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Welcome to the all-new MLP General, back from a good two-year-long slumber. The go-to source for all your small horse needs here on Smashboards. I've been given the go-ahead to make a new thread, as long as this one stays under control. As such, here's a few things to keep in mind so we can keep this thread from following in the drunken, erratic hoofsteps of the last.
Thread Rules
- This thread is for discussing the show and things related to the show. It is not a social thread for posting about whatever you feel like. Avoid fandom gossip and getting too "meta." Just stick to the ponies.
- Stay on the topic of MLP. Don't derail the thread with completely unrelated topics and don't join in with those who do. Use the report feature for people who cause trouble.
- Don't come here just to flame if you have a problem with MLP. Everyone has heard it already. All it will do is make you look like an idiot and possibly get reported. We'll gladly tell you why we like the show in a civil manner if you're simply curious, however.
- Don't feed the parasprites.
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If you're just itching to talk about something other than ponies, join us in our Discord server!
We'll chat about anything, even ponies!
We also have our old xat, but it's much less active than it used to be.
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If you're just itching to talk about something other than ponies, join us in our Discord server!
We'll chat about anything, even ponies!
We also have our old xat, but it's much less active than it used to be.
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Official Hub Website
Has the newest episodes for viewing when they first air, among other things.
MLP Wiki
A wiki for everything you could ever want to know about pony.
Pony image board! For when you need pictures of ponies.
Equestria Daily
All the latest pony news!
Derpy Hooves News
All the latest pony news, but from another newspaper!
MLP Reddit
Subreddit dedicated to the show. For when you just can't get enough pony.
MLP Steam Group
For when you need ponies in your video games.
Fighting is Magic: Tribute Edition
Pony fighting game. Downloads and instructions for multiplayer inside.
The Old Thread
For archive purposes.
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A couple topics to start the thread off:
- Season 4! Was it hype? Was the finale hype? RIP Treehouse.
- Season 5! How do you think it's gonna go? What's it gonna be about? Can Twilight into princess?
- The comics! The comics are still being steadily released and are packed with as much content, if not more than the show. They also tend to be more mature. Seriously, check them out if you haven't yet.
- Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks! What are your thoughts? Don't you just wish they'd make a movie without the humans and the high school?
- - Comic Con panel for season 5 and EG2! They just talked a whole bunch about what's to come at Comic Con. Discuss!
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