Freeze is good on stage because it does 20% to Rosalina and Luma or just Luma(Rosa would either spotdodge or Shield it). It is punishable if you are not at a distance. Most Rosalinas to save their Luma would have to jump or hit us before it happens. If she jumps, it puts her in the air, which we can punish if we let go of PK Freeze immediately with Uair, Nair, or PK Fire.
Zair is another great option as it constantly bullies Luma and hurts Rosalina if she doesn't shield it. Zair will lead to a grab or Fair if it hits because of her floatiness and if she doesn't jump immediately. You should be using Zair a lot if Rosalina is close to you(I actually learned this recently)
B. Getting Rid of Luma
Lucas has ways to get rid of Luma. The moves I mentioned, PK Fire, Nair and Dash Attacks are great ways to get rid of it. You can also get rid of Luma by grabbing Rosalina, Down Throwing her, and FSmashing the Luma immediately. Basically, you play as you want to get Rid of Luma ASAP whic then leads to this option
After Luma is Gone....
C. Aggression.
Basically, play aggressive. Nair, Bair, Tilts, etc. Rosalina doesn't get as much reward without Luma. But don't hit her shield unsafely because she can just grab and throw you away. Do this until Luma comes back, and then revert back to option A or B.
Edgeguarding Rosalina:
Lucas can do it a few ways. You will most likely see these attempts in order: Back Air>Down Smash>Down Air>Forward Air>PK Fire>PK Freeze>Nair>PSI Magnet. What you should be more scared of in this order Back Air>PK Fire>Down Smash>Dair>Everything Else. PK Fire is scary because it can kill stupidly early and knocks away your precious Luma. Back Air is scary for obvious reasons and Down Smash can kill you stupidly early if it catches your ledge vulnerability or before you grab the edge. Basically because Lucas's Down Smash after first one comes out every 9 frames and it lasts for 2 frames per hit, you have about a 1/6 or 1/7th chance of getting hit by that, and probably lose the stock if it is the 1st or 2nd hit. Dair is scary because it can catch the ledge and cover options, but its not reliable and could be unsafe.
Being edgeguarded by Rosalina.
Generally, we want to get on the stage ASAP. so we use Rope Snake before she has a chance to edgeguard. We will probabbly be successful majority of the time unless you get the Jab Ledge set up or Dair us as we Rope Snake. Don't try to bother using Gravitational Pull unless we are below the stage with no jump. Just wait at the stage and punish us because we will probably be far out of the stage to use PKT. You will be able to punish it with Dair or FSmash if you just wait at the stage.
I say the MU is even with and without customs. Rosalina doesn't really get an advantage with customs because we can heal from SSB and Warp Star doesn't really benefit much.
And the Last Part..

Stages to go against Rosalina
S: Duck Hunt, Town and City, Lylat Cruise.
Neutral for both:
B: SmashVille, Dreamland 64, Castle Siege, Final Destination, Battlefield
To CP against Lucas
D: Halberd
F: Delfino Plaza