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The Week in Review

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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
The Week in Review

This is the first edition of "The Week in Review". The Week in Review will be a series of articles I have made throughout the week concerning the Pic of Day through using posts, threads, and MiiVerse to pool information and opinions about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS . However, the articles are not only limited to my own observation but to those of the larger Smash 4 community. Users are encouraged to submit articles and observations as well as opinions concerning the pictures that were updated throughout the week. I will explain how you can contribute later.

So what can you expect from this thread? On Friday, I will update the thread with a new article which will contain the Pic of the Day, other relevant images, information, I will also be pulling out interesting and thought provoking posts that have popped up throughout the week on the various threads such as the Wii U Discussion thread, 3DS Discussion Thread, MiiVerse Photo Thread, Roster Discussion Thread, character support threads as well as the Super Smash Bros, Wii U/3DS Backroom thus linking them altogether. In addition, I will also be adding up any information that Sakurai has revealed outside of the website/MiiVerse such as interviews and news articles.

I will open the thread on the weekend for people to talk about how the week went and comment on the articles. However, I will be closing the thread on Monday in order to prevent premature discussion about the weeks updates. I will be operating on Japanese Standard Time since both myself and Sakurai (OMG both of us in the same sentence?!?!?!) live on JST. View the JST Page in order to fully understand how time works.

Additionally, while this thread will focus on solely the Pic of the Day, I will sometimes allow pieces to be written about Smashboards, the Smash Community, MiiVerse, or Sakurai information. Additionally, once we have more information regarding the nature of the character, I will allow a user to write up an in-depth analysis of a character, veteran or newcomer. So come show your stuff!

Why is this thread needed?

We do have various discussion threads pertaining to various aspects of Smash. However, this is less of a discussion thread and more like a newsletter. I intend to present the facts and portray an unbiased review of the week. It will also serve as a hub to collect information, pictures, and articles that have been released in a weekly format thus allowing users to review the past weeks for better understanding how to predict future updates or to comb through information in an effective manner. It will also serve as a place to users to present their information, opinions, and observations in a semi-academical format. More information is listed below. If you see an interesting, funny, thought-provoking, or ridiculous post either on the SWF or on MiiVerse, PM me about it and I will include it! If you want me to remove you from a certain Tag, PM me and I will take you off.
Also, I wanted to use this space to allow users to be creative and constructive in speculating Smash in a more journalistic manner. I will not edit any posts except if they are inappropriate, bypass the censor, hateful in nature, or irrelevant.

How can I help?

You can contribute to this thread in many ways.

1) You can serve as a guest writer. This is done by contacting me via PM and apply to be a guest writer for the current week. I am able to allow or refuse the guest writer based on past credentials and reputation within the Smash 4 community so please keep that in mind.

After approval, I can either give you a piece to write OR you can choose one yourself. It should be focused on a particular Pic of the Day. Please promptly let me know which one you intend to. If I do not hear from you within a day, I will not accept an article. The article itself should be professionally written with little to no grammar or spelling mistakes. Any sources should be cited with a link to direct readers. While I understand some updates may be hard to write for, please write at least two paragraphs for each update. Unless it is an update of Luigi's nose but I am sure someone can find some Freudian psycho-analysis about that update. Please refer to the first edition post about how to write an article (though I am pretty sure many journalist/lit majors can do a much better job than I can lol).

2) You can help me gather posts that are excellent or at least interesting in nature. PM me any posts concerning a particular update and I will then add it to the articles. I frequent the above mentioned threads on a daily basis but I obviously miss things so I am heavily dependent on everyone getting me those great and thought-provoking posts. I want this thread to showcase what the brilliant minds in the Smash 4 community can do!

3) While you can discuss past and future weeks, please refrain from dissecting or analyzing the previous/future weeks and save that for the current week.

4) Could someone be a dear and make a banner for this thread. It's not urgent but a banner would be grand.

The Week in Review
January 13th to January 17th

Welcome to the first edition of The Week in Review and not exactly a hype-building week to start off sad to say. After following three character reveals in a one month period and last weeks reveals; this weeks seem largely lackluster. However, this week we did see some interesting pictures, information concerning Rosalin and Luma, as well as a deconfirmation of a girl we all know the name of. However, this week brought the conspiracy theorists out in force with Tuesday's Pic of Day of a possible Ridley spot. The paparazzi tried to descend in force but was buffeted by the intense flames of Pyrosphere. If you go into a Metroid stage, you are gonna get burned. But the The Week in Review is dedicated to bringing you the best in the Smash 4 Community so we brave those fires - for Journalism! If you would like to contribute to The Week in Review, send @Venus the Desert Bloom a private message!

