Eh, well alright! I'd just sorta like to keep it moving I guess... Anyway:
Bowz June vs Rosalina

Vs Rosalina you gatta really amp up the pressure, try not to give her time to breathe. Mecha-koopas constantly, yeah she can throw them away easily, but that keeps her busy. Clown Kart in! Make sure to super short hop before doing so to be even faster (I think this is in the AT thread?) Now she's ganna be like "wait wait wait!" cause she wants to deal with this mechakoopa first.
Now, of course combo when you can, Bowz Jr has some great combos. But! When she pops out from good DI, being too light, or whatever else: Go for Luma. It'll likely be in the air. It can't do anything while it's falling, Rosalina will only get control again once it hits the ground. Jr can quickly and rather easily juggle it off stage with up-air and forward-air.
Now Rosalina is on her own. A good one will run away until Luma is back. If not, there's no Luma or star bits to fear, you're tools are much safer here, short hop nairs will be good, short hop fairs are disjointed enough to be safe. If they are smart and just tries to wait, Mechakoopas and Clown Kart are still great pressure and she'll havta run really well,dealing with your pretty strong stage control. They may want to go for a back-throw, so mind your disjointed hitboxes and don't get grabbed.
You can't gimp her (usually) but her recovery has no hitbox, so you can shove her off stage enough to prepare for a 50-50 situation. They'll either aim for the ledge or predict an edgeguard and try to go right over you onto the stage. Here, you just need to follow them with your eyes closely and react quick.
Other things - your up-b, dropping the clown car, can be pretty predictable and easy to shield, but Luma doesn't have a shield, so this can be a great tool to seperate them and kill Luma.
Landing can be tricky, Rosa's up air is pretty great, but Jr. is heavy enough to live longer and can usually air dodge and fast fall to a safe landing while Rosa kinda floats, she can't land as quick as Jr I believe.
Jr's Neutral B is pretty useless in this MU however, but if you see a unique opportunity - go for it.
I think this matchup is actually
55:45 for Jr. Or maybe just 50:50 even...
I've had my own trouble with Rosa, but after going all out with pressure and speeding up clown car, Rosa has a kinda tough time keeping up.
Anyone agree, disagree?