Ridley Theorists Obsessed with Cracks, Holes, and Purple Lightning Effects
Day 1: Monday

It's a brand new day of the week and a brand new picture of the day. Hype tension is high after the Friday reveal of the gigantic penguin King Dedede. That marks the third character reveal in a one month period! It could possibly be that Sakurai is upping the amount of character revealed per month. We previously saw only one character revealed per month save for the double October with both Marth and Sonic dominating the month. Only time will tell.

Many of us knew the pic of the day would be pertaining to King Dedede with some users expecting some type of funny expression or
soviet prince said:
anyone prepared for Mondays pic of dedede in a funny pose?
@ soviet prince soviet prince , and
But if he's making a funny face I'll clap my hands together and be content. :troll:
@ N3ON N3ON .

While others were possibly expecting Sakurai to deconfirm Waddle-Dee by posting a pic
... of King Dedede throwing Waddle Dee's. :troll:

However. others were still positive of the minions possibilities such as
The fact that no Waddle Dees were shown on Dedede's character page--the images that stay on the website for good--only works to Bandanna's favor.
@God Robert's Cousin.

Well, on the Dawn of the First Day, neither King Dedede making a funny or outrageous face or deconfirmation of Waddle-dees , Waddle-doos, and Waddle-don'ts but, rather, King Dedede performing

Sakurai said:
....one of the strongest side smash attacks in all of Smash Bros.
Notice he does not say "the strongest side smash" so calm your ******* Ike and Snake mains. The picture hows King Dedede smashing both Toon Link and Marth in Pyrosphere.

Wait....Pyrosphere. If you recall ages ago, Sakurai once said
Sakurai said:
An enemy from Samus's past may appear at any second.
when revealing that speculation-riddled stage. So since then, The Ridley Support Thread has combed through every inch of that level, every pixel to find a hint of that purple dinosaur love. It is safe to assume that the enemy from Samus' past may be in fact Ridley (conspiracy theorists have thrown out Kraid, Mother Brain, or Dark Samus as a possibility).

So naturally, any time a Pyrosphere stage is shown in a screenshot the masses jump on trying to find any sign of Ridley.

No, not that Ridley.

Apparently, both Ridley supporters and detractors and everyone in between have jumped upon finding several things in the Monday screenshot that may confirm or deconfirm Ridley as a playable character.

The day was quiet on the Ridley support thread until....

Just going to leave this here.
@ Vintage Creep Vintage Creep
Which blossomed into this...

...that King Dedede picture has a tiny purple thing that oddly looks like Ridley's tail and it definitely was not a lightning bolt...
@Arcadenik while others attempted to offer another different yet similar explanation such as

What if it's the mystery creature (I know ridley and that are the same) but I feel that thing could be the hazard but ridley can still be playable (in my opinion)
@ Smashoperatingbuddy123 Smashoperatingbuddy123 .

Finally, those crying BS before rallied and railed on their rhetoric
I don't think Ridley is in that picture (I know we already declared it a false alarm). I think that might just be the door in the background or something.

EDIT: Scratch that. Upon closer inspection, it's just a lighting effect from the smash. Nothing to do with Ridley.
@Scoliosis Jones.

And finally it completely unraveled to this...
It's an effect. Anyone who thinks that's a Ridley is an idiot.

MiiVerse saw an influx in Ridley discussion, usually negative and largely over-sized. Unfortunately, I cannot get those posts to you at this time but many of them were calling for a "Where's Ridley" in the Pic of the Day.

Needless to say, Ridley was not in the screenshot and the consensus is that it was King Dedede's almighty Smash attack effect that ultimately brought down that theory. Regardless, it was quite the conversation that carried over all into Wednesday.

So what do we know from Monday's Pic of the Day:

King Dedede's Side Smash is still powerful.
Watch your ass when he uses it.
The smash effects have been upgraded.
Pyrosphere is still filed with fire and holes.
And Ridley is still not confirmed/deconfirmed.

Post-Reveal Confirmations at its Best
Day 2: Tuesday

After the hot bed which was the Ridley vs Purple Lightning Bolts Debate, Tuesday's Pic of the Day was less controversial and more informative. It showcased our lovely and darling Rosalina and Luma. Since her reveal, she has been getting a lot of screen time; showcasing her moves and her model. The pic of the day shows the duo in the middle of the screen; both producing an upward attack. According to Sakurai,
Rosalina and Luma's attacks are very different. This screencap shows Rosalina producing a Saturnian ring for her strong up attack.
A Saturnian ring you say.....so what kind of properties does that have. I went down to the Rosaluma to see what I could dig up.

What we do know that it's her strong up attack according to the caption. However, what does it actually do? If only pictures could move.
One thing that caught my eye was
@ Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy . However, @ mimgrim mimgrim went onto say
While it is highly possible that is her Uair, it could also potentially be her Utilt instead as she could be on that top platform of BF. I just wouldn't go rule as Uair yet as it could possibly be Utilt also.
This was before Tuesday's Pic of the Day.

However, with the release of Tuesday's Pic of the Day, it is obvious that the first attack in the animated gif is the up-tilt and not the Uair as some thought. It is interesting to see things confirmed post reveal.
However, the Rosaluma fans are still unsure if you are able to control Rosalina and Luma separately or if they are a Ice Climbers-esque character. However, one thing is for certain that they perform two different attacks when inputting a command for the up attack. The Saturnian Ring (I hope that sticks) and Luma's Shoryuken. I am sure Rosaluma fans could add a lot more so if you would like me to add any information to this section, please post a comment!

So what do we know from Tuesday's Pic of the Day:
Rosalina possibly has an attack called the Saturnian Ring.
It is an U-tilt and not the previously thought Uair.
Rosalina and Luma have different attacks for each input or, at least, the Utilt.
We got to see Rosalina and Luma on the 3DS.

Don't Forget Her Name Because she's an AT!
Day 3: Wednesday

A sad, sad, sad day for Ashley supporters. It is always a sad (or happy) day when a character is deconfirmed. Mosey on over to the Graveyard to get all types of depressed feels. Ashley, the witch girl from the WarioWare series and top contender as a 2nd rep was officially deconfirmed today. However, with her deconfirmation brought a ton of questions due to the vague way Sakurai presented the picture.

Sakurai said:
Pic of the day. Who's the girl next door, living in the haunted mansion? You'd better learn my name because it's…
Hell, even the caption is vague yet we all know who he is referring to. Plus, it gave all of the MiiVersians a chance to scream "ASHHHHHHLLLLEYYY!!!" at the top of their keyboards. But truthfully she does look amazing.

As we know, an AT does some sort of attack or technique that helps the summoner or attacks the opponent but Sakurai has been pretty hush-hush about what the new AT's do. He showed a picture of the Skull Kid break dancing in mid-air, Starfy doing his thing, and Ashley, standing in a stage that doesn't really suit her, looking cute and doll-like. Only the Nintendog is shown doing something that dogs just do; be a dog.

After her deconfirmation, fans took up either begrudging the deconfirmation as this one fan did
(thanks @ FalKoopa FalKoopa !)
Ouch, this was the first deconfirmation that actually hurt me. Being that I am a pretty big Ashley supporter. Oh well, she's an AT, that's still huge!
or speculated what she can do at attacks. Suggestions ranged from spoons to magic to brooms to
...hopefully she uses those monster plants from that one cutscene. That'd be neat.
Regardless, Ahsley is sure to do a good job repping WarioWare and as well as showcasing her amazing Ashley-tastic magic!
Lastly, I do find it interesting that Sakurai made an additional comment which said "FYI, she's an Assist Trophy." I think I will do a bit of searching and see if he has been commented under a picture before to either clarify or to explain the picture. If so, there might be some information we are missing in older Pic of the Days or to look out in future ones.

What do you think she can do? Please post your opinions on what types of abilities she has an AT!

Well, Wednesday came. The Ashley update was met with either anguished moans or cheerful and hopeful smiles. While not a controversial update as the Monday pic did, nor was it "normal" as Tuesdays. It was a nice reveal of an assist trophy; regardless if you supported her or not.

So what do we know from Wednesday's Pic of the Day:

Ashley is an Assist Trophy
People have strong attachment to characters (enough to give up on Smash)
Sakurai is not above commenting on his own picture.
Her name is, in fact, Ashley

Comparing Sizes

Thursday came and went without much problem. Sakurai felt compelled to showcase the differences in sizes between characters. However, I find its an example on how more an emphasis is being put on the models compared to Brawl. When Brawl was in development, the models were lauded with much praise. Sakurai, for each generation of Smash, used the consoles graphic abilities to revamp and update the look of the series.

If you look at this picture comparing Brawl and Smash4, you can see a definite shift from a faded graphic style of Brawl to a more colorful and HD-rific style of Smash4.

We all know this to be true due to, well, Sakurai saying about Smash4 "Colours leaning more toward primary colours than Super Smash Bros. Brawl"
In addition, a great thread which hardly sees any love is the SSB4 vs Brawl graphics comparison thread ran by @Curmudgeon.

The OP has a great image which showcases the graphic comparisons between the generational Smash games.

Quite something actually. I wanted to go back to the Mario and Bowser picture. I don't think that picture quite captures the size differents as this screenshot did

Standing up, Mario comes up to Bowser's chest which is about the same when considering Thursday's Pic of the Day.

Does this mean that some character are scaled up or down? Searching through the forums yielded few results save for a few posts such as....

No Sakurai! Not the word big! Anything but the word big! *runs away before the comment flood comes*


Ridley would fit in perfectly. DK, Bowser, and King DeDeDe are massive.

While we laugh and joke about connecting "big" and "Ridley" together; there could be some connection given Sakurai's nature. Or it could just mean nothing. Do you think this bodes well for Ridley, a sizable possible newcomer for a penchant for inciting debates or does this update have nothing to do with it and just showcasing the graphics and just how big these characters are.

Regardless, this was a pretty ho-hum update and nothing truly remarkable. In fact, most users promptly returned to Ashley discussion while others began predicting or expressing what they want to see in the next week:

It's time for some pokemon love, new pokemon stage or pokeball pokemon please :p

However, save for Ridley scare on Monday and the Ashley AT confirmation, this sums this week up pretty well...
Pretty slow week, let's hope for a stage at least tomorrow.
@ Vintage Creep Vintage Creep

What did we learn?
Mario is super small compared to Dedede, Bowser, and DK.

Is it a Beak or a Nose?​
Day 5: Friday

Well, I must say I really have nothing to say about this picture and nor does most of the Smash community when I shifted through the threads. However, I found it extremely interesting that Sakurai commented on his Pic of the Day of another picture which is one of Zelda grabbing Dedede's nose. I am now convinced that Sakurai will indeed begin commenting and adding addition information under his comments. Thoughts?

If you have anything to add for this day, please let me know!!

The Overview

The week started off strong and controversial with people grabbing at straws and saying Ridley was hidden in the lightning and lost a little bit of steam with the Rosaluma update (though Rosaluma fans were undoubtedly excited). The Ashley AT confirmation was the talk of the week with people still discussing it in the MiiVerse and Roster Prediction threads. Her deconfirmation sent waves throughout the Smash community; especially on MiiVerse. Finally, Thursday and Friday saw little to no hype with the size comparison (tee hee) picture and Zelda stunning Dedede (or the other way around). Still, a lot of these pictures showcased the power of the Wii U and Smash 4 graphics. They are truly brilliant. As well, Sakurai has made a habit of commenting after a pic of the day. In fact, Friday's was an actual picture and comment so that is something for us to watch out for. With the week over, the Smash community is looking forward to a new picture on Monday and hopefully one that makes up for this lack luster week. In addition, hopefully Sakurai will lift his silence and talk a little about Smash...maybe give some interviews.
Again, if you have any content you would like to see added, want to write an article for next week, or simply want to let me know what you thought about the first edition, feel free to comment or PM me...especially if you want to help.
This is Venus reporting live from The Week in Review.
Stay classy, Smashboards.


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Saved for future use

If you would like to add more content to this weeks article, I will add it from now until Sunday JST so please comment and tag me so I know to add it OR send me a PM. If you see an awesome or good quote to use, please let me know! If you want me to remove a tag, please let me know and I will promptly remove it.

Also, let me know how well you like this idea. Is there anything that is good? Bad? Needs to be changed? Let me know!
Last edited:


Smash Ace
May 22, 2013
Under your bed
An analysis like this is handy if someone becomes out of the loop for a while.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Exactly. I intend to document and record the what happened throughout the week as well as attempt to accurately portray Smashers feelings and thoughts on updates and news using posts found in threads and MiiVerse.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Well, seeing that there is probably a character limit on the posts, I think you should save up a few posts for the next few weeks, if you want them all to appear at the top of the thread.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
Wow, a lot of work for just one person. Nice read so far, let's hope to have a more interesting week next time.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Good idea, Fal. I am looking into a number of things such as uploading the older updates off-site or adding them as posts later on. Any ideas are welcome.

As for the writing process, I took notes throughout the week and kept tabs on the large threads. I then wrote this all on Friday so I can get a bigger picture on how the week went.

I forgot to mention that for next week, if you would like to write to PM me this weekend. You can either do a Pic of the Day section or an entire article.

No Control

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2013
United Kingdom
This was a great synopsis and looks like it could be a good idea as a regular feature. One factual error though - there weren't two characters in October, as Sonic was revealed on October 1st and Marth was revealed on November 7th. There were, in fact, two characters in September - Peach on the 12th and Toon Link on the 26th.

Deleted member

I like the idea for this thread. Explaining all of the positives, negatives, and controversies that happened throughout the week while we sometimes get absolutely nothing significant! (today's pic was a letdown)
Also, I thought Wario was going to get confirmed today as I thought yesterday's pic would allude to him getting confirmed. Can't blame me for thinking that with this pic from Brawl:

Wario may not be the biggest or heaviest of fighters, but he comes rather close in my opinion. That's why I thought that he would get confirmed…

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
While this may seem good, there is the fact that a single post can only hold so many characters. And there's no telling if the screenshot postings will continue, even after the games are released.

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
This is a really great idea.
Hoping to get mentioned eventually.
And maybe even be a guest writer one day, who knows. :p


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Perhaps instead of updating this thread indefinitely, as eventually the character limit will become an issue, a "Week in Review" thread could be made weekly, with the old ones being locked and linked to as the current one is stickied.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I think that would work best, N3ON.

Yeah, today's pic was "meh" but we got two of them technically lol.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
This is an amazing idea! I LOVE IT!


Smash Cadet
Jan 4, 2014
Perhaps just get a free forum (on something like zetaboards) which you could use as an archive for all of these?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
For some odd reason, I can't view the main post on my iPhone so I'll toy around with the formatting. Anyone else having problems on mobile devices?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Does anyone have anything they would like to be added? Is the information more factual or opinionated in nature? As well, how well did I use the quotes? Do they add or distract to the main points if the article?


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Does anyone have anything they would like to be added? Is the information more factual or opinionated in nature? As well, how well did I use the quotes? Do they add or distract to the main points if the article?
The quotes definitely add to the main points.

The information also has a good balance between facts and opinions, at least to me.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
at temple
Fantastic idea.

It would be incredible if you added some of the stupid Miiverse posts for each day as well.
I'm sure many people here would be willing to help out with that.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Fantastic idea.

It would be incredible if you added some of the stupid Miiverse posts for each day as well.
I'm sure many people here would be willing to help out with that.
Depends, how many "I want Steve" posts do you want?


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Do I even dare to ask for a video?
I tried looking for a vid specifically for the characters in that show saying Bob and how they say, couldn't find a single one. And I forget which episode(s) where Bob gets mentioned. >_>

Otherwise I would have posted it in my last post on this topic.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I tried looking for a vid specifically for the characters in that show saying Bob and how they say, couldn't find a single one. And I forget which episode(s) where Bob gets mentioned. >_>

Otherwise I would have posted it in my last post on this topic.
Just curious, which "Bob" are we referring to? I found a minor character named Bob. Or is it that other Bob?


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Just curious, which "Bob" are we referring to? I found a minor character named Bob. Or is it that other Bob?
The other Bob. The one that only ever got mentioned with distaste and disgust. Didn't even know there was a minor character named Bob in that show now, I don't watch it very often.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
The other Bob. The one that only ever got mentioned with distaste and disgust. Didn't even know there was a minor character named Bob in that show now, I don't watch it very often.
I don't either, was just looking around.
How is it? I haven't really watched Disney in forever.
The only one I somewhat remember watching was "So Random" (due to one of my siblings, I'd just watch what came up), which felt like a really watered down SNL.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I don't either, was just looking around.
How is it? I haven't really watched Disney in forever.
The only one I somewhat remember watching was "So Random" (due to one of my siblings, I'd just watch what came up), which felt like a really watered down SNL.
Eh, it's your typical Disney sitcom in the end, which I find to be enjoyable enough but I prefer the Disney sitcoms like Suite Life, Lab Rats, Jessie, Kickin' It, ect... I generally like them because they aren't rampart with all the BS found in a regular sitcom. The most current regular sitcoms I actually really like are Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother, otherwise I prefer the Disney stuff or older sitcoms like Full House, Cosby Show, Gilligan's Island, and stuff like that.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Eh, it's your typical Disney sitcom in the end, which I find to be enjoyable enough but I prefer the Disney sitcoms like Suite Life, Lab Rats, Jessie, Kickin' It, ect... I generally like them because they aren't rampart with all the BS found in a regular sitcom. The most current regular sitcoms I actually really like are Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother, otherwise I prefer the Disney stuff or older sitcoms like Full House, Cosby Show, Gilligan's Island, and stuff like that.
The Disney sitcoms have honestly been too meh for me (there's a reason "laugh track" jokes exist)... I kinda liked "Disney XD" (mostly for the Naruto stuff they had, I didn't think it was too terrible, though admittedly I have yet to actually sit down and watch the Japanese version), as there's were a couple shows I liked. Though I'm more of a Cartoon Network person (but then again, I haven't watched TV in forever).
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